124  2013-02-26 by [deleted]

I know this guy who is a daytrader. We got drunk and we were joking around. We were talking about 911 and the usual arguments regarding the collapse. He said something very interesting that on 911, traders put options against United and American Airlines between the 5th and 10th of September, 2001. The put/call ratio for American Airlines and United Airlines was 25 times above the normal between September 6 and 10. A RED flag event that was never seen since 911. But Recently, he said, another red flag event has occurred in the markets, there was a "spread call" Someone has placed an $11,250,000 bet(on the volatility index) that the stock market will take a sudden downturn around April 13, 2013. He thinks it might be a Currency collapse because when the volatility index goes up, stocks go down. What do you guys think?

EDIT: I found a market article on this crazy bet


I think people in the conspiracy world continue to put out "warnings" of something "really big" that's going to be happening soon and they do it all the time; every week there's a new one. They come to pass and nothing happens. I've stopped paying attention to these "dire warnings." They mean nothing to me. Live your life and do what you want. You cannot predict this shit anymore. Living your life by these stupid meanderings is wasting the limited time we have on this planet. Just stop it.

You are so right. I remember when I used to be big into conspiracies, and I would always freak myself out week after week because there's always some new horrible thing about to be leaked or about to happen. And like you said, it never does. People on this subreddit need to just learn to live their lives and realize that even if something like this was true there is nothing you can do about it, so stop worrying. No point in living a life of fear because of pretend conspiracies.

I would pay attention to a 11 mil bet though

In the stock market that's someone's cigar-lighting money. I wouldn't be too concerned.

in 1937 maybe... In 2013 I think there are arabs that drop 11mil each weekend in vegas.

Why? 11 million dollars is nothing when you're up that high in the stock market. Maybe if it was a 11 billion dollar bet then it would be different.

Yup, me too. Well put. Why do you think I have the perspective I have now? I had to go through it and come out on the other side. I'm just so over it; this cult of conspiracy. I still believe that JFK was shot by more than one man and I still believe 9/11 was some kind of inside job, but I don't believe in some, grand New World Order that controls every.single.event. Just gonna go ahead and call bullshit on that idea. Glad you do too.

You're so close.

I would always freak myself out week after week because there's always some new horrible thing about to be leaked or about to happen.

You know what helps? Put that stuff on a calendar. Write it down, enter it into your smartphone if you've got one, or set up some sort of email alert. Include a link or reference describing where you found this "insider info".

It's a fun game and a great anxiety reliever :)

Word, trippin' on the future so much means we don't adequately participate in the present.

All the prediction stuff, IMO, is a way for humans to direct and manage anxiety. Prefab freak outs for recalibrating the threshold for stress.

Better to be prepared for an event, than not prepared eh mate?

How does one prepare for this? What does one sacrifice? When nothing happens, was the sacrifice worth it?

Junk Silver is at a yearly low right now. I bought 10 oz, last week, will prob. buy another 10 oz, next week. Can never go wrong with silver being at 28/29 bucks an oz. It will def. see 40+ in the future.

It's still overpriced. I bought a 100 ounce brick for $450. Can never go wrong with those prices. $29 an ounce? You might go wrong.

Man. :( I WISH I had bought silver at that price in 09. /regrets...

The last big "prediction" that came to pass was when Bill Cooper predicted 9/11. But in retrospect that was a no brainer.

The trick is to separate wheat from chaff.

Keep in mind stockbrokers and traders and whatnot make money on bullshitting each other. If hype makes you a little more money, even if it's pennies on the dollar, it's worth it.

Well, if a penny is 1/100th of a dollar, you can look at cents on the dollar as percentage points. Even a nickel on the dollar is great money.

Ah well, that would be convenient. April 13th is a Saturday. Well placed after Easter, where most stock brokers are on holiday and have had a break of their personal narcotics (i.e. coke and information).

This comment is about as close as you can get to 'insider trading' without actually being insider trading.

Max Keiser is predicting a Collapse around April and a massive Stock downturn.


People are predicting an "oh shit" scenario every week, every month, every year.

libertarians have been doing this for decades.

yea it's wearing me out man.


yes because clearly things look fantastic.

I don't think it'll happen within the next 5 years.

Have no doubts, it's coming eventually. Maybe not April, but in short order. They can't hold up the facade forever.

Just mentally prepare yourself for it and you'll be able to accept it calmly and think clearly when shit really goes down.

What do you mean go down? And what do you think will happen?

I don't think it'll be a full on riot/revolution and madness. But then again my countries military and police force are no match for the public.

Well if value and faith in the dollar is lost, in the u.s. at least, the trucks stop rolling. This may mean getting food will become problematic to say the least for major population centers.

There are many things that can go wrong, who will police the police when they can't feed their families and the wall of blue comes up? Our police are practically paramilitary at this point and filled with lots of itchy trigger fingers.

And then again, it could get out of hand in another way and just unwind into the great descend with prolonged, but not shocking downtrends. Dmitry Orlov speaks of "personal and local" collapses, that free resources to prop up the rest of the economy. Maybe there will be a crash, but once the US looses its edge and frees up the humongous resource base, the world wide industrialism will get a fix that could last about a generation - 25 to 35 years - and the whole collapse meme will again be postponed.

Have no doubts, it's coming eventually.

Thanks for the prophecy Nostradamus, of course there will be another collapse eventually. It's like saying that eventually a meteor will hit the earth.

