The secret at the bottom of psychiatry’s rabbit hole

22  2013-02-24 by [deleted]

"Mental Disorders" (all 297 of them) are a myth made up by Big Pharma to sell dangerous SSRI Anti-Depressant drugs. These are the same drugs that are at the cause of almost all of the major gun related shootings, including Sandy Hook. This is an issue no one wants to talk about. This is also the excuse to take away your guns.


These are the same drugs that are at the cause of almost all of the major gun related shootings

Source for this? I understand that there is a correlation, but correlation is not causation.

"Mental Disorders" (all 297 of them) are a myth

I know I'm going to get downvotes for this, but that's really insulting to someone who's actually suffered from mental illness. While I agree that there is a big problem with over-diagnosis, misdiagnosis, and medication management in medicine, saying that it's all bullshit just doesn't make sense.

Don't feel insulted. People who think that psychology/psychiatry are part of a grand conspiracy might be suffering from a mental illness themselves.

And this type of response is exactly why.

Also, you should educate yourself. Psychology is a perfectly valid practice that's helped millions. It's Psychiatry that's the utter farce run by drug dealers.

EDIT: Reversed the terms. Sorry it's early.

Most clinical psychologists who specialize in areas such as depression, anxiety or schizophrenia work in tandem with psychiatrists so they can develop a therapy that involves treatment with the proper medications. In fact, all clinical psychologists learn about psych meds to some degree (despite not having prescriptive authority).

Yes. You'll keep in mind, I'm mostly concerned with psychiatrists who thump patients over the head with the DSM and don't hesitate to shove a scrip in their hands without consulting anything else.

Actually a lot of MDs who aren't psychiatrists prescribe common psych meds as well. They may even be more culpable for over-prescribing psych meds than psychiatrists. The psychiatrist has more specialized training in identifying and pescribing specific psych meds, but the MD may be more likely to either stay with an outdated treatment or immediately adopt a new treatment based on the influence of drug reps or a shift in the trend.

Good point. Especially this:

or immediately adopt a new treatment based on the influence of drug reps or a shift in the trend

Truth right here. IM doctors are now getting even deeper than before. But yes GP's are doing this more and more. Its common for them to prescribe SSRI's.


Except no one is locking away people en masse or diagnosing them with illnesses for political reasons. And psychiatry in the 50s is not psychiatry in 2013. A large portion of the mental institutions were closed down under Reagan in the USA and from that point forward it has been difficult even to hold people who are legitimate dangers to themselves or others. This is why the streets in the USA are filled with homeless people who have a disproportionate rate of mental illness.

This is why the prisons in the USA are filled and making huge profits. Prisoners have a disproportionate rate of mental illness.


Maybe I should be more specific: I'm looking for research that goes beyond correlation. It could be possible that these individuals are suffering from an unidentified illness that's been misdiagnosed as depression, ADHD, bipolar disorder, etc. It could be possible that these drugs were not effective for these individuals at all and thus were unable to help minimize symptoms. It could even be possible that drug A causes relief of symptoms in person A but drug A causes stronger symptoms in person B depending on individual brain chemistry, etc.

My mom has a PhD and is a practicing clinician in this field and agrees with the pharmaceutical conspiracy, overmedication, overdiagnosis. She never prescribes medication. I mean she's just one nobody really, but there are plenty of people who have seen this and agree. In one way the "pill mentality" of the Western world was the first conspiracy I learned of.

With all due respect (i agree with your Mom and OP), a PhD couldn't prescribe meds period. Unless she is also an MD.

sounds like you have a case of oppositional defiant disorder... fortunately that can medicated.

A good source on the psychiatry fraud:

"Psychiatry is probably the single most destructive force that has affected American society." -Dr. Thomas Szasz

"A psychiatrist today has the power to (1) take a fancy to a woman (2) lead her to take wild treatment as a joke (3) drug and shock her to temporary insanity (4) incarnate her (5) use her sexually (6) sterilize her to prevent conception (7) kill her by a brain operation to prevent disclosure. " - L. Ron Hubbard

Are you really quoting L. Ron Hubbard? Hahahaha.

You need to be more pro-positive and pro-social. I can be your assist and help you get audited to remove the thetans from your body.

