Would r/conspiracy be interested in an AMA from a former United States Marine who served in WW2, Korea, Vietnam(Pre- US invasion) and worked in the CIA for more than two decades?

718  2013-01-27 by [deleted]

My grandfather has been opening up recently about a lot of his experiences in the Marines and the CIA. He'd be willing to answer all of your questions about the inner workings of the CIA and many things relating to the build up to the US invasion in Vietnam. I have to get him pretty drunk if yall want him to answer everything though. Please comment and let me know if there is any interest in an AMA. Thanks

Edit: I am going to start to get him liquored up. Start posting potential questions with your comments and lets see if we can get this ball rolling. Thanks.

Edit: Alright guys grandpa has passed out. We may do a full fledged AMA on Monday so if you have any more questions get them ready. Thanks for all of your amazing questions.


Hey mods, can we work on getting some proof. This AMA is most likely fake and we need some proof.

Proof? Don't you know what subreddit this is?

I don't get that... Isn't solid proof all that conspiracy theorists want ? I mean, when you do not believe something the media/government etc. says isn't because the "facts" that they show to you aren't solid enough ? Or you people simply believe that Everything is bullshit? I don't know, but as for me, this AMA is fake and people shouldn't give credit to it, unless he shows something solid.

No, people are critical of conspiracy theorists because they routinely believe things with extremely poor or no evidence. Presumably because the belief that they're right about something that most people aren't makes them feel insightful, rebellious, and special.

You're right, this AMA is almost certainly bullshit.

Spoken like a true shill.


yeh i was scrolling until i found som1 else skepticle. this post is ridiculously easy to pull off


Or spell "yeah", or spell "skeptical" correctly, or properly capitalize and punctuate.

So... Literally nobody is going to ask for any proof?

Conspiracy theorists wanting proof? ..come on ;)


Could he get into exactly how much autonomy the CIA has? Who do they have to report to besides themselves and if something is a certain secrecy level, does it even get reported to anyone?


I think that says a lot. Thanks.

You're playing with fire. Everyone here knows it.

Whatever you do, just stay safe and don't do anything stupid.


Please try your best man.

Smells like somebody is full of shit.

He's just exercising his fiction writing skills, or lack thereof.

He poured himself a shot of Jack for you and him. And downed both of them. Semper Fi.

Ugh, douche-chills.

This kind of just killed it. :/


That's what I thought at first, then I read a post describing his 'service' in the Marines as honorable during Vietnam....then I knew it was full of shit.

Yeah I ain't buying any of it.


I dont know about you, secondhand accounts of "somebody's grandfather" who is liquored up and giving the same circlejerk responses as all over this subreddit doesn't scream legitimacy to me. But then again maybe believing that extraordinary claims requires extraordinary evidence isn't too popular around these parts. Not trying to be a dick, just skeptical.

Generally, proof is a prerequisite to an AMA.

I'm for it! I'm just hoping that a lucid discussion of world events takes place.


Nobody has asked for proof and I'm 100% sure this is horseshit.

haha! I was gonna go there, but this looks like a good opportunity. It's funny, I'm re-reading Perkins and today I see this. Coincidence??

You know, people rag on r/conspiracy, but this subreddit has taught me to think critically.

Oh God, my sides...

There's much less bullshit in this sub.

That said, the bullshit that is in this sub is much more subtle.

I find myself thinking a lot more carefully about posits, claims and assumptions.

This is the /r/conspiracy equivalent of a closeted guy pretending to be a girl on the internet to appeal to horny men.

Also I love how you guys hate on what you believe the government did/does, but someone who participated in the organization allegedly shows up and you all gush over him like a celebrity doing an AMA.

Subreddits like r/conspiratard don't even need to make fun of you guys, when this is what you vote to the front page all by yourselves. Fake as all hell.

What's the most questionable thing he's come to learn in the time of being in the CIA?


Does he think they were in with the JFK assassination?


I thought there was a trial held in 1999 which found the US government, state of Tennessee, Memphis PD, and many others, to be guilty.

I really want to know this

he answered above that oswald was alone on it

Oh my bad, I didn't notice. Thanks.

Can we get this shit deleted. It's obviously a hoax.



Maybe you can ask why the Cia gave the terrorists passports against the consulates decision, Michael springman

Because it was a Mossad operation.


First, thanks for doing this, it's awesome.

Second, my question is does he believe, after his time in the CIA, that the goverment actually does as many illicit, illegal and secret things as conspiracy theorists say.


Yes definitely, I can't think of any specific examples right now, but with the general incompetence of our government in so many issues, I wonder if they really are as efficient as theorists give them credit...

I'm sure others here can give good examples of popular theories he could share his opinions about the plausibility of, some already have


Oklahoma City. And to what extent (if any) does he think the CIA was involved in the '93 WTC bombing?

and the sound of silence deafened /r/conspiracy

911, the Gov't knew it was going to happen, let it happen. Helped, even, by sending all the fighters off to an "exercise" that morning.

First I want to know, where was he stationed as a Marine, and what was his MOS?


This could get very interesting. Tell him you have the attention of an 0311 who got out almost 2 years ago.

