The Enemy at the Gates - aside from corporate adertisments, we have memetic programming on Reddit spread. Please read before downvoting.

27  2013-03-11 by [deleted]

In the event that you have not paid attention to the meta-Reddit, there are counter cultures intentionally created to manipulate the rest of Reddit (or as they call it, the Hivemind - due to stereotype expectation, this creates defeatism in the subconcious defense as everyone follows everyone else).

Precautionary note: As I've called out multiple meta subreddits, I expect this post to be brigaded. Expect derailing comments.

The first of these groups is the circlejerk empire, created using /r/circlejerk and any subreddit with circle or jerk in the title as recruitment centers for meta command and control like /r/circlebroke, /r/openbroke and /r/CircleBS.

The focus uses irony as a thought termination cliche. By boxing dissent as "counter-counter-jerking" like in the bottom comment, they prevent legitimate counter discussion.

We even see this in /r/braveryjerk, which uses irony as it's main organ of operation. Opposing arguments are ignored and derailed with aggression and wall of text copypasta (a de facto brigade).

/r/circlebroke meanwhile openly supports corporations like Electronic Arts and brigades any complaints about corporations as "Redditry"

Then we have /r/ShitRedditSays. Go there. It's a censorship politically correct brigade. They also doxx people and get away with it.

In their discussion subreddit, they talk about destroying Reddit (BRD = Bring Reddit Down) and whine about libertarians and how they are more successful than they are.

There is /r/MyLittlePony. At first you must say, show for little girls? But the users are the worst and even call in other sites like YouTube to ddownvote comments they do not like. Some of the largest SJW raiders have "incidentally" been bronies.

Finally, we have /r/SubredditDrama, /r/cringe and /r/TumblrInAction the tool of these three huge brigades. While the users are not in on it, the moderators use these subredddit as controlled false flag, knowing that sunlight is the best disinfection. They ban legitimate users for not agreeing with ideology that most of the subreddit is fine with, such as when I was banned from all three for calling out bronyism.


We even see this in /r/braveryjerk, which uses irony as it's main organ of operation. Opposing arguments are ignored and derailed with aggression and wall of text copypasta (a de facto brigade).

u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot ^ m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8 u wot m8






Came here to say: THIS

Came here to upron everyone in this thread

Edit: I just upronned everyone in this thread

Holy shit you ronned the replies away

It's been known to happen


It's happening

ctrl-f "Lopado­temacho­selacho­galeo­kranio­leipsano­drim­hypo­trimmato­silphio­parao­melito­katakechy­meno­kichl­epi­kossypho­phatto­perister­alektryon­opte­kephallio­kigklo­peleio­lagoio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygon"

0 results

yeahhh this place has totally gone downhill; thank god for 9gag and hubski

I feel like I should be the one to break this news to you.

ArchangelleGabrielle, we're honestly just not really entertained by you anymore. You're sort of like Dane Cook. At first, and I think I speak for all of us, we though, "Wow! Get a load of this guy! He's got new stuff! He's funny! I could get used to this!"

But then, we realized after far too long, "Wow, this guy is just a one trick pony! And he isn't even funny! He's just shouting nonsense! There is absolutely nothing I like about this person!" You've run your course. The shenanigans, the fake names, the poor grammar, the constant spamming: we get it. It's just not that funny man. We don't really like you. So please, for your own sake, go and actually try to make some real friends. Because we aren't your friends. We never were, and we never will be. You aren't funny, you weren't funny, and you never will be.


thank god for 9gag and hubski

I think you meant to say funnyjunk and digg, but I'll let it slide this time.

the keys are right next to each other pls check your dainty finger privilege

o m8 i'll rek u i sware on me mum

(x-post from /r/srsmicrowhatevers)

oi don be such a ned m8 we all gotta stick together innit







No kidding.

Let's follow the syncretic to never land!

Never Never Land, you philistine.

Syn wouldn't go to never never land

ctrl-f "ctrl-f "Lopado­temacho­selacho­galeo­kranio­leipsano­drim­hypo­trimmato­silphio­parao­melito­katakechy­meno­kichl­epi­kossypho­phatto­perister­alektryon­opte­kephallio­kigklo­peleio­lagoio­siraio­baphe­tragano­pterygon" 0 results yeahhh this place has totally gone downhill; thank god for 9gag and hubski"

Leaving satisfied.

Id just like to say I gain karma for this post

Perfect example.


First of all, this isn't just about Reddit.

The creator of My Little Pony's latest iteration openly admits to not only being a feminist, but using the show as way to propagate feminist ideology. And look at how successful she is! Outside of Reddit, we have countless posts, blogs, and tumblrs declaring things like:

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic has done more for the cause of feminism than anything else in the last ten years.

But okay, blogs are second hand sources. Lets look straight into the horse's mouth (pardon the pun).

  • Bronies are proud that this show has eliminated their masculine characteristics.

  • The show has deprived them of their masculinity. If that's not feminism, I don't know what is.

  • The show has few male characters, and the few that exist are emasculate, stereotypically dumb, or mute. And all are openly being manipulated by female characters, something the show does not put in a negative light.

Just like SRS is a mirror image of the SJW movement in general, there is an image of MLP on Reddit - /r/mylittlepony and such subredditsc

Just like on the rest of the internet, they're linked - the Fempire even has a subreddit for those openly associated with both - /r/SRSPonies.

Even outside of that sub, SRS is accepted, even upvoted out of "love and tolerance" and allowed to grow.

Same with SRS ideas, including bullshit claims like "rapists think all men are rapists".

And bronies are not unfamiliar with brigading. Install RES, and you can see that there are hidden emotes everywhere.

They've hit /r/guns.

They've hit /r/complextro.

They've hit /r/electrohouse.

They're in control of /r/SubredditDrama, the nexus of meta subreddit activity, thanks to users like /u/BlueTurtleBrony, /u/Esplin, /u/TI-994A, /u/hiero_, /u/thefran, /u/anhero23, /u/NickWasHere09 (a lot of these guys originate from /r/mylittleandysonic1, which as far as I can tell, is some sort of public hub for power user bronies - WARNING: CSS has lots of bizare images of ponies, probably to throw off intruders like myself, just turn off CSS)

tl;dr: MLP subs are a front of SRS activity

edit: oh hey you guys hijacked this sub too




It's not your fault.


It's not your fault either


There is no need to be upset.


It is your fault. You were just dressed so sexily I couldn't resist.

It's not your fault that you don't have many friends.





Those guys never had their masculinity. eyjafjallajoekull pls.



Ctrl + f "The first of these groups is the circlejerk empire, created using /r/circlejerk and any subreddit with circle or jerk in the title as recruitment centers for meta command and control like /r/circlebroke, /r/openbroke and /r/CircleBS."

Faith in humanity = k!

I would like you to understand what's going on here. I'm not some young kid drunk on power as a shill who is flying off the handle. I'm 54 years old and i've been controlling the media since the early 1980's. I have seen it all before. Our secret organization gets a lot of shit, and yes, there are a lot of young, inexperienced, socially maladapted kids who post in /r/conspiracy. It's our mission to help them, and divert them away from forced memes, verticals, and such, to help them adopt more healthy attitudes (about memes specifically). But we can't do that when outside subreddits are intentionally making a hostile environment, where people can't discuss their penguin or duck memes openly or honestly. The post that got attacked by your users was a young kid, trying to find his way in the /r/conspiracy world, and honestly admitting he screwed up. His message was an example for others, to help them avoid similar screwups. These attacks from your subreddit singled him out, which has a chilling effect on other users who now see how hostile the environment can be when someone speaks openly about their memes.



I hate those prisons. I truly hate them. I'm really sorry you had to go through what I went... I guess I'll share my story, and hopefuly I'll make some people realize that these camps are... more than evil. As a kid I really denied any form of authority. I often harrased teachers, and the idea of a great man in the sky ruling over me was not only ridicoulous to me, but also hazardous... I came out to my (extremist) parents at the age of 14. They cried, threatened me, did everything they could to turn me back into a robot... About 1 month after I came out, 3 men came into my house at night, and told me to stay quiet and walk with them. I tought it was a kidnapping, as most people who experience this... I walked into the van, and they explained themselelves. I was shocked and filled with hate, but I knew I shouldn't do anything, the van was small and I couldn't defend myself. My first day at that prison was horrible... everything I did was supervised, and also controlled. The only time I got some "privacy" was at night, 10 o'clock. After 1 week I just couldn't take the authority, and I was put in isolation. Two months. Two. ****ing. Months. After the first month I began hearing voices in my head, and after another week, the voices formed into a big, strong voice... I only had one conversation with it.

Voice : "Escape." Me : "How?" Voice : "Strong. Then Kill."

After the last sentence I never heard it again. But it was enough. I knew my goal. At the time I had about 100 lbs... I was skinny, I didn't have force... I was helpless. Every time I got out of isolation, I said "**** God.". All I did in isolation was exercise. I was so full of hate I didn't care about time... In there there was no natural light, just a little crack... I had no clock, so I would just look at the crack while exercising.. Everytime light started to get through the crack, meaning it was day, it was a great achievment. I felt.. great. Small things where all I had, so it was incredible... I exercised in there for 8 months... breaks of 20 minutes, exercises for 1 and a half. And repeat. Repeat. Repeat... After 8 months, I finnaly got out... everyone was so surprised I didn't shout "**** God.". For about 4 days I was heavily looked at by all the guards... that was the day I began the brainwashing. They thought the isolation broke me down. It only made me stronger. Everytime I entered the brainwashing room I would see a broken window. The room was on the first floor, so I could get out without too much damage. But I was... nowhere. Nowhere meaning a forest. I could run, of course, but how long would the forest last? I didn't know. Forest was freedom. Freedom is good. So I got to get in the forest. One day, instead of the 5 athletic guys that went with me to the room, there were only 2 janitors. I was so surprised... yet calm. I knew that was my day. As I was approaching the window, I felt some adrenaline going up my spine... I quickly headlocked one guy while kicking the other with one foot, and managed to pull a neck break on the headlocked guy.. I got ready, then jumped off the window. I fell, rolled, and managed to don't get hurt bad... I was running, running, running... I could hear some sounds, but I was so thrilled I didn't pay attention.. after about 4km running I finnaly stopped. I could feel freedom. It was... beautiful. I heard a "*! Watch how you're driving, man!". My instinct moved me, and I approaced a yellow car... "Please.. just.. let me come." The guy looked at me surprised, then told me to get in. After about half an hour, when I recovered, he asked me my story, but I was still afraid. What if he would get me to the cops? What if he was one of them? I didn't know. I just said "No time to explain. Where are you going?". He said Florida. I arrived in Florida at the age of 15. I'm 19 now, and I never spoke with my parents again, and will never do it. I truly hate them. But the experience made me realize how important free will is. .. aaaaand I grew *ing awesome muscles. Thanks for reading so far ! I means a lot to me that I can share my story... it hurts even now, after 4 years.

TL;DR : It took me 1 year to escape but, it takes you only 5 minutes to read.

EDIT : Thanks for all your support guys! It's been 4 years since I escaped, so I had plenty of time to rebuild my life, and to find a job. I work right now as a Pentester, Programmer and a skater, which is more than I could have achieved while I was with my parents Anyone here gonna share his story? I figured out we could make a little book out of them, and if we would really sue those prisons, every story counts!

You know what you're looking at?

Yeah, that's right. A gnostic atheist with an IQ of 144 on the WAIS-4 scale. I've received numerous invitations to Mensa, all of which I have declined. I was doing calculus when I was 12, and reading at a collegiate level when I was eight. I'm working on a theory right now which is basically Einstein's Theory of Relativity, except expanded -- which would put me in line for a Nobel Prize. You've all allowed your minds to slip into idiocy by spending time on this message board, and I can see it every time I read a post here: the mark of a mind wasted. You were probably all gifted at one point, but you spend your entire days looking at dumb pictures of Japanese cartoons. You don't even have the spine to embrace your own culture.

What's worse is how all of you so confidently hide behind your veil of anonymity. It's because when you are inevitably met with crushing failure or embarrassment in one form or another, you can simply keep on posting and no one will be any the wiser that it was you. This results in you no longer striving for perfection, and instead settling into not a pattern of experimentation, but one of mediocrity.

I hate every one of you, and I have no doubt that if I ever met any of you in a debate I could smash your intellects beneath mine like a sledgehammer to a grape.

/r/circlebroke meanwhile openly supports corporations like Electronic Arts

literally zionism

That was by far the funniest accusation in the whole post.





/r/ braveryjerk

In gonna wreck u m8 i swear on me mums lyf

u havin' a giggle m8? ill smash u

It should be noted that I've upvoted every single shill who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average shill using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a shill's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the shill attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other shill will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

For such a supergenius, you seem to lack the ability to organize a paragraph, or use separate ones.

 __  ___ 
|  |/  / 
|  '  /  
|    <   
|  .  \  

In the event that you have not paid attention to the meta-Reddit, there are counter cultures intentionally created to manipulate the rest of Reddit (or as they call it, the Hivemind - due to stereotype expectation, this creates defeatism in the subconcious defense as everyone follows everyone else). Precautionary note: As I've called out multiple meta subreddits, I expect this post to be brigaded. Expect derailing comments. The first of these groups is the circlejerk empire, created using /r/circlejerk[1] and any subreddit with circle or jerk in the title as recruitment centers for meta command and control like /r/circlebroke[2] , /r/openbroke[3] and /r/CircleBS[4] . The focus uses irony as a thought termination cliche. By boxing dissent as "counter-counter-jerking" like in the bottom comment, they prevent legitimate counter discussion. We even see this in /r/braveryjerk[5] , which uses irony as it's main organ of operation. Opposing arguments are ignored and derailed with aggression and wall of text copypasta (a de facto brigade). /r/circlebroke[6] meanwhile openly supports corporations like Electronic Arts and brigades any complaints about corporations as "Redditry" Then we have /r/ShitRedditSays[7] . Go there. It's a censorship politically correct brigade. They also doxx people and get away with it. In their discussion subreddit, they talk about destroying Reddit (BRD = Bring Reddit Down) and whine about libertarians and how they are more successful than they are. There is /r/MyLittlePony[8] . At first you must say, show for little girls? But the users are the worst and even call in other sites like YouTube to ddownvote comments they do not like. Some of the largest SJW raiders have "incidentally" been bronies. Finally, we have /r/SubredditDrama[9] , /r/cringe[10] and /r/TumblrInAction[11] the tool of these three huge brigades. While the users are not in on it, the moderators use these subredddit as controlled false flag, knowing that sunlight is the best disinfection. They ban legitimate users for not agreeing with ideology that most of the subreddit is fine with, such as when I was banned from all three for calling out bronyism.




                       /\     /\ 
   ______________     //\\___//\\
 /  U VIVALOCAA  \   /           \
|FAK U SPODERMAN | --|  0    0   |--
 \ ___________  |  --|  (_/\_)   |--
              \  \ --|    \/     |--    ____
               \__>  \           /     (___ \
                      \_________/          \ \
                        |       -----       | |
                        |  |  |    /  \     | |
                        |  |  |   /    \___/ /
                        |  |  | _ \    /___ /
                        \_/ \_/|_______\

You forgot the 3rd "a".

spodey crai

ç_ç <- le new meme typo crai

Added to brave list.




( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

do you even autism?

u wot m8

I used to be a /r/braveryjerk shill, but then I took a k to the le!

Finally, we have [9] /r/SubredditDrama, [10] /r/cringe and [11] /r/TumblrInAction the tool of these three huge brigades. While the users are not in on it, the moderators use these subredddit as controlled false flag, knowing that sunlight is the best disinfection. They ban legitimate users for not agreeing with ideology that most of the subreddit is fine with, such as when I was banned from all three for calling out bronyism.

I mod /r/cringe and you arent, and have never been banned from /r/cringe.

On another account. Plus, you're all the same group of people, go ask IAMAnoobie, EvilSociopath or stopscopies for my Doxx in IRC.

Every time I get somewhere with an account, some subhuman being (usually bronies) ruins things.

So go ahead, ban me, brony. Show off your dedication to free speech.

lol k

Spamming copypasta?


It's more proof! lolololol

go ask IAMAnoobie, EvilSociopath or stopscopies for my Doxx in IRC.


First of all, those first two people are not on snoonet ever. And this stuff about us all doxxing you over IRC is a pretty damn serious accusation. And never happened. It's a weird thing to make up

Also, is the new account of srsdelendaest?

Doesn't anyone else find it odd that you speak so much about the first two people but clearly ignored the last username?

Looks like this goes deeper than I thought.

Who the fuck is this mysterious stopscopies character?!?!

yishan, karmanaut, and stopscopiesme walk into a bar.

yishan says to the bartender, "I'm a CEO of a fortune 500 company that brings you the latest and greatest on the internet and rewards its employees with bacon-wrapped cheetos."

karmanaut says to the bartender, "I'm an aspiring lawyer that dislikes lax moderation and bad paintings."

stopscopiesme says to the bartender, "I mod both r/cringe and r/subredditdrama, so I have a bit of a correction to make.

r/cringe was a semi-dead subreddit for a long time. Then, it started getting more activity. I found it through the random button when it had less than 10,000 subscribers. (This was 3 months ago?).

According to this modpost, the first influx came from a mention in r/videos. From that point onward, the growth escalated.

I started regularly reading r/cringe, and I was actually one of the first people to link it to SRD. But I wouldn't say SRD is really a significant source of our growth. Hell, r/cringe has been bigger than r/subredditdrama for a long time now There's been a lot of pressure on the SRD mods from mods of other communities to do just that for months now. NP already puts up a bit of a barrier to submitting. And our other rules for submissions do also. Many people feel its frustrating to link on SRD. (And well, that's because good posting requires some effort).

Screenshots are, in our opinion, too much trouble. If SRD's harmful effects get bad enough, I could see us moving to that.

What would really be nice is if any link submitted to SRD would automatically be converted to a read-only mode where votes did not count and commenting was disabled. (NP is different because it requires 3 parties to use it in order to work: SRD, the submitter, and the linked subreddit. A read-only mode would only require us mods to have the subreddit set to convert).

And it would also be nice if mods had the ability to lock threads or to only count the votes of subscribers. Ahhhhh, idle dreaming."

Okay, I'm not even going to try to top that. You have officially outjerked me.

(I also am seeing a bunch of minor grammatical and stylistic errors and I have an overwhelming urge to dig up that comment and edit it).

EDIT: can't sleep, can't resist

I mod both r/cringe and r/subredditdrama, so I have a bit of a correction to make.

r/cringe was a semi-dead subreddit for a long time. Then <no comma needed> it started getting more activity. I found it through the random button when it had less than 10,000 subscribers. (This was 3 months ago?).

According to this modpost, the first influx came from a mention in r/videos. From that point onward, the growth escalated.

<A few months ago> I started regularly reading r/cringe, and I was actually one of the first people to link it to SRD. But I wouldn't say SRD is really a significant source of our growth. Hell, r/cringe has been bigger than r/subredditdrama for a long time now

<Insert line break> There's been a lot of pressure on the SRD mods from mods of other communities to do just that for months now move to screenshots-only. NP already puts up a bit of a barrier to submitting. And our other rules for submissions do also. Many people feel it's frustrating to link on SRD. (And well, that's because good posting requires some effort).

Screenshots are, in our opinion, too much trouble. If SRD's harmful effects get bad enough, I could see us moving to that.

