A story I thought /r conspiracy might like.. "YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS!"

55  2013-02-25 by [deleted]

Well this happened a few nights ago. I was at home sipping on a cold one and playing Minecraft. All the sudden I hear a commotion outside and see my outrageously inebriated mother getting into some sort of squabble with the neighbors. It gets pretty intense and I have to shove my mom back inside. A few minutes later I hear a cop-knock at the door (You can just tell when it's a cop-knock.) I open and begin to explain what happened, at least from my side of the story. I really have no idea what is going at this point, and it doesn't help that I was buzzed.

So I'm standing there at the threshold of my door not letting them in when they ask for my mom. I go back and pick her drunken ass off the floor so she can come explain. At which point the officers start to come inside. I clearly said "Excuse me, you do not have the right to enter without a warrant. This is private property." To which this smaller cop, with obvious ego issues, shoves me aside and screams at me "YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS ANYMORE! WHAT RIGHTS DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE?" And even puts his hand on his gun asking if we're going to have a problem.

When I explain that I was expressing my fourth amendment they LAUGHED and called me "One of those Constitutionalists." I was just in shock. First of all, I had been robbed of my wits by fear. I felt so intimidated that I could not process or function correctly. For instance what I SHOULD have done was immediately got my camera phone out, started recording, and gotten names and badge numbers. But I did none of those things... :( The combination of alcohol, fear, and shock had me standing there like a whipped puppy while these dangerous men stood in my living room and had their way.

Basically, it was a huge wake up call. This can happen to anyone. The "Police" are not our friends and protectors, but very dangerous and threatening to society. I do not feel safe in my house our country with these fascist pigs roaming the streets armed to the teeth and with the power to basically do anything they want to anyone without consequence. I no longer trust or respect any police men. Sorry for the good ones, but your bad peers ruined it for you.

==TL:DR== EDIT: ill add the obligatory "not all cops are bad" thing again, so reddit knows I'm not just an ignorant cop hater. SO, in my opinion: (Some)Cops no longer serve and protect, but harass and intimidate. We are not safe in our homes or country any longer. (Some)Cops are lethal, dangerous, and unprofessional.


The worst part is, they called you one of those constitutionalists. This implies that cops know there are people out there who believe they have rights. And when that cop screamed at you, it was a big red flag. This cop most likely has excessive force charges. The fact that their hand went to their pistol when they illegally entered your home is terrifying. You could have been shot for simply stating your rights.

Wait, what happened after they came inside?

After they came inside and yes, did background checks on us they asked a few more questions, and told us to basically take it easy. They left then shortly afterwards. The main point of this isn't that we had the cops called on us for my mom's drunken behavior, it's actually not the first time it's happened. The cops in this town know her very well unfortunately.

It is just that I couldn't believe the words that were said to me and the way they were acting. It's almost as if they were giving me a hard time because I was trying to stand up for myself. Plus I've been kicking my own ass for not catching these guys on camera but as I said it was intense.

As for overreacting, maybe I am maybe I'm not. What I've told is what happened, doesn't matter if you believe it or not.

Well, you're not overreacting, but this has been the norm for at least my entire lifetime. If anyone thinks you're overreacting, it's just cause they have been normalized to the police state.

Regardless that's fucking bullshit. I have nothing to offer you but someone to commiserate with. Fortunately those fuckers have never come to my house, but I've had a gun pulled on me because I got out of my car using crutches for my broken leg. I've been tackled to the ground for flipping off a cop as he drove past. I've seen my best friend beaten to a bloody pulp because he was (wrongly) accused of shoplifting. And we're white middle class men. Actually, for those last two instances I was a teenager. Not a sketchy badass teenager mind you. A little nerdy scrawny kid. Cops are bullies. If I was a 6'6" ripped dude, they wouldn't have done shit, I know that.

I can't think of a real solution other than to elect politicians to office that don't tolerate this kind of shit happening to their constituents. Politicians that pass legislation removing some of the "privileges" cops seem to have now. Don't kick yourself too much about the camera btw. If you got out your phone, they likely would have just confiscated it. It sounds like you don't really have the money for a drawn out legal battle with the police in the first place.

Just try to remember that as time has gone on, society has pretty much only gotten better for more people. I believe this trend is likely to continue. Just don't give up.

The police have had my son's phone as "evidence" for 16 months now. Still deciding if charges will be brought against the person. They aren't. We all know it. But the loss of a hundred twentyfive dollar item hurts us. I'm pretty sure that is what they want. Just to teach people to mind their own business.

This likely never happened, or is insanely exaggerated for an audience he thought would eat it up.

I guarantee they came in, did a welfare check on his wildly intoxicated mom, and told him to keep her in for the night.

This likely never happened? You must live under a rock if you've never seen cop(s) bust down doors they had no right walking through.

