What the fuck are we supposed to do?

25  2013-04-16 by [deleted]

I only have one other friend that has woken up to what is going on and everyone thinks we are crazy. No one will listen to us and they think everything is fine and will continue to be fine. It's going to blow up in their faces. My parents think I'm fucking crazy. Every time I try to explain something, like how school is just an institution to create obedient workers, they just shun me and think it's crazy talk. How can we stop all this shit that is going on when no one will listen? It's during times like these that "ignorance is bliss" is too accurate.


same here... all i know is im not a good german! worry about yourself ... im tired of trying to "wake people up"

Provide evidence. Until you do, all you have is an unsupported hypothesis. You 'believe' all these things. That's it, mate. Get some evidence or all this is just a belief.

Provide evidence. Until you do, all you have is an unsupported hypothesis.

Incorrect. Many people will simply not accept evidence regardless of how well it might be supported. The mind almost always finds a way to snake out of accepting inconvenient truths - especially if you're dealing with particularly closed types of folks.

You 'believe' all these things. That's it, mate.

Bullshit, mate. There's a LOT of "beliefs" that just so happen to be supported by a shit load of facts. Are these "beliefs"?

Get some evidence or all this is just a belief.

Yes. Get some evidence, but understand that even AFTER you do that, many will still find a way to poo poo it because it doesn't fit along with their preconceived notion of how the world should work - that notion that they have been indoctrinated by and brain washed into being emotionally invested in and committed to since they were young.

It's not easy (almost impossible for some) to break many out of what they are emotionally invested in. It's not as simple as a psychological "click" of the switch; showing them information and simply having them say "Oh. I see. I get it now. Now I know, and I no longer see what I saw the way I previously saw it. Thanks. :)"

We're often dealing with what the heart yearns for and wants to be true regardless of what the mind might or might not see. To show some things as being false is to many often an ego threat that is very, very difficult to deal with, and most just as soon prefer to NOT deal with it and block it out of their minds, going about their daily lives as if nothing changed and nothing is different.

This is the reality of the human mind and heart. It's not often all that easy to change.

This. You need to wake them up the same way you woke up. What youre doing is equivalent to trying to explain string theory to someone with basic math skills. It doesnt make sense to them. If there was a documentary or article or whatever that got you to wake up, i recommend you show them those.

Here are some good ones http://www.trueactivist.com/list-of-top-10-documentaries-watch-online-for-free/

However id take out Religuluous (i am not religious but i just didnt think it was that great of a movie) and Replace it with Loose Change. And add Invisible Empire. Also id take out the first Zeitgeist film if they are religious; it may turn them off even more to your ideas.

However, i recommend becoming an encyclopedia of information before trying to convince anyone of anything, especially those who are older and have preconceived notions about this stuff. Ive been studying this stuff for over a year now, having watched at least 50 (maybe even 100) documentaries, and spent at least 8 hours a day combing "alternative news" sites and conspiracy forums and theres no way i could convince someone closed minded to 'conspiracy' as of yet (ive tried). Tell your friends/family to check out some of those films but if they are resistent dont push too hard. Its the same as learning anything: if you believe you understand something youre not going to be open to seeing it differently. you need to show this info to people who havent yet become 'brainwashed'. Also You need to do your best to remain credible while you learn. And be able to remain, or at least act, skeptical, even if you are convinced of something. Most of us have done enough research to be long past the point of skepticism, however anyone new will be skeptical. but above all, The most important part is to let them form their own opinions, just provide them with info; dont force your own on them. All you can do is provide facts and information and hope theyre smart enough to connect the dots.

Zeitgeist was interesting but was full of inaccuracies and made up facts. Like you, I am not religious. But many of the Christ figures they mention are not as similar as they claim. Bottom line is: it's still good material but fact check your facts whenever possible. With so much misinformation on all sides of practically every conspiracy, it can be quite difficult to weed out the BS from facts

You might find it easier to be the smartest guy in the room than the man on a soap box.

What this guy said can't be appreciated enough

Try not to worry too much about it bud. What will be will be. I know that's trite and all, but that's really all we have. Keep searching for the truth and never give up. My parents think I'm a nut as well. Maybe I am. I don't care. I think most other people are nuts. It's just an opinion. I've learned also not to try and explain reality to people who are living in denial. It's not worth the headache.

