/R/ Conspiracy, Do You hear the Market Panic in the background? This is critical moment when the Sharks cash out and average Joe is set to lose his money!

50  2013-02-27 by [deleted]

Hey Guys, I am back with more Market gloom news. The stock market risk indicator is showing a flashing warning sign in February/March. My Insider friend says, if you look just at NYSE, insider share sales were more than 10X the number of insider share buys. It is not just the nuts/ the preppers speaking here, this is the critical moment when the insiders are taking action to unload their Risk Assets. Take Note.


Ron Morin's blog echoes what going down in the markets

Record Insider Selling Marks Top In Equities

The rats are jumping ship at a blistering rate

When’s the next recession? In May!

A Look Inside This Week’s Furious Volatility Trading

new recession is inevitable

A Hopeless Situation: A New Cyclical Bear Market Is Coming Soon

The analysts and commentators warning about a market peak could indeed be correct

Fooled by facts




Good thing I'm broke already

Here here! Can't take our money if we don't have any xD .

Naw, they will just figure out how to make it illegal to be poor. Then throw us all in prison.

Same here! Anything minus zero is still, thankfully, zero!

What did we expect with all this quantitative easing basically throwing money at thieves to stop them from robbing us. and what a surprise when they pack up and go home with the money. game? what game?

So you mean the billions that were given to cover fraud and theft are then stolen fraudulently? Surely you must be joking... The tycoons would never do such a dastardly thing....


I think that hole situation is also like the healthcare debacle that was shoved down our throats.

They saw that a fox was raiding the hen house, but instead of building a fence to keep the fox out, they let the fox in and asked the fox how they could stop it from getting to the hens, when the fox doesnt care about anything but eating the hens.

Good thing the Federal reserve was started in 1913 to stabilise the economy and prevent recessions.

Wait a second...

There are natural buisness cycles, it's just that the Fed decreased its severity by a large degree. See: Romer and Romer.

The artificial bubbles and corporate bailouts propped up by corrupt government is not part of "the natural business cycle"

Recessions are part of the natural business cycle.

Yea we had 20 year unemployment periods before 1913 (not really)

What's the definition of "unemployment periods"?

Investment is not about beating markets but long term discipline and diversity. Don't put all your money in one basket and you'll be fine.

Warren Buffett:

“Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing.”

The more focused you are the more risk you open yourself up to.

Definitely, and the above quote was a pretty assy thing for someone like Warren Buffett to say. He obviously has a lot more risk tolerance than your average Mom and Pop investor, and yet there he is telling people who don't take substantial risks that they don't know what they're doing.

Not to mention your average person doesn't know what they're doing, nor can they really afford the time investment to become an expert on a particular asset class not to mention the majority of them.

Edit: Most people make decision's based on emotion which is a fairly risky thing to do.

Buffett has done nothing but receive favoritism from the Obama admin just like others before him. Crony capitalism at its finest, just look at his most recent venture in buying out Heinz. Which is owned by the Kerrys.

Lets just see how that giant deal works out in the long run for the Kerry's (particularly Mrs. Kerry) and their future political careers...pretty well I suppose.

Warren Buffet can say anything he wants to say, he is rich, that doesnt mean that he practices what he preaches. Nor does he have to, he is filthy fucking rich.

That's why I keep my money with Vinnie, Hey Vinnie's a good guy.

I too like vinnie

My insider friend says: There is no better time for Big money to bailout on American markets, basically they can only lose money from here . Recession and sequesteration means grab what you can while these impossible highs last . They are betting the indexes up before they all cash out. and then ..........."

Get the gold and silver while its propped down...then run!

I invested in a fairly good amount of gold about 8 or 9 years ago. It has done very well for me. I'd still hop on now.

I wasn't old enough at the time to know any of this shiz.. I know better now though.

That is the best bet right now, and the thing is, in this feverish Bullish market, you got do it now when gold/silver is low. In a month you will have no chance as everyone and their mother will be buying gold and the metals.

