Amputee Question [more boston]

0  2013-04-17 by [deleted]

so here we are, scouring through constant footage looking for the bomber.

QUESTION: has anyone bothered to look for footage of the man in the wheelchair who "lost both his legs" before the explosion?

because i havent seen any of him walking around. if we can figure out who did it by looking at footage, we should be able to find him (not walking)


This subreddit should be quarantined for mental illness and stupidity.

I'm just gonna leave this here, since OP has decided to provide the PERFECT illustration.

JAQing off - 1. the act of spouting accusations while cowardly hiding behind the claim of "just asking questions". 2. asking questions and ignoring the answers.

What are you implying? That the guy was an amputee before the blast?

yes, didnt think i had to imply that one to people on this sub-reddit....

where have you been??

Oh I've been here, don't worry. I was simply asking for clarification. I wanted to know whether or not I could call you a fucking moron for perpetrating this nonsense, or if you were simply ignorant.

The guys legs were clearly blown off in the blast. Many people had limbs that were blown off. Do you think this guy was walking around on stilts for hours before the blast, only to rip them off last minute, squirt on some fake blood, and start rolling around on the ground?

Were the cowboy and the woman pushing him in on it too?

Pull your head out of your ass. This was a real event, and it will have real implications. Pay attention to the things that matter in this case, like our government's RESPONSE to it, and stop giving breath to disinformation that is meant to make subs like this, as you say, look crazy, foolish, and off topic.

hey, still waiting for you too find him in the crowd.

find him yet??

I didn't find him in the crowd but I did find a fucking moron in this crowd.

spoiler: they're all morons.

it's like, you're asking someone else to do your homework for you, and then getting mad when they say no. do your own fucking dirty work

who said its for dirty reasons?

im not coming up with conspiracies, that idea was already out there. i was asking if anyone had discredited it by seeing him walking around the marathon prior to the explosion.

has anyone?

the real question here is: why didn't you? Why weren't you that person discrediting it? You clearly have an interest in it.

instead of discrediting the already existing theory and announcing it as false, you have perpetuated something else that could be (and most likely is) false. This is why it is dirty work. You chose to spread the bullshit instead of clean it up.

No, this is a conspiracy subreddit. I would have expected someone here to have the footage.

Instead I get people yelling at me. Meh, it's the Internet, what did I really expect from you....

well, you can't just say "guise it's a conspiracy subreddit lolz finds the proof!"

just because this is a place for discussion of potential conspiracy doesn't mean you can dump the burden of proof on it. I understand your point though, perhaps you were expecting someone to have insights that you did not and for that i can't fault you. However, i feel like presentation is key. Don't take it to heart, you have at least provided an impetus for serious discussion of the subject.

Were you ever able to find what you were looking for?

if i was, that would be one thing. however, this whole thing started by me trying to catch up on the situation and collaborating with the other people in this sub.

now everyone who i was communicating successfully with have deleted their posts, in fear of getting downvoted like me. i dont care about my karma tho.

and honestly, i have been way to busy with work right now to do my own research. which is why i came here to ask.

well, the needless downvoting should stop because it doesn't really add anything to the conversation. i see what you were trying to do and again, i can't fault you for that. i use reddit sometimes to catch up on shit too. I'd tell you to delete your post, but i'm more a of "captain must go down with the ship" kind of guy so you do what you feel you must to avoid further alienation. The least i can do is give your post an upvote because it seems as though you are being brigaded against kind of.

and that sir, is why i am still here.

thank you for being one of the only reasonable people on the internet.

you sir, get an upvote as well

well, sometimes we let the internet get the best of us. i've found myself being completely unreasonable on this site without any real cause. but not today friend, not today

Has anyone discredited Ron Paul yet?

discredited he exists?

i think he exists. might be a conspiracy i need to check into tho

so my question is where in the footage can you find him walking?

before the blast. thats my question. if you have an issue with it, pm me or something.

get your panties out of a wad

First of all, you're shifting the burden of proof. It's up to you to prove your case, not for us rational people to debunk it.

