I'm tired...

52  2013-03-14 by [deleted]

I can't deal with what's going on in this world anymore. It's depressing to the core to watch the injustices committed and carried out across the world, some in the name of the country I live in. Banks and Corporations, Politicians and World Events...

Obama admin more Opaque then ever... Banking information to be handed over to Government intelligence agencies... Banks continue to illegal foreclose... Bombing around the world...

We still have no solid answers about 9/11... The american people have already forgotten about it. The lives lost that day, and the billions more lost after that, when our country gained it's bloodlust.

I fear for the future. I am very sad for it really. When I was younger I wanted to live as long as I could, to see as much as I could... but now...

Now I don't know if I want to wake up tomorrow.


If you truly feel like you're saying here, you should take a break from the internet, and just everything.

The world is in a shitty place, but if you're feeling like you are, you shouldn't just bury inside.

Agreed. I went through a period of time where I had to take a "break" from worldnews/conspiracy/etc. I read some great books, took up hiking, and learned to cook some new things. Embrace the present. Take some time away from the predicted future.

Thirded - The world is 1 thing, your life and your mind are another. Take good care for yourself brother.

I've taken a break from internet before as well.

If he feels the way he's describing, he should help make the system irrelevant. Him and everyone else on the planet...if you guys want to see real change, bitching and moaning about how evil people won't give you permission to not be under their control isn't going to cause it.

Dear OP:

Many of us have found ourselves at one point or another in your shoes. It is common amongst us who realize that our country is falling due to some purpose that we are ALL unsure of. We develop a need to become the superhero that can save the world. This isn't a bad thing, but it may lead to detrimental effects on one's psyche. There are many ways to fix this. The most popular way, I fear, is probably being substance abuse, (working on mine). The best fix is to just get away for a while.

Conspiracy theory is a great way to practice your critical thinking skills, but it can lead to obsession after awhile. Find some outdoor activities, (jogging is great), or indoor activities that promote a healthy mindset. A diet of positive music can't hurt either. You have to have a healthy mind, one that is unbiased and extremely critical in its approach to understanding the world. Just come back later. Give it a two week break. Allow yourself to disconnect from this reality and find a more peaceful reality. Following that, you may find yourself more easily able to benefit from these type forums. You may even find a purpose to your life. But you need to remember, all good things come through moderation.



superhero thing is right on. Just leads to sadness and disappointment

I highly recommend the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle and Vipassana meditation. Both are very effective solutions for this kind of crisis.

Have you read A New Earth yet? Brilliant!


+1 for Meditation, it's fantastic.

great book. good recommendation.

I highly recommend the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle and Vipassana meditation. Both are very effective solutions for this kind of crisis.

Its refreshing to watch something that truly puts a smile on your face.


Do you genuinely think, Charlie Veitch is a government agent, who has set up this network of nonsense, only to then just go on national television and hope that nobody sees him?

It's funny how conspiracies tend to mimic those who make them up isn't it? You're dumb as fuck, and so you like to think the people involved in your conspiracies are stupid enough to do this shit.

Smart enough for a global conspiracy, dumb enough to just put their secret agents on national television. EXPOSED DUDE, EXPOSED.


No, it isn't what you said, but you linked to a video which says it.

You need a long vacation without access to any news. Relax and go to a tropical island and drink some Mai Tai's get in touch with nature. That's what tourist come to Big Isle Hawaii to do. They all state they never want to leave here, and actually some come back to stay.

I know I sure wouldn't leave. A lot of my family is still in the Islands.

You'll only ever find yourself in real and genuine relationships with real life people. Start with yourself. The world is a bad place, but it's a good place too, because we're still here. The abstract, the ultra-powerful, and all that are on a different level than ours, therefore we feel intimidated by that darkness. But you are not called to change all the darkness to light at once. Others are called with you. You are called to change the darkness in light to and for yourself, then those closest to you. If there are some who won't listen, turn and talk to someone else.

The world is a shitty place, but it's really, truly, never been as good as it is today. In the decades, centuries, and millennia before this, people never even questioned their leaders. The dissenters died. Truth was hard to come by. The darkness was so overwhelming; only a tiny fraction saw it for what it was. Now masses, large masses of people are seeing and recognizing the shit for what it is.

