The level of racism, bigotry, sexism, baseless claims, and lack of evidence to support arguments on this sub has become unbearable! What's going on in here?! It seems the Trolls are winning! Mods! Stop the whiterighters and stormfront from hijacking this sub!

0  2013-03-19 by [deleted]

I mean fuck... This week I've seen multiple posts that can only be described as anti-Semitic. I am openly opposed to Israeli State actions and view the way their lobby manipulates the US Government as a deep conspiracy, however, there is a clear difference in being opposed to a government's and people's policies and being outright prejudiced against a specific religion or people. I've been on this sub for 2+ years, and the depths of racism that it has fallen too is amazingly scary. Mods, do something about this!


I have read YOUR post history and I simply don't see where you stand up at all for equality for Palestinians, for freedom for Palestinians, for representation in their government for Palestinians or for protection under the law for the Palestinians. I simply don't see you doing anything except describing those of us who DO stand up for this as racists, trolls and stormfronters. I see you as someone who is trying to put an end to our right to speak out for The Palestinians and their decades-long suffering by labeling us all as Anti-Semites. I see you as being dishonest about your own motives here.

Obvious bigot troll is obviously bigoted. Go fuck yourself.

You say that to everybody. It doesn't mean anything when you say it to everybody.

No, it means you have a racial bias against a specific group, which is both pathetic and worthy of pointing out. Go cry somewhere else big baby bigot.

Freedom, Opportunity, Democracy, Law and Equality For All, even Palestinians.

Scares you to death, doesn't it?

Pathetic attempt to shake off your bigotry hiding behind Palestinian suffering like that...

We have your number.

Got yours too bigot.

Do you realize how obvious you're being?

shhhHHhh. Let him damage his cause....

Let him damage his cause

Pray tell, how does this damage my cause? I'm actually interested to here what your explanation is because everything else you've presented has been so enlightening. By enlightening, I mean it reminded me why I hate ignorant bigot philosophy so much again after I had left Az for a little bit.

I'm not going to clue you in any more than I have. The silent readers and the fence sitters will decide for themselves.

Yes, and they'll decide you're a liar too, lol! God damn your whole little click of bigot morons are slow as shit! Hahahahahaha! If you wonder why no one but your fellow lame ass white trash hillbilly friends takes you seriously, come back and read your last two comments again. Lying sack of shit, lol.

I'm glad it's obvious you can tell my disdain for you and your klan friends.

It's obvious you are a waste of space

Better a waste of space than a worthless pathetic bigot like you. ;)

You could literally post that title appropriately in almost every subreddit in existence.

It has become particularly bad in here...

I believe that the trolls (professional or not) are gaming the subreddit by manipulating the voting system through using a script that manages multiple accounts as well as creating silly posts and comments to poison the well. Not that all of the trolls are being insincere about it. Some actually get a sense of personal satisfaction from mocking others who believe the govt has proven itself to be untrustworthy, as misinformed as that is. However, we do know the govt openly admits to having a program to manipulate social media websites and this particular subreddit would be a hot target.

Best thing to do is be polite, strong willed, logical and most of all persistent.

I believe that the trolls (professional or not) are gaming the subreddit by manipulating the voting system through using a script that manages multiple accounts as well as creating silly posts and comments to poison the well

The white supremacists on this subreddit are definitely not being supported by trolls.

Never really got a WS vibe from this subreddit...

Click the link in my text. Read around some more. It's unbelievably full of white pride bullshit now-a-days.

People should have pride no matter what they are, as long as they don't infringe on someone else's rights.

That is an incredibly pathetic excuse to be a bigot...

Don't like it, make steps towards change through discussion. Name calling and making accusations is all you're doing.

If I could travel through the internet and kick your racist ass I gladly would, but, barring that technological leap, I'm content using my words to condemn you and your racist friends. ;)

I wouldn't fight you if you walked up and punched me in the face. You need love and understanding. I'm sorry for the troubles you have and wish you didn't have to carry so much hatred in your heart.

Fuck off with that patronizing bs you racist scum. Why would I want to discuss anything with your bigoted ass? I doubt you even have the balls to express your opinions in public cause you know you'd get your lame ass knocked down. I wish bigots like you didn't have so much hate in your hearts, but I'm more than ok with people beating it out of you and your friends. ;)

I love you. Come kick my ass whenever you like.

