Sandy Hook Hoax (look at yourselves)

7  2013-01-23 by [deleted]

I believe in the illuminatti, or at least the top people coming together to shoot the shit. I believe that the government had something to do with 9/11, if not play an active part then at least let in happen. I believe that there are aliens somewhere out there. I believe that there was more than 1 shooter of JFK etc etc.

But this theory that the sandy hook shootings were somehow staged to take away gun rights is very hard to swallow. Of course the first reports are going to show some discrepancies. That goes with all breaking news stories. second of all these kids are DEAD as in not living anymore, they are not hidden somewhere and they were not made up.

Just like the theater shooting it is just some crazy dude trying to go out with a bang, it isn't the government trying to take way your guns. If it was they could have just done it after columbine or just waited for one to occur naturally to do it, not stage (yet another) one. - That is the story of the worst mass murder of a school in history it occurred in 1927. And yet you don't hear about it. Do you think the government had something to do with that to? Shit like this happens no matter what time period. And tainting these kids lives with your stories full of holes isn't helping shit.

You don't want you guns taken away, hey, maybe call your local congressman and complain. If that doesn't work get off your lazy asses from in front of the computer and start a revolution with those guns you so desperately cling to


Hookers are shittying up this subreddit something bad. They're going FULL retard.

The problem your going to find with a majority of conspiracy prone people is that they believe in ALL conspiracies. They don't discriminate like a normal person, filter out the ones that have little or no merit, then investigate the ones that might have some merit. (see Orangutan)

In psychiatric circles we call these people paranoid schizophrenics, and you have lots of those kinds of people subscribed to /r/conspiracy.

There's another factor besides the "conspiracy prone"; there's the frauds and con men who create, network and encourage this bs to begin with. Without them it doesn't matter how conspiracy prone people are. You need organization to spread this bs as fast as it did. Many people pushing this are veteran conspiracy mongers with connections to the patriot movement and a variety of cults. Good Salon article on this subject:

Found here:

There's another factor besides the "conspiracy prone"; there's the frauds and con men who create, network and encourage this bs to begin with.

Alex Jones has mentioned this stuff, hasn't he? He's a big example of these kinds of people: Alex Jones is a sheeple herder, and he has a large and mighty (loud) flock.

Ouch. Sad, but true. The sadder thing is when they can't explain the conspiracy rationally then call everyone else "sheeple" for not believing...

What do these three shills all have in common? First up to bat we have bigbeekeekilla. He must be the spokesperson of this forum. Everyone listen to him, he's generalizing a population. Second would be superwinner. He too seems to be a spokesperson for people other than himself. He also takes the role of a psychologist, just as media does when bashing conspiracy theorists. Then, we have hookerzsuck. That has to be the most blatant indication of his standing. Then links the worst article I have ever seen (salon article). Notice the upvotes as well. How do they get so many, while everyone else is so few on points?

And the real kicker. Instead of a point by point dissection of events, they link you to that garbage. Look at it. It's all around us.

Um yeah. I shore am sitting pretty on those +2 points. Guess I should send a memo out to Shill HQ and get my brahs here to upvote me sum more, huh? As ridiculous as your paranoia is, whatever you think I'm up to is ten thousand times more worthwhile than spreading sick lies about dead children. Need a dissection of events? Go to Snopes:

That is all.

you have to be careful with the use of paranoid schizophrenia...cuz there is a difference between that and just plain paranoia. alex jones is just plain paranoid, or paranoid with bi-polar disorder. where as if you were schizophrenic, youd have loat more problems then just "THE GOVERNMENT HURRDURR THEY ATTACKIN"

You sir, nailed it!


I thought I was agreeing with you, if not "thought provoking".

Sorry if i misread. Thought you were calling me a hooker haha yours was in with all the people defending the crap

He did. There is an increasing amount of misinformation and people who will just downvote you for no reason on this sub. He might of put it in poor terms but he has a point.

I would say the same to you regarding Sandy Hook.

I love how many people who support gun rites, such as Alex Jones, argue that a few assualt rifles will stop a tyranical government. It's like that armoured citidel some people plan on building, if the government wanted to get rid of it, a few guns would make the slightest bit difference.

Colbert did a really good bit on this idea on Friday.

Oh you have an AR15? How about my Apache helicopter? Check mate.


Why do the police need armored personnel carriers when we don't even have machine guns? Who are they fighting?

Yes, sometimes the police do, in fact, have more than they need. It's politics and empire-building: "I have all this stuff already, but the only way to increase my political power is to get more, so why not?"