You feel frustrated because you face an enemy that has been entrenched for thousands of years or more. But this enemy, the dark nameless force of control and manipulation that we fight with truth and love and hope, is losing ground. You and I are evidence of this. The awake are not going back to sleep, and whenever one falls, ten more take their place. The light comes, and it reveals the depths of darkness we didn't know before, but do not be fooled; It is the light that is revealing these things.

The only power darkness has over us is the power to present a strong illusion of fear and despair. "Paranoia." But this demon can be defeated, if you take it one step at a time. See the light and hope in everything. Realize that things can and do get better, even if they look worse for a while before.

Thank you for posting. I love you, and many others do too. Together we can make the world a better place, but it's only me and you that can do it, not "government" or any other external agency we might put our trust in. Me and you, together, can do it. Me, and you, and every one of the cheerful soldiers of light, can face this darkness, stare it down, and win.

Great post. Awesome, in fact!

Thank you.

I shall read it when I start to feel overwhelmed.

Right, I still want to see the person that said....

"Okay I think this is a great plan, I think it will work, and everything will be fine.... I hereby want you to implement this plan".... I want to know who that individual is.

Actually, now that I think about it... I have no idea if these are pictures from the event or not. I don't even know if this event actually happened. I don't know if those people were actually there or not. This propaganda apparatus is ridiculous. Eliminate the news channels. Get rid of them. No one needs to watch news. The only form of general (non topical) news needs to be local and regional newspaper. That it.... anything beyond that is largely worthless and used to create the false illusion of sentiment in people which are not affected one iota by it.


Here you go, read up on some books instead of conspiracy thrash, social media, and pseudo news. Remember the programmer maxim "garbage in, garbage out"

"Those who say that there are truths which must be hidden from the people, need not be alarmed; the people do not read" Voltaire

Use it to inspire yourself. Find an area where you can make change, and just fuckin do it.

Agreed. I went through this kind of crisis recently and getting involved, even on a small local level, helped me feel a lot less hopeless. You'll meet some pretty cool people, too!

Sure the world seems to be run by evil and seems to be all sorts of fucked up, but take some solace in this, you have at best 65 years left on this earth, just sit back, relax and enjoy the show dude. Nothing you do will change anything and most of this shit will never effect you. I'm a 20 y/o white guy in America, my life's going to be better than most and fuckin great regardless of whether or not my government did 9/11 or if the illuminati exists. It simply doesn't matter bro, none of it.

See, i gotta stop you right there. I'm 25, when I was your age, I thought it didn't affect me, the taxes, the bullshit laws... But I worked two jobs last year, busted my ass. No health insurance, no real savings because every dime I got was put into rent, car, bills, etc, and because I was bumped into a higher tax bracket then dirt poor, I made nothing on my tax return and wound up Owing the state. Now we have to deal with what agencies are monitoring me online, what organizations are gaining my info because the government gives it to them, etc etc. Apathy is the worst way to go, and if the rest of the country sticks with apathy, then I don't even have 65 years left. I don't think this country has ten years left before the shit hits the fan and this country is torn apart, or tears itself apart. It matters for that reason alone, who perpetrates what crimes, and the outcome of the aftermath. I can change the world (or at least the world around me) if I try. I can get involved, raise awareness, be obnoxious, or even be evil myself if it meant change.

I guess some have more to worry about than others.

Come to canada my friend!

Wishful thinking... I'd really like too. But ideally I wanna just drop off the grid. Thinking about it... canada does have the population density where I could do that, and still be close to civilization.

/r/howtonotgiveafuck this could help.

I feel you OP. I have been reading this sub for 4-6 months now. My eyes have been opened to many things. I can't make sense of any of it. I'm an intelligent person. I have always asked questions and needed to know how things work. I find I've come to a point to where all I have are questions with answers I don't want to know. The questions run deeper though. I've gone back and questioned many other things. The most scary of these, for me, is the idea of theism, or Christianity, or lack thereof. (I was raised Christian but have always struggled with it). I implore each of you to take a moment to think about your own mortality/eternity. I have become tired, scared, detached and the substance abuse doesn't help. I tried breaking away from the sub and stick to just reading politics and worldnews. I feel it's important to keep up to date with the world around me. These subs haven't helped lately either. They all blend together now. But I refuse to think ignorance is the best solution! Sure I can take a vacation, live reddit-less for a few weeks. It might help. But the real world is going to be right there waiting for me. And possibly already changed drastically. I'm caught up in it now. I feel like I'm on the inside looking out into the world stage. Sometimes I wish I had never smoked pot and found r/conspiracy. I'm done with my directionless rant.

