What does /r/conspiracy think about Music Festivals? Hedonistic mind control or innocent fun?

0  2013-03-13 by [deleted]

Some of you have probably seen the rise of large scale EDM music festivals all over the country. They've always been popular but now we are seeing festivals selling out in minutes, and shows topping 500,000 or more people.

I look at some of these and see some good festivals focused on growth, change, and good times. Enhancement of the human experience and unique visual experiences (Photosynthesis, Burning Man, Shambhala, The Rainbow Gathering, Phish and Further shows.)

I then see Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival, Paradiso, Lucky, Electric Forest, etc and I see masses of people conglomerating on this music scene. They are all trying to get as high as possible, fuck bitches, and get wasted. It just seems like there's a lot of money flying around at all of these shows. To be able to program 500,000 people at once with your music in a live setting is powerful tool and I'm wondering if someone has followed the money with this circle.

I've dosed on acid at a lot of these shows and as fun as they are I see symbols where symbols don't belong. I see a reprehensible sense of hedonism and stupidity as my generation continues to disappoint me.

I'm just curious if anyone else has had thoughts on these festivals. There's a lot of drugs and money and it all seems like a big distraction to put our hard work and effort into something fun without doing anything REALLY constructive...

I've also noticed that these music festivals stay FAR out of the mainstream media and are never mentioned.


I frequently attend EDM shows and festivals when time and funds permit, and I agree, OP. It started out as a simple, fun thing, where music was the focus and the sex and drugs were just a possibility - now it is the exact opposite. I recently went to a 16± event, and was horrified to see hundreds of teenagers dosed on MDMA and other typical rave drugs. I would have no issue with that, except for the wanton sexual atmosphere that it creates, especially among people uneducated about the drugs they are taking. People used to take these drugs to alter the experience of the festival/event - now it seems like an excuse to have a ton of crazy sex. I have some friends who went to Paradiso last summer, and told me that it was essentially a giant drug induced orgy after the sun went down in the camping area.

EDM is becoming hugely popular among my generation, largely in thanks to mainstream acts like Skrillex, and I think it is definitely worth investigating. Especially if you believe that mind control is real, and is performed via frequency manipulation.

As for me, I will keep going for the music. Hopefully it isn't brainwashing me. I don't think it is. But I wouldn't know, would I?

I recently went to a 16± event, and was horrified to see hundreds of teenagers dosed on MDMA and other typical rave drugs. I would have no issue with that, except for the wanton sexual atmosphere that it creates, especially among people uneducated about the drugs they are taking. People used to take these drugs to alter the experience of the festival/event - now it seems like an excuse to have a ton of crazy sex. I have some friends who went to Paradiso last summer, and told me that it was essentially a giant drug induced orgy after the sun went down in the camping area.

Black mass

Its main objective was the profanation of the host, although there is no agreement among authors on how hosts were obtained or profaned; the most common idea is that they were profaned by means of some ritual related to sexual practices.


If you guys don't know what I'm talking about...


This is on the more "positive" side of things.

It's the Brave New World scenario unfolding. They're getting people to focus on a hedonistic lifestyle, they will abhor children, they will embrace the NWO with open arms.

This is because kids are getting more retarded, and MDMA is becoming a big thing again. MDMA is so cool to them. They don't even realize they're basically doing meth. Fucking stupid kids. The only reason why cocaine is worse is because you would do more of it. But itself I'm pretty sure it's worse than coke. Anyways for you to do acid once in a while is whatever, but if you're doing MDMA you're a fucking idiot.

MDMA has a number of medicinal uses, and is completely safe in the right environment at the right dose. Ecstasy and other "bombs" - that is, a chemical combination of things that only includes MDMA as a partner ingredient in the "bomb" - are totally dangerous. But please, research these chemical compounds before you spout information that is incorrect. Please, read this. http://jop.sagepub.com/content/early/2010/07/14/0269881110378371.abstract

Actually, I know all about the chemical compounds. Listen, I've done MDMA myself, and many other drugs. There is nothing good to come from MDMA, I promise you. I don't give a shit what environment you're in. Whoever told you otherwise is a clown. The only thing that any good can come out of is psychadelics like LSD, Mushrooms (and even then, you shouldn't over do it), and Marijuana. That is all. Please don't make excuses for your stupid actions to sound ok. Weed is one thing, MDMA is a whole other ball game.

