Every time I post something about Bill Gates and his vaccines which paralyzed thousands of children in Venezuela, it gets mass downvoted with no comments.

195  2013-04-13 by [deleted]


Mostly because it's not about Bill Gates wanting to murder everyone.

Less people getting sick > less people dying > less mating needed to keep population up > more focus on improving people's lives.

Of course, I'm going to be downvoted for not saying "VAKSINES CAUZ AHTISUM", and not using actual research that isn't ad homein.

I want to make a t-shirt that says "Alex Jones causes Autism".

I would buy said shirt.

At least he'll be the first one to speak up about government overreach. Which, given our illustrious history of bloodshed, human rights abuses, and covert operations, I think is a noble cause.

When you have japanese internment camps, cia coups in south america, and mk ultra on your track record, I think having some paranoid people on the internet is a good idea.

Even if some level of paranoia were justified, with his accusations of satanic child-raping elites who rape children for spiritual power, Jones runs right off the edge into the realm of madness.

Well, you did see the bohemian grove video, right? I'm being halfway facetious, but really, who the fuck has clandestine, moonlit, organized pagan rituals like that? It's fucking weird.

When I was in Boot Camp reception they gave me all kinds of shots and I started bleeding from my sinuses within half a day or so and I felt completely terrible immediately. The bleeding recurred off and on for several years and dimished with time.

Then there are those poor Guatemalans that were experimented on with syphilis without their knowledge.

Personally I will not be taking any more chemicals and science lab shit delivered straight into the blood stream. So lets beta test a few batches here and there on some poor people and call it great things in the traditional Western way. Who would believe it? They don't already.

in Boot Camp reception they gave me all kinds of shots and I started bleeding from my sinuses within half a day or so

I got a nose bleed once. Had steak for dinner the night before.
Steaks must cause nose bleeds. Or was it my cereal that morning? Makes total sense.

Clearly the steer your steak came from had been vaccinated and was autistic.

I think it all depends how much steak and cereal you were ingesting nasally.

I'm from Venezuela and this is the first I've heard of this. Link, please?


This is the main source site. Note that the article doesnt give any sources, and just makes a series of assertions, without any evidence to support.

Right near the start it says

Bill Gates publicly announced that vaccines could help reduce the world population by 15%.

Heres what he actually said http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9vZLlJhI7o

note hes talking about a slowing the rate of GROWTH.... not population reduction at all.

He's actually referring to people in poorer countries having too many children just because they want to be sure they will survive to adulthood: this is a key driver of exponential population growth. When the key cause of mortality is disease, vaccinations will increase quality of life, and so these people will not need to have so many children.

On another note: if you're new to the antivax argument you should know its based on falsified research by doctor andrew wakefield, who has been struck off (cant work as a doctor anymore) because his 'research' was made up.
also when people tell you there are poisons in vaccines, be aware that being poisonous depends completely on quantity over time i.e anything and everything can be poisonous in the wrong quantity in too shorter time (yes even pure water)

If the information was posted to a site that was credible, instead of Natural News, it might help.

Do you mean perceived as credible. There really isn't a corporatized, popular news organization that is truly credible. Good lord,, fox news is the highestrated network and I hope I don't have to tell you how wrong they are.

Independent voices are needed. A free press is what's missing. The internet provides a great place for Free press and independent journalist. Just like Pandora's box you take the good with the bad. Our job is to dig deeper for truth and answers, use some critical thinking. Instead we quickly judge that someone isn't credible because they don't have corporate backers.

The problem with your argument is that we require sourced materials. Natural News can make any claim they want, but until they can back it up we rightfully consign it to the category of "bullshit."

Actually that's not the problem with this argument because he said that in his post, that we need to dig deeper for facts..

Uh...Look at the verbage. Reread what he wrote.

That is exactly what I wrote.

Our job is to dig deeper for truth and answers, use some critical thinking. Instead we quickly judge that someone isn't credible because they don't have corporate backers.

Do you mean perceived as credible[?] There really isn't a corporatized, popular news organization that is truly credible...Instead we quickly judge that someone isn't credible because they don't have corporate backers.

Is what you said. These words paint a picture about you. The platitudes you threw in don't cover up the obvious; it's clear you don't understand the word "credible." Here's a quick education.

