Did anyone catch what the heckler was yelling at the President Obama's speech in Israel a few minutes ago?

46  2013-03-21 by [deleted]

Just curious.. I'm at the office and couldn't make it out..


I know him personally, he said "Did you come here to make peace or did you come to give Israel more weapons to kill Palestinians? Have you seen the segregation wall on your way here? Who murdered Rachel Corrie?"

Apparently he was an Arab-Israeli who shouted "Free Palestine"


Yes he screamed something about Palestine in Hebrew and the Israeli news channel said that they thought that he screamed something about Pollard but that after asking him he said that he screamed about freeing Palestine and about how Obama is pro-Israel.

Not so apparently.

I'm just really sketched out by the whole broken down limo thing. It seems too fishy for some reason.



The media repeats it until the idiots buy that it's the right thing to do?


Right, that comes shortly after the thing I said.

and then Biden.



He is actually a pretty important tool in this big fucked up game, obama is the miracle for those looking to suppress freedom of the mind and etc. Imagine if someone else became president instead of obama, the nation wouldnt be nearly as polarized and split. Racism has been kept to a pretty high standard thanks to this guy along with a long list of other suppressive mentalities.

Yeah so you off him at the height of his popularity before he says something stupid.

He's pretty much downhill from here.

This is true, but if he is offed then that could start a domino effect of chaos in the world or most likely just the U.S. so wouldn't it make sense to prolong that possibility as long as possible to stockpile the drones, continue to dig government oversight and their fingers into everything in our daily lives. And more time for DHS to buy billions more bullets!

exactly what im thinking. the supply orders have been made and our technology is ready. now its time to start the new phase of the world.

Or they only harm him and he returns blind in one eye, and missing an arm.

Dem israelies like their prophecies

what prophecy is that?

I was really waiting for Peter to become the final Pope so I could quit my job and wait for the last days..as if they're not coming because the Pope prophecy was wrong.

im not 100% sure, its only something i have heard from watching, and i watch/listen to every documentarylecture regardless of it being pro/anti conspiracy. I think it was in one that had to do with comparing Prince william to satan because he was holding a goat in a photo op. It said the anti christ will not even know it himself but the false prohpet will be missing his right arm and only be able to see from one eye.

I made the comment because people always liken mr Obongo to the anti christ. He does preach a lot of nice things that never seem to happen, and the folks down the Christian rabbit hole take it very seriously

Islam says the anti-christ dajjal will be blind in one eye actually and have the word KAFIR written on his forehead. So really not that far off.

That's exactly what I was thinking of!

From what I've gathered here on r/conspiracy and reading/watching things about the Illuminati or shadow governments, the date 3/22 is very significant to them. Do you think they would stage a false flag tomorrow?

I thought they were in to 33?

I believe the actual day of March 22 (3/22) is significant. I'm not perfectly versed in their lore, but you are correct that 33 is popular.

Georgia Guide Stones were unveiled 33 years ago tomorrow...

yeah, it's probably that.

I Obama gets assassinated you're looking at the war on terror part 2

bigger than that. world war 3. its only a matter of time. these countries arent going to tolerate our imperialist agenda much longer.

I haven't seen/heard anything about this. What are you referring to?

I replied wrong comment sry

If it was diesel into a gas tank maybe. But gas into a diesel tank is much easier to screw up.

this is an article about it.

It might be the Mossad showing the US president how good they are. Like when they poisoned GHW Bush when he was in Japan.

could you shed some more light on this japan thing?



nope, but he shit on different peoples from around the world.

Cheney too.

They're talking about HW not W.

... if you find coorelation with that and Mossad, do explain further.

Sorry i am not from the us and have not heard about the incident before. Could you give a link to the story or a brief summary.


cheers for that

thanks mate

Palestinian youth interrupt Obama in his speech in Jerusalem in front of students and academics, saying to him, you come to peace or to give Israel more weapons to kill the Palestinian people, and asking him for the murder of Rachel Corrie And he was responsible for the killing of Rachel Corrie with his money and his Disarmament ..Police are still holding him

I can imagine he's being interrogated.

Yup.. Just asking him some questions...

they should be interrogated for asking questions..... just. like. he. did.


He was an activation agent for The Manchurian Candidate

Why must it be this and that, when that and this could be spread wide throughout all humans through empathy and hope?

im not 100% sure, its only something i have heard from watching, and i watch/listen to every documentarylecture regardless of it being pro/anti conspiracy. I think it was in one that had to do with comparing Prince william to satan because he was holding a goat in a photo op. It said the anti christ will not even know it himself but the false prohpet will be missing his right arm and only be able to see from one eye.

I made the comment because people always liken mr Obongo to the anti christ. He does preach a lot of nice things that never seem to happen, and the folks down the Christian rabbit hole take it very seriously

they should be interrogated for asking questions..... just. like. he. did.