On the other hand, have you seen what the drug cartels have in some regions? We don't have machine guns, but they certainly do.

If someone is selling on surplus, I have no problem with a department buying them. It's an intimidation and safety thing. You roll up in that, you know you are safe, and the person you are rolling up on will think twice.

What if we got invaded? You wouldn't mind the armored transports then. That is the actual real reason we have domestic armored transports. In case of foreign incursion.

then why worry about the rednecks? if you have your almighty military you should encourage the populous to arm themselves to the teeth since it doesn't make any difference.. But there is that little Asymmetric warfare that has bankrupt this country. Plus we haven't won a single war or police action since WW2. If guys on horse back living in the mountains gave the best/most powerful military force the world has ever known a run for its money.. I think the fine patriots of this country would give them an even better fight. Plus the fight will be in their backyard and they will finally see what war is like for themselves. Fucking war pigs.. Colbert and Stewart are just promoting their corporate propaganda. Believe what you like. And lets hope the time doesn't come when people are getting their heads cut off in the streets because of their treasonous actions and beliefs.

Remember this quote: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.

And lets hope the time doesn't come when people are getting their heads cut off in the streets because of their treasonous actions and beliefs.

This is a disturbing sentiment. Who do you think would be getting their heads cut off?

I am sorry but you do not seem to be very coherent in your arguments.

I will just say that the people of Afghanistan have fought for the last 100 years, they are a hard people who live in a hard country so it is not surprising that they are good fighters.

The American people have lived in comparative luxury for the last 100 years, especially the last two decades. Comfy beds, heated water on tap, electricity at the switch of a button, cheap petrol, luxury cars. Compare the two nations and then tell me that you really believe the average American is tougher than the average Afghani. I am afraid not, the American people are too used to their creature comforts to give them up and live in the hills.

Yes the militias will do, this but then they already do.

Did the Iraqis have all of that? Are you sure?

Any ideas about the amount of land in Iraq, as compared to the whole of the United States?

Intriguing ideas you should consider.

I don't see the point you are making?

The US Military destroyed Iraqi military capability in a matter of weeks. The Iraq military was better armed and better trained than the average US citizen.

The insurgency, while a thorn in the side of ISAF is of little matter and in a few decades will wither and die like most insurgent movements once Democratic Institutions and the rule of law have gained credibility.

I do. Put it this way, they are all in it for the money. If they have to be at war for a few decades with the very people they make money from through taxes and what not than they lose out on a shit ton of money. Also, this is assuming that military people FROM THE US would pull the trigger of its own citizens in its own land. Generals give orders, but soldiers pull triggers. They would not win this war, nor would they be able to profit from it.

But you are framing it as Soliders shooting unarmed innocent civilians when in fact they would be killing armed opposition militia members etc many of whom have already stated there intention to murder anyone who comes to take their guns away.

Also do not forget the people giving the orders are also american citizens, don't forget the Civil war, American versus American, it has happened before.

I can agree that it wold be totally ridiculous for ther Government to make war on its own citizens and I do not believe it will ever happen. I am just trying to discuss the fact that if it did I think the government would win.

Our difference of opinion stems from a different meaning of win. Do they have superior fighting power? Yes. Could they use that to destroy us? Yes. But would they accomplish anything other than losing a ton of money which everyone wants more of? No. That would be a war they would spend money to fight, lose money on killing otherwise tax paying citizens, and then have to rebuild all the parts of their country they fucked up. We don't have to win in the traditional sense, we just have to make it non profitable. If they cant make money off of it they wont do it.

Good point.

Just curious, is it you that is downvoting the people you are having a discussion with?

No I actually upvote people who respond even when they have an opposite view point as I think we should encourage healthy debate. The only time I downvote a response to one of my comments is if they throw personal insults around or call me a shill.

Ok thank you. I do not know who the hell does it but I swear half of this sub downvotes because of opinion

Unfortunately a lot of people do.

Are you retarded? they destroyed nothing. The people knew it would come to a asymmetric fight.. so they did what anyone would do. They left the large target areas and blended in. then they slowly drug us down and made it their war. We lost and left and nothing changed besides the infrastructure.. The only way they could stop the fighting was to pay them to not attack us. LOL.. that's not how you win a war or an occupation. Now look at Afghanistan.. These guys on horse back fucked our world up and we spent the next 4 generations of retirement and bankrupted this country. if that's winning.. i would hate to see when we lose.
Plus if a civil war breaks out.. you don think other countries are not going to try shit? You better wake up slave..