Second of all, it makes no sense for anyone to plant an amputee, when the bomb would have maimed dozens anyway.

if you dont like conspiracy theories, why are you even here??

because i can.


i asked a question. moron....

you're obviously asking a question to ram in a retarded point without a shred of evidence.

your ramming your point without evidence too, arent you??


No. you have the burden of proof.

And, you're****

sorry i dont feel like hitting backspace or the arrow key while im at work, you arent the effort.

im asking a question, you say im wrong. i ask you for proof, you say i need to prove you wrong in order to prove me right.

honestly, if you can find the guy hooray, i found my answer to my question. he walked idgaf. its a fucking question.

You're JAQing off. You're trying to shift the burden of proof in order to make your ridiculous hypothesis sound plausible.

It's the same method truthers use. It's the same method intelligent design proponents use.

And guess what? It doesn't work. It just makes you look foolish.

lol, im asking a question! thats it! seeing if anybody else has done research on that.

but my question still remains, can you find him walk?

*note i have never claimed he was an amputee previous to the bombings, im only asking if anyone has done the "leg-work" for this

You definitely believe that this guy didn't lose his leg. And it's fucking disgusting.

You're not just asking questions, you're disrespecting this man's pain by doubting it ever happened. You're despicable.

What are you on about?

He asks if anyone has seen the guy walking before. We should be able to find this right? And then it's confirmed.

You tell him he's wrong because stuff like the method he uses (which he doesn't) or disrespecting the victim (which isn't for you to judge) etc.

He asks you to back up your claim that he is wrong and that the man was walking before. Realize here that you make a claim here and it is then that the burden of proof argument applies. It doesn't apply when asking a question, only when making a statement/claim. Hence you pretty much "suckered" yourself into having having the burden of proof on you.

And then he can and does simply repeat that he is asking a question, to which you sort of implied you have the answer, yet you proceed not to provide this answer, tell him the burden of proof is on him when it's actually on you since you are making a claim and thus have to back this up, and call him out for "shifting" the burden of proof when you are actually doing that yourself.

It's not ThemanDotcoms job to prove he's wrong, It's UMKCentersnare job to prove he is right. That's how these thing's work. You make a claim then you provide evidence for that claim.

That's what I typed. And UMK asks a question. themandotcom makes a claim.

Not it's not, You said Themandotcom has to prove UMK is wrong where it's the other way around, UMK has to prove that what he is saying is correct, you can't make a claim and then demand it's true because people can't prove you wrong even though you've provided nothing to show what you are saying is true.

I'm under the impression themandotcom said UMK is wrong (about his speculation). Aka themandotcom is making a claim.

UMK then resorts to pretty much only asking for a backup of said claim.

To me this seems in line with the way the burden of proof works.

You just repeated what you already said btw. I understand how it works once it is determined who made a claim. The issue here is that I'm under the impression UMK never made a claim and themandotcom did make a claim in his reponse. Hence my reasoning.

Themandotcom is making no claims except for "You're JAQing off" and if you want proof of that then just look at this whole thread.

UMK is making claims under the pretence of "Just asking questions". It's a cowardly way of trying to share your opinion because the moment people start arguing the other point they can just go "Hey, I'm just asking questions" when clearly you aren't. The burden of proof is on him.

You're right. I have mistaken themandotcom for another user UMK was argueing with.

In that another user does claim to have facebook pictures and then it makes sense.

In the particular response thread with themandotcom responding that hasn't actually happened. It looked like it did but it didn't.

Anyway I was wrong since themandotcom never made such a claim, I was mistaken , my bad.


im asking a question

you just seem to have a jihad against me or something...

because i havent seen any of him walking around. if we can figure out who did it by looking at footage, we should be able to find him (not walking)

You are making several claims here:

1) That we can figure out who did this by looking at footage. Footage can give the authorities leads but that does not mean there is 100% certainty. For all we know, there is no footage of the true culprits. We are just hoping that there is.