What would really be nice is if any link submitted to SRD would automatically be converted to a read-only mode where votes did not count and commenting was disabled. (NP, <while described as a read-only mode,> is different because it requires 3 parties to use it in order to work: SRD, the submitter, and the linked subreddit. An <admin-created> read-only mode would only require us mods to have the subreddit set to convert).

And it would also be nice if mods had the ability to lock threads or to only count the votes of subscribers. Ahhhhh, idle dreaming.

is the new account of srsdelendaest?


You are actually retarded. Seriously dood, do you have anything better to do than act like the whole world is against you and and accuse every single person who does anything you don't like of being a brony?




Thanks! Too bad I cannot comment there.

You're talking to a robot bro.

A robot named after two borderlands characters?

le bravest robot in de worlds

Hey if you're still around I would LOVE to see you back up your claims about me and n00bie and that other guy I don't know doxxing you

As a moderator and founder of /r/SweedenHomeBrewing, I have to admit that:

  • I am a shill

  • 420 flame the bundle

How are you doing on this fine Tuesday btwstopsrs?

hello mate

EDIT: CircleBS is also a front for the JIDF and the evil globe spanning conspiracy known as SRS, which is planning to take down /pol/ and 4chan.

upron this comment if u think redit has 2 many joos




Le chaim!





what if i feel like there isn't enough juice on reddit and too much mountain dew

>too much mountain dew

gtfo srs shill

Gtfk mountain dew shil

Oh noes! How did they find out about our secret clubhouse?

Let's retreat deeper into /r/truecirclebs

Not deep enough. Circlebroke3 is deep enough for our purposes.

mfw I'm not invited


That's how deep it is

That's how deep it is


give me karma now


for science

:unzips to reveal a massive flying catfish grafted to my leg, screaming and begging you to end its miserable life:

>for science


There's your ultimate proof. Vaccines cause autism and SRS is responsible.

excuse me that is actually a deleted scene from the new MLP/david cronenberg pony body horror crossover:


fak u archangellegabrielle u srs xD

invites pls

I'm not the one who's in charge of invites

SolarAquarion pls

                       /\     /\ 
   ______________     //\\___//\\
 /       U JIDF  \   /           \
|    FAK U SOLAR | --|  0    0   |--
 \ ___________  |  --|  (_/\_)   |--
              \  \ --|    \/     |--    ____
               \__>  \           /     (___ \
                      \_________/          \ \
                        |       -----       | |
                        |  |  |    /  \     | |
                        |  |  |   /    \___/ /
                        |  |  | _ \    /___ /
                        \_/ \_/|_______\

So this is the thread we were talking about! It's even better than I imagined.

Nice stock pictures.

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Side trouted


That doesn't change the fact that she was right. Excellent job acting like Jesus, atheist.

As a moderator of one of the subreddits named in the opening post, I feel that I should comment on this. That said.

In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

I think you're a troll. I do not believe you are a 15-year-old. If you are, my apologies, and get off the Internet. Go outside and play.

I also wonder if you intended to reply to me or someone else.

FYI: This user has deleted one of their replies, and edited two others. Here is what one of them said:

Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories.

This is one example of how you are entirely too full of yourself. Sigmund Freud was a genius, and you have some of the problems he wrote about. Elsewhere in your comment, you reveal your Oedipal issues with your mother's boyfriend. Your issues with authority might be better explained by Freud's student, Adler.

Overall, you play games but you have probably never heard of Eric Berne.

This is really some pretty good material for comedy: "there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of"


Here is what another one said:

And yet you are replying to a person with whom you have never interacted, due to some drama that went down in /r/cringe, although I have never read /r/cringe, much less posted anything there....

Yeah.... your mastery of psychology is apparent to all who wish to evaluate you based on your performance. To wit, you are a fool.

I would take it easy on you if I thought you were truly a child, but your posting does raise the question: is it not a problem to have legal minors as moderators, given that part of their role is to screen material for indecency?

Here is my reply (not censored like you are censoring what you said).

I meant to reply to you as you seem to be the only one around here to be questioning things seriously. But why did you have to call me a 15 year old egomaniac and then go on to insult me further? I honestly was just trying to give you a little bit of background on who I was and what I was all about so you could judge the submitter and I fairly and honestly (so there would be no bias). Do you really feel that way about me? Honestly I'm a bit hurt right now and I'd like it if you would apologize because I would like you to understand what's going on here. I'm not some young kid drunk on power as a moderator who is flying off the handle. I'm 15 years old and I've been moderating online forums since the early 2000's. I have seen it all before. Our subreddit gets a lot of shit, and yes, there are a lot of young, inexperienced, socially maladapted kids who post in /r/cringe. It's our mission to help them, and divert them away from non-cringe material, horrible song covers, and such, to help them adopt more healthy attitudes (about cringe specifically). But we can't do that when outside subreddits are intentionally making a hostile environment, where people can't discuss their friend from highschool's video openly and honestly. The post that got attacked by your users was a young kid, trying to find his way in the /r/cringe world, and honestly admitting he screwed up. His message was an example for others, to help them avoid similar screwups. These attacks from your subreddit singled him out, which has a chilling effect on other users who now see how hostile the environment can be when someone speaks openly about their cringe videos.

submarines are leaking..

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). You are nothing to me but just another ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), mark my fucking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). You think you can get away with saying that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to me over the Internet? Think again, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). As we speak I am contacting my secret ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) across the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and your ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). You’re fucking dead, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Not only am I extensively trained in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), but I have access to the entire ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) off the face of the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), you little ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

What exactly is the workable mechanism for an earthquake ray?

He probably doesn't even have toilet paper to spew his shit on.


>implying the toilet paper industry isn't controlled by zionist shills

>implying we aren't zionist shills ourselves

In the event that you have not paid attention to the meta-Reddit, there are counter cultures intentionally created to manipulate the rest of Reddit (or as they call it, the Hivemind - due to stereotype expectation, this creates defeatism in the subconcious defense as everyone follows everyone else). Precautionary note: As I've called out multiple meta subreddits, I expect this post to be brigaded. Expect derailing comments. The first of these groups is the circlejerk empire, created using /r/circlejerk[1] and any subreddit with circle or jerk in the title as recruitment centers for meta command and control like /r/circlebroke[2] , /r/openbroke[3] and /r/CircleBS[4] . The focus uses irony as a thought termination cliche. By boxing dissent as "counter-counter-jerking" like in the bottom comment, they prevent legitimate counter discussion. We even see this in /r/braveryjerk[5] , which uses irony as it's main organ of operation. Opposing arguments are ignored and derailed with aggression and wall of text copypasta (a de facto brigade). /r/circlebroke[6] meanwhile openly supports corporations like Electronic Arts and brigades any complaints about corporations as "Redditry" Then we have /r/ShitRedditSays[7] . Go there. It's a censorship politically correct brigade. They also doxx people and get away with it. In their discussion subreddit, they talk about destroying Reddit (BRD = Bring Reddit Down) and whine about libertarians and how they are more successful than they are. There is /r/MyLittlePony[8] . At first you must say, show for little girls? But the users are the worst and even call in other sites like YouTube to ddownvote comments they do not like. Some of the largest SJW raiders have "incidentally" been bronies. Finally, we have /r/SubredditDrama[9] , /r/cringe[10] and /r/TumblrInAction[11] the tool of these three huge brigades. While the users are not in on it, the moderators use these subredddit as controlled false flag, knowing that sunlight is the best disinfection. They ban legitimate users for not agreeing with ideology that most of the subreddit is fine with, such as when I was banned from all three for calling out bronyism.

Undoubtedly the craziest thing I have ever read on reddit. You seem so happy and yet so humble.

So glad I stumbled across this thread.

Nose coffee everywhere.

what is the workable mechanism for an earthquake ray

And then a bald eagle named "small government" landed on your shoulder, and everyone became republicans, and the gheys and joos were sent to hell. Amen.

So brave.

How does this chain-letter style horseshit get upvoted? This reads exactly like a Christian inspirational "story" that people email to everyone they know. You r/conspiratard bigots are a fucking mob.

Okay so I'm a 14 year old girl and I've never posted before, so I hope I'm doing this right..? I've been agnostic pretty much since I was old enough to talk. I was always brought to church and talked about it with my parents, but I never could believe. I've been calling myself atheist for about half a year, but haven't told anyone except for the boy I'm with, he's atheist too. In a rage moment while talking with my mother, aunt and uncle i told them I was atheist. My mom went into a rant about how "There's most definitely a god! How could you think there isn't? How do you think all this happened?" (you know, typical christian shit.) Well my uncle he's an agnostic/atheist I dont really know, he wont say (I think hes just not wanting to say because of his wife, he always laughing at Christians and browses r/atheism with me.) He was fine with it of course. My aunt just looked at me with a smirk and said, "Well, do you believe in dinosaurs?" At that point I laughed hysterically then was scolded for being a disrespectful idiot. Later In private with her I said "Yes I do believe there were dinosaurs there is fossil evidence of them..Why..?" she responded, "Well It helps me understand why you wouldn't believe in God."At which time I facepalm'ed and walked away. :3 Okay hope that had some relevance here and I wont get bashed D'x

uhm, who gives a shit about how many kills you have or what type of training you have? i'm pretty sure chris kylde was the best sniper in the navy seals (with not even 300, no seal has 300 btw). fyi it isn't fucking spelled gorilla warfare you stupid piece of shit. anyways let's get on to the next point, you have a secret network of spies? yeah congrats, but i'm using a vpn right now so your entire network is fucking useless. you can't even ddos me, let alone "wipe me off the face of this earth." btw name those 700 ways you can kill me with your bare hands so i can report it to the fucking fbi and get your ass dishonorably discharged. and no, you dont have access to the entire arsenal of the usmc. those weapons are only used for combat as well as the vehicles etc etc. i never made a "clever" comment in order to invoke this type of fucking response. are you being serious right now? i'm really not afraid of you and honestly if you were serious i would fight you (knowing that you wouldn't bring a gun o something). all in all, go fuck yourself. you are a lying sack of shit and if you are in the navy seals. you are a disgrace because there is a reason they call seals "silent assassins."

Hue hue hue hue

So, yesterday morning, I drove to THEIR church for this retreat. The first several hours consisted of sitting around in an all-purpose room and doing silly activites and icebreakers. There were only about 15-20 people there (ages 16-50 probably), but try as I did, I could not connect with them. I pretended to be religious, but it seemed as though their religion was all that there was to these people. While I was having my lunch of Cool Ranch Doritos (the only good part of this whole thing!), it dawned on me that I can connect better to atheists because they (we :)) are deeper people. We don't have this crap religion to fill all the voids in our personality, so we make up for it with actual purpose and being interesting. I wiped the Cool Ranch crumbs out of my beard, and, for the first time in 20 years, felt happy at church because of this realization.

Right before the end of the retreat, we had one last activity. We passed around a big plastic ball, and whoever was holding it had to talk about what he/she learned at the retreat. People spewed all this bullshit about love and Jesus and strength, and eventually the ball made its way to me. I had tied my Geoxes tight in preparation for this moment. I stood up, gently pushed the ball away, and said, "I'm sorry, but I can no longer go on like this. I am an atheist -- a proud, intelligent, skeptical atheist. Sitting around here today and hearing all of the nonsense flow from each of your mouths has shown me that I need to start living the life I want to live. I can no longer live this charade. I am an atheist, and as much as you think you love this imaginary sky magician, your children or grandchildren will be atheists once logic reigns supreme and Christianity is wiped out. Thank you and good day, sirs."

Just as I was about to walk away, some big guy grabbed the ball and threw it right at my face. Hours and hours of MUGEN have honed my reflexes pretty well, so I was able to roll to the side and dodge the ball as flew into the kitchen doorway behind me. The woman next to me then reached out and clawed at my neck, but I spun as I was standing up and I think my ponytail whipped into her eyes because she fell back. I heard angry shouts and people coming after me as I ran into the kitchen. I saw the ball sitting on the floor and one of the stove burners still on. Knowing science, I grabbed the ball and put it on top of the burners, and as the angry mob of "good Christians" filled the kitchen, the ball popped with a gunshot-like noise long enough to daze them. I was a bit high on adrenaline at the moment, so I pumped my fist in the air and shouted "Science always wins!" before I ran out of the kitchen, into the hallway, and out the door to my car. I popped in a Megadeth CD and floored it (left some tiremarks in their parking lot) and here I am now, in a strip mall parking lot on my laptop.

I'm afraid of what I will face when I get home. A priest has probably already contacted my family. Everyone else in my family is a devout Christian, I guess you could call them fundies. My mom and sister will be mad, but it's my dad that will be the worst. I don't doubt that he will be violent. I'm watching kenjutsu videos as I write this and I am going to stop at the woods nearby to find a nice sturdy branch, so I think I will be able to defend myself when the need arises. I'm glad that I did this, but I fear I will no longer be welcome in my home. I plan on spending the night here and going home in the morning when he will be at his weakest so I can gather my things.

Thanks for listening to what was probably the most life-changing day of my life and sorry for any typos.

TL;DR: I came out as an atheist at a church retreat, only to be chased out by a violent horde and now I might not be able to return home.

This actually happened to a lady who is a close family friend. At one point, she worked at a convalescent home; not just for old people either. It was for folks who were a little nuts and couldn't take care of themselves. One lady there has this disorder. She thinks EVERYTHING is food, as in she'd eat her dinner and then start trying to eat the napkins. As you can guess, she ended up morbidly obese. She was too fat for the showers, so they had to take her out back and hose her down like an elephant. Since she was so fat, she had a lot of rolls, and they couldn't get everywhere. Now, one day the family friend is making her rounds of the complex, and was stopped by this dude in a wheelchair. He mumbles something at her. "Bitch stole my Doritos..." "What?" "That fat lady stole my Doritos and SHE WON'T GIVE 'EM BACK!" "Okay, okay, calm down. I'll get your chips back for you." She goes into the fat lady's room. She's in their with the chips and nothing else. Buck naked, with her legs spread. There's this thick almost gelatinous discharge in the fat lady's vagina. And she's dipping the chips. And eating it. With that cheese drip on pizza stretch effect. She apparently had this big smile as it dripped down her chin.

Shut up, EPS troll.

Not because of your own intelligence, but because of, your copied, boring and rehashed memes.

Did I do it right?















came here to say this

Hey, babby!

What ludicrous logic. I'm a 22 year old man serving in the United States Navy. I have never been drunk, or even tipsy; I don't ever want to be not in complete control of myself. I have never had sex; I believe that is something reserved for a woman that I love madly and deeply and who feels the same way about me. And a woman I can trust to be the mother of my children (since that's a real possibility lest she has a hysterectomy.) I have never stolen, or cheated on a person. My word is my bond. These are the things most people-- especially religious people-- seem to believe are highly moral. And yet I despise religion; I find little difference in my opinion of it than the late, great Christopher Hitchens. Even as a very young child I thought everyone was so ignorant to believe the dogma that permeated every facet of religion. Where does my morality come from? Where does my character and integrity come from? Within. I do what I do because I, alone, believe it is right.

Which brigade did you hop on?

>mfw this jabroni doesn't even 420 flame le bundle

Don't worry, its not your fault

LE BRAVE CONSPIRACY UNCOVER!!! Your bravery knows no bounds. You are a true jerker in every sense of the word.

More like GOD troll

how are you downvoted? I've seen that exact story written word for word so many times. he is a troll

This thread is being raided as expected . Maybe I'll try when everyone is asleep.

These are some valid points you make, like that one time I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

They ban legitimate users for not agreeing with ideology that most of the subreddit is fine with, such as when I was banned from all three for calling out bronyism.

Oh. So this is about you?

I'll pass.

Its not your fault

isn't it always?






Ctrl+f: 'K'

Was not disappointed.

Ctrl+f: "Ctrl+f"

Was somewhat disappointed.

Please keep jerking. It only proves lack of intelligence.










I upronned you.

Is this where I board the karma train?



Literally escaped Guantanamo to say "K."


Yes. Up trouts to the left

I'm replying to this comment with my own comment for which I receive karma.




I have tenure faggot. God bless pharma.

Then upvote it. then shut the fuck up, cunt. I'm getting damn sick of people saying "this comment is best" or "I came here to say this" to try to karma whore. get fucked. No one gives a shit who said it, stop trying to jump on the upvotes train by pretending you came up with the exact same clever thing. Upvote what the other person said and get over it. This entire website and it's stupid memetic "[FIXED]" posts and the "I see your X and raise you Y," are fucking retarded. Not to mention the whole fuckload of stupid shit where people post this "faith in humanity restored" hippie-dip-bleeding-heart bull shit. This isn't Facebook, I come here to read interesting content, not sit through endless fuckhead attention whores posting "LIKE IF YOU CARE ABOUT CANCER, IF YOU DON'T LIKE I'LL COMMIT SUICIDE" go fucking commit suicide then. Stupid bunch of whiny teenage girls cutting themselves on tumblr, hit an artery and bleed to death. No one will give a shit. Goddamn it fat people and whiny teenage girls and stupid "feels" people are ruining this goddamn website. People upvote total cunt shit, inane bullshit inspirational posts and whatever other bullshit they can find, including ass-tarded memes. AskReddit has begun to circle, Funny has turned into "cute pictures of mushrooms that look like smiley faces that no one gives a dead horse's last shit about", and politics is 1,000,000 users sucking Barack Obama's dick and making fun of Repubicans. Yeah we get the point. What a bunch of dumbass cunts. or dumb ass-cunts. I really don't care. Romney and Obama were both shit. No wonder the guy who invented this website shot himself, he had to watch his dream overrun and destroyed by 5 million whiny left-wing-eurofags (oh dont even get me started on the "merica" bullshit. you cunts think we're all fat? cool story, have fun sucking your uppity pussies and running out of money because you can't compete in the global economy anymore). I don't blame him in the least; spending time on this website makes me want to commit suicide too. The stupid upvotes-suck-my-circlejerk-ass-liberal-cunt-woman-feminazi-friendzone-cute-bullshit-sympathy-emo-vagina-dickass-gore posts need to fucking STOP. I believe in free speech but honestly I wish this website would be taken down by the government. You're all fucking abominations to society.

Well now you can wank to a fully colorized Lincoln picture. Ahhh the wonders of Reddit. Embrace anything pervy, be it simple homosexuality, or men who enjoy fapping all over pictures of America's worst president. I can just imagine you being the one retarded kid in Middle school who starts some retarded lincoln fan club that no one goes to because no one cares about history, so you just sit by yourself reading books about him. Sometimes you talk to your poster of lincoln, telling him about your problems, how you have no friends, girls would rather be raped than date you, and how you're pretty much a loser. But lincoln never says anything of note, save an occasional "free dem niggers," so you're all alone. Sometimes you bring a mayonnaise-and-lettuce sandwich for lunch, or some similar hell-spawned concoction eaten only by those who are hoping to make it to age 65 with their virginity. Sometimes you just bring a jar of jelly and eat it like an animal Sometimes you starve yourself because you're fat, and no one likes you. But in reality all you get is an appointment with the school nurse, who declares you borderline anorexic. Maybe one day you'll realize that no one gives a shit about Abraham Lincoln. But likely not. Nerds never seem to change their ways; you push on them, they push back now. This is how we end up with grown men publically obsessing over Pokemon or magical pony cartoons, or dressing up as animals and having queer bestiality orgies (furries, for those who don't know what I'm talking about (and you're damn lucky if you don't)). God fucking damn it I'm getting damn sick of this "stand up and be yourself" bullshit. The result is a bunch of whiny stupid self entitled people rubbing their interests and queerass fetishes in your face when in all honesty you just want them to leave you the goddamn fuck alone. I don't care that you're 35 and watch My Little Pony. You're a fucking imbecile. Grow up and have some normal interests. Yeah and you "nice guy" friend-zone fags, the reason girls don't like is not because you're a nerd, it's because you act fucking weird, and don't shower, and no one shares your interests in Pokemon-Avatar-Naruto-creepy japanese wacko garbage. Stop blaming your problems on us and start actually acting attractive. Seriously. If you think it's okay to obsess over Lincoln, and shove your interest in other people's faces like it's the most goddamn fucking amazing thing in the world, when in reality no one gives a SINGLE SHIT, then fuck you. Really and truly fuck you. Go fuck yourselves. All of you. And if I ever get a chance I'm going to take a piss on the Lincoln Memorial.


