Is it illegal for the U.S. to give aid to a country that hasn't signed the NPT?

25  2013-03-29 by TheWiredWorld

NPT = Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Treaty.

I read this in passing in a comment the other day. Is it illegal?



Yes it is

I didn't know this.

Here's a link which supports this


Go for it.

Since its a government recognized holiday weekend and most of the JDIF shills are off of work, I'll take this opportunity to express what we all know is coming. (With a huge dose of sarcasim)

That is antisemitic. Stop blaming the joos for everything.


You get that I was being sarcastic I hope.

Oh no, the U.S. is breaking the law, someone call the police.

Sorry, but half the things the U.S. does is illegal. Who's going to stop them?

not the ever-sleeping citizenry, that's for sure.

Yes, but fuck you. We're the US mother fucking A, beeatch. We can do what we want cuz we have the biggest guns so stfu.


not the ever-sleeping citizenry, that's for sure.