Do you know the history of the Iraq War? Their military was met in battle many times and effectively destroyed and then disbanded once Saddam was overthrown. Also their war? You don't seem to really know much about that is happening in Iraq right now I'm afraid.

Afghanistan, again I feel you miss the real picture. It is NOT a war of attrition, we do not win by killing more of them than they do of us so by using casualty rates as a mark of who is winning or not does not compute.

We win by creating Democratic institutions and by allowing people to be secure enough that they can have faith in these institutions. This is the process the country is going through right now.

Slave? Please lets show some maturity accusations and name calling gets us nowhere.

The insurgency, while a thorn in the side of ISAF is of little matter and in a few decades will wither and die

That. That is EXACTLY my point.

What, that an insurgency against the US Military would be ineffectual and eventually die out?

A few decades or two generations is hardly a long time in History.

And so resistance is futile, is that your point?

My original point was that if the Government really wants to take peoples guns away there is not much the people can do about it. If they oppose the Government with force then they would be destroyed and any organised resistance would die out in a couple of decades. So yes, resistance of that nature would essentially be futile.

So what you're saying is that organized resistance has a couple of decades to win a seachange against fascism?

Those are better odds than I would have given, but okay.

EDIT: This "change is hard, so don't bother" attitude is at the very core of America's problems right now.

What Facism? Removing assault rifles is not facism. I do not believe it contradicts the 2nd amendment. Sure, to take all guns but that is not what will happen.

Fascism doesn't show up fully formed. It has to be created.

A government doesn't just decide to take all guns or all rights in one fell swoop. People would revolt in the streets. It does it slow, so that people like you say 'it's not a big deal', until it is a big deal and there's nothing you can do about it.

Well said.

No the point is you have avenues of change available like say IDK "FUCKING VOTING" if you don't like the government change it, if you don't win then try harder, if you still don't win try even harder. What you shouldn't do is stamp your feet like a little bitch and whine about how "you're the only one who understands whats best", and you damn sure shouldn't get these illusions of revolution. War/revolutions are fucking blood baths, and the fact that you would think that such an outcome is preferable to going to fucking vote speaks volumes about your level of sanity. You want to stop fascism then look in the mirror and quit threatening your own neighbors/citizens/brothers/sisters, with war and violence. In short SHUT THE FUCK UP OR GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT...HERE ILL HELP

No the point is you have avenues of change available like say IDK "FUCKING VOTING" if you don't like the government change it, if you don't win then try harder, if you still don't win try even harder.


Google 'gerrymandering' and come on back to the conversation once you've had an eyeful of that fuckery. Voting means dick, and the only people that don't know that are the people still ignorant of how voting really works in this country.

War/revolutions are fucking blood baths, and the fact that you would think that such an outcome is preferable to going to fucking vote speaks volumes about your level of sanity.

Never said anything about preferring revolution. Your insults are telling. But keep it up, your inability to converse without them tells everyone everything they need to know about your stance.

You also have no idea what I'm doing about anything. If you can't participate in conversation about the issues without getting emotional, take a time out, educate yourself, and come back to it when you're ready. No shame in that.

It would go forever and it would guarantee all these pussies couldn't have their way of life. it would take a matter of days for this country to be turned into Afghanistan. So who is winning in that situation? No sporting events. no normalcy of shopping or just going outside.
Civil war will not be fought on a single front. Anyone and everyone would or could be an enemy. Is that the type of life you want to live? i would guess 13 million would be ready to fight. not bad out of 300 million pussies

As we have seen with other terrorist movements (the IRA, Basque Separatists, Red Army Brigades in Germany et al) they die out naturally after a few generations, people tire of continual violence and new younger generations start to feel less connection with what the fight is even about. They then move to political solutions. The same would happen in America.

The American military will be fractured beyond repair if they are ordered to fire on US citizens. Take a look at demographics of the military. Most are from the south and Midwest where gun culture is huge. Maybe sit down and talk to a couple of them. Get their take on it. Don't assume that just because they take their orders from Obama that they'll follow him to Hell.

eh,the feds didn't rise up and fracture over ruby ridge or waco or MOVE any armed rebellion in the future is going to be treated similarilly to those groups. Without political controls, such as sucession or most simply, voting out the people you don't like, your guns don't mean anything.

I am not so sure about that tbh. It is a very different case but there is precedent set by the American Civil War of Americans killing their fellow countrymen.

