Men Without Hats

13  2013-03-16 by [deleted]

I want to call attention to a conspiracy that seldom gets examined, the hat conspiracy. There was a time, not very long ago, when every man wore a hat in public. And I mean every man. Just take a look at this photo from 1912 and you'll see what I mean. No bare heads in this crowd. Dodge cars were designed so that men could sit in them without removing their hats.

Suddenly, almost overnight, that changed. Suddenly, almost nobody wears a hat. Even in winter, even in the rain, men don't wear hats.

The social rule went from being an absolute obligation to wear a hat if you were an adult male, to "you can wear a hat if you want but you'll look like a doofus." Why? There has to be a reason for this.

I do not buy the often repeated assertion that John F. Kennedy caused men to stop wearing hats by not wearing a hat to his swearing in as president. For one thing, it's not true (he did wear a hat part of the time); for another, a single man could not cause such a sea-change in fashion.

This mystery is starting to bug me, because I can't find an answer for it. This isn't a seasonal change in the width of lapels, this is a massive change. Hats ... no hats. I suspect it may have something to do with improved central heating and the decreased incidence of minor illnesses. Maybe people weren't as cold as they used to be. Cars had better head. So did buildings. People were outdoors for shorter periods of time. Then again, maybe it was aliens.


Maybe the hats got in the way of the safety dance?

Anyone who gets in the way that dance is no friend of mine.

/r/askhistorians might have some information on the subject.

Except /r/askhistorians doesn't advocate people like tttt0tttt to post because all he'll bring is anti-semitism and other vile forms of historical revisionism. No, he's not welcomed to post on /r/askhistorians.




Is a conspiracy?


Have you just been trolling this whole time?

It's a conspiracy. Like in Lunopolis, the pictures don't lie, no matter how much they try to convince us otherwise.

It's a fashion trend not a bloody conspiracy.

I was just making a joke.

The whole dress code has changed. Used to be when men traveled they wore a suit. You couldn't get on and airplane without a suit. Now people show up in sweat pants.

if you're lucky they do, fly southwest sometimes and they wear less then that

where is /u/yrugay when you need him?

Do you want to know more?

No, he needs to be "welcome(d) to the new world order, bitch."

I hate that stupid bot.

hahaha wonder if he has any links for this

He's working on it.

It had a lot to do with cars, for obvious reasons. That and fashion just changes. That's how it works.

Umm, you know how fashion changes over time, right? Yeah, hats are a part of fashion, and they're making a comeback. In the 60's people started to have more hair, and hats don't work with that. Now, look at the reemergence of fedoras, mostly among hipsters. How is this a conspiracy?


But they often wear hats! They're trying to keep all the hats to themselves! It all makes sense now.

As a Jew i love me some fucking hats.

Now i'm going to hide, because i said that i am a Jew in /r/conspiracy.

Good luck.



You had me at "obviated".

There has been a pronounced trend toward erasing gender differences in clothing and toward diminishing all the appurtenances of formality or class hierarchy. The hat was one of the first of the male accessories to disappear.

Look at women's fashions too. Even in the 1960's and 1950's it was almost unheard of for women to wear pants, and certainly not blue jeans. Just look at the kind of dresses women wore as casual clothing in the 1950's and 60's in this video, they were designed to emphasize a woman's figure and to draw sharp distinctions in gender between men and women. All women were dressed in dresses and skirts back then. The thought of dressing in blue jeans and a t-shirt was almost unimaginable for most women until the media started to promote that look in the late 60's and early 70's.

Men almost always wore buttoned down shirts with a proper collar. No t-shirts, sweatshirts, and no polo type shirts unless they were actually playing golf or tennis. Suits were also commonplace for professional men; today they are only worn by certain salesmen. Even the blazer and sport jacket are now rarely worn and if they are it is most likely by an older man.

I think this is really part of an agenda to erase gender and class distinctions. Men are encouraged to be more feminine and women are tolerated even if they appear to be butch. Wearing a suit suggests that one is trying a bit too hard to create an impression, as if you are on a job interview or are out to sell something. When women find their way in a workplace they don't look that different from men. Even professionals like physicians, engineers, and the like often wear relatively casual clothing where suits and sport jackets were once de riguer.

