"This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem and a tyranny problem disguised as a security problem." - Joe Rogan

2541  2013-01-28 by strangecat

True dat Joe.


Powerful Joe Rogan.

♫♫♫ Go Go Power Rogan! (Dern ner ner ner ner)

Go Go Power Rogaaaan!

You Mighty Morphin Power Rogaaaannn! ♫♫♫

I don't know what's going on, but I like it, powerful.




This is so full of win!

I feel your pain

Roganzord, POWER UP!


If I upvote you, is that like the reddit equivalent of a cold shower?

What are we doing lol


So brave.

And a laziness problem disguised as an unemployment problem.

Except there aren't enough jobs out there to keep employed all those who want to work.

Most of the jobs are in Asia, shipped there by corporations with the support of the government, both republican and democrat. Because, you know, profit over people.

And an unemployment problem disguised as a laziness problem

Would have been more appropriate, no?

both are correct, sadly.

No, they aren't. Both are very different, and one is very wrong. The lazy ones are the ones who think the vast majority of unemployed are so by choice.

Both are different, but both are correct. I have 1 friend who is literally jobless by choice and collecting unemployment for no reason other than he doesnt want to work and wants a hand out.

Thats lazy.

On the other hand I have friends working their asses off everyday trying to find a job, but cant.

Thats unemployed.

Big difference, you are correct. But neither is an incorrect statement.

That's anecdotal evidence, and it's useless. Yes, lazy people exist. We don't know if they exist in statistically significant numbers, or whether there are more of them than should be expected. Those are also two equally valid responses to the same larger problem.

We can actually define those people, so despite the fact he is using an anecdote, you can generally state it as common knowledge. How, you ask? Look at the increase in disability claims, from 7.2 million to 8.5 million in less than two years. The increase is four times greater than any other period of time.

What is the relationship between disability claims and... what we're talking about?

Read above?

Mena mena.

The economy created just 80,000 jobs in June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. But that same month, 85,000 workers left the workforce entirely to enroll in the Social Security Disability Insurance program, according to the Social Security Administration.

The disability ranks have outpaced job growth throughout President Obama's recovery. While the economy has created 2.6 million jobs since June 2009, fully 3.1 million workers signed up for disability benefits.

In other words, the number of new disability enrollees has climbed 19% faster than the number of jobs created during the sluggish recovery. (Even after accounting for people who left the disability program because they died or aged into retirement, disability ranks have climbed more than 1.1 million in the past three years.)

And the disability ranks will continue to swell. In just the last month, almost 275,000 put in applications for disability benefits. Experts say that more people try to get on disability when jobs are scarce, and changes to eligibility rules enacted back in 1984 have made it far easier to qualify.

Oh, gosh, I hadn't considered that.

That's why my friends call me Captain Obvious.

What would you equate the sudden increase in disability claims? Purely job market? Or did the lax change in requirements provide an opportunity for those less equipped for the rigueurs of hard work?

What was the lax change in requirements?

I think what he is saying in the form of a questions is, how do claims on disability relate to claims for unemployment? The only relation I see is that unemployed people don't have jobs, and that people claiming disability sometimes don't have jobs.

That doesn't necessarily mean lazy, in fact they took the initiative to take advantage of the state due to a poor job market.

Anecdotal evidence isn't made useless by the fact that you don't have an anecdote of your own. I have firsthand experience with someone who was mooching the system, I've seen it. Now, I personally am still in favor of the system because I don't want to see people who really really need help going without.

No, it's useless because it's statistically insignificant. You're providing absolutely no information I didn't already have. I know the system isn't 100% efficient and not every person is motivated and capable. I disagree with your black and white analysis of the "lazy" people's motivations. Being unmotivated is a completely rational result of a system that doesn't reward hard work proportionately. I do not believe the people who choose not to participate fully in what is clearly a dysfunctional system are "lazy."

never the less, both statements are true.

They can't both be true, because they both use the word "disguise," implying that in each respective statement, one of the "problems" is only a disguise, while the other one is the genuine problem.

He paid for unemployment so I figure he has the right to waste it. He is just fucking himself. That unemployment runs out.

He didn't pay for unemployment, the employer pays for unemployment. I don't think there is anything in the breakdown of my check that says "unemployment insurance" because I don't pay a damn thing, my employer does. You can claim that's part of my compensation I guess but I think that's missing the point. Beyond that, the extended unemployment benefits that came from federal money after the recent recession was not from a fund that was paid into. The federal government supplemented people's unemployment insurance for an extra 18 months iirc? That came straight out of our tax dollars. Now I'm not saying that it was a bad program as there were people out there who were definitely hurting. I also know people first hand who used that extension to take an extended holiday.

How old is your one friend? How much of an education does he have? How much alcohol does he drink? How much weed does he smoke? I think it's safe to assume he's a young (less than 35?) and uneducated, even if he doesn't drink or smoke, though that's not a requirement. Hardly a cross section of American society. We call this a sampling bias and it's a sadly common mistake

No, one statement is still wrong.

Technically your lazy friend is not unemployed and does not count towards unemployment.

Econ 101 will teach you that "unemployed" people are those who are able and willing to work but can not find a job.

Your lazy friend is not part of the work force (not looking for work) therefore is only lazy. Not unemployed.

No. This is public belief, it's not true. There are lots of jobs out there. Look around and see all that needs to be done. There is no paid work available. See the difference? Jobs for stuff that doesn't need doing, no work for things that do. Why? Because what is in the interest of those paying for labor and that of the people differs.

Give me a job growing Marijuana with a 401k and benefits and I will be an excellent worker for 40 years.

What? Move to WA or CO or OR and grow that shit yourself, selling to dispensaries for around $3k-$7k per WEEK. no joke.

I live in WA. If you're making 3k-7k a week then you are growing more medicine than you are legally allowed to grow. You also can't pay taxes on it. It's also not legal to grow commercially yet.

I want to be legit.

If you track down a legal growing gig, you better let me know! I'm in!

I already found one me thinks hehe. Won't be able to work till next year though.

What do you mean? My Faberge eggs are not going to dust themselves.

There's options. We can get you clean. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTSrrhabozQ

Exactly. Ensuring job security should be everyone's primary goal. It may sound harsh, or dismissive, but if you are out of work, you need to get creative and resourceful. Might mean going back to school, or taking a job you don't want, temporarily. It's either that, or give up.

Drove me crazy. I used to be a part of this forum and I got in an argument with a guy who was saying the rash of unemployment was just freeloaders, looking for a handout.

He just couldn't grasp that if there were 100 jobs and 150 people that 50 people would be unemployed, no matter how hard they looked for jobs.

McDonalds announced they were adding 50,000 jobs.

They received over a million applications.

Exactly. The people want to work, there aren't the jobs for it. The jobs that are out there (electricians, plumbers, welders), people can't afford to train for.

I live in Detroit, and it is disgusting how many jobs there are here. People dont want to work, and with free cell phones , food , housing and healthcare, who would want to?

Wait, how is all that stuff free? Do I need to move to Detroit?

Only if you want to get shot over your government given cell phone, food, and housing.

I checked out Sutton because of your title. Reminds me of the Daywatch books spoilerahead. Both sides (good&evil) have merely fabricated the concepts of good and evil while polarizing their soldiers to create the illusion of conflict

There are so many jobs available in the 7.25-9.00/hr range available, that just about anyone with a high school diploma and a relatively clear criminal background could have a job within 2 weeks of when they seriously start looking.

The problem is that there have been an unprecedented number of skilled and white collar-type layoffs through our recent depression, and most of the people consider themselves "too good" to take up a job for half of their previous pay. They'd rather file for unemployment then bankruptcy and lose their house before having to tell their friends that they are a produce clerk at Kroger to make ends meet until another career type job comes along.

I'd call it a laziness and pride problem disguised as an unemployment problem.

This talking point doesn't mesh with the reality of 1,000,000 applications for McDonald's 50,000 job listings.

This is what is referred to as under-employment. And taking that produce clerk job comes with a large cost, too. For example, I can earn ~80% of my previous wage on an unemployment claim, while remaining free enough from obligations during the day to continue to work.

If I take the kroger job, then I'm earning 50% of my previous wage, don't have the opportunity to regain the missing portion of unemployment wage from unemployment (because I'm now employed), and also need to wait for a job to 'come along' rather than being free enough with my time to go out and look for that job.

It's not laziness, it's a labor market/labor force mismatch.

Saying it doesn't make it true.

The problem is that there have been an unprecedented number of skilled and white collar-type layoffs through our recent depression, and most of the people consider themselves "too good" to take up a job for half of their previous pay.

When I was able to hire on an associate at my company, I put the word out and we put out a public bulletin. 750 people applied that were all qualified within a week.

This is a small scale IT department, imagine now talking about in a large city, applying for a national chain.

Yep, your experience illustrates my point very well. The vast majority of those people who applied for your job opening were probably completely unemployed, even though most of them could have found a lower wage job to work until they were employed again in their career field-- that is, they were unemployed by choice. While some probably were working temp jobs, I bet most of them preferred to not work and hang their hopes on 750:1 odds while complaining about the "evil banks stealing their home" instead of swallowing their pride and getting a job "beneath them" until they were hired elsewhere.

