I feel like this subreddit is useless because of the large amount of trolls here that stifle all conversations worth having.

43  2013-02-14 by [deleted]

I also feel like information here is becoming redundant. A more metaphysical approach needs to be taken.


Some of the trolls are probably a part of the purposeful effort to take down /conspiracy. The existence of the mockery-devoted /conspiratard sub run by long-time Internet-recognized troll JCM267 is apparently to dilute and damage /conspiracy by demonizing all inquiry as tinfoil hatting. And some of the trolls are socks of some of the people there. Recognize that their appearances are active operations by political entities. A multi-decade history of this is abundantly clear.

I've actually seen ads looking for people to do these jobs -- post comments on blogs and forums to push a particular agenda. Cannot link now, on the run...

Please post a link, I wanna do it.

Does it pay good? Cuz I'm doing it for free now.

Minimum wage, dude. But hey, it's way more than you're worth.

You said you were FEMA in your two wallet post no?

No, I work at a now former FEMA camp.

Your not joking are are you.


Also, some people are just douche bags. No government planting necessary.

I would give you extra upvotes if I could, for a certain verity.

Keep fighting the good fight.


When you say you guys, who do you mean exactly by that? Could you provide evidence that 'you guys' (an inclusive term) translates to all of us believing the same thing or even agreeing on the same things? Your point makes no sense so don't expect anyone to think of you other than an idiot wasting your own time.

When you try and include all people to a specific belief or set of beliefs you look like a complete idiot. This sub reddit is diverse in nature and people tend to gravitate to certain conspiracies but not all agree and arguments and agreements are mixed.

His/her response of "LMAO" can be translated to "No. I cannot provide such evidence. I also cannot counter your point that my generalization of a large group of people makes me look like an idiot. Because it does."

I've reported 'it' as a troll for not adding anything relevant to the discussion.

Rightfully so.


Just ignore the trolls. I promise it will work.

I have quit commenting in /r/conspiracy as much as I used to because of the trolls.

How do you know if someones a troll though?

Look at their comment history and make up your own mind.


Debate (intelligent discourse) and trolling (being an asshat for the sake of being a contrarian) are not the same thing.


This will give you the info

woah that's actually pretty cool

Usually if they disagree with you, or try to inject facts/rational thinking, then they are a troll/shill.

No. It's already known the majority of people here calling other people shills are actually trolls making it look as if that is actually a rampant feature of this sub reddit. The genuine people that say shill to every comment haven't got a clue what the word means and just use it when they are losing and argument.

I feel like this place is useless because anytime anything happens in the media this place becomes a 'false flag'-fuck-fest

the same people then take everyone that disagrees with them as part of the greater conspiracy, if not outright working on behalf of it. See: the post with the most upvotes in this thread.

That is the soul intention of these conspiracy trolls. They don't like the fact that we provide constructive comments that transcends our level of thinking. These trolls are primitive and only good at one thing, obstructing human nature to ask questions and explore. By ceasing to contribute constructively, the trolls feel like they have accomplished the dismantle of the true r/conspiracy subreddit. Use the [-] feature, it does wonders.

What if somebody just disagrees? Oh right, I forgot that everybody with a non-circlejerk opinion is automatically a "shill".




I re-read my post, I mentioned nothing of who is right or wrong when it comes to theories, or "that we figured everything out". Your post alone makes you a troll just by the demeanor of your reply. Trolls don't like the fact that others don't conform to their narrow minded thought process, and therefore post with intentions to ruin any type of exchange of thoughts. I pity how much effort you put in your response.

obviously you don't know anything about me, but if I told you I do not believe the u.s. government would ever consider orchestrating, or even be able to orchestrate the 9/11 attacks, would you consider me a narrow minded person?

If you are able dismiss the wealth of information that shows even the slightest involvement by the U.S. Government, and you are able to walk away without any questions, concerns, or doubts, then yes.

lol I didn't say I never have any questions or concerns. I just don't think they would take a gamble that enormous and I don't think they would ever get away with something that big. do you believe 9/11 was an inside job?

With how fast the towers fell and engineers/physicists testifying that the towers were designed to withstand multiple airplane impacts.

The buildings falling were a mirror of controlled demolition.

Thermite (an accelerant that works like acid on steel) residue found on the steel beam structures.

The one that hit the pentagon, not one minute piece of debris resembling an aircraft.

No black boxes recorvered.

The United States Air Force given the command to stand down.

Building 7 was the first steel structure to ever collapse by fire, was also reported collapsing before it actually even collapsed.

A passport of a suspected terrorist who has been confirmed to still be alive and well outside of the country, his passport was found in mint condition, untouched, while everything else was burned and reduced to rubble.

Bush & Chenney refused to be interviewed separately about the incident.

Our nation is basically in debt with the amount we spend on Department of Defense but weren't able to intercept any of the rogue flights (except for the one where unarmed civilians tried defending themselves on the plane that crashed in PA).

I could go on but here are other discrepancies that are flawed.

are you ever embarrassed to admit that you believe that 9/11 was an inside job to people?

I feel embarrassed for people who think 19 Muslims did it. I want to pat them on the head and say "There, there, now. We were all brainwashed at one time. I have faith that you too can break out of it if you choose."

lol. dude. who are you? how old are? you just seem totally paranoid to me. look man I'm not just some clueless person. I have a pretty good amount of experience around the world. why are you so sure the government is involved in so much of this unbelievable stuff?

