Hunter S. Thompson called it a day after Sept 11.

1159  2013-01-31 by nived321

Hunter S. Thompson, great writer, he foreshadowed our current political situation with the world one day after the world trade center and I will quote.

"The towers are gone now, reduced to bloody rubble, along with all hopes for peace in our time, in the U.S. or any other country. Make no mistake about it: we are at War now- with somebody- and we will stay at war with that strange and mysterious enemy for the rest of our lives."

"It will be a religious war, a sort of christian jihad,fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerrilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy."

"This is going to be an expensive war, and victory is not guaranteed-for anyone, and certainly not for a baffled little creep like George W. Bush. All he knows is that his father started a war a long time ago, and that he, the goofy child- president, has been chosen by fate and the global oil industry to finish it off"

Page 90. "Hey Rube" letter dated September 12, 2001.


Make no mistake about it... this is NOT a religious war - it's about money and power, and religion is the shroud that hides their intent. It's a shroud that will divide the people so we become easier to conquer while the focus is removed from the truth.

I don't think he meant that the powers that be who are the catalysts of the war see it as a religious war, but that the soldiers on the ground and the propaganda used to gain public support for it will involve religious and cultural differences. Think about how often we see how women are mistreated in Islamic culture compared to the way women are treated in our western culture, and how that fact can be used to justify aggression that has absolutely nothing to do with liberating Muslim women.

True, he could have meant that it was the catalyst. He's a much smarter man than I, and probably knew exactly what the root was. I just like to be clear. Too many people blame religion for war, but I don't think religion itself is the motivating factor. People use religion and so-called "religious beliefs" to mask, or justify, their intents (just as you pointed out). It's convenient to blame religion and use religion as justification, but I feel it's dangerous for us to easily be deceived by, and not uncover, the real core of war.

Oddly enough I live down the street from Larry Holmes. No joke.

religion is about money and power too.

Too-fucking shay....

Not to mention that money and power are regions themselves.

I would say that money and power can become a person's religion, but IMO true religion is love - anything that would detract from that may be a "religion" by our technical definition, but would never be true religion. Therefore, to me, "religious war" is an oxymoron. There is no such thing. The root of war would then be something far different, and it would be best for us to seek out and expose that root.

What about a war for our hearts?

I thought we were fighting for hearts and minds?


I take it he knows religion quite well with that comment.

You can't sell war to the masses unless they think there going to heaven if they die on the battlefield.

Not true when you have a drone army and can kill with impunity strangers in far away lands from the comfort of your mom's basement.

Exactly! So do we just let it be called a religious war because the religious fanatics got suckered into it, or do we stop calling it a "religious war" so we can seek out and expose the real intent?

What? That's completely false. There have been plenty of other cultures who don't believe in a heaven who have gone to war with the intention to do so.

like who?

Japan, World War 2.

Their heaven was honor for their families and from the Emperor, just called it something else.

What? How? Their worship of the emperor was the only reason they went to war, and death was their way of paying back a debt to him. That's not from a promise of heaven. It's standing by their emperor in anything he says or does.

If you do not see the allegory of Emperor and God(Jesus for some) and dying for the Emperor... shit it's like Warhammer40k essentially.

They died for their Emperor, so their family had honor, it really is easy to see how it is the same as a christian dieing for his lord and savior, or a Japanese soldier going to war for the emperor.

Dying for your people, land, and even honor is not the same as dying to go to heaven. the Japanese were doing the former which is something any people would do in the face of aggression, even the Taliban and Hamas. it's different from the US sending its troops to liberate oil fields and install friendly regimes, under the same pretext mixed with promises of heaven.

Exactly. By his logic, any reason to die would be the equivalent to heaven.

Yes, for whatever your reason to go to war and willing to die for it, is equivalent to a man who believes in heaven, or a man who wants to defend his country or a man that wants honor for his family. Just my opinion.

Right, but the Christian who believes they're dying for Jesus is doing it solely for the promise of getting into heaven for eternity after they die. The Japanese, on the other hand, do not. They are aware that when they die, regardless of if it's for the emperor or not, they're dead. That's the difference I'm referring to. They aren't promised anything after they die, and that isn't required in order for a country to support going to war.

They are promised honor for their family for dying honorably. Honor to the Japanese then meant the same as heaven for a christian.

Honor for their family isn't why they die for their emperor. Japanese people have an "on," which is a debt that can never be fully repaid to the emperor. Death is a form of repayment. Familial honor is not the reason, nor is it "their heaven." Now please do some research on the topic as I am tired of arguing this with you.

Sorry about the fuck off part. That wasn't cool.

Well, many may believe in Heaven, but it doesn't mean that has to be their motive. Again, people may even SAY it's for religion, but rarely that is the core intent.

  • Rwandan Genocide - motive: "ethnic competition"
  • American Indian Wars - motive: Greed. (religion may have been used at times for justification, but it wasn't the motive)
  • Civil War - motive: Greed, slavery, freedoms, politics

You know... I'm not going to keep going. I'd say there are far less conflicts that are motivated strictly by religion than other factors. I'd say the #1 reigning factor in most conflicts is Money. #2 (especially historically) Endemic Warfare. It would be wise to weed out the rhetoric and focus on the causes.


I have more atheist friends in the military than religious ones. In fact, I don't know a single person in the military who practice any religion. I live next to Camp Lejune, so I know my fair share of Marines.

Muslims, Americans don't generally die on the battlefield. fucking mortars.

Avaition or intel?

Yes! Most soldiers I know are there because of the offer of a job and/or a scholarship and career. Unfortunately, from America's standpoint, it's the poor that end up on the battlefield, and it's not religion that puts them there, it's the want for a job/money.

Money and power, and the fact that we've gotten 5 of the last 7 countries that weren't under a central bank to become under one. Islam doesn't allow interest, that doesn't work out well for our system that demands infinite growth.

Whoa, whoa, whoa... what?!

Iran and North Korea are the last two remaining countries with no ties to a Rothschild owned central bank. Syria used to be on that list, as was Libya. Funny how times change....

That's crazy, I had never heard that. Do you have any kind of source you could refer me to?

I don't quite have anything about a Rothschild owned bank, but I do have this about Gadaffi.

the federal reserve bank.

Syria is still independent. They don't owe anyone any money (IMF) and their bank is state owned. They also ban GMO crops.

It's always been about the money man, despite what Jessie j might have you believe...

I'd love to see your source for that. If true, that's terrifying.

All you have to do is look up their currency.

Money is a Religion...

Actually, money, debt and interest is denounced in Islam as well as other religions.

