The shill-hole that is r/politics

326  2013-01-24 by [deleted]

I don't know if this belongs here, and I'm sure the nature of reddit is already clearly obvious, but I was curious about it, so maybe some of you are too.

I've had multiple conversations with redditors about /r/politics being chock full of shills and plants in place to sway the opinions and mindsets of millions of people. I've been told that the overwhelming slant against anything republican/libertarian is just a result of the typical reddit user's political leaning. I've been laughed at for claiming that the sub is a gigantic front for the Democratic party, have been insulted for calling out users as obvious shills, and have even been called a shill myself for doing so.

During the election it became painfully obvious what I was looking at, as it did to many other redditors, so I decided to try something. Over the course of a month or so, I starting tagging users whose posts made it to the front page. This wasn't some constant vigil I kept, since I'm hardly on reddit 24/7. But everyday or two I'd check in and continue tagging. As I did, certain names started continually coming up. wang-banger, anutensil, Whitefangs, Liberatea, Blue126, Corporate_ho, among many others. tens and even hundreds of thousands in link karma, often accumulated within a couple months or so. And consistently making it to the front page, day after day, with one agenda. Elevate the left and demonize the right.

After a while I simply un-subbed. I got sick of seeing the same shit day in and day out. Sick of seeing the same shills posting their agenda and having their fellow shills quickly upvote them to the top, while immediately burying opposing posts to oblivion. I didn't come back for a couple months, and when I did recently, I remembered my little experiment. Or, not so much remembers, but saw it.

Here is what my front page looked like at 1132 this morning. Each tag is for a user who made it to the front page during the few weeks I was watching the front page. I was actually shocked to see so many familiar faces, as I suspected that the majority of the posters I tagged were only in action for the election and would fade away afterwards. That is not remotely the case. And lest you think it's just a case of good articles getting to the front page, and not an all out spamfest, here are the New submissions as of 1135 today. The same thing happens day in and day out, as you can see by looking at the top posts for the week, or for the month, or even for the year. Screenshots taken at 1140, 1144, and 1147 today respectively.

Frankly, I don't care if those who read this are Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Rastafarians, or what-the-fuck-everians. This is not about having a debate. It is about reddit brainwashing so many people. Yeah, we all know that many subs are echo-chamber circlejerks. But /r/politics is not /r/democrats or /r/progressive. It is meant to encompass all political views and discussion. Instead, it has become a machine to push a specific ideology, and that machine just so happens to come as a default sub. As such, anyone new to the site is immediately inundated with posts demonizing republicans and libertarians, while at the same time praising the left and idolizing Obama. And many of these new users come in the form of teens and even pre-teens who are still trying to find their voice. What better way to mold these young minds than to present your ideology as the one your favorite website adheres to? When you're surrounded by people all chanting the same thing, you tend to chant along with them. And when all dissenting voices are drowned out with hate, ridicule, and downvotes, you have created the perfect propaganda machine.

As I said, I'm sure this comes as no surprise to anyone. I thought I'd post the screenshots anyway. It's one thing to talk about it. It's another to see it in action.


Unsubscribe man, it's not worth the toil. Yes, we all know it's full of shills - but they are here too.


People have the right to know, but they also have the right to remain ignorant - you can't force a mind open.

you can't force a mind open

This is something I've learned arguing with conspiracy nuts. You guys are so closed minded and so emotionally attached to your preconceived conceptions that literally no amount of evidence or logic will ever change your mind.


Obvious what? I'm an alt account replacing one which was banned without reason. Surely that is obvious?

obvious troll

In what manner?

your other account, no?

You never said anything in agreement, and insulted people for no good reason. So typical troll behavior.

Incorrect. I asked for evidence, and when I was insulted repeatedly in response I got annoyed.

my account is /u/roflcopter4

ha, ok, /u/roflcopter44 is some other person that acts in an identical manner?

They are both him. He keeps having to create new accounts because someone keeps banning him for the sin of asking for proof for your outlandish claims.

It's only okay to be open minded as long as you toe the conspiratard line.

Having an open mind is no problem, but sometimes, people can have a mind so open, that it simply falls out.

