Somebody - anybody - keep us posted as soon as anyone finds out what happens to the Asian lady in critical condition that the LAPD shot up.

43  2013-02-09 by no1113

LAPD and the fucking shitty MSM are keeping that story as hush hush as possible, but what's REALLY going to happen if that lady actually dies?

And she's 1) old. She's a senior citizen in her 60s/70s (I forget how old, but the point is she's up there in age), and 2) she's in critical condition. Put two and two together: A female senior citizen that's in critical condition because she got shot (a very traumatic thing in itself) does not stand a great chance of pulling through.

Thus far the MSM gets the opportunity to sugar coat their hairy shit ball by saying "citizens were 'injured' by LAPD gunfire." What can they say when it turns into "LAPD killed a defenseless citizen"?

Anyway, the moment anyone finds out, post it for sure.

That it all.




That's what I thought as well.


Both are hot as hell damnnnnnn!

Yup, some hot asian women.

edit: downvotes... I guess people don't think they are hot lol

Dude almost every thread you're pro establishment or making light of serious situations, and almost all your posts are in r/conspiracy, nothing better to do?

I'm pro establishment?

I just finished saying Obama is a wolf... I've constantly said the LAPD are going to murder Dorner to keep his story down..

Is that you Ashton? Am I being punkd?

Filipinos often have Hispanic names.

Oh so the cops asked their names before firing on them? lol

Not sure what you're getting at.

Buddy there said he can tell the difference between Hispanics and Asians.

We need to get this story in the face of the public. Someone needs to send it to RT, and....I WILL SAY IT



I agree with what you're saying, but what do you make of the link that another redditor on here provided of what seems to be the two ladies involved in this incident? Note my own comment to it as well and what I think about the condition they seem to be in in the video.


This seems a very valid thing to suppose, but one would think that certain people would HAVE to inquire about her condition and the word would get out sooner or later.

Ultimately, fuck the MSM. With all the social media, etc that's out there, you would think that a family member or someone would let it be known on their Twitter account or something if she does pass on.


So LAPD preemptively locates her next of kin and says...

No, no. They wouldn't pay anybody actually. That wouldn't happen. If anything, they'd get some piece of shit judge to write up some sort of bullshit court order or something, find out who her next of kin is, track them down, and then tell them that they aren't legally allowed to post anything online about the lady's status if she passes away "To help our ongoing investigation and search for that criminal Dorner."

Fuck that just pisses me off the more I think about it...>:(

Check it out. Relevant info. Take a look at the posted link.

  • Emma Hernandez age 71, shot in the back and was hospitalized in stable condition.

  • Margie Carranza age 47, wounded by glass from the shattered window.

  • The Latina women have hired a lawyer.

  • Video of the women after the shooting. One in prone position on a stretcher, the other walking.

Wo. Wait a minute. First of all, I thought it was two Asian ladies. Those women were Mexican/Hispanic. Secondly...they were DEFINITELY in stable condition. The lady who was supposedly shot in the back was quite aware and awake and talking to the EMT about where they were taking her.

And the other one was actually VERY okay, as she was being walked of her own volition without a stretcher to the ambulance truck.

Yet there's the blue truck that is absolutely RIDDLED with bullets. Shouldn't those two ladies have been practically dead after having had that many bullet holes go through their their truck's back window?


Thanks for the info, however.

And they we thought storm troopers were inaccurate.

Look at how the cops fired into the tailgate of the truck, those rounds were wholly ineffective. Then the shots into the window would have been coming from ground level and surely missed.

I imagine the woman shot in the back was hit by a ricochet.

Yes, they were first reported as Asian. That's how news reporting works. Report as fast as you can with whatever information you have, let the details trickle in later. That's why it's all for entertainment.

Or they are reported to be asian so the mass of Mexicans, Latinos, Chicanos what have you don't go bat shit on the LAPD while they do their little manhunt.

I'll put my money on it that that's fucking it.

Look at how the cops fired into the tailgate of the truck, those rounds were wholly ineffective.

Certainly. They put quite a few in the windows though.

Then the shots into the window would have been coming from ground level and surely missed.

Not necessarily. At ground level - i.e. if the cops were simply crouching a bit - it looks like those shots could have/should have been head shots.

That's why it's all for entertainment.

Yet it absolutely SHOULDN'T be - especially not in a situation like this one.

Note there are shell casings in front of the truck as well as elsewhere. I haven't seen any pics from the front of the truck nor the side but also there is a bullet hole in the windshield of the police cruiser. Wondering; did all the shots originate from the back of the vehicle?

Good question...

That's distortion of the curb in the distance, and other photos of the cruiser do not show that same distortion. Bullet holes would persist in different photos.

As for the evidence tads, those aren't for casings, and you can see casings in the forground without tags.

The one on the stretcher asks, "Where are you taking me." She said, "A donde me lleva."

Yep. Seemed like it.

The fact that you think they were Asian makes me wonder how deep you are searching for news.

Fuck the news. I don't "search for news". And the fact that it was THE NEWS ITSELF that said they were Asian in the first place should let you know that I'm at least somewhat aware of what they say. That was after all, how they did initially describe the two ladies - as being Asian.

I, of course, have since found out that they were Mexican/Hispanic women. I also know that one theory behind why they were erroneously categorized as Asian is because "the news just pushes whatever information out pretty much immediately come what may of the accuracy of the data." I know that. Again, I was simply going by what AT THE TIME the race of the two victims was assumed to be. I've (again) realized that they aren't that race. I was also pretty quickly informed that although one of the ladies is (was?) said to be in the ICU, she went in to the ambulance pretty darn cogent, aware, and talkative. So there's that.

Anyway, a lot of information has since come up that I've become aware of AFTER I posted the OP. At the time I did post the OP, however, that information wasn't anywhere near as greatly circulated.

So you listened to the news Thursday, and ignored it Friday and Saturday? And you haven't edited your post?

What? I "listened to the news Thursday"? What the...

I didn't listen to the news any day. Not in the sense that someone like you might think anyway. I don't even have a tv, man. I just get/got whatever information I get/got from wherever on the net I got it from.

And the reason I haven't edited my post is because 1) you can't edit Reddit titles anyway. They are what they are. Also 2) I'm not a type that tries to be disingenuous. If I made a mistake of whatever type, I certainly try to correct it, but everyone makes mistakes, so I don't try to run or hide from having made one. I'd just as soon let it stand, and if someone is so interested, they'd be able to see that I've since amended and corrected my understanding of the issue in question.

Wo. Wait a minute. First of all, I thought it was two Asian ladies. Those women were Mexican/Hispanic. Secondly...they were DEFINITELY in stable condition. The lady who was supposedly shot in the back was quite aware and awake and talking to the EMT about where they were taking her.

And the other one was actually VERY okay, as she was being walked of her own volition without a stretcher to the ambulance truck.

Yet there's the blue truck that is absolutely RIDDLED with bullets. Shouldn't those two ladies have been practically dead after having had that many bullet holes go through their their truck's back window?


Thanks for the info, however.

The one on the stretcher asks, "Where are you taking me." She said, "A donde me lleva."