Before the age of little blonds driving large SUVs while talking on cell phones, the scary ones on the road were old men with hats. 9 times out of 10 when someone cut you off or was driving slowly it was an old man with a hat. driving a truck with a camper shell just made it worse. Heaven forbid it rained, the old men in hats were out if force for sure.

The conspiracy of hats was created by bald men who wanted to equalize the playing field. With everyone in a hat their secret could go unnoticed. Alas the western male has broken free of the bald tyranny and scalps can once more breath the fresh air of freedom.

Why is this in /r/conspiracy?

This is fucking retarded. Absolutely retarded. Sounds like the paranoid thoughts of a meth head.... "bro.... hats.... then no hats.... CONSPIRACY!!!"

Methhead? Nah. More like a pothead.

All you need to know about this issue is right here in this youtube video that explains it thoroughly.

You can dance if you want to

Cars. The reason people stopped wearing hats is because they would not fit inside cars.

Mystery solved.

This post has to be the low point of this sub. I thought the racist bullshit was bad but geez.....


Maybe it's simply post-modernism. What changed? The moon landing (hoax or not) catapulted people into post-modern society. No longer did people need to dress up for technology (movie theaters and air ports). People are more casual, and poorer.

Also, at some point, I'd guess accessories went out of style.

Interesting question.

One bare head, a man on the ship.

hats caused baldness and they said YIKES to that

"for another, a single man could not cause such a sea-change in fashion."

that is not true. whether or not JFK caused it, I don't know, but celebrity figures single-handily change fashion all the time.

The only conspiracy is fashion and the urge the to create and destroy fads, along with wardrobes. Compare a closet on a 1970s home to a modern home which will most definitely have a walk in. Wearing the same clothes more than once a week and you'll be scoffed at.

Whilst I agree that hats are awesome and I wish they would make a comeback, it's called fashion. It changes, awesome things go out of fashion, horrible things come in, those left behind hate it. I can't find decent, baggy jeans any more because people my age seem to only want to wear bone tight shit, some guys even wear girls jeans. It's just how it works, there is no conspiracy here.


Bryle Cream perhaps?

Just watched an old episode of QI and they claim that as late as 1927 the appropriate color for baby boys was pink and for baby girls was blue. Today the opposite is true.

Why did it change? Who knows.

Well think about the guys that DO wear hats now. The baseball hat douchebag types. They all have that little metal button on the top, what is that for and why do the guys that wear hats like this all the time tend to be part of the mindless borg? The sports idiots that think professional sports is all their is to life. It seems to be the majority of hat wearers anymore. Is that little metal button some kind of a receiver that transmits energy into your skull? Or something similar? Does it amplify wavelengths? Like I've noted the people wearing these hats always seem to be at the bottom end of the awareness/awakeness spectrum.

An ancient saying goes: "Men without hats die of pneumonia." That is true. My grandmother told me "cover your head" all the time, "most body heat leaves you by going out your head."

Men wore hats to prevent getting sick. Take hats out of fashion and you increase the risk of an early grave for many. Time will tell.

yep, this is 100% true. Why else would life expectancy be decreasing steadily for the last 40 years?

Whore those hats!!


My grandmother told me "cover your head" all the time, "most body heat leaves you by going out your head."

This is a myth long since debunked.

It wasn't a myth to those who lost friends family, long ago.

I remember watching the Ken Burns Civil War series and at the end it talked about the leaders after the war. One old southern general died and a northern general who fought against him went to his funeral and it was a cold wet day. The northern general was quite old and did not wear a hat, many told him to put his hat on or die of pneumonia, he said no and a week later did die of pneumonia. Thats the only 'documented' case I ever heard of.

Why men stopped wearing hats?

For the same reason women stopped wearing skirts:

Feminism and the Equality Cult.

In non-feminist countries like China, Iran and especially Russia men still wear hats.

How the fuck did feminists stop men wearing hats? Seriously, go back the /r/TheRedPill

Wait a second, this is a subreddit where people think the incompetent US Govt did 9/11 and you can't believe that feminists and other cultural marxists have imposed their will on us for the past century?

In Germany you have to seat down to pee as a man.

In Sweden you are a considered a rapist if you don't use a condom.

Yet there is no feminist conspiracy.

Whilst those two things are ridiculous, it doesn't prove there is a "feminist conspiracy" just that stupid laws make it through government. I could say the same about the conservatives reducing the top tax rate in my country from 50% to 45%.