2) That there is footage of the man in the wheelchair from before the explosions. There were many people running that marathon and the area effected by the explosion covers hundreds of square meters, not to mention the marathon route itself. To assume that he MUST be in a photo is very presumptuous. And finally 3) That any footage of him must be of him not walking. You state it right there. You insinuate, in your elaboration of the question, that he won't be walking.

Those are three claims you made and claims must have evidence. And since you asked the question that contains them, you must provide the evidence.

i bet you are religious too

You really are quite dim, aren't you Robert?

not really sure how to respond to this one?

maybe like the other guy in this thread PROOF PROOF PROOF?

and i like how you create a throwaway account to use my first name. Thats it, nothing else. glad i irked you so much you had to do that.

Man, you are currently arguing like a 12 year old.

I don't know many 12 year old girls named Robert, but shit happens.

um. i'm not.

Don't worry, he is clearly a troll.

This is getting good

And I bet you're 9.

Personally I have not found him but I also haven't looked for him. Why should I? It's clear his legs were blown off to me, so I don't need to see him walking before.

If he is not found in any of the photos, that is not proof of anything that you are implying.

Panties un-wadded. You are perpetuating disinformation and are distracting from other very real things. When someone finds him walking before the blast, I will hold back my told-ya-so's.

It's clear his legs were blown off to me, so I don't need to see him walking before.

And a little jet fuel can melt steel, too, right? After all, you saw it on TV!

fuck. you.

A compelling argument. You're certainly offering a lot to the investigation into this incident. What did you major in? Judging from your insightful comments, I'd wager you were a double major and are now in grad school. Am I right?

Heh. Talk about calling the kettle black...


Yeah probably. Tasteless at any time really

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Edit: This idiot ChicagoBearsFansSuck's comment was "More like calling the pressure cooker black" before he deleted it. Welcome to the class acts of r/conspiracy.

And a little jet fuel can melt steel, too, right?

No, but it weakens steel to the point where it is no longer capable of supporting the weight of a building.

Maybe you should just stop using conspiratorial presumptions as your null hypothesis.

No-one ever said jet Fuel can melt steel, I never get that argument, No-one has ever said Jet Fuel can melt steel except the 9/11 truthers. It can make the structual integrity of steel weak as shit though.

Do you think someone who doesn't know the difference between your and you're is going to be aware of false dilemma logical fallacies?

About as well as someone who can't even figure out who he's attempting to insult.

So then, really poor writing then. Sardonic should be practiced by those with greater-than-basic literacy skills.

did you see the pictures? there was exposed bone and shit, and all kinds of evidence suggesting that this man was very hurt. i think its an interesting observation, but stupid nonetheless. its like if i said "guys, i think Jesus was a dinosaur. i think its true because we don't have any pictures of him not being a dinosaur". if people wanted me to better explain my theories and beliefs on a topic with so much emotional weight, you can believe I'd have an answer other than "just asking questions here" or i would redact my statement.

im asking a question.

if i knew the answer i wouldnt be asking it. and you can tell me "i told you so" as many times as you want, once a day for a year idgaf.

because im asking a question. and all i want is the answer. not some asshole sitting behind a computer screen trying to white-knight the internet away from my lies and intentional misleading of the masses on a CONSPIRACY SUB ON REDDIT.

grow up

im asking a question.

And the shills are out in force downvoting you for it.

Somewhere along the line, seeking the truth became a bad thing. Chalk it up to propaganda designed to paint "conspiracy theorist" as a bad word.

This is not about the truth. This is about this cretin wanting everyone else to get his alleged proof for him while he desperately tries to discredit every actual piece of evidence he gets.

This guy is being utterly lazy while disproving any evidence brought against his views with zero basis other then what goes on in his own head.

...Wait. Shit. You're the troll, nevermind.

amen brother(in theory (lol))....

You should know that ЅubredditDramа has wrіtten about you.

«Someone doesn't like his questions being questioned on /r/Conspiracy», submitted 28 minutes ago.

As of now, your comment has а score of 1 (4|3). The parent submissіon has a scorе of 2 (9|7).