"Flouride in the water is used for mind control!" This statement could very well be true, but we have to consider the source's evidence for such a statement, during which the first question should be "is there any?"

If I say something, I should be able to prove its veracity upon being questioned.

Sourced material is great and always appreciated. However, we need to be verifying sources as well. The reason for the Iraq war came from a very "credible", well known news outfit with their source being-the white house!

My argument is that we need information from all and any source. It is then our job to research further for understanding and truth. If the original claim is that we should totally disregard, or, totally believe something due to the source; I believe that line of thinking is flawed.

If I give you ten dollars without a receipt and later you claim I didn't, there would be no proof. So, in order to convince another party I would hope they would ask questions and use their critical thinking skills to arrive at an answer.

Having a big corporate name doesn't make one credible. Not having a big corporate name doesn't immediately discredit the messenger. Either way, your job to find the truth somewhere in between.

The reason for the Iraq war came from a very "credible", well known news outfit with their source being-the white house!

You mean Judith Miller's pro-invasion articles citing Ahmed Chalabi et. al. on the topic of WMD's as far back as 1998? Articles which the U.S. government subsequently latched onto and used to justify the invasion.

Even the CIA considered Chalabi a dubious source of information, yet the New York Times was caught hook, line, and sinker. If we're going to lay blame here, it should be squarely on the NYT and the various profiteers who used it's egregious reporting to justify the invasion of a sovereign nation.

My argument is that we need information from all and any source.

Then if you say the Earth is an imperfect sphere and I say the Earth is a cube, we should treat these pieces of information equally?

If the original claim is that we should totally disregard, or, totally believe something due to the source; I believe that line of thinking is flawed.

Again, we arrived at discrediting the article, after reading it, because the author presented no evidence. You are the only person hung up on the source as the cause for repudiation.

If I give you ten dollars without a receipt and later you claim I didn't, there would be no proof. So, in order to convince another party I would hope they would ask questions and use their critical thinking skills to arrive at an answer.

Having a big corporate name doesn't make one credible. Not having a big corporate name doesn't immediately discredit the messenger.


Either way, your job to find the truth somewhere in between.

You have failed to do so.

that and getting the country or even continent right might help.

But... But every kind act must have a conspiracy to do evil behind it. Either that or there are a lot of dumb, ignorant people out there.

If people have fewer babies but more of them survive, how will that change the population growth rate?

Because you can plan to only have 1 or 2 children, instead of just having children until you have adult children.

That doesn't change anything. If you have 6 children and 4 of them die, it's the same (in terms of population growth) as having 2 children and both of them living. Decreasing the death rate does the opposite of decreasing the population growth rate.

Right, but people are not even close to perfect predictors of mortality rates. They're over-compensating for perceived super-high mortality by having many more children, rather than properly compensating for the actual mortality rates.

People in poorer countries have more children because males = production output for the family. Poor families will always have a need and incentive to try to make as many male offspring as possible.

To me it sounded like he was referring to dropping co2 emissions by 10% or 15%.

It was bad phrasing; a dangling participle is the grammar term I believe. I don't think anyone at TED would advocate for population reduction by 10%

What quantity over time of mercury would be considered 'not poisonous'?


5 seconds of research led me to this.

The mercury in thermiserol is ethylmercury, which is different than methylmercury (the bad, silver stuff). It is not known to accumulate in an organism, and does not have the same toxicity concerns as methylmercury does.

Does that mean it's 100% safe? Not necessarily, but it is not the bogeyman of "regular" mercury that most people think of when they hear the word.

Although this is a fairly bad analogy, it's an easy one to make the point: we can ingest carbon when it comes in certain forms (sugar), but not in others (gasoline). The same is true of mercury molecules.

Ex: a can of tuna.


From my reply above:

The mercury in thermiserol is ethylmercury, which is different than methylmercury (the bad, silver stuff). It is not known to accumulate in an organism, and does not have the same toxicity concerns as methylmercury does.

Does that mean it's 100% safe? Not necessarily, but it is not the bogeyman of "regular" mercury that most people think of when they hear the word.

Although this is a fairly bad analogy, it's an easy one to make the point: we can ingest carbon when it comes in certain forms (sugar), but not in others (gasoline). The same is true of mercury molecules.