I just cited a study done by a university and published in the journal of medicine, and you are going to tell me that they are wrong? Alright then. Moderation is what is important, as many people have said in this thread and in other places. Every drug should be looked at in this light. MDMA can help people suffering from serious mental issues. That is a proven fact.

As far as drugs go, I encourage everyone to take natural drugs (grown from the ground, found inside humans/plant naturally) and make their own decisions based from that. These are experiences that happen inside of your body and mind, and not inside of that belonging to someone else. If a severely depressed person takes MDMA twice a year to help them stay positive, how can you say that "nothing good" can come from it?

Anyways sorry for calling you a crackhead. You actually sound quite intelligent. I just don't buy the whole MDMA thing.

The drug war is the reason that "doing drugs" is cool. If you want to see the real medical value and uses for these drugs appear. Legalize.

I fully agree with legalizing it. 100% That doesn't mean I condone its use. But I don't like to tell people what to do.

It's okay. We are all in this together, and I appreciate your opposing viewpoints. Only by having different opinions and views and ideas can we make any progress with anything.

That much is true

I'd like to ask why you call yourself Foreign Language?

Why do you call yourself younglion?

It's an adaptation of xenoglossolalia. http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1O101-Xenoglossolalia.html

Oh I know exactly what it is. I just though it was a cool name. And yeah direct translation would be foreign tongues, but language, same shit.

And I call myself that cuz I like Simba.

Dude... I have come to the conclusion that you're a fucking crack head. I'm a pretty open minded too. I've heard all about this "MDMA is good for you" shit. The one time I took it, I had fun, but my fucking back was killing me the next day. And you're right in the sense that if you take it, it can have a good affect on you being happier. It is still completely awful for your body though, and it always will be. Let me guess, next you're going to say "Cocaine in moderation could be good for you."

I've actually never done crack/cocaine/heroine so I don't see how I could be a crackhead. I also don't think that cocaine is good for anyone. However, there have been recent studies done by medical professionals that demonstrate that there is a way to reduce the neurotoxicity of MDMA. I encourage you to read this as well. http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/mdma/mdma_article3.shtml

Cocaine in moderation is good for you. It's not called cocaine though. Latin America has been chewing coca leaves for thousands of years. All of the medicinal affects of Cocaine but without the damage. There haven't been many deaths attributed to coca leaves. Chewing coca is like smoking a joint in the US.

Drugs are not good or bad young lion. They are a tool. They are stepping stones. But they can become crutches if you begin to rely on them.

Drugs have done amazing things for me when used in the proper context and my experience is not unique.

The purpose of this post is to question the new lifestyle where everyone is fucked up on drugs all summer. Some of these festivals are great (Shambhala for example has no alcohol, excellent first aid, one death in over 15 years of running the festival, and provides free drug testing

Listen man, I find it very hard to believe cocaine is "good" for you. Also yes, I'm aware, I have been to Colombia. One time my tooth was killing me, so I did a gummie and the pain was gone. That doesn't mean it was good for my body. Also I'm not bashing these festivals as I'd love to go to one of the bigger ones and see someone like Diplo or some shit. Also I can assure you that if I ever snorted cocaine I'd probably have a heart attack.

Diplo is part of the problem.

Also you didn't read what I wrote. Processed cocaine is not good for you, duh. What I'm talking about is chewing coca leaves. A cultural practice that has left almost no negative impacts on the communities that participate.

True, I didn't catch that. And yes I know he's technically part of the problem, but his music is sick.

