Chris Dorner will be the first example of drones used on a U.S. citizen.

263  2013-02-07 by [deleted]

You will soon see, making the use of drones acceptable for the herd. ON U.S. SOIL.


Confirmed, the drone agenda is being pushed:

Just now on CNN the founder of 'SEAL Survival LLC' was talking on CNN and said the following:

"...And talking about drones. This would be the perfect perfect opportunity to use a drone to find this guy"

They just confirmed they are using "Air resources with FLIR" to hunt the area.

Link to video for those interested. Quote is right at the end.

BIG BEAR POLICE SCANNER a lot of nat'l guard and dep't of homeland security talk. Just heard someone request FLiR

Dag nabbits - I can't get that on my iPhone. I am returning from thei airport...

Just tried this now - it says "The station is down, try again later. Disconnected."

If they use drones with the same restraint they held with the blue Tacoma, this should be interesting.

Cool backpack though right?

Not bad.

Kinda sucks how a lot of the nice gear is so damn expensive - I reall like the Triple Aught Design gear, and I had a pair of their pants which I loved - but I left them in Alaska (I think). They were pretty pricey.

Drones: Now bombing American citizens at home, too!

Read his full, unedited Manifesto here - this dude is pissed, and if what's said within is accurate, he has every right to be:

Damn, did they ever piss off the wrong guy.

From the Manifesto: "I know your TTP's, (techniques, tactics, and procedures). Any threat assessments you you generate will be useless. This is simple, I know your TTP's and PPR's. I will mitigate any of your attempts at preservation. ORM is my friend. I will mitigate all risks, threats and hazards. I assure you that Incident Command Posts will be target rich environments. KMA-367 license plate frames are great target indicators and make target selection even easier.

I will conduct DA operations to destroy, exploit and seize designated targets. If unsuccessful or unable to meet objectives in these initial small scale offensive actions, I will reassess my BDA and re-attack until objectives are met. I have nothing to lose. My personal casualty means nothing. Just alike AAF's, ACM's, and AIF's, you can not prevail against an enemy combatant who has no fear of death. An enemy who embraces death is a lose, lose situation for their enemy combatants.

Hopefully you analyst have done your homework. You are aware that I have always been the top shot, highest score, an expert in rifle qualifications in every unit I’ve been in. I will utilize every bit of small arms training, demolition, ordnance, and survival training I've been given.

Do you know why we are unsuccessful in asymmetrical and guerrilla warfare in CENTCOM theatre of operations? I’ll tell you. It's not the inefficiency of our combatant commanders, planning, readiness or training of troops. Much like the Vietnam war, ACM, AAF, foreign fighters, Jihadist, and JAM have nothing to lose. They embrace death as it is a way of life. I simply don't fear it. I am the walking exigent circumstance you created.

The Violence of action will be HIGH. I am the reason TAC alert was established. I will bring unconventional and asymmetrical warfare to those in LAPD uniform whether on or off duty. ISR is my strength and your weakness. You will now live the life of the prey. Your RD's and homes away from work will be my AO and battle space. I will utilize every tool within INT collections that I learned from NMITC in Dam Neck. You have misjudged a sleeping giant. There is no conventional threat assessment for me. JAM, New Ba'ath party, 1920 rev BGE, ACM, AAF, AQAP, AQIM and AQIZ have nothing on me. Do not deploy airships or gunships. SA-7 Manpads will be waiting. As you know I also own Barrett .50's so your APC are defunct and futile.

You better have all your officers radio/phone muster (code 1) on or off duty every hour, on the hour. Do not attempt to shadow or conduct any type of ISR on me. I have the inventory listing of all UC vehicles at Piper Tech and the home addresses of any INT analyst at JRIC and detachment locations. My POA is always POI and always true. This will be a war of attrition and a Pyrrhic and Camdean Victory for myself. You may have the resources and manpower but you are reactive and predictable in your op plans and TTP's. I have the strength and benefits of being unpredictable, unconventional, and unforgiving. Do not waste your time with briefs and tabletops.

