A very deadly game - Boston is the culmination of FBI wargaming/psyops.

60  2013-04-17 by ronintetsuro

I don't think it's unfair at all to expect that the FBI and CIA be investigated regarding their potential involvement and level of prior knowledge of the Boston marathon attack. As an organization, the FBI has spent the past couple of years wasting YOUR money setting up entrapment schemes - giving ignorant youth bombs and getting them set up for a huge sting operation and public face time.

The overwhelming majority of terror plots foiled on American soil since 9/11 were found to be FBI operations suffering from major scope creep. In many cases, it was determined that had the FBI not provided the material resources to the target, the target would have had no ability or knowledge to carry out the alleged attack plan.

But then when people point out how much Boston/Sandy Hook/Aurora stinks out loud, how they're connected, how they look for all intents and purposes like stage productions... then the person bringing that up is the crazy one and should be locked away in jail. Somehow, people believe that the FBI always swoops in to save the day... but what if their priorities change? What if they're following orders for the greater good?

Meanwhile, the ruling class is culling MORE OF YOUR RIGHTS. CIPSA will pass on Friday right around when the news breaks that the suspect is a 20 something white male conservative with anti-government links in his browser history. You wave the flag and pretend this ship will right itself if you just keep the faith of work, shopping, and taxes. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Skepticism is welcome. If the Government can alter the Zapruder film, they are capable of anything.

They also shooped the exit wound on the back of John's head. So yes. The "Government", a.k.a. Corporate has demonstrated that they are the perfect execution of Bernaysian game theory when they see an opportunity to further their agenda.

The assumption that most Americans make, that they are somehow largely exempt from collateral damage within this game and occupy protected spaces on the game board, is proof enough that our propaganda is incredibly powerful. Especially when turned inward. This cabal/regime has sacrificed billions on every continent on this planet. Why, after everything you've seen, do you still believe that 'it can't happen here'?

Because the Corporate owned television says so?

When junkies (financiers) become desperate (lose money), they will do ANYTHING to get their fix (control of the markets). And I mean anything. Don't believe me? Ask Greece. Ask Syria. Ask Lebanon. Ask Palestine. Ask Egypt. Ask Iran. Ask Cyprus, perhaps the best indicator of what's next for America in the news.

Most of all open your mind and your heart. This summer, the blockbuster movie of the year will be on American streets. And we will need all the objectivity and love we can get to make it through.

Eyes open, no fear.

I am almost sixty. I'm ready to lose my life, if necessary, to show my teenage daughter and her peers just how dangerous their Fascist government has become.

I always take a lot of flak when I use the term Fascism, but take a look at the definition and the difference between the Fascist regimes of the 20th Century and the face of American Corporatocracy today is merely a matter of nuance and the technological advances that have occurred in the intervening years.

I am less than half your age, unmarried and have no kids and I am ready to lose my life in defense of our freedom. I will not stand idly by while the rich control this country and run it and it's people into the ground.

The future of this country has two choices, it all rests on how many more people share the feelings a lot of us in this sub share.

Honestly, it's not even our freedom, but the freedom of nations around the world.

You are more right than anyone realizes

<shakes hand>

It's good to see there are people like ourselves that still feel this strongly about things. We aren't the only ones. Keep up the good fight!

Circumstances, including, but not limited to, wage suppression for my entire working career have put me here with next to nothing left to lose. That's a dangerous position to put an emotional intellectual like me. If I can spend the last coin of my life fighting for what is right, my knees may wobble a bit, but my mind will harken to the immortal Patrick Henry. Perhaps the best role model for the dark days sure to come.

Not to mention the incredible number of repatriated Nazis that came to this country at the behest of the government after WWII.

Now, keep in mind, I'm not saying Nazi's run things. The interest was their research into control of the human population. That political investment bore strange, effective fruit in ways we're still discovering.

All Americans should be ready to fight against the coup that has robbed us of our Government. The last line of defense for Liberty is each and every one of us. People that talk about weapons are missing the point. It's not our weapons The Powers That Were fear. It is our near-indestructible love for one another, our kinship. Our ability to see ourselves in others, once you take away all the bright flashy screens, infallible machines and the ceaseless propaganda of our social progrom against the resource holders of the world to feed this perversion of Capitalism.

