My U.F.O experiance
2 2013-02-11 by jeffmacentire
When I was 10 years old I was bouncing on my trampoline on a warm night in Arizona. It was just after the sun went down so the skies were still very visible. I hear what sounds like a plane single engine plane that is about to crash, just like in the movies, behind me. The sound was that of an engine going from high rpm's to low rpm's. I turn around to see a brownish tan object coming in from the south at a high rate of speed about to crash into my neighbors house. It was probably only 100 yards away from me when the rpm's begin to pick up again. It never stopped but was moving very slow as it pulled out of its dive. It accelerated quite fast in a upward and northward direction. I have perfect vision and I watched it disappear out of sight in less then 5 seconds. It took off in the exact direction of the Yuma Proving Grounds if that means anything.
Describing it will be quite hard bare with me. The side view. Imagine a right traingle with the 45 degree side rounded. It was about 15 tall. 10 feet accros
From the front. It was probably 10 feet accros. The edges on the left and right side were indented along its vertical length. It also had a black line running right down the middle.
The back and bottom of the ship were completely flat. However on the bottom it had four super thin spider legs protruding from the 4 corners. Im assuming this is landing gear. The back and bottem we so perfectly flat that I think it was just a little drone that would fit perfectly into a larger ship.
I know what I saw and I guarantee you that it came from another planet. People say that if aliens came it would be the equivalent of Columbus and the Indians. That is a human mentality because I know for a fact other civilization's know about us. Besides the universe is big and I doubt our Earth is special.
3 [deleted] 2013-02-11
Take it to /r/UFOs. Although
Haha, no.
0 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
if you are nieve enough to think the earth is the only planet with life you cannot be helped
1 [deleted] 2013-02-11
Oh don't get me wrong, I think it's more than likely there's alien life out there somewhere.
But equally, if you're naive enough to believe for absolute certainty that you saw an extraterrestrial craft then you cannot be helped.
1 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
Well you would think the same thing in my situation. If you have a better explanation
1 keymaster999 2013-02-11
Look at this guys comment history, hes just a troll. But seriously, the fact that there was an engine sound makes me think this was some sort of radio controlled or small aircraft. UFOs have always been reported with no sound which is what makes the propulsion such a mystery. I wasn't there, my only point is to ask you reserve judgement and keep reseaching the topic. Check out r/uap.
3 JoshuaZ1 2013-02-11
Let's assume you did really see some sort of craft. Never minding that this happened to you when you 10 an never mind that it sounded like an airplane, and never mind that memory is fallible and changes over time. Let's put all that aside: one thing I don't understand: what makes you so sure this was from another planet?
0 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
I know ur skeptical my best friends are too. It hurts when people think you lying. I can remember eating dinner with my family soon after and telling them about it. They thought I was lying too. I havent really started telling people until recently. Either the military is thousands of years ahead of where we think they are or it came from another planet.
2 JoshuaZ1 2013-02-11
I'm not saying you are lying. That's an important issue. First, lots of weird things happen to people all the time. Some of those are real and some are in our heads. I. for example, regularly get sleep paralysis along with the accompanying hallucinations. I've seen ghosts, demons, aliens and even the Borg. But, since I'm someone who knows what sleep paralysis is, I'm not too worried (at least when I'm fully awake. When it is happening it is freaking terrifying). People can have hallucinations and other weird stuff.
Moreover, you were young at the time. Young children have active imaginations. Moreover, over time, memories can change, and small things can grow even over a short time span. This is why eyewitness testimony is so unreliable.
So no, expressing skepticism does not require thinking one is lying.
This does not follow at multiple levels. Let's assume for now that you did see exactly what you remember seeing, and that it was really there. How would you be able to tell how advanced the technology involved was? To someone in 1870, would a modern drone look more or less advanced than a World War I biplane or a World War II bomber? What about compared to a 747? If one were talking about some sort of super-secret highly advanced technology, actually telling how advanced it is would be difficult.
Moreover, even if you assume that it has non-human origins, why does it need to come from another planet? It could for example come from another "dimension" or something like that. You are making assumptions that just don't follow.
1 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
I was rude thanks for the input. Someone else is convincing me that it was from earth
1 JoshuaZ1 2013-02-11
No problem. You're welcome.
0 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
After hearing all these possible explanations I have to say alien tho
0 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
Thanks dude you must have seen it too my bad
2 no1113 2013-02-11
Have you seen anything since that time or have you had any strange or novel experiences at night or prior to going to sleep, etc?
0 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
I'm curious to know what you mean. I have not had any other experiance
1 no1113 2013-02-11
I just mean night time visitations or anomalous night time events as such.
0 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
Does that happen a lot? But no I think it was crashing. Are you someone that know something?
2 no1113 2013-02-11
There's a correlation between sightings and contact experiences, yes.
I'm just someone who, like many here, have studied this phenomenon is all.
1 Lorgramoth 2013-02-11
Please step outside and look into the sky above you for 10 seconds.
-1 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
If you're saying it was dark it wasn't. It was just a few minutes after sunset
2 Lorgramoth 2013-02-11
Please sir, step outside now and look into the sky above you for 10 seconds.
0 FlyingSalt 2013-02-11
What are you getting at Bobby?
-1 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
On now what
4 Lorgramoth 2013-02-11
Our targeting system has done the rest. Thank you and goodbye.
1 TheEmeraldDream 2013-02-11
Don't ever doubt the Earth is special. We may not be the only planet with life, but every inch is covered with life, and it is pretty damned close to perfect, if we weren't destroying it.
0 FlyingSalt 2013-02-11
Interesting events jeff; I want to believe you.
-1 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
I wrote this for the karma u caught me
1 heybotelho 2013-02-11
you dont get karma on self posts...
0 jeffmacentire 2013-02-11
i know brooooooooooooooooooooooooo i thought u would like to hear
0 FlyingSalt 2013-02-11
Lol, trolls don't do it for the karma. Nothing against you at all, but I have been suckered before, they can be very convincing. ╭(╯ε╰)╮
1 JoshuaZ1 2013-02-11
No problem. You're welcome.