Say another revolution begins in the United States. How effective of a tool will the internet be?

12  2013-03-27 by [deleted]

Just thinking in class.


Depends on who is in control of the internet by then. It may be more useful to take it down

That's how I feel. Is it possible to create like a "Rebel Network" or is that not even feasible once the shit hits the fan?

look at twitter and the arab spring,OWS its very possible.


I know but things like twitter are still important during a revolution.

i think the anger and wrath felt by the arab masses was legitimate, but it was harnessed by the powers that control things to make strategic moves in the global chessboard.

You mean like /r/darknetplan?

I would suggest checking out the book "Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow. Despite being a kid's book, he does a good job of offering potential responses to a police state that are technologically savvy. It's important to note that any recent rebellions we've seen generally trigger an immediate shut down of internet services and often all mobile phone services as well. Setting up pirate networks is possible but connecting them to the rest of the internet could prove to be quite difficult. During the Arab Spring people fell back to using fax machines and dial-up land line connections when other options were removed by the regime.

Very interesting about the Arab Spring! I'll check that out! If you want to download Doctorow's book for free, he hosts it on his website. There's also links to buy it.

We are using the internet to the best of it's ability to incite change right now. It's not going to get better. They know it's an effective tool and they want to shut it down, they won't take no for an answer.

But, maybe it's not all bad: If we really want a revolution, we're going to have to take all this information and communication and go offline eventually. Print media and community involvement are very effective tools that we've nearly abandoned for the convenience of the internet. The revolution will not be televised, and it will not be supported by your ISP either.

It would be shut down immediately. No ifs, ands, or buts. If not directly, by means of electricity.


DARPA designed the internet to get advantage for the pentagon complex. It now has it.

Most people will be so busy following the revolution on social media on their phones, they won't have time to actually revolt.

It will look so cool via instagram...

The original motivation for the creation of the internet was to provide the military with the ability to communicate in the case of an attack during the Cold War era (if I remember correctly). As it is much more open than that now, it's probably better used as a disinformation network, with a "dark net" type of internet for real communication.

Let's be honest though, revolution would require people of action, and action requires motivation. There is not nearly enough motivation for people to act.

Not yet, because living conditions in the United States are still relatively good for the middling classes. However this is changing, rapidly.

Well, I think revolutionary motivation is usually tied to food or mating issues. There isn't anything that is nearly as strong as that, not unless you're really good at convincing people that they don't have either of those.

Or separation from offspring. Don't forget that as a motivator.

What do you mean?

Well, if one didn't have their kid(s) anymore, the energy they'd been putting into raising them would have to go somewhere, wouldn't it?

Sorry, could you give an example? I'm not sure if you're talking about taking children away from parents, or that childless adults are more likely to rebel..


Or not being able to afford having a roof over your head, which is of course tied to the issue of job elimination in the United States. The numbers of homeless are swelling in US cities. Just look at the huge uptick in the homeless population in New York City, for example.

When people who were born middle class and thought they were the "right sort of people" can't get a job that will put a roof over the head and food in their belly, then revolution will come.

Now I'm not saying this is going to happen anytime soon, but its coming, which is why certain powerful interests in society are arming themselves. Its their goal to completely enslave the lower classes. They know once the breaking point is reached there will be trouble. But we ain't there yet. In another decade of "recovery", who knows?

TLDR - The people aren't hungry enough yet. But it seems those with the power intend to starve them out.

I guess shelter counts as well, but I wasn't as certain about those.

No one tries to enslave lower classes on purpose. People really just want to be on top, but don't realize how suffocating it is for the people they stand on. I mean, basically, all of history is filled with successful societies creating wealthy people who eventually don't realize how fucked the poor people are, and then some wealthy but smarter people manipulate the poor into a revolution.

In response to your last sentence, I don't think anyone intends to "starve" out people they don't care about. It's not like it's a game for them to mess with poor people. They just honestly don't give a fuck, and it builds up without them noticing. At some point, people WILL be hungry, and then some wealthy people who are hungering to be the ones in charge will use the hunger of the poor to fuel their regime change.

100% useless unless 100% of alleged "rebels" learn to utilize the deep web.

LOL at the web even being available.

The Internet will only be to the advantage of those more powerful agencies and government that observe it day by day and collect ALL the information.

Plus, any near SUSPICION of you going pursuits the United States by said agencies and government which can be determined by what you say and do ON the Internet will get you severely punished or killed because they have already grown powerful enough to take that advantage over you.

The Internet is not in our favor anymore.

They can't kill all of us.

And who says everyone in the government is for the government (or the government's BS, anyway)?