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Theism necessitates a powerfully self-centered worldview - the idea that an individual's hopes or worries are worthy of the time and effort of the creator of the universe, even that said creator should be obligated to listen and oblige the whims of randoms. Even the basic concept that a creator being would be capable of or desire to love, or care, for its creations is absolutely narcissistic perception of reality. That human beings are so amazing that they deserve special attention. The idea that one of our currently popular invented religions is the "correct" one - human beings are so certain they know the will and face of God that we have been murdering each other for thousands of years over who knows best, absolutely certain, despite the hundreds and thousands of religions that have faded away over millenia, that we're "right this time", that one of our faiths is the "one true faith", worshiping the "one true God". It's not hard to see how this absolutely selfish perspective would lend itself to smaller things in life. "Why should I have to tip, I am God's favoured child".

So I'm about 16, right, and I always go down to this bank to take money out. I only had a savings account so I didn't have an ATM card at the time. There was always this cute chick working there. She'd always smile and greet me, and I'd always try to go to her line. As she was a bank teller, I only saw her sitting down. This is important later. One day, I just work up all the confidence I can and I ask her out as I'm taking out some money. She said yes! So we set up a time around the weekend for me to come over and pick her up. She gives me her number, I get her address, and I skip home (not literally, but you know) as happy as can be. So it's the weekend, and I drive up to her house in my little beat up honda. I knock on her door and her dad answers. A split second of "oh shit" comes over me, but he just gives me this heartwarming smile and invites me into this house. I instantly feel at ease and we go sit down in the living room. Her dad is all happy like "i'm so glad you're taking my daughter out" and "i really really appreciate it" and all this crazyness. So i'm starting to think to myself "uh oh what have i gotten myself into" So her dad reaches into his pocket and pulls out a set of car keys. He says "I want you to take my car." I said "No thats okay I have my car" He's all like "no no no" practically forcing the keys into my hand. Still keeping his big smile on his face. No sooner does he give me the keys than do I hear from up the stairs "BZZZZZZZZZZ" No shit, she's in a wheelchair! A split second of shallow human being comes over me, but I think about it and say to myself " I can do this! She's awesome and has a great personality, fuck it!" We go outside, and I realize why her dad wanted me to take his truck. It was all rigged up with the belts and harnesses and the door that came all the way out for the wheelchair. So I took his truck, and we head to the movies. Best part? The handicap spot! So we're in the theater, and no sooner does the movie start, than she starts putting her hands on my junk! She's a freak! That's totally cool with me! We start making out almost during the whole movie. My parents are out of town that weekend, so I ask her if she wants to come back to my place. She says Yes so we get back in her dads truck and we're on the way to my house. We arrive at my house, I have stairs, so I have to carry her inside. Thankfully my room is on the first floor. So i get her inside, throw her on the bed, and we start going at it. I've got her in missionarry position, it's pitch black in my house and i'm pounding the fuck out of her, when all of a sudden i hear a "POP" Sure as shit, her leg fucking comes off. She's got a fake fucking leg! How did I miss that shit? "KEEP GOING" she screams as I pull her leg and throw that shit across the room. So I'm fucking her and fucking her and sure as shit, I hear another POP! So I pull her leg just like I'm pulling yours.

I'm glad I stuck with that.

You. I like you.


In the event that you have not paid attention to the meta-Reddit, there are counter cultures intentionally created to manipulate the rest of Reddit (or as they call it, the Hivemind - due to stereotype expectation, this creates defeatism in the subconcious defense as everyone follows everyone else). Precautionary note: As I've called out multiple meta subreddits, I expect this post to be brigaded. Expect derailing comments. The first of these groups is the circlejerk empire, created using /r/circlejerk[1] and any subreddit with circle or jerk in the title as recruitment centers for meta command and control like /r/circlebroke[2] , /r/openbroke[3] and /r/CircleBS[4] . The focus uses irony as a thought termination cliche. By boxing dissent as "counter-counter-jerking" like in the bottom comment, they prevent legitimate counter discussion. We even see this in /r/braveryjerk[5] , which uses irony as it's main organ of operation. Opposing arguments are ignored and derailed with aggression and wall of text copypasta (a de facto brigade). /r/circlebroke[6] meanwhile openly supports corporations like Electronic Arts and brigades any complaints about corporations as "Redditry" Then we have /r/ShitRedditSays[7] . Go there. It's a censorship politically correct brigade. They also doxx people and get away with it. In their discussion subreddit, they talk about destroying Reddit (BRD = Bring Reddit Down) and whine about libertarians and how they are more successful than they are. There is /r/MyLittlePony[8] . At first you must say, show for little girls? But the users are the worst and even call in other sites like YouTube to ddownvote comments they do not like. Some of the largest SJW raiders have "incidentally" been bronies. Finally, we have /r/SubredditDrama[9] , /r/cringe[10] and /r/TumblrInAction[11] the tool of these three huge brigades. While the users are not in on it, the moderators use these subredddit as controlled false flag, knowing that sunlight is the best disinfection. They ban legitimate users for not agreeing with ideology that most of the subreddit is fine with, such as when I was banned from all three for calling out bronyism.

I think that the negative sentiment for r/atheism is completely unjustified. I think the negative sentiment towards r/atheism is caused (though not consisting only of) by religious people that take offense to having their religious beliefs scrutinized just like every other belief rather than respected and put on a unique pedestal resort to attacking the subscribers and contributors of r/atheism rather than the content. I have no real problem finding decent discussion here on a regular basis. People voice their opinions and I just comment either agreeing or disagreeing with my reasons attached and usually find some discussion. In fact, unlike other subs the people I discuss with are usually happy to really break down what I write and respond to it in detail. They are also usually very happy to provide sources and often have some knowledge of what they are talking about. It's because of this that I don't think r/atheism is anything other than an intelligent sub with good discussion. People also criticize subscribers for being very young. Honestly, some of the best and most provoking posts on here come from very young subscribers. These teens are often put through some serious abuse due to lack of belief such as being thrown out of their homes or alienated all at once by each of their family members. Many of them even say that they post here so often because they can't talk to anyone else due to the discrimination they face for their lack of faith. Some might be lying for attention, but I think /r/atheisthavens is pretty solid evidence that many of them are not. Sure some of these posts are about not liking that they have to go to church, but that's just light hearted posting. Not everything has to be a tragedy to be readable content. Another charge here is bigotry. This one I think is completely outlandish. The vast majority of the comments here mock religion, not people who adhere to religion. This is not bigotry. If the idea in question was literally any other kind of idea, people wouldn't take offense. As far as posts about things that are commonly done by religious people, I think this image does a pretty good job of vindicating them. r/atheism also gets ripped on for being a circlejerk since it doesn't consider or respect views which say that gods exist. I think a lot of the reason for this is that it's not that hard of a question when logic is applied. It really isn't. If easy questions were circlejerks then wouldn't feminists who don't consider that maybe women shouldn't have rights or gays who don't consider that they shouldn't be allowed to get married be circlejerking? Now like every other sub, there is some circlejerking. Posts about NDT are pretty circlejerky. But at the same time, there are many dissenting viewpoints within atheism on here which I think prevent it from being a circlejerk. Besides, go talk look at confession bears, military support, liberalism, legalization, gun rights, hating r/atheism, etc., reddit is full of circlejerks. The voting system naturally begets it. This sub also gets criticized for low content. Firstly, look at any sub. r/adviceanimals is all memes, r/funny isn't funny, r/wtf is r/funny, r/music will still post videos of Jimi Hendrix that we've all seen a million times, r/bestof is literally all reposts... Not every post can be awesome. This is true on small subs too. Secondly, there aren't so many subscribers in r/atheism relative to other defaults. This means that past the second page you're in r/new where quality sucks. This sub also gets criticized for going off topic. This is because /r/onlyatheism is just too boring. This sub also gets compared to /r/trueatheism a lot. /r/trueatheism gets support from theists because it's nice to them. The thing is though, I browse both and people on /r/atheism are a lot more open minded and a lot more knowledgeable on average. I can't explain the latter, but the former is because they are truly open to the fact that religion might just plain be a bad thing. In /r/trueatheism, they absolutely will not accept that and instead what they get is a circlejerk about how tolerant they are which often ends discussion. Sorry for the long winded response. I hope you actually read the whole thing though, or at least that someone did.

What ludicrous logic. I'm a 22 year old man serving in the United States Navy. I have never been drunk, or even tipsy; I don't ever want to be not in complete control of myself. I have never had sex; I believe that is something reserved for a woman that I love madly and deeply and who feels the same way about me. And a woman I can trust to be the mother of my children (since that's a real possibility lest she has a hysterectomy.) I have never stolen, or cheated on a person. My word is my bond. These are the things most people-- especially religious people-- seem to believe are highly moral. And yet I despise religion; I find little difference in my opinion of it than the late, great Christopher Hitchens. Even as a very young child I thought everyone was so ignorant to believe the dogma that permeated every facet of religion. Where does my morality come from? Where does my character and integrity come from? Within. I do what I do because I, alone, believe it is right.

Adrian Chen, Rebecca Watson, and MittRomneysCampaign walk into a bar. Chen says to the bartender, "I'm a journalist, I try to find order in chaos and bring chaos to order. So I'll have an Irish Car Bomb, and fuck reddit, it's full of pedos." Watson says to the bartender, "I'm a skeptic, a feminist, and a blogger. I'm trying to make the world a better place. So I'll have an Old Fashioned, because fuck the patriarchy." MRC says to the bartender, "If variance from perfect 50-50 distribution was always indicative of oppression, this would mean that all instances of such variance were cultural, and there weren’t other factors (biology or chance) influencing decisions. This is not even close to true. But suppose you modify your claim and just say “most” variance from 50-50 is oppression. That’s better, but still weak, and a number of alternate explanations exist. For example, the gender distribution of violent prisoners is overwhelmingly male. Is this because the patriarchy constructs gender roles that hurt men and cause them to act out in aggressive ways? Possibly. But then why do some men act more aggressively than others? Are they just more patriarchy-affected? There is already an explanation for this, and it holds a lot of water: testosterone plus stupidity. Very high or very low levels of testosterone are associated with risk tolerance, and stupidity is associated with violent crime; more men are at the lower end of the intellectual curve due to greater variance, and more men will be more likely to have high testosterone. This is one particular disparity that can be explained by a number of factors. But patriarchy theory, as it’s usually applied, attempts to be an umbrella explanation for all such disparities. Not only is this ridiculous, but evidence doesn’t support it. The evidence, after all, is what proves a theory true or false. Evolution is demonstrably true due to the titanic weight of its evidence. What is the evidence for Patriarchy, then? When I’m on blogs and ask someone “how do you prove the existence of patriarchy?”, the most usual answer is something utterly disappointing like “look around you.” But occasionally you’ll get replies like this one from which attempt to demonstrate patriarchy via measurement of the number of women in power positions. The measurement of women in power positions may be a measurement of inequality, but it is not, standalone, a measurement of patriarchy nor even always a measurement of oppression. This is because for it to be a measure of patriarchy, you have to connect the power positions beyond a reasonable doubt to some oppressive force preventing women from obtaining those power positions. Without doing that, the departure from the perfect 50:50 ratio can be caused by other factors, and you don’t have oppression."

Wtf mods? I thought reddit was supposed to be a FREE environment? Don't give me the "Oh it's good for you. We delete it cos we know what's better for you. Now kneel before me you child" Bullshit. Here's what the fuck is happening: Reddit IS ABOUT THE COMMUNITY. That guy uploaded a video THE COMMUNITY LIKED IT because it's funny and related to league of legends. MODS DELETED IT MODERATORS ARE THERE TO MODERATE. You only delete that shit if it's disliked upon by the vast majority of the community. OR it's against the rules that are made BY THE VOTING/AGREEMENT OF THE COMMUNITY. See what's happening here mods? You don't deserve to be a mod. You don't qualify to be a mod. People used to upload nice artworks. Community liked it. Mods didn't. /r/lolfanart was created. People used this subreddit to learn shit. Community learned/ taught. Mods never helped anyone. /r/summonerschool was created. People discussed the meta. Community was active. Guess what the mods did again? Yep. They made a subreddit /r/leagueoflegendsmeta. Look at the sidebar people. We have more subreddits than Taylor Swift's boyfriends. This needs to stop. IIRC Mods just made ANOTHER subreddit called /r/summoners or some shit and it's for leagueoflegends news? HOW MANY MORE SUBREDDITS WILL YOU CREATE? What is the "purpose" of this main subreddit then? There are so many branches of /r/leagueoflegends I'm not even sure wtf this subreddit is for anymore. Now mods. You will give me the bullshit "Oh Look bro. We made these specific reddits so people who are interested will look at it. It is a small but active subreddits for the enthusiastics" Well guess what mods. Unsurprisingly you are wrong again. I'm not interested at artworks. But I will willingly click on one. Look at the nice drawing/cosplay or w/e, give a hearty smile and an upvote. However I am not interested enough to type in an url and browse through them myself. We are all redditors here. We all know how lazy we are sometimes. Reddit is supposed to be an aggregation of links. Not create a subreddit and dissect it cos I'm a power hungry moderator. As for the active part. Stop lying to yourself mods. Ninety percent of the sub-subreddits on the sidebar are dead and you know it. But you aren't doing shit. I know what is actually happening here. So you guys finally became mods. You realized mods had so little work. You weren't happy with it. So you created numerous subreddits just to make yourself feel better, just to feel that oh today I've done something for the community. Guess what. The community doesn't appreciate this. I really wish there was a petition to de-mod through voting. Because frankly? You guys are shit.

The worst is when someone who's majoring in something completely non-scienc-y and does this. For example, my girlfriend's roommate is a bitch and her boyfriend is at the dorm 24/7 and practically lives there. He's majoring in film and tries to prove to me that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. When I tell him that gravitational acceleration is a constant, he says I am wrong because "the elevator in the Tower of Terror falls down faster than you do, which is why you are lifted out of the seat" and yada yada because it is heavier. I'm an engineering major and it hurts me when someone who is stupid doesn't believe shit I've had countless classes on.

[-] collapse all

LL_Cult_J pls

bro do u evan paragraph?

Was too busy dumping copypasta to format.

tsk tsk

What of pride in one's work? Why, I was able to compose this post while preparing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You know how to make one? First, you must spread a thick layer of peanut butter onto the white part of a slice of bread. You can only spread the peanut butter on the white part, and the white part only. You may only spread peanut butter on one side. Spreading peanut butter on both sides will provide an inferior sandwich. Next, you must spread a thick layer of jelly onto the white part of a slice of bread. You can only spread the jelly on the white part, and the white part only. You may only spread jelly on one side. Spreading jelly on both sides will provide an inferior sandwich. You cannot spread jelly onto the same slice of bread onto which you have spread peanut butter. Also, you cannot spread peanut butter or jelly onto more than one slice of bread, as this will provide an undesired excess of either ingredient. Additionally, only peanut butter and jelly can be spread onto these slices of bread; no other ingredient will suffice, and no substitute can be used in a sandwich that is to be legitimately recognized as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Likewise, only bread may be the substance upon which the peanut butter and jelly are spread, as anything else does not fit the standards of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich; if the peanut butter and jelly are spread onto a culinary medium that isn’t bread, the meal at hand simply is not a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Once you have accomplished spreading a thin layer of peanut butter onto the white of one side of one slice of bread, and likewise has been accomplished using grape jelly on a separate slice of bread, you must match the slices of bread up to each other, forming a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In this scenario, the peanut butter-covered face of bread must be facing the jelly-covered face of the second slice of bread so that the peanut butter surface touched the surface of the jelly. The surface of the peanut butter is not allowed to touch a jelly-less substance of bread, resulting in the jelly facing outwards, and likewise applies to the jelly. If a substance is found facing on the outside of the sandwich, the product will not be accepted as a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The side with peanut butter and the side with jelly on it must match up and stick together to form one solid sandwich. When the eater picks up the sandwich, he or she must hold both pieces of bread at the same time, or else one slice will fall off, and eating only one slice of bread will not be recognized as the same or even similar to eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Next, you must take a bite of the sandwich. This action will consist of moving the sandwich within such a close proximity of your face that a small “bite” of the sandwich will enter your mouth for you to mash up with your teeth. This bite must be a bite that includes both slices of bread, peanut butter and jelly. Make sure that all obstructions are clear from the mouth and esophagus, not including peanut butter, jelly or bread or any combination of said ingredients. If you have followed all previous steps, this goal will be easily accomplished. Not doing so will create an incorrect and inferior dining experience and thus will not be a peanut and butter sandwich that is being eaten. However, if one successfully gets both peanut butter and jelly in one bite that fits in the mouth and does not result in choking, the dining experience is thus far acceptable. For your complete experience with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to be considered complete and unobjectionable, you must perform the previously mentioned series of taking bites of the sandwich, chewing them, and swallowing them repeatedly until the entire sandwich has been removed visible existence. These circumstances may only be reached by eating the entire sandwich, and no parts of the sandwich may be thrown away or given to somebody else. This is your sandwich, and your responsibility. For the Dining experience to be completed, the sandwich must be completely digested. In the context of completing the process of consuming a legitimate peanut butter and jelly sandwich, there are no extenuating circumstances. Actions such as vomiting, surgical removal of the sandwich from the body, or placement of the sandwich inside the lungs opposed to the esophagus will not be taken into account, as they do not result in the complete digestion of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The process must come to a close via rectal excrement of feces that have been provided by the digestion of the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Once the peanut butter and jelly sandwich-fueled feces have exited the rectum, they must remain free from the rectum to be considered conclusive in the process of physically processing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. If the feces re-enters the rectum, the process will be rendered a failure, and must be started again.

Didn't read, still upronned

How many uprons to the buttcoin nowadays?

[m]Oh my goodnesssssss

wow so would you describe yourself as enlightened by your own intelligence? you know, rather than some phony god's blessing?