If only you weren't too big of a wuss to be open about your views anywhere but online cause then you wouldn't need me to do it. How can you stand how pathetic you are?

I agree and think it's gotten completely out of hand. The posts are so bad in here it looks like a whiterights blog sometimes...

Your comment history illustrates my point beautifully.

Your comment history illustrates my point delusion beautifully.


Why U spend time in r/conspiracy! Surely someone of your intelligence wouldn't spend their time with delusional people?

They're interesting. There's different kinds, shades of grey from slight paranoia to full blown belief in chemtrails, UFO's, lizard people, and deeply disturbing and plain wrong denial of 9/11 terrorist attacks, Sandy Hook and Aurora massacres, or the holocaust.

You are interesting.

Of course.


Racism is for pathetic people who can't handle the truth of life...


No, I'm pretty sure it's the people like you that are obvious bigots. Your rants about how the Jews are trying to destroy the white race are a perfect example of this.


He's a blatant racist. I mean, he's a director of the American Freedom Party, which argues for a white supremacist American state. He doesn't believe in the Holocaust. His continued existence at CSULB is proof that free speech still exists, no matter how vile the speech is.


He's been accused of academic fraud, his papers have not gained peer worthiness, and all his supporters of merit are considered to be either closet racists or outright anti-Semites. It's like the equivalent of me holding David Icke as proof that lizard people really do control the world. Oops, my apologies, just change "lizard" with "Jewish" and they're the exact same.

To have work of any merit, you need to present things in an unbiased light. He is renown for using his "scholarly" work to further his own ideals and hatred.

I know who he is. And as I said, his views are just the kind of idiotic tripe that white supremacists like yourself tend to take as the gospel.

No, I've been exposed to the ideas people like you present tot, as I've read enough about Nazism to understand you're taking advantage of a racial/religious/creedist separation to promote your personal ideology because you are right and everyone else is wrong. You in particular are bad at taking plays straight from Goebbels' playbook tot, as you are a flat out bigot trying to promote your racial ideology.


That's it. No other agenda.

Your agenda of hate sucks. Take it the fuck somewhere else...

At least tot is expressing himself using his grownup words.

Lol. They always resort to petty name calling. It is a tell tale sign of shill/cheer leader bitch.

They always resort to petty name calling. It is a tell tale sign of shill/cheer leader bitch.

Gasp! The tell tale signs of a white trash loser who can't emotionally handle the fact they're a modern day nazi! 8O! I must have an army of accounts and be getting paid millions of dollars to "act" like I think you guys are pathetic! You uncovered the ultimate truth! All hail the dude with a racial epithet inscribed in his name. Loser...

Thanks for pointing that out. Love and Peace in the middle east. Y'all.

Fuck tots grownup words and fuck you too. You guys are lame ass computer chair bigots who are very likely too wussy to express yourself in person because you'd get acquainted with grownup fists real quick.

So you can only respond with insults and violence? I have only seen hatred on one side of this arguement. That is your side.

You fucking wuss, create a new account just to post that. Closet racist loser. Don't want your friends knowing your a skinhead at heart?

So if more than one person seems to disagree with you, that means it's actually just one person with multiple accounts. Because clearly everyone in the world agrees with you, and only one person disagrees.

This is your logic, I hope you appreciate how idiotic it sounds. Oh, and just to be clear, no I'm not the guy you initially replied to. I'm just someone who saw one person making rational arguements and another person responding with insults and threats of violence. I thought I would comment that you are a Philistine.

lol, you pathetic bigoted liar. Go fuck yourself. I can't believe it, too wussy to even use your "real" pseudonym online to be a racist but you gotta hide behind an account that only has 1 post. That's like twenty thousand leagues of pathetic right here. hahahahaha.

So I am someone else simply because my post count is one and thereby I am new? By your logic, there are no new users on Reddit. By your logic, all posts are from the same person, since no new users means only one user on Reddit. By your logic, we are the same person and you have been arguing with yourself. Continuing this logic, you have multiple personality disorder and possibly paranoid schizophrenia since you seem to believe everyone is actually one person who is against you.