I haven't noticed an unusual amount of trolls in this sub. Can you give examples? I'm curious.

I also havent seen many, the ones I do see seem to get dealt with pretty quickly by other members. Forget crying to the mods, just downvote and prove those responsible as the shills they are. Us real members of this subreddit are actually doing something very good for everyone. We are the ones asking questions and demanding the truth. We are the change that is needed. No one can take that from us.

I've noticed too. The hardest thing to do is ignore them, but it has to be done. Just hold to your beliefs and moral standards.... It makes it hard for them to be very effective.

Can the mods be more strict about our creed? Or alter the creed to be more effective with theories. a lot of people don't respect this, even some people who try to help spread awareness.

This subreddit is a thinking ground, above all else we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the public’s imagination. From JFK, UFOs, gulf of Tonkin and of course 9/11. This is a forum for free thinking - not hate speech. Respect other views and opinions, keep an open mind. Our intentions are aimed towards a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone.

I know it is hard not to engage in a negative argument with some of these trolls, but a lot of people do, and it is just what the trolls want. Perhaps, when we spot troll comments, we should just reply to them with simply "PLEASE DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS" to remind everyone that it is counter-productive and a waste of time. Perhaps this would keep the trolls isolated, at the same time as "outing" them. I think I'm going to start doing that actually, and see what happens.

Yeah it's actually rather hilarious. Just completely and utterly ignore them and they're powerless.

I've noticed too. The hardest thing to do is ignore them, but it has to be done. Just hold to your beliefs and moral standards.... It makes it hard for them to be very effective.

Read: ignore criticism. Continue the circlejerk.

I refuse to believe any entity would hire someone this dumb for anything.... even a paid troll.



Honestly, most of the people here called out as trolls are just people who offer dissenting opinions. These people can be valuable to the discussion as they allow you to analyze your position and examine flaws and inconsistencies.

I see regular commentors call these people out time and time again as shills or trolls and that is what hinders discussion.

I am also new, What counts as trolling?

not adding anything purposeful to the conversation is trolling. Trying to make people pissed off just for the sake of it is trolling. Spreading misinfo is trolling. Being a D is trolling lol.

I see.

not adding anything purposeful to the conversation is trolling

This is not trolling.

Trying to make people pissed off just for the sake of it is trolling. Spreading misinfo is trolling. Being a D is trolling

This is trolling.


By being a D I meant attacking other posters and such which is against the rules. Some are born trolls, some are born dicks and some are born DickTrolls lol

Fallacious redirection/forum sliding.

not agreeing with some people

I hope not man. That's what /r/politics is for.

well, hang around here long enough and you'll find out

See we have Canadian reddits and subreddits, i was starting to think/ realize that the ettiquette is you upvote what you like and leave what you disagree with alone. This whole system of downvoting people because you don't like what they are saying sounds childish to me. maybe this subreddit should consider the canadian way too.

you'll find a lot of people here have their minds made up already, unfortunately

See, I dont agree with you. But I dont think you are a troll.


trying to prove a theory wrong isnt necessarily trolling. Its more debate, theories can either be proven right or proven wrong. Thats what us freethinkers are here to do, try and find the truth by asking questions and being skeptical.

What counts as trolling?

In this sub? Disagreement with any conspiracy. Adding factual information that contradicts a conspiracy theorists existing beliefs. Pointing out lies or bad science. Disbelief in demons, reptilians, cults or magic.

It always amazes me that people evidently cruise a forum that they have no belief in & will fight all day with people who do believe in it. Must be the money involved.

Yet you think this conversation is worth having?

Metaphysical? Please tell me (in detail) in what way conspiracy theories are related to metaphysics.


Thanks mate, I actually laughed out loud at that, 10/10.

It's new age metaphysics, not to be related to or confused with actual philosophical metaphysics.



iv mostly seen huge derailments on the abundant threads relating to sandy hook and alex jones. i dont mind, because i think there are way more important things than fixating on some shooting- whats important are the consequnces, and the threads relating to legislation are far more interesting and civil imo. i mean if we have a dozen sandy hook conspiracies on a page it starts to get a bit saturated, therefore more serious reddittors leave and make way for a bunch of adolescent minded dumbasses. but thats just my perception

The way I see it, discrediting someone by calling them a troll or shill stifles as much worthwhile conversation as actual trolls.

I was glancing at Tea Party member Allen West's facebook page the other day and couldn't help but notice that all the intelligent comments from non-conservatives were automatically labeled "trolls". Take from that what you will, but it's kind of a cop out to automatically shut down anyone who doesn't agree with the r/conspiracy status quo (which absolutely exists, as it does in any subreddit/community).

The mods are the trolls. This subreddit used to have mods who weren't fucktards. There used to be decent content here. Now the idiot mods allow all kinds of bullshit. Witness the zillions of Sandy Hook posts, and now the zillions of Dorner posts. It's tedious crap with fuckall content. Kick out the mods, if you want a decent subreddit again.

A more metaphysical approach needs to be taken.


This is supposed to be a place where we all unite to talk about important subjects, but I haven't seen that much here. Its almost like a competition.


your TLDR listings of links is tired, nobody clicks on more than 2 before they move on and dismiss your posts, it may be more effective to write with words and convey thoughts with different combinations of said words, I'm sure you have conclusions to make on the assortment of the links you post

What if somebody just disagrees? Oh right, I forgot that everybody with a non-circlejerk opinion is automatically a "shill".