Who Owns, and controls, the Federal Reserve Bank System ?

22  2013-03-24 by [deleted]

Who actually controls the Federal Reserve? Who are the stockholders of this private corporation? In a legislative session regarding abolishing the Fed, the following eight family banks were named as the owners of the Federal Reserve:

  • Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
  • Lazares Brothers Banks of Paris
  • Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy
  • Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam
  • Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
  • Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
  • Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York
  • Goldman, Sachs Bank of New York

Notice they are all Jewish. not "Zionists", Jewish!

They are lending money to almost every nation on earth as currency at interest. This is why all of the above mentioned countries are in such deep debt. All money that enters circulation (physically or electronically) incurs instant debt. The end game ? World Wide Bank crash!



10/10 would read the names of my Zionist oppressors again.

pretty much the best thing to happen in this thread

All of a sudden we're antisemites for calling out the Eternal Jew's evil schemes? /s

My 8 yr old daughter can make text like this.

As far as I can tell, this list is complete fiction. There never has been a Rothschild bank of Berlin. There was an Israel Moses Sieff, but he was British, and not a banker.

The structure of the Federal Reserve system is sort of complex, but it wouldn't be easy for any small group of people to dominate it. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is a federal agency with around 2,000 employees. The 7 governors are appointed by the President of the United States and approved by the Senate.

The 12 regional regional Federal Reserve Banks (FRBs) are corporations that mix public and private control. The stock of Reserve Banks is owned by the member banks in each region. All federally-chartered banks and those state-chartered banks that are also members are required to own stock in their Federal Reserve Bank. The Federal Reserve tells each member bank how must stock it must buy, based on the bank's balance sheet. The member banks are paid dividends based on this stock, but the stock cannot be traded and does not give the banks control over the regional FRBs.

Each regional FRB has 9 directors. 3 are chosen directly by Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (the federal agency). The member banks pick the other 6 directors and only 3 of them can be bankers. The voting is not proportional to the number of shares earned, but the member banks are divided into groups depending on their capitalization and, within the group, the member banks get two votes each.

Most of the important monetary policy decisisions are made either by the BOG directly or by the Federal Open Market Committee, which is made up of seven members of the BOG and five presidents of the regional FRBs (always including the New York FRB).

Besides setting the terms under which the regional FRBs can lend money, the BOG exercise other direct control over the regional FRBs, including approval of annual budget, large capital expenditures, and veto power over the directors' choice of president and vice-president.

After paying a dividend to the member banks (6% of the value of the stock that the member bank holds), all profits from the Federal Reserve System go to the federal government. Last year the Federal Reserve gave the government 77 billion dollars. The year before it was even more: $79 billion (out of $82 billion in total profit).

For more info, see: http://www.federalreserve.gov/pf/pf.htm

I think the thing that perplexes most people is "why doesn't the government just own it?"

The answer is "to keep it independent of the government." If politicians could hire and fire Fed governors at will or otherwise get their hands on that printing press, they would, and the results would be disastrous.

What exactly keeps this 'independent' authority from doing the exact same thing? There are no checks and balances, visibility is zero. You think these bankers are honest people?

There are no checks and balances,

Meeting decisions are by consensus between a large group of people with an even larger group of people in attendance. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Open_Market_Committee#Consensus

Chairman has to appear before congress: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/12/225b

visibility is zero.

Meeting statements released immediately, meeting minutes released three weeks later (so the public/markets can see who has been disagreeing etc.):


There is an explanation of the process aimed at school kids and teachers here, including a photo of the zero-visibility meeting:


Imagine these bankers are all dishonest and acting in unison (there are frequent disagreements), how exactly could they profit from their power to nudge interest rates this way or that?

When was the last audit?


There is a website called google that you can use to answer simple questions like this.

Well first off it's not a third party...but since the US isn't on the gold standard, this isn't a financial audit. Even the Treasury itself just called it a ‘report.’ The Bernie Sanders audit was the last piece of visibility that provided proof of backroom bailouts.