SRD has no enforсed rules against invading оr vоting in linked threads, аnd thrеads linked by thеm have a tendency tо suddеnly acquire large amounts оf votes and derailing comments.

bot so hard #swag

There are pictures of the guy online from before the race. His Facebook is available to be viewed. If none of his many friends are claiming that he was already an amputee, and the pictures available appear to show that he had legs prior to this week, then what is the mystery?

The mystery is that you can post these pics here. And then it's mostly done.* Yet you don't. Please just post them since not everyone has facebook access or has been able to find out on their own what the facebook of this particular individual is.

The reason I say mostly done is because it could be pics from a year ago where he lost his legs in a car accident the past year hence not making it very strong. Being able to find him in footage or pics from the day itself make the strongest case and will still be relevant.

  1. You aren't supposed to post Facebook links here.
  2. Are you really suggesting that I save some stranger's personal photos to my computer, then upload them, then share the link, just because you refuse to click the link I have already provided that will lead you to the pics?

These are two different men, that much is clear. If you think that this guy lost his legs somehow recently and was then recruited to take part in an attack to give the press some gross photos, then by all means...YOU can ask his friends if he lost his legs prior to this week. I'm not making that stalkerish leap.

I've posted multiple pictures of him, including one in which he is standing next to a young woman in a kitchen. Check my post history.

yet to see it.

hence why i asked the question in the first place

This link is a long story about the veteran and the bombing victim...and in the section with the bolded headline "Who is the legless man?" there is a link to his personal Facebook page.

and after that whole article, it says boston local media has the identity, a facebook page, on private btw.

im not saying its not him, but thats not the EVIDENCE im looking for.

His name is Jeff Bauman, and plenty of his facebook, including a picture of him kicked back in a chair with a guitar...with what appear to be legs and all...can be seen.

I can only find one picture which is the profile one. You don't really see his legs plus he is sitting which you can do without legs.

The picture at the top seems like it's very old and might not the same person. So that doesn't say much either.

Jeff Bauman is a guitarist. I guess he grew a beard at some point.

There is a picture posted on his facebook posted on December 26 that shows his full body standing next to some sort of elevated tree house. Of course, he is not naked in the the evidence you are looking for (a full body shot showing skin) is still lacking.

Again...use Occam's razor here. If none of his friends ar saying that he was a double amputee, and the photos seem to suggest that he was not a double amputee, and he appears to have been a Costco employee paying off student debt...then maybe...just maybe...he was not an undercover operative whose top secret job was to be positioned at a bombing to take a fake photo that could have been easily shown to be fake by anyone who knows him. Imagine the risk if just one of his friends went to the media...and then think about how he is just one of many injured people, so his presence there wasn't needed to advance a plot.

The Facebook picture with the guitar is of Jerry Garcia.

Also, OP is an asshole.

I don't have access to that picture, could you re-upload it and link it?

I pretty much agree about the rest. For me it's about trying to discover something.

but that doesnt mean it is him without legs, that doesnt mean it could have been set up the entire time by the people who would have orchestrated the bombing.

You think if the government was to bomb its own people they wouldnt have the foresight to create a facebook page in advance???

im just saying its not the evidence i am looking for. you're saying that this guy has been working at Costco to pay off his student loans and has a group of friends who have no idea that he is a double amputee...all because he was a part of a government plot to provide the media with a fake photo of a bombing?

There is no evidence that will convince you.

Him walking on a video at the marathon event would be the best. And for the sake of this argument is actually the only real relevant thing.

As for this more general idea which I don't think is all that relevant to the question proposed in the OP because it's subject to time. (a picture with his legs 5 years ago is not conclusive that he arrived at the event with his legs functioning)

But for that argument a picture of him standing self supported in full frame, not terrible quality and somewhat recent (which would still be subject to something like prosthetic legs) but for the most part would convince me just fine thank you very much.

Video of him walking at the marathon could just be him wearing his prosthetic limbs, getting ready for the diabolical plot.