Oh I see, thanks.

Moreover, thimerasol has not been widely used vaccines since the early 2000s, so even if it were dangerous, it's not in vaccines today.

  1. Let's just repeat here: thimerosal is not actually dangerous, in the same way that table salt is not dangerous, despite "containing" both explosive sodium and deadly chlorine gas.

  2. The general complaint is against common long-term vaccines (MMR in particular), not annual ones like the flu vaccine. Those childhood vaccines no longer contain thimerosal, so the complaints that MMR vaccines in particular cause autism because of thimerosal are totally off-base.

The fact is that the goalposts keep moving because nobody can come up with hard evidence for the proposed relationship.

Ya. I just posted that link to show that they still put it in some flu vaccines.

Fair enough.

Polio is transmitted through the fecal/oral route. Gates hasnt built one well or improved sanitation in these countries, just jab jab jab. "Donates" millions to his own companies to vaccinate children and " women of child bearing years". This is exactly what Rothchild did on his eugenics bent.

Lol, you're broken.

Funny thing is that that is a statement of FACT, not an opinion or idea, and she gets downvoted....odd.

There is no link. It wouldn't be a good conspiracy if there was actual evidence you could examine.

Because that's nonsense and we don't have time to deal with you nutjobs.

Then why the fuck are you on r/conspiracy then?

Is there some reason I should not be here?


He's proposing that vaccines cause paralysis. I'm within my rights to call him delusional and ignorant.

Nice, a strawman in addition to an ad hominem attack. At least OP has some basis for his assertion, while you are just making shit up.

in what way is

He's proposing that vaccines cause paralysis. I'm within my rights to call him delusional and ignorant.

a strawman argument?

It is a strawman in so far as the statement "vaccines cause paralysis, is made with no context and is sounds as if "all vaccines cause paralysis when the link is saying that vaccines meant to prevent polio have instead caused polio like symptoms.

He's not making anything up. The title actually claims that.

Every time I post something about Bill Gates and his vaccines which paralyzed thousands of children in Venezuela

If there's any sensible basis for that, OP didn't include it.

Really? A basis for his assertion? Where?


I am making an ad hominem: OP is a fruitcake.

At least OP has some basis for his assertion, while you are just making shit up.

No, see, OP has absolutely no basis for their assertion. None whatsoever.

Hence why they're delusional and ignorant.

"Because that's nonsense and we don't have time to deal with you nutjobs"

That's why.

So, unless you have the exact same opinion on things as everybody else, you dont belong in this "Free-thinkers" forum..

No, but if you don't have time to read divergent opinions (and would rather call people schoolyard names) you don't belong in a free-thinking forum.

You can have an interest in conspiracies without accepting at face value baseless crap like "Bill Gates paralyzes people with his evil vaccines".

Nice ad homi there.

Because its cheaper than a movie and usually twice as entertaining.

Good point.

What you just said is this sub is exclusively for nutjobs

No, he said that this sub is NOT for people who call others nutjobs.

Actually, no.

His comment implies that if someone doesn't want to deal with nutjobs then they shouldn't be in this sub, which means he's saying this sub is exclusively for nutjobs.

Logic is fun!

Logic IS fun, but his statement is certainly not meant to mean that, as i'm sure you can see. The obviously implied prefacing phrase to his sentence is "If that's what you think, ..." Which is meant to mean, "if you think stories like this are nonsense and people who believe them nutjobs, why do you come to a forum devoted to stories like this full of people who believe them."

You willfully misinterpret his meaning, and then act smug about it: i award you one clever point and three asinine points.

your history shows that you have never posted anything about Bill Gates before. So, what?

He probably deletes them when they get downvoted to oblivion.

Or has multiple accounts to give extra downvotes to people he disagrees with. He's a shill.

Can someone link me to an article about this? I can't find anything

I wonder why that is. Perhaps all references to this have been de-indexed by the major search engines.

What, like Bing?

All of them man. All of them. You need to use NetScape. It's the only one that hasn't been got to.

I asked Jeeves, he knew nothing about it. They got to him too

I hear this every so often, but never see the evidence. Got some links I can glance at?