You can't even spell psychedelics. MDMA has had a sincere affect on therapy and PTSD studies. If you want more info check out www.erowid.org

My dude, I'm very sorry for the spelling mistake. I must be such a pathetic loser since I spell it wrong 4 out of 10 times. Anyways I've read all this bullshit already and I will read it again. Also as far as the study's go, these study's will say whatever the person funding it wants it to say.

If you use a fishing pole to go bear hunting you're going to have a bad time. If you took MDMA and had a bad time it could have been the drugs themselves or the environment.

I promise you. LSD, MDMA, Mescalin, DMT, and Magic Mushrooms are all boons to the human race. They promote empathy, compassion for others, and change the way we interact together.

It's a matter of how you use them.

"Also as far as the study's go, these study's will say whatever the person funding it wants it to say."

We totally understand and agree. Show us a list of studies and find out who funded them and we will examine your claim. MDMA undoubtedly has had positive affects on the world. We're talking about their cultural context.

Just to be clear, I wasn't saying it was bad because I had a bad experience. In fact my experience was awesome (minus the morning after my spine was killing me). Also, I can agree with the Mushrooms, LSD, DMT... not too familiar with mescalin so I will not speak on that.

Like with every drug moderation is important.

I personally know people who have become fucked up on MDMA and only after seeing the dangers for themselves have become clean again.

Rave festivals have made a big comeback and most young people are uneducated on safe use.

What is sold on the streets as "MDMA,XTC" is mostly MDMA mixed with Caffeine,Amphetamine or literally random chemicals which is the greatest risk of "MDMA" consumption.

Meth and Coke are far more addictive than MDMA.

I am not advocating drug use and have myself never used illegal drugs besides cannabis.

Listen man, I love getting fucked up as much as the next guy. But that doesn't mean we need to pretend MDMA has any significance.

If you read carefuel my post it should be clear that i didn't talk about "getting fucked up".

MDMA has massive significance.

Not only its the illegal drug which has become most popular in the last years,it has great potential for medical use like a other user has tried to show you.

You had maybe bad expierences with it but this doesen't mean it has no benefits.

No I get that, but really, what's the difference between doing MDMA and any other bullshit pharmicuticles that also have "benefits."

Also I've never heard of someone take MDMA to benefit their mental health, just to get fucked up.

There is no difference at all, they are all drugs even like your morning Coffee.

I am also against all SSRI Drugs (things like prozac) if there is really no other way to treat the patients.

Doctors prescribe to pretty much everyone who has a little "stress" now even more under young people.

If my memory is right all school shooters beside one have taken SSRI drugs.

Of course the Mainstream Media is failing to make this connection because most sponsors are big pharma.

Also I've never heard of someone take MDMA to benefit their mental health, just to get fucked up.

Obviously there must be more research done before (which is the big problem to do) having MDMA as pharmaceutical drug.

Cleary the mainstream is slowly waking up to the fact that illegal drugs could have benefits for medical like we see right now with Cannabis.

Hope that is some food for thought.

Alcohol is worse for you than mdma or cocaine. Just saying.

Its the mis use of these wonderful substances that bothers me. And there are long term consequences

Hmm... I wouldn't say worse, but I wouldn't say better either.. Although they do go hand-in-hand. And none of them are wonderful. They're all shit.

There are some ones in the PNW that are absolutely positive, wonderful, and not just a giant orgy. The problem is that they have become mainstream and people are slaves to bass.

Dude... I have come to the conclusion that you're a fucking crack head. I'm a pretty open minded too. I've heard all about this "MDMA is good for you" shit. The one time I took it, I had fun, but my fucking back was killing me the next day. And you're right in the sense that if you take it, it can have a good affect on you being happier. It is still completely awful for your body though, and it always will be. Let me guess, next you're going to say "Cocaine in moderation could be good for you."

I'd like to ask why you call yourself Foreign Language?

Anyways sorry for calling you a crackhead. You actually sound quite intelligent. I just don't buy the whole MDMA thing.