I don really believe in any organised religion but the hostility against the money makers is quite clear throughout religions.

"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all of them who sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves."

This was the temple of Herod that was being used as a trade hub with essentially bankers swapping currency like what happens today.

In the original Greek, Jesus didn't overthrow the tables of the moneychangers. What it says is that he picked the tables up and threw them out of the Temple. JC was built like a brick shit-house. I always found that fact amusing.


JC was built like a brick shit-house


The New Testament.

Son of a carpenter who likely spent his childhood fetching heavy urns of water, carrying and shaping wood and driving nails. After he left for his ministry he lived in the wilderness with his followers. I bet the dude was pretty buff and could likely take on the average guy pretty easily.

Y'know, if not for that whole non-resistance thing.

Money is the God in the religion that is capitalism

...and power is the God in the religion that is socialism

Do you want to explain that further?
In the capitalistic world we live in money=power.
Think of it as God and the holy ghost. Or Jesus, your choice.
There are no dictators in socialism and money is devided in what I call a more honest way, so please tell me what you mean.

Or, you know, what you said.
I'm not saying you're wrong, I'd just phrase it different.
Please don't hit me.

Disagree. Its as much of a religious war as anything else. We just see it as a one way religious war "its the crazy muslims". The reality of it is we have just as many christian hillbilly fanatics from the bible belt ready to be cannon fodder as the other side does with muslims or whatever

Its manipulation of the religious by the wealthy and powerful. veto_power is right, IMO.

How did Houdini make an elephant disappear in front of an entire audience? Misdirection. Oh look! Its the ____! Theyre coming right for us! They commit crimes! They are ____! Anyone who doesnt see the clear logic in going to war is a traitor!

Race, religion, drugs, our founding fathers, our actual mothers, poverty, criminals, you must fear them to be a part of the Republic. Now join a service and vote otherwise you cant complain.

This was all covered on page four of Animal Farm people.

It's many of the christian hillbilly fanatics that are so easily persuaded to believe and support the deception. It doesn't make it a religious war just because religionists engage in it.

I don't know.. some people treat money as a religion.. ;)

Can you say 700 Club, boys and girls? Sure you can. Say 700 Club! I knew you could.

Religion is all about money and power, so if it's about money and power, then yes, it's about war between religions.

Religion isn't about money or power. It's about believing and a means to justify a set of morals or culture. It eventually can come to money and power but not at the start.

You don't know much about the Roman Catholic Church, do you?

Has a lot of gold, wealth and property? That one?

Yeah. And the Byzantine Church to the East, too, because things got a little 'hot' in Rome and the Roman countryside in the middle of the 5th century and the boys had to get themselves and their church out of town, else be killed. They picked a place in Turkey to flee to which Emperor Constantine later named after himself. Such grand old boys clubs they are.

You don't know much about what I was saying, do you? I was saying the beginning of religions. As far as I know, the church came quite some time after the religion was founded.

The Roman Catholic Church has, as it likes to brag, been there from the beginning.

Have you ever heard of The 700 Club? How about Scientology? How about Mormonism? How about Joel Osteen Christianity? How about Oral Roberts? How about Garner Ted Armstrong? How about any of these? These are all churches which are concerned with wealth for their 'founders'. Have you ever seen those gold statues on top of all the Mormon Temples? Mormons are obligated to give their church 10% of their income. Are you familiar with the way the Roman Catholic Church was able to seize and to hold on to all of Mussolini's money?

Churches are, from day one, ALL ABOUT money. That's the history of it. You may, in your imagination, have a different version than the historical record.

Also, you might wanna read that Joel Osteen article yourself. He didnt appear to be about money. And for you to group them all into one group with one label was quite ignorant because they do not all profess the same ideas nor are they all for money. The 700 Club seems pretty greedy too with their thousands (if not millions) of dollars in donations.

Also, the "10% of harvest" from the Bible was originally intended to be 10% of your harvest, as in crops, to be given to the church to give to the needy. Now it has become about 10% of whatever you make which God didn't intend. It's also a stereotype to think anyone who pays tithes is trying to get God to love them more. Granted, you have those people but it isn't many, many do it because they feel that the church needs money, which it does in this day and time.

Guess I need to be more specific in the future... I guess you still aren't understanding what I am saying. I'm not talking about churches, at all. I understand the Roman Catholic church is and was about money. Give me your definition of a church in the sense you just used it.

Religions with organized institutions behind them which provide special 'spiritual' places where one goes to worship, meditate, offer one's money to god(s) or to just be closer to one's god(s).

And do you think that every single church is for money? I'm going to assume you have never been to a church of any denomination or of any religion.

There are but a few exceptions: mennonites, quakers, and the like.

It is a very good general rule that churches, like kingdoms, like countries, like companies, are very much about power, and money.

Profiteering from the fear of death

You mean faith. Religious institutions arose to get money into the hands of the framers of those institutions.

No, not faith. I literally mean religions, not religious institutions. A religious institution has to have some religion that it was "founded"on.

It's founded on a faith or belief system. Religion is organized by its nature.

And there isn't a thing we can do about it besides acknowledge it anonymously on websites.

Im not much of a conspiracist but I laugh at your use of "anonymously".

You believe things like the government was in on 9/11, but think that you are truly anonymous of the internet?


Well I don't know your name and you don't know my name so yeah, I'd say that fits the definition of "anonymous."

Anonymous to you maybe.

Not so anonymous are you, Dr. Stones N Bones... I know where you live and have seen where you sleep!!! And now, I will go and watch this clip on youtube.

Religion is money and power in the middle east.

Read Dune. It's a great look at Corporate power, natural resources, and Religious dogma.

Not just in the Middle East, friend.

If god exists, the leadership on both sides beating drums of war are the worst of sinners. They place their prophet idols and petty desires for power ahead of unity under god, ignoring the first and greatest commandment. I hate theocrats because the state corrupts religion to the point where god is forgotten and replaced by men with delusions of grandeur. I do believe in god and that most neo-cons will burn in the lowest rung of hell for eternity. I like to envision a rung of hell with a human centipede for all the tele-evangalists, mullahs, fox news reporters, neo cons, and zionists that spent their lives dividing god's children for personal profit.

in the "enemies" perspective it is a religious war.

