North Korean Conspiracy Theory

64  2013-04-04 by [deleted]

we are just being told that NK plans to attack the US and SK, when infact they have made no such threats and NK is so shut off from the rest of the world they have no idea this is happening. SK will then take all of NK and be in debt to the US.

TL;DR __ US and SK lie about threats so they can take NK

Edit: im glad i found this sub, im having a really good time conversing with you guys about this.


I agree with you completely. I've also noticed a lot more posts making fun of North Korea on reddit lately, I'm thinking propaganda to make them look bad.

Same with "Good Guy Pope"

The PR team working on the Korea issue is really obvious. The repeated ordering of people to downvote one liners is particularly glaring. 8 of 10 top stories full of astroturf.. just embarrassing.. Reddit is a whore.

One-liners are obviously a threat to the manufacturing of consent and the antidote to the build up of fear.

I bet they did nazi that one coming!

Damn it, I don't know if sarcasm or real...

Encouraging to see this. Those posts have all been propaganda IMO.

Most of it is just A-holes poking fun.

Make them look bad? With Soviet era weaponry, failed civil engineering projects, a populace oblivious to reality, no food for their people, and rockets that can hardly make it off the ground, they made themselves look bad a long time ago.

and to think they still have nuclear technology. good from them.


Makes a lot of money for the 1%ers though.


THIS! I love this!

who knows right? we can be lied to just as easy as the north koreans.

what do you guys think?

I agree. The propaganda our government uses is even more effective than that used against NK citizens.

There are so many possibilities.

I think it's interesting that there's been a real lack of North Korea related posts in this subreddit over the past few weeks. Kinda worrisome...

It has been on my mind lately, for sure. I'm not old enough to have gone through North Korean sabre rattling, as some of these old-timers are assuring us that's what it is. It seems like something more is happening, though.

Had the discussion with my wife this morning. What if North Korea is the little kid on the playground yelling "Shut up! I never said anything about nukes! Stop telling people that! Seriously guys!"

not much to do but let it play out. we say that NK threatened this.. WMD that, and next thing you know, invasion, occupation and split up the spoils. only a few countries left now.. Iran, Algeria, Burma, Congo, Somalia and Mali on their way too.

Not as bad, but still pretty bad.

We are obviously more connected and have more access to information than they do. We are lied to, but not near the degree of how it is in NK.

We get mind controlled threw our media. Its super subtle. Like how about that funny insurance commercial about not believing everything you hear on the internet. You know the one with the big doofus who claims to be a french model. The TV needs you to believe that most stuff on the internet is coming from people in their mothers basement. Trust the Ivy League pundits. Hate this Sub! \m/ Worship the State. GIVE US YOUR MONEY AND YOUR MIND...

I'm thinking false flag nuke attack on the us blamed on NK. NK gladly takes blame and we have everything all set for a total economic collapse, martial law and ww3.


I agree that the collapse of any Empire starts from within, but nukes, as in Soviet nuclear arsenal nukes, are quite capable of levelling the US.

As for N. Korean half a dozen nukes with its unrealible delivery systems, it may be enough to destroy Seoul, not much more.

NK has arty for Seoul. A nuke launch would target the farthest potential strike zone they could manage, which is (allegedly) Guam right now.

Remember: if NK is really doing this, it's a show they're putting on for their people internally. They don't give two cold fucks what you and I think about their actions.

Check this out.

We have a new secretary of state (John Kerry)

A new South Korean President was just elected (as well as new cabinet members)

Ban Ki Moon (South Korean) is currently the U.N Secretary

At least 2 movies came out recently 'Red Dawn' and 'Olympus Has Fallen' where the enemy are North Koreans

Once all the politicians settled in, we have North Korea making threats towards the U.S. and South Korea.

it just seems too, convenient?

This has happened before. I believe in the Vietnam War. By the time it was found out that torpedo boats did not attack our ships, war was already begun. It was just an excuse to aid the south and invade. The attack was blown out of proportion.

It was a mistake made, but war was declared by the time it was realized.

well the US could be looking for something like this to happen again and im sure they would be willing to sacrifice a ship and its crew so they can have a reason to invade.

only diffrence would be where the viet kong put up a great fight, NK would suffer complete surrender within a month

Apparently, a sacrificial ship and crew is necessary (at least it wasn't in that case). But maybe to make it more believable.

They put up a good fight before.

uss maine?