Strong leaders and strong political indocrination would also help convince them to pull the trigger, as with all wars.

People would cease to be civilians when they join a militia and take up arms against the government but become combatants. Weather Underground and others who oppose the Government have been killed by the military or police. The US Military I am sure would not have a problem killing other US citizens, other American Institutions do this all the time, the Police, CIA, FBI all of whom are American themselves and would have families. Sure a few would refuse, but then a few also refuse to kill foreigners.

I do not think it would be framed like that either, I do not think there will be a line and you're on one side or the other, some might form militias etc but imo that would only make it easier for the US Military to kill them, rather than families etc protecting their homes.

US military wouldn't kill US citizens. They aren't trained the same as Police and FBI who are actually seasoned in altercations between themselves and other citizens who are breaking laws. Police and swat take out US citizens almost exclusively. It's their job.

The military is trained to fight insurgents and terrorists and people who roll around in tanks. They're trained to believe they're protecting regular citizens. They're encouraged to be racist and dehumanize non-Americans. When they are here, they are at home. They are the LEAST likely group of armed forces to turn on their fellow Americans.


Dude, are you okay?

I wasn't implying... pretty much anything that you rebutted. Nowhere did I mention anything about an already occurring civil war, or active revolution.

I was actually just picturing riots where riot cops and police were ordered to open fire on civilians or something. What kind of hellscape were you picturing?

Again I have to stress that I am not talking about massacring crowds of peaceful protesters, we are talking about armed Militia movements that have pledged to murder anyone who tries to take their guns away.

I can agree it is not the most likely of situations and I am sure many soldiers would object to it, but I am also sure there are those that would not.

What? What are you talking about? There is absolutely zero chance that they will pass laws that take away all the guns from people who currently own then.

It... would be retarded. What cant the government do successfully right now that they would be able to do when the minority of people mostly is rural areas gave up their non-automatic weapons? What would be worth pissing off thousands of people who aren't a real threat to anybody but other citizens? I can understand other conspiracy theories. 9/11 was an excuse to start an illegal war/pharmaceutical companies are hiding legitimate cures to diseases, but the idea that they would engineer the murder of a bunch of kids to disarm a bunch of rednecks who aren't a real threat is just idiotic.

Which part of this do you doubt?

Edit: Got you confused with another poster in this thread with whom I was having a conversation explicitly about gun control. Sorry.

I was only mentioning that of all the armed services the military is the least likely to fire the first shot on other Americans. If there is already a war on, then all bets are off. I realize I wasn't very clear about that. In fact, I incorrectly said they wouldn't do it. I meant to make that sound a lot more conditional.

I only wanted to distinguish the way they're trained from the fact that police fire on US citizens all the time and won't have a huge mental block about it as long as they feel they're doing it for a good reason.

The American military will be fractured beyond repair if they are ordered to fire on US citizens

I wonder if that's what Robert E. Lee thought.

Or David Koresh.

What the fuck would you have to offer me? The US government provides me with food, water, shelter, entertainment and I don't have the right to free speech, or to bear arms, or against search and seizure.... So why the fuck would I help some dumb shit rebels.

Lets say you win, then what? All that money I have saved up is for shit... Also what the fuck do I do with my life then? My entire military career is for shit. Are you going to pay for my retirement? The only help you will get from the military is a steel coated anti-depressant right to the back of the head.

Are you in the military?

lol and the sane one is the one who thinks he can take on the US military.... Right.... Fine I'll give you a shot. Tell me, how would you achieve air superiority? If you can't do this then fuck off all your plans are for shit... Iraq had the worlds 6th largest army before 1991, once we got done it was reduced to scrap metal. So unless you have plans to take the Air good luck.

Lets say you get a group of pilots to defect and bring there f-15's etc with them, how do you refuel them? how do you repair them? You're not going to be buying flight controls off ebay, and I doubt a company like Lockheed or Boeing would support you, seeing as how if you win their business is fucked.

So yeah I'm the insane one who has been to the war college and who understands what it takes to fight/ win a war. You retards with these fantasies of Rambo type victories, are the perfectly rational ones, who think this type of thing is even possible.

oh so you are retarded.. its cool

Yes and why did you edit your comment???

Because I originally had a glib, ad hominem attack but figured I could engage you in civil conversation. Unfortunately, you've proven that's impossible. Just by the brief interaction I've had with you I know that you're a danger to the American people. Like I told another asshole on here just a half hour ago, I'm done with this sub. You aggressive bullies make it impossible to have civil discourse. I don't know if you're paid to do it or if you get off on doing it but either way, I'm done with this sub and I'm done with you.

