How could they find Dorner's wallet and ID in Mexico and then ALSO find his wallet and ID in the cabin days later?

28  2013-02-22 by [deleted]

A wallet containing identification cards belonging to Dorner was reported to have been found at the San Ysidro Point of Entry near the US-Mexico border on February 7, 2013.[50] Another wallet containing Dorner's driver's license was reported to have been found in the remains of the burnt-out cabin on February 12, 2013.[51]


Easy. The same way they found the Al Queda passport on 911.




The msm.

Yes, but it goes deeper than that. It's not the MSM. It's those who control the MSM.

The best answer I can come up with is that dorner somehow managed to place it down there to try and get his cops to follow his whole "im going to mexico" lead. Either that or the cops are full of shit. The latter is probably more plausible.

Yup, makes no sense at all because as we all know it is impossible for someone to own more than 1 wallet. It's not even conceivable that such a thing could happen.


Now, here's Tom with the weather. Tom?

We're all out of Toms.

Plenty of Harry, Dicks though.

Hypothetically, couldn't he have just had two wallets? I've had two wallets before.

Also: stop posting this question oh my gosh it gets asked every day.

Your logic isn't welcome here in this sub.

Oh don't worry, I've noticed. So much for "This is a forum for free thinking...". Downvotes come in from all directions as soon as you question the local hivemind.

It is a forum for free thinking.

Logic has rules.

How am I supposed to think freely with all these damn rules?!

I've been wondering the same thing as well. I also wanna say that his wallet was found in the truck her crashed, but I could be confusing this with something else.

I think they can say this because they will beat down and possibly kill anyone who would contradict them.


You believe what they say?

I'll shamelessly leave this here.