This has always been the case. Religion was once a tool used to bring society together, to help form civilization and get people to work together. It didn't take long for it to become a tool of the rich, of the powerful, to keep the common man under their finger. It's just a truth of history. What powerful person follows their religion's ideology? None of them. They pretend to, until we catch them with their hand in the cookie jar. Yet these are the ones everyone admires, so how can we blame the average person for being fanatical religious, yet never follow their tenets? It's disgusting. No, not everyone is like that...but that's because we have evolved sociology, and we're becoming more aware. But not everyone is. It takes time. But things are bad and they need to improve.

Beneath the surface in America, the eternal war against a military tactic does have some religious motivations. Namely with those people who feel that they must ensure the prophecies in the the Book of Revelations are fulfilled via some help from the good ol' USA. And, yes, Israel has a role to play in that Apocalyptic "dream" of Armageddon. What some people won't do to get to heaven, eh?

It's about the agenda in "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm."

there is a religious element involved.

Ideologically it IS a religious war. Bush is a born again and a part of the idealogical platform of the right is to endorse the Christian perspective.

Christianity/religion is very much a factor in this endless war.

Even the shroud is not about religion, it has more to do with the so-called stability and the spreading of democracy and western secular values. most westerners outside the American bible belt believe this about the war against terrorism.

That is the religion. The religion of the self.

Acquiring money, power and influence on a large scale has always been it's own religion

they say that advertising only works on the stupid. that's why fox news is number 1 with advertisers.

But then again, religion was only ever was about money and power.

religion is about money and power

Paul William Roberts in his Globe and Mail article of Saturday, February 26, 2005 wrote the following: Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death. He sounded scared. It wasn't always easy to understand what he said, particularly over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was something he really wanted you to understand, you did. He'd been working on a story about the World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into them but by explosive charges set off in their foundations. Now he thought someone was out to stop him publishing it: "They're gonna make it look like suicide," he said. "I know how these bastards think . . ."

Now check out this February 25 Associated Press story about Thompson's death. Sounds a lot like a professional hit with a silencer: "I was on the phone with him, he set the receiver down and he did it. I heard the clicking of the gun," Anita Thompson told the Aspen Daily News in Friday's editions. She said her husband had asked her to come home from a health club so they could work on his weekly ESPN column. Thompson said she heard a loud, muffled noise, but didn't know what had happened. "I was waiting for him to get back on the phone," she said.

and the following Paul William Roberts paragraph goes on to say :

That's how I imagine a tribute to Hunter S. Thompson should begin. He was indeed working on such a story, but it wasn't what killed him. He exercised his own option to do that. As he said to more than one person, "I would feel real trapped in this life if I didn't know I could commit suicide at any time."

I read the article back when it came out, and it always struck me Roberts clearing his conscious by putting his personal account of the suspicious circumstances of Thompson's death on record in the the first paragraph, and just covering his ass in fear of being ostracized as a conspiracy theorist in the second. Regardless, I'd still like to see Thompson's notes on explosives in the towers, though I haven't been holding my breath.

That's a terribly fucking odd thing to say the day before he died though isn't it?


'Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death.' He sounded scared. It wasn't always easy to understand what he said, particularly over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was something he really wanted you to understand, you did. He'd been working on a story about the World Trade Center attacks and had stumbled across what he felt was hard evidence showing the towers had been brought down not by the airplanes that flew into them but by explosive charges set off in their foundations. Now he thought someone was out to stop him publishing it: "They're gonna make it look like suicide," he said. "I know how these bastards think . . .'

Am I Missing something here?

It was the day after, not before.

Thompson didn't say anything the day after he died. He was dead.

Or he knew he was going to commit suicide and wanted to start a conspiracy theory about his death.


  • CIA Director William Colby
  • Deborah Jeane Palfrey ~ D.C. Madam
  • Mike Connell ~ Ohio Election Fraud
  • Paul Wellstone ~ Election, 9/11
  • Gary Webb ~ investigative journalist
  • Pat Tillman ~ Patriot
  • Hunter S. Thompson ~ Gannon-9/11-Intro to LC
  • Dr. Bruce Ivins ~ Anthrax Attacks
  • Lori Klausutis ~ aide to Joe Scarborough
  • Beverly Eckert ~ member of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission.
  • Dr. David Kelly ~ British Weapons Inspector
  • Barry Jennings ~ WTC 7 Whistleblower
  • John O'Neill ~ worked in WTC first day
  • Dr. David Graham ~ 9/11 Whistleblower
  • Kenneth Johannemann ~ janitor at the World Trade Center
  • Colonel Sabow ~ Whistleblower and Marine
  • Col. Ted Westhusing ~ Returning home from Iraq
  • Christopher Landis ~ Operations Manager
  • Michael H. Doran ~ A lawyer who volunteered to represent victims of 9/11 for compensation
  • Salvatore Princiotta ~ A fireman on the “Ladder 9” fire truck that arrived at the World Trade Center on 9/11?

Dr. Bruce Ivins ~ Anthrax Attacks

That one is a doosey. The anthrax was so highly weaponized there are less than 4 labs that could make it in the world. All of which are in the west.

Edit: You forgot Andrew Brietbart.

Interestingly, in 2000 a Dept of Energy facility was set up in Nevada called the NNSA, its very large, bigger than Rhode Island. Anyways they happened to set up a complete bioweapons lab - complete with fermenter - for training purposes.


This needs more upboats. Or maybe a whole post of it's own.

I have no boats. :/

All southerners have boats...

I'm a Southerner. I have a boat.

If by southerners you mean "Cuban" than more than likely.

I give this comment three gold stars.

Mikelex ~ Tied it all together

Probably Aaron Swartz, leader of the campaign to stop SOPA.

Never heard of Westhusing or Landis-w hat are their stories?

Hunter S Thompson never trolled his readers. That's why I think your theory is ridiculous. He did shit, in his time, that bypassed authority and went straight to the heart of the average reader. He invented "gonzo journalism".

The idea that he'd bail out of the world and create a conspiracy "just for the lulz" goes against everything the man was (at least as far as I know him having read all his books).

The man was an outlier and much loved. He wouldn't throw all that away in an easily disproved suicide troll death.

Its not a theory. It was just a random comment, lol. Cool yer jets.

Hunter wanted to send a message to the world that he was in control of his own life. He wasn't a perfect man, or even a stable man. Hunter was a guy who was incredibly paranoid and yet dulled that paranoia with copious amounts of intoxicant and fresh fruits and veggies. He was an absolutely wonderful writer, and I've read absolutely everything he's written that has been published. I can read them again tomorrow and get something completely new.