Also, the timing of the movie "Red Dawn" which is an obvious North Korea hit-piece happening right before this latest "news" seems pretty suspect- especially considering the movie was re-made using North Korea, instead of China as the aggressor.

It also happens to be one of very few new movies available to watch for free on Youtube:

Check out the anti-North Korea propaganda if you're interested.

The idea that North Korea could take over a large section of the US is laughable, but if you read the comments under that video, many people think it's possible after watching that crap movie.

Man I wish that wasn't remade. However I did see a report (CNN maybe) this week that said the call was made by producers to digitally edit the Chinese into Koreans because china has become such a huge market for American movies. Seeing themselves as the bad guys/losers would not sell very well in The Big Red.

Or, maybe it's because North Korea needs to be vilified.

Had China been the aggressor in the film, it have been a lot more believable. North Korea obviously doesn't have the capability to invade the U.S.. Is Hollywood really making movies to appeal to Chinese tendencies now?

Watch the movie - the North Koreans talk about how our government is corrupt and they mix truth and fiction.

"We are not your enemies, because you too are victims, victims of an American culture in which greed, irresponsibility and fraud were openly encouraged, victims of a corrupt government in bed with wall-street."

That was written in to because it's true- so the audience relates to it, and it becomes more believable on a baser level.

An EMP is used to shut down the country before the attack- we are constantly reminded of EMPs and I bet EMP will be used before whatever large-scale fake event is next attempted.

Here's a potential fake event- EMPs shut down power for the west coast and central part of the country, and then a nuke, or multiple small nukes are set off in a few major cities (remember the T.V. show Jericho?)- The attack will be blamed on North Korea, and other "axis of evil" countries, and then total martial law is enacted, and the "war on terror" goes into overdrive.

Just an out-there speculation.

North Korea was obviously chosen to be the aggressor in this movie at the behest of orders from the military/political class. It seems more than coincidental after this movie was released we were told North Korea is planning to attack us with nukes.

I just wanted to address your first question about Hollywood catering to the Chinese; the answer is yes. The person you responded to had already given reasoning as there is a huge Chinese market for western films. I read an article the other day about world war z, the movie based on the book, where the producers of that movie had to alter an aspect of the script to appease the Chinese state censors. Never mistake the power of a market in these sorts of things, your other points might hold true, but sometimes it's just about money.

North Korea obviously doesn't have the capability to invade the U.S.. Is Hollywood really making movies to appeal to Chinese tendencies now?

And we don't have the capabilities to send humans throughout the galaxy. It's hollywood ;) Not saying I don't believe your theory. Anything is possible.

"We are not your enemies, because you too are victims, victims of an American culture in which greed, irresponsibility and fraud were openly encouraged, victims of a corrupt government in bed with wall-street."

Well they just want you and everyone else to know what the true terrorists will sound like when they try to trick you by telling you that you are the victim of a corrupt government.

We all know we are not and never have been victimized or used as willing fools under a corrupt government which ignores the people and uses them as fodder while lying to them nonstop from the Den of Corruption called "DC".

So, me and my girlfriend are looking for something to see at the movie theater last weekend. I do a quick search, and there's one movie that has more showtimes at the mega-theater in my area: Olympus Has Fallen.

I walked out of the movie feeling like it was a pure propaganda piece. The basic plot is that North Koreans manage to terrorize Washington DC and successfully invade/gain control over the White House. There were at least 3 scenes in the movie where the U.S. flag is shown in tatters. The NK/SK conflict and the DMZ is specifically referenced throughout the movie.

Or you know, movie makers are now taking advantage of the fact that we have a new 'enemy' which

A: Won't piss off huge markets (China) B: Isn't the over used Russians.

Yeah, I understand that's the most likely scenario. It still felt dirty and emotionally manipulative, tapping into nationalistic instincts to elicit a response. It all felt very contrived so it just ended up being funny.

Well it's an easy emotion to tap into. There are other good stories, but bad writers use crutches like this.

It's basically the difference between Call of Duty, and Spec Ops: The line.

Did you notice how the washington monument collapsed in that movie? PANCAKED in its own footprint... then stops halfway.

when i saw that, my mind was blown.

As it was filmed during the Cold War, the original Red Dawn's enemies are the Soviets, not Chinese.

It also happens to be one of very few new movies available to watch for free on Youtube



I was using a different string and that suggestion popped up as the most popular one. I also pulled the 'are you serious' face.