The funny thing is all the down votes you got only prove your point.

it's not liberal. The Democrats threw the liberals under the bus. It's all corporatists now, whatever party you want to call it.

The "right" isn't really "conservative", and the "left" isn't really "liberal". The citizens on both "wings" are decrying their politicians for crossing to the other side. Meanwhile, the spending (of the money put into the 'community chest') spirals out of control, and so does our confidential debt to U.S. Treasury bond holders, while the media feeds everyone bullshit (see: Sandy Hook, birth certificates) to start fighting each other.

Something about that seems like a very old trick...

Didn't George Washington oppose the party system for the very reason it would destroy voting and ideas?

No, that's not what he said. George Washington commented on the pros and cons of a party system, he never actually said he was opposed to it. It's a common misunderstanding.

Hmmm. Sounds like a conspiracy. You've come to the right place friend.

In all honesty though, you're right. R/politics does, "crank out drones who believe they think for themselves," but the real question at hand is whether or not this is the work of overly passionate liberals, or Federally employed agents. While both might have the same affect on the masses, there's a huge difference between the two. I'm interested in the OP's opinion as well as others.

In all honesty though, you're right. R/politics does, "crank out drones who believe they think for themselves,"

The larger a subreddit gets the easier it is to say this about any of them. The more circlejerking the easier it is to say this.

I would say a lot of subreddits "crank out drones who believe they think for themselves" like /r/atheism, /r/anarchy (the racism and sexism disguised as feminism subreddit), /r/conspiracy, /r/conservatives, /r/gaming, etc.


Removed the S.

Also we only have about 25k subs. I wish we had drones to crank out, that'd be sweet.

That's assuming that everyone that reads something in R/politics buys it at first glance. Sometimes this can help push people to investigate for themselves, to seek out multiple sources, and to cross reference stories.

Yea because your average person usually always investigates things for themselves. /s

Ehhh. Gloom and doom.

Ignore them. They are retards, and it is scary that they vote and breed, but they don't really have an impact on your personal life. They make a minority of the population, and the statism in Washington would still exist without them. They are insignificant trolls.

Yes, but their breeding is often ineffectual.

Sticking your head in the sand saves you from hearing the bull, but does nothing when that same bull decides to ram you when your ass is hanging in the wind.

I tried to put up an honest conversation on here and got trolled by some douchebag hardcore. It was lame. :(




I don't /r/conspiracy too much, but wow. This is a quality post. I'm glad I got out of the brainwashing before it was too late thanks to libertarianism.

Holy shit, this man spews garbage at an alarming rate, 1million link karma too. :P


Is it the guys job to post on reddit or something? I mean i doubt he reads all those before posting them.


SEO consultants.

fucking lol.


When i post thoughtful comments to r/politics with a mild libertarian slant my comments are always downvoted in mass (against reddicate), rarely retorted with any reasonable argument, and are usually met with personal attacks that have nothing to do with the opinion at hand.

I dont really care, but you're right that it does suck how so many unaware people are going to see that and join in the hive mentality of one sided circlejerking that happens on that sub.

Yep. Also, posted another comment below. :c



You don't need to thank a bot.

Another moderator of /r/politics also submits at a rate that doesn't seem possible for one human.

Yet another moderator of /r/politics has been found to have numerous high karma sockpuppets, and to have used them in ways that most people would consider unethical. This has been well documented on reddit, although I don't care enough to track down any links.


Those are your recently viewed links.


Is that a cough I hear?

Is that what that idiotic bot does? It's super irritating. Whose links are those supposed to be?

Wow! His recently viewed links include this one! Interesting. So Mr.anutensil, what's your opinion on the issue, or did the OP strike a nerve?


:( Embarrassing.. At least you were nice. :)


And if they are coughing... We know what we would do.


He has been a redditor for 3 years, you'd think by then someone would know how to make a successful post. Plus OP is acting like a subreddit should have lots of different posters having top posts. Why?

r/politics is a waste of time, and I like to post pro-constitution links there just for the fun of it.

Somebody should post that link about "The Untouchables: How Obama shielded Wall Street from Prosecution"

Link me one, I want to see the response it got.