Thanks for sharing that little gem, but if you read what I replied to, 'in short order' is typically defined as 'soon' or 'in the near future.'

5 years down the road is far longer than I suspect this economy can chug on for given social conditions lately.

The only issue? People were saying that 5 years ago.

Just wait until 2016 when people say that Obama is going to declare Martial Law so he doesn't have to leave office. You'll wonder why it all sounds so familiar.

People new to conspiracy communities think some of these things are unique. Well, there are some that are, but there are just as many (like these predictions) that have been being suggested/proclaimed for a decade.

my economics says this can't really continue on for much longer.

5 years ago it wasn't even that bad, relatively.

bad? yes. potential to bring down lots of other things with it in a cascade? no.

What are your economics though?

Times are horrible, shit could get much better, and we will most certainly see an economic collapse. But guaranteeing it will happen in the next five years (actually, I'd say you're thinking it's going to happen in the next couple based on your wording) is a little bit of a dangerous thing to assume.

my economics is that because fundamentals in the stock market have all gone haywire, at this point Fed involvement is the only thing keeping anything liquid. in the last 1500 days, I think more than 1300 have been propped up by the Fed, and when it's not being 'pushed higher' it's sinking like a stone in water.

drawing off that conclusion, since the only real reason the stock market is going up is due to outside manipulation, companies can continue to pretend/function like nothing is wrong save the odd layoff here and there to lower the total costs to run the business..

in this case, the lender of last resort has become the only thing keeping this prolonged dead cat bounce in the air, but that cat must come down eventually. colorful, I know.

I refer all further questions on my economics to at this point.

they're pretty much spot on IMO.

I'm also a huge fan of zerohedge

but making a guarantee of that stature is not the right thing to do. it will happen, but giving it a time frame of less than 5 years I don't really agree with.

This subreddit predicts the end of the world and the end of the economy several times per year, I'm not holding my breath.

what!?!? a meteor!!!! RUN!!!!!

It won't be that long.

No one can predict the collapse, many could argue 9/11 was the start, or the start of the fed. no one will know the nation has fallen until its over n

It could be a conspiracy within a conspiracy... perhaps the illuminati made that bet to get all of us to start shouting that something was going to go down... then when nothing happens we will all look foolish...

Or maybe it is for real and I am actually a member of the illuminati trying to discredit this story as just a hoax...

Or maybe I am just a normal person who is writing this because I'm being controlled by our alien masters who live on the moon and have me in the grip of their moon-ray...

That's what I love about conspiracy theories... there are so many options!

Edit: I just thought... perhaps Max Keiser put the bet on... and he is doing it to spread fear in the market and initiate a collapse... thereby making him look great when his prediction comes true.

All good points

It's most likely someone with a computer and an algorithm. That's what scares me the most. That HAL9000 is right.

that's exactly what they want you to think

11 millions are not that much money and probably nothing major will happen. If it was say a 100 million bet now that would be quite significant, but an 11 million bet is not that big, although the stocks will fall down, they are now artificially inflated and not even all the inflation can keep them up.

If you adjust for inflation the stock market really hasn't had a profit in over 10 years.

Keiser has been predicting collapses every other month since 2009. He has lost all credibility, with N. Farage and A. Jones. None of the shit those guys said has ever come true.

Honestly, we have been having record stock market highs, a downturn is the only natural next stage. Time to sell is all.

It's also time to sell considering that all signs point to a really bad collapse.

Edit: You wanted signs, well, here they are. Please excuse the unorganized manner in which I typed this up in. I did it quickly. Of course /r/conspiracy is going to downvote me rather than doing their own research.

Economic instability will only increase as time goes on. The U.S. dollar's value is decreasing, we're in a ton of debt and the economy is being handled in a completely irrational manner. Not only that, but if the politicians don't reach a deal on the fiscal cliff there will be devastating effects; especially for businesses and the stock market. The European economies are also showing signs of a evident collapse which will undoubtedly cause more instability here. Those aren't the only problems too because as living expenses increase, especially gas prices, people will have very little money to fuel the economy. Our spending money is decreasing and if we can't be the consumers the economy needs that will certainly cause a lot of problems in the stock market and for businesses. Also, the housing market is also doing very poorly, I've seen this first hand. It may be getting better but it's still pretty bad and could take a turn for the worse in the future as nothing is set in stone in our current situation. The lack of small businesses and increasing unemployment are becoming serious problems as well. Unemployment has doubled since Obama became President and is hardly improving. It's not just here either as Spain's, and other countries, citizens are increasingly becoming unemployed too.

I'll list other stuff so you have a better idea. The U.S. Postal service is hemorrhaging money, our debt is ridiculous, the amount of low income jobs are increasing at an alarming rate, our Government is spending more on healthcare than before and it's increasing, poverty rates in the U.S. are increasing and is at an all time high and countries all over the world are experiencing mass protests due to their failing economies and we very well could be next.

There's plenty more I can point out but I don't want to waste my time if nobody is going to listen or care. These issues are all related to our economy and it's all pointing to a poor ending. Just look around and investigate what's going on with our economy, and the worlds; do it independently without listening to the bullshit the Media tells you. There's no way we can sustain our economy with so many problems becoming so bad. I really could list a million more signs things are getting worse and that our economy will be worse than the housing bubble incident. Like I said however, I should not have to as all the evidence is easily searchable. I'm not the only one claiming it's collapsing as a ton of experts in the field are expressing the same concerns.