Being able to find a minimum wage job is irrelevant. Depending on your previous wage, unemployment can pay far greater than a minimum wage job. Who in their right mind is going to take less money to work and miss out on a huge block of time that could be spent on finding new employment of a higher caliber?

Beyond that, underemployment is also a problem, and not a problem of the lazy. If you have student loans because you got a degree a minimum wage job is not going to pay for them, you need to find an adequate level of employment.

Hi. retired, so not looking for a job.

There have been times in my past when I had a contract end and I could not find a appropriate job, and I'm a jack-of-all-trades; Computers, Electronics, graphics, communications & etc. when those times came along if it was at all possible I would try to self-employ myself, because once you take a job an unskilled person could do, it lowers your future employability. I've got a family so I've had to take the minimum wage route once and I can assure you that coming back from it was very difficult.

So I see it as a valid problem; once you hit the "losing all your possessions and your kids are hungry" point you can't wait any longer, but waiting until just before that point so that you can try and make use of your skill set to make as much in a phreaking day as you would in a month of unskilled labor makes sense.

That's honestly terrifying.

This is an example of why you should get a useful education, people.

Yes all the college graduates are swimming in jobs.

To be fair he did say "useful." Art History Majors don't help much. And I love art history.

He should have added "and get good grades" and "also intern in your field during the summer instead of just wasting time."

My cousin is a computer engineer and is working small part-time jobs having nothing to do with his degree.

So True. I have 14 years of telecom experience all over the world. Work in real estate.

That doesn't guarantee a job that equals your academic skills or learned profession. I know many people that have university degrees that work in bars and nightclubs and feel sick they have an £18,000 debt and have nothing to show from it. The fact is, the economy in large parts has been destroyed by banks and financial instruments and those people are above and beyond the law. An entire generation of people have been lost and the employment figured are always understated from official sources.

LOL. Cute.

In my country what you DON'T need is a degree, you need to have been a high school drop-out and trained as a pipe-fitter or boilermaker. Then you can really be a valuable productive member of the resource economy, and one of the elites.

Ever heard of systemic unemployment?

Read the Daily Mail, its a Tory mouthpiece doing exposés on benefit cheats whipping up people in to a frenzy while absolutely massive financial fraud and tax evasion is still ongoing with calls to arms by the government and very little meaningful action. Sure they have closed a few loop holes but the real big fish slip through the net.

It's the time old fashion of divide and conquer while appeasing the public waving carrots on a stick. One of the most disgusting things in the UK at the moment is Atos. Atos is a private company that won a multi million pound contract to assess disabled people to see whether they can work or not. The problem is that since it has been paid by the government, certain criteria has been set and certain numbers have been give so less people can claim benefit and less people appear in the employment statistics.


This women DIED of cancer after she was deemed fit to work by Atos. If that was my family member I would go fucking ape shit and I'd want revenge for that absolutely and would probably get my self into a lot of trouble. There is many more instances of real people who really can't work and cannot survive without that money.


They are forcing people on deaths door to work their last time on this earth to work a shitty job so the government statistics look better in the employment statistics quarter. This is utterly depraved and truly sickening and a prime example of how truly psychopathic our leaders are showing no remorse or empathy. The people that decide these things deserve the firing squad.

Why would I EVER read the daily mail?

Haha, exactly!

A lot of folks also don't grasp that sending jobs overseas is beneficial for the economy in the long run. Most people seem to think that corporations find cheaper labor overseas, and then just pocket the extra cash that they save.

What actually happens is that money saved is used to grow the business. Business growth creates new, local jobs - and they're usually higher paid jobs that are created. The bottom % of the unskilled labor force is hurt, but higher-paying, higher-skill jobs are created as a result.

Anyone who is willing to work and is serious about it will certainly find a job. Only you must not go to the man who tells you this, for he has no job to offer and doesn't know anyone who knows of a vacancy. This is exactly the reason why he gives you such generous advice, out of brotherly love, and to demonstrate how little he knows the world. - B. Traven

What we really have is an education problem disguised as an unemployment problem disguised as a laziness problem

How about the fact that they keep raising the retirement age and baby boomers refuse to stop working so there is a massive logjam in the "get a decent job and work your way up" philosophy

Yea it's more like a corporate control problem disguised as a unemployment problem disguised as a laziness problem.


"Lemme buy this machine so I can fire 3 humans. Do you make robots? No? Then we do not need you in the manufacturing sector any longer . . . but my shoe, I've noticed, is a tad dirty. What? Shine my own damn shoe? But don't you want to work? What do you mean we can SHARE resources when the robots are doing everything for us? My dear sir, the robots are doing everything for ME. You'll be lucky if I do not develop a penchant for torturing useless chaff like you."

It's not even profit. It's absurdly huge compensations for the top end. If execs were willing to cut their pay as much as they're willing to cut everyone else's pay, there may some kind of balance but that's not the way it goes. I'm paid less today for the same job I did 5 years ago. What's worse is the job is more specialized and complicated today than 5 years ago and I have less job security! Fucking absurd. (btw, I kick ass at the job now better than then...my skills have improved but my pay diminished :( )

No, a lack of sufficient currency in circulation disguised as an unemployment problem.

We have infrastructure all over the place that needs work, and tons of people that can't find work, but we can't put two and two together because our banking and monetary system is based on debt-to-banks-as-money and they've decided that they like things as they are so they're not loaning out enough money - not that more debt is really a good thing...

it pisses me off when people say lazy. let me do whatever i want. what business is it of anyone else's? but you, get back to work! slave

So we are shipping food service, custodial, and construction jobs over to China now? TIL.

If you really look at the numbers you will see far more workers than jobs, especially if you include unskilled labor.

Yeah, good luck trying to support a consumer based economy with a population working for those wages.

In case you haven't noticed, those jobs are taken by the illegals because they will work for peanuts. "They terk our jerbs"

And yet they appear to be able to sustain themselves on their meager budget. Perhaps the perpetually jobless feel entitled to a bigger piece of the pie?

Communal living is a wonderful thing. American's are still adjusting to the fact that their kids aren't moving out of their parent's house anymore.

Its called "cash under the table". Idiot.

actually, every participant in modern economics is capable of producing jobs, and finding jobs; sacrifices must be made; choosing not to sacrifice may, to some people, better be understood as "laziness". The claim that there are "not enough jobs" may better be defended by saying that the general barriers to such activities are too high a sacrifice for some people; whether it be family, or moral values that discourage you from say, moving to a new location for a job.

your entire model of viewing "jobs" as some tangible quantity that can be exchanged between countries does not work; economics does not operate like this at all. The phenomenon you're describing would be more accurately modeled as a function of varying degrees of economic participation; or laziness, because joe rogan is cool like that.

Economics is a science which, in its current incarnation, exists merely to justify the raping of the weak by the strong.

actually, you're COMPLETELY WRONG. Economics exists out of necessity; we live in a world of scarcity and thus we must toil for resources. you think it's about rape? what the fuck

Except it ain't so, Joe. The way the current economic system is constructed, all people could be provided for at a decent level with a minimum of work. But those with the power don't want it to be that way.

Science has liberated us from work (relatively speaking... of course there will always be work), but it has not liberated us from those who rule and control us. I'm sorry man but it is you who are living in a fantasy, but it is the fantasy that is drilled into your head from birth, so I can't blame you really.

ok, and if we all "live at the minimum" then life would be shitty; the capitalistic market would not have discovered the vaccines and cures that its discovered; society would be shitty; everything would suck.. sorry, but we need competition; and when theres only 10 bananas on the tree but 11 people who are hungry then all of a sudden your ideal model falls to shit;

Im living in a fantasy? You say there are invisible monsters controlling my life; sounds like you're scared of ghosts; nobody has ever told me what to do, for one second of my existence, without my consent; nobody "controls me"; perhaps you meant to say INFLUENCE? ah, but influence is quite a bit less extreme, and when somebody says economics is rape, im sure they would also say influence is control; you sir, are a sensationalist; and a liar, and somebody who doesn't know the meaning of certain words...


looked at your posts.. justa a trolololol

actually, a troll's purpose is to distract and confuse; I have stayed on topic and brought up relevant points; relevant points that you are unable or unwilling to address and thus you use the primest logical fallacy of them all; attack the character instead of the argument. Go ahead and live the rest of your life scared to death of the invisible spaghetti monster thats trying to eat you; little do you know that YOU are that spaghetti monster; the same greed that drives economic progress is the same greed you feel, as a human being, we all experience these emotions; but to exclude them from yourself, to act as if the problem is "out there, with other people" is wrong, the problems you fear so much are moreso a product of your own internal dialogue with yourself, not so much based on facts or evidence or real-world observations. Economic's purpose is not to rape; the governments purpose is not to rape; yet you preach these things with fearful undertones.

and for future reference; I dont troll; I rage; usually triggered by disgracefully stupid comments that people make online; like your whole BS rant on economics is meant to rape us; like wtf, you dont understand economics, or anything else probably

nope you troll brah, I doubt u understand anything either, since all you can do is try to provoke rather than discuss.

leave, life hates you

keep holding hands at your full-moon drum circles, hippifag; I'll be waiting to see how your proposal "let's just figure out the bare minimum to survive then give people that, instead of giving them opportunities for growth in a capitalistic system"; yeah, let's see how that civilization would pan out; my guess would be aids from all the gay butt sex and the lack of funded aids research.

call me whatever you want, you're just another loud blind idiot and those whose opinions I would value would see that just as clearly as I do. You're ideas are bad, your ideas would not work, your ideas about how the world operates are wrong, your ideas for future civilization are disgusting, and once again in a conversation where relevant information is being provided on ONE SIDE, you continue to provide nothing but attacks on the character of a dissenting voice, because you have not the ability to defend your ideas, because they are weak, like you.