What I'm learning from this thread is that even if you're in the negative, you're still up a handful of votes. And if you're down voting then you're a demon or a shill.

Can't I be both?


The shill market is saturated down there, I've got spawn to feed.

So....is Bill Gates part of that reptilian party ?

prob bloodline related


What's wrong with planned parenthood?

Probably the fact that the founder of Planned Parenthood was a eugenicist.

so what's wrong with planned parenthood?

shockley was pro eugenics but that doesn't make transistors evil...

I only made suggestion on why people may dislike Planned Parenthood.

That said any system founded on broken or corrupt principles will remain either broken or corrupt until the foundations are completely changed.

Edit: Shockley had nothing to do with actual birth control. We are talking about a eugenicist who went on to head an organization working with that exact same subject matter, human reproduction.


So what's wrong with eugenics? Selective breeding to weed out those who are geneticly inferior? No one has to live as a moron, or weak, or ’different'.... sounds perfect.

Support the NWO.

lives up to his name

haha I can't believe you worthless redditards downvoted this.

Master race!

Your conclusion doesn't need to follow from your premises. Defective births SHOULD be prevented if possible, but a new world order isn't the only means to accomplish that.

Early Eugenicists had a VERY broad definition of what "defective" included.

Okay. I'm not saying they didn't. Wasn't even thinking about them actually. If I was carrying a baby that was found to have a defect that was known to cause those who also had it much pain and discomfort before surely dying from it, I wouldn't say that I'd keep it.

Find me someone from the turn of the century who wasn't a eugenicists. It was a very popular theory before people understood biology. I believe many of the people who came up with the idea were knighted in england.

A lot of nations had eugenics programs / departments until Hitler took eugenics to the extreme and used it as ammo against Jews. After that, most of eugenic programs ended, never making it past 1950s. Now a days, no one can be an adult and talk about eugenics without everyone calling them racists or discriminating.

Typical of Hitler! Ruining eugenics for the rest of us! /s

There were many who weren't eugenicists as well. Just because eugenics was some ideological fad does not excuse its malicious or selfish motives. We cannot just look away from the negative traits and actions of our ancestors. We have to accept them as factual occurrences and understand them.

broken clocks are right twice a day. sketchy motives are something to be aware of, but it doesn't change what good someone has done.

I hate to repeat myself but I only suggested why people may dislike Planned Parenthood.

Also we cannot just look away from the fact of Sanger being a eugenicist. She may not have agreed with Nazi styled eugenics but the ideas remain repugnant.

the difference between Sanger and Hitler is the effect each had on consequence free scootleypooping.

And the guy that started Ikea was a skinhead.

Well the founders of the United States were largely slaveholders ... but I'm still a proud American!

The jooooooooooos control it in an effort to round up babies for them to eat.

I loves me some blood bread. I'll keep donating to them.

...so you are claiming (without evidence) that Bill Gates deliberately killed lots of children with vaccines because his dad was president of Planned Parenthood..?

I guess that the 'cover up' is that his presidency is not mentioned on his Wikipedia page..?


So that's your evidence? 'All of history'?

I could claim that you are a psychopath trying to kill children by getting vaccines banned by spreading anti-vaccine propaganda because ALL OF HISTORY.

It cuts both ways.

It seems that not to many people know how the world works. The entire Internet is biased in one way or the other. If you don't like it, go for a walk. Even if any of it is true, he didn't go over there and force these people to get these tainted vaccines. They are lucky he gave away his earned money to such a cause in the first place. And just because people don't agree, or up vote you to the top page doesn't mean there is some conspiracy behind it.

They are lucky he gave his earned money...

1) Are they? Someone who has talked about population control should be questions about their motives when personally funding vaccines. The debate should occur and these types of posts want to encourage the discussion but they don't, just people calling each other names. idiot, moron, shill.

2) It is your duty as a "civilized" person of means to care for those less fortunate. That is a crumby attitude that they are lucky. They are still living in poverty and they are probably serving as test dummies because they are seen as disposable.

If there is anything I've learned in life-it's that things and people are rarely as they appear to be.

If your post didn't get deleted by a mod. Thus downvote or upvote it doesn't matter about agreement be it shill or non-shill etc... The main thing is you got your message out and viewed. If you are worried whether it's popular or not. Then your just looking for the points, and not really concerned for the intent of the message delivered.

