Wow! I just got banned from r/news for posting the following.

14  2013-03-05 by klmd

How Food Companies Exploit Americans with Ingredients Banned in Other Countries

Neurotoxins in Your Chocolate Milk?

Bipartisan Consensus Formed: We Must Break Up the Giant Banks

  • Was it recent news?
  • Was it an opinion piece?
  • Was it an editorialized title?
  • Was it from a summarizing/stealing website?
  • Was it inane or uninteresting?
  • Was it a multiple repost?

These "whaaa, my post was deleted /r/conspiracy" things usually have a perfectly reasonable reason.

As far as I know, these reports are pretty current. Definitely not something to be banned over.

How can you tell they were recent? He didn't even provide links, just headlines devoid of content.

I have seen reports on this subject from last weekend.

Oh, well in that case.

you were wrong to post anything but propaganda over there

Neurotoxins in Your Chocolate Milk?

Sorry, but I don't think aspartame counts as a "neurotoxin".

Now if it had been "Curare in Your Chocolate Milk?" you might have a point.

Aspartame is most definitely neurotoxin. Do some research.


Wow, nice retort. Care to provide any evidence that supports your claim?

I will!

Edit: Removed mobile link

Seems legit.


Oh noes. It can transcend the blood-brain barrier! Along with just about millions of other substances. Luckily I enjoy reading the repetitive phrases acquired by people of alternative belief systems.

I wonder if I should coat my weapons with it? How much would it take to have an effect, I wonder?

Do your thing. Keep drinking genetically modified e-coli feces.

Shit is in everything you eat, everything you eat, and everything you breath. Also, I think you've forgotten your body is both covered and infested with millions, if not billions, of bacterial organisms.

Not to be harsh on a veteran redditor. You been here 5 plus years and 180k karma link and you are still shocked by the shenanigans at r/news? Change your nickname to ripvanwinkle ;)

is r/conspiracy the new r/news ?

r/news and r/politics are worthless.

Example, if RT runs an article, its immediately disregarded.

RT is about as valuable as the Daily Mail

i don't think that's a fair comparison at all. RT is more like HuffPost. It's got a little of everything, where as DM is just Murdoch - straight up.

And RT is just the Kremlin - straight up.

DM isn't even owned by Murdoch.

r/news and r/politics are owned. And the Reddit adminship has some subtle corruption here and there. The site is no longer all that free and open.

Also, the rules for banning are not uniform, truly just, or fully open. Reddit needs a Bill of Rights but it isn't going to get one. Instead of just deleting undesired submissions now, they ban people. And they ban people for one single post, it's a one-strike law sometimes if some admins don't like your politics. There's no openness and no recourse.

Added: gotta ask why a plea for evenness gets big downvotes. What agenda do the downvoters have?

r/news and r/politics are owned

And r/worldnews too. Luckily, /r/worldpolitics is almost completely uncensored.

Maybe they just want mainstream sheeple news over there.

Maybe people would take conspiracy theorists more seriously if they stopped calling anyone who doesn't agree with them "sheeple."

quiet sheeple

And if they stopped telling the sheeple to "wake up".

It's simple: Jmf420 is trying to damage our credibility.

Yeah, that's it. What credibility is it that you speak of exactly?

Accusing people of doing shit just to damage our name is kind of retarded. You're no better than the boy who cries shills!

It's the most politically correct term for people that get their news from mainstream Amurkian news outlets.

I'm not American and don't use mainstream media, I'm apparently still one of the "sheeple" because I don't believe there are some Jews somewhere that run the entire world via microwave laser mind control devices and secret messages encoded in hip hop videos.

It's a term you apply to anyone that doesn't buy into your interpretation of reality, as you /r/conspiracy folk espouse the values of critical thinking and the dangers represented by use of NLP, you should be fully aware of the restrictions to discourse you're entering into by the use of such "labelling".

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...


Funny, because you're probably more brain dead than any of your "zombies"!

i don't think that's a fair comparison at all. RT is more like HuffPost. It's got a little of everything, where as DM is just Murdoch - straight up.