Whatever pre-planned responses you have established for a scenario like me, shelve it. Whatever contingency plan you have, shelve it. Whatever tertiary plan you've created, shelve it. I am a walking exigent circumstance with no OFF or reset button. JRIC, DOJ, LASD, FBI and other local LE can’t assist and should not involve themselves in a matter that does not concern them. For all other agencies, do not involve yourself in this capture or recovery of me. Look at the big picture of the situation. They (LAPD) created the situation. I will harm no outside agency unless it is a deadly force/IDOL situation. With today's budgeting and fiscal mess, you guys can not afford lose several officers to IOD or KIA/EOW. Plus, other officers should not have to take on the additional duties and responsibilities of dead officers. Think about their families, outside agencies, Chiefs/Directors.

Outside agencies and individual officers on patrol. If you recognize my vehicle, and confirm it is my vehicle thru a dmv/want warrant check. It behoves you to respond to dispatch that your query was for information purposes only. If you proceed with a traffic stop or attempt to notify other officers of my location or for backup you will not live to see the medal of valor you were hoping to receive for your actions. Think before you attempt to intervene. You will not survive. Your family will receive that medal of valor posthumously. It will gather dust on the fireplace mantel for years. Then one day, it will go in a shoe box with other memories. Your mother will lose a son or daughter. Your significant other will be left alone, but they will find someone else to fill your void in the future and make them just as happy. Your children, if you have them, will call someone else mommy or daddy. Don't be selfish. Your vest is only a level II or IIIA, think about it.

No amount of IMINT, MASINT, and ELINT assist you in capturing me. I am off the grid. You better use your feet, tongue and every available DOD/ NON-DOD HUMINT agency, contractor to find me. I know your route to and from home, and your division. I know your significant others routine, your children's best friends and recess. I know Your Sancha's gym hours and routine. I assure you that the casualty rate will be high. Because of that, no one will remember your name. You will merely be a DR# and "that guy" who was KIA/EOW or long term IOD/light duty in the kit room. This is exactly why "station 500" was created. Unfortunately, orphanages will be making a comeback in the 21st century."

This man sounds like the fuckin Punisher. the amount of force being levied against civillians is such blatantly illegal ROEs guaranteeing years or decades of wrongful death and lawsuits that I think this cop has some GIGANTIC dirt to spill against the system.

He's just baiting them in to commit acts of murder like they did on the two women in the blue truck. Brilliant in all honesty. Now that the LAPD has committed a blatant murder they will have to be ultra cautious, giving him an advantage.

Edit: as I have replied multiple times further down in this thread, they did not die. I had initially assume that from the picture of the shot up truck. I am sorry for the confusion.

the media will just bury it and nothing will happen as usual.

That's why we need to keep this alive on reddit.

National news in Canada (CBC) reported Chris Dorner as a vigilante but did not mention the LAPD murders.

well it was taken down from the frontpage of /r/wtf so yes you're right.

every main stream media outlet is covering this.

Didn't know the two women died....

Sorry, I was wrong. They didn't die. I saw the picture of their shot up truck and assumed they had died. They were taken to the hospital with unknown injuries.

just because they made it to the hospital doesn't mean they won't be dead soon, or terribly injured for life. getting shot is no joke.

Thanks for clearing that up. I was worried that I missed something.

Again, sorry.

I've been trying to find the picture of the truck. It was posted to r/wtf but I can no longer find it. Media censorship begins.


Thank you. I was looking for it to show my girlfriend.

They're goners.

Please save and repost as necessary.

No worries. That pic has probably been scrubbed from search engines, because I can't find it again either.

EDIT: Found it! Here is the link.

I saved a copy. Hopefully it will stay up long enough for others to save copies. Reddit is making an effort to keep the beyonce pics alive. Hopefully we give this the same effort.

I saved it too. Good call! :)

Unrelated, but are you THE Cilantro? El hombre con el queso del Diablo?

And I kiss better than your spouse......


Has the LAPD officially killed someone? I was under the impression that only two Asian women had been shot.

Nope, as I said to someone else in this thread, I was mistaken. I had seen a picture of the women's truck and how bullet ridden it was and I assumed they had died. My mistake.

I saw that picture. It seemed like a serious case of overkill to me.

It's a fucking joke. I've heard that they are searching homes now in the vicinity of trucks that match the suspects description. I'd be ready to shoot anything that came through my door if I was just some innocent citizen.

