The corruption in Government has to end. The Inaugural Address was pathetic. Rise up.

30  2013-01-22 by [deleted]

A lot of promises and shit that won't happen. It was all bullshit in my opinion. We the people need to rise up and let these politicians know that we the people will not be lied to and manipulated. Obama said we need to voice our opinions and try and change our policies. Why don't we actually give it a try instead of gluing our eyes to the manipulative media and politicians.

They lie to us every day and they all have a secret agenda. What they say to the public is only to numb our minds and opinions. I'm sick of the manipulation. Obama has signed and supported laws and policies that spit on our Constitutional rights. Like gun control and trying to police the internet. We the people need to make sure our Government knows we will not let them take out rights away in closed doors behind out backs, by using the media and manipulative wording.

In his address he talks about everything that isn't important. A real, true and honest politician would talk about the corruption in Government, the donations they receive to make sure that bills that benefit corporations pass and how they take our rights away day by day with legislation like the patriot act. Obama is no saint and he's working strictly for the corporations and military industrial complex which puts money and support in his pocket. He can hide behind his smiles and waves but the truth is he's just as corrupt as any other politicians accepting bribes. I mean hell, the guy who donated the most to the president were the people to get the best seats at the inaugural parade.

If this were a country where the people were important, money wouldn't determine who gets to meet the president and best seats at the inaugural address/parade. In his speech, he says we're all equal; we're not all equal when he's getting millions in contributions while we work our asses off to support those corporations who get to actually meet the president.

This system is dying. Our Government is becoming more and more corrupt. They're trying to hide this fact and they're doing a damn well job. My biggest dream in life is for the people of the United States of America to take an independent look at how our political system works and see how corrupt and one sided it's become. These political parties are jokes and they only exist to to argue about bullshit issues while the real ones, like the rampart corruption in government, aren't even discussed.

We need real change. We need to become independent. We need to stop being brainwashed and demand a political system which actually serves the public rather than private interests. I know I'll be downvoted because I know Reddit loves Obama... The truth is he's just as corrupt as any other president which has been in office. We need to voice ourselves because if we don't we'll have no right left in the future. The're taking our constitutional rights away one by one, slowly but surely. We need to stand up and protect what is rightfully ours. We are created equal after all; lets show them that we really are.

Please people, wake up and see the complete corruption that is our Government. Their promises mean nothing because they're lying. They have their own agenda's. Agenda's that aren't made public. That's a fact... It's not about protecting and prospering us citizens; it's about fulfilling their own wants like power, control and the slow but sure destruction of our rights set by our founding fathers.

Obama also continues to ratify the same bill which destroy our rights as Americans. Honestly, healthcare here in America still sucks and is basically a business, not a public service.

Lobbying is corruption and it's everywhere in Washington. I mean, Obama removed the cap for donations for his inaugural address. Those who paid the most got the best seats. We're talking huge donations too, ones that normal folks couldn't possibly make. The reason is so those who matter get the best seats and the rest of the poorer Americans get to look on behind a rail in the freezing cold. In my opinion, that's some real corruption. As far as lobbying goes, it's getting real bad here in America. Obama is reducing the restrictions on corporate donations, like the amount they can donate and other things as well. We're becoming, well already are, a country ran by corporate money and interests. The American people have no say at all. Those who do; The military, Corporations, The Banks especially and anybody else who's important. It's become an inside game and even some politicians refer to it as "playing the game"

I'm deeply saddened that most Americans get their insight from the media rather than their own individual views.


The new world order is real and has been happening right in front of us. Look at the wars we wage on countries that are sovereign and not a threat to us

I'm still skeptical about the NWO. Not saying it's not true but I haven't done enough independent research. What I do know is that I wouldn't put it past these dicks. There's a lot of shit behind doors we don't know and the best we can do is guess.

What we do know for sure however is that all governments all over the world are corrupt as fuck. They're also all tied together in some kind of scheme. Time will tell my friend.

NWO is no secret at all so i'm shocked to hear this. George Bush talks about it, Obama talks about it... It's no secret, in fact they are telling us as if it's a good thing.

Not much we can do except wait it out and see if it happens. My money is on not in our lifetime.

i agree that it wont happen in our lifetime. however i think this because the people will stand up, as the rest of the world is not as stupid as the united states of america.

after the rest of the world is colonized they will be.

