Pope to resign, North Korea tests a nuke, wrestling dropped from the olympics all within two days?

34  2013-02-12 by [deleted]


The Pope is setting up to be the next dictator in North Korea, he's recruiting the best wrestlers in the world for his personal guard and during the next Papal conclave, a nuke will erase any material and/or living loose end that may endanger the plan.

No you have it all wrong. The pope is about to embark on a pro-wrestling career in North Korea and now that they have the bomb there ain't nuthin you can do about it.

You... You sir are my hero. Thanks for the laughs and insanely detailed mental images of Pope Benedict wrestling random Koreans for the heavy weight title.

As a former wrestler, I'm seriously concerned about how many of my former colleagues joined the military.

Just study it out.

...seriously? Is this /r/conspiratard now?

He's just asking a question, are you not allowed to ask questions anymore?

I bought socks, my neighbors mowed the lawn, and the price of beer went up three cents.

Coincidence? I think not... discuss.

See how dumb that is? It's dumb. It's really dumb. It's irrelevant to any legitimate discussion of anything. The question is stupid and makes the subreddit look just like /r/conspiratard characterizes it: totally disconnected from reality.

Censoring a post based on the opinion of one person, or even a group of people, is anathema to the very idea of this subreddit.

If people are not free to speak their mind, even if you see it as ridiculous, what is the point of this place?

Perhaps I believe that HAARP discussion is stupid. Perhaps I believe that it's dumb and not relevant. Should we censor that too, just because a few people disagree with it?

Don't you see how slippery that slope is? Once you start deleting posts based on subjective opinions it all flies out the window.

For a subreddit that rightly rails against censorship, you seem all to eager to delete what you dislike.

It's not censorship to call someone out for saying something stupid, it's how a community maintains their standards.

Did I say delete? Did I say it anywhere? Do I have the power to censor people?

But you were putting him down for voicing something he believed in. What's the difference between that and other things that regularly get posted here?

Just because you believe that other stuff but not this?

This should be a safe spot where people can voice their opinions without being made fun of, if you want moderated discussion there are plenty of other places.

Something he believed in? He just listed three news stories and said, "coincidence? i think not... discuss."

But you were putting him down for voicing something he believed in. What's the difference between that and other things that regularly get posted here?

It isn't different, and when I think other things are this level of awful I say so there as well.

This should be a safe spot where people can voice their opinions without being made fun of, if you want moderated discussion there are plenty of other places.

Nobody has to 'play nice or go home;' this isn't a fucking daycare. That's my opinion and I'm voicing it.

Nobody has to 'play nice or go home;' this isn't a fucking daycare. That's my opinion and I'm voicing it.

Yeah but your opinion doesn't take precedence over his. He has his opinion, you have yours, but his isn't stupid because you don't agree with it. It's not a productive discussion at all, you didn't give any good feedback, just basically told him to shove it. Classy.

When /r/conspiratard makes fun of this place, this is probably what they were referencing.

"Fuck off buddy if you don't believe what I believe then you're a moron".

Everyone should be allowed to voice their opinion and shouldn't be called stupid for doing it.

No, man. All opinions are not equally valid. Some, like OP's post, are just dumb.

And disagreement is not censorship.

Check /u/totalbullshitt's account age and compare it to OP's account. Good chance that they are in fact OP or at least one of their trolling accomplices.

This post is being gamed by anti-inquiry types.

Yep. Trolls with brand new accounts.

That goes against the entire idea of this subreddit, your inability to understand the subjectivity of opinions is exactly the problem.

No one is dumb for posting their ideas, even if you see said idea as being stupid. Because one man's dumb delusions are another man's truth, it's totally relative. That's the entire point of this place in my opinion, anything and everything goes. It's also what makes this place different, circlejerking about the same stuff over and over again is what the other subreddits do, not us.

I'm sorry you don't see it that way.

I don't think he's dumb, I think his post and inistance of non-coincidence are dumb.

And this subreddit isn't a place for ideas to be criticized? Really? Have you ever seen a post supporting the official 9/11 story that isn't slathered in responses calling the person a shill, sheep, or moron?

Any group looking for truth must accept that the truth might disagree with their preconceived notions. If all we do is agree quietly and ignore everything we don't agree with, what are we really gaining?

That's the entire point of this place in my opinion, anything and everything goes.

Except for criticism, I guess.

That wasn't criticism, you were being an ass. Criticism implies some amount of constructive discussion, you were basically saying "well fuck you buddy I don't agree with that you're a moron" without giving any reasons for it.

Nice critical thinking skills there bud.


The best part of that subreddit is some of the posts are satirical trolls and others are completely serious, but they both seem so similar you can't tell the difference.

Broham, this post was bullshit from the get-go.

Haha, you're pretty bad at this whole debate thing if I was able to keep it going that long. No wonder /r/conspiratard makes fun you guys, you really are that stupid. 50 upvotes? Frontpage of sub?

Haha, ridiculous.

Holy cow. I think /u/totalbullshitt just exploded.

The OP still has his opinion in big bold letters at the top of this page, and /u/ForAHamburgerToday is still in the comments. No precedence given.

Contrary to what your kindergarten teacher said, there most definitely are stupid questions. Feel free to ask them, but don't expect everyone to play along.

Edit: and look at the guy's username! I'd say it fits quite well, and shows that the post may not be genuine. And if you check the OP's history, they link this post in a comment in /r/worldnews and say "Edit: frontpage of that sub. Hahhaha awesome."

A Retarded question

So? That's such a relative statement, who is to say what is or is not retarded? You?

