Topic exposing sexist/outdated jewish practices...flooded by Jewish people who claim they never heard of it.

4  2013-02-20 by [deleted]

I found this fairly bizarre. They are exposing some crap about Jewish beliefs that rival Islamic tradition in terms of barbaric treatment of women. Then you get a flood of Jewish people coming in trying to save face. Classic stuff, claiming ignorance, claiming it's outdated extremists, blah blah. It's like these people popped up and upvoted each other to make Jewish beliefs sound less batshit insane.


The antisemitism on this subreddit is out of control.

I'll stop hating Jews the day they stop hating me.....which is NEVER.

There are like 14 million jews, they couldn't all possibly hate you.

When you are as big a douchebag as this cat, 14 million people isn't even that impressive.

Glory, glory to the death of all the whites!

Glory, glory to the destruction of their kind!

Glory, glory to the blue, white, and star!

The Jews will march right on!

I'm going to line up 6 white guys and a jew. It's your job to pick out the jew.



Keep in mind, a lot of it can be attributed to the sub who's sole purpose is to smear r/conspiracy.

So the normal anti-semite posters and regulars of /r/conspiracy who post about how evil Jews are and downplay the Holocaust to near-nothing only do this because /r/conspiratard exists and it's the fault of the users in that subreddit?

That's like slapping yourself and telling someone else to quit hitting you. Logic!

You've done nothing but demonize this sub in every post I've ever seen from you. If you think I have any intention of taking your insults and derision seriously, you've more delusional than I thought possible.

That's quite a bit of cherry-picking, I see.

Thats a good point.


I know what a semite is, the word anti-semitism means hating jews in common parlance. You're not uncovering some crazy conspiracy by showing that the term semite also refers to other groups of people that were not present in large amounts in Europe throughout the long, cruel, and bloody history of European genocide of jews.

Besides, being anti-Zionist is not automatically being anti-Semitic.

There are plenty of anti-Zionist Jews. The professional victims don't want you to know that, and will be along shortly to downvote the shit out of this comment.

No, being anti-Zionist means that you want Israel to disappear from the map.

Being anti-zionist makes NO SENSE because ISRAEL ALREADY EXISTS. It's like being anti-Italy or anti-France existing, I'd think you're a bigoted uneducated asshat either way, douche.

It is against the tenants of Judaism for Jews to have a state of their own. It's in their religious text. You can call me whatever you want all day long, it won't change that fact.

You make absolutely no sense, but it's okay, it's not like anyone consults any of you people over whether a major western ally should exist or not.

People who don't understand words shouldn't use them. I doubt somebody who doesn't know what a "tenant" is has actually educated themselves about the tenets of Judaism.

Excuse me for making a typo. Begging your apologies. Not sure how you've never made one yourself, but I'm sure that book will sell.

Meanwhile, thanks for your insight on what I was discussing. Very informative.

So people that aren't ultra-orthadox don't know ultra-orthadox practices offhand? No way. Same as any religion.


Jews would be the first to point out the barbarism of other religions.

Please provide evidence that this is accurate.

For the supposedly most 'intellectual' religion,

Please provide evidence that it is seen as the most intellectual religion by anyone other than a few loud and arrogant people, and how those few loud and arrogant people differ from small groups of loud and arrogant people in other religions who claim their religion is the only true religion.


This mentality is the cancer of the internet.

Yes indeed, asking people to back up bold claims with facts is indeed a cancer. I can see why you in particular would think that.

If you dismiss every little comment because they don't have five academic sources on hand, it would be impossible to speak to anyone anywhere about anything.

No, it makes you unable to talk about things you know nothing about. Lots of people have no problem citing sources because, and try to follow me here, they have sources. If you want a claim to be taken seriously, you should be able to back it up. Especially when the claim is that some group is uniformly hypocritical.

Common sense? To those pushing an agenda, yes.

Tell me, are you a Christian? How many people have you stoned for disobeying the one true God's commandments in that past 12 months?

Oh, you haven't? Then is it valid to say you are just covering for Christianity by saying you haven't?

This entire thread is lame.

Nice try Mr. Jewseph Shilington III

My pleasure, Mr Racist McAsshat.

you sure it's not your own ignorance of jewish culture?

most jews aren't remotely orthodox

I'm sure there are many Jewish people who have never heard of this, it is from the 1400's after all. There are many old practices in many religions that don't make sense/would appear awful in todays time but aren't practiced now, which made lots of sense at the time.

this is strange. i was just reading a comment that said they didn't mean to be anti-semetic from a deleted account. these jews ganged up on this man for saying something that was not even offensive. this politically correct shit is really pissing me off. there was no hate speach here at all, and this man was probably being harassed so bad that he deleted his account.

Agreed. If I told people that Muslim clerics sucked the blood off newly mutilated infant boys penis'. People would be appalled. But nah, its jewish tradition so its cool.

Cite your evidence that this is a modern Jewish tradition that is adhered to by the vast majority of males in the faith.

Otherwise, your confirmation bias is showing.