Wait, I'm confused. The Federal government orders an audit, of the independent-from-the-federal-government Federal reserve, using the treasury department, an agency of the federal government.

And the document is called an Audit report:


And you're what, upset that the word "report" is in there?

As for your link:

The Fed used trillions of dollars to stabilize the economy when the housing bubble burst and credit markets froze.

What would you have done? If the effort is to restore confidence in the banking system how does making public which banks are weakest help that effort?

I love it. Pro fed reservist "proof" direct from the fed reserve. Funny.


Lol nighthawk1961, when will you wake up and realize you can't blame all your problems on the Jews.

They are causing all (almost all) nations to dive into extreme debt as a result of their evil schemes.

All nations except those Islamic countries that still have the Islamic no interest style banking . Western or Rothchilds style banking uses interest to make profit. Is it any wonder why the battle lines of the world are drawn between the countries of Western and Islamic banking?

Wars are being fought over how the world will buy and sell money.


All wars at least since 1800 have been about or over Banking.

So, how exactly are bankers behind the Taiping Rebellion, the Rwandan Civil War, the war between Cambodia and Vietnam, the Greek War of Independence, the wars of Shaka Zulu, the War of the Triple Alliance, the Bangladesh War of Independence, and the Spanish Civil War?


Both sides are in debt to the Bank.

Which bank financed both sides of the Taiping Rebellion?

And you didn't simply argue that combatants borrow from banks (though that seems an over generalization, since many guerrilla groups certainly don't), you said ALL wars are "about or over Banking". Now you seem to be arguing that banks simply profit from wars.

I really am curious to see how WWII was about banking. I mean it's fair to say that it was a result of crappy WWI conditions on Germany, or the final death rattles of Colonialism, or an ideological struggle between Fascists/Communists/and Capitalists, or expansionist aggression, but banking? Really? Of course you are probably from the school of thought that thinks Jews were behind the holocaust that never really happened because the Jews are all in on some giant conspiracy to control the world MWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Iluminati!!11!! I don't even know why I bother.

The scope of the greed on the part of the Jew banks is hard to wrap ones mind around. Could this whole thing be what is really going on between the Jews and Islam/ Muslims? The Jews hate Islam because they are unable to control their money?? From what I have learned over the last few years, it would not surprise me.


This confirms my bias!


There are several charts, but the same names always come up.

Also Board of governors =/= ownership.

Also Board of governors =/= ownership.

Fair enough, but OP's claim was:

Who Owns, and controls, the Federal Reserve Bank System ?

So showing that one does not necessitate the other, and how the administration of the Federal Reserve differs from regular private property is crucial to the discussion.

Think of the Board of governors like political figureheads. While influential and powerful people, they are only the faces put forward by the power structure itself. You don't see Jay Rockefeller and Nathaniel Rothschild on the board, you see people like Timothy Geithner.

Original Document of the source.

Thank you for sourcing this, but be aware we have attracted /r/conspiratard/ and they will slide facts to the bottom. Keep up the good work!

They've been shitting on this board for some time and they run more than just that page. It's a gaggle of Zionist "JIDF" with direct ties to the SPLC, they also have connections to SRS.

Everyone knows the /r/conspiratard posse is made up entirely of Reptilian shape-shifting drone pilots.

Reptilian Shape Shifting JOOZ.

No just some viciously pernicious assholes and a satellite network of useful idiots who think they are trendy or edgy parroting their bullshit.

How dare they site facts at you. How disrespectful of your racist beliefs!


You're funny.

rebuts nothing

total loser

I subscribe to /r/conspiritard and I am none of those things. Like most stuff, the truth is boring. /r/conspiritard is mostly made up of normal people just like /r/conspiracy except we think conspiracy theories are stupid and illogical and it's amusing to throw evidence at conspiracy theorists and see how they explain it away. Shill this, zionist that, Lizard people, SRS, SPLC, Snopes is a liberal conspiracy...