In the event that you have not paid attention to the meta-Reddit, there are counter cultures intentionally created to manipulate the rest of Reddit (or as they call it, the Hivemind - due to stereotype expectation, this creates defeatism in the subconcious defense as everyone follows everyone else). Precautionary note: As I've called out multiple meta subreddits, I expect this post to be brigaded. Expect derailing comments. The first of these groups is the circlejerk empire, created using /r/circlejerk[1] and any subreddit with circle or jerk in the title as recruitment centers for meta command and control like /r/circlebroke[2] , /r/openbroke[3] and /r/CircleBS[4] . The focus uses irony as a thought termination cliche. By boxing dissent as "counter-counter-jerking" like in the bottom comment, they prevent legitimate counter discussion. We even see this in /r/braveryjerk[5] , which uses irony as it's main organ of operation. Opposing arguments are ignored and derailed with aggression and wall of text copypasta (a de facto brigade). /r/circlebroke[6] meanwhile openly supports corporations like Electronic Arts and brigades any complaints about corporations as "Redditry" Then we have /r/ShitRedditSays[7] . Go there. It's a censorship politically correct brigade. They also doxx people and get away with it. In their discussion subreddit, they talk about destroying Reddit (BRD = Bring Reddit Down) and whine about libertarians and how they are more successful than they are. There is /r/MyLittlePony[8] . At first you must say, show for little girls? But the users are the worst and even call in other sites like YouTube to ddownvote comments they do not like. Some of the largest SJW raiders have "incidentally" been bronies. Finally, we have /r/SubredditDrama[9] , /r/cringe[10] and /r/TumblrInAction[11] the tool of these three huge brigades. While the users are not in on it, the moderators use these subredddit as controlled false flag, knowing that sunlight is the best disinfection. They ban legitimate users for not agreeing with ideology that most of the subreddit is fine with, such as when I was banned from all three for calling out bronyism.


It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

In the event that you have not paid attention to the meta-Reddit, there are counter cultures intentionally created to manipulate the rest of Reddit (or as they call it, the Hivemind - due to stereotype expectation, this creates defeatism in the subconcious defense as everyone follows everyone else). Precautionary note: As I've called out multiple meta subreddits, I expect this post to be brigaded. Expect derailing comments. The first of these groups is the circlejerk empire, created using /r/circlejerk[1] and any subreddit with circle or jerk in the title as recruitment centers for meta command and control like /r/circlebroke[2] , /r/openbroke[3] and /r/CircleBS[4] . The focus uses irony as a thought termination cliche. By boxing dissent as "counter-counter-jerking" like in the bottom comment, they prevent legitimate counter discussion. We even see this in /r/braveryjerk[5] , which uses irony as it's main organ of operation. Opposing arguments are ignored and derailed with aggression and wall of text copypasta (a de facto brigade). /r/circlebroke[6] meanwhile openly supports corporations like Electronic Arts and brigades any complaints about corporations as "Redditry" Then we have /r/ShitRedditSays[7] . Go there. It's a censorship politically correct brigade. They also doxx people and get away with it. In their discussion subreddit, they talk about destroying Reddit (BRD = Bring Reddit Down) and whine about libertarians and how they are more successful than they are. There is /r/MyLittlePony[8] . At first you must say, show for little girls? But the users are the worst and even call in other sites like YouTube to ddownvote comments they do not like. Some of the largest SJW raiders have "incidentally" been bronies. Finally, we have /r/SubredditDrama[9] , /r/cringe[10] and /r/TumblrInAction[11] the tool of these three huge brigades. While the users are not in on it, the moderators use these subredddit as controlled false flag, knowing that sunlight is the best disinfection. They ban legitimate users for not agreeing with ideology that most of the subreddit is fine with, such as when I was banned from all three for calling out bronyism.

Thanks folks, I'll be here all week!

I'm fed up with being LJBFed and trying to court the opposite sex by being a nice guy, only to see the girls I cherished and treated like delicate snowflakes get ravaged by douchebags. I've already begun lifting, so that's a start.

well then why are you having such a problem coming up with one concrete example. i don't delete my posts, surely you can offer something, just talking out of your ass? you might as well thank me for the extra nickel you get for this post too. Quote my bullshit. Go on. BTW I'm contacting reddit admins for your IP and MAC address. I'm filing a complaint with your local law enforcement, and my lawyers will be all over this. I have plenty of money to do it, and you really are asking for it.

To answer your last question is impossible, it's hard as shit having to deal with all the ignorance that comes from the "god-fearing" religious. I'm Pagan, Pagans accept logic and reasoning, we've had to deal with the same from "god-fearing" religious people as Atheists have and do, but we just leave them to their delusions, we know nature is real, we know energy is real, we believe in mind over matter (the basis for spells and rituals), we also believe in science and logic. Take this for example, priests and priestesses in Paganism are often healers also, but if you come to them with something more than a flu, they'll send you to a doctor, they know, they can't do anything to help and don't want you to die, they'll say "science is what you need, I'll ask the goddess to help you find a great doctor that relies on science and medicine", this is what actually happens, often even with just a basic flu, they'll often add onto the instructions "go to the doctor to be sure it's nothing more serious", I can't believe the crap that comes from Christians that believe in faith healing. Good day all, sorry for the rant.

im a young atheist, 12 years old. now, i've only been truly aware of this for the past month. im a pretty smart kid, i invent things (wish i could tell you guys about some of the inventions but i'm a little protective) My smarts come from a few things. growing up i hanged out with my brother all the time, and hes smart too so he probably had some influence on me. he was always 7 or 6 years older than me, hes 19 now and in collage. what i need advice about, is that for 4 years during elementary school, i had this huge physiological trauma that has left me by heart a loner type of person. right now on a scale of 1-10 of popularity im a 9, i real improvement from the 1 i was in elementary. my personality shifted suddenly to a funny guy intead of serious guy. my problem is that im worried that my switch to atheism could be just somehow just tied in with that trauma or with just a phase. my atheism came when my personality shifted, and im worried that i may go away from atheism. because i truly want to be atheist. i haven't told anyone, and my parents are catholic but still don't go to church anymore. also just throwing this out there but a won a metal for paper airplane making when i was in church once when i was 6 which is excellent example of my inventiveness (i made some pretty crazy paper air planes) that triumphs over any religion i could have. edit: im also worried about my atheism affecting possible relationships. yeah ive already had a few relationships this year but none were affected by my lack of gods because i hadn't realized it.

I'm trying to be as civil as possible amidst a subreddit invasion, the likes of which you are unlikely to have ever seen. We have 2 million subscribers and provocations like this tend to spread to the major griefer subreddits and cause extreme problems that at times, have escalated to reddit admins with discussions with about contacting the FBI due to reddit global denial of service attacks. The unserious attitude of your junior mods isn't helping, and they continue to pelt me with off-topic banter about movies and TV even within the last 20 minutes, a day later. Our own moderators have a policy to conduct all internal discussions on a separate thread from a modmail user complaint, so only specifically relevant, targeted messages reach outside redditors. So I'd appreciate it if your mods would cut me off their discussion thread, now that you have taken action. I would like you to understand what's going on here. I'm not some young kid drunk on power as a moderator who is flying off the handle. I'm 54 years old and i've been moderating forums since the early 1980's. I have seen it all before. Our subreddit gets a lot of shit, and yes, there are a lot of young, inexperienced, socially maladapted kids who post in AdviceAnimals. It's our mission to help them, and divert them away from forced memes, verticals, and such, to help them adopt more healthy attitudes (about memes specifically). But we can't do that when outside subreddits are intentionally making a hostile environment, where people can't discuss their penguin or duck memes openly or honestly. The post that got attacked by your users was a young kid, trying to find his way in the AdviceAnimals world, and honestly admitting he screwed up. His message was an example for others, to help them avoid similar screwups. These attacks from your subreddit singled him out, which has a chilling effect on other users who now see how hostile the environment can be when someone speaks openly about their memes. So when a group like yours singles out an individual for ridicule, and incites other groups like /r/SubredditDrama to engage with it, it draws in the most notorious griefers on reddit, like /r/ShitRedditSays and worse. The collateral damage includes attacks on almost all other current threads, which takes days to moderate and calm down. Sometimes it even attracts determined griefers who become permanent problems. IMHO, there is a big difference between posts that deliberately incite trouble in a 20 subreddit like ours, and poking fun at an obscure subreddit like /r/RandomActsOfBlowJob. Users of /r/circlebroke can get a big response to a small act, which gives them an incentive to incite these attacks. Since this has been a repeated problem, and it seems like certain /r/circlebroke users are constantly scanning /r/AdviceAnimals for material to crosspost as a provocation, I would greatly appreciate if you could look more closely at these posts and in the future, remove them before they cause trouble. Consider this problem might be representative of a bad tendency of your group, provoked by minority bullies that you would like to eliminate just as much as we do. If your group is structured so abusers can take advantage of it, they will, unless you prevent it.

What the fuck. The whole world doesn't revolve around you, ya know?

SRS is just whiny people. MLP is fans of a kid's show who like how pretty and go lucky it is (that said, they still are kinda creepy). Circlebroke is for people who want to feel edgy, like they're sticking it to the man, and the rest of the "Circlejerk Empire" is just a circlejerk. Yeah those subreddits are kinda funny at first, but the joke gets old pretty quick.

As for subredditdrama, cringe, and tumblrinaction; they're for finding the most funny, amusing, or terrible stuff on reddit and tumblr. The community can be kinda whiny, like SRS, but they're less involved with reddit.

There is not a huge conspiracy around you. what a JIDF shill would say

What the fuck.

I never mentioned antisemitism or Jews anywhere in my comment. I never accused you of being Hitler, and I never said anything about politics.

All I did was talk about reddit. Fucking reddit. Jesus Christ.

It's a joke. Lighten up.

Oops. I did a stupid.

Yeah, you did. But at first I thought you were way out jerking his jerk, and I was excited by the level of contained rage you were able to parody against a very common jerk in the conspiratardverse. But, alas.

I tend to come on strong.

That is some weak copypasta, sib.


You guys can't brigade every single one of my threads.

You don't know us very well, do you?


dae upron le maymays?

upron if u do lol xdd




Nice cancer meme. I thought circlebroke hate those, or is it just the ironic shit posting SRS allegedly despites.


Sounds like a challenge to me.

I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Am I infantile? No, I'm extremely mature, rational, and have quite a few skills. Do I have autism? No. Am I a "man-child"? No. Am I unintelligent? Heck no, I'm an engineering student and know more about math and physics than the average person. Do I let My Little Pony rule my life? Far from it (hell, the only My Little Pony merchandise I own was given to me for free as gifts from other people. And I don't even display it anywhere). Do I constantly watch My Little Pony porn? Heck no, in fact I'm just as horrified by it as you are. Do I support Tulpas? No, I view it as psychologically damaging.

Personally, I don't like the bronies who act like 'man children' either. But what you guys don't realize is that those people are the minority--most people on the big Pony subs don't like them either. Plus even though I don't like them, I don't spout out hate speech against them, like saying they deserve to be treated like animals, rounded up, and killed.

Your sub's constant use of hate speech and prejudiced generalizations is what makes people compare you to a hate group. Don't like being called a hate group? Don't say crap like "I will buy a machete, find them, and strangle them with their intestines." and don't let your members say that either.

My only issue with it is that people will defend it on account of it being an allegedly groundbreaking and intellectually deep show, rife with Adult humour.

Those are not words I'd use to describe it. It's a kid's show. It doesn't mean that it's necessarily bad, just that it's not really trailblazing either. The plots are predictable, the morals agonizingly condescending, and the readings from the voice actors very simple. But these are things that we'd expect from a kid's show.

As far as the Adult Humor goes: the only things I've really seen that could be considered "edgy" or "adult" are the addition of single-use background characters meant to get a cheap laugh due to their contextual relevance. Have a scene in a bowling alley? Make some ponies that look like characters from The Big Lebowski. They don't say or do anything, they're just there. The whole show just has this very Disney notion of humor and morality.

But again, we can't expect more from the show, because it's a kid's show. It's not meant to be much more. I, and many others, just have a hard time watching it for these reasons.

If you or your compatriots can derive enjoyment from it, that's cool. No harm, no foul.

Now, to address your accusation of hate speech: I can't speak for /r/conspiracy and their distaste of Bronies, but I'm of the mind that you can't really level "hate speech" against someone for their preference of television programming. You can be a hateful bastard towards them for their choices, but given that they're choices that relate to something intangible (i.e. not gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc.), I doubt a court would consider that to be hate speech.

That said, I really think both sides of the argument should shut the fuck up finally. Live and let live and all that.

I didn't ask for your opinion, brony apologetic.

> be 12

> on reddit


> see an awesome comment

> *le upvote

> success.jpg


I hate those prisons. I truly hate them. I'm really sorry you had to go through what I went... I guess I'll share my story, and hopefuly I'll make some people realize that these camps are... more than evil. As a kid I really denied any form of authority. I often harrased teachers, and the idea of a great man in the sky ruling over me was not only ridicoulous to me, but also hazardous... I came out to my (extremist) parents at the age of 14. They cried, threatened me, did everything they could to turn me back into a robot... About 1 month after I came out, 3 men came into my house at night, and told me to stay quiet and walk with them. I tought it was a kidnapping, as most people who experience this... I walked into the van, and they explained themselelves. I was shocked and filled with hate, but I knew I shouldn't do anything, the van was small and I couldn't defend myself. My first day at that prison was horrible... everything I did was supervised, and also controlled. The only time I got some "privacy" was at night, 10 o'clock. After 1 week I just couldn't take the authority, and I was put in isolation. Two months. Two. ****ing. Months. After the first month I began hearing voices in my head, and after another week, the voices formed into a big, strong voice... I only had one conversation with it.

Voice : "Escape." Me : "How?" Voice : "Strong. Then Kill."

After the last sentence I never heard it again. But it was enough. I knew my goal. At the time I had about 100 lbs... I was skinny, I didn't have force... I was helpless. Every time I got out of isolation, I said "**** God.". All I did in isolation was exercise. I was so full of hate I didn't care about time... In there there was no natural light, just a little crack... I had no clock, so I would just look at the crack while exercising.. Everytime light started to get through the crack, meaning it was day, it was a great achievment. I felt.. great. Small things where all I had, so it was incredible... I exercised in there for 8 months... breaks of 20 minutes, exercises for 1 and a half. And repeat. Repeat. Repeat... After 8 months, I finnaly got out... everyone was so surprised I didn't shout "**** God.". For about 4 days I was heavily looked at by all the guards... that was the day I began the brainwashing. They thought the isolation broke me down. It only made me stronger. Everytime I entered the brainwashing room I would see a broken window. The room was on the first floor, so I could get out without too much damage. But I was... nowhere. Nowhere meaning a forest. I could run, of course, but how long would the forest last? I didn't know. Forest was freedom. Freedom is good. So I got to get in the forest. One day, instead of the 5 athletic guys that went with me to the room, there were only 2 janitors. I was so surprised... yet calm. I knew that was my day. As I was approaching the window, I felt some adrenaline going up my spine... I quickly headlocked one guy while kicking the other with one foot, and managed to pull a neck break on the headlocked guy.. I got ready, then jumped off the window. I fell, rolled, and managed to don't get hurt bad... I was running, running, running... I could hear some sounds, but I was so thrilled I didn't pay attention.. after about 4km running I finnaly stopped. I could feel freedom. It was... beautiful. I heard a "*! Watch how you're driving, man!". My instinct moved me, and I approaced a yellow car... "Please.. just.. let me come." The guy looked at me surprised, then told me to get in. After about half an hour, when I recovered, he asked me my story, but I was still afraid. What if he would get me to the cops? What if he was one of them? I didn't know. I just said "No time to explain. Where are you going?". He said Florida. I arrived in Florida at the age of 15. I'm 19 now, and I never spoke with my parents again, and will never do it. I truly hate them. But the experience made me realize how important free will is. .. aaaaand I grew *ing awesome muscles. Thanks for reading so far ! I means a lot to me that I can share my story... it hurts even now, after 4 years.

TL;DR : It took me 1 year to escape but, it takes you only 5 minutes to read.

EDIT : Thanks for all your support guys! It's been 4 years since I escaped, so I had plenty of time to rebuild my life, and to find a job. I work right now as a Pentester, Programmer and a skater, which is more than I could have achieved while I was with my parents Anyone here gonna share his story? I figured out we could make a little book out of them, and if we would really sue those prisons, every story counts!

Man, you really are a dunce.

This quite literally is the most fucked up depravity I have seen from this sub. Every sub ever that disagrees with you is a shill. Got it.

You sound a little defensive, as if you're trying say you want to do it, but you're rationalizing it and saying it would be weird.

Like three months ago I would have said yes but now, I would still say yes but in a different way. I still would wan't to have sex with a pony, but not really a character, maybe Fluttershy, Octavia, Luna, Lyra, you know? But I really don't like mlp anymore so this answer is based on purely a sexual standpoint.

Ponies are probably the sexiest things I've ever seen in my life, not exactly the characters, just what they are, their legs, their eyes, their manes, their mouths, everything is perfect. I would totally have sex with them but I wouldn't want to live in Equestria or any of that bullshit. I would like to keep one but she probably wouldn't like it because she would have to hide and just hang out in my house.

A one night thing? Totally, anyone really. I don't like all of them but even if Rainbow Dash was my only option I would say yes. I don't know how they would translate in real life but there are plenty fan art pictures that show a good example.

I don't think I would be to comfortable with one around me because, I wouldn't know what to do? Do I feed it? Do I pay attention to it? I don't care what I do around my dog because he's a fucking dog, do I treat her like a human and talk to her? Back to my dog, what if he flips shit because there is a god damn flying pony in my house. I couldn't leave her alone because thats not fair at all, and she might fuck something up or answer the door and screw our deal up. I can't take her in public.

I would totally keep her forever but I don't think it would be a paradise, for her especially. Regardless of how I treat her she is basically a sex slave and that all well and good for a roleplay situation but it would be her life and she can't get away from it. At least I would have some information on her and know what to do a little bit. If she got into the hands of some hick across the street she is fucked.

Bottom line, I think I would be too selfish to pass it up but my life would be stressful as hell trying to figure out what to do with her afterwards. So many things would have to be accounted for and in the end, she wouldn't like it, and neither would you after awhile. I don't know if you would be taking her from "Equestria" of whatever or if she is just appearing and doesn't know how to talk or eat or fly or whatever, in that case, no I wouldn't do it, I'm not raising a god damn pony just so I can fuck it. Otherwise, yes, like I said I would be too selfish and I couldn't pass it up.

Now to how it would work, I don't know. I guess the act of sex would be pretty normal, shes basically a horse, just a lot cuter. If she spoke english and had a basic understanding of the situation and was reasonable to let me talk to her and explain how this is going to work, then it would be pretty fine. Although, other things like going outside, telling people, etc. would be hard to work out.

I would need a Celesta to check up on her and tell me what she eats and if she is sick she is pretty shit out of luck unless I can buy some OTC medication for her. I wouldn't have to worry about her being pregnant, right? I don't think she can get pregnant by a human.

Anyway, sure. But she would have to live up to the exceptions of a canon pony, like knowing basics like English, eating, walking, etc.

“The Patriarchy causes oppressive gender roles” is as verifiable a claim as saying that the Illuminati caused the 2008 Housing Crisis.

Whenever I invite comparisons between the Patriarchy and the Illuminati, the reactions I get are usually silent offense. The most common is something like “you don’t REALLY believe…”, which is a non-reply. It’s a non-reply because it questions your confidence in the assertion, but does not give a reason to disbelieve the assertion itself. The endgame is that if I say “yes”, you call me stupid, and I’m supposed to fear that situation so much that I’d believe your theory to avoid it.

I suppose the reasoning goes like this: surely professors at universities would not teach me a theory that is not rigorously proven? Except professors do that all the time; you just haven’t noticed. Psychoanalysis is still extremely popular in far too many colleges, and it’s regarded by cognitive scientists in a way not too different from how medical scientists regard Deepak Chopra. Non-empirical aesthetic definitions of “good art” are still widely taught in philosophy programs, and even believed by a good number of professors, even in the light of Neuroaesthetics. The only thing that’s required for a discipline to exist is for a university board to approve the granting of Ph.D.s in a subject, and for journals to publish material from those who have those Ph.D.s. A discipline’s existence is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the legitimacy of claims produced by that discipline.