Its sucks, but that's what I go with. Hope it helps. You're not alone. There are many of us and our numbers are growing. Stay strong. Keep searching.

There is no turning this ship around. TPTB will just keep creating false flag attacks and the MSM will keep painting you as crazy for pointing them out until you're put in a hospital or jail for being "dangerous" while your friends and family let TPTB's boots slowly crush their neck.

You can do alot with loving one another . I know some of you pragmatic shills who will request a link to some website that tells you scientifically statistical bs, will make fun of me, and undervalue the power of love . It is actually quite empowering to approach this with your heart and not your mind , tptb have the intellectual misinformation campaign running at high capacity.

Probably because you are crazy.

case in point! you're right bro.. we are crzy! go watch cnn. why are you here? go eat what they are feeding you like a cow eating gummie bears

If you could actually present evidence to back your sneaking suspicions, I'd be more than happy to listen to you. Until then, you should probably invest in education and therapy.

DHS buys armored vehicles, 7000 assault weapons, a billion ammo, mostly hollow points and they are a DOMESTIC force. What else do you need to know?

let me see if i have any fucks to give?!?!?! hmmm NOPE! I'm all out. I simply dont care! i will put -0- energy into trying to convince a dumb cunt who is willfully ignorant to wake up. there is no point. Why dont you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself :D

What is there to wake up to? I'm asking you simple questions and you retaliate with insults. Too edgy for me, kiddo.

yea kiddo! im edddgggyyy bro! Listen, if you still believe what TellLieVision tells you and dont think there is fuckery at work in every. single. event. like this, then you're a lost cause! go watch the situation room with Wolf

I don't pay for cable television, it's a waste of money. I get the majority of my news from AlJazeera and NPR, to be honest. Nothing leads me to believe there is something awry with the event and you haven't given me any cause to believe that either.

Not this event!! i dont know anything about this event! it's like 4 hours old or soemthing.

Any event is fine with me, all you've done is throw insults.

I have zero tolerance for willfull ignorance. Let me ask you this, do you still belive the box cutter story?

That's funny considering you're a posterchild for turning a blind eye to facts. Later, dude.

later scro

So you have absolutely no evidence to back up anything you say and you refuse to get evidence so we can have a reasonable discussion? Good to know I'm dealing with an autist.

what do you want to discus?? nine=eleven? if you still think fire took down 3 buildings im done! Im not your mommy! evidence is EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!! you choose what you want to believe. good day troll


It didn't take long for the disinfo shills to find this post.

Freedom is NEVER free.

Provide evidence? , Unsupported hypothesis? What more proof do you need that love is the answer . Ok here is a link ( warning impending sarcasm ) http www. John Lennon, Jesus, MLK .com , thats my belief mate

wow third submission in a comment session and i turned into an angry christian angry guy.
Sorry ...I wish you the best

Stop being a crazy person.

Dont go preaching to others, get you own fucking life in order and figure out what YOU are gonna do about this shit.

Live righteous and people will come to you asking questions.

Stay strong. Do not waver, but also try to be reasonable and don't lower yourself to the moronic statements that many sheep will make as they bleet their discontent at your "not going along with the rest of the herd."

How can we stop all this shit that is going on when no one will listen?

I'm not super sure we can stop it, unfortunately. I do know that we need to keep working toward educating ourselves, however, regardless of whether a huge portion of the people are still in the dark or not.

It's during times like these that "ignorance is bliss" is too accurate.

No. You see that's a problem. Ignorance is NEVER ever bliss. Don't ever believe that. Sooner or later, what you don't know WILL come back and haunt you and absolutely bite you in the ass. It might not be now, it might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, but eventually, what you DON'T know will cause you harm in one way or the other.