Your ignorance infinite.

I'lll admit this is true on all points except you need to switch out "/r/conspiratard subscribers" and replace it with "/r/conspiracy subscribers".

implying you have any idea what's going on and not just regugitating mindless talking points and false associations to undermine arguments

Please, tell us more redshit normalfag.

redshit normalfag

haha what does that even mean


Yes, we know.

keep fighting the good fight aspie

Please show how you came to the conclusion that any conspiratard poster has direct ties to the splc

The evidence is there for anyone who's willing to go look for themselves.


what evidence is there? you said direct ties

Look for the evidence yourself = I have no reputable sources

Troll harder.

im not trolling, im curious.

trolling is not asking someone to explain their position, or asking someone to provide a source when they claim someone has "direct ties" to an organization.

so is there evidence or did you just make that up?

I'm just making it up, they only top link to the official subreddit of that seditious organization. Run along now.


That's not a direct tie to a poster

thats a link to a website

Or someone posted a link from conspiratard, it hit the front page and got lots of hits.

Thats much more likely than splc employees going to an obscure subreddit to get to their website.

Im not saying there arent people that support the splc on that sub, because there undoubtedly are, but its not likely that anyone would use that link sub to get the the splc if they were an employee (or shill)- they would have it bookmarked or cached.

It's disingenuous to call that a direct link. Its tenuous at best

Well it's pretty obvious when we strike a 'nerve', seems to me it's probably a good indication it's a topic close to the truth by the severity of the forum sliding.

Oh I've got their number, they fucking hate me. One of the reasons I quit posting was because they had devoted a personal downvote brigade for every post or comment I would make. We'll see how long it takes to get that again.

all profits from the Federal Reserve System go to the federal government.

Sure let's say every single penny of profit earned is given back to the feds.

Then where does it go? Probably to pay out on T-bills and Treasury Bonds, of which the Federal Reserve is a major purchaser. Or maybe to piss away on military drones, tanks, DHS/FBI/CIA salaries perhaps? Honestly there is no reason to defend the current system because it is rotten to the core.

The intermixing and exchanges between our Federal Government and their private bank is very suspicious, and even further that the Fed has never had a public audit.


The money supply has to double every 10 years under their system. Look at it from 1913 to now.

7% interest means double your money in 10 years. And investors damn near demand >7% interest.

Huh. TIL.

The budget deficit does

Congratulations on being a crazy person.


I'm an economics graduate student and this is probably the most retarded thing I have ever read. Jews don't control the federal reserve, academics who have devoted much of their lives to expanding knowledge do.

Oh what a surprise, some one fresh out of school knows it all. Why don't you provide us the shareholder agreement and we'll call it case closed.

4-8 years of school > 2-3 hours of youtube and stormfront

This has nothing to do with YOUTUBE, please talk facts. Can you find the shareholder agreements, if the public indeed 'owns' the fed it should be available.

I'll give you a hint:


why wont they ban this racist trash? the mods here are fucking useless. they are probably racists too....

You are correct. The mods here are sub human, racist pieces of shit too, just like the scum that populates this sorry ass, shithole of a sub.

im having a really hard time telling who is being sarcastic and who isn't

My last statement was in no way meant to be sarcastic. Others, possibly, but not the last one.


This post is fact!

Not fact

Really wish this was at the top of this thread. Thank you.

I wish I'd seen any of OP's posts, they provoked some very informative responses.

Im suggesting you are a toothless racist simpleton who cannot comprehend anything deeper than their last names. because you are a racist fuck. go away asshole you ruin this entire subreddit.


“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

Great idea, gain some credibility by quoting a neo-nazi.

Also, you're going to get some resistance if your criticize any group of people based on their race or ethnicity, not just Jews. The reason being you sound like a douche.

you are dumber than shit. no ridiculous slogans will change that.

Almost every president has been protestant, and JFK was the only Catholic, and we know what happened to him.

Therefore, protestants control the executive branch!