Life hates me? "life" is not a living thing and does not experience emotion; life is an abstract, intangible CONCEPT, not an actual thing; but an idiot like you would say meaningless shit like that; because you dont think about the words that come out of your mouth, because if you did you would stop speaking like such a loud blind idiot.

My hatred for you will, at a later point, justify my mercilessness in our capitalistic system; I'll make sure to turn on the sprinklers during the next one of your faggot drum circles; just because of you and the poor-quality ideas you represent; childscum.




Economically, moving jobs overseas actually benefits the US economy in the long run - cheaper labor allows for business growth in the US - business growth in the US creates more jobs. Higher paying, higher skilled jobs.

It hurts the unskilled labor force in the short term, but it boosts overall economic growth in the long term. it's a common misconception because most people cannot see past the short term job losses.


Insanely deep article on this subject. Give it a shot. (There's two parts).

When I read this, I can't decide whether I think it's interestingly insightful or just more 'kids today' whargarbl.

If you think it's "kids today" nonsense, you haven't read it.

i glanced at that article and it looks like someone just finished their writing 122 class :D

there aren't enough jobs

There are plenty of jobs out there no will take because they don't involve sitting on your ass and clicking a mouse.


Your example for jobs that are going unfilled require the person wanting the job to invest $6k of their own money before they can get hired. No fucking wonder why they're having a tough time getting filled.

As xmod2 pointed out, "McDonalds announced they were adding 50,000 jobs. They received over 1 million applications."

require the person wantingthe job to invest $6k of their own money

That's a hell of a lot less than most college students pay for some worthless polisci degree.

Nah it's directly in point. People routinely borrow tens of thousands of dollars to finance non-STEM degrees at crappy schools, then they "occupy wall street" when they fail to obtain white collar jobs.

If anything, the "oh but it costs $6k" canard is the red herring here.

6K may as well be a million for someone that doesn't have it. Truck Driver training school doesn't qualify for assistance in a lot of places.

6K may as well be a million for someone that doesn't have it

So get loans.

Dude. If I could go back. I'd take back all the money and blood sweat and tears earning my 'valuable' advanced and practical science degree and trade it all for the skills and experience of a high school dropout pipe-fitter/boilermaker.

That's what my country wants, but not what it sells.

You assume that everyone has 6K, which is false. So get off your ass and broaden your understanding of the circumstances of other people.


Subsidized and unsubsidized loans are federal student loans for eligible students to help cover the cost of higher education at a four-year college or university, community college, or trade, career, or technical school.

All the jobs are for robots. Don't you see, they replaced our promised 'golden age of leisure' with wage slavery.

Umm... millions of people cross the border and get jobs here... obviously the jobs are there

the lack of jobs problem can be described as an entitlement epidemic whereby everyone feels they are owed a 6 figure managerial salary. Beggars can't be choosers, there are plenty of jobs, they may not classify as careers, but there are jobs. Also, they may not be 10 minutes from where you live, move to survive...

You're wrong. Americans are more productive than ever, more educated than ever, smarter than ever, and poorer than ever. Young people simply want middle class jobs and participation in the American economy. That's not entitlement, that's the core of the American Dream. It's very un-American to denigrate your fellow citizens as such, and it shows your profound anti-American values.

The problem is that there is increasing automation and competition from overseas markets. The wealth and opportunities available to previous generations no longer exist to the same degree for younger Americans. I.e. no longer is it possible to graduate with a GED, work only 40 hours a week, and receive 50K plus benefits with job security.

Thank you.

yes i'm anti american because i have issue with a system that keeps people addicted to welfare and social services... i have an issue with the fact that we are giving certain demographics an incentive to stay on welfare and stay a slave of the system. yes that's so anti american of me... and i stated above "there are plenty of jobs, they may not classify as careers, but there are jobs. Also, they may not be 10 minutes from where you live, move to survive..." you proved my point, how bout get a shitty job while you're holding out for a good one? I know its not easy especially when a lot of people conceivably make more on welfare then they can on a minimum wage job.

We share concern with the economy. The difference is that you are blaming the values and the work ethic of Americans, while I am looking at the social system, and identifying automation and outsourcing of our occupations to third-world slave camps. Our elites created an economy where there are no jobs, where the American Dream is gone.

In contrast to you, I believe in the resilience and virtue of the American people, who have built this country, and who continue to fight for their survival. In contrast to you, I believe the American Dream should not be downsized to working day-by-day in shitty McJobs. I think Americans deserve better than work in poverty wages with no chance of career advancement, despite, as I pointed out, the fact that Americans are more productive and more educated than ever in history. I believe Americans deserve the American Dream our forebears sought and fought and died for.

If you find it acceptable that the majority of Americans work in a "shitty job" that makes less than people do on welfare, then I know of many third world, banana republics where you would fit right in. They would welcome your lowered expectations for your countrymen and women.

Btw, you're anti-American because you are hostile to the American people and to the principles of the American Dream. That's textbook definition anti-Americanism.


Nice, champ. When you have nothing substantive to write, go ad hominem.


Sounds like you're still angry we sent you away to live with your toothless whore auntie. We tired of hearing you fapping to gonewild every night.

How are you supposed to pick up your family and move when your broke? You think you can do that shit for free?

Stop whining and work harder, and pay your taxes ;)

The jobs problem seems to be on the coasts. I wish I could find the article (I'll see if I can dig it up somewhere, I used it for a class) but here in the midwest, companies are having job fairs and shit. Our unemployment is low, here.

People tend to forget about this big landmass between New York and Los Angeles, which Ned Flanders lovingly refers to as "America".

And you're right, the job market here in Ohio is and has been pretty soft. There are trade offs, of course. Sloppy miserable winters, toothless redneck types, less tolerance for personal lifestyles than on the coast, etc...but if you know where to be, it's as cosmopolitan and progressive as any coastal state (except California...you guys are from another planet ;)_)

I have a few comments:

  • Our usernames work well together as far as musical taste.

People tend to forget about this big landmass between New York and Los Angeles, which Ned Flanders lovingly refers to as "America".

This made me chuckle. Thank you.

  • Yeah, the winter sucks in S. Dak as well, but I'm willing to put up with it. In SD, there's a pretty good libertarian mindset, for the most part. There's still the fact that the hardcore Christians ramroded the Abortion Ban bill through, which will get struck down anyways. I'd like it to be more tolerant, but in all honesty, the average age of a large portion of the state is quite old. Once they die, the tolerance level will skyrocket. It's a morbid way to think about it, but it's true.

I don't find anything morbid about reality. A generation (or five) had to die before we could abolish slavery; the day will come when the next generation will be waiting for us to die, too.

I tolerate conservatism as a safeguard against changing too fast. While change must occur in order to advance as a people, easing those resistant to it into the new paradigms is the best way. Otherwise, you have uprisings, radical sects, etc...

Most of my more progressive friends have no patience for this, and they hate to hear it. They want everything right now. But the old and intolerant are people, too. They helped build our country, and they need more time to come around (or, as previously mentioned, die.)

On a side note, yes, we do seem to have a similar musical taste. I wish Maynard would get up off his ass and get back to tool/apc. This Puscifer project was fun, and a great divergence, but I want my symphony back.

I never really gave it that much thought, but that's a pretty good way to put it.

On a side note, yes, we do seem to have a similar musical taste. I wish Maynard would get up off his ass and get back to tool/apc. This Puscifer project was fun, and a great divergence, but I want my symphony back.

Yes. This. It's pretty cliche, but Schism and Forty Six and Two are still my favorite two songs from them.

On the RATM side, I was a pretty big fan of One Day as a Lion's album. It seemed that Zach was right in his groove in every song.

Cost of living for low wage work makes that really tough. I make decent money, live alone, and still don't have much because all my money goes to debt I incurred in college so I could get a good paying job......

That is an extremely succinct way to put the current situation. I didnt think Joe Rogan was that smart but I was just proved wrong.

I used to really have no respect for the guy, he just seemed like the John Madden of MMA. I've been slowly realizing how wrong I was over the last 6 months or so. I really doubt he'll ever read this, as I'm unsure if he has an account on* Reddit at all, but if he does, Joe I sincerely apologize for judging you.

Edit for typo.

I was in the same boat! I thought he was just some asshole comedian! But he is truly intelligent.