I only visit this sub like I visit the zoo, too watch the monkeys throw poo. I could care less if you don't find me civil I think the talk of war/revolution, without regards for the toll on quality life or human life is absolutely disgusting, so if your offended by "aggressive bullies", then you should really consider how you would fair once the drones started firing Hellfire missiles down your block, or how you would feel cleaning up your neighbors kids body parts from your roof.

I'm amazed at how little people realize about war, but then I remember that most of you have lived such a comfortable life for so long that you have forgotten how good the federal government has been to you. Sure the fed does somethings wrong and its not perfect but to actually sit around and contemplate an overthrow of that same system when their are literally 100000000000000000 millions of ways to go about affecting real change, is borderline psycho.

The federal government is made up of people, its not an inanimate object. You would have Americans fighting Americans, cause Americans elected Americans to run the country the way a majority of Americans wanted, but Americans didn't want a country that way, so they went to war with Americans, so then Americans killed other Americans, because Americans didn't like Americans, and Americans had to bury their children while Americans buried their children and in the end, we decide this is fucking stupid and go back to the way things were before..... Its fucking total nonsense.

Most of the people on this thread wouldn't know how to hunt, fish, farm or live off the land, most of these people wouldn't have any clue how to survive in the winter, or in the summer, or how to purify water, or how to clean a weapon, etc. but these same idiots will gleefully point the way to destruction and despair without a single though of the fickleness of their behavior.

I fought so you didn't have to. I didn't fight so I could come back home and fight some more, and if I can keep people from having to experience war I will. I can't do it when mouthbreathers assume that regulations on gun ownership= gun bans, and that we should take up arms against the "tyrannical" government. Trust me you have never seen a tyrannical government and if you did you would be the first person to fall in line, cause a truly tyrannical government doesn't make you want to live, they make you beg to die.

So yeah I get a little pissed when I hear po'dunk rednecks who don't know the difference between an APC and a tank, talk about how they are going to take up arms. I have yet to get an answer from any of them as to how you plan to achieve air superiority, which even a half ass no brain "butterbar" can tell you is essential to achieving victory in any meaningful sense.

And yet the Afghans have stopped the Soviets and the Americans with AK's, PKM's, and RPG's. A rifle can be used to obtain larger weapons systems.

No. Some Afghans oppose America’s involvement in their Country.

Have they stopped them? Clearly not. America is still there and will be there for the next two decades at least, with the support of the elected representatives of the Afghan people.

The Taliban make up a small portion of the Afghan population, they never had full control of the country and have been battled and defeated by the Northern Alliance for decades.

The Soviet Unions defeat is much more complicated than ‘the Afghans beat them with Aks’. America funded and armed the Mujahideen for a start with stinger missiles and advanced weapons which could effectively attack Soviet Air power, something which gives NATO the winning edge in the Afghan conflict. The Soviet Union was in it’s death throws for the last years of the war and was economically unstable (thanks in no small part to their war in Afghanistan).

I agree with your comments and i guess i generalized mine. What I'm saying is that "long guns" can do a lot when fighting a larger or better funded enemy. I recall in the movie Restrepo, the unit in FOB Restrepo knew they could be pinned down and overtaken with a few automatic weapons. This could not be obtained with pistols or guns with 7 round mags.

Indeed Restrepo was great at showing what a small badly equipped enemy can do to a superior force.

However although it was bad for those particular soldiers arguably it had not effect on the overall campaign. It is sad and demoralising for soldiers to fight in the way they were forced to in Restrepo but I would argue that this does not effect the overall result of the war.

Absolutely. Our guns make no difference against our very well outfitted military. AR15? might as well be a pea shooter.

Exactly ad i know plenty of people who believe that they should be able to have their rights and yet they don't even own one gun.

There are some sick people in the world that are described here. Then there are monsters who take the lives of the innocent.

Nice try CIA

This person is right.

I think they are trying to click the ratchet one click closer to guns being illegal. I do not have enough evidence one way or the other to see if they are using mass shootings as a way of controlling public opinion or not. Either way, there is new legislature on the table trying to push for bans of more guns. would appreciate a response not just the usual downvotes r/conspiracy seems to give a lot of people.

I dont think they are staging them. Just reporting them more so they get people to want to get ride of guns, makes way more sense, plus way easier for them.

