The Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorists Are The Sane Ones.

48  2013-01-23 by [deleted]

What I believe doesn't matter - but Gun Control does. Whether you are pro gun-control or anti gun-control you should, by now, be sick of the government taking away our freedoms and starting wars through fear and intimidation.

911 was a freedom-taking jamboree.. while we were in an emotionally crippled state, the government passed all kinds of laws (like the Patriot Act for instance) and went to war with Afghanistan and then proceeded to scare us into a war with Iraq - for no good reason as far as I can see.

Then we had the economic crash of 2008, and immediately after that massive blow we were scared into giving the banks nearly a trillion dollars, so that the very companies which had caused our financial pain could stay in business...

Now, after this Sandy Hook massacre, with a nation grieving for 20 dead children, the government is at it again - this time they are coming for our guns... and they are using these children's deaths to justify this effort. And, in typical fashion, the corporate-owned media are in lock-step with the government and are cheering them on as they attempt to take away yet more of our rights...

But wait - isn't it a good idea to cool down before making important decisions? Aren't we too emotional right now to start passing new laws that limit the freedoms that are guaranteed to us by the Constitution? Shouldn't we be allowed to heal before we debate this nuanced and broad issue? Are you sure, America, that making a decision based on a negative emotion is a good idea?

So... who is saying "Wait a minute!"? Who is trying to slow this process down and look at it openly? Who is trying to break through the media narrative to get to the heart of the Sandy Hook story?

The people asking questions are now all "Conspiracy Theorists" according to Anderson Cooper (who, as many of us know, was born rich and worked for the CIA), and many others in the corporate-owned media.

Maybe some of the questions about Sandy Hook are insensitive to some people, but how much harm can a question really do? And when I was at school, I was told there was no such thing as a bad question, and there is a good reason for being allowed to openly ask questions: To encourage critical thinking.

I might add that critical thinking might be in serious need right now, during an age where 20 white children killed by a gunman is a national tragedy, but 200 innocent brown children in Pakistan, killed during Obama's administration by US drone attacks, barely registers in the (so-called) News.

So I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all you people who stand up and ask questions, who put together youtube videos crammed with information, who write articles, who poke holes in the official story, who try and convince your friends and family that something doesn't add up, who shout at the TV, who even just dare to consider that the narrative that we are being fed is bunkum.

So thank you guys, thank you for being human, for being cautious, for using your brain when everyone else is caught up in an emotional tizzy... I may not agree with a lot of you, I don't care... I just wanted to say thank you all very much for being that person and shouldering your share of the hatred of the ignorant.


Don't think that these are just unrelated tragedies. The PATRIOT ACT was written in 1995, by none other than Joe Biden. Its target was not foreign terrorists, but American Patriots.

So it is absolutely no coincidence that Homeland Security, and the American military, is now being aimed squarely at the American people. Iraq was nothing more than an urban warfare training ground for their planned civil war.

It's all the same agenda, 9/11, the financial crisis, Sandy Hook, all of it. These aren't isolated incidents. These are globalists, foreign terrorists, perpetrating false flag attacks on America. They want to sell us out. In fact, they already have. And in order to collect, they have to disarm us first. They would have started a long time ago if it weren't for forums like this one.

Thanks to you too OP. I agree. I took a lot of shit for posting theories on FB but after a month or so, I began to see the same people re-posting my Sandy Hook stuff. It doesn't matter to me if there are wild theories out there that make me look crazy for believing, because I'm also not afraid to drastically change my opinion provided I get new improved evidence. With the amount of time I have in a day, I like to spend it researching the theories I find here. It leads me down rabbit holes I never knew existed. I mean, the Dark Knight shooter “woke me up” so to speak to r/conspiracy which has led to a complete transformation of my beliefs. All because a MKULTRA reference in a comment I read somewhere. There was no way I thought MKULTRA was a reality until I found r/conspiracy and figured out it’s not so crazy to question these things. I think even if shills are releasing disinfo docs, then it is only doing them more harm than good. Anyway I'm rambling, just dont be discouraged by the naysayers.... especially the ones who frequent r/conspiracy.


huge experiment thing run by the CIA several years ago, it involved alot of illegal experiments on humans, and several human rights violations.

Where can I find more info?

Are you sitting down?....

