Can we sidebar a thread to expose military propaganda on Reddit?

47  2013-04-03 by [deleted]

Pretty much every day there's some sort of feel-good post about the military in the top 50 of r/pics and other subreddits. Here's one from yesterday about a military dog taking a break (isn't that cute!):

I'm not trying to organize a vote-brigrading movement, but it'd be nice to see more people comment on these posts calling them out and spread a little awareness about the cognitive infiltration of social media sites like Reddit.

If it was a sidebarred thread, interested folks could check from time to time on the newest comments linking to such threads.


It would fill up too quickly.

So someone posts an image from a current story on a popular news website, and it HAS to be military propaganda? It is the exact reason Reddit is around. Someone sees something current online and shares it.

Oh you mean besides it being a 24 day old account whose comments read like they fucking grew up in the dept. of Justice, seriously slept there as a child. Every comment marginalizing the pro-gun debaters. Like that's all they talk about, nothing else. Every single post. So, right before they throw away this sockpuppet, heres a puppy.