the conspiracy of conspiracy.

1  2013-03-03 by [deleted]

so which conspiracy is really on the ball and which ones are bunk? that seems to take all your time here.

id like to point out while all of you are fighting over this conspiracy marry go round, you aren't doing anything else but going for a ride.

its like a bunch of slaves sitting in a cage, fighting with each other about who put them in a cage, instead of trying to get out of said cage.

who fucking cares who put you in a cage, your in a fucking cage, get out...

take a walk out side, enjoy the sunlight, spend time with people you love, learn how to grow some food, do what ever... just stop acting like talking about conspiracy will actually do anything except stress you out, and keep you depressed and in a fear state.

ive got real life friends who are into this crap, they are fucking depressing, every day they act like the sky is falling and spend the entire day on line searching for more conspiracies. unplug, see the good in the world, not just focusing on the bad.

if after you come to your senses you want to do something about all these crazy problems in the world, do it! the best thing you can do for your self is get self sufficient, grow food, raise animals, protect your self from criminals, get sustainable power & food/water.

getting self sustainable is something we all should do, not because the boggy man is plotting to chip you and stick you in the matrix, but simply because no matter where you live you are one natural disaster away from a Katrina situation. thats a fact.

edit: i take the downvotes for this thread where im telling people to take action to help themselves, as a bit of proof that I was correct to post this in the first place.


You have a very good point, but I think you go a bit too far. A balance has to be struck between informing yourself and wrapping yourself up in ideas, between engaging yourself in community activities and losing touch with the aspects of the world that aren't in your immediate environment. It's not enough to just search for information 24/7, but it's equally not enough to just go outside and start a garden with a neighbor. You have to know why you're doing either.

if all the conspiracies are true, or false its doesn't matter. the way we live in society is vulnerable to natural disasters, as well as the criminals that are a by product of our society, these are real threats that factually exist.

my point is that you don't need any more information about possible conspiracies, when the facts of living in our society say that you need to get self sustainable.

oddly, the way most of the conspiracies play out being ready for a famine, hurricane, or riots will go along way to getting you ready if the conspiracy ends up being true. its surely more use full than 5,000 hours per year on line watching videos about conspiracies.

so why are you doing it? so you can live and survive... thats all you need to know. to much importance is placed on research and knowledge, and not enough on action.

But what's the point of having a sustainable existence if what you're sustaining isn't "good"? Personally, it's not enough to just be alive and sustaining that existence. It has to be good, it has to help others in some way, it has to affect change that will make the future worth living in for myself and for others.

I feel like self-sustenance as a be-all-end-all philosophy is roughly equivalent to the greed that drives things like debt-based banking, surveillance states, and a general atmosphere of inequality.

It's the true conspiracies that drive part of how I live. If I'm not paying attention, I won't be able to plan for anything, and I won't know what's truly good.

if you dont have a sustainable existence and there is for example, a economic collapse... how do you eat... you dont and you die. if you are dead you cannot help others. lumping me in with the bankers is a bit of a stretch, i cant even address this concern of yours, except to say I disagree with that characterization.

"if you arent paying attention, you wont be able to plan," have you been paying attention at all is my question?

I dont think anyone who is paying attention would dispute that our food and water supply are actively being poisoned. That the bill of rights isn't what it used to be. That our economic systems are not very stable.

what more do you need to know to plan? What point do people stop accumulating theories, and admit that they need to take actions? planing does nothing for you with out execution. endless searches for info keep you from taking action. Im not saying that Ive laid out a proper course of action, the things ive mentioned are "for example" and ive mentioned them to illustrate a point. this was the whole point of my post.

People accumulate theories because it's exceedingly difficult to know what is true and what isn't.

Maybe what removes the need for total self-sustenance is accruing and spreading information. You don't know everything and neither do I. It's silly to remove yourself completely from this sphere of information when it's exactly that sphere of information which got you to plan for self-sustenance in the first place.