Yeah, totally don't believe you're new. I'll use "logic" and using it shows me that some asshat who creates an account only to defend overt anti-Semites promoting straight up Nazi ideology is either:

A) a wuss who doesn't want their friends to know their a closer racist


B) someone who is attempting to get a troll on by attempting to "make me feel silly" for assuming you're a racist or bigot because it's not impossible you are new and just randomly bounced into this buried post that happens to be filled with posters from whiterights and stormfront

I'm not stupid you petty liar.

Further, even if you were new, well than double fuck your sack of worthless bigoted scum ass.

Very well then, show me the working of your logic and how this led you to come to your conclusion.

And while you are busy with that mental olympics, I'll quote the subreddit's description. It goes as follows "This subreddit is a thinking ground, above all else we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds." Let me condense that: "...we respect everyone's opinions..."

You do not. You are in violation of what this board stands for. You have called me a racist, worthless, a bigot and "scum ass" whatever that may be. I have not said anything racist, nor bigoted. I must assume that you have painted me with the same brush as you have others. That is called prejudice, or bigotry.

You also insult, belittle and threaten violence on everyone who does not share your opinion. You seem to have an issue with freedom of speech. This is fascism.

You have shown that not only are you a bigot, but you are also a fascist.

HAHAHAHA!!! this actually made me laugh out loud, thank you.

I don't respect your worthless bigoted opinions, and I openly wish negative things happen to you as a result of your pathetic and dangerous for society ideology.

I have not said anything racist, nor bigoted.

Creating an account specifically to defend bigots in secret is bigotry you fucking moron... This is one of the most jumbled and fucked up rationals to escape the fact one is a racist I have ever witnessed. Freedom of speech motherfucker, I think you're trash, deal with it.

It is strange, the topic of this thread is baseless claims and lack of evidence to support arguements. This is exactly what you are doing. With a heaped spoonful of insults and unwarranted aggression.

what baseless claim am I making? that you're a bigot? lol, if you don't want to be called that then don't make an alt account to post apologist defenses of open and outright neo-Nazis. it's really that easy. god damn people like you are weird lol. yes, insults, because bigots and delusional morons are not worthy of respect, sorry bro.

Yes that is exactly the baseless claims you are making. You have shown no evidence that this is an alt account beyond that you do not like me. You have also not shown any evidence that I am defending bigots other than I responded to an insulting post by you.

You are damaging your cause so hard here that it is fucking hilarious.

Keep it up.

Oh no! Another whiterighter telling me I'm calling bigots out incorrectly! 8O! Whatever will I do!?

Laugh it up cheerleader. That's what you will do chuckle head. And You'll get no rise out of me. What else you got? More uninspired insults cooked up by your shill/cheerleader bitch friends? You guys are so lame with you weak old ass labels and your tired approach. People are waking up and their is nothing you or your ilk can do about it.

More uninspired insults cooked up by your shill/cheerleader bitch friends?

You just went full retard their sparky. It's a giant conspiracy that I think you're a lame ass bigot! 8O! Detective awesome over here!

People are waking up =/= people are becoming bigoted scum like you and your whiterights buddies in this thread. Sorry bro, by and large people still think you're bigoted trash. Maybe you should move to Greece, I hear the police there love ideologies like you're promoting.

I am not promoting any Ideology.

Rather I speak against all Ideologies and Zionism in particular because of it's wide influence and obvious use of propaganda, control of media, history of corruption etc...

In my humble opinion all humanity is equal at least in dignity. It is a common thread of which you are not apart of. If anything I'd be neutral but the side of truth and justice is squarely and uniformly not Zionist.

Any way for future reference this sums up the way i feel about Jews:

That said Zionism will ultimately fail. Not because of me or whiterighter bigots, not because of Greece. It will be it's own undoing and your damn fault.

Any way. Keep it up. I'd ask you to remain civil but I know you won't.

You will go full retard.

lol. bigot comes out of closet as bigot, but then refused to accept he's a bigot because the implications are too negative on the self-worth to handle. liberal education really messed up your head huh? sorry you're stuck with this identity crisis and like a hundred years out of date to be a racist nobody without consequences. It must sucks that everyone knows your racial ideology and worldview is nothing but a blight on this world. I mean, it must keep morale real low for you guys, hence all the unwillingness to accept your own identities as loser skinheads and reliance on petty trolling with seriously unsound 'philosophising' (it's the only word to describe that jumbled mess of shit you just wrote) to back up your stupid ideology.

