Operation UnJIDF The Hivemind

0  2013-03-15 by [deleted]

OpUTH Goals:

  • To win the hearts and minds of Reddit to the causes of BDS and the one-state solution.

  • Make redditors aware of JIDF and Hasbara.

  • To protect the flow of conversation on Reddit and keep it evolving in sophistication.

OpUTH Strategy and Tactics:

Remember reddiquette!

There are key positions that we need to hold. By giving some shape to the key fronts, it helps us be more efficient with our energy.

We need people to take these positions:

  • Data Angels

  • Knights of /New

  • JIDF Slayers

It's often too late to influence things by the time a thread hits the frontpage. The fight happens much earlier. None of the above can by itself work; we need all three pieces working together before things click.

Data Angels

Information is what holds our online society together. Especially on Reddit, with it's basic structure as a news aggregator, we need submissions to get conversations started.

There's lots of different ways to go about getting a decent information stream to trade into Reddit. As a start, you can take interesting stories from /r/worldpolitics, /r/conspiracy etc. and xpost them across other subreddits. I also often use Google News to find interesting news stories.

Knights of /New

The new page is where the action is, and in a way, the first 100 upvote/downvotes are the most significant. We need our own guys manning the lines there.

The major default /news:

It's also possible to use non-news subreddits effectively:

We should also challenge them in their favorite subreddit:

Bookmark the links of interest to you and check when you have time.

JIDF Slayers

As a general direction, we need to get in early into threads and seed them with comments and if JIDF want to challenge, then we need to compete with them.

Remember, it's never about changing the JIDFs/Hasbara shills minds. This is probably impossible. Write more for the readers who might happen to come across the comment tree. It's the rest of reddit we care more about. Use the JIDFs as an excuse to launch a speech and dump even more information and hasbara nightmares out.

These are just some initial thoughts. If it gets traction, we can develop it a bit more..

This an edited version of Operation Unfuck The Hivemind from /r/evolutionReddit.


This is the dumbest thing I've seen in a while on this subreddit. Also, this is a vote brigade - against reddit TOS. Also, OP and anyone who supports this is a fucking moron. Also, this is a waste of time. Why not try to get rid of the racists of reddit, like tttt0tttt Occidentalist and Sailer?

One topic at a time, but thank you for that suggestion. Perhaps you can tackle that one.

One topic at a time

Says the guy who posted

OpUTH Goals:

To win the hearts and minds of Reddit to the causes of BDS and the one-state solution.

Make redditors aware of JIDF and Hasbara.

To protect the flow of conversation on Reddit and keep it evolving in sophistication.

OpUTH Strategy and Tactics:

Remember reddiquette!

There are key positions that we need to hold. By giving some shape to the key fronts, it helps us be more efficient with our energy.

We need people to take these positions:

Data Angels

Knights of /New

JIDF Slayers

It's often too late to influence things by the time a thread hits the frontpage. The fight happens much earlier. None of the above can by itself work; we need all three pieces working together before things click.

Data Angels

Information is what holds our online society together. Especially on Reddit, with it's basic structure as a news aggregator, we need submissions to get conversations started.

There's lots of different ways to go about getting a decent information stream to trade into Reddit. As a start, you can take interesting stories from /r/worldpolitics, /r/conspiracy etc. and xpost them across other subreddits. I also often use Google News to find interesting news stories.

Knights of /New

The new page is where the action is, and in a way, the first 100 upvote/downvotes are the most significant. We need our own guys manning the lines there.

The major default /news:


http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/new (US only but that's hardly a limitation )


It's also possible to use non-news subreddits effectively:

http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/new (success example)

http://www.reddit.com/r/videos/new (success example)

http://www.reddit.com/r/wtf/new (success example)

We should also challenge them in their favorite subreddit:


Bookmark the links of interest to you and check when you have time.

JIDF Slayers

As a general direction, we need to get in early into threads and seed them with comments and if JIDF want to challenge, then we need to compete with them.

Remember, it's never about changing the JIDFs/Hasbara shills minds. This is probably impossible. Write more for the readers who might happen to come across the comment tree. It's the rest of reddit we care more about. Use the JIDFs as an excuse to launch a speech and dump even more information and hasbara nightmares out.

The Gentleperson's Guide To Protest & Forum Spies & Disinformation Specialists (full version)

Propaganda and Debating Techniques

The Boycott Israel Resource Page by Prof. David Klein

These are just some initial thoughts. If it gets traction, we can develop it a bit more..

This an edited version of Operation Unfuck The Hivemind from /r/evolutionReddit.

I think the biggest problem you're going to have with this (apart from the fact that most of you are insane) is that you think EVERYONE who disagrees with you or that isn't a holocaust denier is a JIDF shill. So therefore, as far as you are concerned, the other 99% of Reddit that isn't white supremacist holcaust deniers is JIDF. Which isn't statistically possible.

