bin Laden was the excuse for incredibly bad foreign policy. Dorner is the excuse for incredibly bad domestic policy.

235  2013-02-12 by ronintetsuro

You watch.

Now they've expanded the 'search' to the Mexican border, days after Dorner would be long gone if that was where he was headed. So they're going to weaponize the border (further) over the hunt for one man? For how long? If it's creating law enforcement jobs, you can assume indefinitely.

They've already talked about fielding weaponized drones over American airspace to find this ONE GUY. They were doing no-knock raids in Big Bear.

My guess is they're training for the Final Solution stateside.


You are most likely right. And that disturbs me a little.

Is it disturbing that it's happening?

Or is it disturbing that it confirms what's BEEN happening?

[deleted]'s been said that you can get through anything if you find out, even in the slightest, someone is feeling what you feel (something about human likeness).

I feel the same way sometimes - I take a step back and think "is my head up my own ass? Have I disappeared into a bubble of bias?"

Then the shit keeps coming out and I feel sane again.

The most disturbing thing is not that it is happening, or that it has been happening for some time. The most disturbing thing is that no one seems to care. Scarey times are ahead.

Television programming is very VERY appealing.

If Anon wanted to REALLY help, it would jam television signals.

The general public would re-discover everything. They'd rediscover their family, their friends. The healing power of discussing your problems and finding out not everything is what you perceived it to be. That sometimes the things others say and do is more about THEM than it is about YOU. The general public would re-discover public spaces and the lost art of communicating with almost strangers. They would learn that we all have a lot more in common than the pre-packaged stereotypes they're used to. They'd remember that they are suffering not under the heel of the wealthy white man, or the black woman receiving public services, but a tyrannical government grown up around the unfettered money of the Military-Penal-Industrial Complex.

They'd remember that it's their job to do something about it.

Don't they have him surrounded in a cabin right now

Supposedly. With their competence all thats confirmed is that someone who dislikes being shot at is in a cabin.

painful sigh

it's getting tired hearing the same exact plots anytime anything happens in this country

yep. pretty much

Expect that the bin laden threat is largely fabricated but dorner is a real dude looking to kill LAPD


There is no good evidence Dorner is not real. He has an ex girlfriend, mother etc etc. In fact theyre chasing him in big bear and apparently shots have been fired. Not everything is a conspiracy

And you're right. There is no significant evidence to say Dorner is completely fake. However there is plenty of evidence that he's innocent and even more why no one should shed a tear for dead cops.

I dont shed tears for dead CORRUPT cops. I am sad that the daughter and fiance died when they had nothing to do with dorners firing.

How do you know he killed her? He claims otherwise. He's also doing this to get the truth out. So why shouldn't I believe him over people who I know for a fact are lying?

Actually that's exactly where you're wrong. If it wasn't then why are the news posting fake manifestos? Oh yeah! I know why... Cuz everything is a conspiracy. What you don't understand is, not everyone here is a paranoid nut (ok sometimes that's the case). But over all were not blind. If you saw the same thing happening in a different setting, you'd be like "wow how stupid are these people? How can't they see who's behind this when it's clear as day"

fake manifesto cause media wants to demonize him, make him look like a nutcase

No no no.....when it comes to conspiracy theories, if you truly buy into them--if your not nuts, youre just stupid.

Well they aren't theories. The only theory's are things like "Dorner is a murderer"

Whether the Dorner situation is controlled or not, they are very prepared to exploit it. After earlier villains Page, Loughner, Holmes, & Lanza.

Final Solution

As in, the Holocaust?

As in martial law. And then whatever happens from there is academic, historically speaking.

We get to rebuild America's manufacturing base as free labor in prison. We'll be the answer to the Chinese competition problem, a means of driving down wages as companies can just move to prison labor. We'll be cautionary tales for the rest of the folk with thoughts of their own.

well said.

not if dorner can save us!

How this got upvotes I'll never know.

American foreign policy was terrible before bin Laden. We lived in a police state before Dorner.

Believe me, it can get worse.

So, because they are looking for Dorner, the federal government is going to start another Holocaust? Really? Really?

Try asking me about what I'm discussing.

You are discussing the expanded search for Dorner. Your "guess" is that they will use this as training for the "Final Solution" in America.

Source: Your original post

Let's not forget that there is nothing to link Bin Laden to 911.

also.. its conditioning for police...

training them to shoot first, ask questions later.. and be ultra scared of the public...

getting them ready for a police vs citizen war

Incredibly bad domestic policy out-dates Dorner 100 fold.


indeed op, indeed.

I love how your paranoid ramblings were shot down quite quickly by the recent events at Big Bear.

Not only were there no weaponized drones etc, the reason they didn't find him earlier is because they didn't do no-knock searches like you claimed.

I'm just out here theorizing like everyone else.

But if it makes you feel better or superior to point out where I failed, I welcome it. Haters keep me honest!

Have a better day!

sup shill ...

Hey, how's it going? Did you hear Dorner was found? Ya, no weaponized drones were used. Apparently he hid in a house that was vacant, he would have been found earlier if they did no-knock entries.

Dorner is a force. Money walks and bull shit talks. You're the quickest redditor i know.

This subreddit is laughably retarded.

sup shill

sup delusional paranoid idiot

here we go. Ill be here all night. Punk Bitch.

The most disturbing thing is not that it is happening, or that it has been happening for some time. The most disturbing thing is that no one seems to care. Scarey times are ahead.