Also Xenu.

(Please send cheque for $4,200)

"Scientology is the only specific (cure) for radiation (atomic bomb) burns." - L. Ron Hubbard


All night long apparently.

Ahhh, I don't think that comment will go over well with the ladies over here in r/conspiracy.

There are many, MANY mental disorders that are VERY legitimate. However, yes, big pharma is unfairly medicating people who don't actually have problems or have things like very mild depression. Still, to try and say "all mental disorders are a LIE" is basically saying that you yourself have one of those very legitimate mental disorders.

"Mental Disorders" (all 297 of them) are a myth made up by Big Pharma

Mental health worker here. This is idiocy. Clearly my patients that think there are recording devices in newspapers or wash their hands until they bleed are suffering from a big pharma myth.

SSRI Anti-Depressant drugs. These are the same drugs that are at the cause of almost all of the major gun related shootings, including Sandy Hook.

People that were sick committed horrible acts of violence. Because they were sick they were on medication. Their sickness caused them to snap, not the medication. It would benefit you to educate yourself about causation and correlation.

This is an issue no one wants to talk about.

Because it's stupid and irresponsible.

This is also the excuse to take away your guns.

If we want to address mental health in this country then lets start with individuals that think that SSRIs are mass murder pills and need to arm themselves against the NWO.

Psychologist here (though not clinical). I agree with you, but there is just one thing:

Because they were sick they were on medication. Their sickness caused them to snap, not the medication.

A side effect of SSRIs can actually be violent, suicidal thoughts and/or actions. When a person first goes on SSRIs they should be watched and informed of that potential side effect in case they start having those types of thoughts or impulses.

The end result is that we can't really know for sure what caused those individuals to snap. However, there are millions of people who have taken SSRIs and so few of them have snapped it is quite a stretch for the conspiracy theory titled, "The SSRIs made me do it."

You're absolutely right. But the conspiracy here is that SSRIs cause mass murders which is laughably stupid.

People that were sick committed horrible acts of violence. Because they were sick they were on medication. Their sickness caused them to snap, not the medication.

So the meds didn't work in their case. Isn't that worthy of a pause in your convictions? Couldn't you admit that the meds aren't 100% effective? Could it even be possible that the added imbalance may have given them the nudge over the edge?

I have met the mentally ill. You are full of BS. I agree that todays medications are severely lacking and they are taking a stab in the dark that can and sometimes does cause people to flip out and kill others or themselves. This has been widely exposed since Prozac. Zoloft can cause suicide or even worse. I have an uncle thats about 67 who took it for three months then stopped. He now has a permanent stutter.

Fact is NONE of these drugs should be used unless the circumstances are desperate and there are no other options. However if you go see a doctor and tell them you are depressed or anything you're gonna get the medication. You clearly have never left your house. Does the Sun burn? I have seen a person in a catatonic state being fed through an IV due to mental trauma.

Mental illness is a very real thing and you are retarded to make light of it.

Funn you should say retarded. Mental retardation is real and no amount of drugs will fix that problem.

OP is talking about mental "disorders ". One of which is attention deficit disorder. The nature of the brain is chaos. We all have A.D.D. we work on focus, we work on paying attention. Problem solved, no drugs needed.

I do not believe that ADD exists. I have yet to see it and I have extensive mental health care experience. Have I seen the diagnoses? Of course. But that same kid that got diagnosed can sit and play a video game for 10 hours straight. The ADD and ADHD meds are used as babysitting tools today by worthless parents. Its natural for a kid to have energy you don't drug them up to slow them down.

However the majority of mental disorders are very real and I have witnessed them first hand. Bi-polar disorder, Psychopathy, Sociopathy, OCD, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, PTSD, etc... Very real. Leave the closet you are hiding in and volunteer to help the disabled if you don't believe me.

Also the nature of the brain is not chaos. Look at the Buddhist monks. Learn from them if you want to end that chaos. They have so you are incorrect.

Who says I'm in a closet. I have worked with individuals with mental illness, physical illness and the elderly.

Attention deficit happens to all people. Some more than others and some are better at managing and operating their brains. That doesn't mean it's a disorder requiring medication.

