War with North Korea will break out on April 15th, because I think it will be a great cover for the mutli-currency revaluing that will happen at the same time. What do you think?

89  2013-04-05 by [deleted]

source: I own some currencies that are looking to be revalued and am aware of news surrounding those situations. Also Kim II Sung's birthday is April 15th and NK like to do demonstrations of their "power" on celebration dates such as this.


NO it wont. This is false prophecy bullshit trying to trick you into manifesting it. I'm going to reply to everyone who disagrees with me on the 15th with a "told ya so!"


Sorry, but "I told you so!" Stay positive! Focus on the good to manifest more of it.

Boston marathon. Told you so.

My point is that if you think often, strongly, and emotionally about something, it WILL happen. I tried to counter the wrong and negative thinking that war would happen in 9 days. The future is not solid, its not set in stone, you can change what happens in your life with your dominant thoughts. "What you attract into your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts." B. Tracy

He admits he is speculating so chill the fuck out

You won't

This man is a redditor. Do not underestimate his grudge-holding.

Bau5, you knew it would happen, but: I told you so! Don't worry, be happy.

I disagree with you.

"told ya so!" No NK nuke war going on. You attract what you think, so think about good news.

Good Job! Crisis averted!

I disagree with you not really, but reply to me anyway

You disagreed with me about there being no NK nuke going off, and I told you I'd be saying this 8 days ago: "I told ya so!" Focus on the positive things in life, and downvote the negatives.

Jokes on you... Check the news buddy.

how do you feel now?

The "told ya so!" still stands

Well, Boston bombing just happened. May be a NK attack.

What happens if all currencies revalue themselves to 10x original value? Hyperinflation?

What we need is a global jubilee. Debt cancellation. I don't mind if you don't.

Tyler Durden had the same plan in 1996?

Doesn't mean we shouldn't follow through...

Not sure if serious... That's not how that works.

I think that is very possible. I never even heard of the currency revaluing, good connection.


Having heard Peter Schiff speak in person and via various podcasts, I find confidence in his predictions! Mathematical certainty says that our financial system is overdue for a massive paradigm shift.

unfortunately that paradigm shift is going to end with a long trail of blood. people are going to go insane when:

a) they can't exchange their money for food

b) they can't get the next episode of the Kardashians on tv.

c) they live in urban areas too far from the production of food/basic industrial goods

not going to be a good time, but it's definitely a mathematical certainty that the veil will come down, and then it's only a matter of how far off some of my thoughts on human nature really are..

So basically it a bad idea to have cash or money in the banks. going back to gold?


paper gold is sold on a fractional reserve system. if everyone demanded delivery of their gold, it would take more than 7 years.. there isn't enough gold in the world.


you'll have to buy it in small amounts. even then, when TSHTF, your gold will be very difficult to spend, and can easily be taken from you. Better to have some useful skill and equipment. My ace in the hole is the capability to produce alcohol, and a stockpile of plush toilet paper.

A stockpile of liquor is your ticket to easy street.

Shit, throw in some smokes and you're king.

That's funny, I have a stockpile of alcohol and the capability to produce plush toilet paper.

Do you distill, or just brew? Also might be a good idea to get yourself some decent yeast strains stocked.

I brew, but I know how to distill if I needed to. There's plenty of yeast in the air, and stocks of dry yeast won't last too long, only a year or so.. I could keep a live culture going I guess?

I've never done open air fermentation myself, so it worries me a bit. I wonder if there is some site dedicated to post-apocalyptic skillsets. I just think it would be fun to do a video on brewing from pear, apple trees with minimal tools, or even berries... Meh, pipedream.

Before y2k, my mom bought a whole bunch of toilet paper. We weren't expecting anything, but mom said she could make do with many things, but toilet paper was one thing she didn't want to be without. It's not a bad idea, if stored properly, it won't go bad, it's something you'll eventually use if nothing happens and it's cheap to start stockpiling. Alcohol is very wise too.

So few remember the TP, good on ya.


I personally don't think gold coins will help in the event of collapse of the financial system. I won't take your gold coins for my services... I can't even make change. We'll revert to barter and trade, stealing and sharing.

Bullets and Fuel (gasoline/kerosene/diesel) Water and food. Are more valuable than gold and silver to me.

Unless something like revolution happens then all your oil is useless...

Diesel makes my truck go, kerosene provides me heat and gasoline is excellent for making molotov cocktails!

Should I invest in gold right now?

Gold is good, but I have other precious metals too.

If you can afford it, farmland is really good if you can find it where it is still cheap. I have seen land in central Illinois go from $500-800/acre in the late 90's to $7k-10k/acre recently. It will always be needed, no more is created and supply is slowly decreasing from urban sprawl.

But for most folks, (myself included) physical metal- gold, silver, platinum, palladium, even copper (though you'll need more space for it obviously) are good.

