The SRS Conspiracy
19 2013-03-05 by [deleted]
It has been right under our noses for all this time.
This disease is /r/shitredditsays
They actively participate in forum sliding on reddit, 4chan, and others.
These people are militant fascists who will attempt to bury your opinion if they disagree with it.
These people are giving our whole community (reddit) a bad name all across the internet.
Your rights end where their feelings begin. They will be the eventual downfall of this website, i guarantee it. Like facebook, myspace, SA, and offtopic before us, this will cause reddit to burn.
8 DrOOpieS 2013-03-05
Militant Fascists? Good lord, you middle class kids think of everything.
7 NicelyDrabHedonism 2013-03-05
People at SRS are the worst. Anything that is said is twisted and they jump down people throats. For a bunch of people who are so easily offended they are quick to tear down others. I see them as a bunch of whiny babies who all need to grow a pair. I think we should all troll that subreddit.
0 NicelyDrabHedonism 2013-03-05
I just had a nice exchange with the people at SRS and after one comment I got banned. I replied to user/Dildo_of_Vengence and used their name in my reply and I got banned. One comment... oh and the comment on here I made about trolling SRS. Anyway I think I will just have to troll harder and I expect every reasonable person to help. Create throwaways and trollaway!
-1 AgonistAgent 2013-03-05
le hehe face
5 moongolf 2013-03-05
how are they ending your rights?
2 EndTyranny 2013-03-05
I too think Reddit's vulnerability to cross-posting and engineered attacks will harm it. There always have been malicious individuals (sociopaths) and organizations that come in and influence forums, drive people off. Right now we have multiple deliberate organization-driven operations on Reddit to discourage inquiry into various government actions and to prop up government propaganda. The brown-shirt sub /conspiratard is one big example. It's like a facist rally with torches, attacking anyone asking the embarrassing questions. Here we have an example of their attacking /conspiracy, picking one person and using them to demonize all posters:
They seem to have learned well from Hitler, and act like Rove's Boys while pretending like Rush Limbaugh to be entertainers.
What bothers me is that this crowd doesn't go ahead and calmly post debate responses, but actively tries to bring down people who have opposing opinions. There's a difference between mere disagreeing, and trying to figuratively kill people you don't agree with. This crowd hates Libertarians and wants to stamp them out and screams all the time about them. At the same time, this crowd falsely cries it believes in free speech. They scream about hate speech, and at the same time mock, deride, and attack anyone they hate. Sick people with a sick agenda.
5 Wilwheatonfan87 2013-03-05
I like how /r/conspiratard is the nazis when /r/conspiratard outs the neo-nazis in this subreddit all the time.
Also nice job trying to derail the topic with your own bias and Godwin's law!
1 agent00666 2013-03-05
Nice job not refuting the example he gave, nazi-hunter.
3 Wilwheatonfan87 2013-03-05
1 MazlowRevolution 2013-03-05
People treat conversations like a conflict, not a negotiation or investigation. You want to see it really bad, go argue with people about abortion or israel. Either side, they are viscous.
0 AgonistAgent 2013-03-05
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2 Meister_Vargr 2013-03-05
They're just a load of politically correct losers with too thin skins.
No conspiracy necessary.
1 Red_Oktoberfest 2013-03-05
SA didn't burn. We banned them and moved on with our lives.
1 ResidentWeeaboo 2013-03-05
Because nothing fights misogyny like misandry.
0 un1ty 2013-03-05
Militant, no. Fascist? Maybe.
Bastard, son of bitch, soul-less, piece of shit, trolling motherfuckers? Yes, definitely.
-1 nxne 2013-03-05
most trolls are government agents, used to derail meaningful conversation in chat rooms and forums
1 gripmyhand 2013-03-05
Similar technique to the way you commented about David Icke!
0 jakenichols 2013-03-05
They're just people who are WAY too into the cult of mainstream political correctness with a bad case of collectivism.
Think about it in the context of the whole "school bullying" meme being pushed around the media for the last couple years. The enemy in that situation isn't the bullies, it is the kids who are bullied. See the correlation? Those kids shouldn't be so different that the other kids wouldn't accept them. These people will be the death of the individual.
2 AgonistAgent 2013-03-05
le new individual crai fac - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
-3 gatsbyofgreatness 2013-03-05
They are the admins useful idiots for some things; that's why they get away with it.