What got him recruited into the CIA? More specifically, what were his exceptional traits that made him stand out? Cheers to him for opening up.


Being a CIA assassin and torturer, can he confirm or deny the use of scopolamine? The supposed "truth serum". And the theory of its use today.

Did you see the Vice docu on it?

Last name Kurtz by any chance?

What does he think about communism?

What are his thoughts on the recent shootings over the last year and the overwhelming publicity they amass? And does he feel that these shootings could in anyway be connected to CIA actions or projects such as previous operations like Northwoods?


wait wait wait---wasn't the LIBOR thing completely debunked?

Not going to address this? I feel this information is a pretty big hole in credibility.

Yup....grandpa is starting to sound like a drinking buddy hanging out in the ops mind.

that or totally legit but doesn't know everything about everything?

What is his best memory from the war or that period of time?

Why not just post in AMA? This could be fascinating to everyone.


Personally, I think posting in AMA would be a bad idea. You would end up with thousands of comments with not much time to deal with them. Here in /r/conspiracy would be great. You're going to get trolls either place but many less here. You just need to be aware of how trolls operate.

Not just that, the hive mind of reddit unfortunately seems to follow a certain pattern and anything out of the ordinary freaks them out, making such a most almost redundant. I think an AMA in this sub-reddit would be ideal and very interesting!


I think everyone finds that sort of thing pretty freaking cool. Cold war CIA stuff is just entertaining. Why do you think Bond did so well (yeah, MI6, I know, similar idea though)?

Are you planning to post any kind of proof or anything of the sort? I'm having trouble believing any of this.



Bullets from two directions?

What was his impression of the FBI in that era from a CIA perspective? They say Oswald was an informant for the FBI. What does he think the CIA would have done to someone like that?

What is the most fucked up shit you have ever seen? Semper Fi


Yeah. Nape is some messed up shit. Any weird shit from your time in the CIA?



What do you think of video games such as call of duty?



Oh my god.

I don't understand, he planted weapons to get a weapon tree or what?

To make it look as if they were killing VC as opposed to innocent civilians, I would imagine.

Edit: Hmm, appears to have struck a nerve.

Thanks. English is sometimes difficult..


I'm a little disappointed that a SubReddit that claims there isn't enough proof to suggest 9/11 was carried out by foreign terrorists hasn't already asked this. It's the most important AMA question.

Did he meet any Australian / New Zealand soldiers? What did you think of them? Were their attitudes different to the American Soldier? You are forgiven for what you done....only the truly bad do not feel remorse, the fact that you do, shows you're a fine human being. Thanks for talking about this with us

Is there any famous historical/political leader your grandfather met or became pals with from working in the CIA?

no no...not at all. but they would probably be interested in some fiction writer who can lie without leaving huge irrational gaps in his story...


The key word in Conspiracy Theory is "theory."

We always need lots of evidence.

Be prepared to provide proof, and for guys in suits and sunglasses at the door.

What did he think of the idea that we should use "the bomb" on Vietnam instead of giving up?

Was he ever involved with "shady" transports? Like heroin and shit. Cause I saw a movie once Air America? and was wondering if it's real.

Does he have any idea why the CIA seems to be known primarily for morally questionable practices? And what was the most messed up thing he saw or did in the CIA?


Did he know Napoleon Valeriano or Edward Landsdale?


Unrelated. Did the ends justify the means

Who killed Ho Chi Min?

Did you do a lot of acid and get invited or does the CIA only want brain dead zombies?



you do realize that you too know too much, right

Are you serious........

Lets pretend OP isn't bullshitting you, would you really think the CIA would let someone with this kind of sensitive information leave in the first place? Would they not make sure no one knew he EVER worked for the CIA to begin with?

i agree



Would he be able to describe the central differences between working special operations for the Marines and working CIA? Besides the obvious difference in levels of secrecy... I'm fairly ignorant about the inner workings of the CIA, and some basic overview would be great. Also want to piggyback on the CIA autonomy question.... should he get drunk enough to answer lol.

Only if its Morgan Freeman.

Was there any time he ever stumbled across something above his pay grade, which was taken from him?

How can you prove that he worked for the CIA? Proof of identity is useful for any AMA..

Let me just say that if you have some documentation that your grandad is legit I would be super happy to read an AMA.

This would be great but we need a pic of grand dad and uniform or medals with face blurred out.

Did he ever hear of George H. W. Bush working for the CIA PRIOR to him serving as director?

Can you please ask him to blow our minds?


Anddddd there goes the credibility

Can you post said documents?

Thanks for doing this. Who does he say our government is ultimately run by? What kind of people are they?


Is there anyone controlling the corporations? How many Nazi's does he think are here and influential?


I'm sure that's true, but they don't approach one guy. They approach maybe 10, and narrow it down as the date gets closer.

If there's one thing he would spill before death, what would it be? No pressure here. If he could just tell us one event even only in name, that would be alright.


What the actual fuck. There's something even bigger? Alright scratch that. Possibly what sort of field he thinks I might find clues for such things? (I don't think its still possible to do those kind of thing in space yet so I imagine it must be somewhere on ground this time)


Ah alright. Good to know and thanks

well thats not very good to know :/

What are his thoughts on the US involvement in Africa?