Yep. It sucks that his rep lies (almost) solely in his time spent with Fear Factor / UFC. The guy is incredibly intelligent in many, many realms of study. Politics, religion, consciousness-expansion, physics, metaphysics, etc.

He may not know as MUCH as some people do in those fields, but he brings a very refreshing change of perspective, and its utterly foolish to disregard his opinions and ideas because of Fear Factor.

EDIT: To be honest, that was the smartest move of his career. He got paid to urge a bunch of morons into eating reindeer testicles. He just took advantage of the system, man!

He also said in an interview that he didn't love that job.

Yeah, I'd lose my faith in humanity pretty fast too, if I witnessed that for year after year after year. However, when I was 12? THAT SHIT WAS SO BADASS

Word, that show was the shit. Hilarious too.

He also said that he was stoned almost the entire time. I think he said starting around the start of the second season, until he stopped doing the job. He commented on how the lollipops he used to eat during the show, weren't just your average candy.

Haha, you'd have to be stoned to deal with people chugging maggots. What does that prove about conquering fear? Just means I would never want to make out with a former Fear Factor contestant because I know what they've had in their mouth and no amount of mouthwash is going to stop me from mentally picturing that.

yeah man, I highly recommend you check out his recent interview w/ N. D. Tyson from his online talkshow, if you haven't already. Sorry, no link - I totally forget what it's called.

Ask and you shall receive

ah, thank you my good man.

No problem.

I recommend everything that he does!!

Honestly though, listening to his UFC commentary he is very knowledgeable about that too.


You spelled "life" wrong.

in my experience, that's bullshit, and we're the best skeptics on this whole site.

the people that come in here with that "you all have confirmation bias" bullshit are the ones who seem gullible. especially when we're supposed to believe we're just validating whatever beliefs we already had, after we started believing something when figuring it out it was the only theory that made any damn sense.

i know how my mind works, i believe some of these "conspiracy theories", and i don't have any damn confirmation bias. sick of hearing that.

I agree with that to a point - I try to be open to anything said, and if someone makes a good point and calls me out on something, I'll admit it. But the thing is, /r/conspiracy has topics that are heated to begin with. When someone comes in and just says, "That's bullshit you don't know what you're talking about, blah blah." it'll cause bad blood. You know what I mean? Maybe I'm completely off, I don't know.

but those 2 things aren't mutually exclusive...

All of you sound so naive and judgmental


Also YouTube Joe Rogan for his podcast excerpts. Intelligent, deep, funny motherfucker, joe

I blame Doug Stanhope.

Stanhope is even MORE of a legend, as far as comedy he's the closest thing we have to Bill Hicks or a George Carlin anymore, or a Hunter S. Thompson for that matter. Stanhope is also Joe's favorite comedian besides Joey Diaz. I think Doug has had a HUGE influence on Joe's standup and his overall thought process, that's why they get along so well. This is worth the read. http://blog.joerogan.net/archives/782

I agree with you and Thanks for the read!

Yeah, for some reason I don't think the guy with a bit about a woman having vaginas all over her body and fucking a two headed girl is of the same caliber as George Carlin or motherfucking Hunter S. Thompson. Don't get me wrong, Stanhope is cool, but those motherfuckers are some next level shit.

Carlin and Thompson both would say some things for pure reaction tho, like Doug, and i wouldn't be surprised if Carlin or Thompson talked about how we SHOULD be looking into mutations because "maybe that's where we get the answer"-Doug...My point is that all 4 of these men are/were extremely anti-establishment and there are very few of those people left that are actively fucking with the system and yelling at theaterfulls of ppl, making them think outside their comfortzone, and making sense while doing it (AND GETTING LAUGHS!!!). What Stanhope represents is definitely similar to that of HST considering his political stances and his VERY gonzo approach to writing, read his website archives, it's all Doug, (SERIOUSLY READ HIS ARCHIVES...if you like HST you can appreciate this guy! http://www.dougstanhope.com/journal/2012/9/12/presidents-apocalypse-and-death.html) I wouldn't say he "IS GREATER THAN" Carlin or HST, maybe a more degenerate version, but they're in the same brilliant and brutally honest ballpark.

Same here. I used to think he was just the meat head from Fear Factor. You can imagine my reaction when I found his podcast and various Youtube videos. He's awesome.

And he's actually a purple belt in BJJ, so he really does know what he's talking about. I don't know if you know how BJJ belts work, but purple belt, that is a fuck ton of hard work. At the school I used to go to they called the purples, Jedi Knights. :p

Edit: Guess he's a 2nd degree black belt. Damn. My B, Joe

I was not aware. Interesting.

He's a smart dude and one of few celebs with a clue and a voice. You should check out his podcast (iTunes) or his new youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/PowerfulJRE and join us in http://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan

I also thought he was just the Fear Factor / UFC guy until a few months ago. He's also an extremely funny comedian and overall good logical dude. I haven't been able to stop listening to his shit since. He's live streaming tonight with a free solo climber (ustream.tv/joerogan for the live stream whenever they start).


Rss feed

Joe Rogan is extremely smart, witty, and entertaining. Plus he'll bust your ass - dude just got his second black belt in BJJ.

His podcast with Neil DeGrasse Tyson was great. Tyson debunked all the moon landing shit and then they had an amazing and profound conversation on space exploration and stuff.

When you say Tyson debunked all the moon landing stuff, does that mean Rogan believed it was a hoax before hand, or just that he debunked it on the show for all to hear?

Rogan seems to have doubts about it, at least it's what transpired in the interview. He shows Tyson some (he thinks) strange videos, and things like the no stars on the sky, waving flag, astronauts falling strangely, etc, the usual crap. I don't know if Rogan believes it or not, only that he really was forcing the issue with Tyson.

Thanks for the reply. I'll give it a watch tonight. I really like Rogan, but I really hope he doesn't/didn't believe the moon landing was a hoax. Especially if he uses such easily explained 'errors' as you pointed out.

His stand ups are ludicrous, but he says some intelligent shit.

Maybe it's just because I know and appreciate his humor from the podcast, but I thought his last standup special was gold!

I actually did enjoy the stand up he has on Netflix. The one where he opens up about how the earth is an organism and people are bacteria. He had some really funny stuff in that. What was the stand up you are referring too?

It's called Joe Rogan: Live from the Tabernacle. It came out this last December. He did a Louis CK style release where he just put it online for 5 bucks. It's and hour long and well worth the pocket change. Also you can download or stream it like 6-7 times, so if you want to watch it at a friends house, or if something happened to your original, you get a couple backups. As for the content, I would sum it up at thought provoking comedy. It's close to Bill Hicks but a little toned down on the serious side. He still has a lot of silly shit thrown in, but it all melds good.

5$ for 6 streams? that's bad ass! I love how CK sells his stuff. Very cool, thanks for the info!

Much better than David Icke that claims to do his talks to 'get the information out there to the masses', then charges £29 for a stream of his show!

"Joe Rogan Podcast! Check it out!"


His latest podcast with Aubrey Marcus is a great first watch.

he's just a fuckin goofball space cadet, however, he is pretty smart and I love his podcast and general view on things. He just is a little too involved in the psychedelic community. Thinks it's a cure for everything. I can't say I know anything either way but that, and when he starts rambling about MMA I tune out, not that i don't like the sport, but I can only hear him compare EVERY fighter to Ovareem and Silva so many times before I get tired of it.

Check out his podcasts. The Joe Rogan Experience. He's no dummy.

This subreddit has a naked conjecture problem disguised as an external conspiracy problem.

The above poster has a cognitive dissonance problem disguised as a self consistent world-view problem.

I have a chronic flatulence problem disguised as a squeaky chair problem

Aww, look at the trolls playing together. How nice.

I'm not that far from having to live under a bridge. You might be more accurate than you think

Aren't we all..


By night, all day




No Susquehanna

fuckin' momos

edit: what the fuck is a momo?

But Joe, what about the pharmaceutical industry money grab problem disguised as a mental health problem?

That's part of the mental health problem, not a different shade of it. It's a bunch of shitbags trying to make a buck off what could hardly even be classified as alternative medicine in most cases.

The problem is that some of Big Pharma's med DO work. I'm not saying they get them the right way or distribute them the right way, I'm just saying I work with people who seriously need meds. Some don't, and some it is nearly impossible to tell. I don't condone any business practices here, just stating that sometimes pills are the answer.

Twitter text limit= 140 characters. This was the lead-in. Check out his podcast for the rest!

Link please?




Thank you!

It's actually both. drug companies have to keep making new stuff to keep patents and income flow so they can fund actual research that does help everyone. So for every good drug that actually works we get 10 that stop your leg from moving when you are sitting there(side effects include: massive lung, dissociative liver complexes and inverted penis.) On the flip side we a large portion of mentally ill people who rather then seek help will self medicate or straight up ignore the problem . They also, a lot of the time, lack resources to spend on the help they might need so a cheap pill that promises to fix it seems like a better alternative then going broke trying to afford proper care.

Don't ever let your family doctor prescribe you anti depressants, ask for a referral to a psychologist or even just a therapist. You wouldn't go to a oncologist for a tooth ache, so why go to a GP when you have a mental issue.