You are more like your neighbor than the people on Wall Street. That knowledge is more powerful than any gun ever manufactured. That knowledge is behind the gun legislation. It's not about the GUNS, it's about preventing the realization that the greatest military on earth is the American People, and that none can defeat us when we stand united against a common enemy. It's about preventing the realization of who the REAL enemy is in this foul year of our lord 2013.

Because I can tell you, they're right here. In your country, in your city. The real terrorists pose as Americans and further their agenda on your television every day.

The real terrorist IS the television.

My daughter (honors student) made me proud like to bust when she told me what her senior research project topic was.


I have been telling her, since I judged her old enough to grasp the basic concept, that the television is a liar. She has discovered this herself as she has used products that make claims that don't hold up. For the last 2-3 years, I have been gently easing her toward the stance that if the government needs to kill you, they will. It's a hard lesson to have to teach to a fifteen-year old (when I started slowly feeding her info), but this world is a goddam hard place, and I want her as prepared as can be. The men in my family do not possess genes for long life, so it needed to be done. Even her mother has backed off in her criticism of my teaching. She was a skeptic of me at first (spent a few years on the board @loosechange911.com), but now my wife's eyes are open, as well.

Edit: content

You realize what you just described is literally brainwashing, right?

Please elaborate.

The 'since I judged her old enough to grasp the basic concept' didn't mean anything to you?

For the last 2-3 years, I have been gently easing her toward the stance that if the government needs to kill you, they will.

What you're doing is literally the same thing churches do. They play softball with the kids, then when they're "old enough to grasp the basic concept" or whatever, they introduce hell and fear into their lives.

I don't mean to be offensive but if you're that incredibly paranoid I think you need to step back and examine what is happening/happened that made you think this way.

The world isn't that scary of a place and I'm worried that all you're going to do is create more fear and confusion where there is already so much.


I'm assuming your incredibly paranoid because you seem to think one of the safest places on the planet is a hive a villainy and that they're out to get you.

Once again, I didn't mean to offend you.

hello, proactiv

Worked for my fiance. Worked for me a little while. I really don't think that qualifies as evidence of "propaganda".


It is propaganda. It is making you believe you need to have no pimples. Pimples don't matter. Also, the placebo effect is probably why it worked.

Also, the placebo effect is probably why it worked.

No, it wasn't, or the other 50 things she tried would have had the same placebo effect.

It is making you believe you need to have no pimples.

You assume that people aren't genetically programmed to find people with good skin more attractive than those with blemished skin. That seems like quite the leap.

What I mean to say though is this: the media's obsession with appearance (rather than personality or substance) is propaganda used to sell various beauty products.

No, it wasn't, or the other 50 things she tried would have had the same placebo effect.

That's not true. Not everything has the placebo effect. The placebo effect is bolstered when the patient believes it will work. It could have 'really' worked though I guess.

You assume that people aren't genetically programmed to find people with good skin more attractive than those with blemished skin. That seems like quite the leap.

Yeah I guess I do a little. Although, I do think people naturally find people with clearer skin more beautiful, I just don't think this is as important as the media makes it seem. I mean so what if someone is better looking than me anyway?

Have you heard of the women in Vietnam who used to chew betel nuts because it was considered beautiful to have black teeth? Beauty is a cultural construct to at least some degree.

That's not true. Not everything has the placebo effect. The placebo effect is bolstered when the patient believes it will work. It could have 'really' worked though I guess.

Of course not everything has the placebo effect, but why would that one product in particular work instead of the many others she tried (even those recommended by a doctor)?

Yeah I guess I do a little. Although, I do think people naturally find people with clearer skin more beautiful, I just don't think this is as important as the media makes it seem. I mean so what if someone is better looking than me anyway?

Complete value judgement. If a person wants to look better with better skin, so what? That doesn't make a product propaganda.

The relationship between corporate and the Nazis goes back to before Operation Paperclip. IBM supplied the Nazis with adding machines and the oil companies supplied gasoline additives for fighter planes all during the war. The relationship between the Catholic Church and the Nazis and the Ratline to South America is another example of the relationship between power structures and control and suppression.