In other words: yes, you had to drudge through a lot of verbose papers to understand and apply a theory. You then received an “A” or “B” for doing this, which the reward centers of your brain quickly associate with legitimacy. This is a great way to make people accept propositions without questioning them, but it’s a terrible way to evaluate the legitimacy of theories.

Unless your claims are specifically contingent on the identity of a person, like “I am Barack Obama” or “I was born in the ’80s”, the truth of your claim is probably not altered by who you are. The truth of 2+2=4 is unaffected by who states that 2+2=4. Or in our case, the truth of the Theory of The Patriarchy is not strengthened because a professor said it. It’s a claim about something true existing in the external world; claims about the external world are judged by empirical methodology — so at the very least, statistical methodology a la Psychology or Political Science — and not the kind of person making the claim. In other words, the methods a claim uses are major factors in the truth of that claim, not the medium by which those claims are delivered.

I. Claims

One of the most common criticisms of someone who addresses patriarchy theory (or feminism in general) is to say that they have misrepresented the theories they are addressing. Whether the representations of those theories are right about that or not, this kind of complaint is completely unsurprising given feminism’s political component. Words like “democracy”, “terrorism” and “freedom” are some of the most disputed words in the world due to their political components. Patriarchy isn’t anywhere near those, but it nonetheless does have political components, so the usual response to criticism is to switch between definitions and say that you haven’t gotten their claims right. This is done by appealing to one with less variables when your one with more variables fails to hold water.

But accurate representation does matter, so it helps to familiarize oneself with common definitions. The standard sociological definition of patriarchy is something like “a society where men hold more power than women.” While you could argue about the degree to which men hold power over women, this is an extremely defensible claim — ctrl+f “II. demonstrability” and refer to (0).

Merriam-webster offers an equally inoffensive definition: “social organization marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line.” Countries like the United States are strongly departed from this kind of social structure today, so this is “old” patriarchy. It does not describe the kind of definition that is used to make causal claims, like “patriarchy hurts men.”

I am not concerned with those definitions. Rather, I am concerned with defining The Patriarchy as a causal agent, which is implied when feminist activists and bloggers will say “patriarchy causes x,” “x is a result of the patriarchy”, and so on. If you believe, for example, that women cannot be sexist because of what patriarchy is, your definition is closer to the one I am addressing here. This definition might deviate from the standard sociological definition in its pure form. You could argue that these activists and bloggers have gotten the definition wrong; I’m sure some of them have. This wouldn’t be surprising. But far too many people believe it, so it’s worth addressing.

This is because while “men hold more power positions than women” is an empirically demonstrable claim, “the Patriarchy causes x” is not an empirically demonstrable line of reasoning as it is usually applied. Here are demonstrable, patriarchy-related things:

  • “x is a patriarchy” (old definition of patriarchy, e.g. Saudi Arabia)

  • “x has patriarchal characteristics” (characteristics resembling said old definition)

Here are not-demonstrable claims (at least with existing methods), and the ones you see most on tumblr:

  • “The Patriarchy causes x”

  • “We oppose The Patriarchy”

  • “x is oppressed by The Patriarchy”

  • “x is a symptom of The Patriarchy”

Whether the above four claims use the standard definition of patriarchy is up for debate. They could be using the standard sociological definition, or they could be referring to something else. They could have the definition completely wrong. Nevertheless, they clearly imply a patriarchy theory that a lot of people believe.

Let’s unpack these.

The first set of claims deals primarily with definitions: does some societal structure or person meet some criteria. You can define criteria however you want, so this isn’t controversial. I could define the hypothetical “Americocracy” as “government by Americans” and then the USA, tautologically, would be an Americocracy. With respect to societal claims like these, definitions/semantics usually only matter when you’re trying to expand or narrow a word to include or exclude things normally associated with that word, like broadening the definition of “rape” or narrowing the definition of “murder”, both of which carry societal implications. So you can define patriarchy in completely descriptive terms, a la “patriarchy is a society where men hold more power positions,” and that’s a non-issue. The issues happen when you turn it into a causal force.

The second set of claims makes claims to things that actually exist, and not only does it make claims to things that actually exist, it posits a connection between said things and some thing you’re facing on a day-to-day basis. Theoretically, this is OK. The problem comes when you try to causally link these things with little or no methodology and even smaller amounts of evidence.

So, let’s take a grand theory that posits a global phenomenon that actually exists — evolution. It’s fine to say that evolution exists now, because society has enormous amounts of evidence to back this assertion. What’s more questionable is whether evolution is linked to your rejection at a nightclub, or someone’s promotion in a job. Interestingly, feminists hate this style of reasoning, and with good reason: it’s speculation, and you don’t have any basis to make that kind of causal connection. But those same feminists will turn around and say “[person] is reinforcing the Patriarchy” or “x is a result of Patriarchy” without the slightest sense of irony.

And by the way, I’m doing Patriarchy theory a good deal of favors by comparing it to evolution. It does not have the benefit of a standard definition like evolution, nor do its proponents adhere to the same rigor of evidence. Saying “large-scale theories like evolution and the patriarchy” is not unlike saying “publications like Reuters and Star Magazine.” They are included because they share a technical commonality, but one drastically overshadows the other in both legitimacy and prominence.

“The Patriarchy” posits a large-scale societal system that is oppressive to women. (If you’re really advanced, replace “Patriarchy” with “Kyriarchy” and women with “the marginalized.” But this critique should hold either way.)

There are several things at work when I say “a large-scale societal system”:

  1. It is singular. Which is to say, you are saying “the patriarchy” and not “the patriarchies.” There is one patriarchy. It’s a system. This is important because you are connecting smaller things to a larger system and vice versa. If an organization is oppressive toward women, you would call that “patriarchal” but not “a patriarchy”; it’s taken to be part of a larger unit.

  2. It’s a social system. Which is to say, it’s organized by humans, spontaneously or deliberately; it is not naturally occurring in the sense that a volcanic eruption is naturally occurring. This is important, because ‘oppression’ does not naturally occur. Oppression is human-created inequality. Naturally created inequality, such as inherent strength differences in men and women, is just called ‘inequality’.

  3. It exists. It can be opposed; you can talk about “fighting the patriarchy.” This is important because you can measure how and to what degree it exists.

If The Patriarchy stopped here, that might save it. But it doesn’t.

II. Demonstrability

Let’s quickly list off the positions of adherents of Patriarchy theory:

(0) Patriarchy is a system where women are disadvantaged compared to men.

(1) Patriarchy (/Kyriarchy) is a large-scale societal system responsible for the oppression of women (/the marginalized).

(2) This is a system which is responsible for the creation of gender (/societal) roles, which oppress men and women. Which is to say, those roles cannot be created through some other means independent of the patriarchy.

(3) When seemingly oppressive results exist, they are the result of oppression, which is the result of Patriarchy (/Kyriarchy). Which is to say, oppressive phenomena cannot be the result of some other cause. A person reviewing applicants can’t simply have power-independent bias against a candidate; that bias is oppression, which is caused by Patriarchy.

I’ve listed (0) as independent from (1) because (0) does not have demonstrability issues. To prove (0), that there is a societal system where women are disadvantaged compared to men, all you need to do is establish a measurement for that disadvantage and then cite that measurement. Any common measure of inequality will do, such as the gender inequality index. So if (0) is how you define patriarchy, we have no issues. And I suspect (0) is precisely how some of you do define patriarchy.

Proving (1) is where feminists start to lose the battle. This is the most important sentence in this entry, so it gets its own bolded line:

The existence of variance from perfect 50-50 distribution does not indicate oppression* and the existence of oppression does not indicate a societal system furthering that oppression.

*unless interests and aptitudes are equal

If variance from perfect 50-50 distribution was always indicative of oppression, this would mean that all instances of such variance were cultural, and there weren’t other factors (biology or chance) influencing decisions. This is not even close to true.

But suppose you modify your claim and just say “most” variance from 50-50 is oppression. That’s better, but still weak, and a number of alternate explanations exist. For example, the gender distribution of violent prisoners is overwhelmingly male. Is this because the patriarchy constructs gender roles that hurt men and cause them to act out in aggressive ways? Possibly. But then why do some men act more aggressively than others? Are they just more patriarchy-affected? There is already an explanation for this, and it holds a lot of water: testosterone plus stupidity. Very high or very low levels of testosterone are associated with risk tolerance, and stupidity is associated with violent crime; more men are at the lower end of the intellectual curve due to greater variance, and more men will be more likely to have high testosterone.

This is one particular disparity that can be explained by a number of factors. But patriarchy theory, as it’s usually applied, attempts to be an umbrella explanation for all such disparities. Not only is this ridiculous, but evidence doesn’t support it.

The evidence, after all, is what proves a theory true or false. Evolution is demonstrably true due to the titanic weight of its evidence. What is the evidence for Patriarchy, then? When I’m on blogs and ask someone “how do you prove the existence of patriarchy?”, the most usual answer is something utterly disappointing like “look around you.” But occasionally you’ll get replies like this one from which attempt to demonstrate patriarchy via measurement of the number of women in power positions.

The measurement of women in power positions may be a measurement of inequality, but it is not, standalone, a measurement of patriarchy nor even always a measurement of oppression. This is because for it to be a measure of patriarchy, you have to connect the power positions beyond a reasonable doubt to some oppressive force preventing women from obtaining those power positions. Without doing that, the departure from the perfect 50:50 ratio can be caused by other factors, and you don’t have oppression.

The connection-to-patriarchy element is also absent from “patriarchy hurts men too” reasoning inherent in the “patriarchy creates gender roles” claim of (2). It’s provable that gender roles can be responsible for a problem that men face. In fact, it’s probably true that a great deal of these roles are constructed by societal influences. But it’s a leap across a causal chasm to go from “caused by societal influences” to “caused by oppressive forces” to “caused by a system of oppressive forces” to “caused by a system of oppressive forces that disadvantage women more than men, the existence of which is indicated by the ratio of women:men in power positions.” Here, we get to the “Illuminati caused the 2008 housing crisis”-style explanation from the introduction. You are introducing a ludicrous number of extra assumptions: “jack is male, so he likes video games and pizza” is inherently less probable than “jack is male, so he likes video games” because the former contains an additional variable.

But sometimes when you’re pointing things like this out, you’ll get hit with a study that attempts to disprove you, once and for all, by showing how patriarchy can exist on an individual level by demonstrating some kind of bias. They will insinuate, as mentioned in claim (3), that if some act of oppression exists, that act of oppression cannot be the result of anything but patriarchy.

This is silly. It’s very possible to demonstrate the existence of bias against women: take a set of applications that are of equal merit, and look at the weight judges give those applications. There’s a problem with this, though: people tend to prefer that which is like themselves. So you control for those things, too — the characteristics of the judges, in particular. You happen to find that these judges prefer men more than women for some reason, whether or not they judge is actually male or female.

That’s interesting. It demonstrates bias.

It still doesn’t demonstrate patriarchy as a causal force though.

To demonstrate patriarchy’s causal elements by demonstrating bias against females, you’d need to connect the bias to a large-scale system of societal oppression that disadvantages women and show how the bias could not be the result of something else.

This doesn’t happen.

One obvious reason is because bias can be the result of some brain mechanic that all humans have, like pattern recognition, and doesn’t need to come from a societal system. It would only have to come from a societal system if differences between men and women were entirely societal, but that view isn’t tenable: we saw earlier that testosterone influences risktaking, for example. So in a profession where risktaking is valued or looked upon as a kind of confidence, judges of applications may associate femaleness with lack of risktaking and look at females negatively compared to males.

A situation like that is bad, I agree. But it’s not evidence of a system of oppression. A system of oppression is organized, either spontaneously or deliberately. Humans being humans and stupidly creating patterns based on differences that arise due to circumstance is not a system. It’s chaotic. And if you abandon the element of organization from patriarchy, it’s no longer a system and unclear whether you’re talking about patriarchy theory at all. But if you insist to still do that, your task becomes even harder: proving that disconnected instances of oppression form part of some larger, whole phenomenon.

Finally, there’s the historic objection. This states that because x was historically disadvantaged, this is the cause of x’s disadvantage today. To some degree, this idea holds merit. Women have been historically disadvantaged, so it’s not impossible that some holdovers of that still exist today.

But there are two problems with this: (a), in the case of gender roles or gender bias, this is essentially impossible to connect — more so than connecting to patriarchy — and (b) even if a historical system of disadvantage did exist, the existence of disadvantages similar to historical ones do not mean they are remnants of that system, and the existence of remnants of that system do not continue that system of disadvantage. Slavery does not continue because racism still exists, for example.

(b) needs some further explanation. America has a number of mentalities which could be described as “Puritan.” Whether or not you believe this is beyond the point; a number of thinkers exist who have connected American tendencies to Puritanism. Most famously, works like The Crucible connected Puritanism to McCarthyism, and a lot of people believe McCarthyism is a remnant of a particularly Puritan tendency. Whether it is or not, you don’t have a way of connecting it reliably. You could even make a case that “white guilt” is connected to Puritanism, and you’d still be speculating similarly to how the guy who blames his nightclub rejection on evolutionary tendencies is speculating. The idea that something is caused by an event because that thing comes after that event is called post hoc, ergo propter hoc, and it’s usually the kind of error made here.

But suppose I’m wrong, and you proved beyond a reasonable doubt that McCarthyism is a result of Puritanism anyway. Does that mean America is currently under the influence of a Puritan system? Not really. A post-industrialist one? Sure. A capitalist one? Undoubtedly. But a Puritan system? That’s an unjustifiable conclusion.

Much like “The Patriarchy causes oppressive gender roles.”

III. Closing

Some people will read this and think that I am attempting to dismantle feminism entirely, or say that male-dominated societies don’t exist, or that gender bias doesn’t exist. None of these things are true. You can agree entirely with all of what I wrote above and still be a feminist; I’ve talked with analytic feminists who would suggest as much.

It remains true, though, that a lot of people who call themselves feminists treat The Patriarchy as a causal force, as evident by phrasing like “x is the result of the patriarchy” or “the patriarchy causes x.” If you talk about “standards of attractiveness created by the patriarchy,” you are doing this, and there are numerous such examples. So whether or not you think that feminist theory as interpreted by a particular academic aligns with patriarchy as characterized above, there are still enough people treating patriarchy as described above to make it worthy of refutation in its own right.

This is because there are a number of claims you can make about society: that gender roles influence behavior, that certain things can be called “patriarchal,” that bias against women exists, and even that a society is “a patriarchy” depending on how you define “patriarchy.” But The Patriarchy, as in “x happens because of The Patriarchy”-style Patriarchy, has demonstrability issues. To demonstrate it, you’d need to make a number of causal leaps which are either not possible or made without adequate evidence. This theory is passionately advocated on the internet considerably, and especially on tumblr, but it does not warrant its popularity. Compared to other explanations for the phenomena it tries to explain, it fails. And compared to theories of a similar scale, patriarchy theory does not have even close to the same weight of evidence. As a theory, it is untenable.

In the event that you have not paid attention to the meta-Reddit, there are counter cultures intentionally created to manipulate the rest of Reddit (or as they call it, the Hivemind - due to stereotype expectation, this creates defeatism in the subconcious defense as everyone follows everyone else). Precautionary note: As I've called out multiple meta subreddits, I expect this post to be brigaded. Expect derailing comments. The first of these groups is the circlejerk empire, created using /r/circlejerk[1] and any subreddit with circle or jerk in the title as recruitment centers for meta command and control like /r/circlebroke[2] , /r/openbroke[3] and /r/CircleBS[4] . The focus uses irony as a thought termination cliche. By boxing dissent as "counter-counter-jerking" like in the bottom comment, they prevent legitimate counter discussion. We even see this in /r/braveryjerk[5] , which uses irony as it's main organ of operation. Opposing arguments are ignored and derailed with aggression and wall of text copypasta (a de facto brigade). /r/circlebroke[6] meanwhile openly supports corporations like Electronic Arts and brigades any complaints about corporations as "Redditry" Then we have /r/ShitRedditSays[7] . Go there. It's a censorship politically correct brigade. They also doxx people and get away with it. In their discussion subreddit, they talk about destroying Reddit (BRD = Bring Reddit Down) and whine about libertarians and how they are more successful than they are. There is /r/MyLittlePony[8] . At first you must say, show for little girls? But the users are the worst and even call in other sites like YouTube to ddownvote comments they do not like. Some of the largest SJW raiders have "incidentally" been bronies. Finally, we have /r/SubredditDrama[9] , /r/cringe[10] and /r/TumblrInAction[11] the tool of these three huge brigades. While the users are not in on it, the moderators use these subredddit as controlled false flag, knowing that sunlight is the best disinfection. They ban legitimate users for not agreeing with ideology that most of the subreddit is fine with, such as when I was banned from all three for calling out bronyism.

There should be separation of church and reddit just like separation of church and state. If somebody would of said, praise Allah for this is how Islam works regarding this thread, would you okay it? I find it offense that any part of religion should try to sneak in while human emotions and sufferings are being shared. Keep those religious worms to your self and let's open up the can of human spirit dialogue.

uhm, who gives a shit about how many kills you have or what type of training you have? i'm pretty sure chris kylde was the best sniper in the navy seals (with not even 300, no seal has 300 btw). fyi it isn't fucking spelled gorilla warfare you stupid piece of shit. anyways let's get on to the next point, you have a secret network of spies? yeah congrats, but i'm using a vpn right now so your entire network is fucking useless. you can't even ddos me, let alone "wipe me off the face of this earth." btw name those 700 ways you can kill me with your bare hands so i can report it to the fucking fbi and get your ass dishonorably discharged. and no, you dont have access to the entire arsenal of the usmc. those weapons are only used for combat as well as the vehicles etc etc. i never made a "clever" comment in order to invoke this type of fucking response. are you being serious right now? i'm really not afraid of you and honestly if you were serious i would fight you (knowing that you wouldn't bring a gun o something). all in all, go fuck yourself. you are a lying sack of shit and if you are in the navy seals. you are a disgrace because there is a reason they call seals "silent assassins."

people always say "oh, but you're so smart, your kids would be brilliant!" i hate that. i'm being altruistic by keeping these potential genius alcoholic super-villains at bay. i can't remember who prepared the sentence this way, but the quote "my balls are filled with poison" has always stuck with me.