The fact that Hunter always wanted to be in control of his life was his eventual downfall. That's why he killed himself. If I could pass a message along to Hunter right now, it would be "Coward!". I believe he would appreciate that sentiment. I couldn't imagine a man so brave in changing the public image of his life to suit him could be so cowardly after watching a terrorist attack (fake or not). No one even halfway competent would feel that the best thing they could do is take out an aging beat writer because he supposedly had material or evidence that the truthers claim they have every day. Hunter had a house full of guns and one on him at all times. The chances of being killed by a professional assassin is almost zero.

Poor Hunter. I miss him terribly. I miss reading everything new he created. I miss his reckless abandon in changing the details of a story to make things more interesting or mysterious. I miss the nicknames he had for his vehicles. I miss his fire and his rage and his passion.

I miss Hunter Thompson and the world misses him. What a terrible waste. The world needs him more than ever.

Or somebody tried to make it look as if ...

... he knew he was going to commit suicide and wanted to start a conspiracy theory about his death.

And down the rabbit hole we go!

something something RED PILL something something something BLUE PILL something something.


Well he was aware of his status with readers and maybe he knew that his last words might attract added traffic and he liked the odds for getting the word out? Poor guy, the truth is heavy.

You should read his work instead of speculating.

Honestly that would be the "gonzo" thing to do. And the note he left said it all, "X amount of years past fifty....getting greedy." Or something like that.

I believe some of his family were in the next room and report hearing the shot thinking he had dropped a book.

read this in his Biography "Gonzo"

Or it could be that phones don't have the greatest fidelity - dynamic range, tonal quality, etc, and the gunshot could have just maxed out the cheap microphone/low-quality voice signal over the line. You know how crappy music sounds over the phone (especially cell phones with their low-bitrate codecs!) They're just not made to carry a signal like that.

yea phones have a set range of volumes and frequencies that can possibly come out, they can't just transmit the pitch, tonal range, and volume of a gun shot because you think it should. You can't just alter physics.....

I've had conversations with people at gun ranges and the gunshots are just about the same volume in my ear as the voice.

Looking at our scores... Do you ever get the feeling that this is a roleplaying board and you lose karma for being out of character? Realism is strongly discouraged, maybe because it's not as fun as believing every bizarre idea that comes to mind.

yea not to mention I'm a fucking electrician and i specialize in phone systems.

nah /r/conspiracy has just gone to fucking shit. What used to be measured intelligent discussions with sources its now just. "ALL DA STUFFS BAD CONSPEEERCY YEAAA."

She was on the phone so he could know she was still alive. Sights were on her and he was told it's him or her. He did the honourable thing. I'm just surprised they didn't still off her after he "bit the bullet".

Yes, because TPTB would pull off a hit on a famous writer successfully, but lack the ability to silence all of the nobodies on /r/conspiracy and other places. ::roll::

Two years ago in January 2003, Thompson actually did give an interview on KDNK radio (Colorado) where he made a suggestion that he may be murdered to shut him up. "Bush is really the evil one here and it is more than just him. We are the Nazis in this game and I don't like it. I am embarrassed and I am pissed off. I mean to say something. I think a lot of people in this country agree with me...we'll see what happens to me if I get my head cut off next week -- it is always unknown or bushy-haired strangers who commit suicide right afterwards with no witnesses," the writer said.

More confusion has arisen after a quote from one of the police officers investigating the death scene. Deputy Ron Ryan said there was a spent shell casing, but there was no cartridge in the firing chamber, as there should have been under normal circumstances. Sheriff's officer DiSalvo confirmed this opinion; "I think a bullet from the magazine should have cycled into the chamber". This "single bullet" problem has led to speculation that Thompson was coerced into self-inflicting a gunshot wound, being given a gun with a single shot, perhaps accompanied by threats against his family.

Wasn't he in the process of writing in in-depth expose of pedophile rings in Washington? I wonder what happened to his research.

to me, this is bigger than 9/11 and is the real reason he was "suicided"

do you have a source on that? I'd like to hear more about that.

Here's the story I believe he is mentioned. The Franklin Credit Union Scandal and child sex rings. Thompson was at least reportedly in attendance at some of the parties, although I'm not aware of him writing an expose on it. It's a crazy read if you've never heard about it. link

It has been a while since I have pursued this information, but I remember the Jeff Gannon link being very intriguing. Gannon was that gay prostitute who was somehow in the White House from time to time....often tossing softballs at George W during press conferences (even though he was running an active stud-whore website and had no real credentials).

Gannon might be one of the kids from the Franklin Scandal named Johnny Gosch (Jeff Gannon/Johnny Gosch).....Gosch's own mother believes that Gannon and Gosch are the same person.

Supposedly, there is a story of Larry King (not the TV host) taking Gosch to Bohemian Grove where the most disturbing sexual torture you have ever heard of went on. The story goes that King stopped the plane before The Grove to pick up some people. Gosch remembers a photographer named Hunter Thompson getting on the plane and being present (photographing) during the torture.

I have NO IDEA how much of this is true, but the rabbit hole is there if you watch that Conspiracy of Silence video and check out the Gannon/Guckert/Gosch link. Enough IS provable to make this a HUGE conspiracy (dictionary definition of the word).....the only question is how far it goes.

You misremembered the Bohemian Grove/Johnny Gosh part. Paul Bonacci was the boy who was taken to the grove and who reported the making of a snuff film at the Bohemian Grove. Bonacci later also identified Johnny Gosh and said that Johnny had been kidnapped for the pedophile ring.

Most allegations against Thompson came from Rusty Nelson. Nelson is a photographer who was involved in the Franklin scandal. His allegation against Thompson can be heard here:

Paul Bonacci, one of the abused teenagers in the Franklin scandal, has testified to have been introduced to a man, who has called himself Hunter Thompson. Even if his story is true, the man could also have used a pseudonym. This is at least the believe of Nick Bryant. Bryant has written a book about the Franklin scandal. Here a link to his website. Nick Bryant also finds Nelson not credible. I share his opinion.

Here is a video in which Paul Bonacci is interviewed by Gary Caradori the chief investigator of the Franklin subcommittee. Bonacci tells the story about the Bohemian grove and the snuff film.

Since the Bonacci interview is a bit difficult to listen to, here is a shorter, quite dramatic version given by his attorney, the former Nebraska States Senator DeCamp. DeCamp reads a part of Bonacci's diary.

During this investigation Gary Caradori died in a mysterious plane crash. His death meant effectively the end of the Franklin investigation. Afterwards witnesses were to afraid to come forward. But some interviews of abused victims can be accessed here:

Nick Bryant has studied sealed court documents and has found flight records which proved that children have been flown in private planes to Washington DC. Bryant has also tracked down and interviewed about 60 witnesses who were abused during their childhood and who were part of Larry King's pedophile ring.