Also, its not just big pharma trying to rape you dry. look at the dumb ass homeopathic doctors running around charging way to much to fix your junk with their snake oil or crush mint leaf. Capitalism is the real bitch here.

It's actually both.

Rethinking it now, agreed, and that's what makes it such an effective scam...

Exploit the sick and make the healthy think they are sick as well. They are ass holes that also made aids not a death sentence anymore. Its like a nazi who created world peace by taking over the world, it's all kinds of fucked up.

Lmao! Don't get him started on that shit. He drops bombs on big pharm with regularity!

I think that Big Pharma's new slogan should be "Medicine: trading symptoms since 1921!!"

Joe Rogan 2016!

Osama Bin Laden is the boogie man. Marijuana is a gateway drug. and white people like wayne brady because he makes bryant gumbel look like Malcom X.


Nice try, CIA.

Then why did the FBI never list him as "Wanted" for the 9/11 attacks?


Your point being? If you were already #1 on the Wanted list, and were then suspected in the deaths of 3K other people, you don't think your status would warrant updating?

hahaha lolcaust

Joe Rogan for president

The mental health problem is the one Reagan created when he closed all the federal mental health hospitals, releasing the patients, and overnight creating the homeless problem. (Yes, today's homeless are mostly the former mental patients.)

By Reagan you mean government.

You seem to think Reagan had nothing to do with it. You probably think Obama has nothing to do with the Affordable Care Act, too.

No, I think that presidents have nothing to do with it. Think of it like a ballclub. You got your players, the congress and house and politicians and what not, the manager which is the potus, the general managers such as the banks and companies with the money, and then you got your owners, the religions. The only thing that comes before country is God. Ever wonder why it's always God & country, and not the other way around?

My mind replaced "Reagan" with "Rogan" for the first few seconds I was reading this, and it caused me a great amount of confusion.

I haven't heard of this one. Could you enlighten me?

Were they actually federal hospitals? I thought they were mostly federally-subsidised state hospitals.

That's probably what it was. All I'm sure of is federal funds, which he cut, effectively closing the hospitals.

Reagan was all about dat privatization, for better or for worse.

What is a 'dat' and how does one privatize it?

Hear hear

Joe Rogan was my surprise source of inspiration in 2012.

Well said, we are living under a dictatorship of debt as are almost all western countries now. Central banks control the debt and therefore control everything.

Personal debt or government debt?

Government debt is personal debt.

Both. The very essence of the banking system. To make us all slaves to debt. Those who control the debt, control everything.


I've really got to start listening to his podcasts.

Start at /r/joerogan. We're happy to help target according to your interests.

cheese and rice all these "check out his podcast" comments sounds like advertising

They are all shills for BigPod.

The problem with this statement is that, while there are certainly major problems with mental health treatment and treatment availability in this country, it's just another scapegoat. The percentage of people with mental health problems who go on killing sprees is comparable to the percentage of people who listen to heavy metal and go on killing sprees, or who play Call of Duty and go on killing sprees. Mental health care has enough negative stereotypes and mainstream disapproval that causes many people to forego treatment that will help them without this being heaped on top.

Um no. 100% of people who go on killing sprees have mental health problems. You wouldn't go on a killing spree if you weren't fucked in the head.

That's not the point I was making. Most people with mental health problems don't hurt anyone. Most white men don't hurt anyone. Most drug addicts don't hurt anyone. None of these groups should be vilified because of the actions of a very small minority.

I'm not saying that people who go on killing sprees don't have mental problems. I'm saying that so many more people have mental problems than go on killing sprees that it's unjust to treat the two as if they are equal, as has been going on of late.

You seem to be making the opposite mistake most people do with the correlation/causation problem. You're treating this like there's only a correlation between the two when in fact, mental health problems are causing the killing sprees. The simple fact is that if we handle the mental health problems better, less people would die. I think the point I this post was to also state it would reduce more deaths than any assault rifle ban.

Thats what media says but a lot of these "loners" who kill are normally had ppl use them as scape goats so that image for anyone depressed to hsve ppl think he might kill someone

Exactly man

Very intelligent comment

I think you're misunderstanding. He's not attacking mental health care, but rather saying that there is not enough support behind it and that the media just jumps right to gun control because that brings more ratings. If the media would focus on how hard it is to get mental health care and if the government would support that more, rather than focus on throwing the blame on objects, things might really improve.

Joe Rogan UFC announcer by night, philosopher by later at night.

and comedian somewhere in between

Let's all be very careful with the mental health meme. I'm pretty sure what joe rogan means is that the country is not mentally healthy and that our goals and ideals and ambitions are off. But the way "mental health" is being pushed in the media right now, the goal is on more restriction and more prescriptions. There's a lot of potential for abuse here. I think rogan needs to find another term to make his point.

I also want to point out, since this is an /r/conspiracy thread, that Rogan's interview with Neil Degrasse Tyson was really hard to listen to. Tyson's argument (like every pop-scientist) is that there is no such thing as a conspiracy because nobody can keep their mouth shut. That is the most unscientific load of bs I've ever heard. Rogan really shouldve called him on it instead of just pushing moonlanding videos.

It's not that there is 'no such thing as a conspiracy,' it's that conspiracies are incredibly more difficult to pull off than most conspiracy theorists think they are. The more people that are involved, the less likely it is to be true.

Which is why the biggest conspiracies are "Open Conspiracies" such as the UN. just saying. Read HG Wells's "The Open Conspiracy", he sums it up pretty damn well.

but that's not true at all. There are thousands of examples of conspiracies which have been broken, many by confluence of luck.

This country has a mental health prescription drug problem disguised as a gun problem.

They have disguised a mental health problem as a gun problem, and they have disguised a tyranny problem as a security problem.

Small change, but significant one.

They who?

global steering groups.

Joe Rogan tells it like it is! He dont give a fuck what people think

It's not a mental health problem. It's the DRUGS these kids are being prescribed

Power is the only truth for those who hide their machinations behind the auspices of the state.

And no this has not changed in the last 30 years.

What had changed is that the internet allows people to ignore the fascist media/gatekeepers and talk about it.

Both parties are bought by the same bunch of criminals.

And when I point this out in this toilet I get mass down voted.

Nothing happens in politics that the facsisti don't want.

Bush solution = put the banksters in his cabinet and bail them out.

Obama solution = put more banksters in his cabinet and give them more.

Bushs oil policy = subsidies are great

Obamas oil policy = subsidies are great

Bush spying on the populace = fuck warrants

Obamas spying on the populace = fuck warrants

Bushs department of fatherland security = start it

Obamas department of fatherland security = expand it

Bushs internet = 3rd world internet is fine

obamas internet =bandwidth caps are even better

bushs wars = start them

obama wars = privatize and expand them

bushs prisons = privatize them so that the police state cannot be dismantled.

obamas prisons = build more

bushs education fuck education

obama education = fuck education

bushs social security = almost no cost of living increases,and cut where possible

obama social security = one small increase during selection year, and cut where possible(500 billion due to obamacare)

obamas health care policy = romneys health care policy

But but but.... gay marriage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flag burning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The president was born in CANADA!!!!!!

See the forest through the trees.

There is no difference between the parties.

Status quo maintained.

Mission accomplished.

I agree with you. Obama has been continuing bush's presidency. He's just more hip so everybody thinks he's doing good.

Joe Rogan is awesome.

....and a spending problem disguised as a debt problem....

....and a spending problem disguised as a tax revenue problem....


Davey's post holds true on the micro, individual level, yours on the political level. Too much debt in both cases.

So well put

He is kind of a cross between Stern and Alex Jones, entertaining if you are in the mood for it. I never liked his stand up and Fear Factor was retarded but News Radio was an amazing show so +1 for joe.

More of a cross between Opie & Anthony and Alex Jones. As far as I can tell, all Stern does during the 2-3 days per week that he works is talk to strippers (which is incredibly boring) or talk about about Americas Got Talent (which is also incredibly boring. Rogan is good friends with Opie & Anthony and has said many times that their show was the inspiration for his podcast, because it is laid back and feels more like a few friends hanging out than it does a radio show.

He's starting to remind me of George Carlin.

This is probably the first time I have ever agreed with Joe Rogan, but he really hit the nail on the head here.

you should look into his editorial content, such as his 3x/week podcast. he's had Neil D. Tyson on recently.

I think Redban ghost wrote this.

Occasionally something is worth describing as epic.

The quote is epic.

Yeah, because it's not possible to have both a mental health problem and a gun problem... It simply has to be one or the other. (That's sarcasm btw.)

Been trying to figure out a way to say this. He nailed it. Bravo Joe!


Do elaborate.


Megalomania and Tyranny are definitely not the same thing. Megalomania in a world leader can definitely lead to tyranny, but I fail to see how Tyranny IS Megalomania.

the internet has a reddit problem

It is as important now as ever that the American people stay firm, stay calm and hold onto their guns and their rights in the name of self defence against a tyrannical corporation which has taken over and almost destroyed their beautiful country.


