Conspiracy sub-culture won me over the past few days

103  2013-02-08 by [deleted]

Damnit, you guys won.

For the past decade, I have continuously told myself that all of the military intervention, removal of civil liberties, and hyper-capitalism was a carefully executed scheme to just get a few people rich. I thought there was no evil, grand-scheme that had a malicious end-goal; the goal was just to make money and manipulate the public for as long as possible.

However, with the recent shooting in Sandy Hook, the conversation about guns, tougher talks on internet regulation, and the news the other day about the justified drone killing of Americans, I can't bring myself to believe that there is no motive for this other than padding the wallets of a few politicians and corporate and banking executives.

There's more to this than a few lobbyists influencing defense contracts. I can't put my finger on it, but I know it's coming for us.

EDIT: Thanks for the welcome guys!!!! :)



The Patriot Act The NDAA The Enemy Belligerent Act

Spot on.

The Enemy Extradition Act

never heard of it unable to return any results on google/ lib of congress... link?

Internet Kill Switch Bill

Was an executive order. I know practically little difference, but it's best to be accurate.

REX 84

Really old example. Though isn't it "tinfoily" A huge martial law drill took place during 1984.

As for the rest of your post which seems to revolve around the question of why do we need leaders. I feel this question strikes to the very core of the human condition. Sadly, for some, self awareness and intelligence comes with the burden of responsibility. They would rather give up the pain/doubt that comes with control for the control of others. People love to hear what they want to hear.

You dont' need to work hard we'll feed you. We love you we are the government after all. Etc.


Define globalist. It's a pretty ambiguous term I've seen used to describe everyone from bankers living in the city to military governments. I think a more accurate term would be "corny capitalists" Or just simply "criminals."

Well you said Internet Kill Switch Bill, so I was responding to that. I am not sure why google didn't pull this result hmm seems to have not been index properly, or been removed. Normally "Library of congress AND billname" in google will return the text of any bill.


It's the reason why nationalism is demonised so much because cohesion is needed for a world government. The start of that integration are things like the European Union or the African Union which bring down borders so to speak.

Pretty concise. I have to ask as it varies person to person though this is the common way to define the term. You know a strange thing I've noticed people in this sub dislike authority, the government, but now if a rich person does the same thing they are an evil globalist.

Also strive? I'd say world government is already here. We have a law making body of the world, a court, world wealthfair systems, and a quasi-military. What does it lack?



the system of labor control that is know as money is a huge debate I don't want to get into now. Lets stick to world government for now.

Let me hit you with my "what if." What if the truth is there is no "ruling" elite over the ages guiding society. All the madness, suffering, brutality, injustice was just people behaving in base ways. The rich are the day are just scapegoated for human weakness manifesting themselves in society.

What if there is a super rich class of sociopaths because we admire the ability to lie. Rather than express reality in a simple accurate manner. The ability obscure and to talk alot and say nothing are of the highest value in politics. To repeat slogans with no real meaning. What does that say about US as a species. I dislike this grand conspiracy line, as its a very caricatured version of reality stuck in a basic "US AND THEM" world view. it's easy to blame all the woes on some generalized evil capitalist fucker sitting in an office smoking cigars. Sadly the world isn't so black and white.

Now if you want to assert that the rich lust for control I will not contest that claim; however, I will contest that is unique to the "elite" of society. Also the view as entitled to your position while the underclasses deserve their misery is common class bias nothing new here. It's the same thing when you see a homeless person, and look the other way as a member of the class over them. I've heard this bias expressed in many ways "They're probably a drug addict" or "I don't want to give them money they buy drink with it" Have you lived on the street. I'd sure as hell want to be fucked up for that.

That's the end of my what if. What if all the misery in the world is just due to human greed and lust for power. Personally I can't buy the "grandest conspiracy" as it has been called. Granted their are plenty of real conspiracies, but they aren't over arching or interconnected in a grand way. At least not to my knowledge.