This year Nick Bryant plans to bring out a documentary about the pedophile ring of Nebraska and the kidnapping of Johnny Gosh. The trailer can be seen here:

Wow...GREAT information!

I really appreciate that you recognized that I remembered incorrectly and wasnt trying to give disinfo. It had been over a decade since I looked into any of this and hadnt seen half of the information you linked to....a great excuse to go back down this rabbit hole.

...and the lack of concerete evidence. Those pictures Thompson allegedly taking, for instance.

Which part of the information I put out DID you Google? Let's talk about that!

Two things before I open up on you....1) I said "If any of this is true" 2) you are on /r/conspiracy.

If the shit had concrete evidence, it would be in /r/fact instead, I'm sure. Welcome to the internet! Thanks a whole lot for playing.

The Franklin child prostitution ring is beyond conspiracy theory. People went to prison. If you watch the pulled Discovery channel documentary and read Bryant's stuff, it is beyond clear what was (is) going on. Some sick, fucked up shit.

I'm pretty sure Hunter was murdered. Yeah, he always said he would go out by suicide, but I think that just made it convenient to cover it up.

I dont have an opinion on Hunter's murder/suicide, but I absolutely convinced of the Franklin you said, it is fact. The aspects that you could prove and that were covered in press are numerous enough to leave little doubt in my mind.....but the Hunter stuff was just hearsay, interesting food for thought, but not provable to me. I am going to check out Drunkenshrew's info above and look further.

Yeah, it's hard to tell what is fact and what is fiction with Hunter. If you take everything he said as fact, then this is a truly scary world. But I believe most all of it. He often saw things and spoke about them long before anyone realized the truth he had uncovered. And the access he had to Washington insiders! His reputation worked for and against him, no one seemed to be too worried about him being a witness to bad stuff, because the public never knew what to believe from him. Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail was pretty revealing.

No one will ever know if he committed suicide or was assassinated. Plenty of people would want him dead, especially if he was writing what he said he was. I wonder where his notes went. But he and his family always knew that was a risk of the life he lead. If they did get into the Owl Farm and kill him and get back out without either being seen or getting shot by any one of the multitude of guns around that place, whoever they were must have been pretty impressive.

It was in NY Post, Canada's Globe & Mail, on CNN etc. but the only place for information now is found on 'conspiracy' sites like Alex Jones et al.

And any information pulled from that source can easily be labeled 'deranged ramblings.' I'm so unsure about AJ... if he really is as legitimate as some of his doting followers believe, we're in for a real shitshow (to say the very least).

I can't shake the feeling that most of his material is stretched at great lengths to fit into the territory of fear-mongering, anti-establishment rhetoric.

Especially if it somehow tied into the British, Vatican, and Penn State scandals.

But who knows.

According to Wikipedia, people were in the other room when he shot himself--don't you think they would've heard some goon telling him to shoot himself?

"Thompson's son (Juan), daughter-in-law (Jennifer) and grandson (Will) were visiting for the weekend at the time of his suicide. Will and Jennifer were in the adjacent room when they heard the gunshot. Mistaking the shot for the sound of a book falling, they continued with their activities for a few minutes before checking on him."

A gun to make that noise would need to be silenced, right? So they would have had to have a recently fired second gun of the same make with no silencer to get the balistics correct. Then they would need to get into the house after shooting him arrange the body in a suicide position including prints on the weapon, and get out again without being seen.

Pretty impressive.

Two ways they do it. Either drug you unconscious or coerce you into doing it yourself.

More confusion has arisen after a quote from one of the police officers investigating the death scene. Deputy Ron Ryan said there was a spent shell casing, but there was no cartridge in the firing chamber, as there should have been under normal circumstances. Sheriff's officer DiSalvo confirmed this opinion; "I think a bullet from the magazine should have cycled into the chamber". This "single bullet" problem has led to speculation that Thompson was coerced into self-inflicting a gunshot wound, being given a gun with a single shot, perhaps accompanied by threats against his family.

So there where other rounds in the magazine? Or is it unusual he only loaded it with one round?

I don't think it would be unusual for Thompson to load a single round in. He was familiar with guns, and he wouldn't load his gun completely to shoot himself. There is also his suicide he wrote which is undoubtedly his writing style.

Note, we assume he fired one shot and the next round in the magazine should have been chambered. Yet, it was still in the magazine. What type of scenario can you think of where this would happen? This appears to be some sort of revelation of method technique in play here. Are you all in?

His wife and son were home. His son walked in to find him dead a little after the gunshot.

When I first read that I saw His son walked in to find him a little dead after the gunshot. I really must have my brain checked next time I go in for therapy.

His wife wasn't home- he called her, and shot himself while on the phone with her.

edit- oops, ex-wife, sorry

I have always had very strong doubts about his death.

ive never doubted it. "I would feel real trapped in this life if I didn't know I could commit suicide at any time," HST

He constantly talked about killing himself. His family knew it wasn't a matter of if, it was a matter of when. He wanted to die on top, die at the best point in his life. When he killed himself, he was at home with his wife and son. His son was in the next room, and heard the gunshot. He then walked into the room to find his Dad dead. No one in the family suspects anything. No friends suspect anything. He left a note that sounds like he wrote it. No one was surprised.

His ex-wife claims he was incredibly depressed, and that led to his suicide, not his desire to 'die on top'. I think it was a combination of the two. Life was going downhill, he had already waited to long. It was time to get out.

He lost his will to live once GWB was elected a second time, not 9/11. That is when it became a matter of when.

I'm not challenging you but the way I heard it was he was on the phone, talking to his wife when the shot was fired.

Are you implying someone would assassinate him while on the phone with his wife? That's ridiculous. His eccentricity and his pubic unabashed suicidal tendencies makes the shoe fit fine in this case. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

If you're talking to me, I'm not implying anything about assassination. I just wanted to say that his wife (according to Wiki it was his wife, second wife, Anita Bejmuk, married in 2003) said in an interview that she was talking to him on the phone and he asked her to come home to help him with writing his ESPN column. She evidently thought the sound of his cocking the pistol was HST typing and hung up. His son, daughter-in-law and grandson were in the next room. They thought the gunshot was a book falling and did not immediately investigate.

With Clinton and lewinski.

It was his ex-wife I believe.

in the library with the revolver

His family was in the other room when he did it, iirc.

Yeah I reckon Courtney Love probably killed him too.

Well with quotes like that. During our super Orwellian patriot phase? Probably so.