They never will be

Please explain to me a how a centuries old cabal of Jews, Illuminati, Freemasons, or lizard men (depending on who you talk to) have been able to control world history in a way to make a New World Order likely. Most people don't worry about the next day much less what happens 200 years in the future. The fact of the matter is the world is too complex for one small group of people to control without detection. Thousands would have to be in on the conspiracy for it to work. Probably tens of thousands. There are real conspiracies (LIBOR) being a prime example. We should focus on real issues like corrupt politicians subservient to big banks rather than worry about fanciful New World Orders and rogue invisible planets.

I never said any of those people are the culprids all i said was the new world order is real. The new world order is one government trying to control the world be it finicially, which we do we killed muammar ghuadaffi because he wanted to trade in gold instead of dollars. Economically, do u really believe its chance all the wars are in oil rich countries and we are chasing a terrorist group that was funded and trained by our own cia agent osama bin laden. Something is deeply wrong

Good day brother. The root of the problem is materialism and the cure: the development of the human conscience. The former has fed the latter poison! We've been "programmed" since birth to buy things, stuff, items, and emotions. When the value of money became liquid perception, so did our ability to project that value on our happiness. If we find we are not content, we can buy a cable subscription and live in "reality TV." All of this compounds in a collective conscience of despair. An now, we Americans, value this process more than our lives, as when we fall victim to the web of materialism, we cease to live at all...

There will be no way to win the war on this system by starting battles with the top. We must start with the base.

Remember the end of that movie "labyrinth" when tight-panted David Bowie was wielding and boasting his influence over his dominion? He appeared unstoppable... Then the moment young Jennifer realized everything around her was projected she yelled, "you have no power over me!" That was the moment she was free. All those who witnessed her could no longer deny the truth.

If enough of us realize that the only thing our system has power over is material, and that material doesn't exist outside of our own projection, than the system will finally change. There will not need to be a war or violent opposition, no radical laws or judicial activism. All that is needed is love for our fellow man, and through that love education into the question of being.


True in all perspective. But the art of making this work is getting our asses out of r/conspiracy to inform the world. How are we supposed to do that ffs if they don´t want to listen?

They've been fed bullshit their entire lives. It's time they were fed some truth instead. There's proof of this all around the internet. We just need to get references and everything else to help prove the case.

I'm making this a serious project. I'm going to try my hardest to change this political system. I'm currently writing an entire paper about corruption and it's going to take a long time but when I finish it I'm hoping that some will listen. I want to make things right, I really do.

Mate, I'm with you. I also need to change this world, That's what WE are here for. I also wrote a short but powerful essay on this but I just have to find a way to make this visible to more than the 100,000 people who visit r/conspiracy because when I go on my daily rants here, I still have the feeling like I'm shouting at a fucking mirror. Hell, we are ALL shouting at a fucking mirror here. Because we already know the Truth. But we are also the only ones who see that this world is fucked up and don't ignore the Truth. But what are we gonna do about it? We can't unite because we're shattered all over the world - and if you go on to the streets on your own nobody will listen to you anyway.

What many (also in r/conspiracy) don't believe is that governments, whether communist or capitalist, just don't work (Not trying to be a Hippie-douche here). You will always have upper classes who will systematically destroy the rest. The only way we can prevent real serious shit from happening in the near future is to disband all governments, which is systematically made impossible by the chain of command. Unless the whole world sees the Truth and starts to resist, which is also near impossible.

WW3 is coming very soon, look around you everybody. We have the responsibility to stop it, or at least change the outcome to something good. Not the phony "peace" we had after WW2, because deceit and corruption flowed through even more after that. Humanity didn't learn anything from WW2. Did you know that the Jews tried to fucking monopolize their position in the Holocaust? Only Knowledge & Understanding can save us, which must also be the only governing powers.

Honestly, I wish we could start a movement. Something serious and organized that actively tries to inform the world of the corruption going on around them. I've looked into the Zeitgeist movement but it seems a bit lacking as to actually make a difference. We need to become the Jehova's Witnesses of truth and go knocking on people's doors, spreading truth yet informing them that all of this can be overcome in a peaceful manner.We just need the world to find out before it's too late.

