Where to move?

15  2013-01-21 by [deleted]

I am in the position to move abroad. Many things have influenced this decision. I don't care to list all the things that are driving me to become an ex-pat, but I am posting here so I am sure you can infer.

I have a universally applicable degree (MS Mathematics) meaning I can find work anywhere. I am just curious where I can move that will ensure me the best chance at a peaceful life free of the things ruining America.

Where should I move? I have prospects in Germany and Japan. What are your suggestions?



Iceland seems to be the best answer as to freedom right now. I'm sure tptb will have to do something about that. Multinational invasion of Iceland in 2013?


Yep, then they'll have to take the guns away. Or, if they don't have guns, they'll go after their rights.


Fear is the name of the game these days. It works, so they're sticking to it.

Very difficult to get in. They have strict immigration quotas.


Pretty close. They are the strictest I've heard of.

Iceland or New Zealand.

He probably couldn't afford to live there. It's very expensive.

What things are ruining America, in your opinion? That would be somewhat relevant, since you won't escape most of them by moving to a US client state like Germany or Japan.

What things are ruining America ...

Asians? Mexicans? Muslims? Italians? The Irish? African Americans? Skinheads? Native Americans? Atheists? Gays? Hippies? Potheads? Cranksters? Prostitutes? Pedophiles? Murderers? Rapists? Libertarians? Anarchists? Communists?

To have any real impact on a society, you need to control the money and the message; Finance and the Media.

There is but one small cross section of society that has that kind of power. It's not the fucking Catholics, Arabs, Hindi, Mormons, Scientology, Sex, Drugs or Rock and Roll.

Who's power are we not allowed to openly critique?

Switserland, and here's the reason why: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ufkwTM82e4


Pass on Canada.

As a Canadian I am sorry you feel that way.

Seconded. Wonderful place to live, and literally, has all the potential in the world

Oh literally all the potential in the world? Have you tried opening a business here? How about trying to have a kid through a surrogate. Or how about our antiquated liquor laws. It sure has a lot of potential if you secure a government contract... those seem to go on forever.

I was speaking more about mineral wealth and natural resources.. i guess i could've phrased it better tho

There's plenty of that kind of mineral wealth potential. But it's a hell of a lot easier to drill through the multiple layers of rock and earth to get to those natural resources, than it is to get those same resources through through to a market... what with all of the "expert" weekend environmentalists out there. Oooooooh Canadaaaaaaa

It's cold a lot of the time though which is a strong negative for a lot of people.

Not really.. I live in one of the coldest places and even here we get 6 awesome months of sunny, warm days. It was actually like 12 degrees Celsius in montreal last week. so yea.

...Montreal is an amazing city.

It is. The smoked meats.. dear god

...cool people -- massive culture; and bagels from wood burning ovens. The 'tam-tam' on Sundays is still happening in the park? Hope so. Been there many, many times -- but never enough: the Jazz Fest and Les FrancoFolies are phenomenal. Even if you're cashless, the festivals in summer -with their outdoor free stages - are a real gift. C'est vraiment la belle ville.

Montreal, Manhattan, and Tokyo: my three favourite places to visit.

And don't forget that Montreal is a small piece of Europe in North America.

Vive Montréal! Vive le Québec!

...mais oui. Vive le Quebec.

"Montreal is a small piece of Europe in North America" -- Vous pourriez dire la meme chose de Terre Neuve.

Ya and what about 3 weeks ago? The January thaw only lasts a few days most years.

6 awesome months of sunny, warm days

And 6 months of cold which for most people is a lot of time.

well i just dont think thats an unreasonable amount of summer and winter. and there are places where it doesnt snow because its always warm! Vancouver for example. but our healthcare is wonderful, we have TONS of fresh water, oil, uranium, and pretty much anything else that people fight over..

I'm from Canada originally. I know all about the pros and cons of it.

I'm just pointing out that climate wise it's not an option for lots of people. Except for some outdoor sports Canada pretty much completely sucks in the winter. It's good in the summer though.

no different then any other country that gets cold for six months i guess. Goddamn winnipeg bro.. -44 at the moment

This person wants to leave the united states. What does coming to Canada really change for them? We have higher taxes. We have a neoconservative government. It's cold most of the time (unless you are on the west coast where it is cloudy and rainy all the time). We can't own guns... but the gangs have them. We have extreme poverty that no one looks at. Explain to me again how moving here helps the OP.

I didn't try to suggest OP moves here. I was just making the tired old joke about Canadians being apologetic all the time.


Sorry... I was born and grew up in Western Canada, and I've had my fill. I'm leaving in 3 weeks, and didn't catch your apologetic joke. As a Canadian, I'm sorry that I missed that. Wanna make up over some Tim's? ;)

Fellow Western Canadian here (ex-pat though), double-double it is! ;)


Van. Which part of SA are you going to? Sounds a dodgy area to me, but what do I know?

Paraguay. It's a beautiful country that is like a hidden treasure. Lots of beautiful sites, and incredibly nice people.

I found it quite affordable and had everthing I was looking for.

Sounds wonderful. And you never hear bad things about there. Good luck to you. I'm jealous.

