According to the official report by Amnesty International, Palestinian fighters did not use "human shields" during The Gaza War but Israeli forces did

118  2013-02-24 by [deleted]

Page 3:

In several cases Israeli soldiers also used civilians, including children, as “human shields”, endangering their lives by forcing them to remain in or near houses which they took over and used as military positions.

Page 4:

However, contrary to repeated allegations by Israeli officials of the use of “human shields”, Amnesty International found no evidence that Hamas or other Palestinian fighters directed the movement of civilians to shield military objectives from attacks. It found no evidence that Hamas or other armed groups forced residents to stay in or around buildings used by fighters, nor that fighters prevented residents from leaving buildings or areas which had been commandeered by militants.

PDF from AI


You would think that people on r/conspiracy of all places would realize that Amnesty International is the "official" story. It is part of the official narrative and it is a part of the mainstream media. It is amazing how many people here jump on the bandwagon when it adheres to their own views regarding Israel (confirmation bias) when they would otherwise reject the source out of hand. Especially considering that Amnesty International is a pro-international, pro-UN group. If anything says "NWO" or "One World Government" it is NGOs like AI.

I also don't see anyone posting the Amnesty International reports on the Palestinian Authority or other human rights violations being committed by Israel's neighbours:

AI - Palestinian Authority tortures citizens for confessions then sentences them to death

AI - Condemnation of the death penalty in the Palestinian territories, Saudi Arabia, etc.

AI - Gaza executions flout legal process

AI - Death sentences and executions in Gaza

AI - Human rights activist stabbed in Gaza for being an Islamic heretic

People here uses the mainstream media all the time when it helps their views, but when it doesn't? "RABBLE RABBLE EVIL MAINSTREAM MEDIA NWO ILLUMINATI JEWS"

Especially when that supporting article corrects itself and ends up going against what they first claimed.

Are we talking about the 2009 war? Because if so there is plenty of evidence of Hamas and other Palestinian groups using human shields. In a report from human rights watch, it says that Palestinians did use human shields and fired from populated areas.

  1. According to this Palestinian ambulance driver for the red crescent, 'Hamas tried to hijack ambulances and lure them into battle.'

  2. And from this new article, you have this quote "Talal Safadi, an official in the leftist Palestinian People's Party, said that resistance fighters were firing from positions all around the hospital."

  3. The Palestinian Authority claimed that Hamas had taken over hospitals too.

Also, are my eyes deceiving me or does is this not a rocket being fired from a residential neighborhood in Gaza? It doesn't seem like Amnesty International did enough research.

Right? Thank you, I don't know why people are downvoting you, because your research is all credible. Amnesty International is sort of a tabloid. They focus on shock journalism, and are rather biased.

I don't think Amnesty International would stand by the OP's headline. However, carefully read the whole post and then you'll see that their claim is a little more nuanced.

Gosh, lies about Israel in /r/conspiracy, what is this world coming to!!!

What really happened is that where hamas was Israel fought. so if they where near a hospital Israel still attacked then accused hamas of using.human shields. its not that they uses human shields its.that Israel attacks areas populated with civilians.

Because using human shields makes you one of the lowest life forms on this planet. Viruses are more useful than you at that point and I bet most people think they are worse than your every day vermin.

But Holocaust HERP DERP.

It may be February, but it is always JewLie to the Zionists. Deception is one of the Zionists most powerful tools. Team Israel is well embedded inside the US government and media. It is all "War By Deception" to them.

Just so you people know, you're upvoting a neo-nazi who doesn't believe the holocaust happened.

Well done, /r/conspiracy. Bringing out the best in the world.

shut up jew, give me your gold

Do you think six million Jews died in the holocaust?

Yes, because that's what the evidence supports. Or 5.7, if you want to be really particular, with approximately 11 million in total.


Why did the 6 million figure not fluctuate after Auschwitz lowered it's Jewish death toll of 4 million, to 1.35 million?

Because that sign was never a legitimate representation of the number of deaths. It was put there by the soviets, and was replaced when Poland gained independence from them.

I am well aware of its illegitimacy, and the events that lead to its subsequent change.

That fact remains, those 4 million deaths were included in the total original figure of 6 million. It wasn't until after this new deficit, that the totals at the other camps were inflated accordingly. Yet, compared to documented accounts, the numbers still don't add up.