Anybody who wants to learn about the state of our economy can do it and see for themselves the massive problems facing our way of life. Anyway, I hope you do some research and form your own opinion. If you'd like to have a civil debate you should go find evidence things are getting better.

What signs?

Are you serious?

Yes... I am serious... give me some specific signs... that entire rant was speculation and conjecture...

I'm not trolling.. I want to know what you know.

Your ignorance is not my problem. If you're not satisfied with my response you can go research the information yourself. If you don't want to do anything thinking than time will prove that I am right.

lol. poor response. if you dont make it your job to spread the knowledge and truth of it. then you're a troll.

"lol. poor response."

That means a lot coming from the guy who sounds/types like he's still in elementary school. Also, make sure you remember to capitalize the first letter in a new sentence, buddy.

Judging by your comment history you're either a child or you're retarded. If I explained anything to you it'd be beyond your comprehension and a big waste of my time. Don't reply, I won't be continueing this. Have fun being a pathetic little retard making some cringe worthy comments on Reddit. I swear, you don't have a shred of intelligence.

Sorry for being honest but I am not going to be trolled or harassed by the biggest idiot I've ever seen on Reddit. Your parents must be proud they brought such a model citizen into this world.

lol... again... no response...

Grammatical attacks and verbal horseshit.

thank you for the insults though.

If you really gave a fuck about the cause you claim to be championing then your first and foremost responsibility would be to spread the truth and knowledge that you hold, not sequester it and act just like the people you are trying to fight against...

but since all you seem to understand is tyranny and insults, here are a few...

i fucked your mom, which makes me your father. and im very disappointed that my son is such a faggot.

good riddance ya fear mongering neophyte.

Nice, a very meaningful and well written reply. I wouldn't have expected any less from a man so intelligent.

I'd like to add that you should learn how to use basic grammar if you want to be taken serious. So far you sound like a child who's balls haven't dropped. If you can't comprehend what I said and the implications of the facts I commented with originally that's due to your own incompetence, not mine. There's plenty of signs our economy is slowing and becoming worse. There are also signs it very well may collapse. If you can't take the time to see that side of the argument than you're an ignorant biased douche.

Its alright son, you'll understand when you're older.

Every reply you've given makes you sound like an idiot. I'm honestly not trying to insult you at this point; you really do come off as a retard. Sorry, I can't take you seriously when you make yourself out to be a joke... Also, I can't believe you called me young when you literally seem to be 13 years old.

You're still responding bro... and still haven't addressed the very first issue, except with novice insults and a gradeschool outlook. Nothing Ive said makes me sound like an idiot. You however, constantly reaffirming that false statement, does show the extent of your fear mongering and stupidity.

You've chosen to listen to a talking head instead of doing your own research, and then siding with the viewpoint that you enjoy, instead of providing some statistical evidence that you've deciphered, or objective analysis along with those stats. Furthermore, you've basically said "if you can't see this or don't know it you're a moron." Instead of attacking, you should try to fight the good fight and spread knowledge. try to be a boon to society, not a burden...

I do understand that you have some issues though.. I mean, I can't imagine how tough it is for you going through life dealing with your microphallus problems, I really can't. But you can take solace in the fact that you're too ignorant to even realize that your brain capacity is even smaller than that tiny little misshapen thing you call a penis. You definitely got your small dick from your moms side of the family son... I'm sorry...

I've done my own research. I have nothing to prove to you, and as I've said many times before; your ignorance is not my problem.

I will not continuing wasting my time arguing with a man like yourself.

Part of the Problem.

I'm going to do you a favor. You asked me to go into incredible detail on why the U.S. economy is going to collapse. Instead of spending an hour listing articles and typing up a lengthy response just to prove you're wrong, I'll give you a starting point.

If you care about the pursuit of knowledge, and have any integrity, you'll watch that video and then research everything that is said. If you believe you aren't a biased idiot than I implore you to give my side a chance.

Just so you know, that video isn't very informative or important. It does however discuss a few of the main problems with our economy. You'll gain some subjects to explore which will show you we're in deep shit. The best part is that's hardly the beginning of our economic problems.

So go ahead and try to become a non-biased individual rather than participating in "my dick is bigger" arguments over bullshit. I'd like to think I'm doing you a favor by trying to get you to see the coming economic collapse but there's a large possibility you'll just call me a bitch and maintain your ignorance.

I didn't always believe the economy would collapse; when I actually did my own research, I found out it's more likely than is known.

I'm not denying that we're in deep shit... just calling you out for your shenanigans.

Thanks for the info.

How incoherent is this sentence?? Lol. Go back to class son, you've got a lot of studying to do.

You're going to criticize my typo when you can't even type correctly?

What signs make it any worse then say the signs of pre-2008 housing bubble?

Economic instability will only increase as time goes on. The U.S. dollar's value is decreasing, we're in a ton of debt and the economy is being handled in a completely irrational manner. Not only that, but if the politicians don't reach a deal on the fiscal cliff there will be devastating effects; especially for businesses and the stock market. The European economies are also showing signs of a evident collapse which will undoubtedly cause more instability here. Those aren't the only problems too because as living expenses increase, especially gas prices, people will have very little money to fuel the economy. Our spending money is decreasing and if we can't be the consumers the economy needs that will certainly cause a lot of problems in the stock market and for businesses. Also, the housing market is also doing very poorly, I've seen this first hand. It may be getting better but it's still pretty bad and could take a turn for the worse in the future as nothing is set in stone in our current situation.