They did shoot a white guy as well. Same deal with him being in a truck and all that. I have no idea if he is dead or not, though.

This is absolutely absurd and reprehensible to the highest degree. How the hell can they fire on an occupied vehicle without identifying the suspect?

Agree that it's brilliant.

Those women did not die, Idk why people keep saying they did.

Read further down in the thread or my edit.

who did they blatantly murder?

Fuck yeah


What's the SOURCE of this? I mean, how did clearchannel get it?

I was reading the long version and did not notes the writing style (dam dyslexia and second langue) but the paragraph about anonymous was a dead giveaway.

Have you seen the misinformation manifests?

Which ones, specifically?

I find it weird that more than one manifest was released so quickly. Makes it seem like someone was expecting this and had something whipped up just in case.

It's easy (and quick) to modify this -- oddly, I've seen no one directly linking to his Facebook page where it was originally posted. That would settle much of the discussion of what's original and what's not.

Edit: his original profile is but it's been pulled. You can watch a video capture of his profile (before it was taken down) here:

There is an interesting note to be made that he only joined Facebook 2 weeks ago...

There is an interesting note to be made that he only joined Facebook 2 weeks ago...

Now what does this remind me of?

Good point. Not like anybody ever made a fake profile on facebook.

Yeah, what?

The problem why his report on his training officer kicking the subject was not believed was that he waited two weeks to make the report - only immediately after he received a negative performance evaluation from said training officers.

Additionally three hotel workers who witnessed the arrest said they did not witness any violence.

I don't know how true above is, it was reported by But there's usually more to these things than the triggerman is saying.

EDIT: I'd also like to ad that the manifesto is definitely not the ramblings of a madman it was said to be in the media. Only crazy bit is going after children of cops, you cant choose your parents after all. He shot two innocents, but then again LAPD had no problem opening up on a random car whose occupants they couldn't even see .. that's actions of madmen.

Interesting...yes, it fits the narrative of our fears, but, honestly, if I were wagering, he dies by 'self inflicted gunshot' if you catch my drift.

The LAPD is just gunning down any car that even remotely looks like the suspect's. I don't think they give a shit about making his eventual death appear to be a suicide.

its such blatantly illegal ROEs guaranteeing years or decades of wrongful death and lawsuits that I think this cop has some GIGANTIC dirt to spill against the system.

If they're working this hard to take him down (with minimal news coverage) they're running scared.

And, from what I've read in that manifest, they're right to be.

The Thin Blue Line has finally pushed someone over the edge and the dude is on a mission.

any idea what his targets are? are they all LAPD or local government/corporate. I'm wondering if this could possibly spark similar incidents from other severely disaffected people within the military, police, and veteran communities

His targets are clearly stated in his manifesto:

The cops who wronged him and their families -- and any other LAPD that gets in his way. He explicitly states that other agencies should not get involved, he doesn't want to hurt them (but will if put into a him/them situation).

The and their families part makes this guy beyond fucked. I'm not okay with out right murdering people even if they did wrong because I think that's exactly what I fight against most of the time. This takes it to a whole new level of crazy that he wants to hurt children.

in the back of the head.

Two bullet holes.

The bigger conspiracy would be that he has already been offed, and they are categorically planting news evidence to do a practical drone strike, for public safety...

Oh that is a good one

If we're gong to make wild conjecture then here's mine.

He's too valuable, not somebody that would be offed, and is still part of the exercise. He'll be hunted by drones, and caught on some nice IR film for prime time. They might even get him to do a live sat link with Anderson Cooper (I'd watch it even)

The public will be suitably terrorized and give up more civil liberties. He'll be sent off to some cushy assignment with a new identity, and everybody is gonna get laid.

I especially like the laid part.

2nd. One down in Yemen already, september 2011.

Tried in absentia and attempted to arrest.

Don't forget that. Let me know when they go after little girls selling lemonade illegally.

The USA supports a dictator in Yemen, providing training, intel, "covert military strikes" (executive, not congressional decision, of course, Congress doesn't declare war because "fuck the Constitution")

The USA trains this dictatorship to capture and neutralize journalists, human rights workers, democratic activists and opposition parties.