I don't find his suicide implausible. He was literally on the phone with his wife, and talked about killing himself a lot. He believed in living hard and dying in your prime.

I know it's actually the way he wanted to go.

I never understood everyone being okay with him always talking about (and actually commiting) suicide. Just because he was/is was such a one of a kind person, it was "Oh. Hunter S. is so BRAVE. Him suiciding is the way he wants to go."

i love Hunter S. Thompson as much as anyone. But the whole suicide thing was not heroic in the least. Of course, his final statement was about truly being free to make the ultimate decision.

I think it had more to do with him knowing he was gonna die living the life he lived, yet he didn't want to give that up.



How naive are you?

I'm pretty sure the wonderful people at /r/conspiracy know better than his entire family, all of his friends, and his son who was in the next room. Not to mention his philosophy he followed his whole life, "The only reason i am still at this party is i know i can leave at any time" /s/

Proud gun owner He followed a family tradition and put his pistol to his head in 2005.

Edit: I said 2003.

February 20th, 2005 actually. I remember the date because my girlfriend broke up with me on the same day. That was a very bad day.

Sad day bro have an upvote.

And you've been single since?

... :(

He talked about suicide all the time. With friends, journalists and his assistants. He always said he'd take his motorcycle off a particular bend leading to a cliff there in his town of woody creek Colorado. Not during a phone call with his ex wife after saying "I'll be right back."

Yeah except when he killed himself he was already in pretty bad physical shape. He couldn't walk and used a wheelchair to get around. I doubt he could even get on a motorcycle let alone drive it around a bend.

This is true...

He also talked about dying at the perfect moment. When he died he was at home with is wife and son in the next room. He wanted to go out on top, feeling the best he could. Things were only getting worse, so he opted out.

Im with the other people, I understand he was on the phone with his ex wife...

This may be the case but his wife (not ex) and son were home with him. He killed himself

It was 2005.

My mistake.

S'all good.

I love Hunter S. Thompson <3

Truer words were never spoken.

Hunter never put anything ahead of the truth. He made his life about the truth.

Come on. He didn't want to get clean...he was a lifelong addict and it had done it's damage. He had no interest in cleaning himself up. That's the truth.

He should be praised for his contributions in life, not because he offed himself because of the shape he had put himself in.

That was very insightful.


Some of us knew him best, if at all, through Garry Trudeau's 'Duke'. One day, it finally happened.

I definitely read that all in Hunter's voice.

Good stuff. I'd like to add to the military industry to the oil industry there in the end note.

Its a direct quote

Yea - well I meant more like, it's not only big oil but also big military industry making insane profits here - not that the quote in itself was wrong.

To be fair, at the time, I remember that all American's wanted was blood. We didn't care who it was, or what the reasoning behind it was -- We wanted blood and we wanted it now.

Thompson wasn't the only person calling this out. Every one knew it was going to happen.

Everyone with half a brain knew what was coming when we saw 9/11 go down.

I didnt, I cheered when we dropped the first bombs on bagdhad, it wasnt until i saw loosechange in highschool, did I ever question the validity of my government.

I was in my late 20's when it happened, so maybe I'm taking my wisdom at that time for granted. Maybe I should change my reply to "Most adults knew what was coming when we saw 9/11 go down."

EDIT: maybe I shouldn't purport to know what most adults knew.. :P

Right on. Oh and, by the way, FUCK BUSH TO HELL.

As much as I love and admire Hunter for his writing and for just being the man he was, I suspect living with him would have been a frustrating and sometimes terrifying existence. He was gun obsessed and threatened the life of friends, family and strangers alike.

His outlook on America post 9/11 was shared by Bill Cooper, who called 9/11 a week or two before it happened. He ended up dead too. I don't believe Hunter was "suicided" although he may have been driven to it by the CIA since he was already pretty unstable. All they would have had to do was play on his paranoia, leading him to believe they were closing in on him.

But then, who knows? We'll never know so all we can do is speculate. Some people just can't accept that sometimes the story is what it is. The man took out a gun and blew gis brains out.

RIP Hunter.

smart man.

I'll agree with most of that, except my life is still perfectly peaceful up here in the snow.



He was in an enormous amount of pain from hip replacement. He maybe could have picked a less violent way to end it, but it was fitting for him I suppose.


Ha. I didn't even realize what sub this was in I just clicked on it for the HST story. Good one.

I can't think of anything less violent than a quick tap to put the lights out. It beats a bludgeoning ;)

Good point. I was thinking more along the lines of his traditional chemical paths. I suppose it would have taken a dump truck of elephant tranquilizers to take him out.

The guy was incredible.

The respect I have for this man out weighs the respect I have for any president ever. Might be a tie with Kennedy though, He was cool.

Edit: Imagine a debate between him and Piers Morgan over gun control.

He called it a day four years later.

From one of my favorite essays.

The rabbit hole goes very deep.

With all the crap that gets buried here, this is a nice change of pace. 10/10 would read again, thread and all.

"strange and mysterious enemy", ya fucking right, the central banks that own the worlds currency supplies like products are not strange nor mysterious, nor is the "motivation" for the crime....{print money "loan" it to governments, make money on interest} give me a fucking break, glamorizing this dim witted drugged out approach serves no good....know who your enemy is and why, mysterious my ass

I love reading his writing in his voice.

Here's the full text from his ESPN column.

I read this the day he wrote it and it's haunted me ever since. How the last vestige of the 60's peace movement was washed away that day. And how he likely felt irrelevant from that point out, and just decided to check out.

I think what was going to happen after Sep11th was fairly obvious to everyone. Find out who did it, try and kill them. Proceed to take the entire 3rd world's oil with promises of blue jeans and Maccy D's and call it war with terrorism.

He nailed it.

One more data point among thousands.

I read this on ESPN the day after it happened, and just so you know its on the sidebar.

Intresting Video from Mark Dice about Hunter S. Tompson being a Video Director for Child Porn and Snuff Films at the Bohemian Grove:;hd=1

Here are the sources for these allegations. Mark Dice didn't make this up:

Most allegations against Thompson came from the photographer Rusty Nelson. Nelson was involved in the Franklin scandal. His allegation against Thompson can be heard here:;v=K_4wyBGVxug#t=450s

Paul Bonacci, one of the abused teenagers in the Franklin scandal, has testified to have been introduced to a man, who has called himself Hunter Thompson. Even if his story is true, the man could also have used a pseudonym. This is at least the believe of Nick Bryant. Bryant has written a book about the Franklin scandal. Here a link to his website. Nick Bryant also finds Nelson not credible. I share his opinion.