Which "they" are you referring to?

the powers that be. Edit: and btw that is where I differ from a lot of conspiracy people. I do not pretend to have answers, just questions that main stream media and "Official stories" do not answer.

Then the only response I have is that there is no goal that gun control legislation furthers that is worth organizing a school shooting. There are so many better, more passive, ways of controlling public opinion that I would say it's retarded to think sandy hook was a good decision.

If you imagine their goal is to disarm the public, we're already disarmed. The people who get behind gun control laws are people who don't own guns and don't plan to own guns. I'm not sure if you've been following the news lately, but that's the majority of people. (Not that the majority of people want more gun control, but that the majority of people don't own guns.)

So if they're trying to disarm the people, too late. We're disarmed. What's the next step? Domination? Whoever would be in charge of that... is already in charge. There is nothing else to gain there.

Because I can't ascribe any sensible motivation that would be so worth having that somebody would orchestrate such a horrific tragedy, I can't give any credibility to any theory like this.

I agree. I forget if I already stated it or not but I do not think sandy hook was an inside job. I see some weird things about it, but nowhere near enough evidence to leap to the conclusion that it was an inside job. And to your point yes I believe they have without legislating it. They have made guns as taboo as teenage pregnancy to talk about. I just believe they are trying to legislate it now that they believe they have swayed the public opinion on it.

Oh, well I figure that's a given. Any scumbag who thinks they can benefit from a tragedy will certainly try. They actually just passed some gun control measures in NY. Do you know what the gun ownership rates are there?

They're 44th in the nation.

They weren't fixing a problem. Cuomo was just pandering to his demographic. That's politics.

So you can say that the government has something to do with the death of 2,000 people in 9/11, but it's crazy that Sandy Hook is a conspiracy? That doesn't make sense

Maybe because it happened in fucking 1927 you dumbass.

ok pandagurl, let me ask you this. if one of your friends died, and you heard of all these people claiming this person did not exist, would you not go on to make a youtube video (or something along those lines) saying HEY YOU BASTARDS, LOOK! Here is a picture of us on her 13th birthday at chucky cheese, and here's a picture from this time we did this and that, here's a text message she sent me a few days before he/she died. etc. I know i would have done that.

and don't you dare say they are too young to be doing that shit, cuz they are not. when i was 4 or 5 i was killing shit on the computer. my 2 year old (21 month old to be exact) knows how to use a fucking iPad.

and yes i agree lots of the people on here are nuts. but not all of the nuts are stupid (although many are). because these people became nuts from having the facts, and realizing everything they ever knew was a lie. the truth is everything is a lie, and everything is a conspiracy. imagine everyone laughing at you thinking you're an idiot when you know the truth, you'll go crazy. the only things that aren't really conspiracy's are most gang shootings, but even those are the fault of the media and government. there are a lot of over crazy people though that i wanna smack the stupid out of.

I know i would have done that.

And you would have been called an actor. You would have been harassed by the delusional and sick human beings that subscribe to this nonsense. You would have been stalked by some of the people in this very subforum.

People have lost their loved ones and you demand that they pander to your sick evidenceless fucking delusions?! Let Sandy Hook forever be an example of what is wrong with human paternity and paranoia, what is wrong with evidenceless intuitive conjecture. What is wrong with conspiracy theories.

yes, i will use sadny hook as an example of what is wrong with you! the whole world is laughing at you. this information didn't just come from anywhere. i really don't give a flying fuck if they are actors or not. they are not my concern. my concern is the children! THERE ARE CAMERAS IN THE SCHOOL. THERE WERE HELICOPTERS THERE FILMING THE WHOLE TIME! WHERE THE FUCK IN THESE VIDEOS DOES IT SHOW CHILDREN BEING EVACUATED, THAT'S ALL I WANT TO SEE.

How is is that they have a video of the florida school board shooting ( ) but not one for sandy hook? this video was released immediately.

and lets say children did die, which i'm not saying didn't happen. that does not excuse these actors. They most definitely lied about the guns used, and they most definitely lied about either who the shooter was, or how many there were. WHY IS THERE NOT ONE INJURED? JUST 1? IT IS UNHEARD OF! you are a fool! and honestly, i do feel bad for these people being harassed even if they are actors. they are only doing what they see is right, or threatened in to doing it.