See known SA chen doxxing VA until his life was at stake because advance publications didn't like the bad PR but didn't want to Streisand effect the situation. Disgusting.
-17 [deleted] 2013-03-05
First of all, you should read Snow Crash and some Dawkins. Neal and Richard are two huge influences in my understanding of the mind.
It's an extension of the postmodernist mind virus. SRS is openly postmodernist.
The unit of thought in postmodernism is feeling over reason (aka modernism) - we see this in phase like "the feel".
These feelings ultimately origin from cultural composition and meme.
In a sense, feminism is the HIV of mind virii, disabling the host immune system (reason and the human rational instinct). Once installed, like any other virus, it installed instinct to propagate.
This virus has compromised everything from academia to engineering.
In audio, we have "subjectivists", who's opinion is considered superior and expensive cables are bought to redistribute to the master of meme.
Online are cults like SRS, bronyism (which is where I originally had insight on the nature of the threat), the GNU movement which propagates.
In philosophy, the objective believe in reality, henceforth objectivism is considered a laughing stock.
Even 1984 was aware of mind virii. Collective solipsism, ingsoc, all parts of the same meme.
25 benjamindees 2013-03-05
Uh, no.
edit: I don't actually mean to cast aspersions on the rest of your post, which is interesting. Misunderstanding the GPL is fairly common, and this just happens to be my area of expertise.
-2 [deleted] 2013-03-05
9 benjamindees 2013-03-05
It doesn't have anything to do with your computer. It doesn't affect your use of the code. It only affects modification. The GPL gives the rights to the code over to the "general public".
7 frezik 2013-03-05
If you're only running GPL code, there's basically nothing that you're not allowed to do as far as the license is concerned. The restrictions come when you go to modify it--something you can't do at all with commercial code.
14 boot20 2013-03-05
What the fuck? You have no idea what GPL even is. How the hell does GPL (and further down you mention copyleft) hand over your rights to the coder? It's just stating that the code is to be freely available and can be modified by anyone as long as they attribute it to the author.
Also, virii is not a word.
-15 [deleted] 2013-03-05
Scientist and skeptic, eh? Are we talking about real science or the postmodern psuedoscience EPS is so found of?
I saw you comment in the conspiratard thread.
11 boot20 2013-03-05
I have no idea what the hell "postmodern psuedoscience" is. I prefer my science classical. You know, with repeatable experiments and peer review.
Uh, ok....My point still stands, you haven't a clue what you are talking about with GPL. I could give a shit about the rest, but you are so completely wrong about GPL, everything else you just said is now in question.
10 Lube_it_with_blood 2013-03-05
Virus doesn't conjugate like that. It's viruses.
-9 [deleted] 2013-03-05
Lemme guess, you got this from Chompsky's School Of Liberals Safety Language, right?
5 Lube_it_with_blood 2013-03-05
Nah, natural sciences. Rockin' that greco-latin lingo.
9 Shillmuybienpagados 2013-03-05
That's Ayn Rand's school of philosophy, there are many, many more.
There's a whole school of philosophy that believes complete objectivity isn't possible because no matter what you think it's always you that thinks it. So even your belief or interpretation of objectivity is subjective.
And of course your belief in the "correctness" of a particular philosophy is entirely subjective.
7 NotAtLunch 2013-03-05
Don't use only first names of authors.
3 prophecygrrrl 2013-03-05
Dunno why you're being downvoted, format is very important if you want to be taken seriously/at all.
2 NotAtLunch 2013-03-05
I suppose they think I don't know who he's posting about and that I am just asking for information about them.
2 Flytape 2013-03-05
Neal Stephenson and Richard Dawkins
4 Tony_AbbottPBUH 2013-03-05
u wot m8
3 [deleted] 2013-03-05
Hey, I think I found a picture of you!
-3 AgonistAgent 2013-03-05
-3 [deleted] 2013-03-05
Cool story, brony. I see you called in the SRS and EPS brigades.
7 AgonistAgent 2013-03-05
Winston, I enjoy talking to you. Your mind appeals to me. It resembles my own mind except that you happen to be insane.
4 ANewMachine615 2013-03-05
Wait, what does EPS stand for?
-1 [deleted] 2013-03-05
EnoughPaulSpam, and neoconservative voting bridge associated with conspiratard.
-11 [deleted] 2013-03-05
10 AgonistAgent 2013-03-05