I wish someone could look at stats of certain users, to see who just downvotes everything in certain subreddits, or certain subjects posted on reddit, so we can ban and get rid of all these under cover misdriectionists/trolls who have nothing better to do than hide certain ideas from public scrutiny.

...OR how about people post well researched ideas with actual evidence from reputable sources rather than posting baseless claims with no evidence apart from vague tangential links then moaning that anyone who downvotes their nutcasery is a 'paid shill'?

I upvoted you with all 7 of my accounts

so... where do i get paid?

The usual place - see you at the Pentagon on Monday.

No, seriously, where can i sign up to sell my online opinion to the highest bidder? This sounds like the best job ever.

Try Google. (Not a facetious comment).

It doesn't matter if it's a reputable source if it gets downvoted before anyone can see it.

Wow I was super downvoted and the account that posted this was deleted, after he claimed his old account was also deleted? Either he's a big time troll or there's a conspiracy afoot!

I bet /r/conspiracy would lose a lot of members then.



That's actually a great idea, how do we go about petitioning the mods to get this done?

It can't be done. Removing downvotes from a specific subreddit is technologically impossible within the existing framework of reddit.

That's incorrect. I visit at least to subs that have no downvotes.

Go to that same sub and disable the custom CSS. Ta-da. You can hide the downvote button, you can't prevent downvotes.

Besides....any reddit idol is going to be protected by the fucked up Karma system ,that is Reddit, regardless on if its backed up by facts, or not.

no hero bashing allowed..

i noticed the good guy gates propaganda memes start up, about two weeks later he does an ama...

you can't find any articles that will connect the dot for you.you just have to realize he is the billionaire philanthropist funding the vaccine.

also,you may be mixing it up with Nigeria... http://www.cbsnews.com/2100-204_162-5242168.html

whenever i see the good guy gates propaganda memes start up, about two weeks later he does an ama...

You're implying that this is a repeated occurrence. I've only seen him do one. Where are the other AMAs? I'd be curious to read them.

Thanks in advance for the links.

my bad,i should proof-read before posting..the propaganda has been steady for at least 3 years.

You do realise that his webpage acknowledges that the vaccine can mutate, right?

It would be a half decent conspiracy idea otherwise.


"OPV, the polio vaccine used in most of the developing world, is safe, effective, easy to administer, and inexpensive. But OPV consists of live, weakened viruses, which in very rare cases—1 in every 2.7 million first doses of the vaccine—can cause paralysis. In settings with very low OPV coverage, OPV vaccine viruses can also mutate and begin to circulate in the population, just like wild polioviruses.

We support the development of new OPV formulations that are not associated with the risk of mutation as well as vaccine alternatives to OPV. One of the most promising alternatives is inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), which is routinely used in most developed countries but has not been broadly used elsewhere because of its higher cost and the need to have a trained provider administer it by injection. We support efforts to lower the cost of IPV and put in place the training, supply, delivery, and communications infrastructure to expand its use. We also support efforts to develop antiviral drugs to respond to a future accidental or intentional reintroduction of poliovirus in the post-eradication era."


Because they hire people to monitor social media sites like this, and either downvote to hell, or downvote on top of trolling and arguing to try and discredit you. It happens in this subreddit all the time. Just look at stopbanningme4, who's doing exactly that in this thread.

yea hes a paid shill, not someone who just disagrees. everyone who disagrees with you is paid by the gubmint specifically to do that

you couldnt possibly be wrong, oh no, even tho you have no evidence and just make stuff up, its everyone else who is wrong.

Here goes another one.

Thanks for proving his point.

Actually, he proved mine.

umm no, no i didnt. You proved mine.

read thru and think a little.

You could try being a little more full of yourself. It's a very endearing quality you know.

Actually, he proved mine.

No no no, you fucking narcisstic 'tard. YOUR "point" was:

they hire people to monitor social media sites like this, and either downvote to hell, or downvote on top of trolling and arguing to try and discredit you.