I have individuals with mental illness in my family. A sister who self medicates and is only bearable while stoned. Her son is the same way. I taught him meditation and how to create altered states of consciousness on his own and he is so much better

Each treatment should br individualized to the person needing care. Perhaps they may need a chemical aid in the beginning -something natural like cannabis. These synthetic substances are doing our society no good.

If there is mental retardation there is no amount of Rx to fix that. You may sedate the patient to make them more manageable but you're not curing retardation with pills.

"Disorders " come and go. Balancing the PH in the body through diet helps tremendously. Narcissistic behavior was just removed as a treatable mental disorder in recent years.

Fact is NONE of these drugs should be used unless the circumstances are desperate and there are no other options. However if you go see a doctor and tell them you are depressed or anything you're gonna get the medication.

This is what the OP should have said. And I 100% agree that drugs should be a LAST RESORT method.

But too many of these quote/unquote medical professionals don't seem to see a difference from one patient to the next. They just scrip scrip scrip and barely even look into the patient's history.

Then they get on messageboards and bitch about how they can't do and won't do because medical malpractice fines, and blame the victims instead of the alleged professionals in their own field that get protected and fed by Big Pharma.

Mental illness is real. The diagnosis of mental illnesses are not. All mental illnesses are merely symptoms of biopsychosocial problems.

You've just changed the terminology while actually holding to the current stance on mental illness. Most mental illnesses can be defined as bio-psychosocial problems.

Which means the medication is a scam.

No, that's an inaccurate and simplistic position. It has an effect and it does work. Many people need it. However, it is often over-prescribed. It is also used for off-label reasons (which is not always a bad thing). People who do not need it may be put on it. It can be abused or touted like a panacea when it is not. But for those people who really need it then it is not a scam; it may actually be life-saving, literally.

If the problem is "bio", then you treat the biochemistry. If the problem is "psycho" then you use appropriate therapy. If the problem is "social" then you use group therapy and teach coping skills.

Medication is a scam. It's just as likely to be life-ending as it is to be life-saving.

It's just as likely to be life-ending as it is to be life-saving.

Got a source for that? If it is "just as likely" then you would see around half of the people on medication passing away as a result. Where does that claim come from?

The only psych medication that purports to save lives is anti-depressants. The actual benefit of anti-depressants is minimal and the effect of increased suicidiality is very real.

This is cherry picking. You'll use webmd to point out that there is a suicide risk associated with SSRIs (true), but you're ignoring the fact that webmd (and mainstream medicine in general) never claims that the "actual benefit of anti-depressants is minimal." In fact, it asserts the opposite - that anti-depressants do save lives.

WebMD - Myths and Facts about SSRIs

SSRIs have the power to markedly improve mood, outlook, and behavior in people with depression.

Although no drug is 100% safe for everyone, SSRIs are among the safest.

Find me a study that compares suicide rates of depression with ssri to depression without ssri. There is no cherry picking. The life saving benefit of ssri is grossly exaggerated.

It's cherry picking because you quote WebMD as a source and then when WebMD says the opposite you dismiss it. That's the definition of cherry picking.

Needless to say the research also confirms. Usually the conspiracy theory is along the lines of, "the research is part of the conspiracy" rather than denying that it exists. Example:

Antidepressants and Suicide Risk in the United States 1985-1999

Prescription rates for SSRIs and other second-generation antidepressants were both inversely associated with suicide rates (p = .03 and p = .02, respectively). In a multivariable analysis adjusting for unemployment and alcoholic beverage consumption rates, SSRI antidepressant prescription rates remained inversely associated with the national suicide rate (p = .03).

Conclusion: The decline in the national suicide rate (1985-1999) appears to be associated with greater use of non-tricyclic antidepressants. Treatment of a greater proportion of mood disorders with SSRIs and other second-generation non-tricyclic antidepressants may further reduce the suicide rate.

The devil is in the detail my friend. Upon closer inspection of the study...

"Suicide rates by antidepressant overdose were comapred in ssri and tca." This says that people successfully kill themselves more often with tca overdose than ssri overdose. Not that ssri lowers suicide rates comapred to placebo.

