Reminder: if you're going to visit an Establishment news site, do so with AdBlock enabled.

30  2013-03-14 by [deleted]

...and this goes for fake "alternative" sites like Alternet and DailyKos too.

We're here in this subreddit because we want to understand what's going on in the world around us. When we read mainstream news stories, we do it with our skeptic's hat on. But let's remember that our clicks are how these guys make money. So if you're visiting one of these sites while gathering data points, prevent them from gathering ad revenue from your traffic. No need to enrich the liars while you're scrutinizing their propaganda.


Stop eating at Fast Food restaurants.

Stop eating GMO.

Stop drinking fluoride.

Stop drinking Coca Cola.

Stop voting for the Two Party Dicatorship.

Stop behaving like a fucking Slave.

Start take Action.

Start voting with your Dollars.

Start connecting with others.

Start Protesting.

Start talking to People.

Nice try, PepsiCo.

I do, I am an atheist.

This has nothing to do with Religion lol

'Twas a joke (athiests eat babies).

Faith in Humanity restored.


My feelings about my physical appearance, my only weakness!


As much as I'm not generally a conspiracy theorist, this is a good point. If you really believe in this stuff, then banner ads should be the least of your worries.

Can I drink store brand coke

Why coca cola? Is it just the unhealthiness

Yeah, that gave me pause, too. It sure ain't good for ya. Although, most grocery stores & organic places have alternative colas made with real sugar - they taste way better anyway.

Where I live coca cola is made with sugar.

But I agree with Weedtastic, and I'm more of a pepsi drinker anyway..

No sugar! Its like TV, but worse for your metabolism!

Bilderberg Company who is supporting high fructose corn syrup and aspartame.

Bilderberg Company who is supporting high fructose corn syrup and aspartame.

That company has a bit of a track record besides just giving people diabetes. Look it up.

Ghostery as well.

Ghostery is a must have. The amount of trackers/social media plugins/etc on websites now is so ridiculous that the speed difference is really noticeable when they're blocked.

Just picked it up myself a week ago. Definite improvement to my surfing experience.

This. Seriously, it doesn't slow your browser down in the slightest, and the amount of websites that are now connected via facebook/google etc is astounding.

i have adblock enabled at all times

Even with adblock, you are earning them money because you add to their traffic, which they use to raise their ad costs.

no love for Ghostery and NotScripts?

Just use AdBlock Plus or some other ad-blocker all the time. People don't like having their ads blocked? Tough. I haven't seen ads for years. When I use someone else's computer, or update my browser, I'm horrified by the number of intrusive ads. I wouldn't look at them if they paid me.

And on the subject of whether we should voluntarily subject ourselves to advertisements, just because some other bozo wants us to do so, here's a clip from the great stand-up comedian, Bill Hicks.

AdBlock is heading the conspiracy to ruin the advertising agencies and reduce us to government sponsored propaganda outlets!


It's not about trouble. It's about the conviction that nobody has any right shoving ads down my throat. I'll block them every time I can, any way I can, and feel great about it.