Listen, I'm not sure, but I think the US Government has been foreclosed on

103  2013-02-21 by [deleted]


Er... explain like I'm five?


So I guess the big question is who 'controls' the OPPT?

No one! The idea of it is that we, us, the people are free. The only thing that should be able to control you is yourself, your-source or whatever you believe in. There shouldnt be a government/corporation or king or outside source that can control how you live your life in any aspect of your life. It is your birth right as a human being to be free!

No one because it is a fantasy.

Gotta ask: what is the nature of the fraudulent activity that major banks have undertaken?

As best I can tell, national and international banks, like the governments reporting to them, follow a business model that leans entirely on enormous off-ledger accounts backed by undisclosed gold holdings. All banking transactions are fully backed by gold, secured in a series of public trusts that were originally intended to be payable to each person on earth. Bank principals do not disclose this fact to their customers.

The public trusts in question are very old and they are astronomically valuable. The One People’s Public Trust, for example, assigns a minimum value of five billion gold-backed U.S. dollars to each citizen of earth, irrespective of nationality.

Effectively, when a bank customer requests money in the form of a ‘loan’, the bank immediately covers the full amount of that ‘loan’ by drawing funds from the customer’s public trust account, via a computer link to a central bank.

The bank records the transaction by adding the amount of the so-called ‘loan’ to its own asset base. In this way, the customer’s debt is paid as soon as that debt is created on the bank’s ledger. This is the point in the transaction at which fraud is committed: the bank does not tell the customer that the bank has already been paid.

Instead, the bank tells the customer that a ‘loan’ has just been created in the customer’s name, and insists that the customer must pay the bank the full amount of that ‘loan’, plus compound interest, by some assigned future date.

This is the mechanism by which a bank creates money ex nihilo, ‘from nothing’.

So is there any way for me, as a private citizen, to get access to this money that is in the trust account?

And do you know who controls the OPPT?

"Effectively, when a bank customer requests money in the form of a ‘loan’, the bank immediately covers the full amount of that ‘loan’ by drawing funds from the customer’s public trust account, via a computer link to a central bank.

The bank records the transaction by adding the amount of the so-called ‘loan’ to its own asset base. In this way, the customer’s debt is paid as soon as that debt is created on the bank’s ledger."

Only, there is no proof of that. I'm an avid supporter of this subreddit, so before I'm called a shill for simply questioning something, get over yourself - I'm just saying, there is no proof of anything you just said.

I see your point, and it's a good one at that.

However I wouldn't go so far to suggest there is "no proof", instead if you take the time to read and interpret the UCC filings they all seem legitimate. If they've been successfully filed, then what does that mean?

All I've done in the TL;DR is explain what's going on in the documents and how/why this is happening, that shouldn't be confused with supporting it or propagating it.

This is not how "loans" work. What fantasy land is this?

This is, in no way shape or form, how the banking system works.

To me right now it seems like it's been hijacked. Im just keeping an open mind. Look at it this way. If the people have recently over the last few years and decade have been waking up to the corrupt corporate governments they may just give us what APPEARS to be a better system. What About the trustees? It doesnt seem that all 3 of them are on the same page.

That being said I can say on a personal lvl that love triumphs over fear. We need love on a global scale. Much love to you all!! In Lak'ech!:)<3

a made up group that is recognized by no one is "foreclosing" on the govt to recover some imaginary money ($5BN per person!).


  • Group claims all money is backed by "trust" accounts (aka collateral accounts, sovereign funds etc).

  • Value of this particular fund they're talking about (One People's Trust) is worth around $5bn dollars to each human on the planet.

  • They claim all corporations (including government) operate on the UCC (Uniform Commerical Code) and it's susceptible to itself.

  • These are documents filed through the proper means outlined in the UCC in order to 'foreclose on all non-living, non-breathing 'persons' including banks, governments and corporations.

This is what I gathered from this:

  • Governments are corporations

  • You are a commodity/product of that corporation

  • You are worth approximately 5 billion dollars over a life time of labor/production

  • You are also insured for that 5 billion by the government under an unknown entity/agency

  • If you expire or are traded, your value at that time is assessed and the government is handed a big fat check

  • No matter what, through labor or insurance, the government you are born under will collect what you are worth to them.