It does not use placebo because that is the method of the study (as it is not an experimental design). However, if you read the article (not just the abstract) it actually compares suicide rates between antidepressants, the national average longitudinally, individuals based on income and employment status, as well as alcohol consumption. It does, in fact, find that antidepressant usage significantly correlates with a decrease in suicides. Which is, of course, exactly what the results said - national suicide rate is inversely related with the prescription of antidepressants.

Then again, there are literally thousands of studies that have established that SSRIs are related to a lower risk of suicide. Reducing depression - of which suicide can be a result - obviously will reduce the risk of suicide. A quick browse through whatever database you prefer for "SSRIs" and "suicide" makes that pretty clear:

How have the SSRI antidepressants affected suicide risk - Lancet

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and suicide in adults: meta-analysis of drug company data from placebo controlled, randomised controlled trials submitted to the MHRA's safety review - BMJ

The sales of antidepressants and suicide rates in Norway and its counties 1980–2004 - Journal of Affective Disorders

An Analysis of the Veterans Health Administration Data Sets - American Journal of Psychiatry

in fact, find that antidepressant usage significantly correlates with a decrease in suicides

No. "The decline in suicide rate appears to be due to greater use of non-TCA". That means TCA causes people to kill themselves, using non-TCA lowers that inflated suicide rate.

From your links

Link 1: "Two conflicting claims have been made about the effects that the selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants have on suicide risk that increased SSRI use has reduced suicide rates, and that SSRIs increase suicide risk in some patients early in treatment."

Link 2: "Because of the low incidence of suicide, it is not possible to rule out either a threefold increase or a decrease in its occurrence among people treated with SSRI"

Link 3: "The fall in suicide rates in Norway and its counties was related to the increased sales of non-TCAs". Again, the same as your original paper. TCA's make people kill themselves more than non-TCAs

Link 4: "our results apply to suicide attempts only; our data did not include lethal and other attempts that did not result in contact with the VA medical record system." and "Dr. Mann has received research support from GlaxoSmithKline and served as an adviser to Lilly and Lundbeck."

You can keep trying if you like.

Dr. Mann has received research support from GlaxoSmithKline and served as an adviser to Lilly and Lundbeck.

This is called poisoning the well. And if you wont accept the results of peer-reviewed studies in the leading journals in the fields there is no type of "evidence" that you would believe.

It's also pretty clear that you haven't read the publications. You've just quoted me snippets from the abstracts. Just like the first study if you read it - rather than just glancing at the abstract - you will see that there are analysis of SSRIs against the national average suicide rate. They aren't comparisons of TCAS "making" someone kill themselves versus SSRIs "making" it happen.

LOL. That study didn't even look at suicides. Nor does the national average suicide rate distinguish between people who are and are not medicated. In every RCT, the suicide rates are not significantly different, which means either the drugs aren't protecting against suicide or they are causing just as many deaths as protecting.

Actually it did. Why don't you tell me the P value that the very first study I cited actually has listed in its results for a linear comparison of SSRI prescription and suicide rates nationally?

I'm 100% sure that you did not actually read the studies at this point.

I read everything available. The p value =0.03 in the first study shows that 2nd generation antidepressants show a significant decrease in suicide from TCA usage and national average (which does not specify what drugs those people are on). Congrats, SSRI causes less suicides than TCA. We know that. That says nothing about people NOT on medication.

Look at the odds ratios and confidence intervals in your meta-analysis.

They all cross 1. Which means - No... Significant... Effect.

"Everything available" = you read the abstract. You didn't read the study. 0.03 is not the P value for SSRIs and the suicide rate (0.074). It also does specify exactly what drugs were used in the methods section (bupropin, iprindole, trazodone, etc.).

If you aren't a part of the field and you don't have access to the studies how can you comment on them? You're trying to interpret the results of a study based on the abstract.

This is like pulling teeth. Your paywall study is comparing national average which is not a control group! The national suicide rate includes anti-depressant drug takers.

Look at the meta-analysis. No significant difference between placebo and drugs. I don't know how you can argue against your own meta-analysis.

There isn't a control group with the design the study used. It isn't an experimental design.