See how retarded that sounds?

  • No such current entity as "rothschild bank of london". The British house merged their financial operations with the french house early last decade.

  • Rothschild Bank of Berlin never existed in any fashion. The original Rothschild house was based out of Frankfurt and this house was merged into the Vienna and Naples branches.

  • Lazares Brothers Bank of Paris. No such bank exists or has ever existed with this name.

  • Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy. No such bank exists or has ever existed with this name.

  • Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam. There is a Warburg Bank of Hamburg but not one for Amsterdam. You could have named just about any other major financial city in Western Europe and you would have been good, but Amsterdam is not one. Even still the Warburg Bank is a relatively small investment bank.

  • Lehman Brothers Bank of New York. In case you haven't followed the news in the past decade, Lehman Bros went bankrupt in 2008. It no longer exists. It's former assets were divided between Barclays (without question not "jewish") and Nomura (unless there is a secret cabal of Jewish Bankers that emigrated to Japan centuries ago, I think we are safe calling it not "jewish")

  • Chase Manhattan Bank of New York. Since 2000, it has been JP Morgan Chase. It is a combo of 3 primary banks. Chase National (founded by John Thompson, not Jewish), Bank of Manhattan (founded by Aaron Burr, not Jewish), and JP Morgan (found by George Peabody, not Jewish, and JS Morgan, not Jewish).

  • Kuhn, Loeb Bank. It was taken over by Lehman Bros in the 1970's. See what happened to Lehman Bros.

Try a little harder next time. With the separation of Kuhn, Loeb and Lehman, it shows that this "information" is at the very minimum 30-40 years old and far more likely just complete and utter bullshit.

There is always a secret cabal of Jewish bankers, ready to infiltrate on command. Duh.

Ben Bernanke - (Chairman) Bernanke attended Harvard University, where he lived in Winthrop House with the future CEO of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein - Bernanke's thesis adviser was the future governor of the Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer.


I am not even going to indulge you troglodytes by researching this further. The involvement of a Jewish nationalist cabal may just be a possibility (sic. Zionist plot).

Also, here is the definition of a conspiracy: con·spir·a·cy [kuhn-spir-uh-see]
noun, plural con·spir·a·cies.
1. the act of conspiring. 2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot. 3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law. an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act. 5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

Please also find the definition for a theory below: the·o·ry [thee-uh-ree, theer-ee] Show IPA
noun, plural the·o·ries.
1. a coherent group of tested general propositions, commonly regarded as correct, that can be used as principles of explanation and prediction for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity. Synonyms: principle, law, doctrine. 2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact. Synonyms: idea, notion hypothesis, postulate. Antonyms: practice, verification, corroboration, substantiation. 3. Mathematics . a body of principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory.
4. the branch of a science or art that deals with its principles or methods, as distinguished from its practice: music theory.
5. a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles: conflicting theories of how children best learn to read.

Also, I have included the meaning of the term "shill": shill [shil] Show IPA Slang.
1. a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating, as at a gambling house, auction, confidence game, etc.

  1. a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty.

verb (used without object)
3. to work as a shill: He shills for a large casino.

verb (used with object)
4. to advertise or promote (a product) as or in the manner of a huckster; hustle: He was hired to shill a new TV show.

All definitions courtesy of dictionary.com

That doesn't really refute the nonexistence of most of OP's claim, does it?

Oh my god, are you saying that when Ben Bernanke attended Harvard as an economics major, his thesis adviser was also a respected economist??

Thesis is clearly a code for for the Jewish Zionist Commie Nazi Cabal Bankers!

You forgot Illuminati.

In a legislative session regarding abolishing the Fed, the following eight family banks were named as the owners of the Federal Reserve:

i would love to know the source on that.


Ah yes, insaf.pk... The pinnacle of unbiased journalism.