Check out /r/IWantOut if you have any questions regarding visas and all that once you decide where you're going.

For a mathematician you should be able to calculate the odds of each countries chance of political turmoil. Then take the lowest rate of chance. ;)

Check out Iceland, they just routed their bankers and allow easy integration into citizenship.


Clean water. Abundant power. Low taxes. Safe capital. Great currency exchange. Leniant immigration laws. Great hub to use to see the rest of beautiful South America.

NORWAY! why? because i love it here, that's why!

here is all you need to know http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebqdwQzmSHM

and some more... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uPLL34qobmw

Switzerland, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore, New Zealand, Netherlands, Canada, Hong Kong are the top 10.


Germany, no. Japan, hell no. Go for peaceful, neutral nations. Denmark, Switzerland or Iceland.

Denmark & Iceland aren't neutral. Sweden,Switzerland,Ireland,Malta are neutral in the EU

What do you consider "ruining america" so we know what you want to avoid in your new country. You have a MS in Mathematics but do you have any work experience? You're american so getting a work visa in most countries will be a lot more difficult for you since you can't rely on many reciprocal agreements. You'll also almost certainly need a job offer in any country you wish to move to so you'll need one that matches your industry which again goes back to the work experience.

I've moved just about every couple years between different countries since I was 18 and now move between 3 with the seasons so I know a fair bit about it.

Make a list here detailing the things that are "ruining America". It's the only way we can help you find a place where none of those same things exist.

Stay put. If America goes down it'll take the whole western world with it. In the east your degree is pretty useless and they'll have you stacking shelves. Most people don't realise this but bar Thailand (actually you can include Thailand slightly), the eastern world are extremely xenophobic. For example; Japanese companies don't have much of a hierarchy, the only one they recognise is that the Japanese are superior to all other races. This even applies in law, if a Japanese man punches you in the face, as far as the police are concerned the crime would not have happened if you weren't in their country so you have a real game trying to get anything done. Singapore is pretty good, but you'll be needing a fair amount of cash and already lined up a job for them to consider you.

If you want a better quality of life then Australia or France, but as I said before, if the USA goes under in any way (financially, war, disease), all Western Europe will go down too. Yes, including Iceland. Oh, and don't forget that many Icelanders hate you, and you will become the target of reprisal attacks from the very large anti American percentage of the population. In most of the world Americans are held in extreme contempt. So, stay put!

I'd recommend New Zealand or Germany High level of development, good civil rights, stable political systems, and functioning economies. If you are looking for someone more "exotic" or off the grid I'd recommend Belize or Paraguay. Fairly stable countries removed from most of the drug violence in south America. Iceland is a good choice as well, but it's cold and the water is super heavy in sulfur. Nice otherwise though.

Paraguay: drug violence. You haven't heard about the Triple Frontier and it's recent political instability, can't say much about Belize, but Paraguay is in the same drug and gun route as many other S.American counties.

Maybe New Zealand and Germany are some of the best places for ex-pats.

And here is Forbe's "The World's Friendliest Countries".

Forbe's ranked Dayton, OH as the happiest city for working or something extremely similar. I've lived there my whole life and let me tell you there is not one ounce of happiness evident anywhere in the state of Ohio... let alone Dayton. I'd ignore em man :(

Paraguay isn't perfect safe neither is Belize, but besides the extremely rural areas they are fairly stable countries. Note I'm comparing them to central American nations like Mexico, Colombia, etc.

Smart idea. I'd start by looking at a couple websites, http://www.escapefromamerica.com/ and http://www.sovereignman.com/

that should help a bit. Getting a second passport and internationalizing yourself is almost an imperative if you're an American who can see the writing on the wall. I'm working on doing the same. Good luck.

Be aware: Just because you're an ex-pat, doesn't mean you get out of paying taxes. Untangling yourself in that regard is a whole other ordeal. Be prepared. Lawyer up.


I forget which country, Finland, Switzerland maybe, has a bunker with each type of plant seed ready to be germinated incase of any kind of fallout/apocolypse. Please correct me if I'm in anyway incorrect.

I always thought Luxembourg or Liechtenstein would be interesting, just due to their size and per capita. Benelux, France, basically western Europe.

The per capita is high because off all the expat millionaire/billionaires living there not the normal population.

unify here, are you with me? are you of like mind? texas? vermont? wyoming?


I would be interested in hearing why you want to leave the US....


The Netherlands or Germany if you're looking for prosperity.



Where's that? Can't find it on a map...

aruba, playa del carmen, seems pretty calm there up against the beach. how about belize, pretty sure they speak english there. good luck finding a place that allows you to carry a gun to protect yourself?

Hong Kong

Mars...or Pluto. Somewhere the fuck away from this planet if you can.

Japan? You must be crazy. Even Japanese are leaving the country.


Somalia is pretty nice this time of the year.

Paraguay: drug violence. You haven't heard about the Triple Frontier and it's recent political instability, can't say much about Belize, but Paraguay is in the same drug and gun route as many other S.American counties.

Maybe New Zealand and Germany are some of the best places for ex-pats.

And here is Forbe's "The World's Friendliest Countries".