Half of the posts in here are about seemingly similarly ridiculous stuff to some people, who is to say that he doesn't get his chance to say what he wants to say?

I don't believe in lizard people but I don't try and silence others because I disagree with them. They have the right to speak their mind regardless of what I think about it.

If you start limiting expression based on what people say is or is not "retarded" you'd have to start censoring a whole plethora of posts based on completely subjective opinions. You want free expression, yet people that bug you should be silenced?

Yeah, how about you let people only ask pre-approved questions and rename this to /r/facism...

Seriously, the pope,nuclear weapons and wrestling are all part of some giant conspiracy? Fuck that

I'm not going to humour some idiot not just by my standards but by many others in this sub.

Why should we humour things which are obviously false and most likely a troll. For freedom of speech? I would prefer if these less than average intelligent theories could be placed in a different sub so we don't have to deal with this dribble.

Seriously, the pope,nuclear weapons and wrestling are all part of some giant conspiracy? Fuck that

In a subreddit where UFOs, Reptoids and other items are regularly discussed, where do you draw the line? And whose judgement do you use?

I've seen people go on huge rants about how HAARP is controlling your mind and everyone smiles and nods. Yet you claim to have standards to uphold?

You know for a subreddit that labels itself as freethinking you really are quite dogmatic.

It says right on your subreddit description...

Respect other views and opinions, keep an open mind.

So how about you do that? One man's delusion might be another man's truth. Who are you to tell others what to believe? This entire subreddit is based on the idea that everyone can freely speak their mind without people crying "bullshit" and whatnot.

If you start censoring people based on what you see as "retarded" then why not censor anything and everything that anyone thinks is stupid? It's a slippery slope.

Although it's amusing to see people that hate fascism and censorship become what they rail against.

It's common sense. I'm not saying we should be anti-free speech etc but when these types of questions come up, it seriously makes me think if the people in this sub should be allowed access to a computer.

It's common sense to who, you? Perhaps not everyone shares your opinion, who are you to dictate the terms of the community discussion?

Perhaps I think it's common sense that any discussion on Dorner material should be nixed. Do we censor every article based on the opinion of one person, or even the majority?

It's no different than any of the other discussions here. Just because you disagree with it doesn't mean it's bullshit.

It's confusing how a group of people could be so opposed to censorship, then demand they censor others because of disagreements.

Your concern trolling is transparent.

Obvious troll is obvious.

r/politics invaded this particular thread for immaturity and stupidity and a fantastic (to them) circlejerk.

Shrug - what can one do, world is full of stupid people.

This was definitely a post everyone could hate.


Like I said, the world is full of idiots - engaging them in conversation is a losing proposition. Allowing them into one's life is a recipe for disaster.

Best to ignore them, unless physically threatened.

Do we know the Pope is not North Korean? I have no evidence - I am just asking questions.

I applaud you good sir for asking the question that everyone else is too afraid to ask.

I heard LAPD killed those who just "thought" about the question.

Sause of informations. (QUICK BEFORE THEY DELETE IT)

All I'm saying is that I've never seen the Pope and Kim Jong-un in the same place at the same time...

Fact: Kim Jong-Un went to school in Switzerland, smack dab inbetween Bavaria (where the pope is 'from') and Italy...

He's supposedly Bavarian, but he never really looked that Bavarian to me.


Nazi pope wrestles a nuclear north korean warhead.

Two words: Fucking. Aliens.


Pretty obvious. And yet, 25 upvotes.

Hmmmm. Let's see what the raw data says...

Name: dingbat12
ID: akkat
Gold: false
Mod: false
Redditor since:
9:50:27 12/2/2013

Redditor for:
-1y 11m 30d 8h 49m 32s

Post breakdown:

worldnews: 2
unitedkingdom: 2
conspiracy: 1

If it smells like a troll and looks like a troll...

EDIT: Aaannnnnd now this is front page. With 26 upvotes.

EDIT: Aaannnnnd now this is front page. With 26 upvotes.

Wow, interesting. Now that's a conspiracy!

This was an invasion thread, from r/politics and perhaps r/retards.

Nice try, Vatican plant.

The pope is going to nuke the Olympics with the help of disgruntled former wrestlers. It's the only logical conclusion.


Welcome to r/conspiracy, where free thinking and discussion is encouraged!

When you spot bullshit, call it bullshit, when you spot an interesting fact or a story you weren't aware of, investigate it and make an informed comment in a given thread.

Of course, a troll or a shill is usually called on his/her bullshit.

So I am calling you out, dingbat.

r/politics is thataway - feel free to come back to this subreddit when you grow and wise up.

Pope resigns in fury over Olympic wrestlers being sent on first manned mission to Pluto by Nk ‘Nuclear’ missile. Pope was heard to comment he had “…called shotgun”.

You can't explain that.

Im really curious how the OP thinks these coincide with each other..

It's a bit of humor, enjoy life once in a while.

I dont think he was trying to be funny, thats why I was curious. If he was being sarcastic than it went wayyy over my head.

Yet another false flag by the j00$ attempting to distract us from installing a zionist tyranny in the US. Wake up.

EXLCUSIVE: Nazi Popes irradiated army of north korean wrestlers begins invasion of the world.

Yesterday: Chris Dorner doesn't exist.

Today: this


Great novelty lies ahead still

It's shit like this, when real shit like Sandy Hook goes down, no one listen's. Shill detected.

OP is a redditor for 13 hours. http://www.reddit.com/user/dingbat12

My world is spinning out of control!

it's a plan to get drones on american soil

just like the second american revolution!

Yep. Trolls with brand new accounts.