This is exactly how I feel!

We live in times where the people have to rise up for a revolution. The system cannot continue on its current course without eliminating the rights of the masses worldwide and largely destroying ecosystems as we know it. It may even lead to the system's own demise.

Take a break from the news like others here have said. Try to take all those negative emotions caused by the broken system and try to channel it into something positive. Use it as fuel for your internal fire and "rise like lions after slumber in unvanquishable number."

I have felt this way as well, lately. And suddenly, I realized why. Not that I'm paranoid and believe that everything is a conspiracy theory, but in a way, you feeling this way is the ultimate conspiracy on their part. They reveal enough about themselves where we can feel how strong they are, how powerful they are, and it's designed to make us feel despondent and powerless about what to do in the face of their might. But we are actually very, very powerful. It might be overnight, and many of us will die, or it might be a slow decline over five years, lets say, and many of us will starve, or have to move, or whatever, but the facts remain that their system is corrupt, and it IS indeed eating itself up from within. And they can see this, too, and they are preparing. Just as we saw the government tightening bankruptcy laws because they could see the coming tsunami of student loan and other debt, we also see the rapid militarization of our police departments across the country. Tanks and drones roll back to the USA from Iraq and Afghanistan and their next use will be to kill, enslave and control the population. But each day they wait is a day closer to a world where we wont need them. If you think about it, all they have is money. If we find a different way to exchange goods and services, perhaps using upvotes, karma, or some such other reputation-capture method, we will be closer to freedom.

Please don`t think about death too much. It is inevitable. Please think about where you were before you were born, instead. Your consciousness is a continuum, and only entered their physical world knowing it would be for a brief time. If they happen to have you here, great, but they cannot have your spirit, or your servitude, or your acceptance of their slavery. Continue to live in ways that elevate freedom, choice, and that invest in YOU as a person, and in the person that you will be once you are again outside their short, limited span of existence.

Often seeing behind the curtain comes at the expense of never being able to forget that the curtain exists.


hahaha. those fucking cats on the front page, Everydaaay! they have an opposite effect on me.

But they are so cuddly!

It's a waste of energy to worry yourself about things that are not within your control. If there are things in your life that are upsetting you, maybe it would be best to focus on more positive aspects of your own life and life in general. Change what you DO have the power to change. Think about things you wanna change and that you think would make you feel happier about what's going on

Moce to a tribe in the jungle see how you feel then

Think about how New World Peace will be alike and it will give you strenght to fight for it.

I'd love to see the reaction you get from the people over here: http://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideWatch/

Keep it up and stay strong. Just Keep Going

Your letting them win, pray!

Dude, I know how you feel!

There are a lot of things that we can not effect, so we have to focus on the small and try to effect those things first. Yourself, your family, your workplace etc.

They are doing their thing. We have to do ours.

I, on behalf of society, apologize for your current situation.

Not every will emerge from the rabbit hole in tact. One good way to face the brutality of the world is to make sure your spiritual, mental and physical health /alignment is strong. If all you eat is fried foods you will not have a healthy body. If all you feed your brain is pain, destruction, failure, fear, then that's what your brain becomes. If you don't feed your soul, spirit, humanity anything at all it starves, dies and you will have an empty spirit.

Take some time to work on your spirit. This includes strengthening the mind and learning.

God give me the strength to change the things I can;

Accept the things I can not;

And the wisdom to know the difference. - Christianity

On the path to enlightenment one must understand and accept :

There is suffering (life is suffering)

There is a cause or reason for suffering -it is attachment /desire

There is a cessation to suffering

The cessation of suffering comes through enlightenment, enlightenment is achieved through the eight fold path (which includes right speech, right thought, right action)


Take some time to study world religions. They are all insightful and great examples of how to cope and heal.

One of the few things my catholic school did offer was a study of world religions. But thank you for the guidance and direction.

Sort of like a red pill / blue pill.

I'd say that people are being conditioned for consumerism first and foremost instead of being taught to seek their own path to doing something positive for the world.

This seems to lead to an artificial mutual resentment for one another.

It also makes me wonder if the majority of society has been hopelessly conditioned to never think for themselves again.

Then again all this could be the course of nature and thus human nature.

We may be on the path of a renaissance and not know it which might require the utter self-destruction of society as we know it today.

