SRS, NoLibs Rat Nest of Zionist Trash - Confirmed Alliance & The Day They Bit Off More Than They Could Chew From 4chan.

28  2013-03-05 by OWNtheNWO

The day of your deliverance may finally be at hand /r/conspiracy. The zionist pigs from NoLibs gang and the cultural Marxists of SRS have stuck their hand into the hornets nest that is Anonymous and they are not going to like the results.

We have proof that both groups are allied with each other, so here's a little background for those who don't know.

There is a handful of boards run by a group of virulent zionists

This groups largest page /r/nazihunting, one of the top related boards is /r/shitredditsays

At least one mod of /r/shitredditsays is confirmed part of the den of zionist vipers, "BenHammer" is "FACEHAMMER"

Now, some of you may remember me leaving the board some months ago now because of the shills that have been allowed to run roughshod over this board. When I saw it was the very same people harassing my original home I was not happy and decided to put them on blast to /pol/ (Politically Incorrect) which is the anti-SRS/NoLibs by it's very nature.

In the last two months there has been a major upswing not just in general shitposting, much of it due directly to SRSfags, but there has also been a distinct slant to much of the propaganda.

Thread after thread implies or leads people to discuss the zionist agenda positively while attacking libertarians, anti-NWO/zionist posts and anything remotely conspiracy related.

Needless to say they weren't very happy about this.

They then showed their true colors by doing exactly the type of forum sliding I had described.

This has continued to escalate for the last couple days and now they've fucked up. Anonymous is in the beginning stages of engaging Operation Privilege Check (or Check Privilege) either way these goons are about to get double fisted.

Enjoy the show.


What do you think will happen?

Nothing good for them, they've pissed off several boards including all the tech geeks.

Interesting theory. It does seem like somebody slid your thread. It would be really interesting if you could prove it with enough data points to say with statistical certainty that every pro libertarian or anti zionist post is met with forum sliding tactics, whereas tweaked versions of the same posts that are anti libertarian or pro zionist fails to get the same reaction.

I dont understand how you can know SRS or this NoLibs gang are the ones responsible.

On a related note - I know there are classes teaching Israelis how to use Wikipedia to edit and skew historical and political articles to be more Zionist friendly. It wouldn't surprise me if there are similar ones teaching how to manipulate social media like 4chan and reddit. I would love to see proof of that.

I dont understand how you can know SRS or this NoLibs gang are the ones responsible.

I'd like to see an explanation of this myself!

Well here on /r/conspiracy it's pretty well known to any of the older posters, on the chan they've admitted to being engaged in it in their IRC, evidence has already been compiled on this subject.

If evidence has been previously compiled, why aren't you posting that, instead of what basically amounts to a sourceless rant?

It's not doing your argument any favours.

Because you can't handle the truth.

I am well aware of most of what you have said. They go back to digg, 10 years ago.

Of course.

You basically answered your own question. If you know the history of zionist manipulation of social networks on the web it's a no brainer that they are involved.

Just start observing posts with an eye to discern this type of behavior and it will become clear to you.

camp the "new" tab of this board.


My proverbial home is the chans, long before I ever came here.

This bit about BenHemmer = FaceHammer.

Am I correct in reading that you're assuming this, as they both have a 'hammer' in the name?

Is that it then? You are aware there's slang called 'Ban Hammer' for people who are banned from a forum, and that SRS call it "benning" for reasons which aren't clear to me, unless they're trying to sound like Eric Cartman or something.

Meanwhile, Facehammer sounds like a one-up on the term 'facepalm' which doesn't really have any connection to BenHemmer that I can see.

Although I hate SRS (bunch of wankers), I don't see any actual evidence here, just massive assumptions.

BenHammer is also a mod of other zionist pages. They aren't a very creative bunch, "NotCOINTELPRO" just using the word hammer and changing the rest.

I looked at the two Benhemmer accounts you pointed out and they've never made a comment or posted anything, so basically I don't see how you have anything to go on here, other than a "hunch".

A hunch

This guy. That's like saying I know they burned Chris Dorner is "a hunch"

You must be the World's Greatest Detective. Batman will have to hang up his cape now.

Cool story asshat.

When you're right, you're right.

Facehammer is well known for having a large stable of sockpuppet accounts.

I'm assuming that's the same guy as jcm267, jerkstores, & bigcooter?

/r/NoLibsWatch keeps track of all the puppet accounts.

There are a handful of actual zionists that control about like 100 accounts.

They have been using the same usernames since they were all burying information on Digg like 10 years ago.

Lots of Digg drama regarding jcm267.

But yeah, if they aren't all the exact same user, they are a handful or "friends" with a common agenda.

Anybody willing to provide a translation of the Zionist / Anti-Zionist rant?

They are sliding shit there just like here, only here it's easier, they can just vote posts down, there they have to make a bunch of shitty posts to slide the board.

Thanks. I was lost. Like trying to understand a hurried 20 second wrong number phone call at 3 a.m.