Also, it does not matter if the national average includes anti-depressant drug takers. If anti-depressants correlate with reduced suicide that means that there is an effect someplace; a statistically significant effect. And this is despite the national average being influenced by that same group. If anything this would be an obstacle to seeing statistical significance, not finding it.

The meta-analysis was actually a study that only compared studies on SSRI links with suicide attempts. It did not measure a reduction of suicide attempts at all. It found no difference between placebo results and suicide attempts in SSRI users. It did not correlate a decrease in suicide rates at all like the other studies because it did not test for this. The tests were to determine if there is a link between suicide rates and SSRIs (as in "SSRIs cause suicides"). They did not find one. This is why the claim "SSRIs cause suicide" is controversial and, despite there being some evidence for it, it is questionable.

I'm not a psychopath, I'm just socially awkward.

I'm gonna have to disagree a little. Some mental disorders like Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder are greatly aided by medication. I know I'll sound like a shill saying this but if I didn't have my anti-psychotic meds I'd likely have hanged myself by now.

But instead of addressing the issues of why you have excessive dopamine causing schizophrenia you are given artificial chemicals to force your brain to stop making as much. Wouldn't it be better to figure out the reason why youre making so much dopamine and treat that instead?

Of course it would be! As soon as they "map out" the entire brain and; (in my case) create drugs to specifically regulate dopamine release then why not use the next best thing? Holistic medicine and group therapy, while helpful and possibly life-saving in certain situations, is not enough for me. I'd wager many of the people I've met in group would agree.

I suspect the problems most people have with "crazy meds" stem from social stigma (people behave differently after you tell them you're on anti-psychotics) and maybe even worse would be the side-effects. They are certainly no joke. However, I'll take nausea and drowsiness over my TV talking to me any day of the week.

No. Some people have a problem with 'crazy meds' because of the emerging cases where people who had mild issues became suicidal or homicidal as a result of careless prescriptions from compromised medical staff.

Well stuff like that is bound to happen when you start messing with how someone's brain processes dopamine. I can only speak for myself in that I am FAR more a danger to myself and others when I'm having a psychotic episode than when I'm on my meds.

At roughly $5 a month for my nightly single pill, low-dose medication I suspect that if my Psychiatrist is a shill for big pharma then she's likely not a very good one :-D

You're very lucky and very much in the minority to have a meds bill that low.

It is not certain that excess dopamine causes schizophrenia. The reason that it is believed that excess dopamine causes schizophrenia is due to the meds that are prescribed for schizophrenia. Many (like Seroquil) are dopamine antagonists; because they should make one less sensitive to dopamine and because they are effective in treating schizophrenia we assume that schizophrenia is tied in with excessive dopamine. This is quite different from knowing that dopamine causes schizophrenia or even saying that the reason antipsychotics work is due to having dopamine antagonistic effects.

Have you tried any dietary interventions? People have had good results on a ketogenic diet.

Hrmm, I never really thought about changing my diet! My psychiatrist is always ragging on me to lose a little weight but I may have to look into this! Thanks dude!

David_Porter, our ignorance about nutrition is our greatest downfall.

Medicine for sick people?! Shill!

In order to properly define "disorder" you must first define "order". That means admitting there is way that people are supposed to think and behave. Given the wide diversity of human experiences and circumstances it would be arrogant to assume it's even possible to define what normal is.

What is perfectly rational to one person would seem insane to another who doesn't have the same perspective.

Take the /r/conspiracy challenge:

Go to your local library (if your city still has one) and locate the newest copy of the DSM. Sit down and go through the entire thing. If you can make it all the way through without plausibly diagnosing yourself as mentally defective, congrats! You're a liar!

The problem is in the industry it doesn't mean psych disorders do not exist. Take manic depression for instance it is now bi-polar disorder I II and III. There is no one who makes decisions about this that I know of. Other countries are much further behind the USA in mental health diagnoses but getting specialists to agree is very difficult.

Another example is I know that Psychopathy and Sociopathy are two separate disorders. Caused by two different methods. Psychopathy is caused due to being born that way or brain damage. Sociopathy is caused by bullying / abuse from peers. Good luck getting the establishment to agree on that.

It seems to me that the mental health care industry is running in all directions. Bi-polar should be bi-polar not 3 different versions, period. Psychopathy and sociopathy should be separated. Who fixes this? Who makes these rules? You are simply pointing a finger at an imperfect system.