Regardless of Al Qaeda being crazy, the point is that the USA and the West is supporting the same sorts of dictatorships that we opposed in WW2. The al qaeda guy is bad, and so is, you know, the fucking dictatorship the US supports. The good guys are the human rights workers, civil rights workers, democracy workers, journalists, and political dissidents that the USA ensures get put in jail, killed, intimidated or exiled.

The USA does this in S. Arabia too, and Bahrain, Jordan, Uzbekistan, etc.

The point is that armed forces officers the USA is ok with dictatorships, because they want to have Mussolini's babies. You really like the idea of Hitler's floppy uncircumcised walklyrie on your forehead, so you have zero problem helping dictatorships. Man I bet your grandfathers who fought in WW2 would be ashamed.

A bullshit trial in Yemen whose outcome was probably ordered by the CIA. What about his son who was also murdered by a US flying robot? Also, fuck you.

I'm tired of everyone acting like Al-Awalaki was some fucking patriot. Get over yourself. There are far more moderate cases where you can rail against the CIA and drone warfare.

Chris Dorner will be the first example of drones openly used on a U.S. citizen within the borders of the United States.


We should all rally behind this guy. He's a hero.

He killed innocent family members. I agree with his message, but innocent civilians? This isn't a movie...these are real people who had nothing to do with his firing.

While killing is horrible to any degree, and I truly hope he doesn't intend to attack any other innocents - it is something that is a daily occurrence throughout the world. At that, is it not something that police every here in America do? I mean I can guarantee the average person can name at very least three police brutality cases. Is there not something wrong with that?

We aren't talking about police brutality. My point is that the innocent family members of his targets do not deserve to die for the vengeance he seeks with others.

Are they innocent? Did they eat the food his check put on the table? Did they benefit socially from his status? Were they thinking their husband /father was an angel?

I detest ALL violence! However, innocence is rare. Violence has become a vile part of our "civilized " culture.

I think the point this guy is making is much larger you think Palestinian children are innocent? How about Iraqi's, Afghans? The rage should be with every person who watches daily injustice and does nothing. When you hear a friend use the word nigger, call someone a fag do you stand up? Are you innocent?

Great points, and all very valid, but, if he was really that pissed at the commissioner, then he should have shot the fucking commissioner himself - not his daughter and her husband. I think the point he was trying to make would have been a bit more cogent if he would have offed someone much closer to the source of his disgruntlement.

Again, however, you raise valid points. As such, and using your own decent logic, both you AND me and everyone pretty much is likely really complicit in all the bullshit that is going on in the world.

"Those who do not actively oppose wrongdoing are in one way or the other complicit with it."

What's worse : being killed for your crimes, or, knowing your child has been killed because of your crimes?

This whole mess is awful and sadly we all have to live in a world of corruption and hate.

What's worse : being killed for your crimes, or, knowing your child has been killed because of your crimes?

Well, that's a good question, but 1) I'm not 100% sure someone as corrupt as the police commissioner has a sufficient grasp of his wrong doing to really understand that THAT is the reason his kid got offed, and 2) even he DOES have that level of understanding, Dorner (if, again, he did in fact do the deed) did not in any way do himself any favors by offing them. I think he would have had so much more of the public on his side otherwise. For these two reasons, therefore, I really think it would have been better if the commissioner himself would have just been offed.

This whole mess is awful and sadly we all have to live in a world of corruption and hate.

It is indeed horrible...I keep thinking about how we as citizens can come together and form some sort of "Citizens' Militia" or something to fucking fight back.

You sound like an angry Scientologist.

Not sure if novelty account or idiot with an incredibly accurate name.

I believe I just agreed with you. At that, not much can be done about that now besides "sucks, bro."

Remember when Obama droned that 16 year old in Yemen and his press secretary told reporters "he should have had a more responsible father"?

Awesome point. So you're either agreeing with Obama and this guy, or you're disagreeing with both of them.

If you're disagreeing with Obama's actions as President then....who are you arguing with? Do you know what sub you're in?

Awesome point. So you're either agreeing with Obama and this guy, or you're disagreeing with both of them.

That's some Indian logic.

How? What's the relevance of your comment?