It also happens to be one of very few new movies available to watch for free on Youtube:

There are scores of newer movies available on Youtube. They're uploaded, fly under the radar as long as possible, and are taken down. It's only been uploaded a short time. It will undoubtedly be taken down with a DMCA notice, just like this videos usually are.

The idea that North Korea could take over a large section of the US is laughable

Of course it is. But the movie was written and filmed with China as the invader, not North Korea. They changed the aggressor from China to North Korea in post production. The movie was initially supposed to feature China as the villain.

oh my god that movie was soo bad. the remake that is. if anyone has intrest watch the original, its pretty good and shows a great look at roll reversal in todays time between us and the middle east.

No the NK Dear leader and Generals have been making threats. The new leader is posturing to save face with the old guard generals, so they will have confidence in his ability to be in power. That's why the rhetoric is so much high the first year he's in power. They did the same when Kim Jon-il took over for his father in 1994 he started shit like his father before him also did. The new young bull is just strutting his oats to the world of how he is a bad ass. He will tone it down soon, and the USA will remove the missile defense off Guam back to Hawaii (We have the golf ball out there already plus missile destroyers). He then will declare himself the victor to his people and their Dear Supreme Leader God has warded off the imperialist devils the USA once again saving them as his father and grandfather did. Here is a list of the trouble Dear Leaders father and grandfather historical BS provocation:

NK is just crazy but not suicidal.


most likly this is true. i was only 5 in 1994 so i dont rember kim jon il's rise to power at all. did things go this far and escalate this quickly then?

I know a naval nuclear engineer consultant neighbor from Connecticut who move to Hawaii a few years ago. He related to me several times that on a few occasions he was called to bases nearby NK to service Ballistic subs headed toward NK, but was never mentioned in the press. You can bet there are probably a few stationed off coast already.

oh yeah without a doubt. im sure the US has unreported stealth subs all over the globe for "safety"

Are you really saying that you don't think that the North Korean government isn't as informed about what's happening in the rest of the world as any other government?

Last time I checked, it was the people of North Korea who were cut off from the rest of the world, not their leaders.

If indeed the threats were made up, the North Korean government would obviously know about it and would let the people of their country know if they thought it could help them in any way. The North Korean government is in control of everything the people of North Korea know about international news. Whether the North Korean government did make the threats (and used them as propaganda) or not (and is obviously still aware of the made up threats), the North Korean government still has the same level on control over what the people is allowed to know.

I don't have a problem with the idea that the threats might be made up, but the idea that North Koreans don't know about the made up threats because they're cut off from the rest of the world is plain ridiculous. If the actual people of North Korea aren't aware of the threats that were directed at South Korea and the US, it's because their leaders don't want them to know, not because they're so cut off from the rest of the world that they're oblivious to what's happening. Whether the threats are made up or not is irrelevant.

Now, if by "North Korea" you were referring to the government of North Korea not knowing about what's going on (assuming this is a "conspiracy"), you're an idiot, and I don't think I need to prove that point any further. However, if you were referring to the general population of North Korea not knowing about the made up threat, I guess you'd better come up with a good reason as to why their government (which is undoubtedly aware of the made up threats) would hide that from them, since this is perfect propaganda material (being able to provide concrete example of a lie from the greed driven imperialist pigs) based on actual facts that they wouldn't even have to lie about...

So I'm not sure how the theory of North Korea not being aware of the made up threats, if indeed they are made up, makes any sense at all...

I like seeing someone consider the fact that NK is actually quite cut-off from the rest of the world. Then again, they could easily have access to the same kind of networks via almost anything these days.

from what ive read there networks are heavily monitored and censored, it like the residents of NK are in there own little bubble made by the dictatorship

Right, but how about those in power? They could be aware of what our stations are broadcasting, perhaps.

No perhaps. They are fully aware. These aren't tribal people we are speaking of.

I'm glad you said this, there's no way those in power are cut off from the outside world.

They Forge perfect American Currency and send people into china and South Korea to trade it. Also, Kim Jong Il was supposedly the largest buyer of Hennessy Whiskey in the world. They got connections. With All these missile test they are performing, all the materials can't possibly originate from within NK.

Nothing at all like Best America!

There was a recently escaped refugee that was interviewed, and they asked him what the most surprising thing about the outside world was.

His answer? "The internet".

Imagine being in your mid 20's and discovering the internet for the first time. That's how cut off they are.