I have a decent amount of brass/lead though also. (Ammunition)

I think that gold and silver are at a great price now. Look into how to avoid sales tax on the purchases if you buy it around town. In California it is something like over $1500 has not sales tax on the purchase. Laws like this are created to satisfy wealthier people and to squeeze the buys two silver ounces every Friday crowd.

Well said. I too personally invested in a small amount of gold and a decent amount of silver. But even that is sketchy when ya think about it. They'll be kicking in doors looking for guns and physical assets once shit hits the fans!

"They'll be kicking in doors looking for guns and physical assets once shit hits the fans!" ... funny, I would think that if "they" kicked in the door for guns, and guns were there, they'd be in trouble...


gold has a more practical use than it's often given credit for: a metal which does not corrode.

does silver corrode?

It oxidates.

Porter Stansberry also echoes that view.

They call it World War C(currency) and its the same thing that caused the great depression



Wait, so the U.S. dollar will gain value soon?


No... Common celebration = video to trick people from countries of "They" into thinking NK did start a war and "They" are just responding. See????

To clarify - False Flag + Celebratory Citizens = Sympathetic Support for War.


Basically, yea.

Well judging by what's happening in Boston you may be onto something...


There is no contradiction as you posit.


Who would be in cahoots with North Korea?

Even if they DID attack someone, anyone, they couldn't sustain any kind of war effort for more than a day or two before it just flat stops on their end. They have a very finite supply of everything, what with all the sanctions. They've been flapping their gums for decades but they've never nuked Texas or shelled Seoul because no matter how retarded the Kims are, I have to assume there are military officials who aren't nearly so delusional and realize that the first sign of actual aggression is as good as killing themselves.

Even China, having been "meh" towards them forever, just straight up told the North to watch their asses and to suck it re: everything. If it turns into a war it'll be China vs NK (highly doubt they'll ask us to assist. For a lot of reasons) and it'll be the shortest one in recorded history.

Nah, your premise seems ridiculous. Throughout history we've seen war escalate in this fashion: #1 currency wars, #2 trade wars, #3 physical war. We just aren't there yet.

Don't we have sanctions on Best Korea? Isn't that kinda like a trade war?


Thinking about it a little more, neither side would be starting anything. Seeing how the Korean war never technically ended, they would just be continuing their war picking up from where they began and left off...on the 38th parallel.

Joe, is this you? Will you quit it with the Iraqi Dinar and Vietnam Dong already!


is there a /r/speculation?

upvote for sideways mushrooms.

Nothing is going to happen with N Korea (best Korea!)--if you've been paying attention you probably already know that they never declared war on anyone--that was simply media bullshit. What they said was more along the lines of that they would respond to any overt display of force with war.

As for a "currency revaluation" I firmly believe that a shift of the decimal point to the left is almost inevitable sooner or later. That's why fuck banks! ;)

I told ya so coming up on the 15th.

North Korean leadership has a long history of going hostile with their rhetoric after each time a new president is elected in South Korea. The new one was elected in december 2012.

Another factor is the new leadership in North Korea is searching for the bounds of the outward communication. They don't know how far can go, but at the same time they want to go hard to strengthen their internal strength. Lashing out is their way of gathering their own ranks.

Third factor is that there's a join South Korea US military exercise going on.

It's just a combination of these factors that have led the North Korean leadership to go full retard with the hostilities: relatively new president in SK, new and young leader in NK and joint US-SK military exercise.

So no, there's not probably going to be a war. Because neither side gains from it. But North Korea has always used warmongering to it's gain.


You... Spoke too soon

Boston Marathon Masaacre 4/15/13

The scrap industry is expected to dip on April 15th as well, connections?

I was just thinking the same thing!

However, not associated with any particular date.

My thought was that the build-up of the war tension with DPRK was to allow for a War release should some economic doom occur as both a distraction and opportunity for MIC to profit...

I didn't know what/when that trigger would be, but I was thinking that the DPRK tensions have more going on that what is on the surface.

I don't think they would want to deal with domestic and international threat simultaneously. If currency revaluation would happen at the same time lots of riots would start and demoralize the military personnel.

Come on guys - this has nothing to do with some mystical obtuse date. This is the birthday of glorious leader Kim Il-sung!

Bottom Line:

North Korea (under Kim Jong Il) had been supplying weapons to Syrian and Iran.

Israel didn't like that, so Mossad killed Kim Jong Il.

Mossad is now the North Korean puppet master -- guiding Kim Jong Un in ways that is intended to:

1. Take the heat of the international spot light off of Israel's apartheid regime; AND

2. Keep the Obama Administration preoccupied.

Here is some insightful background information that helped me make sense of it all:

"Kim Jong Il assassinated in military coup"

Kim Jong Il died as the result of an assassination plot by senior members of the North Korean military. As WMR reported on July 8, 2010, Kim narrowly escaped an assassination on April 22, 2004, when a massive explosion tore through the train station in Ryongchon, North Korea. The explosion destroyed 40 percent of the town and had the fingerprints of an Israeli intelligence operation. It was later discovered that a rigged cell phone triggered the blast, which also killed a dozen Syrian missile technicians working for the Syrian Center for Scientific Research were also killed in the blast. The Syrians were said to have been receiving training on the North Korean Scud C and D missiles that North Korea had sold to Syria.