I love the way he can sum up what usually takes me pages, in two sentences.

EDIT: grammar

actualy tyranny is a form of deppression, and thus a mental health problem


Totally right.

I didn't always like Joe but I have grown to have an immense amount of respect for the guy. I completely agree with that statement and it echoes my own sentiment I have been saying for a while now. Smart man.

I'd love to blaze with the dude.

Joe Rogan was involved in a really badass anti-war video. Basically someone took one of the monologues from his radio show and edited it over video. He talks very openly about some real cerebral shit. It's great.


While Joe has a point regarding ill mental health, also pertinent is the fact that many shootings occur for other reasons, such as protecting drug turf, personal revenge, or even political or religious motivations.

all I want to know is being disguised as a tranny with a gun who works security with a mental health problem a problem? full body cavity search anyone?

He should really investigate the facts regarding the NWO and that Jews are behind it. Jews are the problem, and there's only one solution.

jews are a human sheild, a trick, go get the "jews" en'masse while the real 2500 or so criminals who pull the strings go scott free, and yes, some of the 2500 are jews, and yes many of the "jews" en mass knowingly or unknowingly support the evil ones, and yes, they are assholes


"They are simply teachers and businessmen and merchants and lawyers and doctors, earning a living more or less like everyone else -- but not quite.

You must back off a bit in order to see the forest rather than just the trees. The essential thing about the forest is that it is destroying our world. It is a parasitic forest"

this statement is contradictory.

people should be judged on their actions and merit, as individuals, no group or race is an individual

jews are a human sheild, a trick, go get the "jews" en'masse while the real 2500 or so criminals who pull the strings go scott free, and yes, some of the 2500 are jews.

Ima have to agree with this, if there is a nwo plan this blame the Jews stuff is to keep the people in control safe.

Anyone have a link to a video of him talking about dmt and hyperbaric chambers? I saw it a long time ago. No clue where it was.

If you haven't already, check out Joe rogan podcast. He always has quality information and quality guest. He's one of the good guys IMO.

what episode is this from?

its from his twitter account.

Not that I don't know how to search twitter, but you should really start citing quotes you make. It's just the right thing to do and helps mitigate, even if just a little, Internet idiocy.

You guys sure love Joe...

Crazy loves crazy. MOON LANDING!

Oh, Brian! :(

Rogan, while meat-head-ish, can be a really articulate guy when he chooses to be and a lot of the time is open minded enough to aee through all the bullshit and talk to the reality of a situation.

Powerful Joe Rogan.

Adding to the lazy vs. unemployed debate, I think numerous people believe they are above certain types of jobs. I for example have a college degree, and am now just starting to look for "corporate" jobs that not too long ago were a guarantee to recent college grads. I could work at McDonalds tomorrow if I wanted to, but I feel overqualified to do so.

I think the biggest change for the Generations Y'ers is to realize many Blue Collar jobs are no longer needed or that several jobs from 10-20 years ago can be done by one person. Having a business degree nowadays wont do you too much good, you must have a concrete skill such as programming, engineering or something else along with you business knowledge.



The U.S.A. has a mental health problem. That is all.

Problem is, those mentally ill folks are killin' kids with guns, not hatchets.

And I don't see anyone with AR-15's or 'ranch rifles' standing up about the tyranny problem - 'cept to call Obama Hitler even though the die was cast years before he became President.

maybe just maybe rogans a shill this is a bait post and no one gives a fuck about puppeticians who work for central bankers....this place has a Rogan problem, pff just watch him interview Maynard, he's supposed to interview Maynard and all he does is yap,...yap,yap,yap, give a monkey a couple of jujitsu lessons and he'll swear to God he's the center of the universe

He does talk too much I agree.

I listen for the guests. Rogan is a statist, who just parrots the ideas and philosophies of other people. It is amusing to hear him argue with people who are actually pioneering and actively participating in their philosophies; the Kokesh interview, for example.

Completely ignoring the Israeli connection to 9/11, while advocating "Time Wave Zero"... Okay, Joe.

Also, Redban is an annoying, incompetent fuck.

What a fucking brilliant way of putting it. Now who is ready to live by eating trash and rats to survive the crash we need to rebuild the infrastructure needed for a new world?

Is that the threat? Dead man switch?

I don't get it, does this mean he's against gun control?
Does this mean he agrees with people that think their guns are the only barrier between Obama becoming Hitler and that's why gun control shouldn't be harsher?
Or am I reading this wrong?

What date is this from though? I feel like saying this at this point with nothing else is pretty strange for Rogan.

I like Joe Rogan but he really needs to pick what he says a little more carefully.

He has paved the way (on more than enough occasions) for me to call him some conspiritard doper.


Seriously? Come on man get with the conscience collective here and move past that crude and demeaning monicker. A doper is someone associated with hard drug use like Heroin, Crystal Meth, Crack Cocaine, etc. What Joe and many new people everyday are discovering are consciousness expanding substances, all of them natural and long forgotten gateways to recognizing our spiritual connection to all and everything. I'm not referring to cannabis here either, I am talking about psilocybin mushrooms and DMT. And it's my personal opinion that you shouldn't open your mouth with an opinion on something if you have zero experience with it. Just sayin.

Joe is spot-on...gun-hoarding/mongering ought to recognized as a form of mental illness...

It's only a bunch of Christians forcing their ideals on others. I'm pretty sure that's only tyranny in Britain.


Christians are the source of everything wrong in the world!

Source: Reddit

Still on the fence on Rogan. Sometimes he says stuff I'm like "wow, okay, wasn't exactly expecting that from you, but go on..." and then other times he comes off as a total shill (like how hard he rode the "2012" gravy train).

I also find it hard to hate on anyone who used to be on a show with Phil Hartman, Dave Foley and Stephen Root. Then I just think about his podcast, and his interviews with people like Giorgio Tsoukalos, and it all becomes a wash. Rogan is the definition of "polarizing" (I feel like I'm being slightly nice saying that, too).

Are you saying you can't handle a human being having complex nuances and a personality that doesn't take to pigeon-holing?

No... I think I'm saying exactly what I said about him. Still on the fence. At the end of the day, he's a CELEBRITY. Whatever good he's bringing to the cause (whatever the cause is), is tainted by the fact that he's profiting off of it.

I don't know him personally, nor do I know everything about him. Is that him for real in his podcast, or another "personality"? Like I said, I don't know. Thus: I'm on the fence (still) on Joe Rogan.

The only thing I know for sure: NewsRadio was pretty hilarious (but he had very little to do with the hilarity).

god forbid a guy makes a living

He does better than that. I'm not denying that someone shouldn't be allowed to make a living, but he profits off the suffering of others. He gets paid to talk about how bullshit other people are (I shouldn't have to list all the causes he takes up, most people here seem to know a lot about him). Just saying.

Words cannot describe how ass backwards your logic is, here is the ways he makes money im aware of...

Podcast, it is free, you can skip through the commercials if you want since they are all in the beginning.

He founded Onnit.com, a site selling products for a healthy lifestyle. Nutritious foods, supplements, work out equipment, etc.

He's a comedian, this occupation is inherently gives people joy. His last comedy special is 5$ for gods sake.

He's a UFC commentator, again bringing joy to those who enjoy MMA.

Please explain the part where he "profits off the suffering of others".

If you can't find the conflict of interest between participating and furthering the culture of UFC and the subject matters he covers on his podcast, then that's cool for you. I cannot. Granted, you can skip the commercials, but he still get's paid for them. Thus my statement about him profiting off the skin of others. People work for free, and tirelessly, to try and do something to help benefit the world, often times in the subjects he covers. He just talks about stuff on a podcast, and gets paid from advertisers.

As far as being a comedian, granted this is my opinion, but he's pretty terrible. His biggest claim to fame is calling out people for stealing material from other comedians. Okay, that's cool and a respectable move. But he ruins it by using it as a platform to promote himself, and his career. Don't get me wrong, watching him tear down Carlos Mencia was pretty great, but he did it in such a negative fashion, he's only a few hairs more reputable.

Again, all this being said, I'm still on the fence on him. I can see the positivity he might bring for others, so of course I take that into consideration. I've seen his videos and what not on YT, and yeah, there's a lot of good stuff there. But to give him a full blown pass, like how some of the people I've seen here have given him, is just reflective of selective reasoning.

We ARE talking about the guy that takes Tsoukalos seriously, after all.

you're either ignorant or a troll, either way i don't have time to educate you. please research a little before you voice your opinion

Oddly enough, I kinda felt the same way about you. Funny how things work out.

If you've got a mental health problem, then why do you insist on having guns so readily available?

Maybe because when you have a crazy lunatic living next door, the wrong thing to do is disarm your self.

Surely you must see how flawed that logic is.


Hmm, I have a good job and a wife and a husband, so I don't feel powerless and certainly not sexually weak, yet I love guns, must be a weird one then.


Why aren't gun owners that aren't nuts speaking up about all the nuts.

We do, constantly, check out /r/guns or /r/ccw etc. Responsible owners constantly try to educate and speak out against those who are acting like morons. As for the nuts, it depends on your definition of a nut, is a guy who owns a whole cache a nut, or is he a collector? Is a guy who carries all day every day a nut?