I am willing to bet that by December of this year gold will be over 2500$ and silver will be over 40$ ...

I think a big market correction, or recession, or whatever you want to call it, is on its way. But there might be a bubble on its way to delay things again. Remember your recent history folks... In 2000 we had the internet bubble (result: a lot of investors lost money) Then came the housing bubble (result: rich homeowners, homelessness, expensive houses and the 2008 crash). The debt bubble, which involved the printing and lending of trillions of dollars (result: we are still waiting to see).

I don't know, but I think, perhaps (and I'm not an expert, just throwing it out there) that we might have an energy bubble coming with all these new gas and oil mining techniques (fracking) and all the natural resources in the US.

Im thinking school loans...

IF so, What is with the gold hoarding of countries? and can /Does FED have any gold to give back to Germany? thats sounds kinda like asking a broke man for the 100 dollars you left at his house 60 years ago.

From what I can glean... mid-April.

I dont have alot money invested but I am worried about the little I have in mutual funds in RRSP investments. /R/conspiracy investors what are your concerns and what would you suggest as possible actions in this recesssion environment where stocks have no where to go but down? Basically, If a Market crash happened tommorrow, and you got to go back in time a few days before, what would you do differently?

The answer you will get on this subreddit (which I agree with) is buy gold, buy silver and make sure you have it in physical form (coins, bars etc.) rather than paper. Anything on paper is potentially worthless... own the metal... make sure you are able to touch it.

Interesting you guys say that: Peter Grandich made this comment

“They [the metals] have digested a decade’s worth of large gains, they’ve built a very strong base…as tough as it is for somebody to struggle with it, the longer the base is built, when the inevitable breakout to the upside comes, the bigger that move can be. I believe that move is coming this year. When it does, we will see a momentum flow into gold that we haven’t seen in years. So many technical buy signals will be triggered by that, and pure momentum players who really don’t care about the fundamentals of the story…will flow into the metals.”

“Everyday somebody sends me an article, predicting the end of the gold bull market. Those are the type of things that I like to hear because, the fact that we go sideways despite this onslaught of negativism, tells me the market still wants to go higher.”

“[And] with the German repatriation of gold, we’re probably in the early stages of a gold backed currency,” he added. The chief priority for investors during this period Peter explained, is capital preservation.

“Safety of principal is going to be key,” he said. “It’s not going to be how much you make in the next few years, it’s how much you don’t lose…which you will then use to take advantage of assets which have dramatically dropped down in price.”

buy food making materials (seeds /hydro equipment)

Hedge yourself with options although as of this week they got a litt le bit pricey. And might get more pricey. You could always hedge writing calls though eater than buying puts.

Todays stock market figures are an anomaly. Absurd. Like man dancing in a burning building. How could that be? How could stocks be rising in this of environment of high unemployment, austerity, and a recession? How is that possible without the Rich investors making the most of their last run?

Stock in tangible companies are going to maintain their value.

Stocks are not going up, the dollar they are measured in is getting smaller.

Do you think stock in a company like this: http://www.silverdoctors.com/german-automaker-reportedly-hoarding-as-much-physical-silver-as-it-can-acquire/#more-21530 is going to keep pace with inflation?

And by the way... how much gold does Germany have? (I think the FED sold off the German gold) How much gold does the US have? (I think they have sold off that gold also) Search the internet for how much gold each country has. You may notice they do not list the 144 tones Libya had, and they do not list the 1,000 tones that Iran really really does have.

One day, your pennies will buy dollar bills!

You are right man. They are dumping all the risky ones....yea, the stocks will be going down and when they do, everyone will be running to those tangibles for real value.

Those are all mostly blogger articles. But interesting considering the Dow and S&P500 are doing insanely well today. In 2006-2007, many amateur and prominent Economist were making these kind of forecasts too. I am would not be surprised if they were all correct. If the Market is about to take a dump you won't find the warning on your TV set.