Here is a video in which Paul Bonacci is interviewed by Gary Caradori the chief investigator of the Franklin subcommittee. Bonacci tells the story about the Bohemian grove and the snuff film.

During this investigation Gary Caradori died in a mysterious plane crash. His death meant effectively the end of the Franklin investigation. Afterwards witnesses were to afraid to come forward. Further interviews of abused victims can be accessed here:

Since the Bonacci interview is a bit difficult to listen to, here is a shorter, quite dramatic version given by his attorney, the former Nebraska States Senator DeCamp. DeCamp reads a part of Bonacci's diary.;v=sEz3t71WKvU

This year Nick Bryant plans to bring out a documentary about the pedophile ring of Nebraska and the kidnapping of Johnny Gosh. The trailer can be seen here:

Does this guy have any proof or just heresay? He's making some pretty serious allegations. Where is this video he claims Hunter shot? Surely it must have turned up once he was dead or do you think his family found and destroyed it to protect his legacy. Hunter was not the most technically proficient person (As evidenced by his hilarious call to tech support for whatever company sold him his DVD player).

HST spent a huge volume of ink criticizing the dumbing down of the US and spent his whole life calling out willful ignorance.

He would be laughing his ass off at this subreddit.

You could say that about the 9/11 Truthers

All he knows is that his father started a war a long time ago

With apologies to the Doctor, George H.W. Bush hardly started the war.



Very disconcerting that you received so many downvotes for writing the truth. Whether people are able to see it or not, that's their problem.

probably because it sounds extremely racist to call it a "jewhad" since zionist agenda and your average jewish person on the street have almost nothing in common.

Agreed, not all zionists are Jews and not all Jews are zionists, but the message is still the same.

but the message is still the same

How's that?

Using the word 'jewhad', albeit inappropriate, does not change the zionist agenda.

But the message is an inappropriate generalization upon the actions of 'jews' or even 'zionists' based upon your own clear ignorances. It has nothing to do with 'jewhad' really

ok, you're absolutely right.

Well if that's how you want to act, fine.

since the zionist agenda and your average jewish person on the street have almost nothing in common

great line.


Except, the Jews were never thrown out of Egypt. That's a biblical myth that somehow got accepted as historical truth, when recent studies have shown that there are no Jewish artifacts anywhere in Egypt, or on the supposed path of exile. The pyramids weren't even built by slaves, they were built by Egyptian contractors as ruins of settlements around the Pyramids have shown.

So, that alone makes your entire thesis questionable.


How about the part about how their "parasitic" behavior somehow became part of their genetics? Lamarckian evolution anyone? This whole thing is a load of assumptions with no citations and false evidence. You're barking up the wrong tree.


I'm still having fun. Conspiracy theories are kind of a hobby of mine, but scrutinizing them should also be part of it, after all, we do want to separate fact from fiction, or at least make an attempt if at all possible.


I'm well aware of confirmation bias, but it's another thing to use that justify rhetoric that is still bigoted and near sighted. You're not being revolutionary by being controversial and even you have admitted that in the big picture not one single race can wholly be responsible for anything. The bigger picture is way more complicated and definitely wouldn't fit solely into the worldview of one guy, especially someone as deranged as Hitler and you can trust me on this, I grew up in Germany, I saw a concentration camp in the Czech republic and the Germans are very adamant about this never happening again and I think they are wiser for it.

And then you wonder why people keep calling your posts racist, have you maybe considered that it's not them acting like sheeple, but perhaps, they are racist?

recent studies have shown that there are no Jewish artifacts anywhere in Egypt,

That's a big claim: did they really cover all of Egypt? And, you have nothing like a reference, right - anything at all like a reference? - where did you hear that?

From wikipedia:

"The consensus among biblical scholars today is that there was never any exodus of the proportions described in the Bible,[15] and that the story is best seen as theology, a story illustrating how the god of Israel acted to save and strengthen his chosen people, and not as history.[13] Nevertheless, the discussion of the historical reality of the exodus has a long history, and continues to attract attention."

It's not a hard thing to google, you'll find more and better sources. The problem being that people have already accepted something from a book without evidence, when there wasn't any to begin with.


Wikipedia is not - not - what I, or most people, mean by sources.

google, you'll find more and better sources

Oh, really? Well, you didn't before becoming an expert on the matter, but let's review the "biblical scholars today" that are linked to on the internet (or approved by google)

*** google page 1: ***

Evidence for the Exodus from Egypt is plentiful---as long as one has their Biblical chronology right, and thus knows to examine Egypt's history around 2450 B.C., rather than around the traditional 1450 B.C. References

Grimal, Nicolas A History of Ancient Egypt Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishers Inc., 1993.



You and other scholars point out that there isn't evidence outside the Bible, in historic documents and the archeological record, for a mass migration from Egypt involving hundreds of thousands of people. But it may be plausible that there was a much smaller exodus, an exodus of people originally from the land of Canaan who were returning to it. Is that right?

Yes. Despite all the ways in which the exodus narratives in the Bible seem to be non-historic, something about the overall pattern can, in fact, be related to what we know from historical sources was going on at the end of the Late Bronze Age [circa 1200 B.C.E.], around when the Bible's chronology places the story of departure from Egypt.

Now, what is the evidence? ... [ discussion continues]


but, one agrees with you :

the exodus is a complete crock of shit ( I paraphrase )


*** google page 2 : ****

Generally bible quotes, but also :

Before the discovery of the Merneptah stele scholars placed the date of the exodus and entry into Canaan much later. They are now forced to admit that Israel was already in Canaan at the time of Merneptah. Israel was big and strong enough to challenge Egypt in battle. This stele puts a terminus ante quem date of 1210 BC for the exodus (McCarter 1992, 132).


It also seems most likely that the Exodus from Egypt should be equated with the expulsion of the Hyksos. Not all the Hyksos were Israelites. It says in Exodus that a great mixed multitude came out of Egypt with Moses (Exodus 12:38).