The problem with some of these conspiracy theories is that no amount of evidence can rule it out, yet a highly unlikely theory is accepted as probable without this impossible evidence.

im asking to see him at the race,

and how can i tell a group of friends based off his hidden timeline??/

dont act like im the biggest dick in the world for not believing THE SOFTEST EVIDENCE in existence....

in high school, i know someone who had the entire school believing there was a female student whom he created so everyone would send pictures of their dicks to him. just saying its not hard to trick the masses....

I have seen his friend list and clicked on a few profiles. You are making stuff up. Anyone who visits his page will know that you are being dishonest.

You are comparing a fictional high school girlfriend with a man pretending to have legs to everyone he knows???

im just saying if one man is capable of getting at least 50 guys to send pictures of their dick, whats saying the government isnt capable of more??

sorry for not trusting social media for relevant info

You aren't trusting the entirety of this man's life based on ZERO evidence that he was already an amputee.

Why do you require zero evidence that he was a secret amputee with a secret mission to be photographed as one of a hundred victims of a bombing...yet you have a ridiculously high standard of evidence to prove that the more rational explanation is true?

im not saying either is true quit putting that on me.

im asking for evidence he was there, walking, before the explosions.

and i have yet to see it?

I want evidence that he was rolled in on a wheelchair.

The burden of proof is with the person making the extraordinary claim.

ok, so find that evidence. its the same thing im looking for.

im not making a claim. im asking a question. idk how many times i have to say that. just because im not ruling something out doesnt mean im claiming anything.....

Why pick this one victim out of over a hundred? It's just such a random, baseless, accusatory question...asking for proof that a guy had legs that morning? Heck, is there any evidence on video that the young boy who died didn't choke on a candy bar just prior to the bombing? If not, then we can not rule out that the boy died of choking on a candy bar before the bombing. In fact, there are THOUSANDS of "what ifs" that we could throw out. It's just an absurd waste of time to do it.

I'd say to give it up. You've been smacking this guy's face with logic for well over an hour and it's not getting through. There are just some people you can't convince.

listen, i didnt come up with it. someone else did.

but this is a conspiracy sub-reddit. this was a presented conspiracy, so i asked the question if anybody had done the leg work and saw him in the crowd. you have found a facebook. ok cool. im sorry i dont believe anything in the social media.

but jesus fuckin christ, grow up. if you dont have the answer to my question why bother responding??

Done the leg work? If that's the comedic payoff for reading this retarded suggestion, I'll take it. Brilliant.

Yes you are. You are quite vigorously implying that he is in on the plot and part of the conspiracy. Based on no evidence. We have evidence he was not a double amputee before the race. Unless YOU can come up with contradicting evidence, the case is settled.

Seriously, this man just lost his legs in the most horrific manner possible. Some empathy and compassion is not too hard to ask for.

someone came up with the idea, not me

im not saying anything people! quit it. i started this whole thing to ask if anyone had looked for the guy pre-explosion. a couple people supported me. sorry its a conspiracy, i was asking for proof. thats it.

check the beam in your eye before you mention the splinter in mine....

Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. You have to be a troll, no-one is this hypocritical.

not making claims ty/ cant stress that enough

JAQing off is making claims by disguising them as unanswerable questions

Is this question unanswerable?

I wouldn't know. Hence why I asked it.

I just came up with this idea: He was actually a shapeshifting alien. Do you need to see evidence to the contrary?

You have to keep repeating it because it's obvious to everyone in this thread (except you apparently) that you are trying to make a point by asking questions, or have already reached a conclusion and are asking others to disprove your conclusion.

its about the principal now.

Are you an alex jones shill trying to stir up conspiracy theories so alex jones can get more followers and make more money?

but that doesnt mean it is him without legs, that doesnt mean it could have been set up the entire time by the people who would have orchestrated the bombing.

Just try and think about this for a second instead of assuming even the vaguest little anomaly is a conspiracy.

Why would they do that? For what possible reason would the bombers get an amputee to pose as a fake victim of the bombing, when there are plenty of real ones to go around? And obviously the guy's friends, family, co-workers and all associates have to be in on it as well, not to mention the EMTs and doctors that treated him. That's a lot of effort for no reason whatsoever. Frankly it's fucking stupid.