Heh, they got pretty fair responses.

While you are not going to get "top billing", it is not useless. You can still post comments to the links to convey ideas. All you need are a few strategically placed ideas that are picked up by people reading comments. I'm sure there are bloggers looking for ideas to repeat. I've seen several of my points picked up by Ben Swan and other bloggers. I often see the same key phrases as well.

Just remember, a good catch phrase or idea is like wild fire. The shills can stamp out the majority of the fires, it only takes a few key sparks to start fires elsewhere.

Sometimes there are a few thousand viewers who see what gets posted before it is downvoted to oblivion, and yes there are bloggers who see those things. They like this subreddit too.

Now this is what I want to see on a Conspiracy discussion forum: A conspiracy identified, investigated and the evidence posted for everyone to see and analyze. Thank you!

And for the record, I see exactly what you are talking about! Thanks for doing the legwork!

The mods are a problem over there. Today I posted a link to the video where We Are Change gives $100 bills out to people attending the Obama's inauguration who can get 3 out 5 questions about him correct.

I titled it:

We Are Change gives $100 to people attending the President's inauguration who can get 3 out 5 questions about him correct.

The post is spam filtered and because of goldf1sh's brilliant moderationlong bot, I'm notified. Why was I spam filted? Probably because the last video I posted there was this one:

It was insta-downvoted like every article, video or whatever which is critical of Obama.

Remember over Christmas break, we were all amazed that some articles critical of Obama had made it to the top of r/politics. That was because all the shills who guard the new queue were on holiday. If you post anything critical of Obama and I have on numerous occasions, it's insta-downvoted...and the only times I've had success is if I leave his name out and any other 'trigger' words.

So I write to the mods and ask them to approve it. They won't. They think the title needs changing. They want me to title it:

Obama Supporters Don't Know Obama: "...we hosted a quiz show where we offered $100 to anyone who could correctly answer 3 out of 5 questions about the man they were there supporting."

The post would that title wouldn't last 1 minute, plus it's a spoiler.

Funny thing is, this has happened to me before. I submitted another video and it was removed (not spam filtered). I write and ask why. Editorialization I was told. Nope. I had to explain to them what 'editoriazed' meant. It means inserting your opinion into titles. When you just describe what happens in a a video, it's not editorialization. They finally saw sense and approved it. So why are they so trigger happy when it comes to criticism of Obama?

Have you ever seen the amount of videos that don't exactly match the title of the actual video on youtube? They are numerous. All you have to do is search for the youtube domain on r/politics.

I'm reminded of the time they didn't want to let a Libertarian mod join the team. They said something like they didn't want to bias the sub...

Everyone should head to /r/politic and try and build that sub up. It has loads of posts because it pulls them from everywhere but it needs comments.

Glad you've found my bot helpful.

Thanks for keeping it running despite all the set backs. It's my favorite bot.


/u/ModerationLog monitors political posts on reddit, and posts to /r/ModerationLog when it appears a post has been removed by moderators or the spam filter.

/u/PoliticBot post ALL submissions (not just spam filtered ones) encountered by /u/ModerationLog to /r/POLITIC

The idea of /r/POLITIC is to be a completely unsupressed forum for political links/discussion that is bootstrapped with links mirrored from other more active sub-reddits.

Doesn't /r/politics bot auto remove YouTube videos?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works; and that would explain why it gets instantly removed.

no, you're thinking of /r/worldnews

Am I though? I tried searching "" in the /r/politics specific search filter, and nothing comes up. Just random article that have YouTube links, and most of them barely have any comments.

so the way you would find all the posts which link to youtube would be with this search:
Then sort by new, hot, today, etc.

Ohh ok, because the way I was doing it would search for it specifically in posts? Didn't realize that's how Reddit's search function worked.

That's annoying then, perhaps it's just style of content? But Luke's videos have become much less aggressive since the beginning of his WAC stuff.

I've seen mods in modmail state that they removed a youtube link recently. So no, it's not automatic in r/politics. They probably just remove them all because they are problematic for the Obama/war/bank status-quo.

