Comment about what Obama has done wrong was deleted on /r/politics

114  2013-03-18 by [deleted]

Does anyone remember this article on /r/politics? If I remeber correctly, someone pointed out what Obama has done negatively. The comment has been deleted, even after the person received reddit gold. Why?


Are you kidding? /r/politics has been shill territory since Karmanaut / ProbablyHittingOnYou and BEP took it over almost two years ago.

It's the same shit as Democratic Underground where the Obama disinfo shills pay mods to give them favorable treatment and delete unwanted threads.

Meanwhile, there's another front-page article in /r/conspiracy that says almost 40% of people polled think Obama is WORSE than Bush on civil liberties. (Did I get that right?)

Going to /r/politics is like climbing up a shill's backside.

It's just so odd though. This guy pointed out Obama's wrongdoings and it was just deleted. I don't remember how many upvotes he had, but I know that he had reddit gold. It's crazy

Uh, yeah. That's what they do.

It's disgusting because they don't actually think anybody really believes the pap they massage to the front page. They're just trying to keep us human beings from working together to change the government.

As in, if people could use social media without obstruction by shills, we'd figure out we agree on a lot of stuff, and we'd start changing things.

Instead, we have a fake government, fake reddit, and fake freedoms.

I find it funny that the only place where you can actually say anything you want about or on reddit is conspiracy,

its no wonder people seek refuge here from all the other places where mods seems to regulate posts thoroughly.

This place isn't exactly troll free but you're way more free to make what comments you like without it being removed. Sadly, this place gets attacked for that as well from people posing as conspiracy theorists making absolutely crazy posts with new accounts so it can be posted in other drama subs. Sucks, but its the truth.

The flip side of that is that if we are ever going to get out of here, we're going to have to learn to cut through the BS. Know what is good and what is bad, and have our own guiding principles.

Shills are pretty much the opposite of that, so having them around makes the message stronger. That's why the shills mainly stick to unfair playing fields where the mods are corrupt.

Bullies don't like fair play, but they don't understand themselves enough to know WHY they fear a level playing field.

More free to comment but less so in the last two years. Everything is met with much more opposition rather than discussion.

Great post. So if indeed all the popular social channels are compromised by shills and astroturfers, by what metric can we accurately measure true dissatisfaction with the current political model? If controlled opposition is the name of the game, how can we confidently discuss the ideas for change necessary if all avenues for public discourse have been poisoned, blocked or directed? Perhaps it truly is baby steps. Perhaps only one more media circus-laden event is all we need for people to raise an eyebrow and exclaim 'Hang on. Something's not right here.' One more Dorner, one more Sandy Hook, one more Aurora, one more SOPA, one more Kony, one more Columbine, one more Waco, one more Iran Contra, one more Northwoods, one more Gulf of Tonkin...

Social change is partly chaotic. Who knows when it will happen or what it will look like? If anything starts the ball rolling, it might be slow-moving (demographic change) or unexpected (tipping point).

That's why the propaganda teams have to keep increasing pressure and taking away rights. If they don't clamp down, something will change. If they do clamp down, the pressure builds.

Forced disinformation is about the most treasonous thing I can think of.

I agree. I find it somewhat disheartening to learn that some of the biggest social movements of the last 100 years (feminism, Black Rights) had most likely been co-opted or infiltrated by the government in some way. If they don't clamp down with any grassroots movement that may destabilise them then something would definitely change. If only they could find a way to call protectors of the US constitution enemy combatants...

I think the solution is to keep talking in terms of right and wrong. Our lives are not "just business." Genocide is wrong. Taking care of those who need help is right.

Government and corporations really avoid the language of ethics. The media want to take it out of our vocabulary. The scariest politicians are those who use ethics to get elected, then warp the meaning. (Pretty much any recent president. Famous clergy are scary too.)

If we have a healthy social conscience, good things will happen. Don't let the propagandists take it away. (Or rather, recapture it from them.) That also helps against infiltration and all the other nasty little shill tricks. When it comes to right and wrong, they are vulnerable and they got nothing, because they are empty.

And real arguments about fake shit. I with you on the using social media to change things.


I don't know, I'm subscribed to /r/politicaldiscussion which was created by ProbablyHittingOnYou about a year ago and I think it is a fine subreddit.

Fuck /r/politics tho.

/r/politics is a default subreddit, so stories pointing out Obama's faux-liberal hypocrisy would show up on millions of front pages. Can't have people realizing that we are unified in what we want from government.

The defaults are just controlled propaganda for that reason.

By "almost two years ago" do you mean before or after September 2011? Do you remember when they took over specifically?

Are there discussions that you know of that discuss addressing this serious issue? If it can be said so plainly, then there must be a way some how.

It really just comes down to how much the shills pay for abusive mod privileges. It destroys the subreddit / site, so the admins also have to take that into account.

Take a look at /r/politicalmoderation for starters.

I have had no less then 10 negative obama links/posts deleted from /r/politics.

davidriess666 told me to delete a post I submitted while it was locked in the spam filter. Turns out that tells the spam filter to permanently block my posts.

He knew that would happen. I didn't. Not much to say after that.

It's like they don't think we have UnredditReddit...

And then look at this post. Small and not seen by many, and will be forgotten. shame

Comments portraying Dear Leader in light other than glorious are permitted only in the offline version of this post. We do employ a special drone that can fly over and wirelessly receive these comments for their publication online for you, we'll just need your name, address and an approximate time you'll be in your domicile.

History is written by the victors. We are all losers.

I feel as though we should foster a demand for AMA of the mods of /r/politics.

That would be downvoted faster than a donut would be eaten when shown to a hungry fat kid.

It's just so odd though. This guy pointed out Obama's wrongdoings and it was just deleted. I don't remember how many upvotes he had, but I know that he had reddit gold. It's crazy

Great post. So if indeed all the popular social channels are compromised by shills and astroturfers, by what metric can we accurately measure true dissatisfaction with the current political model? If controlled opposition is the name of the game, how can we confidently discuss the ideas for change necessary if all avenues for public discourse have been poisoned, blocked or directed? Perhaps it truly is baby steps. Perhaps only one more media circus-laden event is all we need for people to raise an eyebrow and exclaim 'Hang on. Something's not right here.' One more Dorner, one more Sandy Hook, one more Aurora, one more SOPA, one more Kony, one more Columbine, one more Waco, one more Iran Contra, one more Northwoods, one more Gulf of Tonkin...

I find it funny that the only place where you can actually say anything you want about or on reddit is conspiracy,

its no wonder people seek refuge here from all the other places where mods seems to regulate posts thoroughly.

And real arguments about fake shit. I with you on the using social media to change things.

I don't know, I'm subscribed to /r/politicaldiscussion which was created by ProbablyHittingOnYou about a year ago and I think it is a fine subreddit.

Fuck /r/politics tho.

By "almost two years ago" do you mean before or after September 2011? Do you remember when they took over specifically?

Are there discussions that you know of that discuss addressing this serious issue? If it can be said so plainly, then there must be a way some how.