Do you ever think about the fact that Amendments have been repealed?

Constantly, when civil rights are eroded I am enraged at the people sitting around waiting for the next moronic episode of american idol while america itself becomes less and less of a country.

Do you really want a civil war?

No, I have fought and killed before, it is not something I wish to ever have to repeat.

Gun nuts are ready to take up arms against their neighbors. Does that sound reasonable?

Reasonable, no, but unfortunately it is the current state due to the fact that the neighbors want to take away the guys because they are afraid of them.

My neighbors would be ready to fight me if I said I was afraid of their wifi and started making laws to force them to give up their wireless devices.

One more edit: Wouldn't you rather have some say in the solutions than have to take what non-gun owners want to give you.

That's why I vote. It is also why I try to talk to my neighbors and get to know them. To instruct them, to take them to ranges and let them shoot etc.


Really, you actually invoked "wont somebody think of the children".

You realize at this point you have lost your argument right?

Many people are not responsible enough to shoot, let alone own guns.

And that is why no responsible gun owner has an issue with mandatory courses etc. But simply banning all of the scary looking guns is BS and simply hinders those of us who are law abiding and have experience and training.


I had to look up La Pierre to see who that was, so no, I am not a supporter by any means, didn't know who the guy was 30 seconds ago. But like all things I will research him and see if I am a fan or not.

So you can't face the fact that people are thinking about the children.

Oh I can get behind protecting children, but come on, this is the old nugget that is pulled out every single time someone wants to push an agenda and cannot actually provide any real reason why.

The US murders children overseas almost daily, yet I am not seeing a push to stop that from happening, I guess because they are brown they don't matter. Cries and their abrupt stop sound the same is all languages.

Like most gun nuts you are putting words in my mouth.

What exactly makes me a gun nut? Now you are starting in with the ad hominem attacks. I have neither insulted nor attacked you, I simply disagree with you, but clearly in your world this is not allowed, so you insult me in order to feel better.
And where did I put words in your mouth?

Are you going to threaten me now?

Of course not, I can have a reasonable debate without resorting to violence. Just because I disagree with you does not mean I wish to hurt you, that's silly.

Oh yeah, Ted Nugent, makes sense.


And I will say I had one of the first Armalite AR15s made.

Very nice, keep that thing clean and happy, it is a beautiful weapon that may become illegal here soon. I hope not so that you can continue to enjoy it.

when you were a gleam in your father's eye or not even.

Appeal to age, you are older than me so you must be wiser because there is no way I could ever have served, shot, killed, been shot and damned near killed and yet still think that guns are perfectly fine when held by those with critical thinking skills.

Chicago, 505 dead in 2012

And yet, gun free area. Seems to me that the legal ownership of weapons are not the problem, but rather those who do not care what the laws are. Do you honestly think that putting more laws in place is going to stop the local gang banger from killing people with his/her illegally obtained firearm? All it will do is make the tally for the number of laws broken slightly higher on the chance that this person is actually caught.


What part of, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" do you not get?

How about we stop knee jerk reaction to singular incidents and stop punishing legal owners for the acts of those who were in the majority of cases not legally able to own.

If I drive my truck through the buss stop tomorrow killing 21 kids and 15 adults will you be fine with the new laws which restrict the ownership of vehicles, but only big scary vehicles, especially if they are black in color or have flames on them, cause those with flames are so much more dangerous.

You are wanting everyone to jump through a bunch of BS hoops that do absolutely nothing to stop those who once again, do not follow the law, and as such care little for your happy little scenario there.


I'm offering you full automatic ownership and you're pissing in my face and putting words in my mouth.

In what way, I have quoted you directly and rebutted your statements, I have yet to put words in your mouth, but I am beginning to think you are unable to have a reasonable discussion.

What is it about you guys?

What guys? Which of your preconceived crowds are you lumping me in with?

You need a license to drive the truck into the bus stop.

No I don't, I need to be able to reach the wheel and pedals, and maybe a bit of an idea of how it works and what pedal does what, but I am not magically stopped form piloting the vehicle by not having a state issued license.

Why not a license to own a gun?

Many guns do require a license, if you want to use the car analogy then fine, anyone can shoot a gun once they pass a basic test, and they can own the gun well before they pass the test, they just cannot shoot it. Then all they have to do is pay the fee each 4 years and they are good to go with no more training needed.

Unfortunately it's the same tired lines from the same tired source.

What source? I am using no source to rebut you, just common sense and a logical train of thought.

And I am outta here.

Somehow I doubt that, but OK.

Charlotte Bacon, 6, Olivia Engel, 6 Dylan Hockley, 6

I had to Google those names. Apparently without the ability to argue your statements you are once again falling for a logical fallacy, in this case the appeal to emotion.

But if you are going to do that, why not list all of them. I say they are all deserving of recognition, not just 3 of them

The underage victims of the shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school.

Charlotte Bacon, 6 2/22/06
Daniel Barden, 7 9/25/05
Rachel Davino, 29 07/17/83
Olivia Engel, 6 7/18/06
Josephine Gay, 7 12/11/05
Ana M. Marquez-Greene, 6 4/4/06
Dylan Hockley, 6 3/8/06
Dawn Hochsprung, 47 6/28/65
Madeleine F. Hsu, 6 7/10/06
Catherine V. Hubbard, 6 6/8/06
Chase Kowalski, 7 10/31/05
Jesse Lewis, 6 6/30/06
James Mattioli, 6 3/22/06
Grace McDonnell, 7 11/4/05
Anne Marie Murphy, 52 7/25/60
Emilie Parker, 6 5/12/06
Jack Pinto, 6 5/6/06
Noah Pozner, 6 11/20/06
Caroline Previdi, 6 9/7/06
Jessica Rekos, 6 5/10/06
Avielle Richman, 6 10/17/06
Lauren Rousseau, 30 6/82
Mary Sherlach, 56 02/11/56
Victoria Soto, 27 11/04/85
Benjamin Wheeler, 6 9/12/06
Allison N. Wyatt, 6 7/03/06

This is a horrible tragedy, but it was one committed by a man with mental issues who illegally used weapons, no amount of laws would have stopped him from stealing the weapons and killing people. So why should those who did not commit these murders have to lose their rights?

Why is their lives more important than the lives of my family or my self? Why are children's lives more deserving than the life of an adult, we are all humans, we all have the same value of life.

Next time try arguing with facts rather than rhetoric and emotional appeals.


You are a troll who cannot make a coherent and well thought out argument. And I fell for you, that is my fault.

You are also a liar as you clearly stated you were out of here.

Finally, I know that I should not argue with idiots, but I guess I just keep hoping that I will be the spark that ignites the fire which causes you to want to learn rather than react.

Wow, seriously? You're just going to flat out accuse him of not being able to pass a background check because you disagree with his point of view? You should be ashamed of yourself, sir. Bad form.

Even the total amount of gun crime murders in the US is a low number compared to the total population. Now consider the mass shootings. They are isolated incidents but none the less still horrible.

There has been 62 mass shooting since 1982-2012.


Nothing this man ever says impresses me. In fact he always just seems less intelligent with every word and who ever said he was intelligent to begin with?

It's not that I hate the man, I pity him and anyone that listens to anything he says without thinking carefully about how stupid it really sounds. Stoners say shit like this all the time we don't parade them around like they're fucking geniuses. Why Joe Rogan?

Joe Rogans popularity: perhaps the greatest mystery of them all.

Also, we didn't land on the moon.

Question authority, but don't be an idiot.

Sorry, my intentions didn't come through clearly. Obviously I know we went to the moon. Rogan thinks we didn't.

Isn't it interesting how there is always some semblance of WTF is everyone who is vocal about being a skeptic? Think Alex Jones. Just a thought.

That's not necessarily what he believes, he's a skeptic...and with good reason.

He believes we've been on the moon, but the initial footage shown was tampered with, and possibly shot in studio.

Then he's updated his beliefs since I last heard him talk about it. It was a few years ago, on a podcast arguing with Phil Plait. Rogan was an embarrassment.

No, he doesn't. He used to be skeptical but upon further conversations with learned individuals he has reevaluated that position. He spoke extensively about it with Neil DeGrasse Tyson recently.

I didn't know that. I have to give him props for changing his mind. But he loses points for ever believing the nonsense in the first place.

Well, in all fairness, it's only nonsense if you're technically adept enough in the particular subject (astrophysics and photography/filmography). Layman it seems completely plausible that it would have been faked in spite of how silly such a notion really is.

Great video, thanks.

It also has a gun problem that is actually a gun problem.




And an unemployment problem disguised as a laziness problem

Would have been more appropriate, no?

Joe Rogan is a fucking idiot. Let's take advice from the man who thinks the moon landing is a hoax. Oh wait I'm in r/Conspiracy I forgot, your all fucking idiots.

Oh wait I'm in r/Conspiracy I forgot, your all fucking idiots.

I forgot, your all fucking idiots.

your all fucking idiots.