Well, like you said; this is exactly why I'll never look at this subreddit again. They think inside of the left-right paradigm and anything that opposes a stance on the left is downvoted to oblivion. Anything that has a third or fourth opinion or does not belong to one of the two parties on an issue does not exist in the minds of the users on that subreddit.

For example Bill Maher always talks about how the right lives in their bubble that no information can get in or out of and yet him and his fans and followers do the same exact fucking thing. I believe it's called cognitive dissonance.


I concur.

And technically it is legal for them to do that now ;(

I think you give way too much credit to a subreddit. People who have their opinions constantly ridiculed find a different group to share their ideas with. I'm still subscribed to /r/politics because I'm interested in what rises to the surface of the political world on reddit. My ideas and opinions do not change so easily based on what makes it to the front page of /r/politics.

That's not always the case for the ignorant teenagers that are trying to find their way however. I agree with the OP's concerns.

For example Bill Maher always talks about how the right lives in their bubble that no information can get in or out of and yet him and his fans and followers do the same exact fucking thing. I believe it's called cognitive dissonance.

An abhorrent amount of people do this. It's not exclusive to left, right, old, young, main stream media watcher, alternative media watcher, etc.

I completely agree with you that /r/politics is a biased showcase of Democratic ideals, but all you've proven is that the same small group of users consistently get to the front page.

Arguing anything beyond this is prescribing to them motivations and intent that's pretty much a guess on your part. It can be explained by a multitude of reasons outside "these people are paid shills." Saying that these people are employed by someone to post propaganda and influence the voting on other submissions/comments is a very specific accusation that requires proof far beyond what you've provided.


Some great points in here worth considering -- the ease with which a group could suppress certain posts and trend others on the rising page of a particular subreddit is actually a very compelling argument.

It would make a lot of sense political strategists would hire "social media experts" to influence Reddit. I suppose I just chalk it up to more of the power of the hivemind than a grand conspiracy to raise certain things to the front page and bury others. I do buy into the whole "your average Redditor is Democratic" thing because what I see at the top of /r/politics very much reflects what I see on my facebook feed of other 20-somethings' political views.

I completely agree with you that /r/politics is a biased showcase of Democratic ideals, but all you've proven is that the same small group of users consistently get to the front page.

This is the more likely explanation of what it is.. Most of the people who actively visit /r/politics regularly are in the same demographic, so it makes sense that most of the top comments/threads are so similar.

My only proof is anecdotal, just try talking to random people at your work or people who go into your store/office about politics, and see what they have to say. Now imagine those people are Redditors.

Calling people shills and dismissing their arguments with this ad hominem is not constructive, and typical of groups where dogma and conformity is valued more than than open discussion and new ideas.

r/conspiracy seems lately to shift into this direction. Questions are dismissed without thought, and there's shill hunts going on. Because the official r/conspiracy way of thinking has to be accepted without question.

That's what like minded people do, historically. Critics of religion were dismissed has heretics, critics (or perceived critics) of communism were dismissed as counterrevolutionaries, post 9/11 critics of american policy were dismissed as unpatriotic .. in each case dogma was more important than understanding the truth and constructive discussion.

So it is too with r/conspiracy. Shills are everywhere, because the dogma of 9/11 and now Sandy Hook, cannot be questioned.

From sidebar: "This is a forum for free thinking - not hate speech. Respect other views and opinions, keep an open mind."

Currently, this is not that.



I'd assume that reddit userbase is very liberal and atheist skewed. That's why liberal ideas get a lot of upvotes.

That one user does post incredibly lot. But don't you think it was a paid shill that they'd spread that shit across several hundred accounts? Now it seems to be just a few karmawhores who're obsessed with reddit.

I'm not kidding, but some people are obsessed with this shit. Given opportunity, some people will go overboard. I know a guy who plays call of duty 12 to 14 hours every day, and he's not getting paid.

At least I'd like some actual evidence before I believe there's a paid leftist mind op on reddit. Additionally it would make little sense since it would be preaching to the choir - considering that it's a liberal/leftist/atheist crowd anyways even if you discount the 'obvious shills' you pointed out.