Money is meaningless, we've been using it for far too long, and as such it is seeded in the mind of ruthless individuals.

Is this hypothesis correct? Assigning value to a person is the key way to create a boundary of debt in a Fiat currency - like the maximum amount you can take from the bank. In other words: are we the debt ceiling?

Nice one mate, thanks for the addition - you definitely raised some more points that help paint a better picture of what's going on.

I have been saying that last part my entire life. We need to evolve passed the concept of currency altogether.

Nice job! Thanks for this TL;DR! Very helpful.


don't mind if I throw that in the OP do you?

If you're interested in making a difference we should start with your own self, by rethinking abundance. There are many ways to be abundant in all sorts of areas, and money is only one of them. Detach all the power and meaning from the symbol of money and suddenly you find avenues that lead to abundance in other areas of your life.

What is abundance? Having what you need, to do what you want, when you want to do it.

Are the trust accounts and what these people claiming the truth? Perhaps. Are the trust accounts and what these people claiming the reality? Not that I'm aware of.

In plain language how could this philosophy be applied to something like feeding/housing one's self?

Crowley is an interesting fellow but I struggle to see how his ideas could improve a life.

I'm my view, Crowley lived a hypothesis, and lived each variable many times. It appears that his following took the good parts of the experiment, and attached them to their views. Having sex until you and all your friends get STD's, doesn't improve life, nor did conjuring demons in the desert, but knowing what abundance means without an imposed symbol of value, surely would improve life.

Everything we think we want is likely "imposed"

The one thing I take from Crowley is that what is imposed by corporations and mass-media, even religion and government, isn't "law" and is subject to your will.

knowing what abundance means without an imposed symbol of value, surely would improve life

I think that would be a fine motto for Humankind to adhere to in the coming years.


The one thing I take from Crowley is that what is imposed by corporations and mass-media, even religion and government, isn't "law" and is subject to your will.

I agree, these things are more better defined as popular conventions. However, if you personally decide the popular convention that money is worth something you'll not get that burger and beer tonight.

I guess I still don't know what you mean by knowing what abundance means. My take home is we should be aware of cultural norms, they are often invented by us and they are not necessarily natural laws. This is all well and good, but what does that mean to someone who lives in society? Crowley's answer seemed to be to leave society and abuse relationships with people to ply his own will.

Money is imposed value, you can always thrust your will on it. It's worth to you what you want it to be. Being aware of this is a step to knowing what abundance is.

Being aware that death is not the end of self, what does that do to the life span you live here on earth? When you realize that money is worthless in eternity, and in eternity you will exist, what happens to your definition of abundance?

I am not a follower of Crowley, because of precisely what you pointed out. His followers, as I mentioned, take the good and leave the bad. Just because he did some strange things doesn't mean his philosophy isn't worth examining.

Being aware that death is not the end of self

Surely that's a matter of opinion? I could equally argue death is indeed the end of self.

Money may be worthless in eternity but right here and now (my current reality) it is a widely accepted token for obtaining food, warmth, and shelter. To me money is not worth what I want it to be worth, at best it is worth whatever I and a provider of goods/services mutually agree upon.

Perhaps if you are an excellent manipulator, and able to easily charm, and influence people you can make them think your money is worth whatever you want, but again I don't sleep too well if I manipulate people to my exclusive will.

Sorry to be so argumentative, I just can't seem to wrap my head around what you mean by abundance beyond being a greasy sales person. I am sure this isn't what you mean.

Lol, you right, wrong subreddit to discuss philosophy. We can debate duality, but that comment was based on it as an accepted premise.

Hear, hear. Exactly how I've felt about him.

So what's this about?

"The One People’s Public Trust itself consists of every person on the planet, the planet itself and the Creator."

Ignoring "the planet" for the time being, who/what is the party to this Trust referred to as "the Creator"? Is it a bona fide legal entity? Does have it a name? Is it one entity with several identities?

Well, it sounds like it is meant to be inclusive of all people, but I'd like to know who specifically announced their intent to foreclose and what their agenda is if they succeed.

The Creator is what humans refer to as God.

not to worry, the secretary of keeping it real said the checks in the mail

Excellent! In that case, alert the Secretary Of Funk to begin the War on Hateration.