The funniest thing about trying to make Sandy Hook into a reason to ban assault rifles is that a rifle ban would not have stopped the shooting. Drawing attention to Sandy Hook in the context of gun control should bring attention to the fact that gun control laws are ineffective if anything. The only thing I can clearly pin on the media is deception and ineptitude. Possibly for the government, possibly for ratings, possibly as a cost-saving measure. In any case, we cannot trust them. That is the crux of the issue. It is not that we all truly believe Sandy Hook never happened, it is that there is little evidence supporting that conclusion and much contradictory evidence. If you want us to believe the official story the official facts and official news reporting should confirm it.

The funniest thing about trying to make Sandy Hook into a reason to ban assault rifles is that a rifle ban would not have stopped the shooting.

The same goes for the Aurora movie theater shooting. The shooter's AR jammed very early on, after just a few shots. After that, all of the damage was done by a run-of-the-mill pump action shotgun and a pistol.

Obama is the new logo of fascism. Nothing but a hoax. Make everyone behind him think he's on some great crusade against evil, while he is the evil one, leading a military empire to shove the world into a corporate dystopia.

Completely sick of hearing about it. People who think gossiping about Romney and Obama has something to do with fixing society should wake up and live their own lives. It's when we get caught up in this stupid political process and lose sight of whats important that our quality of life starts to slip - and that's half of what the (apparently completely fake) Sandy Hook event was about. Getting people to bicker against each other, and not unite against the crimes of the people running this sick system.


Wow. You're right. I remember after 9/11, "conspiracy theories" were a lot more widely discussed in public. For Sandy Hook it almost seems taboo to discuss - due to the media demonizing anyone that questions the official story.

Bush even went so far as to tell people in a speech right after 9/11 to IGNORE any wild conspiracies about what happened.

Seemed pretty obvious to me.

People are only mocking the silly theories that deserve to be mocked. Fuck what the media thinks, they are the definition of paid shill. It's the people who you need to attract to your way of thinking, and being illogical, sensationalizing silly "theories," and basically accusing the whole town of being complicit in this event is just pushing people away and making you all look nuts. you should listen to this guys take on the whole thing.

This Sandy Hook conspiracy bullshit is a good way to sort out the crackpots from those who are skeptical about world affairs. Here's a test to see how sane you are:


A simple way to put an end to this nonsense.

you said it all, good to see more of this!!!

Are you sure, America, that making a decision based on a negative emotion is a good idea?

OF COURSE THEY'RE SURE! They've been conditioned by years and years of television advertisements to do exactly that.

I don't WANT to believe anything was lied about, or staged, or set up. But until the "official theory" is proven to me, beyond a reasonable doubt, then I am absolutely within my right, as a rational thinking human being, to entertain the possibility of an alternative theory.

All alternative theories are just as valid as the media and law enforcement's theory of events until proven otherwise. What they have presented thus far to the public has been nothing more than another theory. And the debunking of details in an alternative theory does not, therefore, imply the validity of the 'official theory'. It only debunks that specific detail. It does not validate someone else's entire telling of events.

Strong disbelief, faith, slander, and hostility do not help the pursuit of truth. It only serves to further distort our perception.

This was the first self post I ever wanted to share on Facebook this is a great post op please continue what seems to be very original thinking right now. We need more like you.

State Of Emergencywhy have we been in a state of emergency since sep 14 2001? what does it really do...cause we havent been prepared for emergencies. they are playing us. both sides so niether can see that its really happening or just refuse to belive because it is over whelming

this time they are coming for our guns

I must have missed this memo, as did my MK19. :)

I want to understand something (I am by no means denying the sandy hook massacre is a conspiracy) -- I see a lot that you guys tend to think that your rights are being stripped, may I ask by whom? It seems to me that you guys pinpoint this to the government, but I don't understand how since there is different administrations in the office over time, why would they all be following the same trend/path if from various parties and backgrounds? I could understand perhaps if there was a dictatorship, but not when in this case... So someone please explain and elaborate so I might be enlightened more.

Because the administrations are funded by the same corporations so their agendas get pushed forward while we are watching something going on on the entirely opposite side of the stage. It's kind of like a really really fucked up magic trick.

You don't understand "how since there is a different administration in the office over time, why would they all be following the same trend/path"? The answer my friend is in the word "conspiracy", which is the name of this subreddit. You basically provided the textbook definition of the word.

Okay, so you're saying the corporations are behind this, then may ask why would they want to remove guns? it would cut down the sale of the guns in the US and therefore negatively effecting them, furthermore, If it were to be the corporations, who would lead them as head? I think its too general just to pinpoint it onto "corporations" as thats just a word. Its a general statement, so it is unreliable to say this (from a modern history perspective -- learnt how to analyse sources etc.).