About user wang-banger, he posts 7 or 8 links, then 13 hour absence .. seems like someone who's got obligations like a real job.

At least, if he's getting paid for posting that amount of links in several hours .. the NWO is wasting it's money. He's one lazy shill-.

r/conspiracy seems lately to shift into this direction. Questions are dismissed without thought, and there's shill hunts going on. Because the official r/conspiracy way of thinking has to be accepted without question.

Because it's easier to just dismiss the person themselves and not address their argument at all.

To be fair. And its hard, i know. I see a lot of shill calling. However i have only been called a shill once or maybe twice despite the fact that my opinion is often contrary to the herd in here. I think its due partly to the fact that i will supply sorces if i can and my account is almost a year old (but I've only started posting in rcinspiracy in the past month or so). I don't like shill calling, i hate it you can look at my history and see where I've railed against it many times, but if you make a good argument and your account is more than a month old, they seem to hold off... Just my personal anecdotal experience. I'm sure many privately think i might be a shill, but most have yet to say it.

Obvious shill is obvious

Obvious shill = a person who likes evidence?

This is one of the best posts I've seen about r/politics and its "problem". Bravo.

/u/karmanaut, notorious self-serving liar and mass-manipulator is at the heart of that sub.

Call them out and watch the down votes appear. Happens to me everyday.


"The Republicans are stopping Obama from giving us what we want, give him more executive powers now!"

You will not find anyone able to think for themselves there.

/r/politics is gamed.

It's a small cartel of people, operating with the encouragement of Reddit, who post only liberal material and downvote en masse anything that they have not posted.

Watch the /new queue. Anything that isn't from the same few sources and the same few people magically gets up to 12 downvotes within five minutes of being posted.

That way, the admins can claim it's not official censorship. It's censorship with the approval of the admins however.

And then when sensible people see sensationalized headlines with little to no facts or statistics backing up the article we go "pfft" and move on.

EDIT: My user name doesn't help my cause :(

r/politics is just like r/lgbt in that only the most sanitized information is allowed to thrive there. Every post is yanked directly from MSNBC, CNN or some other mainstream source. It's hivemind to the 100000000000th degree. They're no better than the Christian conservatards they denounce; they just represent a different side of the same coin.

They're ruthless when it comes to debating their views and will quickly resort to name-calling and other childish tactics. That's one thing I appreciate about this subreddit--most of us are capable of being civil even if we don't always agree.

TL;DR--r/politics is a losing battle for critical thinkers. Slowly but surely, more people will defect to this subreddit and other places like it, which is why we should focus on posting quality content here.

I've always just viewed /r/politics as nothing more than a place to whine and call out politicians on their fuckery.

I've always just viewed /r/politics[1] as nothing more than a place to whine and call out politicians Republicans on their fuckery.

Fix'd one word, belief reflects reality.

Thank you. It seems more and more like Reddit is being abused to warp the minds of the next generation.

Reddit isn't making a profit, yet they are commercially supported.

Why? The answer must be that they are making up for it from funds from somewhere else.

The admin actively support certain subreddit, like /r/politics, and turn a blind eye at leftist subreddit like SRS while they demonize right wing subreddit like /r/BronyHate for even the slightest of issues.

On that note, we at /r/BronyHate have been realizing how much emasculating influence is directed at white males, the same group persecuted by SRS, and coincidentally the target audience of Reddit.

What I see here is not a general brainwashing of the public (that's what lame stream media is for), but a systemic attack against an "oppressive majority" .

"Frankly, I don't care if those who read this are Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Rastafarians, or what-the-fuck-everians. This is not about having a debate. It is about reddit brainwashing so many people. Yeah, we all know that many subs are echo-chamber circlejerks. But /r/politics is not /r/democrats or /r/progressive. It is meant to encompass all political views and discussion. Instead, it has become a machine to push a specific ideology"

brilliantly put.

/u/davidreis666 got busted for doing some of that.

You can try /r/neutralpolitics, but its not very neutral when you get to the comments.

Hit up /r/shitpoliticssays.

You know all of reddit is like that right? What you're saying is true, I'm sure, but not because /r/politics is special or unique in this respect. The whole website operates like that. All of it.