Growing up, my childhood was different from a lot of other kids. Before I could even read, my parents read me the Bible on a daily basis. When I was 5 years old and was about to enter kindergarten, I likely knew more about the Bible than any of my other classmates. The indoctrination continued throughout my childhood, into my teen years. I was allowed to watch only one hour of television per week, couldn't listen to music or watch movies that were profane or challenged my parents Christian beliefs, and if I took the Lord's name in vain or didn't want to attend church, I was punished by being locked in a dark, empty closet for several hours. I was taught to reject science, and in my 7th grade biology class, my parents pulled me out of the class during our unit on human evolution. They said that my teacher was trying to teach me to question what I already knew, and that it was foolish. My father said that God would banish me to hell if I participated in this subject, which I did not. When I was 15 I started to break away from my parents beliefs. It all started when I was in the school library with my friend. He pointed out a book to me and said that I should read it. The book was called "The God Delusion", by Richard Dawkins. Knowing all too well that my parents would be outraged if they saw this book in our house, I buried it in the backyard. I would wake up at the crack of dawn every morning and read it until my parents woke up. I did this for weeks with several other books, including "God Is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens, "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins, and "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris. The ideas of these magnificent authors resonated strongly with me. I began to regard the Bible as a work of fiction rather than the word of God. Of course, I never shared these ideas with my parents. I feared what would become of me if they discovered that I was on the path to becoming an atheist behind their backs. One day, my fears came true. I had been late for school that morning and had left my copy of "The End of Faith" in my desk drawer. When I came home that afternoon, all of my possessions were sitting out on the curb. Distraught, I wandered into my house where my mother and father sat at the kitchen table. Our conversation was brief. My mother said that she couldn't believe her own son would stab his parents in the back like I had done. My father was visibly shaking with rage and eventually exploded in anger. He yelled "Get out!" so loud that the windows of my house shook. Tears streaming down my face, I walked out the front door of that wretched household. That was the last time I'd ever seen my parents. I found a place to live with a friend of mine. His parents could not comprehend the intolerance towards others beliefs that my parents held. I graduated high school one year later, and due to my circumstances, was able to get a great amount of financial aid to attend the University of Texas in Austin, TX. I just wanted to tell r/atheism how great their community is. In a very religious state, I sometimes feel outnumbered and it can be overwhelming. However, I don't feel quite so alone on here, and that's pretty beautiful. Thanks for your support, guys.

Toking and coding is a fine balance. I attribute pot to one of the sole reasons I was able to wrap my mind around coding while going to college. Early in my freshman year, I was having a tough time getting over some simple, fundamental looping constructs and dot-notation for objects (yeah, they started us off in Java -- yuck -- I think as some kind of torture). A half-bowl later, I was a master. It apparently relaxed my mind, made me a bit more creative, and also gave me the gumption and balls to just say, "fuck it, what if I do this?" instead of stressing about the "correct" way to do something before writing a line, and, like magic, it worked. Ever get "in the zone" in a video game where suddenly it's like you're that much better at the game? Your hands just seem to know which buttons to press at just the right time without your brain interfering and saying, "Wait, are you sure that's right?" It's like abandoning your fight-or-flight mechanism, relaxing the tension, and suddenly, you're just playing the game -- instead of jumping out of your seat nervously every time a grenade lands near you. You just react, you don't overreact anymore. Yeah, it's like that. Now, of course, 6 bowls deep on some kind bud, yeah -- every coder has their limit. A bowl or five hits or so can put me into super-programmer trance, where every function I've written is planted firmly in the frontal lobes of my brain, organized and ready for insta-retrieval, and the layout of all my code is clear as day in my mind, and it's just a matter of how fast my fingers can put it onto the screen. 6 bowls deep, though? I can hardly watch TV without floating off the couch and into the ceiling and bumping my head, or having to rewind because my mind wandered off momentarily and I missed 3.5 minutes of crucial dialog. Next time you wanna smoke and code, try this: take one or two hits and put the shit away. Just get enough for some slight tickle-fuzz to be going on, and then code. See if that helps. Find the level of highness where your attention span is heightened, not obliterated, and your mind is still sharp. The key is not overdoing it -- don't smoke like it's Friday night and your supply is unlimited, smoke like you just want a little tickle-fuzz, and let your brain take it from there. Find your equilibrium. Doesn't work for everyone, but for those that it does work for, it's like super-brain-pills.

This is actually an exchange, but this guy's two posts combined are delightful and possibly exploitable: 'Forget him. I doxxed him. I'm going to ignore him until he offends me when I'm not already pissed off - so I know I'm in a clear head - and if that time comes I'll fuck him over. Let him think he can be an anonymous shithead online because he's too much of a pussy to do it in person. He'll just learn the hard way, and long overdue." 'Good to see you're so starved for attention from your 'wife' and 'kid' that you'll even troll others' comments to get my goat. Good luck with that. No, I won't be satisfying you that easily. You just keep being you. And don't worry, I won't come looking for you. I'll just send your contact information, photo and IP addresses to the next person I feel deserves it. I will say this, though: I was very surprised to find out I've already met you. Not surprised what a different person you are in person from online."

Okay here's the deal okay dude. Everyone on Reddit likes you because you're a FUN novelty that creates FUN images that people ENJOY. Everyone was behind you when all that AMA drama unfolded, the first time. I mean, not EVERYONE obviously, but you definitely had the people's hearts and minds. But then you were sort of petulant about the whole thing afterwards. Instead of just letting it be in the past, you kept dropping comments like "oh jeez I hope karmanaut doesn't ban me for this," or something along those lines. It wasn't the most noble way to handle things. It was like you wanted people to feel sorry for you, even though you won. Nobody likes a sore loser and you didn't even lose. Then when you tried to do a second AMA, I think a lot of people were like "wait, he JUST did one! I mean, how much more is there to ask him?" It was also pointed out that there are other places where you could have an AMA every day if you wanted, like casual AMA or your own subreddit. But it seemed like you wanted to have a whole new fight all over again. THAT'S when you started getting a little long in the tooth for people. You've seen how quickly people can turn on Reddit. It's really, really difficult for ANYONE to keep producing enough compelling content to stay relevant. That's why it's good to lay low. Hear much about Lady GaGa lately? When she was big she was absolutely everywhere, and now everyone's sick of her. I know you're upset over what happened recently, and that it probably makes you feel better to post what you posted, and have a bunch of people tell you to not let the bastards get you down. But at the same time, you're just making people feel sorry for you again, man. You're doing the "okay, I WON'T make any comments anymore. how do you feel about it NOW," and then waiting for everyone to get on their knees and beg you to reconsider. That might work with your big fans, or when you are having an argument with a friend or someone you are in a relationship with. But it doesn't really work with a big crowd like Reddit, where a lot of people are going to see this and equate you to the upset kid on the playground who takes his ball and goes home. Dude, nobody is telling you to stop making comments, or to just paint. It's reddit. You can do whatever you want. Just for your own sake, try to take it less seriously. You'll be better off for it. Everybody fell in love with shitty watercolor because the novelty account was FUN. You gotta make things FUN again, not for anyone else dude, for yourself. And buddy this is certainly not fun. No hard feelings or disrespect intended, man, I love your work. You remind me of this guy Quentin Blake - ever heard of him?

I'm sorry, make believe isn't real. Claiming it is, is in fact delusional. I do not care what you think of me or this subreddit. If I wanted the opinion of a moron, I would have Pmed you, alas I did not. Please get fucked. Have a nice day!

America is pretty much a 3rd world country. Like 90% of you guys are fat fucks who are too lazy to do anything worthwhile. And you're all retarded god-worshipping, war-mongering people. When was the last time USA wasn't at war with someone? Right, you can't, because you fat fucks are always looking to bully the rest of the world with your nukes, which by the way, only america has launched a nuclear weapon at another country. TWO to be exact. Your economy is so far down the drain, it's seeing crocs in the sewer. 15 trillion in debt, really? And you're still spending unnessecary money each day to support your pathetic lifestyles. Americans make me sick and I hope each and every one of you dies a miserable death.

For those who don't speak broccoli, I believe the proper translation is "Herp derp. I know word 'cunt'. You are cunt." You seemed so invested in your job transition from server-to-"blowing powerful people" story that I thought you might bring a little game. Sadly, I've overestimated you by assuming that you were a mouth-breathing fuck-tard of epic proportions. Does mommy still hold it for you when you pee?

Please explain like I am five.

Because either this went right over my head or it makes no sense.

Just watch them brigade this thread. It is all self evident.


If you guys think of Reddit as home then why do you talk about how awful it is and actively seeking to shut it down?


The people in the -jerk subs, especially /r/braveryjerk[1] I legitimately consider my friends.

This. Seriously. The -Jerkosphere is the best online community I have ever been a part of and I have made many really good friends throughout its related subs.



I only know about that site (and the group, actually) because of the YoGPoD. They joke about Tina Barrett a lot.

I completely agree with you. I mean, look at all the random people in this thread. Why would anyone want to complain about reddit on reddit?

Highly ironic.



Even gOD etc etc etc

I love my anonymous IRC channels.

I hate those prisons. I truly hate them. I'm really sorry you had to go through what I went... I guess I'll share my story, and hopefuly I'll make some people realize that these camps are... more than evil. As a kid I really denied any form of authority. I often harrased teachers, and the idea of a great man in the sky ruling over me was not only ridicoulous to me, but also hazardous... I came out to my (extremist) parents at the age of 14. They cried, threatened me, did everything they could to turn me back into a robot... About 1 month after I came out, 3 men came into my house at night, and told me to stay quiet and walk with them. I tought it was a kidnapping, as most people who experience this... I walked into the van, and they explained themselelves. I was shocked and filled with hate, but I knew I shouldn't do anything, the van was small and I couldn't defend myself. My first day at that prison was horrible... everything I did was supervised, and also controlled. The only time I got some "privacy" was at night, 10 o'clock. After 1 week I just couldn't take the authority, and I was put in isolation. Two months. Two. ****ing. Months. After the first month I began hearing voices in my head, and after another week, the voices formed into a big, strong voice... I only had one conversation with it.

Voice : "Escape." Me : "How?" Voice : "Strong. Then Kill."

After the last sentence I never heard it again. But it was enough. I knew my goal. At the time I had about 100 lbs... I was skinny, I didn't have force... I was helpless. Every time I got out of isolation, I said "**** God.". All I did in isolation was exercise. I was so full of hate I didn't care about time... In there there was no natural light, just a little crack... I had no clock, so I would just look at the crack while exercising.. Everytime light started to get through the crack, meaning it was day, it was a great achievment. I felt.. great. Small things where all I had, so it was incredible... I exercised in there for 8 months... breaks of 20 minutes, exercises for 1 and a half. And repeat. Repeat. Repeat... After 8 months, I finnaly got out... everyone was so surprised I didn't shout "**** God.". For about 4 days I was heavily looked at by all the guards... that was the day I began the brainwashing. They thought the isolation broke me down. It only made me stronger. Everytime I entered the brainwashing room I would see a broken window. The room was on the first floor, so I could get out without too much damage. But I was... nowhere. Nowhere meaning a forest. I could run, of course, but how long would the forest last? I didn't know. Forest was freedom. Freedom is good. So I got to get in the forest. One day, instead of the 5 athletic guys that went with me to the room, there were only 2 janitors. I was so surprised... yet calm. I knew that was my day. As I was approaching the window, I felt some adrenaline going up my spine... I quickly headlocked one guy while kicking the other with one foot, and managed to pull a neck break on the headlocked guy.. I got ready, then jumped off the window. I fell, rolled, and managed to don't get hurt bad... I was running, running, running... I could hear some sounds, but I was so thrilled I didn't pay attention.. after about 4km running I finnaly stopped. I could feel freedom. It was... beautiful. I heard a "*! Watch how you're driving, man!". My instinct moved me, and I approaced a yellow car... "Please.. just.. let me come." The guy looked at me surprised, then told me to get in. After about half an hour, when I recovered, he asked me my story, but I was still afraid. What if he would get me to the cops? What if he was one of them? I didn't know. I just said "No time to explain. Where are you going?". He said Florida. I arrived in Florida at the age of 15. I'm 19 now, and I never spoke with my parents again, and will never do it. I truly hate them. But the experience made me realize how important free will is. .. aaaaand I grew *ing awesome muscles. Thanks for reading so far ! I means a lot to me that I can share my story... it hurts even now, after 4 years.

TL;DR : It took me 1 year to escape but, it takes you only 5 minutes to read.

EDIT : Thanks for all your support guys! It's been 4 years since I escaped, so I had plenty of time to rebuild my life, and to find a job. I work right now as a Pentester, Programmer and a skater, which is more than I could have achieved while I was with my parents Anyone here gonna share his story? I figured out we could make a little book out of them, and if we would really sue those prisons, every story counts!

I'm not seeing it. Could you explain further?


I can vouch for this.


How did all of you show up at same time?

We have invite only IRC's where we brigade stuff we don't like with "k"







Okay, I get it



lel so meta


jajaja mucho metà


that shit k


<3 ur flair doe


Have an upboat! xD


>mfw k

> mfw gravemind sed k

>yfw I say k twice




Does anybody else around here,

Think SRS should be shut down?


>mfw SRS is still running

I Believed in you. You were the chosen one

No way, anyone who thinks they're joking is seriously delusional. Their main sub may look like a circlejerk because regardless of the poster's actual opinions, it is one. Any opposing opinions, logic, or even questioning of a post is deleted and the poster banned. The difference is, compared to subs like [1] /r/circlejerk or [2] /r/MURICA, you can clearly see that SRS isn't self-parody, 90% of the users actually believe every word they post. They have a massive network of public and private subreddits, such as [3] /r/SRSFunny, [4] /r/SRSFeminism, and [5] /r/SRSGaming because they find the default ones too offensive to their sensitivities. They have IRCs and private websites. I guess you could say it's a circlejerk in the same manner that [6] /r/politics or [7] /r/athiesm are, downvoting any opposing opinion and using childish memes and jokes instead of logic, but it's certainly not a self-parodying circlejerk. It's their own private echo chamber where they can spew off bullshit without redditors using logic against them.

Did they mass downvote you or something?

and yeah, they brigade all the time. I don't give a fuck, but it prevents opposing viewpoints from being heard.

Full disclosure: I have never posted to /r/conspiracy, nor ever visited /r/conspiracy, nor do I really know what it's all about.

However, looking at this thread (which apparently is NOT fake after all), I realize that if you could get all the SRS mods in one place and take a picture, it would very likely look just like this.

And for the first time I ask myself why am I even wasting time on this shit? SRS mods are bound to be exactly like mod team: waify nerds and spergy social outcasts with bad haircuts and bad hygiene. They act like totalitarians online because they don't have any power in real life. I don't mean they have no power like they're not investment bankers or the primary breadwinner in their family. I mean that they're socially retarded. They have no self-esteem and can't deal with real world scenarios. That's why all this online social justice shit is so important to them. The internet is a place where they can't be judged for their obvious physical and social failings. They can hide behind a moniker and be just as assertive and self-confident in expressing themselves as they wish they could be in real life.

You know the type. They say awkward things at the wrong time, carry themselves without the least confidence, make weird fashion statements like having neon hair or unusual piercings (to make themselves stand out I guess, but they already stand out simply by making everyone around them uncomfortable).

SRS aren't like Hitler.

Hitler had charisma.

Look at that modlist again. Yes, it's /r/conspiracy, but I will never believe that SRS is that far away. Why are any of us wasting time on this crap? They're nerdy kids with no experience of the world, blaming everything on men while living their middle class lives and going to college on daddy's dime. And they're mostly male anyway, just like in the picture. They have no experience of women yet. That's why they think that appearing to be sensitive and pro-feminist NiceGuys might work for them in getting female interest. We know they're wrong, but that's something they will have to learn for themselves.

What I'm saying is, I'm done wasting time with this. Since viewing this subreddit. I have seen my enemy, and he is not worth the fight. He is too far beneath me. Like one of those little yappy dogs that goes nuts when a big dog walks past. SRSSucks is like playing football with your 5 year old nephew and getting really worked up over your need to win. It actually makes you look bad because your opponent is so far beneath you that it's unsportsmanlike of you to even take them on. That's what I get from this image.

Uh, no offense to the mods of /r/conspiracy.




We can be anywhere, anytime in over 700 ways. And that's only using our 10% brigading power.

If you want more information, check out /r/BridgeEngineers

Le bridgiest

TIL i'm mod there xD

I hate those prisons. I truly hate them. I'm really sorry you had to go through what I went... I guess I'll share my story, and hopefuly I'll make some people realize that these camps are... more than evil. As a kid I really denied any form of authority. I often harrased teachers, and the idea of a great man in the sky ruling over me was not only ridicoulous to me, but also hazardous... I came out to my (extremist) parents at the age of 14. They cried, threatened me, did everything they could to turn me back into a robot... About 1 month after I came out, 3 men came into my house at night, and told me to stay quiet and walk with them. I tought it was a kidnapping, as most people who experience this... I walked into the van, and they explained themselelves. I was shocked and filled with hate, but I knew I shouldn't do anything, the van was small and I couldn't defend myself. My first day at that prison was horrible... everything I did was supervised, and also controlled. The only time I got some "privacy" was at night, 10 o'clock. After 1 week I just couldn't take the authority, and I was put in isolation. Two months. Two. ****ing. Months. After the first month I began hearing voices in my head, and after another week, the voices formed into a big, strong voice... I only had one conversation with it.

Voice : "Escape." Me : "How?" Voice : "Strong. Then Kill."

After the last sentence I never heard it again. But it was enough. I knew my goal. At the time I had about 100 lbs... I was skinny, I didn't have force... I was helpless. Every time I got out of isolation, I said "**** God.". All I did in isolation was exercise. I was so full of hate I didn't care about time... In there there was no natural light, just a little crack... I had no clock, so I would just look at the crack while exercising.. Everytime light started to get through the crack, meaning it was day, it was a great achievment. I felt.. great. Small things where all I had, so it was incredible... I exercised in there for 8 months... breaks of 20 minutes, exercises for 1 and a half. And repeat. Repeat. Repeat... After 8 months, I finnaly got out... everyone was so surprised I didn't shout "**** God.". For about 4 days I was heavily looked at by all the guards... that was the day I began the brainwashing. They thought the isolation broke me down. It only made me stronger. Everytime I entered the brainwashing room I would see a broken window. The room was on the first floor, so I could get out without too much damage. But I was... nowhere. Nowhere meaning a forest. I could run, of course, but how long would the forest last? I didn't know. Forest was freedom. Freedom is good. So I got to get in the forest. One day, instead of the 5 athletic guys that went with me to the room, there were only 2 janitors. I was so surprised... yet calm. I knew that was my day. As I was approaching the window, I felt some adrenaline going up my spine... I quickly headlocked one guy while kicking the other with one foot, and managed to pull a neck break on the headlocked guy.. I got ready, then jumped off the window. I fell, rolled, and managed to don't get hurt bad... I was running, running, running... I could hear some sounds, but I was so thrilled I didn't pay attention.. after about 4km running I finnaly stopped. I could feel freedom. It was... beautiful. I heard a "*! Watch how you're driving, man!". My instinct moved me, and I approaced a yellow car... "Please.. just.. let me come." The guy looked at me surprised, then told me to get in. After about half an hour, when I recovered, he asked me my story, but I was still afraid. What if he would get me to the cops? What if he was one of them? I didn't know. I just said "No time to explain. Where are you going?". He said Florida. I arrived in Florida at the age of 15. I'm 19 now, and I never spoke with my parents again, and will never do it. I truly hate them. But the experience made me realize how important free will is. .. aaaaand I grew *ing awesome muscles. Thanks for reading so far ! I means a lot to me that I can share my story... it hurts even now, after 4 years.

TL;DR : It took me 1 year to escape but, it takes you only 5 minutes to read.

EDIT : Thanks for all your support guys! It's been 4 years since I escaped, so I had plenty of time to rebuild my life, and to find a job. I work right now as a Pentester, Programmer and a skater, which is more than I could have achieved while I was with my parents Anyone here gonna share his story? I figured out we could make a little book out of them, and if we would really sue those prisons, every story counts!

BRD = Bring Reddit Down

lol people really think this is real? there's no nead for brd to be "bring reddit down" because SRS already uses "reddit delenda est" for that

RDE stands for "rumors don't exist"

...but that's just hearsay.