That guy made a comment about how he shouldn't be revered as a hero for his actions, and you bring up Obama? You're completely changing the discussion.

This is my whole argument this whole time as well. I'm not super sure he's not being framed, but if he did kill those two, then it keeps me from condoning what he's doing - much as I agree with how upset he is at how corrupt the system is.

those who make nonviolent resistance impossible make violent resistance inevitable.

Agreed in full. It's unfortunate that this man has been pushed so far.

It's unfortunate that this man has been pushed so far.

100% agreed.

I don't know about hero but I can understand where this guy is coming from.

To each their own.

I really really was behind this guy until i got to the part where he said hes going to kill their children. As much as i want to be this guys #1 fan that just doesnt sit right with me. Now if i find out later that it was just part of his plan to use that fear against them ill go back to being his #1.

I am in total agreement. I'm his #1 fan now, but if he were to commit such an atrocity...well I'd hope they would prevent him from being able to do so. He seems intelligent, and right now it's clear he does have some community support both locally and via word of mouth (us). I'm hoping he won't pop off at kids or any more innocents. It contradicts the message he is trying to send.

Wonder why you got downvoted for making these statements. They seem right and valid to me.


Very good point.

Depends. If he DIDN'T kill the commissioner's daughter and her husband, then I'd agree. However, even though I agree with his sense of honor and how upset he is over how corrupt the system is, if he did shoot those two, then I can't get behind him because if he was that pissed, what he should have done was shoot the fucking commissioner himself. HE'S the one the vigilante had the beef with after all - not the commissioner's next of kin.

Guys.....when the fuck are we going to start the revolution?





I've been waiting. I'm waiting.

It fucking sucks. Hell I'd start it myself if I thought that it would lead to anything...But I'll be motherfucking goddamned if we Americans haven't been turned into about the laziest, most cynical country of losers on the planet. If I thought there was a chance that my death could/would spark a real revolution? hell I'd give it up in a moment.

We've all allowed ourselves to get too bogged down with the spin of the absolutely evil PTB and their dirty MSM, however, and they seem to easily take whatever spell of momentary outrage or vehemence that bubbles up in the masses over any one of the many OBVIOUS wrong doings on their part and just hypnotize all of us back to complacent sheepdom.

Fucking bahhhh.

There are many of us, myself included, that feel and think this very same way. If this is the case, and it so obviously is, we need to unite. Let's get this show on the road already before they take the roads from us too.

One: Love the unsername.

Two: PM me.

might want to delete that


There is no such thing on the internet. They already know.

Comment from the chan:

yfw its meant to look like anyone is a threat

yfw its meant to bring on a larger police state

yfw when false flag occurs and is blamed on a normal looking liberty minded individual

American Drone Deaths Highlight Controversy

Of the scores of people dubbed terrorists who have been targeted by American military drone strikes, three men -- all killed in the fall of 2011 -- were U.S. citizens.

Update: A fourth American-born citizen, Kamal Derwish, was killed by predator drone in Yemen in 2002. Derwish was not the primary target of the strike, but was riding in an SUV carrying an al-Qaida leader.

Would somebody please break down the acronyms? I'm having a hard time finding them on line.

Someone please :3

Dammit, nerd;)

Real life Rambo this could get interesting.

Just watch as the new laws roll in after this sitution is resolved.

I would be really and utterly shocked to see them use an armed domestic drone to take this guy out but hey, the precedent's gonna get set as we all know...

It's really only a matter of time now I'm guessing...

All hope will be lost for me if they start openly using drones on US soil, and there's no outrage.

All hope for what? For the people actually fighting back?

And then what though? What do you - what do we - do if/when "all hope is lost"? Do we just crawl up in a ball and allow TPTB to continue forcefully prison fucking us?

Man, I just want us as a people to come together so bad and just fight this shit - one way or the other.

3306 people listening to the San Berbardino County Radio. Keep this story alive! don't let forum sliding and deletion keep this out of the publics eye! spread links, mirror if you can!

I was just thinking this. Still, strikes me as more opportunistic than some type of false-flag deal.

Yeah. Could be TPTB's latest FF, or maybe they're using the MSM to just take full advantage of this situation and spin the absolute fuck out of it to suit their agenda.