Nothing 'empresssharyl' said "proved your point". It should be FUCKING OBVIOUS that people are only downvoting you because you are seem especially paranoid/schizo, not because "they're paid shills" (LOL so arrogant, as if no one else on the internet has opinions and beliefs) There is no need to "discredit" people who have such blatantly crazy obsessions like thinking rich people are committing genocides via immunizations.

Reddit is an indication of how stupid, and numbed people really are. You could actually post a video of Gates strangling a kid and the Bill shills would down vote you for exposing that. There are so many paid Disinformation agents and simply others who just cant deal with hard facts. that is the sad nature of our world. A while back, I did a TIL on my first post about Gardasil, and I had some 50 upvotes and another 50 downvotes, that means there was an active Shill effort to kill the post. The post was an interview with Dr. Diane Harper, one of the Developers of the vaccine, in which she discusses how the Vaccine was not developed for 9 year old girls and does not actually prevent Cervical Cancer.

Yep. People who disagree with your clearly enlightened and ingenious opinions must have been payed to do so!

It is not about disagreeing with someone. Paid people are easy to spot. Their entire comment history will be dedicated to arguing one subject. Reddit is big. There is no way someone can have an entire comment history based on defending Gardasil.

True dat.

Not even someone super passionate about one thing and one thing only?

counter intelligence ops have gotten more sophisticated since the Army infiltration of Reddit back in Q1 of '11 ... they now talk about all the other stupid bullshit they're obsessed with and make really contrived meme posts to garner the comment karma they need to stay active and more importantly to cover up the fact that they are actually operatives working toward a specific agenda.

An example of such account regularly makes meme posts like "Girls don't fuck guys who complain about the friendzone" and pokemon references just because reddit sheople who weren't old enough to remember 9/11 eat that banal garbage up. He has plenty of other accounts and they're all at the ready and waiting for service in his karma-leveling (more like dissent-silencing) campaigns.

My account is 2 days old for a reason ... I've been a redditor for far, far too long.

If you spot an account that's literally only making posts about topics like gun control it's because they're controlled by a less sophisticated group. Pro-gun cointel ops are still learning the lessons the Army learned years ago ... same with anti-gun cointel ops.

My account is 2 days old for a reason ...

Obvious shill alert!

Oh don't worry. Soon I'll be the one hiring shills ... shills to troll other shills! It will be glorious indeed ... like two jabberbots trying to prove the other isn't human. Hilarity will ensue and it will always, always, always go down in a public, highly popularized forum where you'll find the shills lurking.

I'll admit. Reddit is dead to me. That doesn't mean I can't gut that little alien bastard and wear his face like a mask. Look at me! I like brain parasites, uh, I mean ... cats! I like cats! Here's a picture of Mr. Toesocks! He died horribly ... GIVE ME KARMA!

I'm currently in a heated "debate" with some bleeding heart zionist counter-intelligence operative trying to vindicate israel after they've been exposed stealing enriched uranium from US manufacturers ... I guess I'm an "anti-semite" now ... soon I will have these idiots eating out of my hands. Trollololol

Have you considered seeking medical attention for your delusions of grandeur and paranoia?

Psychotherapy is hardly "medical attention" ... and "NO" ... I don't pay pseudoscientists. Thanks for the suggestion ...

haha how do you know if a person doesn't think psychiatry/psychology is a science? they'll tell you

Hello dismissive, know-it-all, stoner shit-for-brains!

... imagine finding you on a site like reddit.

Go fuck yourself, asshole.

How do you know exactly how many upvotes and downvotes you have?

On the left hand side of the thread. This post has 77 up votes 44 down votes.

Well I don't see anything on the left, but on the right are similar numbers, except the reddit FAQ thing when you sign up tells you that those numbers are intentionally skewed to show the ratio of up/down votes without showing the actual votes. Are those the numbers you're referring to?


Those numbers are skewed, too.


They show the score, but not the actual upvote/downvote count, which is what's in question here. I'm pretty sure a post could say 20/6 when it's actually 36/22 or 15/1.


Because someone asked how you know how many up/downvotes something has, and you answered RES, when the more accurate answer is that you really can't.

oops i mean right side under the number votes of the post

So yeah, the numbers that are intentionally wrong so that people can't tell how many upvotes/downvotes?

The net value is supposed to be correct though.

right...but there could only be 1 downvote who knows!