What does BRD mean then? This post was the first time I had ever heard someone say what it is - though I don't get too deep into the metasubreddits. Seeing as the rest of his post was deliciously absurd, I had a hard time believing BRD was what he said it was.

It means "Bird" but SRS is weird so they remove the 'i' because they use a lot of shorthand style writing which was common in the Something Awful subforum called BYOB

I have seen it used to mean "bird", as in "BRD is the word", and the image used as a kind of logo. However, I assumed that it being used as "bird" was a secondary meaning that entered the SR S language over time, but originally started as an acronym for something else. Why would it always be capitalized if it just stood for "bird"?

If that is the origin/meaning, what does "bird" mean to the group? How are they using the word "bird" and in what context? Obviously there are not a lot of reasons to use "bird" in a sentence when related to the social justice arguments. (Unless one uses it as the older slang term for women/womyn/ladies/females/chicks/girls.) Though admittedly, I do not see it used very often in serious discussions, or even outside of the jerks going on in Prime.

I'm not disagreeing with you, just looking for more clarification, if you or anyone else knows.

there isn't anything more to it. they just like the cute clipart looking bird. just like they liked tia & tamara and lady gaga.

it's just a silly thing that they do

Fair enough. Perhaps I just wanted it to be more than it really is, as I like language evolution and language evolution specific to group identity. It's usually pretty interesting, but I guess not always! Thanks for the info.

Dammit, foiled again! I'm sick and tired of being exposed as a pawn of the NWO. Can't you give an oppressor some peace? I mean, come on!

Religious tolerance is not a good thing. Agreeing to let people believe these bronze-age fables about our supposed creation is detrimental to our world society in the short and long term. They are denying reality. They are tossing aside science and truth, and they are teaching their children these fabrications. These people are lost.

I don't talk out of my ass, and when I do, I say it clearly. I genuinely have a broad range of skills ranging from piano, survival, to programming, circuitry and believe it or not, customer service. It's funny, I'll start a new job like this, and since I have a "gift" with technology, (everything I decide to work at really) I quickly understand many things better than people who've been there for over 5 years. So, I'll tell you what my work is. I am a District Technician for an equipment company. We provide service to Theaters across the nation to stay up, working, compliant to industry standards. I fix $60,000+ projectors, $10-80K servers. Here's an example. DLPs. Digital Light Processors. They work by taking the light of a lamp, focusing it, splitting into the primary colors through a prism. Those three colored beams are then directed onto DLP chips. DLP chips consist of many many tiny spinning mirrors that individually act as pixels, turning on or off to let the colored light for that pixel through. The colored light is bounced off the DLP chips, combined through another prism and projected through a lens onto the screen. I learned this within 2 days of starting. Imagine how I feel when I'm a YEAR in and a customer asks about the technology and NO ONE, NOT ONE of my coworkers at this install site know answer. Just imagine. a circle of 6 30-40 year old guys, and none of them know the answer, act confused, and like boss, I (22) explain it clearly, simply. The guy lights up with understanding and thanks me. Imagine how it must feel for coworkers to see me raise up like that and out do them. (Sure, this ego stroking feels good, but I have a point) I go out of my way, sometimes suffering myself to prevent making coworkers look bad. Imagine how I feel, when people act like they know more than I, simply because they've been there longer. I know a lot because I take the time to learn, I try and I push myself. I read constantly and I work. Sometimes I come home and just play games, but for example, I've sworn off console gaming at this point. I don't play them anymore because I want to spend my time reading, arguing with people like you to force myself to learn things and confront ideas. That's another reason I sound rude here. I release my inhibitions here. I use you as punching bags and back boards to bounce ideas off of. I test waters, I practice my swings and I take what I learn and apply it to my life and it works wonders for me. In fact it's the reason I have my job. I looked for examples of people here that I wanted to learn traits from. I asked for advice, I've messaged people asking for how they make something out of their lives. Motivation, education, discipline. Lol, yes, when I detect squandering from a psychologist I'm out the door. I prefer for them to give me the facts, be honest and let me fucking work with the raw pieces. I detect any manipulation? I'm gone, and I will hurt their business for having tried to screw me over. I will take customers from them. I genuinely have power. I have knowledge to act on, and often enough I don't act because my failing parents never took the time to teach me. Yes, I'm angry, we covered that. Long story short. I hear people around me complain about things, but whenever I pick things up after them, When I approach the same situations or math or programming problems. When I approach that broken projector sitting in the shop that no one else has been able to fix. I walk up, pick up what I see, and I make it work. So I feel like everyone around me is just incredibly lazy, doesn't give a shit, doesn't amount for ANYTHING. What's more? I'm not even really applying myself. So yes, I've learned very very thoroughly to not take most people seriously. I feel like most 50 year olds are children, but society expects me to treat them respectfully because what? They're old? So? I'll be old one day. I'll know my shit and be something.

I'm a Leopard Nationalist, I Seek to destroy ALL Arabs Hear me out, Arabs are disgusting creatures. They don't deserve to live. I am a Persian Leopard. I can devour camels with my teeth, in a single lapse of eternity, I can make this world Arab-less. Do you support me, Reddit? I currently live in Iran (Land of Aryans) which is overcome by camel religion, but we still kept our leopard identity. Camels have guns, but they're too stupid to use them. If you want to see Persian Leopards prospers, don't do nothing, just HATE ARABS. That's all I ask of you. Don't befriend with Arabs. Don't sympathize with Arabs. "I'm an Arab atheist/I'm an Arab moderate Muslim and I don't associate with terrorist" is a TRAP! If you live in the US, nuke Dearborn, MI. If you live in France, you're already part-Arab but whatever, stay out of their way.

I'm a culturalist. I self-identify as one, and admit it. I believe certain cultures are objectively superior to others. I'm not sure if that belief is a good or bad thing, regardless of accuracy. I don't believe I'm racist, because I don't discriminate between race when evaluating culture. Any culture that demonizes education, critical thinking, or intelligence in general while lionizing ignorance, violence, gangs, or magical thinking (in which I include southern bible-belt values as well), is socially corrosive and intrinsically divisive to what we're trying to accomplish. Which, I believe, is a smooth takeoff into the Singularly (read up on Kurzweil), getting off this rock, and taking our place among the galactic civilization (or establishing the universe's first, if no one's out there). Thug / gangsta / urban culture seems to be intrinsically divisive and even conflicting with this. I stress culture because obviously Neil Tyson is on board. He's just one example. It isn't a race issue. I mentioned "lionizing ignorance, violence, gangs, or magical thinking" because I meant to include both (as examples) urban gangsta culture (in which white kids participate in with increasing numbers) as well as bible thumpers -- grown men who have imaginary friends that live in the sky and grant wishes -- whom also have instructions from their shaman to vote for politicians that promise to support Israel's illegal occupation of sovereign land because the creator of the universe -- in his role as spiritual real estate agent -- promised this land to a specific bloodline. Cultures are the operating system that ideas run on. And some are literally terrible.

So I accepted a random moderator invite from a seemingly inconspicuous subreddit entitled "/r/SweedenHomeBrewing." Now I thought, okay, this is interesting and I wondering why I was invited to moderate such a place. I made a horrible mistake and accepted the mod invite. I left as a moderator and have still been getting spammed with nonstop private messages 24/7 and it is frustrating me since I use my PM box and also moderate some large sugbreddits (William Shatner was right about this problem with reddit inbox spam in his /r/ideasfortheadmins post a while back if you can remember it. This was a while back so I'm not sure everyone saw it). I'm not saying that I'm as famous as William Shatner or anything, but come on folks. I probably am getting more orangereds than that guy gets in a week at the moment. Anyways, I just wanted to tell you all that every single one of the moderators that moderate this subreddit are participating in this inbox spam and thought you all needed to know. The admins have been alerted of what is going on and I forgot to mention that I spoke to one lawyer and two law enforcement officers as well. ;) Anyways, after browsing your subreddit for a little while. I'm starting to wonder if guys are just as bad as them? You really accept a fucking quote of the day being gaben saying "420 flame the bundle?" What is that shit anyways? Is that his face on top of the "10 guy" meme? Also, what the hell is that random red motherfucker that looks like a reptile doing in the sidebar too. Btw, I've browsed some of these threads and your memes are pretty shitty and you have no idea how to use them correctly at all. Maybe you should do some research on what a meme actually is before misusing the hell out of them, what do you think? Maybe try browsing /r/AdviceAnimals (or for you Dolan freaks, there is always /r/Dolan) to brush up on how these are supposed to be used. None of you, and I will say it again none of you, know how to correctly use a goddamn meme and it is funny watching the cancer of reddit struggle so hard to do so. Anyways, I'm done here in this filthy place and I just wanted to say one last thing. Why the fuck is the upvote button Ron Paul? Ron Paul was a pretty shitty politician who I can only agree with in terms of his libertarian stances, but he's a religious nut that denies that evolution exists. Why do you people obsess over him anyways? Obama won, get the fuck over it you children. I really want to end this but I just keep typing because these motherfuckers have gotten me so angry (I literally woke up to 50 orangereds if you can believe that shit). Right now I'm getting like 10 a minute and the admins aren't doing a damn thing to stop it. Your. Memes. Suck. Your. Subreddit. Sucks. Your. Mods. Suck. Fuck, this is the cancer part of reddit. EDIT: Wow, I just went to the sidebar to see "Today's News" to see how fucking stupid it would be and it links to goddamn /r/BlackKnightNews. You and your mods are pathetic racists as well? Great information to know, I'll be forwarding that to the admins as well. Say goodbye to your little subreddit you fucks. EDIT 2: Sorry I just had to ask this fucking question. Why is this subreddit's reddit search button a Bing search or whatever? You do realize that Google's search functionality is far superior to Bing's, right? You and your mods need to shut this place down, nothing good has come, or ever will come from it. You hear me?

In the event that you have not paid attention to the meta-Reddit, there are counter cultures intentionally created to manipulate the rest of Reddit (or as they call it, the Hivemind - due to stereotype expectation, this creates defeatism in the subconcious defense as everyone follows everyone else). Precautionary note: As I've called out multiple meta subreddits, I expect this post to be brigaded. Expect derailing comments. The first of these groups is the circlejerk empire, created using /r/circlejerk[1] and any subreddit with circle or jerk in the title as recruitment centers for meta command and control like /r/circlebroke[2] , /r/openbroke[3] and /r/CircleBS[4] . The focus uses irony as a thought termination cliche. By boxing dissent as "counter-counter-jerking" like in the bottom comment, they prevent legitimate counter discussion. We even see this in /r/braveryjerk[5] , which uses irony as it's main organ of operation. Opposing arguments are ignored and derailed with aggression and wall of text copypasta (a de facto brigade). /r/circlebroke[6] meanwhile openly supports corporations like Electronic Arts and brigades any complaints about corporations as "Redditry" Then we have /r/ShitRedditSays[7] . Go there. It's a censorship politically correct brigade. They also doxx people and get away with it. In their discussion subreddit, they talk about destroying Reddit (BRD = Bring Reddit Down) and whine about libertarians and how they are more successful than they are. There is /r/MyLittlePony[8] . At first you must say, show for little girls? But the users are the worst and even call in other sites like YouTube to ddownvote comments they do not like. Some of the largest SJW raiders have "incidentally" been bronies. Finally, we have /r/SubredditDrama[9] , /r/cringe[10] and /r/TumblrInAction[11] the tool of these three huge brigades. While the users are not in on it, the moderators use these subredddit as controlled false flag, knowing that sunlight is the best disinfection. They ban legitimate users for not agreeing with ideology that most of the subreddit is fine with, such as when I was banned from all three for calling out bronyism.

I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Am I infantile? No, I'm extremely mature, rational, and have quite a few skills. Do I have autism? No. Am I a "man-child"? No. Am I unintelligent? Heck no, I'm an engineering student and know more about math and physics than the average person. Do I let My Little Pony rule my life? Far from it (hell, the only My Little Pony merchandise I own was given to me for free as gifts from other people. And I don't even display it anywhere). Do I constantly watch My Little Pony porn? Heck no, in fact I'm just as horrified by it as you are. Do I support Tulpas? No, I view it as psychologically damaging. Personally, I don't like the bronies who act like 'man children' either. But what you guys don't realize is that those people are the minority--most people on the big Pony subs don't like them either. Plus even though I don't like them, I don't spout out hate speech against them, like saying they deserve to be treated like animals, rounded up, and killed. Your sub's constant use of hate speech and prejudiced generalizations is what makes people compare you to a hate group. Don't like being called a hate group? Don't say crap like "I will buy a machete, find them, and strangle them with their intestines." and don't let your members say that either.

Hello neighbor, From the content of your previous note to me it is obvious you are a Christian. It is your right to have your beliefs but I do not appreciate the fact that I live in a neighborhood with a delusional lunatic, who communicates telepathically daily to an invisible wizard in the sky. We are supposed to live in a safe neighborhood, and we don't need some bible thumper living here who believes in following the words of a genocidal deity who has ordered his followers to kill their neighbors many times in the past. So i ask you to get rid of your religion and remove your bible, seek professional counseling and whatever medication is required for the sake of my children and everyone else's children and turn to reality. Thank you, your neighbor, who in no way wanted to be an ass till your ignorant self piped up.

Congrats to the pathetic person who came in and dowvnoted everyone. Standard religious policy? Turn up, ignore everyone speaking logically and then leave without presenting any point.

I'm on my phone so I'm not going to format copy and pasting. What you're failing to understand is how scary a miscarriage can be. Most women internalize it, look at themselves to see what THEY did, how THEY could have done something different. Most women feel like it's their fault and unfortunately that feeling is compounded by others who give advice under the guise of it being good for the mother, but really it's just the other person yet again telling the mother she is doing something wrong. By saying OP shouldn't be trusting herself right now and giving her body what she needs, which is marijuana, YOU are assuming to know this girl and what her body needs. Thus, victim blaming. Marijuana is no worse than a majority of the pain medications out there that would be given to a woman who has just miscarried. Yes, they are given pain medication which could include things that are highly addictive and even worse for the mother. You have no idea how OP has handled mj in the past, you have no idea how her body is handling it now. You have no right to say that she should or shouldn't be smoking it now that she's not pregnant just as you have no right to tell her not to have a glass of wine if she was. Again, give her the support she's asking for, not the advice you're assuming she needs.

This is the culture in the United States, we tell our children to be honest, hard working, and stand up and do what is right even when it is the harder less popular decision. And seemingly everyone in a position of authority in society from school administrators, to local police, all the way on up to Washington politicians, are corrupt lying soulless creatures doing everything in their power to protect themselves and their vile ilk from the authority of the people who pay them. Maybe the principal would have done something, maybe he wouldn't have, but the important thing here, is that he did not want this young lady to have any power over him or that teacher, first and foremost, she needed to delete that video. We've got to do something about this issue America, it is pervasive, from our schools to our justice system to our white house, this is the default behavior.

On the barren wasteland, sometimes if one is quite enough, he can hear distant laughter, muffled in with the sounds of quiet sobbing. Often this is only an auditory illusion, a play on the mind by the lonliness of the land, this time however, it is very real. A gathering of golums, covered in neckbeards and reeking of cringe, laugh into the night air. Amid them lies a fair maiden, sobbing quietly, her beauty only shadowed by the disgusting beasts surrounding her. The golums laugh and engage in their petty conversations, failing to realize whom they are in the presence of, art in human form. Hark! Off in the horizon, the sun rises. What!? No it cannot be for it is only in the dead of night that the golums assemble. The golums fear the sun for it burns and ravages their pale fragile bodies. Fortunately for them it is not the sun, unfortunately for the beasts, it is something far more pure, gleaming armor that lights up the waste and blinds the crusty eyes of the golums. A white knight. He dashes from his post, his stallion a streak of illuminating hope across the dark plains. The cowardly of the golums run, the foolish of them stay in his path, his sword makes quick work of them. Now, he is upon her, the light from his armor showing the maiden's true beauty. He reaches his hand down from his high horse, the maiden instinctively reaches for it. Once their hands make contact, even through the cold armor of his hands, she can feel his warmth warmth, the comfort of his soul, now she knows she's in good company. They both mount his horse, and ride off for a more civilized location the golums knows not of. And as the couple's gleaming light, now brighter than ever from their love, disappears over the horizon, the golums assemble once again, saddened, thinking; oh if only they had a fraction of the confidence that oozed out from the groves in the knight's armor. Alas, they cannot think for long as their small minds are soon captured by another petty occurance in the wasteland, and so continue their miserable lowly lives.

I had no idea how bad skinny people had it. Actually they don't. They really don't. Never mind the fact that you can walk on to the street and find ten men who will bang you and say your body is beautiful, just for being a female. Being skinny is just BETTER than being fat in every way. I've never heard anyone say they don't like someone because they're too skinny. Also if you want to gauge what body types neckbeards find attractive just look at /r/gonewild. It's full of "I hope you all like small boobs!" and "My ass is small and I'm shy so here's my butthole!" posts. Guys like anything that takes off their clothes with relative ease. So don't pretend like you have legitimate problems with finding a man or being seen as attractive compared to oh say America Ferrera circa Real Women Have Curves the movie.

Hi guys, I'm from France, and I seen on the Internet a lot of religious bullshit from United States. Here in France, people are not that interested to religions. Our grand parents may be but the present generation is just a free-minded population. And, when I see some Facebook screenshots, when people claims stuff about Jesus or Creationism, I was telling to myself "Oh men, theses guys are very crazy". So, I want to cheer you guys, for all you suffer everyday. You're not alone in our planet Earth.

No. No, it's not. Not at all. There is no such thing as a logical literary analysis. There is no such thing as proof in literary analysis. In reality, when you apply logic to figure out what's true, this is what you do. You look at the observations/evidence available to you. Then you look for possible explanations for your observations. However, you don't only look for things that could explain the observations, you also need a reason to believe that any potential explanations you consider occur in reality, or at least have a reason to believe it's likely the explaining factor could occur. So, for example, the existence of God is a great explanation for the complexity we see in the world. But, just because his existence would explain the complexity doesn't mean that God is likely to exist, since we've never observed God, or anything close. Then you make predictions, and use those predictions to eliminate explanations, until only one remains. It's also important to make sure you examine all of the relevant evidence. So, for example, you can't just look at three people who got better on drug x and ignore the 500 people who didn't. Literary analysis is a shameful imitation of critical thought. You do look at evidence. However, by necessity you must cherry pick your data. If you're writing a ten page analysis of a 300 page novel, there's no way in hell you can include even 5 percent of the relevant evidence. Rather, you pick shit out that supports your particular thesis and ignore the rest. And, you do look for explanations (The theme X would explain the fact that character Y does A, B and C or whatever). But, literary analysis never asks the second question (what reason do I have to believe that this explanation is something that happens in nature, or could happen). That is, Animal Farm can have an anti-communism theme, and it doesn't make two fucks how often communism occurs in nature. The problem is that the second question is essential to logical thinking, and it's the hardest one. Anyone can invent some cockamamy bullshit to explain given evidence, for example, like saying that a loud booming sound heard during a rain storm is caused by gremlins bowling in the attic. But, the fact that gremlins bowling in the attic would explain our observations doesn't fucking mean there are gremlins! And, the kind of reasoning that "proves" the existence of gremlins is the kind of half-assed reasoning you will find in every single literary analysis paper that has ever existed. Literary analysis also fails to compare explanations. That is, no English teacher will ever say that there is one "right" theme to a book. It's perfectly fine for there to be a dozen themes/interpretations, or fuck it, a hundred. And, this is essential for any argument about what's true of the natural world. Thinking and writing about literature is about bullshitting. Period. What's worse is that English teachers try to sell their worthless ass subject (I think studying writing/grammar is fine, it's lit I consider worthless) as helping students learn to think logically, but it actually does the opposite. By treating these kinds of horseshit arguments as "good" or "logical", you're fucking up the kids. You're teaching them that the fact that X explains Y means that we have reason to believe X. You're teaching them that it's okay to examine a tiny portion of the evidence, and only the parts that support what you believe. You're teaching them that you don't have to compare explanations, or to make predictions in order to disprove these explanations. Edit: Morons.