If it is not corporations in this case, who is part of the conspiracy? the industrial-military complex? who?

I don't think it's the World Health Organization if that's what you were suggesting by your last question.

I'm not suggesting that at all. Just curious to see what you guys think.

I wasn't sure you were legitimately engaging in a conversation with me due to the fact that your comment had nothing to do with what I said. I assumed you were distracting from the actual conversation.

In all honesty I did not personally say "the corporations are behind this" in that comment and was not intending to point the finger in any specific direction.

The true meaning of my comment is showing that the term "conspiracy" means people working in a coordinated manner. If multiple administrations all behave in the same manner, violating the constitution in the same manner, and the same non-governmental entities reap the same benefits regardless of the color of the banner of the party, then they are probably working together in a coordinated effort to effect the same exploitative goals. That, would in fact, be the definition of a massive "conspiracy".

You can't say "It can't be blindness, I can't see!" anymore than you can say "they are all acting against the public interest in a coordinated effort, it couldn't be a conspiracy!"

Well for how long do you think this has been going on for?

So you are here to frustrate and confuse the conversation.

To answer your question, the word "conspiracy" has been used to convey that idea for as long as it has been a word.

See this is what I don't understand, the answers you give me are always very general. Why can you not give me some more factual evidence than just a general idea? I still don't know who is the "government" besides "corporations", with whom I don't know which ones. Nor have you told me a specific date for how long this has been going on for, that corporations are running the government as such, and it would not hurt to know that "conspiracy" is a term used from a long long time ago, not sure exactly but it was used in the old testament. (and no I'm not a Christian mad man, you guys only have that problem in the US not here in Australia... don't know why). You can't have all these theories and link them weakly together with vague and general ideas, it isn't a theory then, since a theory is; "a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment."

I am not trying to frustrate or confuse this conversation at all.

I'm talking about the definition of the word "conspiracy" as it relates to a specific comment. I didn't put forward any evidence of any actual conspiracy.

I'm countering the flawed logic of this comment

You can't say "they are all working together as if by conspiracy" and then use that to indicate there is no conspiracy.

You have rendered your argument invalid and illogical before you even finished stating it. I have made my argument at least thrice and you have shown each time to be incapable of understanding what it is that I'm attempting to convey. Therefore I have absolutely nothing more to say to you.

It's all about that fucked up magic trick I mentioned. They're over here distracting everyone with this side show about guns and taking away our freedoms which is the "big" issue. Not North Korea threatening to Nuke us to kingdom come, not our president senslessly bombing innocents in the middle east, not our debt that's growing while somehow our taxes keep rising. I can't tell you what the big picture really is because i don't even know. But wake up and see your Government for what it really is a cheap two bit magician for your 5th birthday party.

I'm convinced that the Sandy Hook conspiracy is a massive disinfo psyops designed to shed negative light on conspiracy theorists while at the same time lumping them in with the progun people so that both groups are tainted and more people will get behind the gun rights infringements legislation.

While I agree with most of what you said, I believe you have missed an important point.

CRITICAL thinking.

This does not include painting the grieving parents as paid actor shills.

This does not include accusing at least 150 Newtown citizens of being in on the "false flag."

This does not include claims lanza was dead years or even days before the incident.

This does not include anything having to do with mind controlled slaves.

If you want the world to wake up, and hear your voice without an immediate kneejerk reaction after which any truth you spew will be met with mockery, you all need to concentrate on the critical part of your thinking, and move far far away from tactics used by people like Alex Jones.

Valid post though, and quite on point.

You look at the Parker parents and tell me they're not acting. Look at Gene Rosen and tell me he's not acting. Look at the "medical examiner" and tell me he's not acting.

Critical thinking will lead you to whatever conclusion it leads you to. It led me to see those actors as actors. What doesn't have anything to do with critical thinking is listing off a bunch of positions you disagree with and saying critical thinking won't lead you to them - what you posted is closer to emotional manipulation than critical thinking.

Critical thinking definitely isn't making uninformed snap judgements on people's behaviors and actions following a horrible tragedy. You think they are acting because you want to believe they are acting, you are seeing what you want to see in order for your opinion to be correct. "so and so is acting because I said so" is a stupid argument.

Wow, way to repeat the CIA talking points verbatiim.

My only point was that someone judged another person's lack of critical thinking skills, then made an argument based solely on conjecture. I'm open minded but "because I said so" is not a valid argument and proves nothing about the "actors" involved.

