What can we do to prevent corruption in the United States?

11  2013-01-31 by [deleted]

I like this country, honestly I do. It's a pretty good place to live. However, there is a deep seeded history of government manipulation over the general population- not just in research and development, but in actual execution. What events can we trust? How do we know "crazy" shooters aren't on a government "payroll"? How do we tell documentaries from propaganda? How do we know there isn't something in our water? In the air? On our computers? Instead of searching for the truth in conspiracies- though I am all for chasing every goose to ensure our safety- what can we do to stop "them" from wanting to placate the average person into submission? How do we genuinely come together and stop being such assholes to each other? What can we do to stop the bloody revolutions of the future?

All I want to see is peace. I want people to be happy and to be able to enjoy their lives. What can I do?



Get rid of congress

Automate it via online votes

Petion to have legislation voted on

We all have a voice now it's called the Internet

Who needs representatives? Perfect world perhaps

Not when the media claims the internet is for conspiracy theorists, and the television is good for them because you can't lie on tv.

Here's how: Abolish The State.

Without the protection of the state, i would be free to kill my cunt neighbor and take her nice things.

You would be next.

And with the state, the police can and will do the same thing.

There can be laws without the state. The free market will provide it like it does every other demand.

Can you show me an example of laws without state, or an actual functioning free market economy?

That's some guys blog, not an actual example of this in action.

You realize that his system could be used to enforce sharia law FOR PAY, right?

And that there would be no representation for any minority whatsoever?

That's some guys blog


You realize that his system could be used to enforce sharia law FOR PAY

What about U.S. laws? Those are just as bad. Do you realize how many times you violated a law today? Sharia law is just as bad as this current form of faux religious law we live under in the U.S..

I would much rather be ruled by no one. And trade with anyone....freely. The free market (you and I) will find a way. We don't need the state stealing half of our wealth to live freely and peacefully.

And that there would be no representation for any minority whatsoever?



Of course ill find a way, im bigger than you.

And i have guns.

And i have guns.

As do I. And I doubt you're bigger than me. Do you even lift?

Spread Information best things are still the FED and 9/11.

Vote with your Dollars.

Find GMO free Food and support them.

Try to change Political Injustice locally.

Join a Activist Group or find like minded People to take Action.

stop voting democrat or republican, vote third party, dont pay taxes to make them understand we mean business

Buy local, vote 3rd party, spread awareness.

Step one: invent the time machine

Step two: Go back in time

Step three: Find our direct human ancestor, like an Australopithecene or something.

Step four: Kill it.

If we don't evolve, there will be no corruption. It's pretty innate to humans, I don't think you can prevent it.

Just start off with something simple.., I dunno...like...oh say...maybe start arresting and convicting then giving long term prison sentences to corporation heads, banker heads, lawyers, and politicians for violating the laws. Take all their ill gotten assets as well and give it back to the people they ripped off.

(yeah I know if wishes were horses etc...)

Stop voting

I think you mean vote 3rd party

No. I don't.

Not voting does nothing to prevent corruption.

Where is the corruption coming from? Politicians. Why do they hold any higher of legitimacy to the public than any other crook? Because someone voted for them. The idealistic nature of democracy is to put all faith in those who have a position of power- by not voting- this power is relinquished. If enough relinquish that power- they no longer have power.

You seem to believe that if no one votes except for corporations and banks then we somehow won't get politicians who support corporations and banks.

The power is in the people. If the general public stops recognizing them as legitimate, they are greatly outnumbered. Corporations and banks don't vote, they corrupt. Stop recognizing those who fall prey as legitimate human beings or "leaders" and move on is what I say.

Get hungry & motivated. Bread & Circuses ain't going to do a thing.

Run for office.

Oh yeah living in futuristic looking white plastic houses and being dictated communism by a supercomputer is sure the solution...

I can only advise in a public forum that we each examine what we know, what we realize has to be done, study and plan carefully, and execute it. For sure the elite are playing with a stacked deck and we need to do what we have to and can to restore democracy.

In the long run, perhaps the only big thing to do is to change to another social system. Government as it stands depends on public agreement with it, We have to remove the beliefs in the belief system that allow it to operate as it does, criminally, corruptly, and controlled from above. We need new faiths, new parties, and new methods that reaffirm the rights of man and disavow corporate personhood, to start with.

I was going to work Mom and apple pie into that, but I have to be practical.