Wise words, especially from a man who believes the pyramids were built by aliens :-)

He entertains the possibility that they might have been built by a civilization that existed before the Egyptians. Not aliens. See his and Duncan Trussell's interview with Graham Hancock.

Exactly! People who keep their mind open to other possibilities than the ones we are presented with are often look at negatively, when in fact it is the only reasonable way to observe the world. For more on the subject, check out Klaus Dona's documentary: The Hidden History of The Human Race

"All I know is that I know nothing" - Socrates

I've seen that, but I actually meant Joe Rogan Experience #232 with Giorgio Tsoukalos, where he is agreeing about alien visitations and partaking in stone construction in ancient times.

I was partly joking though, it's just Joes style throughout the podcast series he doesn't call any of his guests' bullshit, and tends to agree to at least some degree with all of them.

Good man in any case, just a wee bit gullible.

Good man in any case, just a wee bit gullible.

You're a piece of shit.

What's with the hostility? He did say he believes all that alien stuff on his podcast. Surely that makes him a bit gullible.

And how does that make me a pos?

Your posts speak for themselves.

Well you're not going to invite a guy who clearly believes something on your podcast and then "call him out on his bullshit", I.e. completely dismiss his main idea...


A little late here, and this is with reference to junkmale's comment, but I think there's a huge difference there because Joe readily admits he's not a historian, as he talks to a historian. So by conceding and asking good questions instead of stroking his own ego he provides an environment where alternative ideas can be expressed freely. If he talked over people with barely any info and espoused his own ideas before others... he'd be just another Piers Morgan.

It's a long way to go to say we shouldn't "trust" someone because they present themselves as not as informed when they interview scientists and researchers. That's ridiculous.

Tell that to Jaime Kilstein. Joe tore him a new one. But seriously, you're correct. I like the fact that Joe lets the guest get their point out and then later on brings on another guest to contradict or provide another viewpoint.

It's also in his stand up here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aiyo2K7DvfA05m00s

Go to the 5 minute mark. I tried to paste the precise-timestamped URL but it's not letting me.

Yeah, that's a part of a theory that he talked about during his standup.

Yeah, I was super high when I thought this up"

Go to the around the 5:00 mark, although I'd recommend listening to the whole thing for some context. It's satire.

you are such an authority on wise words. doing the Lord's work. they don't pay you nearly enough.

I wish I got paid for this.

People are so defensive though, I just repeated what he said on his podcast #232. I'm a fan of Rogans, I'm just saying he seems a bit gullible.

Don't LIE. If you expect people to believe that you go out of your way to argue with conspiracy theorists that they are wrong as a hobby, while using typical tried and tested shill techniques.. nah, you're a shill.

go post in r/republicanlove or r/nazipride I think you'll get a better reception.

You can look at my user activity, and it's quite clear that after a long while of other activities I found r/conspiracy. That should be evidence enough.

You and other r/conpiracy users who see shills everywhere instead of debating evidence are a clear indication that dogma is more important to you than finding truth. The exact thing you claim to fight against is actually at the core of your world view.

your arguments for the official conspiracy theory of sept. 11 say the opposite. my world view is based on limited perspective naturally. this is why I entertain discussion and argument, while you shills only parrot the official story, seemingly without question.

my apologies if you are merely indoctrinated and suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. I hope you get well soon.


No sane person is going to shoot up a theater, or a school...or run for office.

Randomly shooting people is definitely a sign of mental illness. Randomly is the key word here.

How are you supposed to pick up your family and move when your broke? You think you can do that shit for free?

You're wrong. Americans are more productive than ever, more educated than ever, smarter than ever, and poorer than ever. Young people simply want middle class jobs and participation in the American economy. That's not entitlement, that's the core of the American Dream. It's very un-American to denigrate your fellow citizens as such, and it shows your profound anti-American values.

The problem is that there is increasing automation and competition from overseas markets. The wealth and opportunities available to previous generations no longer exist to the same degree for younger Americans. I.e. no longer is it possible to graduate with a GED, work only 40 hours a week, and receive 50K plus benefits with job security.

The jobs problem seems to be on the coasts. I wish I could find the article (I'll see if I can dig it up somewhere, I used it for a class) but here in the midwest, companies are having job fairs and shit. Our unemployment is low, here.

Cost of living for low wage work makes that really tough. I make decent money, live alone, and still don't have much because all my money goes to debt I incurred in college so I could get a good paying job......

No, they aren't. Both are very different, and one is very wrong. The lazy ones are the ones who think the vast majority of unemployed are so by choice.

require the person wantingthe job to invest $6k of their own money

That's a hell of a lot less than most college students pay for some worthless polisci degree.

Read above?

Mena mena.

The economy created just 80,000 jobs in June, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday. But that same month, 85,000 workers left the workforce entirely to enroll in the Social Security Disability Insurance program, according to the Social Security Administration.

The disability ranks have outpaced job growth throughout President Obama's recovery. While the economy has created 2.6 million jobs since June 2009, fully 3.1 million workers signed up for disability benefits.

In other words, the number of new disability enrollees has climbed 19% faster than the number of jobs created during the sluggish recovery. (Even after accounting for people who left the disability program because they died or aged into retirement, disability ranks have climbed more than 1.1 million in the past three years.)

And the disability ranks will continue to swell. In just the last month, almost 275,000 put in applications for disability benefits. Experts say that more people try to get on disability when jobs are scarce, and changes to eligibility rules enacted back in 1984 have made it far easier to qualify.

Why would I EVER read the daily mail?

Stanhope is even MORE of a legend, as far as comedy he's the closest thing we have to Bill Hicks or a George Carlin anymore, or a Hunter S. Thompson for that matter. Stanhope is also Joe's favorite comedian besides Joey Diaz. I think Doug has had a HUGE influence on Joe's standup and his overall thought process, that's why they get along so well. This is worth the read. http://blog.joerogan.net/archives/782

I agree with you and Thanks for the read!

6K may as well be a million for someone that doesn't have it. Truck Driver training school doesn't qualify for assistance in a lot of places.

Dude. If I could go back. I'd take back all the money and blood sweat and tears earning my 'valuable' advanced and practical science degree and trade it all for the skills and experience of a high school dropout pipe-fitter/boilermaker.

That's what my country wants, but not what it sells.

This is so full of win!

You assume that everyone has 6K, which is false. So get off your ass and broaden your understanding of the circumstances of other people.

So True. I have 14 years of telecom experience all over the world. Work in real estate.

He didn't pay for unemployment, the employer pays for unemployment. I don't think there is anything in the breakdown of my check that says "unemployment insurance" because I don't pay a damn thing, my employer does. You can claim that's part of my compensation I guess but I think that's missing the point. Beyond that, the extended unemployment benefits that came from federal money after the recent recession was not from a fund that was paid into. The federal government supplemented people's unemployment insurance for an extra 18 months iirc? That came straight out of our tax dollars. Now I'm not saying that it was a bad program as there were people out there who were definitely hurting. I also know people first hand who used that extension to take an extended holiday.

What part of, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" do you not get?

How about we stop knee jerk reaction to singular incidents and stop punishing legal owners for the acts of those who were in the majority of cases not legally able to own.

If I drive my truck through the buss stop tomorrow killing 21 kids and 15 adults will you be fine with the new laws which restrict the ownership of vehicles, but only big scary vehicles, especially if they are black in color or have flames on them, cause those with flames are so much more dangerous.

You are wanting everyone to jump through a bunch of BS hoops that do absolutely nothing to stop those who once again, do not follow the law, and as such care little for your happy little scenario there.

Yeah, for some reason I don't think the guy with a bit about a woman having vaginas all over her body and fucking a two headed girl is of the same caliber as George Carlin or motherfucking Hunter S. Thompson. Don't get me wrong, Stanhope is cool, but those motherfuckers are some next level shit.

I actually did enjoy the stand up he has on Netflix. The one where he opens up about how the earth is an organism and people are bacteria. He had some really funny stuff in that. What was the stand up you are referring too?

Economics is a science which, in its current incarnation, exists merely to justify the raping of the weak by the strong.

Wow, seriously? You're just going to flat out accuse him of not being able to pass a background check because you disagree with his point of view? You should be ashamed of yourself, sir. Bad form.


looked at your posts.. justa a trolololol

actually, a troll's purpose is to distract and confuse; I have stayed on topic and brought up relevant points; relevant points that you are unable or unwilling to address and thus you use the primest logical fallacy of them all; attack the character instead of the argument. Go ahead and live the rest of your life scared to death of the invisible spaghetti monster thats trying to eat you; little do you know that YOU are that spaghetti monster; the same greed that drives economic progress is the same greed you feel, as a human being, we all experience these emotions; but to exclude them from yourself, to act as if the problem is "out there, with other people" is wrong, the problems you fear so much are moreso a product of your own internal dialogue with yourself, not so much based on facts or evidence or real-world observations. Economic's purpose is not to rape; the governments purpose is not to rape; yet you preach these things with fearful undertones.

and for future reference; I dont troll; I rage; usually triggered by disgracefully stupid comments that people make online; like your whole BS rant on economics is meant to rape us; like wtf, you dont understand economics, or anything else probably