This exit from Egypt by the Hyksos probably included the Israelites as well. The story of the Exodus is most likely bases on the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt, for there is no other record of any mass exit from Egypt (Robertson 1990, 36; Halpern 1994, 89-96; Redford 1897, 150). The evidence seems to fit well with Josephus' account. Although the Egyptians saw the expulsion of the Hyksos as a great military victory, the Israelites viewed this as a great salvation victory for them.


which presents a range of interpretations, with some bullshit ("very little Egyptian influence is discernible in biblical literature" - are you fucking joking ? the core of the Torah philosopy and rule system is a copy of the horus theology

*** google page three ***

much the same, while the 3 or 4 pages here that seriously address the matter offer guarded acceptance, a real "Exodus is stupid" is at

In summary, while the bible is crazed make-believe, and I wouldn't believe an israeli that said "X million" (where X = 2.5) last week, let alone 3,200 to 3,400 years ago, there is nothing like a "consensus among biblical scholars today is that there was never any exodus of the proportions described in the Bible"

Whoever wrote this dribble is a complete moron, almost as dumb as the people who believe it, not nearly as dumb as the people that need to post this on public forums as some sort of "truth".


Well sourced? That's just the dude's opinion. He didn't source ANYTHING.


No. But I would gladly be one if it paid well enough as I spend a fair amount of time on Reddit. I seem to fit your requirements for one. How much you payin? I only do contract work, paid 75% upfront. Thanks. Please pass this on to anyone else that may be interested.

It's a shame you think this guy is being serious. He's a troll.

I think he wants us to click the links so we can be put on a list. Seriously.

Edit: I like this part:

You need to study the facts.

Whole thing doesn't have one fact in it.

Whole thing doesn't have one fact in it.

Independent of whether his sentiments represent reality, anti-intelligence fanatics flat out lying and being unable to even address the subject they are opposing is today the expected behaviour of the intellectual lumpen proletariat.

Of all the opposition to the guy's (or girl's) comment, only one post actually addresses it, and that states an extreme historical revisionism - completly without any references.

That's the stupidest fucking thing I ever read. It says nothing at all.

/not jewish

This is not truth. Just common knowledge mixed with racism.

probably, but no citations.

putting this here, because you can't reply to original comment, which appears to be deleted, but upon checking his comment history it was not... wtf? anyway here it is. ( have unedditreddit)

Correction. "It will be a religious war, a sort of Zionist jewhad, fueled by religious hatred and led by merciless fanatics on both sides. It will be guerrilla warfare on a global scale, with no front lines and no identifiable enemy." Make no mistake the entire "War On Terror" is planning of Jewish Zionist minds for their international Bankster brethren's benefit. Mostly Christian oriented soldiers will be on the front lines and the Jewish Zionist media will write about it and promote it. War is the Banksters Harvest. This is a perpetual war for international Zionist banking. It is about destroying Islamic banking and bringing Muslim cultures under the control of Zionist cultural Marxists. Those that don't cooperate will be murdered by the Zionist controlled Military Industrial Complex.

In my copy it says Jihad....

I deliberately changed it. I meant to say "Zionist Jewhad."

Many Zionist fanatics have used the term 'Jihad' to death. I was mocking them.


Whether is jew-had or jihad he wrote jihad.

Yet you are discussing it now - what you aren't allowed to do is make pointless generalizations


Yeah, pointless.

Pfft about sums up the appropriate response to your rant

I always get the impression that people that make such statements have never actually met a jew. You guys talk about them like they are evil unicorns.

Where do you live anyway, bumfuckville?

do you talk like this in real life?

Do you mean speak the truth? Yes.

if it's the truth why did you delete it?

I didn't. The Mods must have found it unacceptable.

Makes sense, it was fairly bigoted, to quote the sidebar "This is a forum for free thinking - not hate speech."

Free speech is more important than hurt feelings. Wouldn't you agree?

depends on the intention of the speech, there's a fine line between hurt feelings and hurt bodies.

Tell that to the people in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Palestine.

This has nothing to do with anything. Don't dip your hand in the fucking stream of blood being spilled to prove a point in a battle you have already lost.

What are you talking about? All that blood in the Middle East is on the Zionists hands. That includes the blood of American soldiers.;form=MOZSBR&amp;pc=MOZI

So using them in an internet dick waving contest is o.k. because abstract "the enemy" is the cause of it all?

Let's blame the Jews Zionists for war started by the USA.

'A Clean Break' (War for Israel) agenda of the Likudnik AIPAC/JINSA/CSP/PNAC NeoCons;form=MOZSBR&amp;pc=MOZI

It's definitely in Israel's interests for the US to invade Afghanistan, seeing as how Afghanistan is so close to Israel and let's not even mention the fearsome Afghan Air Force.

Yeah except that my countrymen are currently fighting and dying for that agenda so excuse us for not giving a shit about your feelings.

'Christian jihad', eh? Not 'Muslim 8th century fanatic jihad'? Fuck that cocaine-addled old drunk. He killed himself because he realized he was a washed up old fart with nothing relevant to say. Yeh, his early stuff was great. But the last 20 years of his life was spent getting wasted and abusing various women. Good riddance.

We was a sports writer.

I think you have fap for brains.

damn! that hurts. yawn.

How naive are you?

I'm pretty sure the wonderful people at /r/conspiracy know better than his entire family, all of his friends, and his son who was in the next room. Not to mention his philosophy he followed his whole life, "The only reason i am still at this party is i know i can leave at any time" /s/

depends on the intention of the speech, there's a fine line between hurt feelings and hurt bodies.

How about the part about how their "parasitic" behavior somehow became part of their genetics? Lamarckian evolution anyone? This whole thing is a load of assumptions with no citations and false evidence. You're barking up the wrong tree.

And any information pulled from that source can easily be labeled 'deranged ramblings.' I'm so unsure about AJ... if he really is as legitimate as some of his doting followers believe, we're in for a real shitshow (to say the very least).

I can't shake the feeling that most of his material is stretched at great lengths to fit into the territory of fear-mongering, anti-establishment rhetoric.

I don't know about all the stuff at the end of your comment. If that was his message, it's been played out for thousands of years. He's not a martyr of freedom. Your reply here is what I'm talking about. All that reasoning is bullshit. If that inspires someone in some way,..well i feel bad, but your message is nothing new.

He had children and family. They probably would have liked their father alive. That is all. My first reply wasn't really aimed towards you. I didn't condemn anyone.

And also did not promise eternal life to his people.

I read it in the voice of Colonel Hunter Gathers from the venture bros

Yes, for whatever your reason to go to war and willing to die for it, is equivalent to a man who believes in heaven, or a man who wants to defend his country or a man that wants honor for his family. Just my opinion.

yea not to mention I'm a fucking electrician and i specialize in phone systems.

nah /r/conspiracy has just gone to fucking shit. What used to be measured intelligent discussions with sources its now just. "ALL DA STUFFS BAD CONSPEEERCY YEAAA."

I only see one option here that doesn't provide a good chance of being shot, an it's not the one you're advocating.