You might want to go back under that rock, this cruel world can be a bit scary.

You must live under a rock if you've never heard someone exaggerate a story so they look like a perfect hero or a perfect victim.

This is an assumption. I have seen cops fly off the handle for little more than taking a second look at their badge numbers. It all depends on the cop.

This is a serious issue with an increasingly militarized police force in the USA. And is amazing how Americans will brush off heavy-handed police tactics and make excuses for the police, based on the comments.

This happened to my friend this morning :

He wakes up at 7:30 in the morning, opens his bedroom door to a cop with an assault rifle. 14 cop cars outside his house. Drug sniffing and bomb sniffing dogs. They tell him that they received reports of gun fire and kidnapping from my friends grandma, from the house phone. His grandma does not live with him. They then proceeded to throw his family out of his house, search & ransacked everything, including his gun safe (in which was a legal AK-47, about $200 of fireworks, a dime bag of weed, a bong, brass knuckles and 3 butterfly knives) and took everything except the bong and AK-47. No warrants or anything of that nature. I still don't know what to tell him to do


Was the safe already unlocked or did he open it for them?

It was locked and they demanded that he opened it to prove his AK was still there. We live in Rockland County, NY. About 30 minutes north of NYC

I'm another 25 min. North of you in Dutchess county. I would NOT have opened it, if he "forgot" the combo he would've been ok, you cannot be forced to self incriminate.

Once Obama rammed down my door and killed my puppy. Then he just laughed and left. Sad world we live in.

Seriously. If you have a concealed carry license use it on cops exerting extreme criminal force(if they didn't take it by then anyways), or who are clearly threatening your life and liberty. YOUR life is in danger anyways.

They have no special rights over other criminals. Until we have an Agency policing them(that's not on the same payroll) I don't see why you should lay down and "commit suicide"

brilliant idea

Not really but at least don't shoot yourself in the temple handcuffed. Or double tap yourself.

I don't think they'd have to lie if anyone did what you suggested

This why I close and lock my door and leave them outside. Also I would have called IA and pressed charges.

Uh, how come this guy's not answering any questions?

Because I'm not always planted to my computer.

Yes dammit! You MUST be at our beck and call at ALL TIMES! This is Reddit, Dammit! Your God! Bow before me, you wretched sinner! and...

oh...wait a minute...whoo. Got a little out of control there for a minute.

Okay. Carry on then. Nothing to see here. Don't mind me.

Google "impolite consent" in the context of entering a home. If you crack your door open to talk to the police they believe this gives them the go ahead to come in.

I think autocorrect has messed up your message. Might want to check.



When you're facing a loaded gun, what's the difference between cops and criminals?

The difference is that the cops, unlike criminals, will always get away with murder... =/

I totally would have said that. I would have shit my pants too, but quietly.

Not all cops are bad, sure, but the ones that are good should get a new job. Go be a firefighter or join an emergency rescue team, and actually do some good for people.

i like your proof

what I SHOULD have done was immediately got my camera phone out, started recording, and gotten names and badge numbers. But I did none of those things...

Gee, I guess we will just take your word for it...

Well duh, it's the internet. You have to take everyone's word if you think about it, especially on reddit. The reason I didn't record them, as I said, is because I wasn't thinking straight at all. Either way though, I really don't care if you don't believe me, that's just human nature.

Geez, telling a story about power-tripping cops is almost like trying to convince someone I saw an alien.

I believe the point is, anyone can write a story, this one though, could easily be construed as simple propaganda, with the lack of any evidence that it actually occurred.

You also failed to followup on this abuse of power and submit a report to their superiours, which would have lent credibility.

As it is, its just about as useful as someone posting about how they broke into an Illumanati meeting where they sacrificed 13 Obama clones to Joe Pesci.

Yeah, report cunt cops to other cunt cops, that always works...

Yeah! Generalize all cops! Wahoo!

Even the OP didn't generalize (much). Just makes you look completely non intellectual.

Yeah, i admit i get riled up about stories like this. It just infuriates me to know that there's nothing you can do against these people.

I know not all cops are bad, but as i said in another comment, those guys should probably quit and get a job with the fire department or emergency rescue etc - do some actual good for people.

I do too, very little causes a rage in me like some of the police-abuse videos that float around the internet.

Thats actually quite a good idea, they need placed into jobs they are more fitted to. I don't believe anyone goes into the police force to abuse people, they go in because they want to help people, and they end up burned out real quick, dealing with liars, criminals, scum wife beaters, etc... Everyday. That shit has to take a toll on you.

They just aren't cut out for the job anymore, if they ever mentally were in the first place.