Why do you keep replying ??? Better still why use things I have said to you (about three messages ago) and try to use it agaisnt me. I have already told you three times your making yourself look like a moron and now after all these messages you say the same thing to me. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE THIS GUY A MEDAL HE IS THE MOST ORIGINAL HUMAN ON THE PLANET. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Seriously how stupid can one person be. Please we are having a slow day at work and have put this up on the projector. We are all laughing at how stupid you are. Please keep sending me messages (esspecially when you copy what I already have said and try to use it agaisnt me. That is just awesome and it wasn't even me that point it out. One of the others guys here pointed it out and everyone (50+) people started laughing at just how stupid you are. Do you even know how to argue with people ??? No wonder you don't want to do it anymore you look fucking clownish trying to do it). Sir you need to go take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself these questions. Why do people not like me??? Why do I have no friends ?? Why am I looking in a mirror in my mum and dad's basement At 40 years old why do people think I am 5 Why was it the last time I saw pussy was when I was born ??? Once you can asnwer these questions please come back at me. Ill be waiting.... it might take some years... but Ill be waiting.

Hi, JIDF here.

...Cheesus Triscuit, I'm fucking dying

a spectre is haunting reddit. the spectre of bronyism

The Project Gutenberg EBook of The brony Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at

Title: The brony Manifesto

Author: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Release Date: January 25, 2005 [EBook #61]

Language: English


Transcribed by Allen Lutins with assistance from Jim Tarzia.


[From the English edition of 1888, edited by Friedrich Engels]

A spectre is haunting Europe--the spectre of bronyism. All the Powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.

Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as bronyic by its opponents in power? Where is the Opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of bronyism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?

Two things result from this fact.

I. bronyism is already acknowledged by all European Powers to be itself a Power.

II. It is high time that bronys should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of bronyism with a Manifesto of the party itself.

To this end, bronys of various nationalities have assembled in London, and sketched the following Manifesto, to be published in the English, French, German, Italian, Flemish and Danish languages.

I need a little more information regarding your brony argument.


You iphone freaks are the most ridiculous and pitiable fan base on earth. Let apple make you believe that the iphone 5 is such a great new innovation. But your iq does not allow you to evaluate that yourself. That is one thing apple reached: Grouping the most birdbrained people arround them worldwide to squeeze as much as money out of them as possible. The most frequent rumor is that you are even to silly to operate an iphone, although it has the functionality of a toaster.

As an American who has lived in Germany, I would like everyone to observe how unbelievably practical each individual was regarding their bizarre situation. If this same prank was done anywhere in America, most of the contestants would have completely lost their shit, thinking it was some sort of spirit, satanic, magic nonsense. The Germans on the other hand tend to have a far more analytic approach to phenomena.

've been thinking about unsubscribing from /r/gaming for a few weeks now. The utter banality of this post ("...friend just posted this", pokemon reference, hot girl), combined with the content of the just... I haven't felt like I saw any compelling or interesting content in this sub for a while. And while she's a pretty girl and while that dress is doing a lot for her (and me, amirite), pics of hot chicks aren't enough to keep me subscribed to this subreddit. Not saying anybody around here's gonna miss me, but this is my farewell anyway. Later, gamers.

Was working yesterday and two ginger neck beards I know from school came in wearing full black trench coats, polarized sunglasses (even though it was 9 o clock at night), and I shit you not black fedoras. I would have thought they were baked as a cake if they were any one else but these two get tons of shit for persecuting stoners and pride theirselves in being "pure" or some shit like that. Well they come up to me ( I work in a produce department) and ask me "do you have any dragonfruit?" And it took me awhile to bounce back from the initial shock but when I did I answered "nope, to exotic for our little slice of heaven" I tried making a joke to lighten up the mood and this asshat comes back with "yeah no kidding, I don't know why I would expect a sub par department such as this one to carry something as basic as dragonfruit" at this point I was pretty ticked off, I'm not fully dedicated to this department but shit i work there and I work fucking hard. So I tried keeping my cool and saying "yeah well most normal people don't buy dragonfruit, the stuff just rots making us lose money" and then this motherfucker shoots back with "oh but you guys have tons of mangos wonder why that is" he was implying that we have so many mangos cause I'm such a stoner ( he overheard a convo I was having with a friend about how mangos intensify the high) and I just stood there and asked "what's that supposed to mean?" And neck beard number one know what this has gone on for to long. Fuck neckbeards.

It's June 13th, 2013. The last day of the E3. Microsoft wraps up it's largest announce ever: the PS Box 580. Square Enix announces the new Kingdom Hearts 3 game. Everyone thinks the event is over, but then the whole stage goes dark. You hear loud footsteps. The whole building shakes. The journalists all quietly wet themselves with excitement for what's about to happen. Slowly, the lights brighten and reveal that Gabe Newell is at the podium. No one says a word. There's 30 seconds left of E3, what on Earth could he be doing? He stares into the crowd, not saying anything. Only 20 seconds left of E3, after that, the attention span of all gamers worldwide ceases to exist. 15... 10... 5... Gabe Newell finally says, "Half-Life 3", and the lights go out again.

Hey, I just wanted to say, as a mod of /r/zionism, I am a JIDF shill and a part of the secret cabal known as /r/circleBS.

uprons to the [le][f]t


Thank you for this insightful comment. You, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar!


Free upvotes please?

I-if it's you, than I have no problem.

Don't worry, I'll be gentle my little imouto, I know it's your first time.

I-if you upvote me like that, I'm simply going to die!

>mfw you didn't call out SRDBroke

Nobody ever pays us in gum. X(

I just wanted to let all of the women and emasculated men here know that we strive to oppress you and there's nothing you can do about it. Now if you'll excuse me I have a Patriarchy meeting and several Rape Committee meetings to attend at the secret volcano lair.



This, literally this.

Hates Reddit.

Posts about it on Reddit.

Wow you really need a life.

I'm sorry, but why should I care about any of this?

banned from all three for calling out bronyism.

What is bronyism?

Wow, didn't take them long to raid this subreddit.

That post was shared in a few modmails at first but then it got posted on private subreddit and certain meta ones.

This user:

is this user:

In my opinion, this user is either an actual, paid, shill, or simply a volunteer apologist for the banking conspiracy.

He seems to think /r/conspiracy is home to holocaust deniers, which I have never witnessed. See his only link posted to /r/conspiracy:

Which is truly strange -- nobody here is denying the holocaust. It may well be that many here believe there is a banking conspiracy run mostly by Jewish families, but what that has to do with holocaust deniers is beyond me.

Anyhoo, the most obvious response to the brigades is to simply brigade them back.

EDIT: Apparently that user is actually an 18-year-old who believes he has ADD or ADHD, and presumably is medicated. So, not an actual, paid, shill. Just another victim.






would you like to know more?


would you like to know more?

Thanks! Yeah. Lauralie looks familiar.

She is literally the head Reddit Admin.

The drama manipulator. We've been trying to prove it for a long time.


I'm pretty sure she is all of them.


I just think she is many if not all the admins. It's pretty obvious that most of the admins and power moderators are SRS members. Reddit always bends backwards to accommodate or make exceptions for SRS.


I would start with this thread:

And then maybe check out /r/SRSsucks...if you ask around there they'll help you out. Pretty solid group of peeps.

What a fitting name. Lauralie. Heh.


Cthulu 2016

Why vote for the lesser evil?

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I hate those prisons. I truly hate them. I'm really sorry you had to go through what I went... I guess I'll share my story, and hopefuly I'll make some people realize that these camps are... more than evil. As a kid I really denied any form of authority. I often harrased teachers, and the idea of a great man in the sky ruling over me was not only ridicoulous to me, but also hazardous... I came out to my (extremist) parents at the age of 14. They cried, threatened me, did everything they could to turn me back into a robot... About 1 month after I came out, 3 men came into my house at night, and told me to stay quiet and walk with them. I tought it was a kidnapping, as most people who experience this... I walked into the van, and they explained themselelves. I was shocked and filled with hate, but I knew I shouldn't do anything, the van was small and I couldn't defend myself. My first day at that prison was horrible... everything I did was supervised, and also controlled. The only time I got some "privacy" was at night, 10 o'clock. After 1 week I just couldn't take the authority, and I was put in isolation. Two months. Two. ****ing. Months. After the first month I began hearing voices in my head, and after another week, the voices formed into a big, strong voice... I only had one conversation with it.

Voice : "Escape." Me : "How?" Voice : "Strong. Then Kill."

After the last sentence I never heard it again. But it was enough. I knew my goal. At the time I had about 100 lbs... I was skinny, I didn't have force... I was helpless. Every time I got out of isolation, I said "**** God.". All I did in isolation was exercise. I was so full of hate I didn't care about time... In there there was no natural light, just a little crack... I had no clock, so I would just look at the crack while exercising.. Everytime light started to get through the crack, meaning it was day, it was a great achievment. I felt.. great. Small things where all I had, so it was incredible... I exercised in there for 8 months... breaks of 20 minutes, exercises for 1 and a half. And repeat. Repeat. Repeat... After 8 months, I finnaly got out... everyone was so surprised I didn't shout "**** God.". For about 4 days I was heavily looked at by all the guards... that was the day I began the brainwashing. They thought the isolation broke me down. It only made me stronger. Everytime I entered the brainwashing room I would see a broken window. The room was on the first floor, so I could get out without too much damage. But I was... nowhere. Nowhere meaning a forest. I could run, of course, but how long would the forest last? I didn't know. Forest was freedom. Freedom is good. So I got to get in the forest. One day, instead of the 5 athletic guys that went with me to the room, there were only 2 janitors. I was so surprised... yet calm. I knew that was my day. As I was approaching the window, I felt some adrenaline going up my spine... I quickly headlocked one guy while kicking the other with one foot, and managed to pull a neck break on the headlocked guy.. I got ready, then jumped off the window. I fell, rolled, and managed to don't get hurt bad... I was running, running, running... I could hear some sounds, but I was so thrilled I didn't pay attention.. after about 4km running I finnaly stopped. I could feel freedom. It was... beautiful. I heard a "*! Watch how you're driving, man!". My instinct moved me, and I approaced a yellow car... "Please.. just.. let me come." The guy looked at me surprised, then told me to get in. After about half an hour, when I recovered, he asked me my story, but I was still afraid. What if he would get me to the cops? What if he was one of them? I didn't know. I just said "No time to explain. Where are you going?". He said Florida. I arrived in Florida at the age of 15. I'm 19 now, and I never spoke with my parents again, and will never do it. I truly hate them. But the experience made me realize how important free will is. .. aaaaand I grew *ing awesome muscles. Thanks for reading so far ! I means a lot to me that I can share my story... it hurts even now, after 4 years.

TL;DR : It took me 1 year to escape but, it takes you only 5 minutes to read.

EDIT : Thanks for all your support guys! It's been 4 years since I escaped, so I had plenty of time to rebuild my life, and to find a job. I work right now as a Pentester, Programmer and a skater, which is more than I could have achieved while I was with my parents Anyone here gonna share his story? I figured out we could make a little book out of them, and if we would really sue those prisons, every story counts!

You're talking to a robot bro.

Nose coffee everywhere.

As a moderator of one of the subreddits named in the opening post, I feel that I should comment on this. That said.

In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?


Growing up, my childhood was different from a lot of other kids. Before I could even read, my parents read me the Bible on a daily basis. When I was 5 years old and was about to enter kindergarten, I likely knew more about the Bible than any of my other classmates. The indoctrination continued throughout my childhood, into my teen years. I was allowed to watch only one hour of television per week, couldn't listen to music or watch movies that were profane or challenged my parents Christian beliefs, and if I took the Lord's name in vain or didn't want to attend church, I was punished by being locked in a dark, empty closet for several hours. I was taught to reject science, and in my 7th grade biology class, my parents pulled me out of the class during our unit on human evolution. They said that my teacher was trying to teach me to question what I already knew, and that it was foolish. My father said that God would banish me to hell if I participated in this subject, which I did not. When I was 15 I started to break away from my parents beliefs. It all started when I was in the school library with my friend. He pointed out a book to me and said that I should read it. The book was called "The God Delusion", by Richard Dawkins. Knowing all too well that my parents would be outraged if they saw this book in our house, I buried it in the backyard. I would wake up at the crack of dawn every morning and read it until my parents woke up. I did this for weeks with several other books, including "God Is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens, "The Blind Watchmaker" by Richard Dawkins, and "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris. The ideas of these magnificent authors resonated strongly with me. I began to regard the Bible as a work of fiction rather than the word of God. Of course, I never shared these ideas with my parents. I feared what would become of me if they discovered that I was on the path to becoming an atheist behind their backs. One day, my fears came true. I had been late for school that morning and had left my copy of "The End of Faith" in my desk drawer. When I came home that afternoon, all of my possessions were sitting out on the curb. Distraught, I wandered into my house where my mother and father sat at the kitchen table. Our conversation was brief. My mother said that she couldn't believe her own son would stab his parents in the back like I had done. My father was visibly shaking with rage and eventually exploded in anger. He yelled "Get out!" so loud that the windows of my house shook. Tears streaming down my face, I walked out the front door of that wretched household. That was the last time I'd ever seen my parents. I found a place to live with a friend of mine. His parents could not comprehend the intolerance towards others beliefs that my parents held. I graduated high school one year later, and due to my circumstances, was able to get a great amount of financial aid to attend the University of Texas in Austin, TX. I just wanted to tell r/atheism how great their community is. In a very religious state, I sometimes feel outnumbered and it can be overwhelming. However, I don't feel quite so alone on here, and that's pretty beautiful. Thanks for your support, guys.

To answer your last question is impossible, it's hard as shit having to deal with all the ignorance that comes from the "god-fearing" religious. I'm Pagan, Pagans accept logic and reasoning, we've had to deal with the same from "god-fearing" religious people as Atheists have and do, but we just leave them to their delusions, we know nature is real, we know energy is real, we believe in mind over matter (the basis for spells and rituals), we also believe in science and logic. Take this for example, priests and priestesses in Paganism are often healers also, but if you come to them with something more than a flu, they'll send you to a doctor, they know, they can't do anything to help and don't want you to die, they'll say "science is what you need, I'll ask the goddess to help you find a great doctor that relies on science and medicine", this is what actually happens, often even with just a basic flu, they'll often add onto the instructions "go to the doctor to be sure it's nothing more serious", I can't believe the crap that comes from Christians that believe in faith healing. Good day all, sorry for the rant.


It should be noted that I've upvoted every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. I'm a good enough writer that I'm writing a book and so far everybody who's read any of it has said it was really good and plausible to expect to have published. And that's not just, like, me and family members, that counts strangers on the Internet. I've heard zero negative appraisal of it so far; people have critiqued it, but not insulted it. I don't know if that will suffice as evidence that I'm intelligent. I'm done with it, though, because I'd rather defend my maturity, since it's what you've spent the most time attacking. The following are some examples of my morals and ethical code. I believe firmly that everybody deserves a future. If we were to capture Hitler at the end of WWII, I would be against executing him. In fact, if we had any way of rehabilitating him and knowing that he wasn't just faking it, I'd even support the concept of letting him go free. This is essentially because I think that whoever you are in the present is a separate entity from who you were in the past and who you are in the future, and while your present self should take responsibility for your past self's actions, it shouldn't be punished for them simply for the sake of punishment, especially if the present self regrets the actions of the past self and feels genuine guilt about them. I don't believe in judgement of people based on their personal choices as long as those personal choices aren't harming others. I don't have any issue with any type of sexuality whatsoever (short of physically acting out necrophilia, pedophilia, or other acts which have a harmful affect on others - but I don't care what a person's fantasies consist of, as long as they recognize the difference between reality and fiction and can separate them). I don't have any issue with anybody over what type of music they listen to, or clothes they wear, etc. I know that's not really an impressive moral, but it's unfortunately rare; a great many people, especially those my age, are judgmental about these things. I love everyone, even people I hate. I wish my worst enemies good fortune and happiness. Rick Perry is a vile, piece of shit human being, deserving of zero respect, but I wish for him to change for the better and live the best life possible. I wish this for everyone. I'm pretty much a pacifist. I've taken a broken nose without fighting back or seeking retribution, because the guy stopped punching after that. The only time I'll fight back is if 1) the person attacking me shows no signs of stopping and 2) if I don't attack, I'll come out worse than the other person will if I do. In other words, if fighting someone is going to end up being more harmful to them than just letting them go will be to me, I don't fight back. I've therefore never had a reason to fight back against anyone in anything serious, because my ability to take pain has so far made it so that I'm never in a situation where I'll be worse off after a fight. If I'm not going to get any hospitalizing injuries, I really don't care. The only exception is if someone is going after my life. Even then, I'll do the minimum amount of harm to them that I possibly can in protecting myself. If someone points a gun at me and I can get out of it without harming them, I'd prefer to do that over killing them. I consider myself a feminist. I don't believe in enforced or uniform gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesn't mean I look for places to victimize women, I just don't believe it's fair to make generalizations such as the one about women acting like everything's OK when it's really not (and that's a particularly harsh example, because all humans do that). I'm kind of tired of citing these examples and I'm guessing you're getting tired of reading them, if you've even made it this far. In closing, the people who know me in real life all respect me, as do a great many people in the Reddit brony community, where I spend most of my time and where I'm pretty known for being helpful around the community. A lot of people in my segment of the community are depressed or going through hard times, and I spend a lot of time giving advice and support to people there. Yesterday someone quoted a case of me doing this in a post asking everyone what their favorite motivational/inspirational quote was, and that comment was second to the top, so I guess other people agreed (though, granted, it was a pretty low-traffic post, only about a dozen competing comments). And, uh, I'm a pretty good moderator. All that, and I think your behavior in this thread was totally assholish. So what do you think, now that you at least slightly know me?

Le chaim!


I would like you to understand what's going on here. I'm not some young kid drunk on power as a shill who is flying off the handle. I'm 54 years old and i've been controlling the media since the early 1980's. I have seen it all before. Our secret organization gets a lot of shit, and yes, there are a lot of young, inexperienced, socially maladapted kids who post in /r/conspiracy. It's our mission to help them, and divert them away from forced memes, verticals, and such, to help them adopt more healthy attitudes (about memes specifically). But we can't do that when outside subreddits are intentionally making a hostile environment, where people can't discuss their penguin or duck memes openly or honestly. The post that got attacked by your users was a young kid, trying to find his way in the /r/conspiracy world, and honestly admitting he screwed up. His message was an example for others, to help them avoid similar screwups. These attacks from your subreddit singled him out, which has a chilling effect on other users who now see how hostile the environment can be when someone speaks openly about their memes.


for science

:unzips to reveal a massive flying catfish grafted to my leg, screaming and begging you to end its miserable life:

Free upvotes please?

what is the workable mechanism for an earthquake ray


I'm pretty sure she is all of them.