Ive never said to remove your self from the sphere of information.... but you will never know everything, if you wait until that point to act, you will never act.


i agree, as you can see I didnt know what to say about it.

nor do i understand the downvotes or attempts to start fights, and put words in my mouth from some other reditors. either people dont like being told to do something instead of complain, or as a conspiracy its the programs to control forums and public opinion. I instantly got allot of upvotes then straight to down votes and trolls.


whats mind blowing is that people have more than enough info, and take no action.

its factual that the food air and water are being actively poisoned, pls tell me what more info you need?

to clarify, by action i mean buying air filters, water filters, and growing food indoors, etc... i don't advocate violence, others people do enough of that. -.-

All conspiracies are real conspiracies.

Not all conspiracy theories are true.

my point is that even if none of them are true, given the known realities of our world, its prudent to take action instead of just debating and researching.

i know plenty of people who are well informed about conspiracies they believe are true, yet they still drink unfiltered water, eat processed food, smoke brand name cigarettes, do not own firearms, cannot run very far, have no self defense training, and are not doing anything about it, are not doing anything really except watching more videos about conspiracies and debating which ones are real and which ones are psy-ops.

I completely agree. It's just that, it's winter.

grow indoors?

If the world did ever end i would rather die with friends and family opposed to telling them 'i told you so'. Regardless of what every single one of us does in any situation, we are all going to die (either naturally or if it does come to a world domination). The very first thing on the sidebar says "this subreddit is a thinking ground". We need to think rationally about all the information that is presented and realize that some of the conspiracies can be debunked, yet people stand behind them like a fundamentalist. Just live your life and enjoy it with friends and family and treat others like you would like to be treated.

just stop acting like talking about conspiracy will actually do anything except stress you out, and keep you depressed and in a fear state.

Who is in a state of fear? Not those listening to every word you type and obeying you? Grow? WTF are you talking about you individualized freak? What's wrong with just being racist? Worked for the last 10,000 years plus. Grow! Next it'll be

"Raise a pipe 'n chill dude (and yes you may start flattering me now)!"

I also find it laughable that you can imply the vicious violence and malicious indifference of all the evil winged monkeys who are not conspiratorialists. Compared to the near murderous killture of all other subreddits that might touch on 'issues' r/conspiracy has the most un living misery inducing take on them. I mean, who wants to be amongst 'good' people by your definition (people who will break a steel spanner off your face for your not wearing the 'right' color of tie as 'normal' people)?

If you're not interested in conspiracies, this subreddit is not for you. Simple, isn't it?

a whole shitload of projection.

dude, who are you talking about? your friends? talking about conspiracy is depressing and wrong?

Hey everyone, this guy says to shut down r/conspiracy.. what are we waiting for? sunshine and lollipops await!

you fail at reading comprehension.

you fail at casting conspiracy theory buffs as depressed, isolated and boring. nothing to see here, go live your life.

there's a Hillel poem just for you.

thats not at all what i said, but talking to a troll like you who cannot understand what i said is a waste of my time.

..but you still feel compelled to anyway. how interesting.

that seems to take all your time here

THIS is the point of all conspiracies. While some people buy Glee and news, others crave more spicy stuff. The result is the same: time is wasted on worrying about things that either don't exist or are beyond one's control, but in either case irrelevant. Distraction FTW!

Distraction FTW? How can a problem be fixed if the root of it isn't found? Are you speaking of specific theories that are 'distractions', or do you mean the conspiracy group exists to be distracted?

How can a problem be fixed if the root of it isn't found?

  1. Problems are not fixed by talking about them on reddit.

  2. Talking about problems to people who are already on /r/Conspiracy is preaching to the choir.

I have to admit that there is no alternative gathering place for people looking for an alternative gathering place, but still, /r/Conspiracy is nothing but a waste of time that is better spent living. Just like FashionTV or C-SPAN.