How the fuck are you so retarded that you think that an anonymous post on a Pakistani message board is a source?

perhaps because it's racist drivel

So wait... You see something some anonymous person wrote on a message board from some weird Pakistani political party four and a half years ago and think that this counts as an objective source? Not only this, but when others point out to you that most of the banks on this list DON'T EVEN FUCKING EXIST, you don't stop and consider the fact that maybe the source you are citing is complete nonsense? You do realize that "legislative sessions" are generally public affairs, and well documented and easily accessible, yes? Do you think it was a floor debate? A committee hearing? Some other forum for testimony? How much effort did you put into verifying these claims before repeating them as fact? Do you just presume everything you read on message boards affiliated with the political parties of dilettante cricket players is true?

Note that none of these questions is rhetorical. I'm now curious as to your thought process, the exact architecture of your stupidity.


I think you know the answer to that question.



5: Profit!!!!!!!


And I assume you have evidence to back this up, yes? Oh, you don't? Alright.

OK now we are on some next level crazy

Somehow the victims of the holocaust have been planning a holocaust all along?

People like this actually believe the Jews were behind the holocaust. Because they're crazy.

It boggles the imagination

Well, I believe, in brevity, that each of the banks (I thought there were 12?) that comprise the Fed Bank have an elected representative that meet, in person semi-regularly, but also via teleconference, etc., led by the current chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke.

Through what they call "open market operations," selling t-bills and bonds, controlling our supply of foreign and domestic currency, etc., they (attempt) to control inflation and deflation. Additionally, by controlling the rate at which banks can borrow money and how much money banks must have on hand at any given time, they indirectly control the lending rates for businesses and everyday consumers.

Now, I haven't taken a Fed Econ class since Alan Greenspan was in charge, but as the saying goes went:

When Alan Greenspan speaks, the world listens.


I completely agree - and although I'm not very conspiracy-oriented, and fairly fiscally-conservative, I am of the mindset that the creation of the Fed in the early 1900's was essentially the signature on the United State's death warrant.

Incurs instant debt? Fiat money is by definition, debt. Adding interest shows how diabolical these fuckers really are.


Their "leaders" certainly can be. Being the money manager for an agency that does not have to worry about profits or losses (the state) makes them, as a rule, unable to do anything efficiently or economically.

The struggle to control the wealth of America by the European banks has been going on since the since the dawn of the republic. They lost the first two battles but won the last one in 1913. They learned their lessons and Federal Reserve (by law) does not have to pass a vote to recharter as the previous incarnations and can only be dissolved by an act of Congress.

An edifying glimpse into the history of this struggle is Andrew Jackson's veto of the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States. The Second Bank of the United States (like the Federal Reserve) was the previous incarnation of the central bank, probably by some of the same interests. In it, he rails against its partial foreign ownership as something akin to being invaded and equally dangerous to the security of the country.

I consider it an ironic posthumous "fuck you" that Jackson's face is on the twenty dollar bill, a bank note of the same type central bank that he managed to kill 80 years prior.

the Fed doesn't design currency...the Mint does that

Ironic nonetheless.

I'll just leave these here since it seems that most are more interested in pedantry than the danger posed by foreign ownership of our central bank. I think this thread also proves the shills have taken over.



and THIS is how you discredit a very legitimate premise...

source or go back under your bed.


But what is the value of gold? Its value is fueled merely by speculation, other rare metals are much rarer and/or have more use to them. So why is a currency based on a value based on speculation better than a currency based on speculation in the first place?

posted this a few days ago... start from the beginning and watch this video and it explains EVERYTHING

but your observations of the truth are clearly anti-semitic!!!!! even though these jews aren't semites! wait a damned minute. nothing seems to make sense anymore! i must be losing it... back to my fast food, booze, cigarettes, zanax and american idol. your post makes my head spin to quickly and I DO NOT LIKE THAT FEELING!

I really don't give two shits about people's ancestry or religious beliefs, I care about their actions. Saying you guys are anti-semitic isn't condoning what they do, it's acknowledging that some of us have Jewish friends and family that have nothing to do with global banking conspiracies.


read my post again.