Why is it that all the articles/videos debunking this "conspiracy" have NOT 1 GOOD POINT. NOT 1! especially when they talk about the little girl who "died" in the picture with obama the day after. saying "it looks like her" i've seen the family photo and i am not a fool. You're speaking to someone who has been interrogated by the feds first hand, both american and canadian. and i've only been the the US once in my life, to watch the Buffalo Bills vs The Philadeplhia Eagles

Oh, so you're one of the mentally ill denizens. Check.

lol i'm not mentally ill. i'm a 21 year old kid who doesn't spend my time watching tv or playing video games.

so i'd like to ask you mister gunderjt, have you ever been on the news?

There are plenty of instances where people that knew a person take over there account on their FB's, emails, phones. And there are such things as hackers. hell, the FOX corporation just got in trouble for doing just that.

If the government set this up don't you think it would be a little more clean than this? Especially since they are dealing with children?

I understand what you are saying, i don't share with my friends because of this. But just because you know a certain truth doesn't mean you have to look for it in everything, you will do this so much and everything around you will be a lie, even if it is not.

everything is a lie. and what you say isn't true. as i've been in to this kinda of shit since i was 11 and i noticed weird things on the media that didn't seem realistic to me. everything is a lie, it really is. and i'm not saying it in ways that are crazy. life is beautiful, and i do enjoy my life. also i'll tell you this, you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to know fox news is bullshit. fox news of all news channels in the world is probably the worst, and tell you just how stupid a human being is. and you're right, i don't have to look in to it for everything. but i do... why wouldn't i? if the whole world is being affected by these lies, of course i'll look in to it more. can we change anything? not really, unless the people start a militia, which they would do anywhere but north america.

and be a little more clean? they don't need to be. there is a quote that i do not remember very well, but it is about handing someone your own noose to gain trust, and that's what they do.

i take it you are american. however, i am not. but i know a lot about your country, and so does the rest of the world. the rest of the world is not nearly as brainwashed as the United States of America. In America, patriotism is a big thing (correct me if you feel i'm wrong on anything i say). You guys love your country, and show a great deal of respect to the forefathers of your country. But somehow, even though your country was created because "conspiracy theories" that happened to be true a long time ago, and the same thign is happening now, you guys somehow don't see that. The forefathers warned you that this will happen again. They didn't say maybe, they said it will. Because it is human nature to want power & money, and there will always be someone trying to get power. always. the fight for freedom is ever lasting. not one war. It's strange to me that for a country who loves it's forefathers so much, people are just waking up now cuz of gun control.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." -Thomas Jefferson

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. -Thomas Jefferson

"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." -Thomas Jefferson

you will never know my country, never truly so dont give me that crap. Dont you think your country is not just as much shit. If you do not live here then why the fuck do you care what goes on here? Why speculate about this incident? Since it is not your rights being taken? And not everybody you meet is patriotic. Yet another thing you get wrong because you do not live here.

Actually yes I will. And I care cuz your country affects us all. Especially your neighbour. So don't tell me I will never know because in fact I do. And obviously I didn't mean literally every single person. Also how do you think I know? We have the same media, same companies, same everything. That's how I know.

Also my closest cousins live in LA and I see them 3 to 5 times a year. They also bring their friends.

i can't even begin to comprehend how stupid what you just said is. why do i care? your country controls everything you fucking idiot. i wouldn't be suprised if you're one of these people the whole world knows you're country, except most of the people that live there. every single thing you guys do affects Canada, and every where else. My lame ass of a country gave your country permission, to not ask permission for the military to come here and do whatever it is they please. like i said they are in this together. you're under the impression that i don't know many americans, but i do, from all over. and i do know many smart ones. so i hope you don't think i'm saying all americans are as dumb as you are. what if china had military bases in your country how would you feel about that? you're actually going to tell me i don't know your country? you're pathetic. everyone does. it's why we all laugh at people like you. have you ever been tackled and arrested by US Secret in your country? Nearly shot by 50 guys that literally came out of bushes in seconds? No? ...I have, IN CANADA (toronto to be exact)! so fuck you! and fuck the united states government!


Sure, but I'm ok.

Also, with the right to bear arms, you do have a chance. yes they may have better weapons, but america would have more citizens. the mroe citizens that have automatic weapons and such will do a decent job. many would die yes, but they would die for freedom of their kids. nature has a lot to do with this to. for example, it only takes one person to lead. for example, if you're in heavy traffic on the highway, not moving at all, you're there for an hour, or 2, even 3. one person will eventually decide FUCK THIS SHIT, i'm going to drive on the shoulder. then you'll see another, and then moer and more people will start doing it. it just takes one person to lead.