I agree. Now let's go to Staples and get some Ron Paul flavored bravery cake.

The powers that be have discovered r/conspiracy and the truth makes them puke, and they send their shills to work.



Salinas Price is a billionaire and he seems pretty ok. Also Bruce Wayne.

Bill Gates is trying to win the eugenics field just like he won the computer field. He has learned plenty about how to manage bad press and heavy handedness.

Dont forget Monsanto...49% owner.

No, he isn't. His foundation bought 500k shares worth about $23 million. There are hundreds of millions of Monsanto shares out there. The foundation's purchase doesn't even give it 1% ownership, much less the 49% you claim.

While looking for the 40something percent quote....which I cant find ( 24 mill is most common number) came across this....


Well, now I downvoted you, as I downvote anyone that complains about downvotes.

Demon! Here, here's a demon! I found him. Because... he... he downvoted you

I can be accounted for two downvotes so far..


Nah son, I smoke more pot than bob marley at a Jerry Garcia concert.

Thats my favorite ice cream flavor!

Im upvoting you because fuck everybody



Now its at +3, give us some links to keep the momentum going!


Those aren't the actual vote counts yakno...

You use karma to verify that you are right?


Infowars? Lol


I bet /r/conspiracy would lose a lot of members then.

Demon! Here, here's a demon! I found him. Because... he... he downvoted you

True dat.

so what's wrong with planned parenthood?

shockley was pro eugenics but that doesn't make transistors evil...

Find me someone from the turn of the century who wasn't a eugenicists. It was a very popular theory before people understood biology. I believe many of the people who came up with the idea were knighted in england.

A lot of nations had eugenics programs / departments until Hitler took eugenics to the extreme and used it as ammo against Jews. After that, most of eugenic programs ended, never making it past 1950s. Now a days, no one can be an adult and talk about eugenics without everyone calling them racists or discriminating.

...OR how about people post well researched ideas with actual evidence from reputable sources rather than posting baseless claims with no evidence apart from vague tangential links then moaning that anyone who downvotes their nutcasery is a 'paid shill'?

broken clocks are right twice a day. sketchy motives are something to be aware of, but it doesn't change what good someone has done.

Not even someone super passionate about one thing and one thing only?

counter intelligence ops have gotten more sophisticated since the Army infiltration of Reddit back in Q1 of '11 ... they now talk about all the other stupid bullshit they're obsessed with and make really contrived meme posts to garner the comment karma they need to stay active and more importantly to cover up the fact that they are actually operatives working toward a specific agenda.

An example of such account regularly makes meme posts like "Girls don't fuck guys who complain about the friendzone" and pokemon references just because reddit sheople who weren't old enough to remember 9/11 eat that banal garbage up. He has plenty of other accounts and they're all at the ready and waiting for service in his karma-leveling (more like dissent-silencing) campaigns.

My account is 2 days old for a reason ... I've been a redditor for far, far too long.

If you spot an account that's literally only making posts about topics like gun control it's because they're controlled by a less sophisticated group. Pro-gun cointel ops are still learning the lessons the Army learned years ago ... same with anti-gun cointel ops.

Those numbers are skewed, too.

So, unless you have the exact same opinion on things as everybody else, you dont belong in this "Free-thinkers" forum..

You can have an interest in conspiracies without accepting at face value baseless crap like "Bill Gates paralyzes people with his evil vaccines".

The shill market is saturated down there, I've got spawn to feed.

There were many who weren't eugenicists as well. Just because eugenics was some ideological fad does not excuse its malicious or selfish motives. We cannot just look away from the negative traits and actions of our ancestors. We have to accept them as factual occurrences and understand them.

Actually, he proved mine.

haha I can't believe you worthless redditards downvoted this.

And the guy that started Ikea was a skinhead.

It is a strawman in so far as the statement "vaccines cause paralysis, is made with no context and is sounds as if "all vaccines cause paralysis when the link is saying that vaccines meant to prevent polio have instead caused polio like symptoms.

Nice ad homi there.

Well the founders of the United States were largely slaveholders ... but I'm still a proud American!

That is exactly what I wrote.

Our job is to dig deeper for truth and answers, use some critical thinking. Instead we quickly judge that someone isn't credible because they don't have corporate backers.