"I am the lowest of the low, I am the highest of the high" -Kabir

Ha don't project your identity crisis on to me.

Funny how you assume you know what "everyone knows blah blah blah..." Lulz. Like you are God the inner knower.

What I know is that anyone sitting on the fence 'round here is joining the truth camp right about now because you continue your foolish antics as if your livelihood depended on it.

It's just great lol. Seriously you are credit to your cause. I applaud you. You may continue your irrational use of words and contradictions.

And "liberal schooling" looooool. I ain't ever needed no book lurnins b 4. Lurned all I know from the TV. God bless 'merica and God bless the land he granted to teh Joos.

Spoken like a backwater hick who no one likes or respects. Congratulations 'mahm, you have reached the definition of trash. Now you and your butt buddies go play and find reason everyone else is to blame for you guys being white trash. Sometimes I pity you guys, but mostly I remember watching your buddies get beat up by Mexicans and Anarchists growing up. Good times. ;)

HAHAHA and the most racist statement in this thread goes to the OP. I'm Jamaican ex pat and I love white people. Well not all of them but some of them are alright with me. Specially the ones who stand against the false Zionist Babylon!

Liar. You are a fucking liar. picture of ur hand with a time stamp or you're just bigot trash like the rest. I will actually discuss Babylon and treat you with a short respect during the conversation if you do this. If not, I'm justified in thinking you're a lying hillbilly fuck who has a very low education and is unworthy of tolerance or respect.

Ha. I will do no such thing and you may think as you wish. Not just because You are an agent of babylon. Also I have noticeable hands and no camera. I do not desire your respect. And you can justify your thoughts any damned way you choose.

In the eyes of the Almighty One I'd rather suffer your intolerance and hypocrisy so that others may open their eyes. Everyone is worthy of tolerance and respect. Especially those who disagree with you and Imperialist bull shit. Those who you deem so low while you have no clue just how truthfully one live.

I will do no such thing

lying hillbilly fuck.

Edit: wouldn't your hillbilly friends be upset you pretend to be black to win a white rights argument? just seems super stupid to come at it like this lol.

keep it up bro seriously beginning to wonder if you are actually anti-zionist zionist shill here to destroy it's causes.

hahahaha! omg, the level of delusion you must have thinking this buried nothing post means anything to anyone but you white racist dumbasses is fucking precious, lol! I've successfully kept six of you distracted all day by simply laughing at your crews stupid ideology! and it kept me entertained at a slow day at work! you somehow believe you're "winning" something that means nothing to anyone but you! lololoololol! omg this is just too amazing!!! I've taken print screens of this to share with the world it's so cute!

thank you!

So now blacks aren't allowed to be anti-Zionist? That is mighty racist of you. Assuming anti-Zionists are white. And calling a, presumed, white person a "hill-billy fuck" is also racist. Seems that the only racist person here is you.

Violence has it's place in society, you know, otherwise the police wouldn't wield it all the time with such efficiency, and if it's used dealing with people who openly seek to exploit racial divides to create a society of fear with rights for some and not for all than I am in full support of that violence being used to defend the nature of a fair and equal society. I don't care if you try to bastardize the word 'hate' to somehow mean "willing to use violence", because that's not what the word means, nor do we as a society consider it 'hate' when police use violence to defend the law and order for the people. You as well have a markedly poor understanding of fascism if you don't understand how insidious an ideology it is, and how people use race as the predominate means of creating an 'us vs them' dialectic that allows for totalitarianism. Go back to lala land if you must, but just know you're tacitly (if not openly) supporting Nazism by defending these bastards like tot who would seek to create a racially codified world.

Nor can the truth be anti-Semitic

The things that racists like yourself falsely claim is the truth can be antisemetic, however.

Nor can the truth be anti-Semitic

The things that racists like yourself falsely claim is the truth can be antisemetic, however.

That's it. No other agenda.

Your agenda of hate sucks. Take it the fuck somewhere else...

Pathetic attempt to shake off your bigotry hiding behind Palestinian suffering like that...