Our country did not gain it's bloodlust after 9/11. It was after the establishment of the military industrial complex and the way it's programmed to preserve itself at all costs.

It wasn't necessary for the US to continuously expand its military after the cold war but it did so despite the end of the Warsaw Pact. NATO is now used as a raiding force since there are no challengers.

OP, You are conscious and alive. You know about all this now and knowledge is the first step forward. The universe is a great and vast place, do not worry about the dramas of "men and mice" for they are but a spec, the universal energies tend always go to equilibrium, to a balance. And no amount of great evil will prevail indefinitely. Freemason Circle-jerking to Isis New world order(Rich douchebags in robes worshiping ancient cults), cannot ruin the great experience of life on this planet and the Universe. It may stifle economies and individuals for awhile, but it cannot prevail for long.


This by far out of every response I have received has reflected the way I feel. The Universe is this grand thing, and we are but a spec. However, I do not feel that balance will always occur in the world of men. That is what scares me the most. No secret societies trouble me as much as the men in them, whether they believe in the rituals and rites they perform, or they simply use the group and power for their own twisted ways. This cycle could be perpetuated by continuously brainwashing, controlling the education, the money... and soon this malicious greed and apathy could become the norm and prevail across the globe, and then if man journeys to the stars, we would only spread that greed further.

The world of men is made up of arbitrary and sometimes artificial systems of trials and errors. It is limited. Mankind is not exempt from the laws of nature and the universe, he is bound by them. Universal balance has always occurred, even in our history, there is no great human army or power that has not fallen. All past Generations of mankind coupled together are hardly any different or advanced spiritually than each individual man born in his own brief life. We are at the height of human knowledge thus far, but we know no more than the guys who built the pyramids. We dress better and move faster. That's it. Think of the world of men as a baby being continuously born every few decades. It's ideas and powers move in short naive cycles of birth and death. But while you are alive, you are the constant. The thing that remains and retains memory. A constant part of the universe. I hope you find peace in your knowledge.

Edit : add: I hope that the ultimate goal of knowledge, of understanding this world is to reconcile ourselves with the universal law, and not merely tribulations of our earthly closet.

If they can have access to my accounts, then they should be doing my taxes for me. What a crock

Make hobbies out of things you will need if shit hits the fan. I built a low energy hydroponics system and taught myself how to home brew. If the world collapses, fuck it.

Go play a video game, go get some pussy. You'll forget about this I promise.

Focus your energy into self improvement. I feel the same way you do but what keeps me going is the knowledge that the current trajectory of the world is not sustainable and there will come a time very soon when I will need to be the best person I can be to face whatever it is I am going to have to do.

Find others that feel what you are feeling so it isn't so hard to deal with by yourself. I am having a hard time doing this; I talk to some people I know about it but I'm still the most "extreme" of my friends. People don't want to recognize this kind of stuff most of the time. Don't try to force them.

Brainstorm some small things that will make you feel like you are doing something about it. It can be as simple as handwritten signs stapled to telephone poles. Taking action in little manageable ways will build your courage to do bigger things.

Above all, don't give up and don't succumb to violence or hatred. Violence can only be a tool of oppressors. If anyone uses violence it only helps the oppressors.

Totally feel you on that. All I can say at the moment is, you are definitely not alone!!


And G.W.'s grand daddy dealt with Nazi's and was perhaps a key reason to their rise to power. Going backwards only raises more questions about the present and future.

He was in Dallas when Kennedy was assassinated.

Back off from it all, take a break, unplug, this shit can get to you from time to time

I wish it were that simple, but someone else said that taking a break is like burying your head in the sand. You may not see or hear, but the world still turns.

just remember that a nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves. worry about the people immediately around you...if your goal is for everyone to suddenly wake up to the BS you're always going to feel defeated. my family has stopped eating the poison food, stopped with the all mainstream medicine poison, cut back on watching the idiot box, and have realized how blatant the propaganda has become. i used to pass out flyers and hold up signs but it became clear pretty quickly that most people just want to drink soda, lube their pizza gullet with ranch, and drool in front of the tv. if thats the life they want than so be it.

That's fine for the people that want to do that, but I feel like it's coming to a point where they are trying to force this onto us. Poor food choices, the lies and misinformation, the violence... I can say my family has stepped up too, the television is rarely ever used. My mother takes a ignore the news approach, while my father is very left, I have to remind him every once in a while, that Obama does some good, but to take it all with a grain of salt. We don't hear everything that happens, and the media he listens to will keep the division of republicans and democrats alive.