Really? I thought nobody would take /r/politics or atheism etc. seriously except maybe teenagers and bored unemployed people.

IE- 90% of Redditors

Can we please just drop the shill bullshit? It's impossible to fucking prove and I'm tired of hearing about it. There is another article on here by the Guardian that talks about how none of the bankers who's illicit activities led to the 2008 collapse have been arrested. That's a real fucking conspiracy. But post after post about "shills" is pointless, unsubstantiated and a complete waste of time.

I'm not sure /r/politics is full of shills as much as it is living proof that on a massive website like Reddit, you're bound to have large groups of people who share pretty direct opinions.

/r/politics now is just like a super combination of Yahoo, HuffPo, etc, forums. Just a small step above YouTube comments..

This is an accurate observation, but it wasn't always that way. For a long time r/politics used to be an 'all-but-GOP' subreddit (Bush and Cheney were god-awful, Obama supporters take note, no foreign policy change). Now it's just DNC/'Obama-is-god' subreddit.

Now it's just DNC/'Obama-is-god' subreddit

I've heard a lot of people like that guy

No it's not. It's a democrat party circle jerk, and has been for while. Did you also notice the people you tagged were mods? You know the most active people with parsing bots on the sub? Just sayin.

I feel the same way, that is why I rarely comment. I just read and laugh. I have noticed as of recently there are a large number of Shill's here in /r/conspiracy as well. And they all seem to down vote and attack a particular ideology. I troll /r/politics but do not post as I have seen this very same trend. I do not think you are wrong sir.

Reddit has been colonized by agents and shills for both parties, the neocons, Israel/Zionist over all, Monsanto, banking, war promotion/State Dept/Pentagon, anti-inquiry, anti-gun via discouraging inquiry into Sandy Hook, Aurora, etc. Any 9/11 debate long ago actively patrolled by big opposition, dare I say funded to patrol.

They all know the value of open discourse, and how dangerous that is to the status quo.

We should ignore all mockers, as they are either pure trolls or paid trolls.

I am definitely glad i am not the only one who had noticed. United we stand

/r/politics is the nut low of thought.

mention anything even vaguely questions obama or msnbc and get downvoted to hell. Just typing Foxnews automatically loses you 100s of comment karma. That place is the pits.

/r/politics is targeted specifically because it has 2 million + users. With that many users, it is worth paying for shills to troll and manipulate content.

The reddit system needs to be replaced by some other web site. It is to easily gamed. There has to be a way to let the end user decide what bias she/he will follow so that votes don't matter unless someone "follows" your posts. With the number of visits that reddit gets, I wonder if there is room to compete.

Yeah.. it's weird. You really have to have some perspective when dealing with online personas. I mean looking here you almost get the feeling like the entire US is anti gun, but if you look outside and talk to people you find that isn't the case.


This week alone I have had lunch with several different groups of people, all of them (without me steering the topic) talked about guns, their guns, and the larger clips / assault riffles they have and are getting. These are people working in Corporate Companies not "red necks". It's weird how out of touch with what is actually happening if you believe what you read here or see on main stream media.

I don't bother even subscribing to r/politics. It's like the plague. Just stay away.

its not if it is left or right or anywhere in between, it is that you stay stuck in the paradigm given to you to be stuck in...all these "leaders" and politicians" are shown to you on tv, tv is what makes it real to "people" the most important thing is that you don't think about systems out side of this system...just talk about the people they want you to talk about, vote in the elections they tell you to, and above all else don't question the validity of any of it....r/politics, like other military/media tools exists simply to keep you believing in their system....because of course once you choose these "leaders" they make sure you use the central banks to make your money

Half of me wants to get a job as a shill.

The other half of me knows I'd quit in a week.

Ummm....every major subreddit becomes this way. You should check /r/worldnews or something too.

It's got plenty of shills from all sides, but the general leanings of the reddit community as a whole is leftist with a fair share of libertarian overlap. Though to be honest, i rarely look at anything from /r/politics besides the headlines, because the blogs they link are usually shitty rehashed stories from more thorough and (slightly) more reliable sources. Plus i don't let myself watch news anymore; anger issues.