I kind of think the issue has more to do with poor mental healthcare for police officers. They certainly get free voluntary mental healthcare, and often times mandatory mental evaluation. But it's not very regulated, it's not compulsory (unless you are actually involved in violence, or weapon discharge). They should have far more mental evaluation to keep their badge, and active duty status, they should also have a required limit on 'in the field' active duty.

You simply can't deal with the type of people an officer has to deal with, every day, year after year, without serious alterations to how you view the population, and everyday citizens.

I think it's just the whole culture within the police force, it seems to attract bullies and social fuckups. Anyone who joins looking to actually do some good will likely get sucked into the culture or end up like Dorner, getting fucked by the system for reporting crimes done by fellow officers.

You simply can't deal with the type of people an officer has to deal with, every day, year after year, without serious alterations to how you view the population, and everyday citizens.

I'm not sure i agree with this, but i see your point. Even if it's true, it's still no excuse. I know a few career soldiers who've seen a lot of shit, and they seem to be perfectly functional and respectful to others. I know it's not quite the same, but still.

Oh I believe it's absolutely the same, I also know a few career soldiers, one has been in every altercation dating back to vietnam. He is perfectly stable as a person.

However, anecdotes aside, we both know soldiers do not always end up like that, just as I would propose... not all police end up like that.

The circumstances are not as different as you may think. The situations are clearly very different, but the mental toll is dramatic if you know much about psychology. You don't even have to be in the police force, or the armed forces, to understand this type of mental deterioration. Places such as welfare offices, social workers, county healthcare, medical facicilites... All of these places see the worst things, all of these places have quite high turn around rates, you rarely see doctors working the ER for long periods of time, social workers have one of the single highest turn around rates of all chosen professions.

It's simply, the human mind cannot handle being constantly, daily, weekly, yearly, exposed to certain things without an enormously varying gradient of mental alteration.

Some cops quit, some ask for desk jobs, some social workers move into other select jobs, doctors all over the world, remove themselves from ER jobs, Nurses....Sometimes they fuckin shoot people (small), sometimes they bitch endlessly (more) sometimes they become depressed (more again), sometimes they shrug it off (less) and sometimes it simply never bothers them (small possibly psychopathic).

The gradient is there, it just ends up as a matter of where will you fall? Well... tell me... Where would you assume, given your knowledge, a cop would fall on the gradient? What would his actions be if he were to fall into bitterness? depression? disassiociation with reality based upon the reality that he is placed into every day?

It's just endless. It is of course no excuse, but it at the same time, is not entirely under the control of the cop.

Nobody goes into depression in a day, nobody can say "Looking back... this is the day my sense of reality had changed to suit the reality I personally live in daily"

While it is certainly no excuse, I find the blame to be far more on the mental healthcare for individuals in high stress jobs.

Luckily this is probably buried enough, that while you will prob read it, perhaps it'll slip under the radar of the nutterbutters who will simply claim I'm a cop, or a shill or any number of things. :)

Yeah, stressful jobs will have an effect on people, doesn't matter what it is. Still, i think there is a culture within the police, especially in the US, where cops are almost encouraging this sort of behaviour. I mean, OP talking about how they laughed at him for wanting them to abide by the laws that they apparently enforce; that's more than just the stress of the job, that's a total disregard for regulation, and that's systematic, not personal.

Yeah I don't actually believe OPs story to be quite honest. I'm willing to cede the cops may have done some interesting leaps of logic to enter his house. Which clearly is illegal.

The rest seems like sensationalized silliness, I don't believe the cops laughed in his face, or jibbed about "constituationalist" or whatever all that is he claims. It completely doesn't fit with the rest of his description and is completely out of place.

Also, as he already claimed, he was frightened, and out of his wits, not exactly good state to be in to honestly see a situation for what it really is.

Another victim of public education....

Reading comprehension ftl.

Sorry, was my internet sentence not up to your high standards?

submit a report to their superiours


Ok bro.

I feel like your inability to understand my post is a tad more shameful than my inability to spell, I'll leave it as is for posterity.

The police like to come inside the house so as not to make a scene on the street. It also helps in their job to assess the situation in a domestic dispute. You should always let them come in, unless you have something to hide.

You are insane!

This smaller cop, with obvious ego issues

Dude, that's all it was.

One of those constitutionalists

They don't mean that with the same implications you think they do. They probably get that dozens of times a week. I'm sure all they can do is laugh it off. In practice, most things are done without a warrant. They didn't harm you. You're making a big deal over it.

Are you fuck serrious? They hear that all the time? They violated his rights, used force sn fear, and he's "making a big deal out of nothing? You are most likly one of the fucks doing that, or a complete fucking idiot!

yeah I'm a paid shill man

We know you aren't a homeowner.

Yeah we can tell you aren't... the shills tend to have hundreds of posts in here... you seem to post everywhere. So in conclusion you're just another hayseed

The difference is that the cops, unlike criminals, will always get away with murder... =/