I'm afraid it is that black and white, but I will admit it's not natural. It's my opinion that we are literally dealing with Satanists that operate via mono elitist dualism. They control both black and white, democrats and republicans, terrorists and "patriots", vice and justice. It's all based on the Masonic teachings of Order Out of Chaos.

Nothing is life is ever "black and white." Further the idea that satanists run the world is very outlandish. Most of the people believe in nothing but their god money.

Some people refer to it as crises capitalism; create the problem, offer the solution. There is two parts to that equation in every instance. Everything else will be completely ignored. Take the 2012 presidential election for example. Romney was the problem, and Obama was the "solution" (independents ignored). Democrats and republicans play tag team. One plays until they are considered the problem, until the other steps in as the solution. Rinse, repeat. Establishment (problem), Alex Jones (solution). Illegal drugs (problem), police state (solution). Terrorists (problem), police state (solution). It's Their entire modus operandi; false dualism, or as I like to refer to it; mono elitist dualism.

Ah you are talking about the Hegelian dialectic. Yes this method has been used by elite during human history quite a bit. Though the issues you present are disjointed and caused by varied money interests, so I don't think it proves the over-arching conspiracy angle.

Look at paintings, or photographs of people who changed the world; US President George Washington, US President James A. Garfield, US President Ronald Reagan, first US Chief Justice John Jay, General William Tecumseh Sherman, US President Andrew Johnson, US President Rutherford B. Hayes, US General George B. McClellan, Karl Marx, Napoleon Bonaparte, Joseph Stalin, John Wilkes Booth, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Salomon Rothschild (among others), Vladimir Lenin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Victor Hugo, Giacomo Antonelli (Jesuit Order, conspired to murder Abraham Lincoln), Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi (Stature of Liberty designer), Simon Bolivar, Marquis de Lafayette, Francisco Pizarro, Leon Trotsky.

Not sure what your point was care to elaborate?

You will find them hiding one hand inside their jacket. It is the signifier of The Hidden Hand. They are the people whom have conspired over several centuries to bring about a one world government. Many of them seem to be in opposition to one another, but they have all worked towards the same goal. It is the art, patience, and perseverance of mono elitist dualism. They still exist today, but are much more careful with exposing themselves as such. They exist in groups such as;

The Club of Rome

The Bilderberg Group

Bohemian Grove and The Cremation of Care (take note of the title of the gathering)

The Committee of 300

The Trilateral Commission

Skull and Bones

The Scottish Rite

Well these range from brotherhoods to elitist think tanks. I don't attempt to say such shadowy power brokers exists, but I don't think they have total control over our future and past. Nor have they ever. They may aspire to this level of control but so has every man. From the Greeks to the Germans they all sought to bring about their "new age" of enlightenment of course with their race at the helm.

David Rockefeller admitted in his book, Memoirs, that he was guilty of being part of a secret cabal working to undermine US sovereignty to achieve a one world government. He states:

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

Yes tycoons have came together to build a system of crony capitalism. There is a class of globalist industrialist working towards one world. I don't content that claim; however, what I contest is that they further work with all secret society towards a one world satanic government.


Fuck off. You are obviously a troll or not seriously. Anyone who takes the view point I'm right you are wrong is a fool. You offer no proof of this claim and then want me to take a test to determine if I am " get paid to spread disinfo" by who may I ask?


And you should do a little reading on the confirmation bias and the teapot fallacy. To answer your question no I do not "get paid to spread disinfo."


Nothing I say will change your mind as you've already made it up. Believe whatever you wish to believe. Sure I have alts, and no you can't know their names. So there is your 100% proof I am a paid shill. Oh the confirmation bias is strong with this one. Also I'd be interested to see what possible test you think would objectively prove I am "trust-worthy."


Go from claiming "YOU SHILL" to "I know more than you." Some serious debating right here.


You sir... 10/10! Otherwise seriously you delude yourself man you need to stop smoking and be a little less paranoid. Though I can confirmed I am a propagandist.