/r/politics being chock full of shills and plants

No, its just chocked full of liberal high school and college kids. Why is it that so many people subbed to r/conspiracy think that anyone who doesnt agree with them must be paid or part of some larger machine to silence them? The world is a big place and there are plenty of opinions to go around. Believe it or not, liberals and conservatives dont need to be "paid shills" to believe what they do.

that might explain why every post there I ever made there was removed.

You want to see some real douche nozzles head over to /r/gunsarecool The liberal pricks in that sub won't even let the opposition post, they just ban them.

This is so refreshing. I'm so happy to hear that I'm not completely crazy in thinking r/politics is bias and absurdly left leaning.

As a libertarian, it hurts to see all the front page bullshit that doesn't take into account any other perspectives.

I will now unsubscribe and not feel guilty. Yes!

edit: The fact that I was downvoted for this only confirms everything OP said... suck it shills

Yea shrills are everywhere

This sounds exactly like something a shill would say. I'm on to you!

The world is more liberal today than 50 years ago. The Republicans and libertarians just need to catch up. It'd be good if they could stop being so socially regressive.

I was at both Mitt Romney's and Scott Brown's election parties, and they were filled with old (rich?) white men.

Thus, I suspect what you call shills in r/Politics is just what's going on in the world.

/r/politics IS a circlejerk, to try to twist this fact to fit your delusions is repulsive and wrong. You are a horrible person. wake up, stop living in a fantasy world. this is the real world.

i'd say it's more "people invested in ideologies they use to help them make sensable a world that seems nonsensical" least they have someone to blame, other than themselves! that's the reason politicians exist.

who said anything about "shills"?

How about r/atheism being a default sub too? That's just the r/politics of the religious world that everybody unsubs once they realize they can

Just because people disagree with you doesn't make them shills. R/politics isn't a shithole because of shills, it's because of the echo chamber / beign a default sub.

to sway the mindset of you, one question, does it work? I always listen but once I see evidence , my mind is made up, ask me how I feel about sandy hook, iran contra, EO 11110, Hussein, Gaddaffi, Lincoln, Rothschilds, Balfour Declaration, Zionists, Thermate, WTC7, Susan Lindauer, Dancing Israeli's, and I will be honest I have not a clue about facts/fiction about UFO's, fake moonwalks or whatever, just seems like Bullshit to take your eye off the ball (MONEY/GOLD).

Anyone who thinks that there are any significant differences between dem and repub are delusional. It's a one party system. All debate is a red herring.

At the very least, I can say that libertea posts a shitload of stuff I agree with, so if he/she also posts a ton of popular things on /r/politics that are well received, then color me confused.

you are paranoid and would most certainly benefit from copious amounts of fda approved psychotropic drugs

Wait, you are complaining that people you don't agree with are getting lots of upvotes from other people you don't agree with?

Are you denying that so many people couldn't disagree with you?


I don't care if I agree with the posts or not. I care about the fact that one political ideology is being pushed on a default sub.

Well it sounds like you do care because you don't agree. It's a free forum for people to express their thoughts and feelings, I'm not sure why you think it wouldn't reflect the current political mood.

This skewed view of reality has a huge effect on those who are new to the site, or young people who will be brainwashed into thinking there is only one way to view the world, and any other viewpoint deserves scorn and hatred.

It's a forum for discussion. Should people not be able to discuss freely?

co-opted by users and mods pushing a specific agenda

No, not really. Where do you live that you think it's not representative of reality?

If you think there aren't shills posting there, and it's just a group of ultra-loyal liberals who, somehow, continue rising to the front page, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.

I don't think it's a group of ultra-loyal liberals, it's just a very large forum for political discussion for people of certain demographics, of which seems to trend towards liberalism (go figure with the youth of today!).

Obviously there are 'shills' everywhere - /r/conspiracy included so I don't see why you need to get your panties in a bunch over it. The problem is a lack of critical thinking - not a trend towards liberalism.