Any movement is systematically cockblocked by shills and infiltrated by feds. Ive seen it happen. At this point im not sure what can be done. Try to grab supplies and sit it out and wait for the system to collapse in on yourself and you'll eventually be the next Randy Weaver. Look at the traffic here and even evolutionreddit compared to the main subs. It took only3% of americans to successfully revolt from the crown. The difference is we have been divided, and thus conquered. No cohesion means the best you can hope to do is a french resistance type operation. If you have people you can trust. Tough sell these days and on this sub. I cant even trust my communications.

the sad thing is, if any of us became politicians, we'd never make it. not even because of the media but because a lot of people don't take people like us seriously, even if they do agree with the cause. at the end of the day we're just crazy people. Ron Paul had the best chance. and whats sad is i honestly wish he was younger cuz in a few terms i can see him making it.

Do people actually believe any of that shit? It's fucking pathetic - I had people posting on facebook the next day saying things like "hell yes! This is gonna be a good 4 years!" It is seriously fucking mind numbing that people are confronted irrefutably with the passed 4 years - it makes me want to become a speaker because all you have to do is say the same shit over and over again - regardless of what you do.

Insanity truly is doing the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result.

I believe our government is trying to take over the world, but what I don't know is if it is for the better or not. Right now it seems to me we are systematically taking down the Arab nations and installing new democratic governments, but these countries were sovereign nations that weren't a threat to America and Ill leave you with this interesting read on German's foreign policy from 1933 to 1938.

Following the Nazi rise to power, Adolf Hitler's government conducted a foreign policy aimed at the incorporation of ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) living outside German borders into the Reich; German domination of western Europe; and the acquisition of a vast new empire of "living space" (Lebensraum) in eastern Europe. The realization of German hegemony in Europe, Hitler calculated, would require war, especially in eastern Europe. The "racially inferior" Slavs would either be driven east of the Urals, enslaved, or exterminated. Besides acquiring Lebensraum, Hitler anticipated that the "drive to the East" would destroy Bolshevism.

From 1933–1938, Konstantin von Neurath, a conservative career diplomat, served as German foreign minister. During his tenure, Germany followed a revisionist policy aimed at overcoming the restrictions imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles and seizing the diplomatic initiative from Britain and France. Germany withdrew from the League of Nations; began rapid rearmament; signed a nonaggression pact with Poland; reacquired the Saar territory through a plebiscite; militarily assisted the supporters of Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War; and remilitarized the Rhineland.

From 1938–1945, Joachim von Ribbentrop, a Nazi party member and former ambassador to Great Britain, served as the foreign minister. During these years, Germany strengthened its ties to Fascist Italy and to Japan by signing the Anti-Comintern Pact, which aimed to combat international communism, the Pact of Steel (with Italy), and the wartime Three-Power Agreement (with Italy and Japan).

In 1938, Germany acquired new territories using the threat of war. In February, Hitler pressured Austrian chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg into signing the German-Austrian agreement (Berchtesgaden Diktat), which brought Nazis into the Austrian cabinet. The next month, Germany carried out the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria. Hitler then began demanding a solution to the Sudeten crisis, a conflict over the Sudetenland (a region of Czechoslovakia settled largely by ethnic Germans). On September 30, 1938, British prime minister Neville Chamberlain (an advocate of appeasement), French premier Edouard Daladier, Italian prime minister Benito Mussolini, and Hitler signed the Munich agreement, which ceded the Sudetenland to Germany. In March 1939, Germany occupied and dismembered the rump Czechoslovak state.

In August 1939, Ribbentrop signed the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact. A temporary deviation from Germany's normally anti-Communist foreign policy, this agreement allowed Hitler the freedom to attack Poland on September 1, 1939, without fear of Soviet intervention. Britain and France, Poland's allies, declared war on Germany on September 3, 1939. Hitler's aggressive foreign policy resulted in the outbreak of World War II.

Mark my words people the cold war has not ended and it is coming to a breaking point WW3 is imminent. If I had to guess Id say within the next 30 years.

so do something about it.

What do you propose?

Mark my words people the cold war has not ended and it is coming to a breaking point WW3 is imminent. If I had to guess Id say within the next 30 years.