It is about the cult of equality permeating the feminist Western world and we don't notice it because we are inside of it, everything gets normalized in a culture when the majority approves of it.

They want to equate males and females, that's why women no longer wear skirts and men no longer wear hats, I am not saying there is a feminist fashion police going around and punishing men wearing hats like the Iranian religious police punishes women that don't wear a hijab, but the cultural marxists promote their insane cult of equality at all costs and with all means: ridicule, the media, fashion.

I think the fact that ladies fashion is become more and more revealing over the years is far from feminist. Also many guys my age wear hats, it's just a shame they are fucking ugly snap backs. I still don't see the feminist conspiracy. Also what would you rather than equality? You sound like you want patriarchy to carry on.

You sound like you want patriarchy to carry on.

I really can't explain it to you why males and females are completely different and perpetuating this scam of pretended equality will bring more problems than solutions.

I really can't, honest, I tried with many people, but it is like trying to explain to a Marxist why it can't work in practice or trying to explain to a cannibal why eating human flesh is not appropriate.

Just look at the facts and search for more clues.

  • In Germany you have to seat down to pee as a man.
  • In Sweden you are a considered a rapist if you don't use a condom.

to add to what I said before:

  • In France Dominique Strauss-Kahn was robbed of the presidency because a very ugly African maid in the US falsely accused him of rape.
  • In Italy Silvio Berlusconi has probably committed every crime possible under the Sun: corruption, buying Senators, blackmail, tax evasion, bribery, money laundering, collusion with the Sicilian mafia, he dodged all those trials ALL of them, yet they have processed him now and will almost certainly convict him FOR THE FIRST TIME in his life because he had sex with a 17 year old Moroccan girl named Ruby.

The West is an insane Feminist Society just like Saudi Arabia is an insane Patriarchal Society.

Lucky for you I am a Marxist then. The reasons they are only charging Silvio is because A) it's they only one they will actually be able to convict him of for reasons B) that it would involve at least 3/4 of Italy's past and present politicians.

From how you sound to me, you believe that men and women are different so they should not be equal. So you sound like you're advocating an oppressive society with men ruling exclusively.

A) it's they only one they will actually be able to convict him of for reasons

B) that it would involve at least 3/4 of Italy's past and present politicians.

I have to be honest and admit that is a plausible hypothesis, like they couldn't convict Al Capone for bootlegging so they convicted him for tax evasion.

That's doesn't mean that putting someone in jail for having sex with a 17 year old is not insanity.

Different countries have different ages of consent. The UK it's 16, it's clearly 18 in Italy. It varies all over the world. Also he'll never go to jail. He'll either pay his way past the sentence, or pay someone to do it for him. Also they would never put him in a position in which he would be spilling beans on other Italian politicians.

Different countries have different ages of consent. The UK it's 16, it's clearly 18 in Italy.

The age of consent in continental Europe is on the average 14 years old, 15 in France and Germany, it is 13 in Spain, 14 in Italy,

it's clearly 18 in Italy.

we are stupid but we are not Anglos, yet.

The Judges, THREE women, are convicting Berlusconi for sleeping with a 17 year old because they are advancing the Feminist worldview that Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians are imposing on us, in particular the girl was found out to be a prostitute so they are convicting him for paying a minor for sex, that's the legal technicality they are using.

With all the crimes that Berlusconi has done convicting him for sleeping with a 17 year old is like convicting Hitler because he ate meat on a Friday as a Catholic.

I am done talking with you because you are clearly a male feminist, a traitor, and real facts are misogynist to you so you make up your own "facts".

I believe in equality, I see there are issues for men (high suicide rates, unfair civil courts etc) and women (coltural oppression, being encouraged to be stay at home moms, unfair maternity prospects), all caused by patriarchy. Call me what you like, I don't attach a tag to myself when it comes to gender issues, both sides are completely and fucking unbearable sometimes. Many MRA's are complete misogynists of want a male orientated society and oppose equality, many feminists are complete misanderists who want a female orientated society. Obviously these are small percentages of the overall movement but they are enough to make me want to avoid the movements as a whole.

How the hell does this make me a traitor? Believing in equality?

But they often wear hats! They're trying to keep all the hats to themselves! It all makes sense now.