A few months ago I read about program someone made that fucked with the vote downvote system somehow- either inflating or deflating them with false hits. the download site had been removed- but maybe theres another- perhaps onion based

What you read was probably nothing but hot-air. The bigoted trolls at r/conspirat*rd fabricated/operated a "ron paul downvote bot" for a while and duped "thedailydot" into parroting their fact-free smear campaign.

This is just my opinion, but as a former and lifelong republican (and I seem to be one of many here), the process of "coming out" politically is not only quite an awakening, but what I see is a slow revolt in america, to the degree that people aren't just rejecting the ideology of the fundamental christian conservatives that have taken the party over, but in a tsunami-like effect, some good ideals are getting washed away too by the wave.

The opinions here reflect the real world, unless you're in the bible belt.

I don't think most of us have a problem with many of their beliefs, but people are no longer accepting these belief systems being forced upon them -- this is where the issue lies for me, and it would seem many others, too.

I'm sure that there is a conservative and liberal rubreddit for all the expected circlejerking, but as I said, the republicans have lost their way: Their constituency is shrinking, and trends like this are only amplified on a website this huge and this vocal, and this subreddit is just a reflection of that.

I really don't think it's NEARLY as much shilling as people believe, though it's obviously there. I just really think a LOT of people are that dumb.

I just really think a LOT of people are that dumb.

That too. But inexperience and denial play a big role too, especially with the young.

Long post just to be a right wing whiner.

Did you ever stop to think about how much the right really sucks? The left shift is happening for a reason - people aren't buying the traditionalist viewpoint anymore. So how does the right wing political machine respond? By resorting to dishonest tactics, like gerrymandering, voting I.D. laws targeting minorities, the SuperPACs that poured corporate money into Republican coffers, etc. And the lying! Romney lying his ass off the entire campaign. Ryan getting caught in his words and getting shut down by Biden. The entire Fox and Friends propaganda machine. Rush Limbaugh, need I say more. The list goes on and on.

Redditors, generally being more studious folk, will be quick to reject flawed ideology supported by false claims. This is why Reddit is left-biased.

Hahahahahahahahahabahah, "more studious folk." The people on Reddit are just about as average as any person you'd find on the street. Don't glorify the fools here.

To be fair. And its hard, i know. I see a lot of shill calling. However i have only been called a shill once or maybe twice despite the fact that my opinion is often contrary to the herd in here. I think its due partly to the fact that i will supply sorces if i can and my account is almost a year old (but I've only started posting in rcinspiracy in the past month or so). I don't like shill calling, i hate it you can look at my history and see where I've railed against it many times, but if you make a good argument and your account is more than a month old, they seem to hold off... Just my personal anecdotal experience. I'm sure many privately think i might be a shill, but most have yet to say it.

Obvious shill is obvious

I am definitely glad i am not the only one who had noticed. United we stand

r/conspiracy seems lately to shift into this direction. Questions are dismissed without thought, and there's shill hunts going on. Because the official r/conspiracy way of thinking has to be accepted without question.

Because it's easier to just dismiss the person themselves and not address their argument at all.

They are both him. He keeps having to create new accounts because someone keeps banning him for the sin of asking for proof for your outlandish claims.

I don't care if I agree with the posts or not. I care about the fact that one political ideology is being pushed on a default sub.

Well it sounds like you do care because you don't agree. It's a free forum for people to express their thoughts and feelings, I'm not sure why you think it wouldn't reflect the current political mood.

This skewed view of reality has a huge effect on those who are new to the site, or young people who will be brainwashed into thinking there is only one way to view the world, and any other viewpoint deserves scorn and hatred.

It's a forum for discussion. Should people not be able to discuss freely?

co-opted by users and mods pushing a specific agenda

No, not really. Where do you live that you think it's not representative of reality?

If you think there aren't shills posting there, and it's just a group of ultra-loyal liberals who, somehow, continue rising to the front page, I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.

I don't think it's a group of ultra-loyal liberals, it's just a very large forum for political discussion for people of certain demographics, of which seems to trend towards liberalism (go figure with the youth of today!).

Obviously there are 'shills' everywhere - /r/conspiracy included so I don't see why you need to get your panties in a bunch over it. The problem is a lack of critical thinking - not a trend towards liberalism.