The lack of small businesses and increasing unemployment are becoming serious problems as well. Unemployment has doubled since Obama became President and is hardly improving. It's not just here either as Spain's, and other countries, citizens are increasingly becoming unemployed too.

I'll list other stuff so you have a better idea. The U.S. Postal service is hemorrhaging money, our debt is ridiculous, the amount of low income jobs are increasing at an alarming rate, our Government is spending more on healthcare than before and it's increasing, poverty rates in the U.S. are increasing and is at an all time high and countries all over the world are experiencing mass protests due to their failing economies and we very well could be next.

There's plenty more I can point out but I don't want to waste my time if nobody is going to listen or care. These issues are all related to our economy and it's all pointing to a poor ending. Just look around and investigate what's going on with our economy, and the worlds; do it independently without listening to the bullshit the Media tells you. There's no way we can sustain our economy with so many problems becoming so bad. I really could list a million more signs things are getting worse and that our economy will be worse than the housing bubble incident. Like I said however, I should not have to as all the evidence is easily searchable. I'm not the only one claiming it's collapsing as a ton of experts in the field are expressing the same concerns.

Anybody who wants to learn about the state of our economy can do it and see for themselves the massive problems facing our way of life. Anyway, I hope you do some research and form your own opinion. If you'd like to have a civil debate you should go find evidence things are getting better.

Thanks for downvoting me too. I didn't have to take the time to explain this very easily searchable position. I shouldn't have bothered to begin with, just as I was going to.

I didn't downvote you Judas.

I actually didn't mean you, sorry. I meant the people here in general. Anyway, is that it? Are you not going to reply with something more meaningful? I'd appreciate it since I took the time to explain myself at your request.

We are producing more in the world then we actually need. We throw away food, shit in our water, make one use fossil fuel products and generally can't do much worse in these areas of sustainability. We live on a hyperinflated paradigm that really has nothing to do with actual "markets." There is no trading going on between entities without government regulations. The government owns the economy and their fuck ups reflect on it. That said, it was the governments interference that has gotten us this far. There is no question it may get worse before it gets better but we can't forget how far we've come. The fact the word revolt is thrown around really shows how bitter people are acting. Even if they do revolt, it won't last long since the government will be able to acquire resources before the public does.

I appreciate the response. I agree, the Government is hugely at blame. Corporations and banks also deserve blame as they've done great deal of harm too.

I don't share your views on it getting better though. I think it's going to spiral out of control to the point where we'll have the begin again in some way. You can't sustain money that isn't backed by gold or something else physical. We'll have to revert back to that system, fix the federal reserve and limit government interference. However, It doesn't seem realistic for that to happen without complete collapse.


Interesting article, strange that I've never read about the Steagall Act as I read a lot about unjust government interference.


I'm not one to listen or follow conspiracy programs or websites. I usually just get the information from Wikipedia and then form an independent opinion based on all the information I've gathered over time. You should read into a lot of what the government has done to favor the banks and corporations; it isn't much of a conspiracy, it's obvious our government is in tandem with banks and big business.

I do appreciate the link and I'm reading it right now. Best thing you can do here is share your information and opinions, as long as their based on some facts and not complete speculation. You have to be careful of what you read here on /r/conspiracy as a lot of it is nut-job material.


You're right, it's not easy to back up or expose a lot of conspiracies due to the secrecy and withheld documents. That's why I, and I'm assuming you, don't concretely form an opinion unless there is actual evidence to back up the claims. It's unfortunate that this subreddit, and a lot of conspiracy theorists, don't care about backing their claims up with true facts. They instead make wild claims with completely absurd insignificant "evidence" to back them up.

Disclaimer: What I know about the market is self taught. Feel free to correct me as necessary, I like to learn!

I think the time for a massive dump is past. All the really big players are secured against a collapse as much as they're going to be, but that doesn't mean they want to be cut off as they slip out the back door. I think you may see one large entity exit on or about that time, hence the spread (which is more than likely based on insider info for a purse that big) but the play for the next 18 months is to ride the economy down the slide to the bottom slowly. This is to keep public revolt at bay, since that becomes very messy for everyone. Heads roll in revolts, and no one is more interested in keeping their heads than the financial elite.

Man if I was the government i would try to disarm the people as quickly and efficiently as possible in case panic and revolt does spread....wait....

Who is trying to disarm the public?

If you turn on any American run news station you can't escape the hottest topic around, which is gun control. False flag events (mass shootings mostly) are being perpetrated to try and make Americans WANT to relinquish their guns. The powers that be KNOW that once the news breaks about how fucked we actually are going to be, the last thing they want is a nation of people with the means to protect themselves. Why do you think the country is littered with FEMA camps.

People said that in '96 too. While I don't agree with the Brady campaign, or assault weapons bans, I think you're reaching a little.

That may be true, and I would love if it was. But with the way things are going, they've done a lot of things that defy my belief. It seems like they are becoming more intrusive by the day, and would not surprise me if what I said comes to be true


Which is true of every presidency.

just waiting for next biggest news to exploit, why stop running with guns now and have nothing big to exploit.

Gun control != disarming the public. That's like saying drunk driving laws make it harder for you to drive to the store.

No that's like saying that DUI checkpoints make it harder to drive to the store...

And do you still arrive at your destination if those checkpoints are in place?