I am pointing a finger at an imperfect system, one that seems to delight in sending unlicensed hacks out into the world to push drugs.

But good luck to you if you get caught selling marijuana to the locals. I don't expect they'll be giving you a cushy office and a nice salary for your efforts.

EDIT: I do not at all argue that there are NO mental disorders at all. There are, that's fact. I think there are quacks who DIAGNOSE INCORRECTLY OR EXORBITANTLY in order to push drugs on people who could have benefited from other forms of treatment with fewer risks.

Well I am a firm believer that a Psychologist and Psychotherapy should be used before medication. Fact is most people goto a Psychiatrist first which will only get you medication. Dunno who you are referring to about selling Marijuana, I do not do drugs, sell drugs or even drink alcohol. I barely touch caffeine and I do not smoke.

I was making a point that had nothing at all to do with you personally. I'm glad you grasped it firmly.

No problem I just don't want anyone saying I sell drugs when I do not. Do not need the trouble from law enforcement.

No one said that.

Wow, you totally missed the point. Not even close.

Perhaps you have some mental retardation? . Hold on while I write you a script.

Actually neither psychopathy nor sociopathy are in the DSM. Psychopathy is a diagnoses based on Hare's PCL-R and sociopathy is synonymous with psychopathy. There is no distinction between the two nor a method (such as the PCL-R) to screen for sociopathy as something distinct. There is also no evidence that psychopathy is caused by "brain damage" (many psychopaths have normal brains, others only have slightly reduced function in the frontal lobes) nor that psychopathy/sociopathy is caused by environmental factors.

And bi-polar disorder is not just one thing. What a person presenting with only manic episodes is very different from a person presenting with rapid cycling episodes of hypomanic and depressive states. The distinction is actually very important for prescriptive purposes because if someone only presents with manic states they may be able to control those during said episodes rather than taking medication around the clock like someone with rapid cycling episodes of depression and mania would need.

You have no clue what you are even speaking about buddy. Not worth my time to respond.

You are a fucking idiot. Are you saying that my metal disorder was non existent even though my own psych tests are physical proof they are real?

I think he is saying that "psych tests" aren't physical proof. There may absolutely be a chemical imbalance or some trauma and maybe even psychosis. However, most all of these things can be corrected with diet, meditation, yogic practice or spiritual enlightenment.

Instead, we are being prescribed very dangerous psychotropic drugs that aren't tested fully before selling.

Part of the human condition is suffering in delusion and confusion. As individuals, we need to work out how we cope with this. Someone giving you a psych test proves nothing. The harm outweighs the benefits of psychopathic meds.

This isn't an easy world to live in. The reality or mortality is difficult to come to grips with. Generations of malnutrition, fluoridated water, stifling of critical thinking skills in public education and outside over stimulation (from TV and gadgets) intensifies the feeling of psychosis and mental illness.

Unless your brain has some physical deformity, malfunction, underdeveloped problem; chances are you can be treated without psychopathic drugs.

Relax, live in love. Surround yourself with positive people. Connect with the universe -smoke a joint -you'll be alright.

chemical imbalance

This 'chemical imbalance' is bullshit. None of the tests could recreate the conditions to actually show that chemical imbalance actually influences any of the mental disorders.

You don't need to recreate the conditions. If you can monitor abnormal brain activity (and you can, e.g. fMRI studies) and compare it to a baseline in the general population you can determine if a statistically significant correlation exists. Because the correlation is statistically significant you know it is almost certainly not due to chance; causation does exist somewhere (despite a correlation not indicating that the two things correlated have a causal relationship).

Thus, whenever there is a genuine correlation there is something that does cause it. If a chemical imbalance does not cause depression, for example, there is a third variable that is the causal factor acting upon both the chemical imbalance and the depressed state. The end result is the same in that a chemical imbalance is still a factor. A chemical imbalance must therefore be viewed as either a symptom, cause or both (e.g. bio feedback loop).

So you just told me that my entire mind is a lie, go fuck yourself.