Therefore you stand as much chance as one of North Korea's Tae Po Dong missiles. You may have momentum, but you have no working targeting systems.

They all know this. The insulation is what keeps nuts going. They have to always be persecuted and admonish anyone who disagrees to keep such a bizarre world view afloat. Check out "Enemies Within: The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America" if you'd like a good academic read on why these people believe what they do and it's relation to American history. I'm into group psych so I come here for the popcorn and predictability of how they act. Makes it easier to interact with them in real life.

How many Yeshiva credits did you earn for that pathetic attempt to discourage Anti-Zionists from organizing to expose the worldwide propaganda efforts of Z.O.G.?

Yeah, that totally disproved my point about you thinking everyone who doesn't agree with your line of horseshit is a shill. Well done.


Oh look a bunch of White Nationalist want to form a reddit brigade.. Morons..

I know right?.

This is pretty silly - there are only a small number of Jews in the world - and 1) what % of them are English speakers, 2) on the internet and 3) part of the JIDF? It is going to be a tiny percentage of Jews and a tiny number of reddit users. It's statistically impossible for Jewish groups/the JIDF to do what conspiracy users think they are doing.

If you think that every "pro-israel" post is made by members of some secret group then you have some mental issues.

Don't bring logic into this..

Goy Internet Defense Force: just like the JIDF, only that they do the same thing for free

Actually they are polar opposites...

The JIDF, and Zionist-Jew controlled U.S. Corporate Media are constantly trying to cover up the ugly truth of Zionism, while the "Goy Internet Defense Force" will be telling the truth....

I just got five ZINCs (Zionist INternet Credits - redeemable for ONE free political assassination!) for downvoting you. Thanks, man!

Why don't you keep saving your ZINCs for something worthwhile like bulldozing the next Rachel Corrie?

Just because you used your POOPs (Palestinian Oppression and Offense Points) to launch missiles at a bunch of civilians doesn't mean I should follow your example.

...for free


The JIDF are paid conscripts of the Israeli Army, and the Yeshiva Yids constantly editing Wikipedia, and Policing Twitter are all compensated and/or actually compete for prizes awarded for the most zealous defense of the racist ideology that is Zionism.

we are? any evidence of this?

You're in the wrong subreddit with that "E" word.

All those three types of people you mentioned get money for doing what you do for free. How is that "wrong"? GIDF doesn't get paid while the JIDF does, and very handsomely in fact.

I think this is a stereotype that holds true, Jews aren't stupid enough to spend time pointlessly arguing on the Internet for free while Goyim are. I would know, I get paid an IDF salary each month for basically trolling reddit and /pol/ all day every day.

lucky you. regarding us getting paid, you must have us confused with someone else. we try to bring in some money to make up for the fact that our operation runs at a financial loss, but that's it.

Never get angry. They will insult you like it matters, even though it doesn't. Stick to the topic and ignore the insults. it's not about you, it's about what you're talking about. Feel free to tell them that their personal opinion of you as a human being is irrelevant. Always tell them to have a better day.

I need to work on these things too.

You should know that SubredditDrama has written about you.

«The brave Internet Defenders of /r/conspiracy don their tinfoil helmets and go to war on the Zionists!», submitted 23 minutes ago.

As of now, yоur link has a scorе of 14 (43|29).

SRD has nо enforced rules against іnvading or voting in lіnked threads, and tһreads lіnked by tһem have а tendency to suddenly acquіre large аmounts of votеs and derailing comments.


Excellent post, especially the link to spotting forum spies. Seems like they are getting desperate lately.

Am I the only one who can hate Jews without being a spergy, conspiracy theorist about it? They're disgusting degenerates who ruin countries, no one is debating that, but ZOG don't real


Got you tagged now as 'Unironic Redditor', which is an actual insult.

This is an absolutely FANTASTIC idea--not only that; it's necessary!

The JIDF, the ADL, and their ilk try to control the hivemind with their sob stories and their bullshit while, with the other hand, they are taking over the media, the internet, the government--hell, the WORLD.

Enough is enough. These bastards must be called out and shut down.

Us "real" Jews welcome the truth--we don't try to obfuscate it!

Boycott Israeli products! Don't buy Intel! Boycott Teva pharmaceuticals! Most importantly--tell EVERYONE YOU KNOW that the blank checks from America to Israel must stop until they stop being an apartheid terror entity!!

can we go after stormfront-subreddits /r/niggers /r/ancap /r/shitredditsays /r/mensrights /r/progun and /r/subredditdrama brigades too?

i always new that dstardly gun enthusiats hated non white people!

Sure, why not?

After all, hitler killed a lot of Eastern European Whites, a rather terrible person in my book.


Actually they are polar opposites...

The JIDF, and Zionist-Jew controlled U.S. Corporate Media are constantly trying to cover up the ugly truth of Zionism, while the "Goy Internet Defense Force" will be telling the truth....

Don't bring logic into this..