(look at yourselves)

I struggle to work out how people can post to /r/conspiracy and still think of themselves as somehow separate from /r/conspiracy. At least you didn't say 'you people'.

When i say that i mean people who believe in this conspiracy, just because i believe in a lot of them doesn't mean i believe in ALL of them.

“The government encouraged the manufacture and importation of firearms for the criminals to use. This is intended to foster a feeling of insecurity, which would lead the American people to voluntarily disarm themselves by passing laws against firearms. Using drugs and hypnosis on mental patients in a process called Orion, the CIA inculcated the desire in these people to open fire on schoolyards and thus inflame the ant-igun lobby. This plan is well under way, and so far is working perfectly. The middle class is begging the government to do away with the 2nd Amendment.”

This is from 1990 written by Bill Cooper. The idea of staging school shootings is nothing new. I'm not saying this proves that Sandy Hook was staged, but it's not like the idea came out of nowhere. This is the modus operandi of those in Power (I'm not referring to POTUS by the way, or any politician).

The point i am making though is that this is not one of those instances. We know from people who have personally known or cared for lanza that he was off his rocker.

Yes, it's very true this may just be a random kid who went off the deep end, but there's not much in Lanza's history to indicate he had a capacity for such wanton violence. From the various reports I've seen the best description I could come up with is he was timid and shy. What could turn a kid like that into such a depraved killing machine?

But isnt that just like everyone else that cracks? They are timid and shy you would never think they would do such a thing. Like the marine who shot all those people in texas in the 50's. Killed his wife and mother then shot people at his university. No one would have suspected anything. So yes there are instances of it in the past.

I dont think the shooting was staged? But the Laza story is weird. And no one knew them? I think it was DEF exploited to pass legislation. This is true.

There are plenty of people coming out that knew them? what are you talking about?

Answer this gurl, why didn't they take guns in 20 century? There was mass shooting every year. Why now? Make some research before you come to r/conspiracy

The point being made is that they don't want to take your guns away, now or then.

The only thing anybody in DC is "conspiring" to do is get reelected when their term is up. Is it more likely that there's some vast undisclosed conspiracy operating with thousands of people and not a word of it leaking out...or that some douche bag in a suit is exploiting a tragedy to use a push button issue to fire up the base in his home district?

Yes good point. Here in NY Gov. Cuomo has passed stricter gun laws and it is now widely known he hopes to run for President in 2016. He just wants to look tougher than Obama. Sandy Hook and gun control aren't even big subjects in the paper anymore.

They don't want to take away guns, they want to have stricter laws.

Answer me this why can a guy who killed his mother when he was 14 be able to buy a gun when he is of age? because he committed this crime as a juvenile and they can't see his history. so he buys tons of guns and stock piles them and plans to shoot a lot of people. But they catch him before he does anything.

Why can he buy a gun? We need better laws with guns. If you are clean then it shouldn't matter to you.

Sandy Hook conspiracy = disinfo psyops?


Not liking the answer doesn't mean the questions are still unanswered.

This is the most likely answer, and therefore the most downvoted.

really? this is the most likely?

Possibly, yes. Just like most UFO abduction stories, this is black psychology or disinformation meant for the credulous.


I don't know what that means.

just oh, i dont know what to say in response to that

Meh the's no point in starting a revolution. We've already lost. They pushed through gun bills in my state of ny while ignoring sandy victims bec that was their priority.

I dont like guns either but I live in NYC where cops just shoot you for no reason. Bad times are coming my friend. The dollar will not be able to buy anything soon and when that happens people get angry. The folks in charge know this. So whenever they get an opportunity they disarm the people. There are just as many shootings in ny. But Bloombergs pushed out the poor and made nyc for rich men like himself. Dont let the peasants get mad. Hand guns to cops who barely went to college and couldnt do anything else.

I hate guns but Ive seen a cop shot a kid for just running away. I think we should all give up our guns including them.

Do you think bad cops are new? hell in the civil rights era how many blacks were killed for just that?

If we had guns to protect ourselves and we shot a cop we would just go to jail anyway.

And i agree with you, if we don't have guns they shouldn't either.


This is a bit different. Bush knew that the attacks might happen, he had it on his desk and should have treated it with care since the towers were bombed in 1993. But he let it happen.

I would say nothing adds up, a lot adds up. guy snaps, gets guns, goes out in a blaze, that has been happening quite a bit over the years.


Of course you will find "proof" to these things when looking for it. but have you looked at the evidence that says otherwise? look at both sides of the argument., he debunks all this crap.

Good point.