According to Wikipedia, 3.8 million people died in the following "extermination camps...80 to 90% were Jews or half of the Jews killed in the Holocaust":

Auschwitz 1.4 million deaths X 85% or 1.2 million Jews

Treblinka 870,000 deaths X 85% or 740,000 Jews

Belzek 600,000 deaths X 85% or 510,000 Jews

Jasenovak 600,000 deaths X 85% or (Few Jews)

Chelmno 320,000 deaths X 85% or 272,000 Jews

Majdanek 360,000 deaths X 85% or 306,000 Jews

Sobibor 250,000 deaths X 85% or 212,000 Jews

But when you read the Wikipedia articles on the individual camps, significant discrepancies begin to emerge, as shown in the following abstracts:

In 1989 Auschwitz corrected its monuments and reduced the number of deaths from 4 million to 1.1 million yet the 6 million total never changed (the savings at Auschwitz were picked up in other camps). Also, the International Red Cross and detailed German death records indicate that only about 150,000 died at Auschwitz of whom 30,000 were Jews. Wikipedia ignores or dismisses such records. (Compare with 1.2 million above.)

In Treblinka, The Höfle Telegram listed 713,555 Jews killed up to the end of December 1942. With the addition of 1943 transports listed in Yitzhak Arad's book, one may arrive at the figure 800,000. (Compare with 740,000 above.)

At Belzek, at least 434,500 Jews were killed. (Compare with 510,000 above.)

The Jasenovac Memorial Area keeps a list of 69,842 names of Jasenovac victims: 39,580 Serbs, 14,599 Roma, 10,700 Jews, 3,462 Croats as well as people of some other ethnicities. ("The world's eminent authority on Holocaust victims, Yad Vashem Center, claims 600,000.")

In the Chelmno camp, at least 152,000 people were killed, mainly Jews from the Lódz Ghetto. (Compare with 272,000 above.)

According to the official Majdanek State Museum about 300,000 inmates passed through the camp, over 40% Jews. The most recent research by the Majdanek Museum indicates that there were 78,000 victims, 59,000 of whom were Jews. (Compare with 306,000 above.)

At least 250,000 people were killed in Sobibór. The victims were mostly Jews from Poland.

The deaths listed for the remaining sites do not come close to another 3.8 million, much less 80 to 90% Jews. Some samples are:

The total number of deaths at Buchenwald is estimated at 56,545 with little mention of Jews.

At Bergen-Belsen, an estimated 50,000 people died there, up to 35,000 of them dying of typhus in the first few months of 1945.

Of the roughly 30,000 wartime victims at Sachsenhausen, most were Russian prisoners of war.

At Maly Trostenets Yad Vashem currently estimates the number killed as 65,000 while German historian Christian Gerlach estimates the number to be in the range of 40,000-60,000, mostly Jews from Minsk.

At Ravensbruk, about 30,000 to 40,000 women and children perished there, mostly Polish, few Jews.

Various historians place the total death toll in the four main camps of Mauthausen, Gusen I, Gusen II and Gusen III at between 55,000 and 60,000.

Over 200,000 prisoners were housed in Dachau of which nearly one-third were Jews; 32,099 prisoners are believed to have died in the camp and almost another 10,000 in its subcamps, primarily from disease.

At Dachau signs now read that the facilities were never used as gas chambers to murder anyone. In fact, there's no evidence that any "death camps" used poison gas, gas chambers or gas ovens to kill. Yet Wikipedia lists millions of Jews murdered in every camp in poison gas chambers that could hold thousands of people at a time. This is necessary to account for the number of deaths, "75% of all European Jews".

Nothing there makes him look like a neo-nazi. Looks like he is just questioning the numbers and story of the Holocaust as they are presented. Which in the case of Auschwitz, the claimed number of deaths in the camp has been reduced quite drastically.

I think his questions are warranted

I quite clearly was referring to the post in question. And all the things you linked to are pretty damn tame.

1 A link to an article pointing out some hypocrisy

2 Is an article about a British community building their own fiber optic network

3 is A song about Hitler by some German punk band.

But yeah I guess when you post a lot of links without any background, and claim they are all cases of neo-naziism, most people won't actually look at the links provided and assume they show the user in question sieg hieling while eating a puppy.

3 is A song about Hitler by some German punk band.

It's a fucking neo-nazi subreddit! How is posting on a neo nazi subreddit not something that proves he's a ne0-nazi?

He could just be a filthy karma whore? Or fucking with the heads of the conspiratards.

You can choose to believe what you want to, but that guy is definitely a neo-nazi.

His multiple posts defending Hitler, as well as his posts on neo-nazi subreddits kind of prove that he is a neo-nazi...

Then he should be posting those instead of these tame ass links that are really nothing extraordinary.

I absolutely question the Holocaust, as should anyone who believes in free speech. Putting Germans and others in jail for having a different opinion is ridiculous.

The Holocaust narrative has turned into Holocaustianity. Basically a government backed religion with strict dogma and high priests like Elie Wiesel. Don't forget the Holocaust temples all over the world now.

I absolutely question the Holocaust, as should anyone who believes in free speech. Putting Germans and others in jail for having a different opinion is ridiculous.