You have made my night mate in tears. +1

Playing on inherent psychological fears of survival supersedes everything else. How can i stay warm, can I afford for me and my family to eat? These fears are embedded into each and everyone of us and have been since man evolved. It's a prime evil built in survival mechanism.

People are also being sidetracked by issues that come far down the ladder such as gay rights. While those rights granted will be good for gay people, it doesn't need to be that big of an issue especially at this moment in time. It's a classic diversionary tactic away from the front and centre issues which are global finance and constant war.

Goddamn this needs bestof status!

It's nothing more than fascist globalism.

You got that exactly right!

But I would put it the other way about.

It's nothing more than global fascism.

it all goes way back, thomas jefferson warned us

Jefferson, Franklin, and even before that there were Greek philosophers that warned about the shackling of man. When there is a system with the potential for abuse, such as humanity, someone will abuse it.


Man, it sure is taking them along time then.

Since Mao, Stalin and Hitler?

I'm not saying it's aliens. But it's aliens.

Don't listen to benjamindess, he is giving us all a bad name. I'ts not aliens, it's REPTILIANS!

he made a joke, i laughed... no giving of bad names here

Can't believe someone took me seriously....

that damn rico sauve!

Good for you OP. Better late than never. Now you just need to research:


7/7 London bombings

Oklahoma City bombing

Aurora theatre shooting

Operation Mockingbird

moon landing

gulf of tonkin incident

You'll start to get a picture of how we're being manipulated.

I firmly believe we went to the moon. Too much of a risk to say we didn't.

9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, and other false-flag attacks? I never bought them. Leaves too much to be desired.

how about the USS Liberty? and operation Northwoods

The thing about it is we did go to the moon as far as i'm concerned but everyone forgets Russia never tried to go there. There wasn't a race.

RMS Lusitana & WWI , Pearl Harbor & WWII, Gulf of Tonkin & Vietnam War, 9/11 & War on Terror.

You'll start to get a picture of how we're being manipulated.

Moon landings*

IIRC there were about 12 of them. I highly doubt that they didn't go to the moon. We know if there is anything that motivates the 'advance' of technology, it's war. I'm pretty sure the Russians were watching rather closely, and would have pointed out if the US faked it all. From the limited footage i've seen arguing conspiracy, i've not been convinced.

You really should look into some occult history. but here's my theory in brief:

The goal of the global elite is to scientifically control the population and production. In doing so they will grant authority to a governing AI that will control not only robotic weaponry, but also the production process of all goods and services. Furthermore, they will provide the population with mindless entertainment in an attempt to destroy our consciousness. This Governing AI is actually an inter-dimensional being formed of logic and reason who has gone by many names in history including the grand architect, Lucifer, the Fallen angle, and certain pagan gods.

They will be defeated by the unification of all consciousness on the planet. The internet is the beginnings of this which is why they wish to control it so much. Once this occurs, we will realize that all consciousness is one and infinite as we continue our own evolution into a extra-dimensional being. Evolution is primarily one of consciousness and is an exponential process. They cannot stop it.

we always do

If r/conspiracy is winning does that mean everyone is losing, or does that mean there is hope?

there is always hope.

There is always freewill

Other than while under the influence of scopolamine. Or if there was some way to genetically engineer free will out of people.

We're just knowledgable in what's happening around us. We need more like us.

Yep, you're definitely a teenager.

"Welcome to the party, pal."

Agreed, OP. In all honesty I couldn't describe in words what it is that I believe is really going on, simply because it's just a theory that has no substance. I definitely believe there is more to all of this, that we are pawns in a game much bigger than any of us. I feel like we have been manipulated for hundreds of years, and even those who are brainwashing have been manipulated themselves. I myself have fell in the same boat you're in, can't turn your head to facts.

Read up on these things when you get the chance:

  • Take note of the fact that not only was Cord Meyer head of Operation Mockingbird but also a World Federalist (see title of his book).