He was trying to be sarcastic, although I don't know why people even bother in this subreddit because nobody is looking for sarcasm. These are serious issues and I don't really enjoy the joking, either. So I get what you're saying. But he isn't attacking your post he's agreeing with you in a wise-ass sort of way.


A forum I used to frequent came up with the idea of putting a number ranging from 1-10 in parenthesis after a statement to announce the level of sarcasm present.

I believe the very first post after that one said "that's a great idea (10)." I always chuckle when I think of that.

The folks who control the majority of industry are, in fact, white people. There is no other way to say that. Are White folks above criticism ? No. White folks have attempted to exploit almost every country in the world directly due to their evil policies of exploitation that are in full view today. You can scream "Anti-White" all you want. That doesn't make the truth. That will not silence my words.

I think it's an insult to the actual bloodlines of Abraham to call these Khazarian zionist usurpers "Jews". The Palestinians they slaughter have a closer blood claim to that land than the Khazars do. They've also shown little regard for actual Jews. Like, when they irradiated half a million Safartic Jewish children to death, the "ringworm children".

Which was why the ADL was created, not to protect actual Jews from defamation, but to protect the Zionist Khazarians with a Jew-shield.

here are two videos to go along with what you're talking about, but primarily control... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGATDr0cDfI - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xw2FhXZ9tiw


of course we'd get downvoted, this sub has become ridiculous

Thanks for the links, I had not seen those until today.

no problem, idk why we're getting downvoted

Both the links you posted are neo-nazi bullshit that could have been lifted right out of Mein Kampf. One of the videos is in response to a video called "Adolf Hitler Saved Germany."

The top comments from either video include

I cant Express My Hatred in Words for the Juden


The jew is a foreign occupier.

So if you truly don't know why you're being downvoted, than you seem like a prime target for the Nazi's eugenics program (mentally handicapped).

Explain how it's bullshit. Please disprove what they talk about and how it isn't happening today

Jews control the Fed, and they are the ones responsible for the abuses of the dollar we've seen over the past century. They are to blame, and they should be held accountable.

Jews, in general, as a people?? Of course you don't mean that.

Look at his comment history, sadly he very much does.

Its like saying Americans are warmongers. Obviously it's in reference to the Americans that run the military and military industrial complex, not the regular citizens and most members of the armed forces.

Thank you. This is a disinformation tactic used by hasbara. Accuse anyone who says anything negative about Jews of trying to imply that all Jews everywhere are guilty of something. It's absurd, but it seems to work with many people, as a disinformation device. Those who use it are completely cynical -- they don't care what is being said, they only wish to paint the person criticizing any Jew for any crime as Antisemitic. It's a trick for deflecting criticism of Jews.

the exact same thing happens to me when I say white people are racists! All of the sudden everyone starts yelling how only some white people are racists, when its obvious I'm not talking about all white people. People need to quit trying to deflect criticism and face the facts: White people are racists and won't stop their evil until all non whites are dead!

Replace Jew with black or deaf and you'd still invite critique. This isn't people just defending Jews, it's people attacking hate.

I mean those Jews who control the Fed. As I indicated in my post.

Your nightfuck1961 friend has killed himself it seems. Jewish conspiracy?

I was wondering when the confirmed racist would show up!

Original Document of the source.

Also Board of governors =/= ownership.

Fair enough, but OP's claim was:

Who Owns, and controls, the Federal Reserve Bank System ?

So showing that one does not necessitate the other, and how the administration of the Federal Reserve differs from regular private property is crucial to the discussion.

Thank you for sourcing this, but be aware we have attracted /r/conspiratard/ and they will slide facts to the bottom. Keep up the good work!

Well first off it's not a third party...but since the US isn't on the gold standard, this isn't a financial audit. Even the Treasury itself just called it a ‘report.’ The Bernie Sanders audit was the last piece of visibility that provided proof of backroom bailouts.