Well, yes. But not just yours, everyone. We need a sense of perception in order to navigate through a physical world. Not everyone has the same perception of reality. Sometimes we make up our own and sometimes we agree with a common reality. It's made up either way.

Also, if that's all you got from my comment perhaps your time would be better spent learning more about the brain and perhaps some Buddhist philosophy?!

I have a metal disorder as well. That is why I became a welder.

"Mental Disorders" (all 297 of them) are a myth made up by Big Pharma to sell dangerous SSRI Anti-Depressant drugs.

How the FUCK is bullshit like this getting upvoted? You people who actually believe this tripe are disgusting.

-sigh- I just love this subreddit... /s

Even this got downvoted.

Psychiatrists did 9/11.

You are conflating what are legitimate concerns about Big Pharma, with a very unscientific (and frankly idiotic) claim that mental disorders are a "myth". I think you should hone your argument a tad.


with side-effects worse than the original condition.

Source? Explain yourself.

Are there problems with the pharmaceutical industry? Yes (and can we call it what it is please? "Big Pharma" makes you sound like an idiot). Are all mental disorders a myth? No, and go die in a hole.

Why do you reject the notion that the brain, being an organ of the body, can have imperfections and defects in it, just as a heart or a liver can?

These are the same drugs that are at the cause of almost all of the major gun related shootings

Correlation ≠ causation.

And when was the last time you heard of a crossbow shooting?

This is ridiculous. Firstly, not all mental disorders within the DSM-IV are treated with SSRIs. You think lithium and not bi-polar disorder is what catalyzes violent behavior? Or that people weren't defining mental disorder before "Big Pharma"?

I see how you could assert that Anti-Depressant drugs are over-prescribed and often unnecessary. I could also see how you could argue that psychiatrists are very quick to diagnose mental disorders but, damn, you might tone it down a notch. SSRIs causing 'gun related shootings', my ass. As if humans weren't shooting each other before anti-depressants...

I swear the attitudes of yellow journalism and sensationalism are spreading to those that are government wary. Why don't we work toward spreading truth rather than apocalyptic and misinformed bullshit?

Also, what shootings aren't gun-related? Did I miss the report on a adolescent hating bow-hunter?

A common ingredient is aluminum flouride I hear.

Best get them meds in ya. For the good of commerce and profit!

Mental illness is like a first world problem. If everyone had to find their own food, water, and shelter no one would have time to be crazy. I agree that psychiatric drugs are dangerous, but if they prevent some people from hurting themselves or others then fine. Lifestyle changes like diet, sleep, and exercise are probably more effective, but who wants to do that when you can just take a pill, or twelve?

Okay does big pharam exaggerate mental condition to sell drugs hell yeah. Are all conditions "myths made up by big pharam" absolutely not. It's not a huge conspiracy to get your guns either. It's simple greed. Like many other things.

That's a big, huge statement, OP.

And one I happen to agree with.

ohnyeah, definitely. I mean Sigmund Freud practically invented SSRI's in his fkying spaceship.

Funn you should say retarded. Mental retardation is real and no amount of drugs will fix that problem.

OP is talking about mental "disorders ". One of which is attention deficit disorder. The nature of the brain is chaos. We all have A.D.D. we work on focus, we work on paying attention. Problem solved, no drugs needed.

Mental illness is real. The diagnosis of mental illnesses are not. All mental illnesses are merely symptoms of biopsychosocial problems.

Fact is NONE of these drugs should be used unless the circumstances are desperate and there are no other options. However if you go see a doctor and tell them you are depressed or anything you're gonna get the medication.

This is what the OP should have said. And I 100% agree that drugs should be a LAST RESORT method.

But too many of these quote/unquote medical professionals don't seem to see a difference from one patient to the next. They just scrip scrip scrip and barely even look into the patient's history.

Then they get on messageboards and bitch about how they can't do and won't do because medical malpractice fines, and blame the victims instead of the alleged professionals in their own field that get protected and fed by Big Pharma.

Well I am a firm believer that a Psychologist and Psychotherapy should be used before medication. Fact is most people goto a Psychiatrist first which will only get you medication. Dunno who you are referring to about selling Marijuana, I do not do drugs, sell drugs or even drink alcohol. I barely touch caffeine and I do not smoke.