But what good is it, if only a few around you are awake and aware? What happens when it all falls apart? This system is flagrantly a lie, and when it crumbles, what will be behind the curtain? A militant country taking over the world? A nation enslaved to debtors?

whats good about only a few around me being awake is that those are the people i interact with the most and thats whats important to me. i'm not concerned with the ignorant grocery clerk that asks me about my "health kick" i'm not even sure what the hell that means. i guess the torture they endure when facing the idea of eating an apple instead of snorting chicken fingers must be too much for them but thats their choice and why would you want to be involved with people like that when it does fall apart. if your family doesnt want to directly participate than prepare for them. if they matter to you enough than you would do that anyway. drawing your line in the sand is also an important step to take. ive decided what mine is going to be and thats all i can really plan for. no one knows whats going to happen and honestly i think good will prevail so i dont plan on ever having to act on it. i guess what i'm saying is decide what side of history you're going to be on and lighten up until when the time for that comes. worrying about whether or not billions of people are going to rise from ignorance was depressing and not worth it.

This exactly, it spreads too. This is a slow process but its the same idea as pay it forward. You wake up your family and friends, and they do the same.

fake and old, but mainly fake.

Can you provide supporting documentation to this statement?

Anyone actually learned in the occult knows its fake. It's been disseminated several times.

In other words, no. He can't.

I highly recommend the book "The Bible" by God. It pretty much sums up everything we're going through and where we're headed.

Sorry, went to catholic school, and it was... well... enough for me to realize that if there is a "God", then he has left us a long long long time ago, or he is apathetic to our plights, which would most likely be because humanity brought this on ourselves. I'm not atheist, I'm open to things beyond my understanding and comprehension.

As far as where we are headed... I can see the smoke and the glow of the fires... I can hear the cries of the hungry, the weak, and the poor. I can hear the suffering of the persecuted. I hear the laughter of the ones who lead us down this path, they had us fooled the whole time.

Here's something else that might help you with a different outlook on Jesus and the (adulterated) Bible: Alan Watts on Jesus and his Religion

In fact, take a day off - a whole day off - and devote it to listening only to the things Alan Watts has to say. Every time I'm feeling anxious, I just tap into a little o' that, and everything pops back into perspective.

Here are a few more good ones:

Become What You Are

Stop Trying to Change The World

Am I Free or Just A Puppet?

Why Not Now?

Ask yourself what problem do you have right now? Not tomorrow but right this minute. Worry is a man with hung head with a sack full of feathers he thinks is lead.

I know it's easy to throw away any god that would let a world like this burn. I felt the same so very much since high school and my father kind of made a good point to me about god. He told me " ****** you have to understand that in our belief, god gave us the power of free will. It was the power to decided right from wrong, to choose as we please. He gave us this gift with it in mind that it is purely up to us as humans to choose right no matter what, so we alone, can reach the heights of paradise (or heaven). If god were to interfere whenever he/she saw fit, we would merely be puppets and his greatest creation would not be anymore more then the animals we live with." This really in a purely logical way, made so much sense to me that I really started to put my faith in god and humanity again. He also added that the world has become and probably always has been; based on power and principalities. Choose to create a world of love, exploration, courtesy, and selflessness, and I promise you your happiness will return ten fold. This shit fucking sucks to see all the time, but unfortunately because it's the truth it's not going to go away but what your forgetting is that there really is a lot of good out there. When the time comes. It will save us all... or at least those with consciousnesses worth saving.

Edit 1: Also about the animals comment, sometimes I think god put animals on earth for that reason. To be our companions, and to learn from them by the nature of what they are. In their fullest form.

If you want to know the truth about the Bible it's all summed up here. The most amazing information I've ever come across. Enjoy The truth will set you free. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtExkh6ZiNU I also recommend The power of now by Echart Tolle.

Suddenly I...I...I too don't want to live in this world anymooore!!! I think. I'm not sure. Anybody?

I still want to live... just not on this planet anymore...

Two words: Jesus Christ.

1987, you're 26 years old this year, and you're still talking about Jesus Christ?

Agreed. I went through this kind of crisis recently and getting involved, even on a small local level, helped me feel a lot less hopeless. You'll meet some pretty cool people, too!

I still want to live... just not on this planet anymore...

In other words, no. He can't.