They're not going to predator his ass - TPTB work in much small increments than people still realize. That would be much too vulgar a display of power (not that it matters with the amount of apathy in this country), but this will be the real world application of surveillance - with the excuse of..................yet again...................public safety.

Yeah, I'm with you. I'm expecting a drone to be used in surveillance. I'm somewhat worried that they will take him out with a small bomb if they find him hiding in the mountains or something, but I don't expect it to happen.

What I don't get here is that this guy killed 3 people. THREE!

But as a result of the manhunt, TWO innocent people have already been shot because the cops went all gung ho trying to protect themselves.

I thought they were supposed to protect US!

For this reason alone, the public should be outraged.

I wish people would listen to what the man says, but nope; he's labeled a "crazy" person by the media now. So no one will listen. Knee-jerk, reactionary, no thought process involved. Bills to pay, kids to feed, stuff to buy. Ain't no body go time fo dat.

Even the cops themselves said right on the news: "Why would you testify against an officer? You don't do that." WTF? That's a big enough red flag for me right there to doubt anything the news says.

We should be demanding that the LAPD cease all intrusion upon ordinary citizens in this manhunt, and that Chris Dorner be captured alive so that he can tell his side of these events. Any thing other than this will result in a HUGE independent investigation into police actions, if such a thing is even possible anymore.

Those policemen should be so fucking scared to shoot at anything, let alone a innocent bystander. Instead, they just fire at will like it's just some sort of game or movie. They should be frightened at the thought of being held accountable, but apparently they know that's never going to happen.

How convenient.

Does anyone remember that site that showed where the drones were currently flying in the US in real time?


JesusFC if that doesn't mean they obviously are, then nothing does.

Listening to the Big Bear scanner last night, the dispatcher and one of the helicopters were talking about the weather up on the mountain degrading and the dispatcher told the pilot that DHS had offered a UAV if they wanted it - but they seemed to decide that it would be obscured for the drone too so they dropped it. But the dispatcher was talking as though he was in contact with DHS.

Thanks for that info. Keep me/us up to date on that if you find out anything else.

This occurred to me also. Wouldn't that be some ironic timing?

If they hit this guy with a drone strike there will be a political shit storm.

This scary. Using drones at all (surveillance or whatever) is unsettling, but I don't know what I'd do if they actually bomb the guy.

Is there a subreddit for /r/bad_gov_no_paycheck ^ They used a predator drone to check if they were armed. Maybe they'll check to make sure Dorner is dead next....

Chris Dorner should do a Q&A on reddit.


Interesting anagrams.

Horror's nicer depth.

Drone porn, her Christ!

dafuk did i just read?

What a great, informative post. And it is even based by facts.

The drones are for Americans abroad. Also, an American citizen was already killed by a drone strike...abroad, so ... why do some people always elevate themselves over "the herd/sheeple"? It's like listening to a fundamental baptist.

Have you seen the misinformation manifests?

This man sounds like the fuckin Punisher. the amount of force being levied against civillians is such blatantly illegal ROEs guaranteeing years or decades of wrongful death and lawsuits that I think this cop has some GIGANTIC dirt to spill against the system.

any idea what his targets are? are they all LAPD or local government/corporate. I'm wondering if this could possibly spark similar incidents from other severely disaffected people within the military, police, and veteran communities

I saw that picture. It seemed like a serious case of overkill to me.

Awesome point. So you're either agreeing with Obama and this guy, or you're disagreeing with both of them.

If you're disagreeing with Obama's actions as President then....who are you arguing with? Do you know what sub you're in?

The problem why his report on his training officer kicking the subject was not believed was that he waited two weeks to make the report - only immediately after he received a negative performance evaluation from said training officers.

Additionally three hotel workers who witnessed the arrest said they did not witness any violence.

I don't know how true above is, it was reported by But there's usually more to these things than the triggerman is saying.

EDIT: I'd also like to ad that the manifesto is definitely not the ramblings of a madman it was said to be in the media. Only crazy bit is going after children of cops, you cant choose your parents after all. He shot two innocents, but then again LAPD had no problem opening up on a random car whose occupants they couldn't even see .. that's actions of madmen.