JIDF and the Meta Subreddits

6  2013-04-17 by [deleted]

Curiously, a link to a new reddit has been getting passed around, namely, to a subreddit called /r/jewgirls. This wouldn't have taken much notice if not for the fact that it's spreading like wildfire within drama-subs modmail and through PM's of many mods, myself included. Why devote an entire sub to Jewish gals? One of the mods of that sub is also a mod in a community I also moderate, /r/drama, but he is a freely admitted Jew.

We've all seen the crazy person post in /r/conspiracy before about bronies taking over the drama subreddits, especially after the failed 'april 2nds joke' seen over in /r/cringepics. I say we have an entirely different, and real, problem on our hands. Why would a zionist start up a zionist female appreciation subreddit out of nowhere? There's a few motives behind this.

Recently, a large part of /r/drama's IRC channel has been about "jooz", or basically, a codeword to stop all current conversation and discuss what's happening in Israel. Seriously, go to #drama on snoonet and type in "jooz", it stops everyone from talking and all together they switch to a new topic. It's like everyone in that subreddit is being Pavlov'd into obedience, something that the rest of the meta-drama subreddits have been envious about.

Recently, many of the mods of /r/subredditdrama have been stealthily removing posts that make them look bad, but that's not all that they have been removing. As we all know, reddit tends to 'lightly disagree' about the conflicts abroad and especially in Palestine, yet all drama linked to such a discussion gets 'removed' before anyone can see it. It's hard to find documentation of such a thing due to the mods rejecting the usual use of /r/modlog to track anything Zionist-related.

I've been around the meta subs a little bit, and modded two somewhat-major ones, an SRS-affiliated one called /r/SRDbroke, and the current station, /r/drama. Curiously, though devoted to feminism and the breaking down of male spirit, SRS is far less involved, if none at all, in anything Zionist related, then any of the mainstream meta subreddits are. Try posting zionist drama, or introspective posts to /r/circlebroke, /r/theoryofreddit, /r/subredditdrama, or any of them. None of them will go through.

Why have I stayed at /r/drama? Because there is hope. Due to the subreddit's rules, all drama is accepted. Thanks to the diligence of many, reddit's removal of many zionist topics can be documented and safely stored there.

Thank you and God bless.


Israeli JIDF here.

Stay mad conspiratards :)

Insults and attacks won't be tolerated here.

Failure to follow the rules will earn a ban.

hahahahah, surely you're serious!

You're correct. I'm serious.

Oh no! Can't have the racist circlejerk interrupted! Nope, silence the critics!

I hope you end up in a FEMA camp somewhere you disgusting excuse for a human being.

thank you for that, sir.

>le happy merchant face




Wait.. Do they have unlimited bread sticks in Jerusalem?

breadsticks are food of the infidel


Personal attacks aren't welcome here.


You need to back off the racism.



Wow DistilledCourage, you are so brave.

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You're missing /r/Hiphopheads






Aww, I almost pulled off a hat trick.


Edit: furealz. If I got SRD, then I would have the hat trick, and spread more Zionism there.


Sorry pal, you are on the losing side. JIDF will win.

Its happened time and time again. Might as well give up now.

tell aa to keep crushing the patriarchy for me

kk will do



Just to test, I went into the IRC naught but an hour ago and recorded this: link