Ok, what evidence would convince you?

People like you never feel satisfied that something is evidence.

like me?

besides facebook, what do you have??

Yes. People like you.

If I asked this in /r/askreddit first, I would have probably found footage. Instead I posted my question here, where people had already been reasearching the same thing. I'm not implying anything. Idk how many times I have to say it....


you wouldnt be kind enough to link it would you??

i could always be like the other guy in this thread and scream PROOF PROOF PROOF over and over agian.... lol


its a facebook, and its private.

this is no more evidence than the people claiming it was staged.

Jesus Christ, its bad enough that this poor guy was mutilated, now we have to troll his FB account and post pics to prove he wasn't an amputee before the Boston Marathon? Seriously?


alright! now people understand! ty.

any more??

He is in the picture on the top, in the center about three people across and one down from the word "gap". He is wearing the same dark grey on light grey shirt and is clearly standing. Stop this nonsense about him being an actor.

i didnt say he was.


thank you so much, now i can go back to working knowing that there are people out there who are smart enough to figure out thats all i wanted.


have you found anything???

yes, didnt think i had to imply that one to people on this sub-reddit....

where have you been??

Oh I've been here, don't worry. I was simply asking for clarification. I wanted to know whether or not I could call you a fucking moron for perpetrating this nonsense, or if you were simply ignorant.

The guys legs were clearly blown off in the blast. Many people had limbs that were blown off. Do you think this guy was walking around on stilts for hours before the blast, only to rip them off last minute, squirt on some fake blood, and start rolling around on the ground?

Were the cowboy and the woman pushing him in on it too?

Pull your head out of your ass. This was a real event, and it will have real implications. Pay attention to the things that matter in this case, like our government's RESPONSE to it, and stop giving breath to disinformation that is meant to make subs like this, as you say, look crazy, foolish, and off topic.

First of all, you're shifting the burden of proof. It's up to you to prove your case, not for us rational people to debunk it.

Second of all, it makes no sense for anyone to plant an amputee, when the bomb would have maimed dozens anyway.

Personally I have not found him but I also haven't looked for him. Why should I? It's clear his legs were blown off to me, so I don't need to see him walking before.

If he is not found in any of the photos, that is not proof of anything that you are implying.

Panties un-wadded. You are perpetuating disinformation and are distracting from other very real things. When someone finds him walking before the blast, I will hold back my told-ya-so's.

amen brother(in theory (lol))....

This link is a long story about the veteran and the bombing victim...and in the section with the bolded headline "Who is the legless man?" there is a link to his personal Facebook page.

You should know that ЅubredditDramа has wrіtten about you.

«Someone doesn't like his questions being questioned on /r/Conspiracy», submitted 28 minutes ago.

As of now, your comment has а score of 1 (4|3). The parent submissіon has a scorе of 2 (9|7).

SRD has no enforсed rules against invading оr vоting in linked threads, аnd thrеads linked by thеm have a tendency tо suddеnly acquire large amounts оf votes and derailing comments.

bot so hard #swag

This is not about the truth. This is about this cretin wanting everyone else to get his alleged proof for him while he desperately tries to discredit every actual piece of evidence he gets.

This guy is being utterly lazy while disproving any evidence brought against his views with zero basis other then what goes on in his own head.

...Wait. Shit. You're the troll, nevermind.

Jesus Christ, its bad enough that this poor guy was mutilated, now we have to troll his FB account and post pics to prove he wasn't an amputee before the Boston Marathon? Seriously?

I'm under the impression themandotcom said UMK is wrong (about his speculation). Aka themandotcom is making a claim.

UMK then resorts to pretty much only asking for a backup of said claim.

To me this seems in line with the way the burden of proof works.

You just repeated what you already said btw. I understand how it works once it is determined who made a claim. The issue here is that I'm under the impression UMK never made a claim and themandotcom did make a claim in his reponse. Hence my reasoning.

alright! now people understand! ty.

any more??