The Great Depression was one of the triggers for WW2. We already have currency wars and protective tarriffs going on. They seem to be waging war against the Muslims in a manner which reminds me of the war on the Jews in WW2. I see China as the rising power similar to Germany in WW2 so I would look for a war with/against China in the next 50 years perhaps.

I agree with you on the China threat -- but you accidentally put a zero with your prediction of 5 years... China is the Overlord.

I think 5 years is too early for China. China will have to become stronger for them to wake up to the threat. Then, they will manufactuer a war, perhaps.

They may try with only the financial war, or perhaps tarrifs like they did with the solar panels, but I don't think it will work. China is too big and too strong and growing stronger. The US suppresses its population and China will raise its up.

They are doing oil with the ME and North Africa now. That is why they have to make the Muslims out to be assholes. They could just as easily make Islam out to be "The Religion of Peace" if it suited their purposes. The propaganda is almost total at this point.


Look the recession and collapse is inevitable. There is no way the market can climb to such heights with nothing to fall back on. There is no safety net. Are you suggesting we ignore this obvious fact in our reality? If so, then please carry on Sir, this post was not directed at you. It seems every time we are at this stage of pre-doom , few insiders know and the majority lose out. We are in the age of information, and what we are witnessing is a huge mainstream rally to "buy" and "buy" when the insiders are betting against those exact indexes, and are gonna make a killing when the dust clears. So it is already a pre-programed collapsed, and the more people that know, the better they can prepare themselves.


No. and Is it Fear mongering if you call a discussion on whats going, even if that may seem scary to some people?


whats wrong with getting reaction? many posts here are like that. is /r/ conspiracy no place to have discussion on some possible financial schemes going? if that is so, then I had no idea. Between, repatriation of gold by countries is a common discussions in the maintream media, I don't see the problem with talking about that. Everything in the blogs is found in the maintream, it is just riskier to be shouting it out on Huffington post or something, but is all there. It always is. The critical moment has not passed, not for those who have a chance to move their little savings. And definetly not for the guys betting against those indexes, who are waiting to cash in. IT is one thing to be pessimistic and another to be stupid and pretend like its okay to watch people manipulate the masses and take advantage of what little they have because you think the ship is going down anyway, and they should just go down with it willingly.

Also the usual "Buy gold" as if it was useful for anything.

Are paper dollars useful for anything? At least gold can actually be used for some industrial uses. Paper money can do nothing but burn.

Everyone's already broke man

You may not have any dollars (being broke) but if it costs even more dollars to buy the same things that cost you less dollars to buy a week ago, then I would call myself "more broke".

"Everyone's already broke man, the critical moment has long since passed. You can only only be so broke, you don't go extra broke. Adapt to being poor, it's the future."

I feel like am posting on /r/politics, Really, So if the market crashes, old ladies who had their retirements savings in overvalued stocks, won't suffer that much cause they just get broke and broke is bottom anyways? sounds like you gave up, and just don't want to hear/see the elephant in the room.

This dude doesn't understand anything about global easing or the market at all. I wouldn't be too concerned with him.

People can't get extra broke? Wait till we can't afford gas or food. Or when social security checks quit going out. It's not just about you, fella. Just because one can barely live on minimum wage (or whatever most likely unfair payment they receive for services they preform) doesn't mean they can't get more broke. Barely living is still...well...living.

Getting ready to do my taxes, and my financial guy says don't fucking bother investing now, put it in you mortgage. That's when I got the drift. And here in Canada we are hitting our housing bubble too. The OP maybe sensational in his post but there is an eerie mood about the stock market right now like a déjà vu......say overvalued and coming down hard. I hope not though. That will be double edged sword wound for us in Canada.

Lol do you think billionaires and central banks give a fuck about what some people write on the Internet?

Nothing will happen. Nothing ever happens.