Kim's train had just transited through Ryongchon a few hours before the explosion en route to Pyongyang from a trip to China.

North Korea's UN ambassador claimed the explosion was caused by two train cars full of dynamite and was an accident. However, it was unusual for a North Korean official to admit that dynamite was allowed anywhere near the Ryongchon train station during the same time the Dear Leader was transiting through the town. On May 24, 2004, South Korea's Chosun Ilbo reported what a North Korean official who was visiting China said about the explosion. The official said, "the North Korean National Security Agency has investigated the incident since it took place and concluded that rebellious forces had plotted the explosions targeting the exclusive train of Kim Jong Il. The security agency, in particular, gained evidence that cell phones had been used in triggering the explosion and reported to the North Korean leader that the use of cell phones should be banned for the sake of the leader's safety." North Korean security agents discovered the remnants of a cell phone with adhesive tape attached to it at the blast scene. The Mossad pioneered the use of cell phones in triggering explosions.

The reporting by North Korea's official state media on Kim's death was unusual. It said he died while on a train visit. However, satellite photos show that Kim's special train never left Pyongyang over the weekend. Kim's death was reported on Saturday, December 17. The official state media reported that Kim died from a heart attack. State media reported that Kim died from a "combination of severe acute myocardial infarction and serious renal shock while on board a field train."

WMR has learned that Kim Jong Il was conducting a purge of senior North Korean military and intelligence officers when he found that they had, without his knowledge, arranged to end North Korea's supply of missiles to Iran, Syria, and Egypt in return for Israeli enriched uranium for North Korea's nuclear weapons program. Kim discovered that the North Korean officers had misled him into thinking that North Korea was enriching uranium according to Juche self-sufficiency doctrine, when in fact, the North Korean enrichment program had failed. The North Koreans reached out to Israel in order to save face and not have to admit to Kim that their nuclear enrichment program for nuclear warheads had been a total failure.

It was reported in 2004 by the New Zealand media that Mossad agent Zev William Barkan, wanted by New Zealand for illegally attempting to obtain New Zealand passports, turned up in Pyongyang as a security adviser for the North Korean government. Barkan and other Mossad agents were in Pyongyang to negotiate a deal to build a West Bank-style security wall, with Israeli-manufactured motion detectors and night vision equipment, along the border with China.

When Kim realized that the North Korean uranium enrichment program was a farce, he canceled it and began executing some of the principal officers involved. However, Israel, which benefited from leaks of intelligence on North Korean assistance to Syria in its nuclear program -- leaks that resulted in the September 6, 2007 Israeli "Operation Orchard" attack on a suspected nuclear facility in the Deir ez-Zor region of Syria -- wanted to put a stop to the taking down of its network of collaborators among the senior military and intelligence leadership of North Korea. Therefore, Israel, working with agents in North Korea, including some South Korean evangelical Christians who were able to blend into North Korean society, ordered that Kim Jong Il be taken out. The surviving North Korean military leaders who were part of the nuclear affair with Israel staged a coup and killed Kim Jong Il in the process. The present leader, Kim Jong Eun, Kim Jong Il's 27-year old son, despite the fact that his father made him an army general, is a mere figurehead who takes his orders from the now-ruling rebel military leaders.

The details of the coup and assassination of Kim Jong Il are being kept from the outside world and the North Korean people while the new regime digs itself into power. In any event, Tel Aviv is now calling many of the shots in Pyongyang from behind the scenes. There is also the issue of U.S. intelligence being caught off-guard by Kim Jong Il's sudden death. Israeli penetration of the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency is now so complete, its embedded agents would have been able to block the scenario unfolding in North Korea from being discovered by loyal American intelligence analysts."



"Israel and North Korea: Missing the real story"


... because, otherwise, I think we can all agree that the most recent "North Korean" saber rattling is just nonsensical.

Which currencies are looking to be revalued?

Has not happened yet.

Actuqally your wrong. Papers like "The Sun" and Daily Mail" (yeah I know eyes roll) are predicting next Wednesday April 10th.



Relax.. China is getting ready to put the slap down on the out of control punk.


You want to see a really pissed off Chinese man. Fuck with his money. NK is doing that already. China is amassing troops on the NK northern border and it ain't to back them up either. The bitch slap is coming if Dear Leader doesn't tone it down real quick.

I have intel by someone who is retired now but was in Majestic 12 and the Iraqi Dinar would be a great currency revaluing.

how do you feel about your smug comment now?

Jokes on you... Check the news buddy.