OK 4 out of 5 people on most of the new story's are new accounts with less than 1 day of activity. Explain

44  2013-04-18 by [deleted]

I understand if you are posting to suicide watch, offmychest, gonewild and so on but on conspiracy... What is your motive? Fear mongering? please do enlighten me.


Looks like a tactic of the shills to get us all riled up about trying to solve who did the Boston bombing. All these 4chan and reddit posts with the pictures and analysis...it doesn't matter. What matters is the response to this bombing. The military style police all over Boston right now. The prospect of citizens losing even more civil rights in the name of security. The demonization of "conspiracy theorists" in all forms of media. That is what matters. Let's take a break from trying to figure out who did it - when the media tells us who "did" it, we will know their motive. Namaste!

I agree, but this new age namaste shit is retarded.

namaste anyway

remain anonymous prob. Or to stir up trouble.

Seems like provocateurs to me. why would they need to remain anonymous if they have nothing at all to do with it.

My reason is just because I understand the stigma of even suggesting anything not be as it is spoon-fed, and I don't want to publicly (i.e. along with anything else I do on reddit, which isn't much) have any mentions associated with me. I came here because I saw the fertilizer explosion video and immediately saw the frame with what looks like something coming in from the left... It looks to me like there was a primary explosion, and after the initial flash, the building blew up and out. Why would they rocket the plant? I don't know, maybe because the fire didn't do the job.

I saw the same video and my thought is that there were enough chemicals in the air, that the air in the area ignited. Similar to a gas leak in a house. Just my thoughts.

your probably right

Hope not. Though that makes me check the profiles every time I read through these comments.

Good. your awareness will aid our efforts to unveil the truth. There are alot of intelligence agents here. Information is the ruling classes kryptonite.

Says the person using his real name as his username.

I'm here because I find these things interesting and I love to see you guys find all these suspects and theories. Its very cool to have a different look at things than what the news says.

I could just be that reddit has been in the news a lot lately so new people are coming by to check it out. Reddit's audience/community is just getting bigger. The Boston Bombings is very likely to bring new people by since Reddit & 4chan seem to be the lead detectives on the case and the msm is reporting that.

Probably more people waking up to false flag operations. It's probably a good thing.

I hope you are right, suppose that thought never crossed my mind.

I am starting to believe people have something to fucking hide, sounds like a load of horse shit and let me tell you being from fucking Texas I know what horse shit smells like. No one does anything in the dark unless they don't want it to be known. There freedom of speech with zero hiding. Seems like the people are crawling out of the fucking woodwork around here.

I was really hoping youd ask this on a throw away just for the sheer irony.

But really, people dont want to be labeled as crazies so they use throwaway accounts.

There are viable reasons, out-there reasons, and devious reasons, but also every place in between. Someone posted here that they are worried about the stigma attached to commenting here and having these comments attached to your profile. I personally don't care, but I can understand why someone would hide their r/conspiracy comments from others on r/politics.

I think there are also probably people who believe the Feds give a shit that they are posting on these forums to the degree that they are actively being investigated. I went to the bilderberg protest last year and some guys freaked out and argued about whether or not a black helicopter had been following them to the protest...yeah, that kind of person is probably on here. So new accounts might start up out of a believe that we need to "cover our tracks" blah blah blah...

Then I think there are people that start up new accounts to fuck with things here. If I had to put money on it, I would say it's most likely just people who want to ridicule "conspiracy nuts." I know there are other theories and I do not discount them.

If we remain reasonable as a community, I think well be able to weed out the people here to derail discussions and info. I cannot stress this point enough. Lets please not pull another "actors at Sandy Hook" bullshit and have no arguments against the policies pushed as a result of the event. Anyways, I'm rambling now.

The mods have been going crazy with bans lately, just maybe...

Ive been hear for years, my old account is robotluvhottub, but i was fucking around one day and got banned. If you want an honest opinion let me know. IMO BOSTON COLORADO NEWTOWN all happened, but probably all by the same intelligence agency.

Man i'm just asking, people are so hysterical -.- I got the right to be suspicious too

Blame Obama.

so what if i do ;)

This post is so meta.

the scale is tipping, hive mind wants to live

i havent posted, i have been lurking here for a while and now that i have learned enough i can have a say. why do you care who is posting? if you dont like the post or the poster, dont read it. it wasnt created for you.

this post shouldnt be on /r/conspiracy.

Maybe the only other person on reddit besides you realized he/she needed more accounts to mess with you