WTF: The Crocker Rocker Conspiracy

120  2013-04-18 by constroyr

After one winter break, I came back to college to find these letters waiting for me. (Make sure you read Page 4a) My friends and I tried to make sense of them, but had no luck. I asked my university's president if he got them, and he had, but he had no idea what they were about.

At first it seemed like total nonsense, but as I reread them, I became fascinated. There was just enough logic to keep me invested, but not near enough to decipher any kind of real message.

Eventually, I put them away and completely forgot about them for the last two and a half years. Then yesterday, my girlfriend told me her boss got a letter from the same guy: Max Turnipseed! It had the same weird writing, collages of documents, and seemingly total lack of rationality. Unfortunately, he kept it, so I couldn't read it or post it here. But anyway, it's reinvigorated my interest, and I was hoping reddit could shed some light on these seemingly crazy letters.



Whoever wrote that stuff can has brain full of fuck.

Hey brother can you spare me some brain fuck? Mine has low.

Sounds like a Discordian Prank to me.

The envelopes look like the style of the Zodiac Killer!

I found this piece written in 2006. Dunno if it's any help. I can't tell what's serious or fiction.

Interesting. This article shares many similar elements to OP's letters: Crocker, Rocker, mentions of libraries and associations, as well as the crazy fake names.

oh my god, this has me busting up.

This is definitely about the same guy. The linked article mentions Ms. Bing Crosby who is prominently featured as one of the copy addresses on the first photo the op put up.

edit also this

I'm placing my money on crazy, but not serial killer.

But who knows, maybe O.P. is about to be murdered.

I'd love to see an AMA from Max Turnipseed.

Have you ever noticed any strange people that have followed you/maintained an over interest in you ever? Even though this is crazy, disturbed people often send their disturbed works to people they want to receive it, not so random as you might think.

Bring this to the top!

Anything underneath the unusual stamps? And what is that behind pg4? A girl and a bowling pin?

Tyler. Beware the crackers or "breakers". They can hurt your thought to the point of insanity if the symbols are correct. Be careful of the low men. They will find you if they must. The letters are mind poison. You stand to help the white. They belong to the crimson king either through choice or trick (probably trick) but they are his all the same. Steer clear of algul siento.

I live in San Antonio. What the butts is wrong with this city?


If you google some of the names(on page 3a) two of them are artists and one is a cafè (Lola Savannah). I randomly googled some of the names, and mostly it's artists, so that's one constant in all the maddness. Artists...

I always read but never post; this post caught my eye because the letters you posted contained familiar handwriting.... Someone I knew in 2006 had a 1/2" stack of papers that he said were given to him by [what he assumed] was a homeless man. I wasn't sure what to make of them, but I xeroxed copies for myself. Here are one of them: I have no way of knowing if my copies are related to this, but I see some handwriting similarities. - Some letters are retraced in no particular pattern - Commas, quotation marks and periods are larger/dramatic as if a grade school student is learning how to use punctuation - Some letters, namely the N's, have a forward slant with a slightly higher/pointed line that slightly curves/bows out - For the most part, K, R, S, M and W are written similar between my image and yours

I do not have a scanner here otherwise I would post everything I have. What are your thoughts?

That's not a xeroxed copy, that's in a sketchbook.

It is a xeroxed copy. It's spiral bound. $3 at kinkos.

Right on

For what it's worth, I am about 95% sure someone on /r/pics a year or two ago showed some very similar looking letters that they received over a period of years. I may be wrong about the location and it could have been in a comment thread somewhere. Either way, I am pretty damn sure I have seen stuff like this before on reddit. Sorry I can't be more help. Maybe someone else will know more.

Looks like schizophrenia

The forceful Librarians Association sounds kinky and something I want to be a part of.

I wrote a whole like three paragraph thing about what I'd found relating to this the day you posted. I'm fairly certain that it was the post at the top, reading deleted. I DID NOT delete it.

I'm very puzzled by this.