Ignorance is NOT bliss. Ignorance is never bliss.

idk but a therapist might help buddy :)


At the very least, someone to listen to you so you can vent all you want without being judged and get it all out. Everyone has their own beliefs man, the label of "crazy" just comes when it's all that preoccupies your mind and you try to force it on everyone else around you. No matter if you're wrong or right, if your beliefs interfere with you living your life, you should see a therapist. Look man, even if school is some plot to create obedient workers, what are you gonna do about it? Are you going to drop off the face of the earth and live in a tree or are you not going to go to school and live in a basement to fight the government? This is the world you live in and if you want a relatively happy life in society you need to do well in school and have a good future. I don't think your belief about school is wrong necessarily, but I think your views and perception on it are just slightly skewed. Are schools creating obedient slaves of society and government or are they creating a well adapted, knowledgeable adult that knows how to fit in society? One of those is a more dramatic view than the other on basically the same thing, living in a society. Do you see my point?


I hear ya man. Look, the best piece of advice I can give you is, for the sake of your own happiness, you need take control of your own individuality if that makes any sense, which it seems like you already have and just do you to make the best of the world that you live in. It's an unfortunately sometimes shady and deceitful world that we live in and the cold hard truth of it is, is that nothing can be done to change that. If you're friends and family are happy with their lives believing in what they believe in, why try to change that? The best thing that you can do is love them anyway and just be a good person in general. The obey, conform, consume thing is just a law of society. People obey rules and laws, share mutual interests with other people, consume products and give back in the form of money and working. It's a really cold, systematic and technical way of looking at it if you think about life like that really and it's no surprise the outlook that that leads too. But imagine a civilization with no conformity. Everyone would just do whatever they wanted, no one would get along and everything would just be generally shit. Personally, I have a problem with authority, it irks me a certain way whenever someone tells me to do something no matter how small, and you might too. What I want to do is to one day have my own business and be my own boss which is my motivation for going to school right now. What better way to deal with not being able to take orders than to be the fucker that's giving the orders, you know what I mean? We can't change the world or force our views down other peoples throats, but as long as they're content and happy, that's what really matters. Life is just being shat out of a vagina, living for 70-80 years and then dying, why not just spend it in the best way that you can? Anyway, I think I'm ranting now but I hope some of what I wrote in the giant, tired mess can help you man.

If you can convince that greed is always the problem whether from petty street crime or from the lies that bring war, it becomes a short distance to realizing where the greed is coming from and the symptoms of it's presence.

Of course people (and especially our female family members) refuse to believe in anything contradicting the hive mind. But that doesn't mean you should force them to accept anything. It's not productive to demand that they acknowledge the corruption and force them to accept it wholeheartedly. I have had bad experiences when doing so personally.

You and your friend know the truth and should act accordingly in the future. You know that the goal of the perpetrators is to inflict as much fear in the population as possible. That's why you should reassure your family members that things will be OK and that nobody is really going after them specifically.


I think it's based on something positive: empathy. In my experience, women are primarily the ones who claim how "unthinkable" a sinister act is by generalizing people.

Many, if not most men in my circle are more ego driven (not necessarily lacking empathy) and are not as trusting of those they don't know. So it's not as unthinkable that "other men" act in self interest.

you're right about the females. They have a lot of propaganda aimed directly at them not to mention television is almost exclusively aimed at them. It's part of the agenda, once you get the women the men will follow, that is kind of the rule of thumb. Don't know why you got so heavily downvoted. All this gun violence propaganda is aimed at women, it's blatant. They're easier to scare and easier to convince them to obey, it's part of the female psychology that is just a part of being a mammal. Once they feel vulnerable they look for a protector, in this case it is the corrupt government that is put there as the perceived "savior" in the case of "guns" and "Crazy people". It's not their fault, they're just easy prey.

The feminist movement has convinced a lot of women that they don't need men and that the state will take care of them. Men used to shield women from this type of psychological attack, now our balls are clipped and our muscles weakened by the perceived authorities and literal mind control.

There are very, very informed and smart women. But there is more to add to their risk avoidance. The trouble they have is that they have stronger social ties than men have. They are evaluated by their social skills and are therefore more inclined to go along with group conformity even if they have to lie about their real convictions. Wheras some guys say fuck group conformity, I made my mind up and I have evidence to support this, I do not care if I lose my friends and I am the only one in the world that understands this.

My wife knows now nearly as much as I know and she knows that our knowledge helped us to be much better prepared than any of our friends who are now strugeling with different issues. We know of political events and agendas four to five years before politicans and the media is telling you about them. But still she asks me to play dumb and not to tell new friends about the things we know. Just to act normal as everybody else. That really bothers me, because it does not make sense at all. You will not change anything for the better if you just play a dumb, indoctrinated sheep to appeal a social group of dumbed down people.