It doesn't, but gun control would make it harder to buy a gun. No drunk shooting, maybe we can discuss something there.

Everyone, but that's only if you're a paranoid conservative. As a rational gun owner I realize that the worst case scenario is not being able to buy an "assault rifle" for a decade or so.

Are you really that brain dead or is that just a parody?

If you honestly believe they are going to try and confiscate guns, then clearly you're then one who is brain dead.


Yep, history also shows us that if a minority drinks from the wrong water fountain in the U.S. - he gets hung from a tree.


Do you mean yours?

Using the "well it's happened before" argument doesn't work if you only apply it to things you want to apply it too.

  1. History shows a lot of things that aren't necessarily related to what is happening today.

  2. Trying to confiscate guns in America would cause a shit storm of civil war proportions. That wouldn't benefit anyone.


If you think we've moved passed the possibility of civil war in this country, you are living in a fantasy world.

Obviously I don't think we're past the possibility, since I already stated that a gun grab would push us in that direction. What politicians would possibly want that to happen?

OK "rational gun owner" whatever you say lol


The federal government. They don't, however, have the juice.... Yet

Maybe you are right. What most preppers do not see is that when the velocity of money sinks, inflation sinks too. The numbers go down but basic commodities are cheaper and thus the rest of the working populace doesn't have to bear the brunt. The velocity can be controlled when the big banks tighten credit. This isn't the same as when trust into the currency vanishes and there is a short period of hording money as short term storage and then high "emergency" spending. As long as the price signals are mixed, the collapse won't happen. But once...


When the ruble began to fail, people were taking stupid amounts of money to the store for a loaf of bread.

Yes, and this wasn't because the trust in the currency vanished?


Yea, I'm pretty sure that's the going rate for one of Buffets' farts..


Or the more reasonable conclusion: He's very rich.

It's very difficult to get clear information on the insider trading that preceeded 9/11. The amount of money made is anywhere between $20 Million and $5 Billion. Two websites, which I believe are disinformation sites, Snopes and 9/11Myths (the second one is obvious) both claim that there wasn't any insider trading in the days leading up to 9/11 but the evidence is pretty clear and the fact that the MSM reported on it in the days following like it was a real story until they got their marching orders and then they started saying that it was just your average market volatility.

Much of the trading was done by CIA front companies or else companies with current or former CIA Agents working for them such as Buzzy Kronenberg. Apparently there is $2.5 Million still unclaimed but that leaves an awful lot of money that was collected and I can't imagine you would be able to cash out without leaving a paper trail so that means that whoever investigated those trades, SEC, CIA, FBI, know who made those trades and if 9/11 was really investigated like it should have been, those people should be identified and their relationship to the terrorists should be investigated.

My guess, is there is no relationship to those terrorists because they were just patsies. The people that made those trades would be traced back to the real terrorists in the US Government, the White House, The CIA, FBI, NSA, Massod, The Defense Department and the Banking Cartel.

9/11 wasn't just a pretext to start a war and take your rights away with the Patriot Act. It was an old fashioned ROBBERY. $2.5 Trillion from the Pentagon, Millions to Billions from Insider Trading, Alledgedly Billions in Gold was stolen from vaults beneath the WTC, Billions were stolen by the pallet in Iraq, Blank Checks were written to the Military Industrial Complex including Halliburton (Cheney) and the Carlysle Group (Bush Sr. Bin Laden Sr.)

That wasn't enough though. On the way out the door, George W. engineered (well presided over, doubt he had anything to do with the planning) the stock market crash and the bank bailout. This was probably the final payoff to the banking industry for their role in 9/11.

People think 9/11 was too big of an operation to keep everyone quiet but money in the amounts that were robbed from the US treasury buys a lot of silence. And those that weren't paid off were killed off and that's also a strong deterrent for running your mouth.

We won't know the truth for atleast 50 years when we get the deathbed confessions. That money may have bought their silence but it also bought their soul and they will live miserable lives with the guilt of murdering tens of thousands of people between 9/11 and the wars that followed. They'll talk but by then it won't matter.

We still don't know the truth about Pearl Harbor, and that was over 70 years ago !!!

Nah. GTA V got pushed back.

well those few of us who actually live outside of the bubble of ignorance know this is pretty much inevitable at this point. The only question is 'when', and 'what'. And when I say 'what', I mean 'what will happen after the currency collapse'. I'm not educated enough to know the implications, but they're surely dire.

As for 'when'... your guess is as good as mine. Could be next month. Could be years. I would sure as hell not be surprised if it happened in April though.

Be safe, no fear, never lose hope.

Except... it's only a 11 million dollars. I would assume that someone heavy in the know would be making a higher bet. Also making a stockmarket "bet" in and of itself sort of indicates a non-collapse scenario in that somebody is expecting a stockmarket bet to collectable.


I don't believe so but that is my opinion. Remember, when the first Great Depression happened, the government simply designates an amount they will buy it back from you - which is always ridiculously low so you WILL sell it at a loss.

Even disregarding that though, humans need to move on passed the concept of currency.

Currency Facilitates barter. If I have berries and you have chickens, but no need for my berries, and I really need some damn chickens, we would be shit out of luck. But if we had something that everyone agreed had value and couldn't be easily faked....hmmmm (inb4 YOU CAN FAKE COINS!!11!11, silver and gold can be easily chemically tested for if you have the means, and there are a plethora of reliable old school testing methods. You can't fake the sound silver makes.)