Nice way to conflate two different things:

  • The laws against Holocaust denial are wrong. People should be able to be idiots in public, even about the Holocaust.
  • The Holocaust happened. Eleven million people, six million of them Jews, died due to deliberate plans made and carried out by the Nazi government. The only way to question this is to ignore mountains of evidence. The only reason to ignore that evidence is politics.

The Six Million number was blown out of the water long ago, as were the gassing and cremation myths. The Holocaust narrative is basically war time propaganda gone wild. The fact is that there are no mountains of evidence at all.

No evidence of gassing, huh?

First recorded evidence of gassing was by suffocation through car exhaust by putting a hose from the car into a room and that began with mentally handicapped victims. It wasn't fast enough.

Also you have this:

"The use of gas chambers during the Holocaust was attested to by several sources including the Vrba-Wetzler report and testimony from Rudolf Höss, Commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp, and other German soldiers."

The Vrba-Wetzler report, Rudolf Vrba & Alfred Wetzler,

Modern History Sourcebook: Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz: Testimony at Nuremberg, 1946

"Mass executions by gassing commenced during the summer 1941 and continued until fall 1944. I personally supervised executions at Auschwitz until the first of December 1943 and know by reason of my continued duties in the Inspectorate of Concentration Camps WVHA2 that these mass executions continued as stated above. All mass executions by gassing took place under the direct order, supervision and responsibility of RSHA. I received all orders for carrying out these mass executions directly from RSHA." -Rudolf Hoess

J.C Pressac (1989,). "Testimony of SS private Boeck". Auschwitz: Technique and operation of the gas chambers (NY: Beate Klarsfeld Foundation,): 181

So you even have the Nazi soldiers themselves saying that the gas chambers existed..

Oh look, even gas vans were used!

And to attest to the "reconstructed" gas chambers:

"The gas chambers were dismantled or destroyed when Soviet troops got close, except at Dachau, Sachsenhausen, and Majdanek. The gas chamber at Auschwitz I was reconstructed after the war as a memorial, but without a door in its doorway and without the wall that originally separated the gas chamber from a washroom. The door that had been added when the gas chamber was converted into an air raid shelter was left intact."

No, it wasn't.

There is no Jewish shortage. Jews are the most politically organized, media savvy, wealthy, internationally connected, and powerful group in the world. They are also the most cunning, ruthless, and manipulative group IMO.

Dude, stop, let people have their own fucking opinions. When it doesn't agree with yours, who cares? Theres worse, and there's better. Just worry about yourself loser.

If bumblingmumbling is allowed to post his opinions, everyone else is allowed to post theirs. Or is bumblingmumbling too much of a wimp to defend himself? Amazing how the /r/conspiracy people, who are supposed to be unafraid of ideas, will recoil in terror when someone questions one of their dogmas.

Erm....No. If he doesn't want his opinions and belief system interrogated he shouldn't post either on a publically viewable website that has a scoring system for opinions.

You can have your own opinions, but you're not entitled to your own facts.

oh please shut the fuck up. this dude tells the truth and provides insight. you on the other hand run your mouth and don't contribute shit.

this dude tells the truth and provides insight.

It may be February, but it is always JewLie to the Zionists


what a contribution

I can't believe racist shit like this gets upvoted here.

The proof gets stronger with each passing day. Look at the Hagel and Brennan hearings. Israel is always put ahead of what is best for the USA. These Zionist extremists need to go.

Jewlie, am I right?

You know like the 4th of July, but instead the 4th of Jew Lie. Not like Julie.

Totally. So hilarious.

Obama wants to appoint Hagel but it seems like you support him. OMG I THAWT OBAMA WUZ WORKING FOR THUH JOOOOOOOOSSSSSS.

racist? your bullshit distraction labels which are entirely untrue don't work here. nice try though.

ps: jews aren't a race. neither are israelis. funny how morons like you always conflate the two when it detracts from any righteous criticism.

Fine. Paranoid xenophobia. Better?

Bullshit accurate labels distracting us from this wise man's awesome anti-Semitic puns.

racist? your bullshit distraction labels which are entirely untrue don't work here. nice try though.

Look through bumbling's posts. Then look me in the eye and say that he's not a bigot.

So seriously dude, I've seen your posts for like two years now.

I have one question after reading your posts:

Did like ten Rabbis wake you up while you were sleeping and nut into your eyes all at once?

I mean if a bunch of dudes ejaculated into my eyes all at once, I would be pissed off.

Otherwise, your irrational hatred of Jews makes no sense.

Still, the image of some fat fucking neckbeard wearing a cheeto-stained HH88 t-shirt get bukkaked on by ten rabbis at once is honestly pretty fucking funny.

Fine. Paranoid xenophobia. Better?

Bullshit accurate labels distracting us from this wise man's awesome anti-Semitic puns.

racist? your bullshit distraction labels which are entirely untrue don't work here. nice try though.

Look through bumbling's posts. Then look me in the eye and say that he's not a bigot.