You will not change anything for the better if you just play a dumb, indoctrinated sheep to appeal a social group of dumbed down people.

To her credit however, you are not going to "bring someone over" to your side right off the bat, you have to slowly bring them over. Bring up things in question form that way it's like you're learning with them and they feel like they've got the answers on their own.

Also we might all have to start playing dumb soon if they crack down on dissent. I would rather play dumb than go to some camp.

hahaha. enjoy your situation where noone believes you. I only know mostly ppl who answer with a "and? what is your plan? me gusta like I can live right now, so why change anything? or even sarcastic, black humor. " and the case is closed.

Thessalonians 5:1 But of the times and the seasons, brothers, you have no need that I write to you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. 3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes on them, as travail on a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4 But you, brothers, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 You are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9 For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him. 11 Why comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also you do.

let me see if i have any fucks to give?!?!?! hmmm NOPE! I'm all out. I simply dont care! i will put -0- energy into trying to convince a dumb cunt who is willfully ignorant to wake up. there is no point. Why dont you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself :D

DHS buys armored vehicles, 7000 assault weapons, a billion ammo, mostly hollow points and they are a DOMESTIC force. What else do you need to know?

This. You need to wake them up the same way you woke up. What youre doing is equivalent to trying to explain string theory to someone with basic math skills. It doesnt make sense to them. If there was a documentary or article or whatever that got you to wake up, i recommend you show them those.

Here are some good ones http://www.trueactivist.com/list-of-top-10-documentaries-watch-online-for-free/

However id take out Religuluous (i am not religious but i just didnt think it was that great of a movie) and Replace it with Loose Change. And add Invisible Empire. Also id take out the first Zeitgeist film if they are religious; it may turn them off even more to your ideas.

However, i recommend becoming an encyclopedia of information before trying to convince anyone of anything, especially those who are older and have preconceived notions about this stuff. Ive been studying this stuff for over a year now, having watched at least 50 (maybe even 100) documentaries, and spent at least 8 hours a day combing "alternative news" sites and conspiracy forums and theres no way i could convince someone closed minded to 'conspiracy' as of yet (ive tried). Tell your friends/family to check out some of those films but if they are resistent dont push too hard. Its the same as learning anything: if you believe you understand something youre not going to be open to seeing it differently. you need to show this info to people who havent yet become 'brainwashed'. Also You need to do your best to remain credible while you learn. And be able to remain, or at least act, skeptical, even if you are convinced of something. Most of us have done enough research to be long past the point of skepticism, however anyone new will be skeptical. but above all, The most important part is to let them form their own opinions, just provide them with info; dont force your own on them. All you can do is provide facts and information and hope theyre smart enough to connect the dots.

Provide evidence. Until you do, all you have is an unsupported hypothesis.

Incorrect. Many people will simply not accept evidence regardless of how well it might be supported. The mind almost always finds a way to snake out of accepting inconvenient truths - especially if you're dealing with particularly closed types of folks.

You 'believe' all these things. That's it, mate.

Bullshit, mate. There's a LOT of "beliefs" that just so happen to be supported by a shit load of facts. Are these "beliefs"?

Get some evidence or all this is just a belief.

Yes. Get some evidence, but understand that even AFTER you do that, many will still find a way to poo poo it because it doesn't fit along with their preconceived notion of how the world should work - that notion that they have been indoctrinated by and brain washed into being emotionally invested in and committed to since they were young.

It's not easy (almost impossible for some) to break many out of what they are emotionally invested in. It's not as simple as a psychological "click" of the switch; showing them information and simply having them say "Oh. I see. I get it now. Now I know, and I no longer see what I saw the way I previously saw it. Thanks. :)"

We're often dealing with what the heart yearns for and wants to be true regardless of what the mind might or might not see. To show some things as being false is to many often an ego threat that is very, very difficult to deal with, and most just as soon prefer to NOT deal with it and block it out of their minds, going about their daily lives as if nothing changed and nothing is different.

This is the reality of the human mind and heart. It's not often all that easy to change.