Btw you just "pshawed" 6000+ years of precious metals serving as a bartering tool because the US government at one time confiscated gold and paid out a shitty dollar value for it.

Solution? Buy your metals in cash, lie when they ask if you have any.


Look at it like this, money is a tool. Pure and simple. It is a tool to make trade between consenting parties easy and efficient.

Avarice, however, is the root of all evil. So it would stand to reason, you should look for a form of currency that isn't easily faked, and cannot be created from thin air as that would invite corruption with open arms. So in my humble opinion, gold and silver seem like some tried and true options.

Just just like with guns, and drugs, the inanimate object isn't the problem, it's the psyche of the human using it that's the occasional problem.

'Currency Facilitates barter. If I have berries and you have chickens, but no need for my berries, and I really need some damn chickens, we would be shit out of luck."

No offense but I happen to think that line of thinking, in 2013, is kind of a cop out. We aren't in those primitive settings anymore. Technology has unburdened mankind since its conception, and we are at an all time high in that department. We have the ability to produce enough to satisfy Maslow's hierarchy for the planet over a few times, but the only obstacle from doing that is the prime directive of currency - profiteering - and the facilitation that the current economic system creates. To reference the old adage, "power corrupts", coupled with the realization that money is the ultimate tool (even you acknowledge that fact) exploitable by and to more power, we are left with two choices: to continue to ram our heads into a brick wall until our cranium gives way, or try a new tactic.

Money, or currency, in today's world, is outdated - it has run its course. In a philosophical sense, one could reason that money itself was a form of technology that unburdened mankind to do just what you said - to facilitate bartering - and it has run its course and it is time to move on to bigger and better technology. It is a tool as you pointed out, and it will be exploited by those who have acquired, rigged, stolen, or exploited system loopholes to get more of it, and there are entirely too many variables that exist now to even call it a "fair" system. It is now a reflection of the fear that mankind holds to evolve.

Silver, easier to get in and out of if you have or need cash. And for many many reasons will probably surpass gold as far as percentage gains in the long run.

Gold is the currency of kings

Silver is the currency of Gentlemen

Paper is the currency of Slaves


Hey, I like your enthusiasm. But hear me out, only put into metal WHAT YOU ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT NEED outside of an emergency. Because if you have to buy and sell in a short time period just to get a quick hundred bucks, you are taking a gamble on losing a couple bucks upon sellback.

You could gain a few bucks and all as well, but for the average joe, we are just protecting our wealth, and playing the long game


That all depends on what you are willing to not touch for a year. Which is a good benchmark to set, unless silver skyrockets, in which case selling off some to net some profit is never a bad thing, as long as you still have plenty in reserve.

I'm no accountant, all I can say is that whenever I have the extra cash, I buy as much junk silver as I can (90% silver US coins from 64 and before). It's recognizable, dividable, and very very liquid. If you feel fancy buy some American silver eagles, or Canadian maples or something.

If you can look for coin and bullion shops in your area, and price them out. If the shop is charging any more than 4.25-5 dollars over spot per coin, go to the next place.


Well then in the long run you can't go wrong. Things are kinda shakey right now, silver and gold are coming off of a fairly sizable dip at the moment. Could it drop lower? Yeah absolutely. Could it go higher? Is the FED still an operating institution? Or, does the pope protect pedophiles?

And yeah thats my feeling to, if anything ever happened, and no one was accepting paper, who the hell is going to want to break a 1oz coin in pieces to pay a debt? Fractional US silver currency ftw.


If you can avoid getting it online, buy your bullion at a local shop in person. yeah you can order online, but unless you are getting a great deal, shipping and insurance might not be worth it :/

I'd run silver personally.

You retain value, if not gain value, and its more usable.

Example, cash isnt taken, so they use alternative means. I can fill my tank for an ounce of silver. Its about $35 bucks.

I dont know people that can break a $1700 bill....

Everyone in Mexico, start buying Centenarios ! in case anyone was interested in precious metals purchasing.

gold and silver

In a stock collapse that means prices go down and he dollar goes up. However the monetary debasement which follows will be in hold and silvers favor.

That's word for word what happened in 2000 and 2008

Gold has been pretty volatile lately but the general trend has been up.

Gold prices have risen 1000% since 9/11/2001. I would call that a generally 'upwards' trend :oP

I think gold and silver have about peaked, though. Unless the economy completely bottomed out, which doesn't look likely, as things seem to be stabilizing. No one here will agree with that sentiment, though!!!

I don't know if you've read the news lately but Germany just asked the US for their Gold back after it was discovered that some of the Gold they got from us turned out to be Gold Covered Tungsten Bars. In other words, the Gold was melted down and then recast into bars filled mostly with Tungsten. The US said, "Sure, we'll give your Gold back to you but it will take us 10 years.

I suspect the Gold Market, just like the Currency Market is also about to collapse. It's been suspected for years that the Fed has been lying about the amount of Gold it has in Ft. Knox and elsewhere and then this scam turns up with the Gold Plated Tungsten. That means it worse than anyone thought. Not only did they highjack the Gold long ago (Probably during Reagan's Presidency) but they've been swapping out real Gold Bars for fakes and once the rest of the Nations start demanding the Gold we're holding for them, it's really gonna get weird.


Exactly! France was passing around that fake gold too so I guess we decided to partner up and jack Mali.

So what would happen if currency collapsed to the people who live paycheck to paycheck? I'm just lost at what the real effects would be to the average American.