I didn't make any judgments that were "snap" or uninformed. They're actors, and they fucked up. The probability that their reactions were fake greatly exceeds the probability that their reactions were genuine.

I don't want to believe that reality is so fucked up. It doesn't comfort anyone to believe that the reins of civilization are being held by psychopaths. It's a sign of objectivity that we can even come to terms with those facts - your theory is completely broken.

how do you know they are actors? if you have proof, other than you KNOW it's true,then i will gladly look into it. until then there is zero reason to believe they are actors.

Their low quality acting.

There's a lot of nuances in the videos you can't really expect somebody to spell out in a reddit comment. It's kind of like, you just see it, and you know - even if you're not pushing yourself to accept any conclusion. Although there are some things you can easily put into words - lack of tears, Robbie Parker turning from grinning guy who looks like he just got a promotion to tearless, grieving father after getting himself into character...the medical examiner actually giggling, supposedly just hours after he examined the bodies of 18 or 19 dead children...

I don't really accept that somebody with a calm and unbiased mind could watch those videos and not conclude they're acting. So, make what you will of that...

do you have a link to the specific videos you're talking about. i might as well watch em again

I think those clips are both in here:

Check out the Gene Rosen fraud, while you're at it.

yeah that video is far too long. thanks for trying. i'll admit i love to read conspiracy theories, but i dont necessarily believe all of it. i understand there are people in the world who manipulate things (although i think most people on here exaggerate its global scale) and i do not trust the mainstream media because they obviously are for profit and will do anything to gain said profit. but why shouldn't i hold the conspiracy theorists to the same scrutiny. what makes a guy on youtube or a guy selling books or tickets to a speaking tour about the illuminati and false flag operations (which i understand have actually occurred) different from the media twisting the story to push their agenda forward. are both sides not open to corruption and deceit?

You came in here and asked me for a link, and then told me it's too long? What is it, 15 minutes?

I don't need to hear your speech. At best, you're too lazy to investigate these problems for yourself. Not to sound too judgmental or anything...

what makes a guy on youtube or a guy selling books or tickets to a speaking tour about the illuminati and false flag operations (which i understand have actually occurred) different from the media twisting the story to push their agenda forward. are both sides not open to corruption and deceit?

They are both open to corruption and deceit. However, the fact that there's corrupt people tricking conspiracy researchers doesn't simply disprove all the truths they've investigating.

it was 30 minutes. and while i appreciate the effort and enormous amount of effort it took on your part i technically asked for a clip of an interview not a conspiracy propaganda video. i just asked simple questions. and, like extremists on either side, instead of answering the questions (you still have provided no proof outside of gut feelings shared by a group of like minded individuals) you throw a hissy fit. and an online hissy fit is the worst kind of hissy fit

You asked for the videos containing their fake interviews. I gave you a video containing both.

Maybe you should try typing their names into YouTube, instead of trying to use your failure to do your own research as fuel for your crusade against discussion of conspiracies. I'm not "throwing a hissy fit", I'm just pointing out what a fucked up attitude you have.

If any time anybody goes out of their way to expose dangerous psychopaths in power, people like you come along and smear their work as "conspiracy propaganda," their work is just completely devalued. And yeah, I know the definition of "propaganda", so don't play that card, either. You should be ashamed to come here with this entitled, bigoted attitude of yours.

again, zero mention of proof. i'm cool with you believing whatever you want, as long as you realize the argument you are using in support of paid actors being used in news interviews is at best stupid, and at worst it is non existent

I gave you the videos. If you can't seek through a YouTube video, or search for the names or titles ("robbie parker sandy hook", "medical examiner sandy hook"), then don't pretend I failed to meet some requirement. You're either dishonest or as lazy as shit - either way, I don't need to sit here and be insulted by your stupid ass, when all I did was try to help you learn.

You said the only proof you have/need is to watch a video of the interview and you just know they are acting. I am not going to watch a video that supports this misguided notion. It would be almost as big a waste of time as trying to get you to actually GIVE ME SOLID EVIDENCE that these people are actors. Perhaps a SAG card, an IMDB link, a head shot maybe (no pun intended), or anything that would count as proof to other people outside of this subreddit. This is comparable to me telling you that Sandy Hook actually happened, just watch this CNN video.

So you refuse to even look at evidence which contradicts your shit. Well, thanks for coming to /r/conspiracy to show everyone how ignorant you are.