No probably not. If you read KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) It is fairly explicit in its' threats against the U.S. and SK (NK also has a stated goal of Korean "Reunification".

An Example:

KSDP Will Make Every Possible Effort for Earlier Conclusion of Showdown with U.S. Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) -- The chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Social Democratic Party (KSDP) made public a statement on Tuesday in support of the important decision made by the dear respected Marshal Kim Jong Un at an operation meeting on the Korean People's Army Strategic Rocket Force's performance of duty for firepower strike and the special statement released by the government, political parties and public organizations of the DPRK to implement it.

The prevailing grave situation calls upon all Koreans in the north, the south and overseas to dynamically turn out in a nationwide all-people resistance to sweep away all the U.S. imperialists and the pro-U.S. sycophants and traitors from the earth, the statement said, and went on:

The new strategic line laid down at the March, 2013 Plenary Meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea which called for simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of nuclear armed force is the most just revolutionary one as it correctly indicates a shortcut to coping with the prevailing grave situation and opening up a bright future of the nation as early as possible.

The KSDP, which regards independence as its idea, is convinced that under the present situation the strategy for achieving reunification and the way to be followed by the nation lie in countering the U.S. nuclear blackmail with a just nuclear strike and a provocation with a prompt great war for national reunification. Now that the DPRK's armed forces for self-defence have gone into a practical military action and the inter-Korean relations have been put in the state of war, any provocation to infringe upon the sovereignty and dignity of the DPRK even a bit will not escape a prompt physical strike.

Various political parties and organizations and people of different social standings in south Korea should properly understand who is harasser of peace in face of this grim situation and turn out in a just struggle against the U.S. and the wicked confrontation maniacs keen to ignite a nuclear war, irrespective of ideology, political view and religious belief. The KSDP Central Committee and all its members will make every possible effort to bring earlier the day of putting an end to the long-standing history of the confrontation with the U.S. by concerted efforts of the nation.

Whether you think the U.S. is imperialistic or not the rhetoric used by North Korea is definitively hostile. There are plenty of articles on KCNA discussing pre emptive nuclear strikes on the U.S., SK, and Japan.

where is KCNA hosted? doesn't resolve, and isn't a North Korean address.

can you get through to


ok, I see it now, but I don't see any of the rhetoric that is being spread all over our media, as if we wanted nothing less.

And we know the domains aren't hijacked? Seems that if one was declaring nuclear war there would be a little more official fanfare than a blog post about it?

I can't tell if the people in this sub believe the things they write.

its not about 100% belief, frankly i dont know one way or the other. these are guesses and ideas becuase why not talk about other possibilities than the ones the US media trys to force feed us. its about having an open mind and thinking for yourself

It's about questioning the official stories rather then having the answers. (Question everything)

Certainly they don't believe the things that are written for them. It's a start.

The only problem I have with this theory is that china would not sit by and do nothing as we take over NK. Plus with them holding a lot of American dollars they could easily flood our markets with it and kill its value. If we try this and think China will sit idly by then we are stupid.


so maybe we help "liberate" NK, then SK takes over all of Korea

China won't sit by... Cue WW3


Plus who will buy their cheap shit?

They are much more concerned with how deeply their economy is tied to ours than money we owe them. Our money owed is nothing more than a leveraging tool for them.

Money is nothing though. It is paper. We know this. The people that print it know it. They dont care about it.

I've thought about this, mostly because no one really knows what its like is NK.

exactly. most contries would be using media to let the world know what is happening but NK is too ignorant to do that.

Or maybe, even if they shouted at the top of their lungs they were being set-up absolutely zero western media would re-broadcast what they were saying?

Where are the non-western media broadcasts indicating the escalation has all been faked? This is 2013. We have this whole Internet thing. Surely if North Korea were out there screaming that none of the statements being attributed to them are true (despite being disseminated by their official state news service), it would be picked up and reported by outlets that don't like the west.

So where are those reports?

i think if the NK people wanted to be free of the dictatorship and showed that to US or SK then we would help. but most NK have absolute devotion to Kim Jung and are almost brainwashed through propaganda to love NK

While some do swallow the propaganda, mostly those of the elite, whom it benefits, the vast majority know that it is lies. But they are afraid because they know what happens to those who do not toe the line. The situation is similar to that in the US.....