Read: Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Experience and American Prospects if your question isn't sarcastic :D

Not being sarcastic, thank you for the suggestion I'll check it out.

I just find it hard to imagine suddenly all of our money is worthless - do we get kicked out of our apartments? Do we all become homeless? But who will keep us out of the apartments and the empty homes when no one is getting paid to keep us out?

I don't think being homeless would be so bad, I'd travel south to warmer areas, hunt, fish, scavenge. Looters will destroy the preppers, but I won't be a looter, that's bad karma right there. A survivalist though, for sure.

No. the stupid thing with money is the symmetry it enforces for both parties. If the elites fuck up, their money too is worthless. Read about Weimar. They had a clusterfuck dragging on for years (!).

Second, you will loot. You are hungry, your body is accustomed to 10MJ/day. You will loot. But this is the wrong track anyway. Looting means that there is no social order left anymore. This is the last, very last point where society finally breaks. Until that, there is still government distribution. Where do you want to go exactly without fuel? There are 50 days left of global grain storage and most countries only have weeks of commercial fuel storage. The strategic reserves that you heard of some months ago? Those are for trading. The military has reserves for years. And they still can just take commercial vehicles like a Scania 28t lorry and save 80% of their fuel consumption compared to conventional defense hauling. This saved fuel could be funneled into the industrial agriculture. So there is no need to think that the nutritional supply chain just vanishes. It becomes just boring as hell. Remember: Other people have the energy and food. Other people maybe accept money as payment. Other people own most of the means of production. That "our" money vanishes could be happening. But why should they kill money as a social concept and for what? To destroy the rest of humanity? That doesn't work. The ounces, coins and notes are still out there. Only one big city stamping federal reserve notes into city money undermines this plan. This even doesn't have to happen state enforced. A 100 postmarks with dates are enough. (side note: this was a proposal within the EU in case the Euro goes belly up. So not my idea.) The only downside is, that the dollar doesn't have high denomination notes. The Euro has 500€ and the Swiss Franc a humongous amount of 100, 200 and 1000 Notes. Every Euro-Nation has backup plans. In the case of lets say California and Texas breaking away because D.C. costs more than it delivers, they both just could ring up Germany and order a new currency. Nobody would notice where it was printed and coined.

This is why Shock Doctrine is a good read. With the right tools applied at the right moment, this freak show can drag on for decades to come with a much more docile populace. You have something to say?! You want 201X again?! Well, then shut up.

Wow thank you for a great read of a comment. I'll look into Shock Doctrine for sure.

Also, if you have time, I am reading The Breakdown of Nations by Leopold Kohr right now. Highly recommended too. But only as an academic exercise :D

Social unrest if people have paper that isn't worth the printed value. Germany had high inflation. I don't remember how much a loaf of bread was pre WW2, but I remember my history teacher in middle school say people were carrying wheelbarrows of money to the grocers to buy groceries.

/r/PostCollapse may be able to answer your question a little better.

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!

they'd be in the same position as someone with bulk savings in american dollars. Most likely a new currency would be issued and you'd go back to work getting paid in that (provided it's not immediately worthless).

"Tuesday, February 26, 2013 With about a half hour left in today’s trading session, purchases of VIX options are unusually high – much higher than yesterday. As I type this, over 855,000 VIX calls have been traded, with today likely to see the highest VIX call volume since the August 2011 market panic"-latest market numbers

Look at todays numbers, Do you guys think he might actaully get it right?

Here's the issue with the VIX. It measures fear in the market, which is indicated by volatility. All it really takes is one large bet on the VIX to make people think something is going on, which increases volatility, which increased VIX trading, which increases fear, which increases volatility. It is the ultimate self fulfilling prophecy, and in the end, it really doesn't mean anything. It's so easily manipulated.

I should stop picking up drunk women at bars and start chatting up strangers instead...

There is a federal sequester scheduled to kick in on Friday, and the possibility of a federal budget deal coming together in the next few weeks/months. Now add in the probability of market-moving debt defaults in Europe, Chinese real estate market bubble popping, and just random shit happening. I would say that the probability of market-moving events occurring is not extreme. Also, look at the graph shown in the article. The VIX has jumped over 20 6 times in the past year, once staying over 20 for a period of 2 months.

Honestly, the probability of something big happening by chance is not that small over the time periods we are talking about. It is risky, but not totally crazy.

So if there's gonna be a collapse in April we need to start planning for the revolution now?

What is the point of betting $11 million in favor of the stock market crashing? What would you win if the stock market crashes?

The bettor would win perhaps 10-20x the amount invested.

Stock Market isn't open on Saturday..

Lol, $11 million isn't a lot of money at all. I'm sure it was just a hedge play.


The volatility index (VIX) has been at a ridiculously low level so it has nowhere to go but up. It's also worth mentioning that the VIX can go up when there is a bull rally. So in effect this investment says "things won't stay serene for much longer." Smart bet.

No all caps titles! Read the sidebar!

Devils advocate.

What is the damage to a 11,250,000 bet on a crash cost if there is an upswing? Is this like a leveraged buy where depending on the leverage ration a $1 buy can earn or lose 20 or 30 times the original investment?

In options buys, the potential loss is limited to the amount invested.

True for option buys - but even if this trade existed, it doesn't say whether they bought calls, or sold puts.