The only part of this video that I'm interested in is the interview clips. posting a you tube clip and then saying "It's kind of like, you just see it, and you know" is not evidence. I'm not refuting the conspiracy itself, i'm refuting the evidence you are using as "proof" of this one aspect of the conspiracy

Problem's on your end. Piss off.

I know in your gut in may feel like I am the problem, but if you look at the facts that's simply not the case. Good chat, it was fun!

The problem is with your comprehension. You didn't look at the facts, openly admitted to it, and then blamed it on me.

Repeating a lie doesn't make it the truth.

The problem is that you don't know what facts are. Your or someone's opinion or interpretation of peoples' body language etc. during an interview are not facts. They are opinions, and opinions do not prove things true or false. I personally don't give a shit if you believe aliens are responsible for Sandy Hook, believe what you want, I originally just wanted to point out how funny it was that you attacked someone's lack of critical thinking and then completely ignored anything resembling critical thinking and said they were indeed actors and the only proof you had was that you just knew. You are stupid.

Yeah, actually, I definitely know what facts are. Interviews with liars that show signs of dishonesty - who are supposed to be witnesses to this event - are documented facts and primary sources. Demonstrably fake testimony occurring multiple times gives serious credence to the theory that somebody is trying to change the way the reality of the event appears to the public. This is called "basic source analysis", get used to using it if you're going to hang around in here.

I gave you a totally plausible theory - that some huge amount of the shooting was faked, which explains the total lack of evidence it happened at all as described - and all you can do is pretend I'm blaming the whole thing on aliens. You should either grow up or leave.

If you were any good at "basic source analysis" you would have come to the conclusion that my comment about aliens wasn't meant to be taken as fact or even my opinion it was meant to be sarcastic and insulting. But since you finally gave me a better answer than "i say it is true, therefore it is" then i'm going to watch your silly little video and get back to you.

I concluded that some elements of the news coverage were staged, simply because the contents of that coverage made it clear. Some of the people featured as victims or 'authorities' of the event were exhibiting major signs of dishonesty, so severe that it indicated they had been instructed to follow a script. Considering that the event was turned into a political attempt to partially disarm the public, I think that deserves a second look. Don't you?

You can write whatever you want on here. You described your thought process in this thread, and it involved actively ignoring the primary source evidence that I went and fetched at your request. So I'm not really holding my breath for your opinion.

Well you're gonna get it anyway. So far, 3 minutes in all that happened was video was shown of a guy in the woods and someone disguised as Penn Jillette told me that guy was a professional sniper. Again, no proof was mentioned that this guy had anything to do with anything other than the host of the video telling me i should be scared while ominous music played behind a sad kid who probably just lost his best friend to an insane murderer.

Alrighty, 6 and a half minuted in. The next point brought up that there were conflicting reports on the amount and types of guns used. The only thing this part of the video actually proved was that the media should check its sources and information before immediately airing it, which is pretty impossible considering the 24 hour news cycle. made even more impossible by the demand for information considering the horribleness of this crime and the need to make the public feel at ease. On to the next one...



Redditor for 6 days

Post breakdown - conspiracy: 13 CFB: 1

Almost all posts were made between 12:00 and 18:00 UTC.

Bonus! Most downvoted comment here.

Keep it up, Scruffy. You suck out loud at this.

Nice catch you do the people's work!

I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you truth warriors

Die agent scum fucking retarded human computer. Tow the government line! Tell you what buddy, if you really are that intent on being a slave? Come on over, I have some work for you.


Redditor for 6 days

Post breakdown - conspiracy: 13 CFB: 1

Almost all posts were made between 12:00 and 18:00 UTC.

Bonus! Most downvoted comment here.

Keep it up, Scruffy. You suck out loud at this.

My only point was that someone judged another person's lack of critical thinking skills, then made an argument based solely on conjecture. I'm open minded but "because I said so" is not a valid argument and proves nothing about the "actors" involved.

Die agent scum fucking retarded human computer. Tow the government line! Tell you what buddy, if you really are that intent on being a slave? Come on over, I have some work for you.

I don't think it's the World Health Organization if that's what you were suggesting by your last question.

It's all about that fucked up magic trick I mentioned. They're over here distracting everyone with this side show about guns and taking away our freedoms which is the "big" issue. Not North Korea threatening to Nuke us to kingdom come, not our president senslessly bombing innocents in the middle east, not our debt that's growing while somehow our taxes keep rising. I can't tell you what the big picture really is because i don't even know. But wake up and see your Government for what it really is a cheap two bit magician for your 5th birthday party.

I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you truth warriors