In no way is the situation in North Korea any where near as bas as "the situation" in America and it's an insult to all the people that have died in the work camps or starved to death in NK to even say that. I suppose you also think the Third Reich and Obama's government share some striking similarities.

Try not paying your income tax. See what happens to you. You do know about the labor situation in US prisons, I guess.

honestly, i wish kim jong un would just go out and actually say that he intends to wage a war, instead of media sources telling me he wants to

Watch the movie "Wag the Dog"

This is a glaring example of wag the dog, but with much more money.

Well, I'd rather South Korea have it all than North Korea.. so I'm ok with this one.

More importantly, the US will have established a strong military presence within a stone's throw of Beijing.

The true N. Korean successor should've been Kim Jong Nam, the eldest son of Kim Jong Il, born in 1971, but after being caught trying to get in Japan's Disneyland in 2001, his father had no choice but to select his youngest son, born in 1983, Kim Jong Un (rumors say there is a middle son, born in 1981, but he's somewhat effeminate and unfit for leadership).

Kim Jong Un, never was an astute student, overall indifferent to politics, and with an overt admiration of Western lifestyle and icons, make him an even less prolific, reliable, and predictable character in N. Korea's already troublesome government.

The maintnence of N. Korea's regime is paramount to its military hierarchy and overall status quo enjoyed by the higher echelons, and even comparable to Soviet Union's "Iron Curtain" and luxuries had by Party Members in comparison to general civilians.

So there is a clash between higher Military echelons, Chinese interest in holding N. Korea as a buffer zone against S. Korea, and Kim Jong Un himself holding a role never meant for him, possibly being advised by someone close to his father, but who has his own agenda.

The situation might just be used by Kim Jong Un to conduct a purge eliminating all opposing forces inside the Party and establishing him as the undisputed ruler of the almighty Sogun Korea.

I'm more worried that U.S. forces are being lured to that side of the world, exposing our East Coast flank

They choose to be closed off from the rest of the world. Just look at there borders its being closed to public tourists for decades except you can get in through China but I think it requires a lil bribing

Really simple when understanding these situations:

1.) Where is your primary information of the situation/place coming from?

2.) Whom gains from this (motive)

Nothing just happens, everything is planned.

North Korea has a new leader that dsent understand the game his dad played and its goign a bit too far and he dosent know how to stop it.


He has been forced into this live as he was educated in europe and probably realises the mess his country is in but is scared shitless because of the old regime and this is a cry for Help.

He was educated in europe and probably realises the mess his country is in but is scared shitless because of the old regime and this is a cry for Help.

This does have to potential to be true. After all Operation Northwoods almost took place...

But then again, NK isn't as isolated as many think. There are western influences in fashion, technology, etc.

Possibly. You must ask the question, why such coverage now? Why are they the boogeyman now? I think it has to do with the markets ie. Cyprus, Conflict escalation in Syria, and the reduction of troops from Iraq and Afghanastan that need a new theatre to fight.

Nk will not attack us or SK. It's suicidal. It's all posturing.

I agree... it doesn't make any sense

You're clearly retarded. The reason that China has been besties with NK all this time is because if Glorious Leader land was ever 'liberated' then thousands of immigrants/refuges would flood into South Korea and China, and neither of them want that. It's also absolutely insane to assume that the leaders of NK don't know what's going on in the rest of the world.

I honestly don't know whether the threats are legit or not, but i'm pretty sure it's being heavily overplayed.

If anything major happens, i'm gonna stick my neck out and say they'll 'find' some connection to Iran, which will conveniently escalate the situation there.

i heard on the radio earlier SK is asking for permission to do some new process for energy that could give them ability to make nukes but are promising they only want it for energy.

He was educated in europe and probably realises the mess his country is in but is scared shitless because of the old regime and this is a cry for Help.

He was educated in europe and probably realises the mess his country is in but is scared shitless because of the old regime and this is a cry for Help.


I see you've moved into the conspiracy section.. it won't be long now..

I can't shake the feeling of a coup coming and that way limited "mess". Either way though it is gonna be cue the insertion of the "free market" to North Korea as the end goal, new central bank and all

dayum, i enjoyed this subreddit...and you completely ruined it for me with this completely idiotic post.

Plus who will buy their cheap shit?

They are much more concerned with how deeply their economy is tied to ours than money we owe them. Our money owed is nothing more than a leveraging tool for them.

Money is nothing though. It is paper. We know this. The people that print it know it. They dont care about it.