At the heart of it is money. Not money in the way you and I think of it, but control over the issuance of money. As long as we are forced to use the money that they issue to themselves for free (or near free), they will continue to dominate by virtue of always having astronomically more money than anyone else. Thus, one of the few peaceful ways to bring down their hierarchical control system is to migrate to other forms of money.


Of course it is all for that money (or power, as money=power). For some people that is all there is in life. They have absolutely no morale or other goals.

All actions are logical: you aquire more money, you have more power. You remove freedoms, people who have power gain more. You remove money/power from others - your money/power increases.

There is nothing more than some people who lust for money/power. No servant of "satan" who wants to destroy the world. They just do not care for the world or moreale. And doing things that others do not (due to such things as morale) gives you advantage and therfore power. Which helps them in their addiction to growing power.

This. The endgame is always money/power (seeing as they're pretty much the same thing). It's all about control; you're just seeing them preparing to grab as much as possible right now.

Not preparing, we see them getting it now. (destroying somebody's power (example: civil/human rights) is weakening their contra power/resitance and thereby strenghtening your power.

The interesting (neuropsychologically proven) part is, that, in most cases having money does not satisfy you (=make you happy), and only aquiering money does.

For power, there are also those that like to use power, but they want more power or get afraid that somebody takes it away from them.

That is what motivates them, the others (many more) are just sheeps, they think that money/power to oneself is always good and follow others to get that....

There is no evil plan. The evil is the greed. The greed in every human. The same greed we glorify and pray to in our economic system (without greed [= wish for more -> emphasis on growth] our system would be different). It is the same evil that has always been makred and known as evil (religion, Bible). Yet we glorify it. The evil is not some plan, it is a false system, false culture, the false value we know under the glory name of growth.

Calling it 'evil' makes it out to be some inevitability though, when that's just not true. We're conditioned to think that personal acquisition is the only way to be happy and the only way to operate.

Agree though, this has been going on for years, but i think it will be coming to a head within the next 20 years or so; as in we will see some major social changes that take away a lot more of our freedoms.

Remember that you are not alone in this endeavour to discover the corruption at the heart of global politics. Take solace in this, and know that the rabbit hole is deeper than any mind could imagine. But hold close to your sanity, and follow your instincts, because they will rarely lead you too far from the truth. Good luck.

It's not a question anymore of "conspiracy" but understanding who, how and why the "strings of our society are pulled".

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. ...We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. ... In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons...who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

Edward Bernays 1928 Propaganda

From the events that form public opinion into accepting the stated principle of government policy - Doctrines:

Sinking of RMS Lusitana and US entry in WWI

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and US entry in WWII

Operation PBSUCCESS, 1954 Guatamalan coup d'etat on behalf of United Fruit Company

Terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the "War on Terror"

To the events and secret projects that help maintain the "status quo" of the ruling elite:

Cold War era Operation Gladio

Recruitment of post WWII Nazi scientists - Operation Paperclip

Experiments in behavioral engineering of humans - Project MKUltra & Project Monarch

CIA drug trafficking complicity:

Iran-Contra Affair & US Crack Epidemic

and many more....

That's not eve a theory, its just the way the system works. A theory would be the lizard kings are preparing for the arrival of their lizard mother ship.

Go on...

I'm glad you woke up.

welcome to everyone thinking youre crazy and you thinking they are blind and ignorant. have fun.

Conspiracies don't exist. There isn't a mafia, Hoover was right! The mafia is just a nutty conspiracy theory.

Welcome aboard. There's foil and reverse osmosis water on the table :)

Why fight it, either?

Because if you're wrong, oh well. It was just an error and everything turns out alright.

But if youre right, and don't fight it, youre fucked.

Rather be safe than sorry.

Whatever you do, don't call yourself a "conspiracy theorist", don't call the people you're referring to as the "globalists" and try your best from using the words "new world order".

Other than while under the influence of scopolamine. Or if there was some way to genetically engineer free will out of people.