Anything about ancient sites like the pyramids and who built them, and anything at all about extraterrestrial life.

Also I love the way we're essentially interrogating your ex-CIA grandpa, using the tried and true truth serum: whiskey.

Duh, yup.

He will be called a shill/actor by those who disagree. Fair warning.

Knowing what he knows now, where does that make him identify politically? Left/right/libertarian/anarchist/socialist?

Does he believe the CIA is a worthwhile organization or that it causes more damage than it fixes?


I personally feel in our era whether a republican or democrat is in office, they're both working for big business and private interests and breaking shit a long the way.

What are his feelings about that?


Truth if I have ever heard it.


neeeed proof

Would you mind asking your grandfather if he heard of MKULTRA or anything that has to do with mind control ?


does he remember how they tried to convince the VC to adopt the attitude, like was it psycological or something else ?


another question, what's the most relevant thing he learned when it comes to modern times and the CIA ?


how do they have the resources to moniter everyone ? and do you mean like EVERYTHING including digital and phsyical things ?

That is simple. Algorithms, patterns, and a whole lot of CPU power. If google can do it, so can our tax dollars...


So that means that privacy is just a illusion and that we can never really have any secrets ?

PS thanks for answering these questions


does he know specifically how they monitor the physical things that somebody does ? are we talking like "eyes in the sky" or something far more advanced ?

i'm calling bullshit here

In a subreddit that was built for poking holes in things, I cannot believe that BS like this is allowed to go on for this long and that so many people are taking this seriously.

Specific on what?

that no one has privacy

9/11 ?

Does the pope shits in the woods?

What does he think about this whole mess with Anonymous and the American justice system?

How old we he when he enlisted in the army during WWll?

How many occasions would he go into neighboring countries on ops while in Vietnam? Was it a usual thing?


Would he mind going into details? Such as what the purpose of the ops were?


So no "Apocalypse Now" kind of stuff? Haha.

Where do I send the bottle of Scotch? ;)

Why are you guys making denver the cambridge of the west?

Why has America not taken responsibility for poisoning Vietnam with agent orange? Other examples include depleted uranium ammo in Iraq. We say we did it but we are also saying, "we did so what? Fu!"

How can a country that symbolizes freedom from oppression not man up and make right out of wrong?

CIA and drug trafficking, Air america..

Golden triangle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Triangle_(Southeast_Asia)

CIA financed operations in golden triangle with distribution of heroin in U.S.

What does he know about it ?

Also, he was probably part of SOF established by Kennedy

The Special Forces were formed in 1952, initially under the U.S. Army Psychological Warfare Division headed by then Brigadier General Robert A. McClure


Also, phoenix program

The interrogation centers and PRUs were developed by the CIA's Saigon station chief Peer DeSilva. DeSilva was a proponent of a military strategy known as "counter terror" which held that terrorism was a legitimate tool to use in unconventional warfare, and that it should be applied strategically to "enemy civilians" in order to reduce civilian support for the Viet Cong.


It was first project to use torture as "tactic".

And, say Hi :)

Q: Would r.Conspiracy be interested in an AMA from a former US Marine who served in WW2, Korea, Vietnam(Pre-US invasion) and worked inthe CIA for more than two decades?

A: Does a fat baby fart?

I would, because I already know a guy like that, he another eye could square some things away.

Yes, a million times yes!!

No means yes

How is payment handled? As in, is it a salary based/rank structure type thing, or is it like private contractor/bonus. Also, tell him (and you) thanks for the AMA.

The CIA pays on the GS system like any other civilian, federal government employee.

I would think all of reddit would be interested in this one..

Has he ever heard anything via the CIA (or even via any of his own personal experience) with regard to extraterrestrial contact, visitation, or any other information on that subject/in that field?

Thanks for asking. :)

read through nearly all the comments. very interesting ama. this stuff is interesting to me since my grandpa started talking to me about working in the white house when jfk was pres. idk what he did exactly, he said he was in the army but his job sounded like entry level secret service. the most i got out of him though was that he knows where all the secret presidential hideouts and secret bases are. kinda irrelevant but he was good friends with jfks photographer (or white house photographer. cant remember what exactly) and he got copies of tons of jfk pictures that ue says are probably worth a fortune. also has a portrait of jfk and his family signed by jfk. used to look at the pic as a kid and wonder who they were.


Sorry, I'll leave.


What's his favorite color?

That's what I thought at first, then I read a post describing his 'service' in the Marines as honorable during Vietnam....then I knew it was full of shit.

Are you serious........

Lets pretend OP isn't bullshitting you, would you really think the CIA would let someone with this kind of sensitive information leave in the first place? Would they not make sure no one knew he EVER worked for the CIA to begin with?

This kind of just killed it. :/

does he know specifically how they monitor the physical things that somebody does ? are we talking like "eyes in the sky" or something far more advanced ?

He's just exercising his fiction writing skills, or lack thereof.

He poured himself a shot of Jack for you and him. And downed both of them. Semper Fi.

Ugh, douche-chills.

Yeah I ain't buying any of it.