If you're selling (also called writing) puts, there is unlimited loss potential.

this seems to remind me a lot of the movie "Pi"

Global Coastal Event. Though, that will probably happen after financial collapse.

What's more worrying here, is that whether the markets will make it to April. Italy failed to form a government and so here comes shock that will cause the avalanche that's coming. People in this subreddit, the market will crash, good luck. You have been for warned. The total US stock index is at 100 percent of the US GNP.basically we have no way out.

someone hates easter it sounds like.....

This is awfully wrong.

If you're making a directional bet on VIX, you're assuming volatility will increase or decrease.

Volatility can increase or decrease, regardless of whether the market goes up or down. This is why it is volatility. If you know stats, its a measure of variance - not direction.

If you're worried about the Italian elections, the sequester, or any other economics-related events, you might anticipate volatility, and try to hedge your portfolio by buying or selling VIX, depending on your exposure.

And to be honest, a $11.25 million dollar bet is absolutely TINY.

Not to mention, a weaker USD benefits economies over the medium term - it doesn't hurt stocks. Other countries are mad at the US for quantitative easing causing a decrease in the value of the USD vs. a basket of international currencies.


I'll be on vacation when it all goes down.

Rule #7 says no Facebook links. I wonder if that applies to Facebook-quality self posts.

mid to late April is a weird time in history. April 19 was Waco and OKC, the American Revolution effectively began on 4/19, and April 20 is Hitler's birthday. I'd always expected 9/11 to happen on 4/19. point being, it wouldn't surprise me... alas I am woefully unprepared.

$11,250,000 bet

Happens 25x a day on Wall St. Doesn't mean a thing. That's small change for a lot of players. He doesn't stand to lose $11mil., because the VIX would never drop to zero. He could potentially lose probably half that at the most. Some guy with a lot of money may know something. But I don't think it's another 9/11. More likely some CEO is doing insider trading - look for who will be announcing earnings on the 12th. Some large-ish company may be turning in earnings reports that are a lot lower than expected, causing a mild panic for S&P index funds.

I don't see any big ones on 4/12, but there are a few on 4/11

It's April 13. Everything seems OK.

Will happen soon or later.

You, sir, have an uncanny predilection for prophecy...mind blown.

It's probably just a hedging placement. I saw an article on someone placing money on Apple going to 1 dollar. It's synthetic risk management.

I really don't know much about markets, so I can't really give my opinion. But let's say it was a currency, which would one would it be?

Probably the US Dollar but of course this would influence every other Currency.

The Euro is pretty unstable and china looks not good also but they have a lot gold.

Sequestration is coming in april

When it happens Americans would be best to decide to maintain the foundation we have. A revolution would mean an end to inalienable rights and more than likely a power grab, especially considering this will be no accident. Best case scenario is that we return the issuance of currency to congress and chase everyone who is in office out. The corporate state will have no chance if this succeeds.


Another question, How do they not know who made such a crazy bet? is that not traceable?

Probably anonymously reported? If you privately buy options it's not like you have to put your name on it.


A known r/Conspiratard poster criticizing (edit: nitpicking) /r/conspiracy?

What a surprise. But I think your efforts would be better spent criticizing other subs for their far more serious rule violations

RES Tag him and ignore him in the future folks.


If you have a problem, downvote it and report it. Instead of the usual 'tard tactic of poking a hornets nest

Man if I was the government i would try to disarm the people as quickly and efficiently as possible in case panic and revolt does spread....wait....

Maybe you are right. What most preppers do not see is that when the velocity of money sinks, inflation sinks too. The numbers go down but basic commodities are cheaper and thus the rest of the working populace doesn't have to bear the brunt. The velocity can be controlled when the big banks tighten credit. This isn't the same as when trust into the currency vanishes and there is a short period of hording money as short term storage and then high "emergency" spending. As long as the price signals are mixed, the collapse won't happen. But once...

I appreciate the response. I agree, the Government is hugely at blame. Corporations and banks also deserve blame as they've done great deal of harm too.

I don't share your views on it getting better though. I think it's going to spiral out of control to the point where we'll have the begin again in some way. You can't sustain money that isn't backed by gold or something else physical. We'll have to revert back to that system, fix the federal reserve and limit government interference. However, It doesn't seem realistic for that to happen without complete collapse.


'Currency Facilitates barter. If I have berries and you have chickens, but no need for my berries, and I really need some damn chickens, we would be shit out of luck."

No offense but I happen to think that line of thinking, in 2013, is kind of a cop out. We aren't in those primitive settings anymore. Technology has unburdened mankind since its conception, and we are at an all time high in that department. We have the ability to produce enough to satisfy Maslow's hierarchy for the planet over a few times, but the only obstacle from doing that is the prime directive of currency - profiteering - and the facilitation that the current economic system creates. To reference the old adage, "power corrupts", coupled with the realization that money is the ultimate tool (even you acknowledge that fact) exploitable by and to more power, we are left with two choices: to continue to ram our heads into a brick wall until our cranium gives way, or try a new tactic.

Money, or currency, in today's world, is outdated - it has run its course. In a philosophical sense, one could reason that money itself was a form of technology that unburdened mankind to do just what you said - to facilitate bartering - and it has run its course and it is time to move on to bigger and better technology. It is a tool as you pointed out, and it will be exploited by those who have acquired, rigged, stolen, or exploited system loopholes to get more of it, and there are entirely too many variables that exist now to even call it a "fair" system. It is now a reflection of the fear that mankind holds to evolve.