It is the 99% vs. the 1% and the 1% are winning.

there was a great 3 hour long discussion on proposition 21, I think that's the name of it. Anyways, it sounds like if things go as they wish we will be in a fascist state.
How I see it going is they will drive people in small communities and in the country out of their property by driving up property tax until it's unreasonable and by buying out farmers. Once they have most of the population in one area, they can provide cheap living with decent paying jobs to get the public on board. Meanwhile, they farm all the product, over-see all work being done by us, and have complete control over their people.

I know I live in a Constitution-free zone, thanks to the USA PATRIOT ACT, so it's these coastal zones that everyone will end up in, and with the population density high enough, one of the bio-engineered influenzas or other lab-created plague will cut the population down to desired levels.

You are 100% correct. The US is the most Fascist state today. It is used as a military enforcement arm by the UK and Europe so that they do not get the blame for the policies that they desire. We are controlled by the Nazis but they have much better technology and knowledge of psychology now than they did in the 1930s. They also have much better control of the mass media than they did then. The only thing big enough and perhaps strong enough to fight the US might be China, but the Chinese society does not look like a pic-nic either.

I say read "The rights of Man"

Downloaded PDF. Will be reading over the next few weeks.

Let me know what you think!

It is, of course, from a different time. But there is something there for us today as well.

Thank you for your posts here. You really seemed to nail the problem on the head in a few short words. I try to express many of the same concepts, but it always becomes much longer and more muddled somehow.

We are in a very difficult position right now and I don't know what is coming in the future, but I guess they will try to start a war to justify the military spending and take the public's mind off of the obvious problems that face us today.

I am too tired and broken down now to fight. You seem to have more energy left than I. I try to see some way forward, but I can not find one really. I guess that they just want us all to die some days...

We will have to take the way forward that presents itself. If you read "Dune", we are like Paul just before the battle with Imperial forces under the CHOAM banner. And we must look for help in unexpected places.

Yes, I think you are right. I may not see the point where we finally make some real progress, but I will hope that some of us do.

Suspicious Observer?

I am not him. But his line is apropos.

Apropos, indeed. Also, definitely a great YT channel. Really some invaluable information.

If any of you are NOT watching Suspicious 0bservers channel, here you go.

I don't claim to understand all of it, but I do my follow up research. This guy knows his stuff. It's because of him that I have a hunch that the HAARP/chemtrail program is some sort of last ditch effort to boost our collapsing ionosphere. Especially since we are facing increased solar activity.

love that channel.

Definitely a must watch. Even if you don't buy the whole chemtrail conspiracy, he gives compelling evidence. Additionally, it's nice to finally have someone spell out what's happening within our own solar system in laymen's terms.

Wow...a thread with real honest human beings in it. It's been awhile since the last time I've seen that. I don't have much to add to the conversation, only that you are absolutely correct. Love thy neighbor...and pray it's enough.

It has to be. We have nothing else left.

Lets just all huddle together and think happy thoughts until we aren't slaves anymore.

Its like you've already died.

If you want your blaze of glory, you'll be sure to get it.

We are certainly on target for a friday disappointment. And some say this isn't contrived.

FBI plot to stop the bomb gone wrong last minute.

They just passed Cispa today did they not?

Only in the House and just barely from what I've read. A lot of folks don't think it will hold up in Senate. Even if you're concerned about it, email your senators and let them know what you think.

Good people do exist.

I don't really care myself I'm from krazy kanuckastan

"The overwhelming majority of terror plots foiled on American soil since 9/11 were found to be FBI operations." Name them. Name ONE. Name one with sources that prove they were FBI operations.

If this is the culmination...then the conspirators suck. Nothing has been proposed to get our freedom in response to this. Nothing. Name something that has been proposed to trample the Constitution in response to this.

CIPSA? Please. Please demonstrate the connection.

Definitely a must watch. Even if you don't buy the whole chemtrail conspiracy, he gives compelling evidence. Additionally, it's nice to finally have someone spell out what's happening within our own solar system in laymen's terms.

love that channel.