Can't fake da funk...

I dont think you understand what this is

Wow. Read that first link if you don't get what's going on. It makes the intent pretty clear.


That said, check out point 12. Would that be a signal to begin the attempt at replacing the Constitution? I think whoever is doing this should be very careful about how they approach this. It would need to be made clear and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are two operating Constitutions in America before a conversation could be engaged about a new agreement.

EDIT: So I'm starting to dig into this. The PARADIGM document states: (remember, legally speaking, CASE is important)


So. That begins to answer who's delivering these charges. That would be the public trustee on behalf of all living beings. To find out who that is, I just scrolled back up to the first page.

INVESTIGATION LEAD: Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

So I plugged that into the google, and that's where I'm at now, sifting through results. There was one result, however, that caught my eye.

Grand Dillusion

I scrolled down and ran into this, which provides some human element to corroborate what's going on here:

Brian here, from the American Kabuki Ground Crew.

In light of the recent popularity of TOPPT all over the internet (Google currently produces 17,500 hits searching “The One People’s Public Trust) I’d like to take some time to address a few things, in hopes of bringing some clarity to the many who have been asking questions as to the validity of The One People’s Public Trust.

First of all, it’s only natural to be skeptical of the claims that have been made over the last few days. I would be lying if I said that I understood all of it. Truth is, most of the legal framework is way over my head and every time I go to Heather to ask a question, each response only brings up many more questions, only to replace the one I originally posed. I too was skeptical when I first learned of everything they claimed to have done, especially as it pertained to the money aspect of this whole saga.

I found myself asking questions like, “under what authority do they have to implement the foreclosure of the FED, the BIS, the IMF, or any of these organizations who have successfully lied to and manipulated virtually every single person on the planet for so long?” How is such a feat even possible? IS it possible? And how could it be accomplished by a small group of people that very few have ever even heard of until recently? Maybe it was these questions that made me a good candidate to have the “conversation with Heather,” which we’ve put out for all to hear?

Fact of the matter is that all of these questions, and many others, have been burning in my mind since day one of being introduced to all this. What I’ve been falling back on is my FAITH that anything and everything IS possible; FAITH that stems from a background of BE’ing absolutely shocked and amazed by MIRACLES and SYNCHRONICITIES that I’ve witnessed in my life, which have utterly convinced me that TRUTH is much much stranger than fiction. This FAITH combined with the fact that I’ve found myself in a position where I totally and completely TRUST what Heather has shared with AK, KP, D and myself, has created an environment where I’m completely open to the possibilities of what can and WILL come of all this.

This TRUST is a hard thing to explain because it’s a feeling that comes from inside myself that is beyond any words I could possibly use to try to describe it. It’s not every day that a person comes into your life so willing to share anything and everything about themselves, their background and situations they have experienced, in a SPIRIT of totally raw and unadulterated TRANSPARENCY. Sure, I’ve had many people say that TRANSPARENCY is important to them, but to have someone BE this TRANSPARENCY day in and day out, in every moment and through every word, deed and action continuously, without exception, is a rare case.

After DO’ing enough of my own personal research and vetting out processes, I have come to the point where I have seen enough and heard enough to know that I am dealing with a person who is more CONNECTED to SOURCE and her relationship with CREATOR than anyone I have ever met in my 31 years of living. I share this not because I want to convince anyone to feel the same way I DO. TRUST is a CHOICE that all people need to make independently. I cannot force someone to TRUST another, nor would I want to even if I could, for that would be a direct violation of another’s FREE WILL. My objective IS to share these thoughts with anyone willing to listen, in hopes to simply supply some perspective for the many I know who are actively searching for it. My advice is to go WITHIN. At a deeper level we ALL have the answers and the ability to find our own TRUTH. This is the place inside each of us where MIRACLES occur, we just have to BE open enough to SEE them when they DO.

So, here’s the kicker, THIS IS NOT ABOUT HEATHER, nor is it about The One People’s Public Trust. THIS IS ABOUT “THE PEOPLE.” EVERYONE. ALL OF US. All Heather and her group have done is successfully created the foundation, within the legal structures, to flip the entire system onto its head, which gave “the people” back what has always been rightfully OURS. This begs the question, “how could it be that easy?”

And if I'm not mistaken, that picture of the gentleman in lotus position is the same gentleman that lead the worldwide guided meditation on 12 Dec 2012 hosted by 1 Giant Mind.

The more I look, the more interesting this gets. Could there really be a We The People equivalent of the Shadow Government?

This is honestly blowing my mind.

This is bat-shit retarded, not a legal document, and the capitalization means nothing.


New age bullshit.

So wait, if this is true as you summarize OP, the "every single contract involving these corporations are now void," does that only pertain to the contracts between the "corporations" (i.e. between nations, between banks), or does that pertain to individual contracts between citizens and banks or the government?

Also either way, what power does this hold? Cause the federal reserve can just keep printing that fiat currency to hold the economy together as long as possible regardless of what a committee in switzerland says. Or is this something that can be charged on the level of the world court? I'm just curious as to whether or not this has the potential to change anything, or if some group is just renouncing the system because they found some fuckery.

Either way, I gotta read more into this when I get out of class. Good stuff OP.


Or, China just says "no."

If the U. S. government still controls the armed forces, then will any of this really matter?


Good point.

If they can't pay the soldiers/police etc then yes it will matter.

American dollar is the world reserve currency, and oil currency.

Anybody who says otherwise gets taken out by the biggest superpower military since Roman times.

America can print as much or as little of said money as they wish.



Yeah I'm sorry I just thought that's what he implied.

The interviews in which Heather Tucci-Jarraf goes into detail seem necessary in order for people to wrap their heads around it.

Personally speaking, I have a much greater understanding of it all at this point, but it did take some listening/processing in order for my mind to 'get it'.

Simply put... our governments are not really governments... they're corporations under the UCC. By exposing/backing them into a corner via their own UCC actions, they forced these corporations into foreclosure which effectively has a ripple effect making all corporations OF the corporation equally foreclosed...

A really good (and short) documentary to watch is F.U.Q Frequently Unanswered Questions of the Australian government. This is where I started and it allowed me to see how it all works and why OPPT is important. What they did in F.U.Q. is a smaller version of what the OPPT achieved.

People can keep pretending things are the same, but eventually enough energy/awareness will trigger a shift. According to Heather, the whole upper tier of our political/economic control system is aware of these actions and has them in a frenzy.

Is Heather legit? Listen to some interviews with her and decide for yourself....

What About the other 2 trustees? It doesnt seem that all 3 of them are on the same page. People have been waking up for a while now to all the corruption and they understand there system is no good. I'm just looking at it in a bigger picture... they know the people want a better system so that's what they're going to give us but it's still gonna be corrupt deep down.

We need to take back control of our own lives and govern ourselves...thats true freedom! We are living in a great time! In lak'ech:) <3

Break it down Barney style.

I don't really understand this fully, what are the potential consequences of all of this?

We're heading to the Venus project baby!

This makes literally no sense.

It made no sense to me at first, but after reading through the comments I got a grasp of it. You should do the same :)

This is very important. Needs up-voting and informative explanation.

Jordan Maxwell is probably the most significant source for disclosing this kind of information. He has been saying it for years.

Jordan is dirty unfortunately.

In what way? Provide sources.

Not naysaying you, just intensely interested in all of this.

This is a start. Now look up Russel Pine. I really liked Jordan Maxwell. Or, should I say Jordanus Maximus. SMH

Thanks! Will watch and comment later from a secure line.

Any details?


Yes. America can be foreclosed only because it was turned into a corporation.

The key to something like this really and truly is - knowing who and what you are. Knowing that you are created by the creator, and that there is nothing between you and your creator. That means government, corporations, etc, are all under you and therefore have no authority OVER you. If you CHOOSE to get into a contract for something like buying a car, that is up to you. But all this other stuff like trying to force you to abide by these statutes, acts, and regulations holds no weight because you are not a party to these contracts and were not given full disclosure and therefore the contracts are null and void.

But you have to be able to stand in your own power as man or woman that KNOWS with all of your heart that you don't have to be anybody's slave.

This is also what people need to understand when they say "Okay so people are throwing up symbolic gestures and architecture everywhere, so what?"

The people doing this are subconsciously programming you to be more accepting of their belief structure. So that if and/or when it comes time to ask you to 'buy in' to what they are selling, you will be more likely to because you have been over-saturated with the ideology already.

Just like the commercials you skip over on your DVR, you don't have to be consciously aware of what you're seeing to be programmed by it. Edwards Bernays knew that, BF Skinner knew that, and now so do YOU.

That's a shame. I'd love to participate in this without a requirement to believe in these absurd, nonsensical, non-falsifiable claims about a creator.

OK, figure out a way without a belief in a creator that you (personally you, not abstractly) are able to put into practice in the world. If you are unable to find a method, consider a creator and how it could be the case that there is a creator. If you can figure out a way, bully for you :)

Creator is a term used not as any particular god or belief system. It is meant to be flexible. The creator of me is the Universe, as far as I can tell anyway. It basically states to the politicians, lawyers, and police, you didn't create me and I am no slave to your rules. That is unrebuttable. None of us agreed to the billions of 'rules' and they're quite a nuisance, limiting freedom and causing confusion.

The ucc is a model code that most states have adopted as state contract law. It isn't actually law until a state legislature votes it in as law. The intent on creating it was to unify contract law in all the states.

Then why is Australia (and many more countries) registered as a corporation on it? Could it not be that its true reach is not as limited as it is put out?

what section of the code are you referring to?

thanks for the link. i just looked it over and here's my feedback. first of all, this isn't the ucc. like i said before, the ucc is a model legal code for transactions that all states are encouraged to adopt. the link you have provided is to the sec's registration website.

the website shows that foreign governments are registered with the sec. it looks like this is because they are borrowing money from american banks (in essence selling their own bonds to american banks in exchange for USDs). since these types of financial transactions require recordkeeping with the sec, they register themselves in the sec accordingly. i wasn't able to find anything in there showing that those countries were being "foreclosed on."

i do agree that there is a large element of creepy here. the debt based banking system is the larger conspiracy though. it enslaves the world to inflation with currencies sold to governments by private banks (when the governments can and should be able to coin their own moneys).

Fair enough, that makes sense.

The debt based banking system is the main enemy of the OPPT, who all ask for no donations, no power, and no signatures from anyone. I just feel that with all the work put in, there might be something to it. Ann Bressington (Australian politician) has stated that it has legs if people are willing to push for it. This is basically a global declaration of independence, done differently than anything in the past. They say that anyone can rebut the filings, yet no one has outside of forum comments. If it is legit, the governments and news corporations will be the last groups to acknowledge it.

Wait, is this real?

Complete and utter gibberish.

So do you believe this? I honestly am to tired to think and read right now, but in the morning ill get back to it

No one can tell you what to believe. I highly suggest that you look over the information however, all of the filings are available on the OPPT-In web site.

explain like i'm 5 anyone?

If you haven't seen it already there is a eli5 explanation above

unless i was looking at the wrong one that seemed more like a tl;dr, but thanks for pointing it out anyway and trying to help!

All people are worth 5billion dollars. The us government and banks refused to admit their fraud on the public by not telling us we are each worth that much, and now they are foreclosed.

ok now for an even more serious question, how can i obtain this 5 billion dollars? seriously, i need it!

Support the oppt

I am reminded of a speech I heard and only half internalized at the time.

oh this is a gem

This may be the single greatest thread in a while - it's full of philosophy, real world teachings, and relevant information to our daily lives.

Shit, this whole subreddit has been awesome lately, what's the deal?

it's a new age, man.

I'd like a subreddit on all this kind of stuff

Is anything actually going to be different in any way, shape, or form in the real world?

I've tried talking to the OPPT-In people on Facebook, but all I keep getting is hippie responses about BE'ing and DO'ing, but no validity or success stories, so...

If you guys want to join me in taking action to try and prove the validity of this claim, I suggest downloading the OPPT Order and Declaration, locating the fax numbers of your state Registry of Deeds offices and faxing it to them for free with FaxZero.

this is bullshit thats been going around for decades. dont worry everyone, the good guys are saving us!

Yes. America can be foreclosed only because it was turned into a corporation.

Lol, you right, wrong subreddit to discuss philosophy. We can debate duality, but that comment was based on it as an accepted premise.